Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18451338 Yeah, I'm gonna start asking her when I leave for school in the morning if she has her lunch and if she doesn't I'll get it to her somehow.
>>18451418 Anywhozzle, either of you still got the Banette/Shuppet?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
I'm gonna go take a crap now. Rynn if you stumble your drunk ass in here go ahead and send that TR.
Quoted By:
>>18451418 pic source plz dayumn
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18451461 I am not drunk. Unfortunately.
Also, ew.
>>18451442 I still do and you still haven't posted your list, mate.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18451636 bby pls. Anyways yeah just chilling at the computer now discussing how I made that image the OP on this thread.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
http://pastebin.com/kPCyc3TH I rate that op pic a zyzz/aladeen.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18451693 Finally cloning, has some issues with powersaver.
Some of the mons you picked are pretty shitty, did you check stats? Like dunsparce is only 2IV. I'm also giving you a better chinchou that's not listed yet.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18451693 Also which roselia do you want? I've got a HP fire one with worse IV's or a Penta one.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18452195 dat rage :3 10/10 would cuddle
Arsonists/Josephus 1762-4052-9858
>>18452195 Rynn, where'd you get your AR/Power Saves from?
I'm tired of dealing with Showderp peoples and their pewp trades and would rather just be cool like you and everyone else here o3o
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18452204 >mfw >>18452233 I got mine off uk amazon. I'm from Poland though, so it was pretty much the only place I could order, german ones would not ship to Poland for some retarded reason.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18452260 I'd jiggle those puffs.
Also I just talked to the guy I thought was that picture and he looks like him but isn't him... he's not as buff, shorter, but is about the same colour and has no beard... works at a eurocar dealership though.
Arsonists/Josephus 1762-4052-9858
>>18452260 I'm guessing that's pretty much the only way to get it? Gawd Damnt
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18452318 Why, is that a problem?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18452409 oh boy. Here we go.
Arsonists/Josephus 1762-4052-9858
>>18452409 Not really a fan of ordering things online. I've had mixed experiences with it, but I'm more than willing to do it
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18452501 Fyre, hook a nigga up with that Frillish.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18452504 Oh, I get it. Well, if you're from America I've heard something about gamestop maybe having them? But I'm not really sure, just read in one of the threads I think, you'd have to check.
>>18452568 Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I was preoccupied by this bank derping nonsense. I'll check your list now.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18452582 Haha it's alright, I just wanted to make sure you saw it. Sorry for all the trouble.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Arsonists/Josephus 1762-4052-9858
>>18452582 I'll have to take a look, I haven't really seen any here in 'murica.
>>18452501 >>18452525 >>18452599 I want in before we realize we're off task
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18452595 Meganium sounds okay. But I'm sorta busy with Fyre now.
nigga makin me trade 42 mons So we can trade after that. Do you prefer banette or shuppet? You can check the details on my list
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At7OG72Hu3RsdFJQcFlRRkFzcjZYTG9BOHpNNFluNWc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 I think shuppet is 0speed for TR
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18452629 Rynn and I are very much on task.. 42 pokemon trade for the good of clones
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18452667 True that.
He just onixed my burmy.
Arsonists/Josephus 1762-4052-9858
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18452650 Banette would be better 'cause I'd rather not have to grind it for batteru, if you end up wanting Meganium.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Fyre! We did it! Yatta! SUPANEVAGAVEUP
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18453091 You two are done trading?
Frillish when? Arsonists/Josephus 1762-4052-9858
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18453286 Does your Shuckle have a nickname?
S H U C K S to be exact?
Arsonists/Josephus 1762-4052-9858
>>18453301 Nah, he's bunilla as fuck
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18452809 Cloning that banette for you now.
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel)
I got this beauty and 2 others by instacheck and letting em' hatch it. However I wanted my OT on the mons' so I deshinified, then reshinified. Do they lose any value since they were originally born shone?
>>18453440 Yes since you possibly messed up soe trash bytes
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18453440 I think it's a matter of trashbytes. If the code shinifiying leaves trashbytes that will make it impossible for the mons to pass legality checks on the tournament then value is lost. If not - we're good.
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel)
>>18453468 >>18453460 They're usable in the maison, but I don't know where to check tourny.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18453354 Neat-o. I don't suppose you wouldn't mind cloning Meganium? Just a single copy for yourself, I'd just get the original back. If not, we can 1:1..
>>18453579 You can probably use them online too.
That doesn't mean Nintendo has a way of finding out. They can detect those trash bytes.
See Black 1 Tournament shit ton of people where banned from the tournament due to this.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18453612 Sure, I don't mind. Add me.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel)
Quoted By:
>>18453655 Well I'm just gonna ask the guys who hatched the eggs to re-hatch em'. I'll just have to keep their horrid OT's.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18453683 pls accept trade
need sleep
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18454021 Sorry sorry I was looking in bag for everstone
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18454042 S'okay, thanks for the trade <3
I'm off to bed now, I got like 60 new mons today so I guess it was a good day.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>18454070 Night man/lady/person!
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18451418 >dem tiddays my favorite man-misty
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Arsonists/Josephus 1762-4052-9858
Quoted By:
>>18454477 Kind of in a bind here...
I can't clone anything 'till Thursday.
I'm stuck in this hotel and I forgot my other 3DS.
Sad story
Arsonists/Josephus 1762-4052-9858
Quoted By:
>>18454477 But anyways, think I'm gonna head to bed.
This hotel serves breakfast and I"m not missing out on that haha
Harley Rose 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
Is Gerardo around?
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828 {3516}{0006}
Finna go eat.
just gonna leave this here
http://pastebin.com/v7Xy8RfC Anonymous
>>18455791 Is your Magnemite 31/30/31/30/31/30?
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828 {3516}{0006}
Quoted By:
>>18455856 Im not sure man
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
passed out and now it's 4 am and dead thread again I need to learn how to be here during the day
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au_GB3z4TLygdFVhNFEyU2JaNWIzS0kxMi1HVE1ET0E#gid=0 looking for stuff in premier balls to trade for, can shinify shit too etc
Quoted By:
>>18455791 What are the IVs for your Timid Female Ralts?
>>18456864 I want Gardevoir but all I have in a premier ball is a Raichu
Do you want anything in particular? I'll go hunting
Looking for shiny Froakie line and shiny Honedge line
Anyone got a 6IV Ditto lying around?
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18457401 I think the pikachu I have is in a pokeball so I can do that trade! What's your FC?
>>18457428 I have a shiny Greninja & Aegislash if interested. do you have a list?
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18457439 any particular nature in mind? most of mine are 5 iv missing particular stats based on natures
>>18457440 Re Raichu/Ralts: 2122-7475-5044
Thank you!
>>18457440 I do have some shinies with good IVs but I can't clone. I also have a shiny Genesect, Blaziken (4IVs + HA) and Togekiss (4IVs + SG) that I don't mind not to clone
Quoted By:
>>18457454 No worries, one of my friends actually just found one, thanks anyway
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18457460 I can clone your pokemon and give them back after we trade. I'm only interested in Kalos shinies!
