GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. Version exclusives, bank Pokes, breeding leftovers, special ball pokemon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS. That is not the purpose of this thread. If someone happens to be so nice to as to give one away, they will let all of us know. Do not pester them. Also, we aren't the PokeGen thread; we may not have pokemon such as Knock Off Timburr or Hyper Voice Ralts / Eevee available. Sorry!
Did you buy Bank? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IGN. It makes everything so much easier. We want the 'mon to go to you, not anyone else!
List of active giveaways! We'll update this as the giveaways change, feel free to request something not on the list!
Old thread:
thinkin about it captcha bank maybrnm
Quoted By:
>>18454711 >Not even basic touchscreen support. Hail Gray!
Vania 0791 1491 6389
No, but I got the free month.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>18454711 Yes, even have enough credit left over to buy the new game coming out later this month. Derek 4682-8478-0186
I missed out on this >18451328 just a bit too late. Would anyone have similar Mawhiles to what he was giving away? The love ball was a big plus for me. There's already a disc up for it.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
i'm a good goy Houndour giveaway shortly
>>18454768 Love Ball Mawile? If no one has any to spare, I can breed you one pretty easily.
Derek 4682-8478-0186
>>18454781 That'd be wonderful even if it didn't have the IV's and such. I was interested in using one for VGC.
>>18454740 >>18454763 Sending you TR, the people in the other thread don't need to know Gray
Quoted By:
>>18454792 I can breed you a 4-5IV one with elemental fangs, give me about ten minutes or so.
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
>>18454792 I'm pretty sure I have one. I'll take care of it, Gray.
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>>18454818 If you do have a spare, it would be appreciated.
>>18454774 L-Level Ball Houndour? Zach [0147-0413-0502]
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>>18454792 I got one with the Fangs ready.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
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>>18454839 shiny moonball houndour
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Wow, I missed the Ho-Oh and shiny Genesect giveaways. I always pick the worst times to go to sleep.
Vania 0791 1491 6389
Quoted By:
>>18454878 Don't worry I missed the Lugia
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
>>18454792 It should be sent already. It took a little bit since I didn't read the part that the Luvdisc was already up.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18454878 Just never sleep again. Problem solved!
And many more added. Derek 4682-8478-0186
Quoted By:
>>18454918 Thank you so much!
gibbing HA Dream Ball whismur want discs
Vania 0791 1491 6389
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Wed 12 Mar 2014 05:27:25 No. 18454984 Report Quoted By:
I think i 'might' be missing the Genesect giveaway. I have him added but hes always in trade>Nofreelegendsforme.png Ah well. Side-note: Still haven't bought bank, dunno if i will.
Oh by the way does anyone still have Safari Ball Kangaskhan? Or those apricorn kangs?
>>18454993 Don't worry, i have a Sect with your name waiting for the trade Serebii 4184-2998-4452 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Excadrill)
Serebii 4184-2998-4452 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Excadrill) Wed 12 Mar 2014 05:30:17 No. 18455016 Report Quoted By:
>>18455002 Also looking for any spare Adamant Kanga, need to breed some to destroy with Mega Mom
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>18454942 I apparently don't have one from you yet, so disc up shortly.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18454919 I'm narcoleptic and take sleeping pills to ensure that I stay asleep. Maybe I'm not supposed to take part in these giveaways... it's destiny.
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Wed 12 Mar 2014 05:32:21 No. 18455043 Report Quoted By:
>>18454942 I'll disc up in a moment.
hope i get a female Gray
Any suggestions on how to breed Amaura? Too bad about not being able to pick the ball it's in.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18455046 Dive Ball when? >>18455032 I do have a
shiny Ho-oh I could bring up, but no HA one. I haven't grabbed any of the HA legends from DR yet.
>>18455065 I've already give you your genesect?
I'm sleeping right now, sorry
>>18454942 Disc is upity. If you're feeling generous name it: Protagonist
>>18455106 >protagonist >on a pokemon that makes a lot of noise Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Wed 12 Mar 2014 05:39:19 No. 18455137 Report Quoted By:
>>18455135 Fucking genius right?
