>>18446842Something to do psychics having healing power or some shit if I remember correctly.
I'm most likely entirely wrong though. I know Fairy's weaknesses are things that are commonly associated with killing, moreso than the other types. You could also think of it as being something that would ruin happiness or something; fire burns down belongings, poison leaves a slow, inevitable death, and steel could represent weapons that kill people. I also feel like it has some sort of metaphor to it; steel is a giant, solid wall in your path that prevents you from getting where you want to, poison is the inevitability that something bad is going to happen from it and fire means destroying the things around you.
However, it's super effective against dragon, fighting, and dark. All of those types represent something strong, and dark is normally evil. Through sheer optimism, believing in itself, and never giving up, fairy takes down even the most formidable opponents. It's also not very effective against bug because it would rather not hurt something small and defenseless, like a bug.
For ice and water, I think it's because throwing ice into water usually leads to more water. Though, if we're thinking about cold here, then yeah I understand where you're coming from.