>>18457459 Np! What's your IGN? Mine will be Sero, let me grab the mon from pokebank
>>18457473 IGN is Owen - via GTS?
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18457482 I'd prefer a direct trade so it won't get sniped, my internet is kinda slow this morning
>>18457473 In that case I think I only have a Trevenant (5IVs, HA, Careful)
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18457496 I can still do that trade! would you like a clone of it back or is a 1:1 ok? would you prefer Greninja or Aegislash more?
>>18457490 Okie dokie, still getting the hang of the 3DS and X/Y, only got it a few days ago
>>18457505 Trevenant is in my team so I'd like a clone back. Could you tell me IVs and nature of both?
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18457508 haha no worries! Sorry it's taking me so long to get online I don't know why my provider shits out on me in the AM but this always happens
>>18457514 Not a problem, I'm from Ausfailia so I know all about internet crapping out
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18457510 Greninja has 6 ivs and is Hasty, Aegislash is Brave with 4 ivs (missing sp atk and speed iirc). and I can definitely give you a clone back!
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18457523 I'd pick Greninja then. Adding you in a minute
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18457535 alright! let me trade with Owen first then we can trade
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18457540 Sure, send me a trade request qhen you are ready
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18457522 I'm on now. sending trade request ahah
>>18457555 Sorry, I think my net just crapped for a second then too hahaha
Quoted By:
>>18457555 Thank you very much!
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18457561 oh! this raichu isn't shiny. this isn't a problem for me bc I can just make it shiny myself but in future if you come to these threads when people ask for pokemon in specific balls, they generally mean shiny pokemon. I hope you enjoy your gardevoir either way tho!
>>18457550 be online in a sec!
Lyra - 0189-8904-8534 !!1I9L23q1Y+G
Quoted By:
Hatching my own kalos 6IVs from duped ones is hard. ;__;
>>18457583 Oh damn, sorry, didn't realise! Thanks for being cool about it, good to know for the future
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18457550 am I sending a trade request to the right guy? are you CMeca? I'm online either way if you see me, my IGN is Sero
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18457601 it's ok! you did mention you were new and now you know haha
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18457607 I'm CMeca, I guess the guy who's trying to send me a Zoroak for my shiny Trevenant is not you lol
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18457620 nah that's not me lol. I don't know if my requests are going through, maybe send one to me? my internet is awful this morning I guess
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18457632 What's your IGN?
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18457620 ok give me a second to clone it! almost killing me that it's in a quick ball though haha ;_; oh well. still nice
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18457656 I thought the same when I first got it, but I assure you'll get used to it lol
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18457663 ahaha knowing me I probably won't but I don't think I could turn down a 5iv shiny I don't have yet. I think my own trevenant has a different nature
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18457663 ok! cloned and sending you a trade question I hope god fuck this internet
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18457673 Thanks! I'll sending you a 5IVs slowpoke, it's not much but I hope you enjoy both
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18457677 thank you! hope you find some use in the greninja haha
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
http://pastebin.com/tmvqLz29 >>18458147 Unbaked bread. Must wait for yeast to rise.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18458329 I have almost 2 boxes of new stuff to add
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18458347 Lemme see.
Did you get an illumise and spinda?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18458365 Nope, don't have these.
Also, half of Fyre's stuff is unmarked, THIS IS SUFFERING
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At7OG72Hu3RsdFJQcFlRRkFzcjZYTG9BOHpNNFluNWc#gid=0 adding new stuff at the bottom
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18458385 What else did you get from Jace?
the lack of volt absorb pika clones and egg move wooper/chinchou is the real suffering.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18458427 I don't remember. I'm a mess.
Flail Mist Water Pulse Whirpool are not egg moves on Chinchou?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18458439 I meant good egg moves lol. It needed amnesia at the very least. And maybe soak to mess with electric types like rotom. Water pulse will always be droped in favor of scald anyway, and it's too slow to use flail without an agility boost.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18458467 Well, I know shit about competitive. Egg moves are egg moves for me, haha.
Whaddya want for spinda and ilumise?
Also I got the wrong chandelure from Fyre, a shitty one with 2IVs. I need a better one. Also a 6IV Larvesta, I thought I was getting this one and it's a crappy 2 or 3 IV one.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18458479 Ugh, plusle doesn't have memories, too.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18458479 Nothing really stood out, unless you remeber what Jace traded you (asides from the shellos). :^)
as for the larvesta I genned a shiny one with giga drain and tailwind with hp ground if you were at all interested.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18458492 Lel. Guess he never checked.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18458501 Nah, I want a kalos one. I think Furisuko had one.
And I traded with Jace for a celebrate pikachu, I got the shellos from you, silly.
Got a female frillish?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18458529 And didn't you want the non-nick Golett?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18458538 Nah I genned a shiny one with drain punch and iron fist.
well you kinda got it from jace cuz I immediately traded that to you.
I have the f jellicent with egg moves I got from bryce.
Quoted By:
Do you also shinify mons? I've been looking for someone to shinify my competitive Mawile.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18458555 But genned is not the same! But yeah, I remember you saying that, true.
Okay, back to adding new stuff. Who else has illumise and spinda, if you don't like anything from me?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18458571 genned is better for me if it has access to tutor moves :^)
Only Jace right now I think. Once you're finished updating your list I'll look at it again.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18458571 I got a farfetchd I didnt see on your list if you're interested.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18458616 Maybe.
Finished adding stuff, new things at the bottom. Also got a cubone and a sneasel but they're so shitty I'm not even going to list them. I thought Fyre only had 4-6iv stuff so I didn't bother to check, lol, mistakes were made.
Indy 0662-4390-0749 !!yskHZ6IQB6C
feck taking off my name to post as anon lost my tripcode o well new one. im bored so im here.
http://pastebin.com/4r3b4cNe Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18458708 His list looked so organized too with all the box coordinates and whatnot.
my fetchd is different with defiant and with revenge as an egg move if you want to clone that.
for the illumise and spinda though I'm saving that for the mons I would really like since I don't have the advantage of being able to clone.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18458751 Does the dratinI have iron tail as well?
also long time no see/trade.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18458759 Okay, I get it.
What would you like for fetchd?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18458783 Sry bby.
I'll lend it for the croagunk if that's ok.
Indy 0662-4390-0749 !!yskHZ6IQB6C
>>18458776 cuase im getting bored of this thread. and no it doesnt you could try breeding something if you want specific eggmoves its not hard.
>>18458783 that fetch is on my list you didn't notice last night?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18458792 a little feisty lol what happened.
also ive been a breeder before going to cloning so I already have a dratini with all egg moves but non shone. I don't want to play bike simulator, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18458804 jeric! I have your ugly teddiursa ready! good morning btw
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18458792 No! I need to take a closer look, haha.
I have those four ghostmons you wanted cloned for you, too.