>>18455159 it is actually pretty clever
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
Now that I have returned, time to throw out more of these Horseas 3x Female 5IV Sniper 3x Male 5IV Swift Swim All modest nature
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>>18455153 Enjoy your Goofy Goober
Marris 1822-0989-6139 (Ledyba, Illminus, Heracross)
Marris 1822-0989-6139 (Ledyba, Illminus, Heracross) Wed 12 Mar 2014 05:42:21 No. 18455190 Report discing for a Weezing if anyone happens to have one
Oh wow im about to give the last one to Twitchy when you send up the disk enjoy them dudes!
George 5343-8274-5372
>>18455185 Disc up for Sniper
I'm bored guys, i'll do another giveaway tonight after this is over, gibe ideas plz
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18455072 Oh, could you? That would be fantastic. Lack of HA doesn't bother me.
I'm looking for Oshawott for my pokedex, don't care about nature or IVs Disc is up, thanks bros
>>18455256 o baby, hows about Naive Landorus-I with Stealth Rock?
Vania 0791 1491 6389
OK I was supposed to go to bed but I'm...not yet so if anyone wants the following: -4 IV Jolly Minccinos (Knock off, Luxury ball, most have HA) -4 IV Bold Eevees (Most have HA) -5 IV Bold Frillish (Cursed body or water absorb) -5 IV Timid GARDEN scatterbugs then put a disc up and post here telling me your gender/ability preferences. Thanks
>>18455273 I can breed you one unless others have a spare, hold on just a little bit.
>>18455276 >>18455287 5 landorus
5 latios
need 4 mons more to complete the box
moar ideas
>>18455297 Disc is still up, so I can wait, thanks dude
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18455308 Don't know if you can, but maybe Darkrai?
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18455291 That was me btw.
Oh and if anyone has Sandstorm buge, it's the last vivillon I need so...long shot but worth a mention.
Dana (0190 0008 5784)
>>18455291 Can I get a female Frillish with Water Absorb, please? Discing up soon.
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Wed 12 Mar 2014 05:54:07 No. 18455328 Report Quoted By:
>>18455256 What about the
fantastic 4 regis? Anonymous
>>18455291 Hey there! Do you have any HA female eevees? If so, I'd love one! If not, I'd still really appreciate a male one, if you'd be so kind. Just disc'ed up.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>18455308 Bring more Keldeos so i can get one lol emm how about sheer force landourus? or maybe some good Manaphy :P
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18455308 I'm trying to get regis for my boyfriend, so any of those would be a great help to me
>>18455314 i don't remember if it is gts banned but sounds good
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>18455308 This
>>18455327 should be HP ice.
>>18455291 discing up for female Scatterbug, thanks!
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
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>>18455185 Disc up for sniper
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>>18455308 Latias, Giratina, and/or more "unobtainables". Keldeo, Deoxys, etc.
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
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>>18455333 It's GTS banned, any pokemon that has go through Events and not in game is banned. What about Ho-oh?
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>>18455308 Oh yes, I forgot. Make those Landorus' DW ability pls
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
>>18455243 Give me a bit. Connecting is taking me a while
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>>18455333 Darkrai is one of the 12 event legends that can't be traded over the GTS. You'd have to direct trade them.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18455259 Sure. I haven't brought stuff up in a while.
Obligatory Box of RNG'd stuff: and Box of events: Requests are open for 15 minutes or until box is full. Also got tons of random shit like shiny Legends and other shiny mons from trades, but I'm not linking to all of those boxes.
Ivory !BD/akaTc4w
>>18455308 >3 Landorus >3 Latios >3 Raikou >3 Regice >3 Regirock >3 Registeel >3 Regigigas >3 Latias >3 Giratina >3 Defog articuno Sounds good guys
Cathe sect is waiting 4 u Serebii 4184-2998-4452 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Excadrill)
Serebii 4184-2998-4452 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Excadrill) Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:00:01 No. 18455387 Report Quoted By:
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>>18455376 I have to go sleep. Can you save me an Articuno? :'c Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18455365 Hoooo man. I'd be really interested in the Ho-Oh. Or the Cobalion, drifloon, or golett
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
shiny in moonball Houndour (M) - Naive - Flash Fire - Please respond only once
Axithane (0490-6267-6757)
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
Serebii 4184-2998-4452 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Excadrill)
Serebii 4184-2998-4452 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Excadrill) Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:02:36 No. 18455414 Report Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>>18455365 Can I send a disc up for Ho-oh.