>>18458804 >>18458790 I'll get the fetchd from Indy then, since it saves me cloning.
If any of y'all have powersaves is it working for you this morning?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
http://pastebin.com/tmvqLz29 >>18458817 Lol g morning. Don't tease my green gummy bear or he'll go all hulk on you :3
I got a new list including a legit scraggy/scrafty in a premier ball but not the best egg moves. Thanks for breeding and shinifying it!
>>18458820 Sure thats fine.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18458838 Yep, working fine.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18458841 t-that pink pachirisu ;_; may I borrow it to clone in return for your bear?
>>18458838 works fine for me?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18458849 >dat cryogonal and ducklett unf w-what else would you like
Quoted By:
>>18458851 >>18458861 fuck just me then ;_;
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18458849 Gib pretty stuff :3
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18458861 Sure lol. Did you want to clone that scrafty too? No need to +1 it.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18458882 I actually already have a premier ball scraggy, not sure if it isn't shinified tho. What's your OT? I'm online too
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18458882 Jeric, but that scrafty is shinified?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18458886 >>18458888 Well fuck, if it was then I didn't know...
let me go on.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18458895 No, that was a question, I don't know if it's shinified.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18458895 it's ok if it is I'm not really sure what is and isn't shinified anymore haha... I'll label it on my list if it is, I just make sure I specify which ones of mine are shinified at least. that kinda sucks if the only premier ball scraggy out there is fake tho. (the OT on mine is Brandon I believe?)
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18458907 OT Brandon 15575? Then it's the same. I got it from Indy but I'd think he would tell me if it was shinied.
Indy 0662-4390-0749 !!yskHZ6IQB6C
>>18458914 as far as i am aware its not shinified. y'all now i never shinify trademons
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18458914 yeah we have the same mon then. I forgot who I got it from tho I don't think I've ever traded with Indy. hopefully it's legit ahaha
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18458916 Lol just the phrasing of Rynn's question kinda worried me.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18458922 same LOL
ty for pink squirrel, will get to cloning it now
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18458867 I'll look at your list again possibly maybe
>>18458881 http://pastebin.com/mXLXK2Z9 Also Datel removed Diance, Latiosite, and AZ.
Possible legal backlash from Nintendo
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18458928 Np. Thanks for going through the trouble of breeding it.
Jace are you going to post a new list? Doesn't matter if it's even 1/10 of the way updated..
it's not the powersaves because I put in another game and switched cables and it works, but it wont recognize pokemon y what gives ;_;
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18458938 It automatically stops working if it detected multiple xyz legendaries with different natures :^)
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18458935 Are you kidding me? Ugh!
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18458959 yeah looks like it's all gone lol..
at least I got a 6iv AZ floette while I could lol ;_; too bad I can't trade it that'd be nice to give out
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18458959 Yes I'm kidding.
No wait I'm not.
They are gone
Indy 0662-4390-0749 !!yskHZ6IQB6C
Quoted By:
i for one am glad they removed diancie code. i never used it i don't care for waiting for an event distro of it.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18458977 Ohwell. I never cared much for AZ'a floette and diancie but it's a shame about the latios stones, I didn't make one for myself.
Anyone want to o+1 a 31/30/31/31/31/31 kalos timid mewtwo? lol
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18458946 get back online I've got your pachi
speaking of pikaclones I ordered a goddamn dedenne cell phone strap off ebay like a month and a half ago and it still hasn't showed up I'm kind of mad lol
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18459007 I would haha. I'm online already
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18459011 Thnks. Hope you get pika accessory soon.
>>18459017 aight
>>18459019 I dont think I know who you are..
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18459035 Sero/Jasmine. I traded Flychu and Wobbuffet to you a day ago
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18459035 I'm online, do you see me? Trading with Indy now but I'll be back in a minute.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18459007 Anything you might want for that?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18459071 Jace, pretty stuff on your list. I want a lot. Is there anything from me you'd like?
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At7OG72Hu3RsdFJQcFlRRkFzcjZYTG9BOHpNNFluNWc#gid=0 I like ducklett, zigzagoon, bidoof, mothim, cryogonal, illumise, spinda, wurmple.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
anyone got a Celebrate Pikachu they'd be willing to let me clone?
http://pastebin.com/mL37A1T0 my eventmon list isn't very great fuck
>>18459100 rynn mewtwo is nft right..?
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Lurking. No list, other computer is trapped in another room that's taped up Because the joiner's round to fix muh radiator , but I got a lot of shit, ask for something, I'll probably have it. On the top of the hitlist: Gerardo's 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Modest Yveltal I am providing my Mass Cloning and Jewish Shone Magic services
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18459100 I'll be checking on it real quick
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18459136 Sure, but you're still not online.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18459149 I'm looking for shone 5iv basculin and mantyke. U has?
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18459185 I got a Shiny 5IV Mantyke, but it's Bold and Non-Kalos.
I'm assuming you want it to be Kalos Born, correct?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18459232 Give me a minute then.
I'll breed one and use my jewish magic on it.
Do you have the Bacon Bird?
Do you want the Smiley Manatee to be nicknamed? Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18459251 I'm not interested in shinified mons, sorry. I have a powersaver, I could do that myself.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
http://pastebin.com/tmvqLz29 >>18459170 >>18458867 Relinking so it doesn't get buried.
Pls update list even just slightly.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18459263 >I'm looking for shone 5iv basculin and mantyke. U has? >has a shekelsaves If that's the case, then why did you ask in the first place?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18459288 Because I want legit kalosbor shinies I don't already have?
And by legit I mean not shinified.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
>>18459306 Well fine then; it's your loss, not mine.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au_GB3z4TLygdFVhNFEyU2JaNWIzS0kxMi1HVE1ET0E#gid=0 can't seem to stay away even though there's not much to do here
my not-NFT list. looking for mons in premier balls, can clone & shinify shit if you want
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18459269 Jewric, pls gibe Mankey and Venonat.
http://pastebin.com/q3csWBmf I got my list now, lurked foolfuuka
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18459388 >Shiny 5IV Shiny Infiltraitor Chandelure DAMN! double shiny.
on a serious note it woudln't happen to be in a pokeball would it? I'm looking for a decent Chandelure in a premier ball
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Gerardo, ready with mewtwos
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18459398 No it is not.
I'm afraid your balltism will have to be rustled more.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18459433 How about the archen and tropius (if harvest and not shinified)
if not harvest, shinied then a +1 on venonat.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18459433 ;_; damn. oh well, thank you for checking though
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
>>18459461 Gud choice.
Archen is now an Archeops though, and UBERS SLAYER has Harvest but has been shinified. I can unshinify it if you want to.
>>18459431 great thanks
>>18459461 the only legit tropius is the chlorphyll one
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18459536 gerardo pls
I aint gonna waste my time on hatching a shiny one, it'd all be in vein anyway. Also gib bacon burd soon pls, I'm desperate ;-;
>>18459570 I got 14 different ones lol which one
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18459583 The Modest Korean one.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18459583 Where you the one with the Careful Zygrade?