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18455365 Yo could I get that shiny Mienfoo? Is it HP Ice, and if you're feeling like it, a shiny Beldum as well. Or are you not giving them out and im just being dumb?
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>>18455405 I'll take one, why not.
Quoted By:
>>18455405 Tossing a DIsc up, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>18455405 Id like one! disk up
George 5343-8274-5372
Zero 4184 1184 1236
Quoted By:
>>18455437 Thanks a lot bro
>>18455365 I want a Jirachi, if possible.
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
>>18455365 Oh, I'd like a shiny Vulpix
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:06:08 No. 18455446 Report Quoted By:
George 5343-8274-5372
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??) Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:06:21 No. 18455448 Report Quoted By:
>>18455405 i will take one disc up :)
Serebii 4184-2998-4452 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Excadrill)
Serebii 4184-2998-4452 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Excadrill) Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:06:30 No. 18455450 Report Quoted By:
>>18455414 disc is up, thanks
Phocas 0061-1313-3802
Andrew 4441-9816-5962 (Flying)
Quoted By:
>>18455190 Augh wait come back I'll find you a weezing somewhere just let me catch your heracross...
Quoted By:
>>18455405 Disc up, thanks
Derek 4682-8478-0186
Quoted By:
>>18455405 One please. Disc is up.
Zero 4184 1184 1236
>>18455365 Latios would be great
>>18455185 Disc is way up. If you're feeling generous name it: Kraken
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18455320 Traded, enjoy!
>>18455329 Sorry man, looks like all my HAs are dudes.
you got one with 5 ivs though >>18455344 Sniped I think?
Mack 2294-5355-4315
Thanks to Zyrax for the giveaway Is there any way to get Poison boost Zangoose? I don't see him for possible safari's
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18455405 Disc is up, hope I get one! Thanks Pan
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18455402 I'm gonna limit it to one for now, so pick whichever you want.
>>18455415 You can, but I still need to transfer them.
>>18455417 Yes, it's Ice. And I'm keeping it to one per person right now.
>>18455442 Any in particular?
>>18455444 Sure.
>>18455458 >>18455466 Any in particular?
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??) Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:10:01 No. 18455478 Report Quoted By:
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>>18455472 Just gotta get a low-level Poke with Earthquake and hope Zangoose survives the horde
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18455474 Definitely the Ho-Oh is my top pick, the others were just if you didn't feel like doing that one or something
Quoted By:
>>18455474 Aha cool! Mienfoo it is when you're ready.
>>18455474 Nope. Any Jirachi is fine. Just curious, you don't have Arceus, right?
>>18455483 I thought you couldn't get a HA poke from the wild?
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18455504 Sometimes from hordes you can.
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
Quoted By:
>>18455504 It has to be though a horde encounter.
Quoted By:
>>18455504 you can get HA pokes from hordes, low chance though
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??) Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:12:52 No. 18455519 Report >>18455291 you still here would love a scatterbug :)
Zero 4184 1184 1236
Quoted By:
>>18455474 not really, any latios would be great
>>18455504 What's your IGN? I can breed you a Toxic Boost Zangoose, but it's not going to have very good IVs.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18455519 Sure, throw up for it
>>18455365 It's over, isn't it?
Axithane (0490-6267-6757)
Quoted By:
>>18455474 Could i get a vulpix from you?
Serebii 4184-2998-4452 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Excadrill)
Serebii 4184-2998-4452 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Excadrill) Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:15:58 No. 18455550 Report >>18455463 Yep got sniped by a japanese scatterbug. Re-discing now
Quoted By:
>>18455528 That's fine, IGN is Wesley, disc up in a moment
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18455541 If you request before I finish the list, I'll still bring it up. So be quick. And give me your IGN.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18455365 Oh gosh, I forgot about your shiny collection. Could you throw in the Staryu/Larvesta?
>>18455405 Discing up.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Also, earlier when my boyfriend was breeding those garden bugs for me and sending them over he was occasionally naming them dumb stuff like "BUGE" or "Le meme buge," but BUGE turned out to be hexaperfect, so now I have a perfect vivillon named BUGE in all caps and he wont change it back, fuck my ass
Quoted By:
>>18455405 Disc is up. If you're feeling generous name it: Kujikiricongo
One meloetta left from the giveaway. pls take it 3840 7262 3206 also if anyone has a ha fletching leftover please
>>18455405 Upping a disc, if any are left.
Zero 4184 1184 1236
>>18455564 Can I take it? added
Quoted By:
>>18455554 IGN is wesley, Requesting Jirachi or Shiny Growlithe if you're out of jirachi
>>18455564 Once I finish with this Zangoose, I can breed you a HA Fletchling. Premier Ball, if that's alright.
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
Quoted By:
>>18455474 Thanks! I put up the Disc. I'll just be waiting till you're ready
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??) Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:18:36 No. 18455583 Report >>18455535 put up :) IGN is gecko
>>18455573 Sure adding you
>>18455580 Thank you so much
>>18455564 All that trading and no one gave you one?
get on and ill gib
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:19:35 No. 18455593 Report >>18455291 If you still here can I have 1 Scatterbug?
Zero 4184 1184 1236
>>18455588 Nice! thanks a lot
Quoted By:
>>18455590 Well
i got a Frillish named MELOETTA Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18455580 Disc is up on gts, desc says vp poisonheal
Jay 1693-1951-1960
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18455594 Going online
>>18455590 I'll love it please
Zero 4184 1184 1236
Quoted By:
>>18455641 ok, waiting for you
Phocas 0061-1313-3802
Quoted By:
>>18455365 Hey could i get the Zorua from you?
Evan 1263-6861-9424
George 5343-8274-5372
>>18455365 if it isn't over, a shiny Staryu please
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18455498 I do, but none of them are on my Gen 5 games.
>>18455555 I'm limiting it to one per person, sorry. Maybe next time.
>>18455365 Alright, here's the list. Let me know if I missed anyone.
Catherine-Shiny Ho-Oh
Kelly-Shiny Ho-Oh
Tariq-Shiny Ho-Oh
Lunar-Shiny Meinfoo
Gizelle- Jirachi
Kohaku-Shiny Vulpix
Zero- Latios
Mack- Latios
Axithane-Shiny Vulpix
Gecko- Shiny Miltank
Phocas-Shiny Zorua
>>18455365 Too late for timid Deino?
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:26:32 No. 18455671 Report >>18455623 Disc is up
>>18455612 Sent you the Zangoose
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18455657 >>18455662 Congrats, you technically posted before I did, so you're on the list now too.
Quoted By:
>>18455671 >Sent you the Zangoose That works, too.
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18455365 Too late for a
Mew? Gizelle
Quoted By:
>>18455662 I see. No problem man. Thanks in advance for the jirachi.
My wifi stop being a bitch,
and i love you , i can do the giveaway now.
Is this list fine for you guys?
>>18455376 Let me now before it's too late
Thank you lunar
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
Mack 2294-5355-4315
>>18455691 Is this giveaway working the same as the last?
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18455705 No, this is GTS
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18455688 Sorry. Maybe next time.
>>18455683 I have to transfer those up from Gen 4 by hand, so I'll do a whole box at some point, but not right now. Zero 4184 1184 1236
>>18455691 Thanks a lot dude <3
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:30:31 No. 18455716 Report Quoted By:
>>18455405 Am I too late? Discing up in case.
Quoted By:
>>18455713 Don't worry, enjoy the waifu
Vania 0791 1491 6389
Quoted By:
>>18455712 Alright hopefully I dont miss it Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18455671 There ya go
>>18455662 Thanks! Should we put up discs?
Mack 2294-5355-4315
Quoted By:
>>18455711 Ahh, cool. That's a great deal easier.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
>>18455565 I got only yours jun
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18455662 It's okay. I tend to get overwhelmed whenever I see your box of shones.