Kinda interested in that and your Timid mewtwo maybe.
I have a 5IV Timid Zapdos I think KB
Also list
http://pastebin.com/mXLXK2Z9 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18459609 >Celebrate Pikachu ;_; pls. just tell me what you want for it I am desperate for the birthday pikachu. I can give clones back
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au_GB3z4TLygdFFLTU1Qa25yZHVNSGduQl9rM21OdVE#gid=0 Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18459706 Interested in the Zapdos or anything?
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18459706 H-how come?
Look m8, we can do anything:1 Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18459651 Well. I am missing Solosis and Smogon bird from my list.
Interested in doing it for that?
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18459754 Yes! I would definitely do that. Do you need a clone back of the chu? I'll get online in a sec
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18459769 No. I have powersave too.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18459786 ah okay. my IGN is Sero!
>>18459716 yup sure am, can you send a clone back of the Z?
>>18459728 I told the OT it would be NFT lul
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
>>18459815 pls I need it
I can do ANYTHING for it, just pls gib
I'm not even going to put it on my list if you give it to me. Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18459815 Yep of course.
I'll re-add you in a sec.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18459786 thank you so much I've been after this birthday 'chu forever ;_;
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18459835 Oh no worries.
Glad I could help.
Thanks for the mons!
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18459837 Jace pls
>>18459269 brodie can you just send archeops and +1 veno?
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu)
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu) Wed 12 Mar 2014 17:31:57 No. 18459877 Report Anyone need all of the X exclusive Mega Stones who can clone them in exchange for a copy of the Y stones? I'm only missing the Y stones & I need some of them for battling.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18459852 Alright m8, clonan now
Can I ask for another favour from you? Can you assist me in getting the Modest Korean Bacon Bird from the schmuck Gerardo? Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
F.C. 4468-0973-0797 (Metang, Ferrothorn, Excadrill) IGN: Ashley Anonymous Wed 12 Mar 2014 17:48:49 No. 18460041 Report >>18459852 Dude totally fucking forgot I never gave that Xerneas back, I'm getting online now
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18459877 I can give you the Y stones! all I ask for is some decent IV mons they don't have to be anything special. can you... also list which ones you need I can't remember which are Y exclusive
>>18460051 The stones I need are Charizardite Y, Heracronite, Aggronite, Houndoomite & Mewtwonite Y. These are the 5IV mons I have: Mawile, Phantump, Munna, Shuppet, Yamask, Whismur, Carbink, & Mareep.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460074 yeah okay! I can do that. no need to give me X stones in return. I'll add you and get online in a sec!
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Gerardo did you need 2 clones back or just the original?
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu)
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu) Wed 12 Mar 2014 17:55:12 No. 18460101 Report >>18460085 Awesome, thanks! Which of the 5IV mons do you want?
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460101 yamask, whismur, shuppet, munna and phantump!
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
http://pastebin.com/tmvqLz29 >>18459968 Not sure if Gerardo would like anything from my list but I'll try.
>>18460041 Lol I forgot too. I remember that there was someother stuff I liked from your list but I forgot.
Gerardo, watchu want for modest korean bbq?
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu)
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu) Wed 12 Mar 2014 17:59:39 No. 18460138 Report >>18460116 Cool, what's your IGN so I know which request is yours?
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18460138 oop, Sero is my IGN.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18460135 That fucking faggot. Apologies Gerardo, but you don't have to be such a bitch about it. just lend it out to a couple of people and tell them to not put it on their list. Also Jeric pls get online
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460138 not sure if my requests are going through, my internet's been shit all day today. if you see me maybe send me a request?
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu)
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu) Wed 12 Mar 2014 18:04:29 No. 18460163 Report >>18460158 It says you're offline to me.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18460163 god damn it
okay I've got it now at least
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
New-new stuff at the bottom of the list, penta-hexa and most with egg moves:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At7OG72Hu3RsdFJQcFlRRkFzcjZYTG9BOHpNNFluNWc#gid=0 Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460185 Spinda for mantine?
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460163 son of a bitch I put the last stone on something with an HM move, I'll send another request when I put it on something else
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu)
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu) Wed 12 Mar 2014 18:13:29 No. 18460246 Report >>18460209 Thanks a lot for that!
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18460199 Do you know the exact IVs of your Rotom?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460249 Uh no but I can check in 10 min.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18460246 haha sorry about the mishap in the middle but thanks for the mons!
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18460258 kk still looking at your list
>>18460091 just the original would be fine thank you
>>18460152 You know perfectly well that never happens, and second of all the korean guy told me not to trade it so I'm respecting his wishes.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18460185 Have you sent that frillish to anyone at all yet? I might make that one NFT for a short while since I hatched it.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460267 So metalkids iv checker said
Atk is 21-23
Def is 30-31
rest is 31
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
christ I keep getting snippy tumblr folks complaining that my shit is "cloned" and they want "uncloned" stuff why does it fuckin matter.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18460302 kk
coming on now
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460337 >tumblr >home of the sjw Wut did you expect
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18460330 I'm actually going to stab you Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18460302 Well fine then, so be it. Seems it has come to this then.
If you're not going to deliver it, then I will do my best to deliver instead.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18460330 Indy got it, not sure about other people.
Also, Fyre, your Plusle is hacked - no memories. And you sent me a 2IV chandelure instead of a 5iv one.
>>18460229 GIve me a while, taking a rest from cloning, eating and stuff.
>>18460199 Yeah, okay. I have to clone you the spinda though, right? So let's trade later, taking a break for a while.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18460349 I've been meaning to check everything... when you end up with 13 boxes it gets hard.
Whats your thoughts on that rattata? I'm thinkin hacked but I don't knwo.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18460349 >what is HP fighting Does Chandy even run that now?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460348 >archen isn't kb, and it had a nn y u do dis
>>18460349 Yes, and sure, no worries. About to bbq some chicken myself.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460345 I've gotten some pretty good trades there before. I was hoping to find some more birthday mons and that event Scizor but everyone wants """legit"""" shit
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18460364 birthday mons are cloned to high hell. I wish they found the wondercards for those and put them in Powersaves
>>18460348 I have other Bacon Birds I can lend.. just not that one.
http://pastebin.com/UihESRhp Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460349 Oh yeah did you check the iv guy if chandy is outstanding? Hp fighting is MUCH more valuable.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18460378 Anything you want for that Mewtwo btw?
i have the KOR Cocoro Garchomp
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460364 Say it wasn't cloned then. No need to tell them if their heads are up their asses.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18460362 You never specified you wanted it to be Kalos Born and or nicknamed.
Your loss m8.
But I'm doing O + 2 for you.
>>18460378 either: ENG 31/xx/31/31/30/31 Modest
ENG xx/31/31/31/31/31 Modest
Check the IVS of HP plos If you're being so stubborn about THOSE, then it seems I will have to come to the rescue.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460387 they wanted "proof" or whatever I just said that the guy I got it from said it had no clones but they PROBABLY are cloned to high hell and also I'm not fucking japanese so I didn't get it myself lol.