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??) Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:32:31 No. 18455735 Report >>18455691 can i get a regirock how does the giveaway work??
>>18455735 Well you give me a rare
luvdisc i give you a regi...
Quoted By:
>>18455731 Oh, I didn't realize. I'll re-up my disc.
>>18455691 Yup! Is the Lando DW btw?
>>18455725 >Thanks! Should we put up discs? I'm wondering, too
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18455747 Should we put em up now or not yet?
>>18455752 If you want it to be.
>Dream ball. >Naive >Shinuh >S. Rock If you don't mind about legality of course Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18455725 >>18455755 If you want. The only one that I can't trade on the GTS is Jirachi. But I have to transfer them first, so it might be better to wait until I have them in Gen 6.
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:36:26 No. 18455772 Report >>18455747 I was gone for a bit so just to make sure, it'll be like a regular GTS giveaway? Do we say in advance what we want?
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>18455691 The Landu have HA?
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
Quoted By:
>>18455462 So do you want a Swift Swim one or a Sniper one?
>>18455762 p-please make it as legal as possible ;-;
unshiny is prefered!
Quoted By:
>>18455769 Ok take your time I got a little bit
Quoted By:
>>18455772 Yes unless it's an event mon that can't get into gts, I may have to add him to get jirachi
Callum 1504 - 5739 - 3547
Quoted By:
>>18455405 it would pleasure to send one up i have please fire dog houndour send disc upwards
>>18455758 I need to ''catch them''
Send to w2
Transfer and bank
maybe one hour guys?
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??) Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:39:39 No. 18455803 Report Quoted By:
>>18455747 hahaha ok i will get you a magical luvdisc IGN is gecko
>>18455781 >make it i dont knuw wat r u talking about.
i catch them in a legal way
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:40:53 No. 18455811 Report Quoted By:
>>18455798 That works for me, take your time, I'd rather have a smooth giveaway instead of a rushed one.
>>18455317 If you still need a Sandstorm, disc up for Vivillon.
Any Garden scatterbugs left? Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18455703 Thank you, Pan! He's adorable.
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
>>18455816 Could i get a sandstorm vivillion?
pls ;_; Lunar
>>18455808 oh yes catch it as legally as possible then
>>18455830 pls gib data so i can catch a perfect one
>>18455365 Is it too late for me to ask for one of these?
If not, I would like a Rotom, please.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18455798 >>18455769 Fuck. I feel bad because you both took my requests but I'm waking up in 4 hours and I really have to go to bed now. I'll leave a disc up for a regigigas because that's one I've been looking for forever to give as a gift. Shura, thanks so much and sorry for the trouble. hurts to give up the ho-oh but i'm sure someone else will want it
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18455816 Holy shit yes. I'll do that before putting up for the regi. Would you like me to put up a
garden scatterbug instead of a disc?
Marris 1822-0989-6139 (Ledyba, Illminus, Heracross)
Marris 1822-0989-6139 (Ledyba, Illminus, Heracross) Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:46:35 No. 18455853 Report Quoted By:
Is this giveaway still going on or am i late?
Callum 1504 - 5739 - 3547
Quoted By:
>>18455291 I would love a scatterbug if still around xxxxx
disk up in 5min
>>18455844 If you want leave your disc up.
I can search it, i have like 10 hours to do giveaways all the night before going to work
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:47:07 No. 18455861 Report >>18455816 If Sandstorm is you native Vivillon can I have one?
>>18455829 What's your native Vivillon?
Mine is Marine if you still need that one
>>18455829 Sorry, I only have one spare.
>>18455851 Sure.
Quoted By:
>>18455376 does this mean that there are 3 of each? also, when are you doing this?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18455844 I can always save the Ho-Oh for you.
>>18455842 Already closed, sorry. I'm Banking them right now.
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
>>18455864 Its okay, thanks
>>18455861 Mine is Sun. Already have marine, but if someone needs mine, just let me know and i could go and get them
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18455860 I'm guessing you are going to make another thread when you are ready?
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:50:20 No. 18455888 Report >>18455877 I need Sun pattern, can I have one?
>>18455878 >nope.png i'll just post here i think
maybe it will be a deadhours giveaway
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>18455840 How about this one?
Sheer Force
Naive Nature
Stealth Rock
Earth Power
Focus Blast/Superpower
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18455864 It's up! pls no snipes
>>18455860 That's what I'm planning to do
>>18455875 that...would be amazing, but I don't want to be too much trouble. I'll be around tomorrow though, and the next day and probably forever
Vania 0791 1491 6389
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
>>18455691 Hey hey. Do you think you can get Defog onto the Latios?
>>18455899 Sent.
>>18455861 My native is Modern, sorry.
>>18455907 I don't really thing that people would want it, but if them need it just reply here and i can change it
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
Quoted By:
>>18455888 Sure, let me caught one quickly. I let you know when i get it.
mami circular !WSwbZ.2iJM
>>18455840 Landorus (M)
Ability: Sheer Force
Naive Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earth Power
- Psychic
- Hidden Power [Ice]
Marris 1822-0989-6139 (Ledyba, Illminus, Heracross)
Marris 1822-0989-6139 (Ledyba, Illminus, Heracross) Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:54:20 No. 18455936 Report >>18455877 If its not much trouble, i would like a sun one as well
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18455899 I've done it before, so it's no problem.
Though I just have to grab them from Bank if you can stick around for 5 minutes.
Catherine-Shiny Ho-Oh
Kelly-Shiny Ho-Oh
Tariq-Shiny Ho-Oh
Lunar-Shiny Meinfoo
Gizelle- Jirachi
Kohaku-Shiny Vulpix
Zero- Latios
Mack- Latios
Axithane-Shiny Vulpix
Gecko- Shiny Miltank
Phocas-Shiny Zorua
George-Shiny Staryu
Zero 4184 1184 1236
Quoted By:
>>18455944 Disc up, thanks a lot!
mami circular !WSwbZ.2iJM
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>18455944 I placed a disc up before hand. because my comp was disk fragment.
George 5343-8274-5372
Mack 2294-5355-4315
Quoted By:
>>18455944 Disc is up, thanks Shura.
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
Quoted By:
>>18455921 Trick at least would be a good option. Something like:
Latios (M)
Ability: Levitate
Timid Nature
- Dragon Pulse
- Psyshock
- Trick
- Hidden Power [Fire]
Quoted By:
>>18455944 Thanks shura. Disc's for disc is up.
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??) Wed 12 Mar 2014 06:59:00 No. 18455985 Report Quoted By:
>>18455944 discing up :D thanks in advance
Quoted By:
>>18455944 Disc for Disc for jirachi going up momentarily, desc named "Hi Shura"
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
>>18455888 >>18455936 They are ready. Put a disc up
Axithane (0490-6267-6757)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??) Wed 12 Mar 2014 07:00:30 No. 18456009 Report >>18455861 my native one is river if you want to swap for a marine :)
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Wed 12 Mar 2014 07:00:40 No. 18456013 Report Quoted By:
>>18455989 Disc is up
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18455944 Disc is up! Thanks a bunch, Shura.
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Wed 12 Mar 2014 07:01:43 No. 18456023 Report Quoted By:
>>18456009 Yes I can swap
But put Disc for Disc or we can get our Vivillons sniped
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>18455921 Raikou
Timid Nature
Hidden Power [Ice]
Volt Switch
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
Quoted By:
>>18455944 Disc has been up. Thanks, Shura!
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18455840 Man i'm going to bed if you can give me a sheer force lando i would really apreciatte i'm going to leave the disc
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18455919 You are the best! Completed my collection :)
Phocas 0061-1313-3802
>>18455875 Hey i was on the last list but never got the Zorua :/
Latios, Latias, Landorus are done Should i do the giveaway tomorrow or in a hour?
>>18456053 Wait I didnt get one ;-;
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18455944 OK I'm gonna disc up for the regigas then and go to sleep and try to catch you tomorrow. Thank you so much!!