>>18460386 you got a good articuno by any chance?
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
>>18460414 >>18460402 I got a shone 5IV one Jeric gave me.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18460357 Does it have memories?
>>18460359 Fyre didn't even have it on his list, I asked for Chandelure (F) - Modest - Flash Fire - and I got a 2IV one that I already have, so yeah.
>>18460379 No, it's HP dark and it's other stats are meh.
>>18460402 Brodie, what is wrong with you and that "your loss" thing. Why won't you just comprehend that people want kalosborn, unnicnamed and not shinified mons here, because they're more valuable? Simple as that, no need to be an ass about it.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18460349 Also that 2IV chandy isn't possible but I'll look into it.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18460414 Nope. But I did get my hands on an Eevee House Sylveon
>>18460402 the hp on it is 16
"come to the rescue"??? wut
>>18460410 >shinfy some mons >say you the OT and not cloned you're welcome lel
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18460435 The rattata has memories of being checked and traded, not of being hatched though...
Also just looked at chandy, ignore the marks, I never do marks. It is indeed 5IV. go to Kiloude yourself.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460410 Tell them it's their loss. If they are so worried about it then good luck to them finding someone who has so many shinies in one place AND is willing to give the original back to them.
>>18460402 I thought you said no more jewing either way idc since you're doing +2.
>>18460430 Here's the spread
>>18460336 so it's pentaperf as far as hp ice goes.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18460378 Gerardo, you want a Birthday Eevee for the Mewtwo?
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460454 that would work if I was trading shones but I'm trading kalos events lol... can't change the OT without it suddenly becoming obviously hacked
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460460 well I don't offer originals back bc I just want people to assume that I don't clone bc cloning is SUCH a taboo for some fucking reason over there. I don't even think they know what a powersave is to be honest. I could see if I could clone their thing for them if that'd make it more likely for them to trade with me tho lel I don't have that scizor and I do kind of want it
>>18460469 they seriously expect kalos events not to be cloned? tumblr pls
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18460492 How does one even trade with tumblr. Reddits one thing.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18460435 >no need to be an ass about it. I'm not, he hadn't specified that he wanted it to be Kalos Born.
I haven't been on the threads as of late, I didn't know that he wanted it to be that way. Just perhaps stop getting a little annoyed at the fact that I couldn't get you the Mantyke you wanted, alright?
>>18460460 I could get something else for you alongside the 2 mons.
>>18460454 Come to the rescure, as in
Creating a backup of my save file, erasing my save file, get to the point where youget Yveltal, and go on the wild ride for a decent Iv'd one. Hey, If you ain't gonna deliver, than I will. But now I realise you got near oerfect Bacon Birds so they don't matter. Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18460485 Reddit then? It seems like their pokemon forum is slow though.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
>>18460513 >that whole spoiler topstroke
>>18460451 did you need any of my events?
>>18460461 I prefer event for event/legend for legend lol
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460492 apparently lol
>>18460502 I just made a post listing my shit and I wait for people to send me asks. only got one message so far for the event post. if they want to trade, they'll send you their FC in a PM or whatever.
I actually got "scammed" by someone on tumblr they traded me a genned mon and swore to god it was kalos bred lol
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18460526 you know before you trade you can view their pokemon that they're trading you, right?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460513 No that's fine. You should update your list tho
and remove the non kb ones and I'm about to trade rynn for a legit mantyke don't make a fuss about it lel.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18460525 Nope I have most of those.
The events I just got now where Eevee house Sylveon and the X-Mas Gengar
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18460526 Can't win em all.
But my jordans DO get shifted when someone gets scammed, whether it's me or someone else
>>18460543 Alright. You DO realise the non KB ones are marked? They're just there incase someone wants to grab em.
They're free. 4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18460525 I already have every event you do. Besides the bottom 3, which I don't really want.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460549 >>18460460 Here's the spread....
>>18460526 want me to 'trade' with you there to boost your image? hue
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18460538 wait, really? how? I thought that preview was all you got and you can't see pentagon from there. I guess I'm a moron and deserved it then hahaha
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18460561 So uh, Gerardo.
which Bacon Bird you willing to trade?ENG 31/xx/31/31/30/31 Modest
ENG xx/31/31/31/31/31 Modest
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18460561 nah it's ok.
unless you really will let me clone that event scizor "image" doesn't actually matter there, they'll just trade blindly with you as long as your shit is "legit". there isn't really a huge pokemon trading group or whatever there it's just a handful of people tracking particular tags
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Looking for shiny Honedge line, shiny Klefki, shiny Inkay line, shiny Gastly line and shiny Cofragrigus line
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18460435 bby pls. But yeah chandy is 5Iv just half-assedly marked apparntly.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460555 You still need to update that list boo.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18460571 Also, Jeric, geddonline got your
3 pairs of mons ready.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18460558 Oh ok thanks.
I'll let you know in a bit.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
>>18460581 Yeah I do.
But I can't be arsed.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460584 Wait so how many am I getting? I need to find shitmons. I don't want to send you eggs
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Wed 12 Mar 2014 18:44:25 No. 18460598 Report Looking for one of those 6IV shiny Furfrous. I'll be happy to clone it more than once and give you two in return. Also, offering cloning services to anyone in need
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460598 Got a list? I have a pentaperfect one in a premier ball.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460578 hi again. do you have a list? I have all of those except the cofagrigus
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18460593 Send me eggs.
3 Venonats and 3 leman keys
You might give me a pokemon that I might breed and jewwify.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18460457 I think if it doesn't say "the pokemon can't remember" or "has bad memory" it's fine.
>>18460580 Ok, okay~
>>18460513 I am not annoyed at all, I was just a little suprised when you said "your loss" when I said I'm not looking for a shinified one. How is this my loss?
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Wed 12 Mar 2014 18:48:01 No. 18460635 Report >>18460611 I don't have a list, sorry. I'm just looking to clone for others since I don't have much to offer myself.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18460631 It's your loss because you didn't get the pokemon you wanted, and I'm not really affected at all.
It's a good thing that Jeric was around. He got a shiny Smiley Manatee on his list
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18460621 Ok I might have 3 different pokes in eggs lemme check
>>18460635 no harm in posting what kb shinies you got, however few. Someone might be interested.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18460631 I still think that chandy is the same one that was going around before though.
Oh and I deleted the meditite you sent me... apparently I already had it. I'll start deleting or at least re-breeding hacked mons in a bit after I reorganize my lists
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460648 Im trading Rynn FOR it lol...
also I got 4 diff eggs 4 you
Could somebody please clone me a blazekenite. I was an idiot and thought that it would transfer through pokemon bank when I made a new save. I can give you a shiny or legendary for this. My fc is : 4940-5593-3389
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18460561 I also have a 31/24/27/31/31/31 Timid Moltres, if you're interested in that.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
>>18460663 W-wait what?