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>18456053 I'm going to leave the disc for Landorus now if i get one cool if don't well i guess i'm not that lucky :c
>>18456058 But the giveaway has not begun yet I mean that they are "catched"
>>18456040 I'll try
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Wed 12 Mar 2014 07:06:08 No. 18456071 Report Quoted By:
>>18456053 If it's tomorrow, what time?
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Wed 12 Mar 2014 07:06:39 No. 18456072 Report Quoted By:
>>18456053 I think it's better for tomorrow since some people are saying they need to go to bed, but it's your call if you want to do the giveaway now
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18456049 I just sent you one.
>>18456062 If you put up one for Ho-Oh I can send it real fast. Otherwise, goodnight and I'll see you tomorrow.
I've grabbed both the disc for disc and I'm working through the other ones.
Quoted By:
>>18456066 oh yea yea im just being really STUPID right now
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18456053 In an hour, please. I can't guarantee that I'll be around tomorrow.
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18456053 If you do tomorrow around what time?
or can I just leave a disc for Latios over night? Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18456078 Oh sweet, I'll do that then. All my dreams are coming true tonight
Quoted By:
Shura did you get a disc from Wesley or was I sniped?
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
Quoted By:
>>18455936 >>18455989 Are you around? Let me know when you put your disc
Phocas 0061-1313-3802
Quoted By:
>>18456078 Thanks so much!
>>18456100 i already have your fc, so you can send me a tr tomorrow if you have to go tonight
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18456104 >>18456078 It's up! Thanks Shura
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
Quoted By:
>>18456053 I might end up going to sleep soon. Can I leave the disc up for a Latios. I'd appreciate it.
Vania 0791 1491 6389
Quoted By:
>>18456113 ah alright I can probably stay for another hour or two then I have to go.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Zero 4184 1184 1236
Quoted By:
>>18456113 Dude, I need to go now, can you save me a Giratina for tomorrow, I'm the Meloetta dude so you have my FC
Okay people gib landorus evs giratina/ regis set also they are in premier balls, (landorus is in dream ball)
>>18456137 252 sp.atk/252 spe
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18456137 I'm going to bed now but I put up a disc for Regigas if you give em out tonight. Thank you so much!
>>18456125 Thanks :,) You're the best
Sent a disc for disc so you could TR me for Jirachi (wesley) Damn I should set up a trip
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Alright, everyone's should be sent besides the Jirachi. I'll be sending those TR shortly, so get online if you aren't already Wesley and Gizelle.
>>18456152 We deadhours now
I'll only do Latios/ Latias/ Landorus and giratina tonight
3 of each one
Quoted By:
>>18456172 >>18456172 Got any latios? If not that's fine since I got a Meloetta from you earlier
Quoted By:
>>18456168 Thank you very much!
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??) Wed 12 Mar 2014 07:21:18 No. 18456195 Report >>18456172 disc up for giraitina wont be here but will put one up anyway ign is gecko thanks in advance
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18456163 Already grabbed your first disc. Or at least some Wesley's disc.
Vania 0791 1491 6389
Quoted By:
>>18456137 Giratina 248hp/8Hp/252SpDef
sleep talk
Dragon Tail
Think this is alright. Not 100% that it's top notch !BD/akaTc4w
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
>>18456172 Alright. Should I disc up for a Latios now?
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>>18456172 Placing a disc for Landorus now.
>>18456196 Wot
Was yours level 1, adamant?
George 5343-8274-5372
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Wed 12 Mar 2014 07:22:56 No. 18456210 Report Quoted By:
>>18456172 Discing up for Landorus.
Mack 2294-5355-4315
Quoted By:
>>18456172 Discing for Landorus if you're giving away soon.
Quoted By:
>>18456208 nvm you're in my acq list, silly me
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18456208 No idea. I just grabbed a random disc from my boxes. If you can see me in your Acquaintances, TR me.
>>18456221 You want it back or I can give you a ponyta?
Quoted By:
>>18456221 Thanks a ton m80
George 5343-8274-5372
>>18456172 Discing for Raikou
>>18456246 dont disc now...
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>18456234 Keep it, that's why it's a giveaway.
Alright that should be everyone.