I thought you were trading it to him.
Did he have a shiny Mantyke the entire time? Or did someone trade it to him?
>>18460571 the latter I guess
info on articuno?
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18460617 I'm afraid the only 6th Gen shinies I have are Trevenant and your Greninja. However, here's a list of my shinies (all Kalos born):
- Greninja
- Slowbro
- Gliscor
- Charizard
- Trevenant
- Excadrill
- Togekiss
- Porygon2
- Blaziken
- Togekiss
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460665 I can do it. do you have any decent IV mons? don't really care for legends or w/e
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18460648 I'm not affected at all either, because if I wanted I could make myself the exact same poke as I can also shinify. I just choose not to. And I'm the one with the ohhuegmanatee
>>18460652 Haha, I also sometimes trade for stuff I already have.
Also, four new mons:
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460680 I'll trade you for Blaziken and Slowbro! pick which two you want
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18460347 :3 oh bby do it harder.
I never meant to keep you out. I just haven't gotten a chance to look at dat list.
>>18460703 stop getting new shit, I can't keep up though I did get a instacheck related Starly and Snivy.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18460677 Check the IVS on HP first please. I would've liked the former, but seeing as you're so stuck up about it...
Anyways, Calm 5IV JPN in master ball.
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18460707 Couls you clone mine? Also, what are the IVs on Inkay and Gastly?
>>18460695 I have a lv 73 crobat with 5 perfect ivs, a lv 1 torchic with 5 perfect ivs, and other zubats with 3 to 5 perfect ivs
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460733 I'll take a male 5iv zubat!
>>18460732 they're both 5 iv, adamant and timid respectively iirc
>>18460721 You being a fucking dick you know that?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18460719 >stop getting new shit >just gave me 42 new mons yesterday I'm getting mixed signals here
>>18460746 Ok, ill add you and get it ready. Please give me around 10 mins
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18460746 I'll do that for sure. Could you clone both Slowbro and Blaziken?
>>18460721 it's iv is 16 in HP
did you say the articuno was shiny? lol
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460766 I could indeed. they're not in ugly balls this time are they?
don't do that to me ;_; I'm online
>>18460762 ok! take your time I've got your stone ready
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18460747 whoever you are, thanks for the laugh
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18460777 >I could indeed. they're not in ugly balls this time are they? don't do that to me ;_; I'm online They are both in pokeballs this time
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18460747 I'm just wanting to get my hands on a really gud Yveltal; it's my favourite legend, and I'll do anything to get one. I can understand the Korean guy not wanting Gerardo to trade it and such, but in these times a good IV Kalos legendary is to die for.
>>18460775 Yes it is. I forgot put that in there.
I really need the former one though...
What else can I get for you that may pique your interest?
http://pastebin.com/q3csWBmf we're talking 2/3/4/5:1 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18460802 thank god, ahaha
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460803 That reminds me, I didn't get that articuno back lol. I'll give you one of the mankey clones back for it and/or joe.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18460864 Alright, let me clone it first.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460884 K no problem.
did you want to clone anything else?
ashley where
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460926 one sec! giving MK's clones back
I'm looking for the X-exclusive megastones. Some anon feeling kind enough to clone them for me?
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460940 I could lol. I've been giving them out all day today I guess. which stones do you need in particular?
>>18460926 my IGN is sero btw!!
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18460908 Apparently my Shekelsaves is broken.
I plug it in and the screen just says No Hardware Available.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18460965 I think it happened to Gerardo as well.
>>18460964 All but the Mewtwonite X.
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18460938 Thanks for the favor!
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18460984 do you have some decent ived mons to trade for them? you'll have to actually list which stones you need I can't remember which ones are X and which ones are Y lol...
>>18460986 FUCK it disconnected. let's try again I think I still have the slowbro
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18460975 Yeah, this is a problem.
If Gerardo can clone, I'll trade the Cuno to him and he can clone it.
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Quoted By:
>>18461014 No problem, thanks!
>>18461019 mine is broken as well
>>18461014 Charizardite X
I have:
A level 13 5IV (no Speed) Timid Ralts with Destiny Bond
A nicknamed 5IV Protean Froakie missing Speed
A level 15 5IV Gale Wings Fletchling (no SpD)
A Quiet 5IV Solosis with no HP and 0 Speed and Helping Hand
An Modest 5IV Magic Guard Abra missing Def
A 3IV (Careful) Scyther with Baton Pass, Night Slash and Defog
A 4IV (Naughty) Purrloin with Prankster
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Still looking for: - shiny Honedge line - shiny Klefki line - shiny Cofragrigus line + shiny Swirlix line + shiny Furfrou line Here's my list: 6IVs: - Greninja 5IVs: - Slowbro - Charizard - Trevenant - Gliscor - Excadrill - Togekiss + Inkay + Gengar 4IVs: - Blaziken - Togekiss - Porygon2
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18461075 I'll trade for abra, purrloin, fletchling and scyther!
what's your IGN? mine is sero
>>18461108 Ramon. And thank you!
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18461050 If I can get you a KB cuno, would you be interested in for the mewtwo?
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18461019 RELAX, I FIXED IT
The cable's broken, which means I have to have it at a precise angle for it t work.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
You guys are freaking me out with those powersavers stopping working.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18461124 it just uses a standard usb lol just get a different cable!
>>18461119 np! I'll get online in a second
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18461139 There's a problem with that.
I don't have any other cables that can fit the other end. The little one that goes into the device itself.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18461158 how do you not have an extra standard usb cable tho
Quoted By:
>>18461139 Okay. I'll wait until you're done.
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18461119 ok I'm online whenever you're ready
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18461173 I do, just not one like the Powersaves one.
Also Jeric geddonline plos
>>18461221 I can't thank you enough!
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18461309 it shouldn't matter if it's not short like the powersaves one, I'm just using a standard one bc the small one that came with the thing was a piece of shit ahaha
0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18461316 no problem!! ty for the mons! enjoy your stones
Quoted By:
>>18461351 I will! I forgot the mark the Scyther, but SpA, SpD and Speed are perfect. Thanks again!
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18461325 You don't seem to understand.
I HAVE a spare USB cable however one end will connect to the computer, but the other end will not be able to go into the Powersaves Device itself: it's too big.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18460753 But now you have all the shit I have and have more shit that I don't have.
>>18460786 I'll check this list in a moment.
Should check mine while you wait.
http://pastebin.com/nLejay8P 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18461400 ??? I wasn't being specific enough I guess it's just a standard mini-b usb which is what almost everything uses. unless the pro one has a different cord or something?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18461434 5IV Tirtouga, Purrloin, Croagunk, Hippopotas, 5IV Buizel, Skitty and Frillish.
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18461434 Well if it makes you feel any better, because of all this trading I am way behind on my work on commissions and stuff.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18460975 Ok I am back.
Is that Mankey KB too? Non-Shinified right?
I might want that and the Rotom
Reposting from yesterday— Is the guy with the Kalos legends around? Got 2 KB Zapdos (one is Korean, Timid 31/x/31/31/31/31, other is Timid HP Ice 31/18/26/31/31/31) they might be interested in
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18461440 Not to worry, luckily I found my mother's old MP3 cable, and suprise suprise, it fits.
Now my Shekelsaves looks pretty snazzy.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18461544 Going to want to make a bigger list...
>>18461601 I'll check your list when I'm finally done with Bryce's list.
>>18461607 lel
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18461633 W-what do you mean?
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18461623 Also, it seems gerardo is kill.
Anyone got his
ENG 31/xx/31/31/30/31 Modest
ENG xx/31/31/31/31/31 Modest
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
>>18461656 fug.
The spreads are both for Yveltals Gerardo has.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18461655 I'm finding a lot of things I like...
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18461615 Yes. Now I forgot what I wanted from your list...maybe ducklett and durant instead?
I may be able to 1:1 the mankey
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18461687 Lunch right now. Brb
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18461687 You wanted the Cryo and the Ducklett?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18461675 Rattata, Bellsprout, Gligar, Skarmory, Houndour, Magby, Shuppet, Riolu and Pansear. That's really it.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18461655 I like:
Rash Togepi
Male Marill
Kricketot(yeah I know it's NFT, so is Frillish F)
Shellos (if East)
Flabebe Orange/Yellow/Blue
Vivi set (I have a couple but can't remember atm, probably wont' get any of these anyways thanks to list size)
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18461822 Okay. So without the Vivi's it's a 16:22 trade. Since you're getting an extra 6, how about you check 15 eggs for me?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18461900 hnnng eggs... any way we could kill that down to 8 eggs to make a solid box of 30 without having to move stuff around?
>>18461601 slowbro, gengar, porygon2.
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18461975 Can you clone them?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Bryce, how many mons do you want again? Since I added four more?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18462024 I think that's the first time in 3 months I've run into someone without the ability to clone... I can do it yeah, though it's gonna be a bit before I trade you since I have a large trade ahead of me.
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18462041 I only have 1 3DS thought. I can do those 3 for the brave Honedge, the Klefki and the 5IVs Furfrou, if you want
pentaperfect timid yveltal for 31/xx/31/31/31/29 calm articuno wat do
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18462082 ok. I'll add you after brycechan and I finish.
Also, invest in Powersaves.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18461975 I don't even have eggs right now anyways. So just do it sometime in the future? And I can't clone.
>>18462033 11. I want the 7 I mentioned earlier, and the 4.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18462120 picrelated
Okay, I'll get to your list now.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18462120 o.o this is the day of nonclones...
So it is 22:O+16... ಠ_ಠ
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18462107 I'll have to search that, I've had a pokemon break and things has changed a lot lol
I'm adding you, how much time do you need to clone with the powersave? I tried once with a friend's 3DS with the old method and it was so frustrating
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18462170 Powersaves is literally, finish trade, save game again, turn off, plug into device, wait about 10-15 seconds for backup to be made, load game on 3ds, trade back.
>>18462100 Hey, any chance you're interested in these?
>>18461621 MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18462185 I'll definetly try to invest in that. I have added you, send me a trade request when you are ready
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18462120 Bryce, I only found 9 that I want.
6iv Larvesta
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18462257 >All I Want Is Everything Try to find 2 more?
or just gib the extra 2 :^) Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18462222 If I'm making clones I might as well as see the 8 following vivi's:
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18462222 Nice quads Bryce!
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Wed 12 Mar 2014 20:54:49 No. 18462304 Report any chance someone can shinify a Binacle for me? I can trade 2 perfect ones over so you may keep one for yourself
Trask [1461 - 7444 - 0109]
Quoted By:
Anyone willing to part with a Tyranitarite? I don't think that I have anything to offer that genners or cloners would possibly want, but maybe I could offer breeding leftovers or something?
>>18462209 hp ice one sure
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18462100 G, I thought we were trading the 31/xx/31/31/30/31 one for Articuno.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18462276 Haha, well, I guess I don't have yellow and red shiny flabebe yet.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18462370 >>18460721 >>18460775 >>18460803 Don't lie to me. We're already on thin ice.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
>>18462395 Yeah, and it was the other one, not the 31/xx/31/31/30/31 yveltal.
I think the other one was xx/31/31/31/31/31 Modest.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18462381 Did you still want to clone spinda later?
Jace I'm back
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18462381 Alright. Some of the things you want, Fyre wants as well. So just wait for him to send them back to me then I'll send them to you.
>>18462348 Can do, mind telling me what ball the Modest KOR Yveltal and Modest HP Steel Yveltal are in?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18462413 Yep! For mantababy, yes? Or do you want something from the 4 new ones I added?
>>18462417 Okay. I'll get to cloning.
>>18462395 I told you my powersaves doesnt work, cant clone your articuno, and I never agreed to trading the "former" in the first place. Thin ice? How about we just don't trade, easier for everyone.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18462474 >inb4 "your loss"
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18462474 fine.
Mines working again, and I don't need the Articuno tbh.
I can clone it as many times as you want.
Sam 3196 3447 1109
>>18462484 HP Ice Zapdos for the Korean Yveltal? I can trade whenever you're ready
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18462488 Listen man, I don't like being on thin ice with ANYONE, and I really like you.
Also, if you say yes, the latter will do just fine.
I understand you're not willing to let the other one so easily.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
http://pastebin.com/tmvqLz29 >>18462455 Which 4 are new? List again in case you like something else. I do like lending the spinda for irwinkiller though.
>>18462509 it's not for trade
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18462530 Wurmple
They're at the very bottom.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Fyre/Rynn I have to switch computers to a really shitty one. So I may not respond right away.
>>18462532 Gerardo, do you want my Timid Moltres or Eevee?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18462544 I like the cryogonal too. But the original trade is fine if you don't see anything else on my list.
Sam 3196 3447 1109
>>18462532 Which ones are for trade?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Wed 12 Mar 2014 21:16:31 No. 18462640 Report Quoted By:
>>18462304 can anyone help with this?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18462576 Okay. Not a problem. Got your mons ready so just get online when you have stuff from Fyre back.
Fyre, let me know when Bryce has his mons back so I can trade with him.
>>18462580 Show list again?
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18462413 I'm at work now but if you'll be on later tonight I could do it.
Just to clarify what did you want again?
>>18462576 ivs on moltres?
>>18462595 umm what else did you want?
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18462580 >>18462648 It was in the post you quoted lol.
>>18462664 Let's do ducklett and truant ant for mankey and hp ice rotom later?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18462417 What was that about?
>>18462712 Alright sounds good.
I'll have em cloned by tonight
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18462750 I'll try to get hp ice rotom cloned as well if anyone else is interested. I can 1:1 the mankey.
Quoted By:
>>18462707 You are just being an overall dick and annoyance.
It woyld be smart for anyone NOT to trade you since you are acting childish.
Go be a dick somewhere else, prick.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18462679 31/24/27/31/31/31
>>18462707 I ended up getting a 5iv calm bird, is this one different?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18462530 >>18462648 This one that you quoted I meant to link.
Quoted By:
>>18462770 Ok.
I get a break in about an hour or so so I'll post here just in case
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
>>18462791 That wouldn't be half bad. Yes please.
Apologies for being such a dick and annoyance, I just want muh Bacon Bird.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18462719 I do it all the time. I always mash A until the trade starts, and I accidentally hit B before A.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18462792 Yeah, sorry, I'm a dumbass.
Also I printed and hand-cut 26 earrings today which took ages and my hands and eyes hurt, so my ability to focus sucks, lol.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18462792 I'd like a zigzagoon.
Can we trade now? I have cryo and auskiller for you.
>>18462782 lol you know the hidden power?
>inb4 dragon Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18462216 are these all nicknamed?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18462855 How do I check?
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18462889 Only the Porygon
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
>>18462892 Go to the house next to the boutique in anistar city.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18462899 yeah no. Nicknames bad. So I guess choose between sword and furfrou
>>18462892 the house on the southeastern most part of anistar, guy inside is HP checker
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Quoted By:
>>18462913 I'd pick the Sword
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18462849 So zig in sportball and spinda for matinee and angry ice? I'll go online.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
>>18462989 kek
Could be worse.
Also, looks as though 4chin's broke out the inkblot CAPTCHAs. Shit.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
I just realised I don't have a shone Turtwig. What the fuck? Who has one pls?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18463088 I think Bryce does.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18463088 And chimchar. And piplup. Somehow I fucking forgot all about this gen, lol.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18462989 Bryce, do you want two other things from my list for Turtwig and Piplup, or should I get these instead of flabebes?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18463104 I do bb.
Do you have a KB Mewtwo?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18463088 I've got all 3.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18463121 B8 - 1,1 - Turtwig (M) - Adamant - Shell Armor -
B8 - 1,2 - Chimchar (M) - Jolly - Iron Fist -
B8 - 1,3 - Piplup (M) - Modest - Torrent -
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18463170 I DID IT AGAIN.
Does that Chimchar have egg moves?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18463214 Tpunch, Fpunch, Blazekicku Fakeout
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18463130 No good ones I guess.
But Fyre has been wanting some stuff from me so I'll trade with him, kk?
>>18463170 Gib. I also found out I'm missing tepig.
I just printed a list of all pokemon and I'm going through my list and marking the ones I have shinified to be able to check quickly what I already have.
Turns out I don't have some suprising shit.
I'm also missing Tepig. Anyone?
more to come, probably 4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18463227 Can I
have for
free ? I did give 14 extra mons.
>>18463229 Yeah. Just take my Flabebe's.
But I read earlier in the thread Gerardo asking you if he should keep Mewtwo NFT?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18463280 Yeah, I cloned a mewtwo for him since his powersave is kill, but I'm not listing it as he did ask me not to trade it, so I'm respecting that.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18463229 I just picked up Tepig from Bryce.
I want:
>>18463280 da.
Arsonists/Josephus 1762-4052-9858
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18463298 >>18463332 I'll hit ya up with a TR after I reset the file so I have all muh shinies again.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18463400 I'll just trade with someone else first
for some new stuff okay?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Gerardo, I'm guessing you aren't interested in my Moltres?
>>18463332 Thank you Fyre.
>>18463298 Let me just organize my boxes, then I'll trade you.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18463447 w-w-why? I'm done with bryce
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Okay, let me get organised. First, Jeric. Are you online? I have two mons to return. Fyre, let's do the 4:4 then. After I'm done with the no-cloning trades I can trade with Bryce.
>>18463645 Don't you have work to do?
Tsk tsk
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18463645 okie dokie artichokie bby.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18463645 >Fyre before me o-ok
G 1736-1551-9701
G 1736-1551-9701
Quoted By:
no kill this time lol...
>>18463731 Do you only want Legends for Legends or Events for Legends and vice versa?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18463658 Finished in the meantime, luckily.
>>18463715 That's because I can trade and forget, and with you I have to trade, clone, trade again, haha. It's not a terrible problem, is it?
Also I found some stuff I was sure I had, but it turns out I don't. I'll post it with the new stuff and I'll ask then.
Quoted By:
>>18463778 legend for legend, event for event, shiny for shiny yup
>>18463815 I'll pass sorry
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Still looking for: - shiny Cofragrigus line - shiny Swirlix line - shiny Furfrou line Here's my list: 6IVs: - Greninja - Klefki - Honedge (0IVs speed) 5IVs perfect: - Slowbro - Charizard - Trevenant - Gliscor - Excadrill - Togekiss - Inkay - Gengar 4IVs (or 5IVs imperfect): - Blaziken - Togekiss - Porygon2
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18464059 bitte
wait till I post new stuff Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18464070 s'all good. I've got some new stuff too
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18464087 Cool!
Bryce, somehow I fucked up and forgot to clone patrat. Please send me your stuff, I'll add some shitmon, and I'll send you both patrat and the extra one when trading back. This will save me one cloning cycle.
ign Rodrigo (5112-3455-3108)
>>18463731 Can you clone? I have a perfect 5IV timid Zorua that I can't find in your list, but it would need to be cloned.
I'm interested in Noivern (or Binacle)
>>18464264 I probably have zorua just not on the list lol sorry
ign Rodrigo (5112-3455-3108)
Quoted By:
>>18464300 No problem, tks
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Quoted By:
>>18463731 Interested in anything from my list for Slurpuff or Furfrou?
>>18463977 Rynn 4656-7108-0037
I'm getting constant server errors while trying to connect to bank, is it working for you guys?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18464363 I got in just fine.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18464542 I think it was just the DS being a dumbass and connecting to the wrong wifi.
New stuff when?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18464588 when I feel like it. Probs about to go out to my buddy's house to smoke hookah.
I can tell you that I have obtained an Abra, Rattata, Starly, Snivy and Houndour though (honestly I think that's the extent of the new stuff that I didn't get through here)
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18464642 Abra and Houndour sound good.
So does hookah.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
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>>18463731 Hey cool, you almost have all the Birthday mons!
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
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>>18464857 oh also. New thread soon. We're on page 9.
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828 {3516}{0006}
http://pastebin.com/v7Xy8RfC Back from class! This munchlax won't hatch shiny :(
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18465050 I'd love those Slurpuff and Furfrou, anything from my list?
>>18463977 Furisuko 3368-2035-2828 {3516}{0006}
>>18465112 Excadrill and glisco
MK - 1075-0768-1553
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>>18465226 Can you clone them? I'm afraid I'm not able to do that
ign Rodrigo (5112-3455-3108)
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>>18465050 I'm really interested in Extremespeed Pikachu and shiny binacle.
Would you take a 6IV jolly bagon and a perfect 5IV timid zorua for them? I can't clone though
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
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Someone make a new thread!!
MK - 1075-0768-1553