Kitto 5086-2501-4183
need a ditto with six perf IV's or someone with the friend safari
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
>>18456275 >DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS. what is reading Anonymous
>>18456275 >DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS. Kitto 5086-2501-4183
>>18456291 >>18456294 >>18456298 I'm just a fucking rebel like that. also it's not like everyone else isn't asking for legendaries
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>18456320 Don't ask for legendaries or any of the perfect dittos unless someone is offering.
Quoted By:
>>18456320 No one is asking for legendaries, Kitto. People are giving them away. Read the thread.
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Wed 12 Mar 2014 07:37:08 No. 18456336 Report Quoted By:
>>18456320 If you read better you will see someone is actually giving away those
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
Quoted By:
>>18456320 That take us to the next part
>If someone happens to be so nice to as to give one away, they will let all of us know. If you read the thread, someone tell he gonna do it.
Quoted By:
>>18456320 No one in here is asking for legendaries or 6IV Dittos out of the blue like you are. If someone happens to be giving them out, then request one. If not, shut up and read the OP again until you understand it. Take your "rebellious" attitude somewhere else.
>>18456254 pls do save me one i might not be here ;-;
Hey does anyone have a Meowth?
Quoted By:
>>18456320 >I'm just a fucking rebel like that. Please leave.
>>18456369 u will be alive in 20 mins?
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
>>18456378 Me. Put a disc up. Name?
Quoted By:
>>18456391 Disc up. October.
Quoted By:
Anything good going on in here or just normal faggotry?
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Wed 12 Mar 2014 07:49:01 No. 18456417 Report >>18456172 Discing for landorus if you're giving that away anytime soon
>>18456426 U only want landorus?
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18456172 They're not shiny, are they? That'd make it all the more difficult to choose between Latias and Gira.
>>18456439 they are, but since we are on deadhours, only you me and lunar are alive; you can get all you want;
Mack 2294-5355-4315
>>18456445 Some of us are still alive.
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>>18456445 I'm still up. Waiting on when to place a disc up.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18456445 I think a few people are still lurking.
>>18456445 Also eagerly waiting :-)
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama)
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama) Wed 12 Mar 2014 07:58:27 No. 18456455 Report >>18456445 Could I get in on that fun? I'm alive.
>Well done nintendo who want to help me to see if it can go online?
>>18456455 >>18456454 >>18456452 >>18456450 >>18456446 I know guys, i just wanted to see who was alive
I'll just have 3 of each one, so take off your disc and put them in a couple of minutes
>>18456457 Correct me if I'm wrong but there's nothing special about this kecleon?
Quoted By:
>>18456464 Protean on gen v i think
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:01:26 No. 18456471 Report Quoted By:
>>18456417 >>18456463 I'll be eagerly awaiting the arrival of that landorus
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
Quoted By:
>>18456463 I'll try to be here for that Latios.
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:03:16 No. 18456479 Report Does anyone have any of the pattern Vivillons I'm missing or is native of one and want to help me to complete my collection? I only have the native ones to trade
Lunare / cath post here which mons do you want so i can send more to bank, please
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:04:19 No. 18456487 Report >>18456479 I have jungle put up a marine one
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
>>18456487 C-can i get one jungle?
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:07:38 No. 18456503 Report >>18456487 What level and gender is your Vivillon so mine can't be sniped that easy?
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18456483 Latias/Latios/Giratina.
Sorry if that's a bit much. I can't help myself.
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:08:53 No. 18456510 Report >>18456503 >>18456501 I'll go get a few scatterbugs- I realized I don't actually have vivillons on hand
Vania 0791 1491 6389
Quoted By:
>>18456483 Lunare which mons?
>>18456172 Are there still any Latias going out tonight?
>>18456514 Vania which mons do you need?
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
>>18456510 No problem. You want a Vivillon for it, or a luvdisc is ok? I have Sun pattern
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18456527 Latios and Giratina
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:11:45 No. 18456531 Report >>18456529 eh, luvdiscs are fine, vivillon/ scatterbug appreciated
>>18456525 yup
banking them
Vania 0791 1491 6389
Would anyone want a premier 5IV Adamant Aron with Dragon Rush, Head Smash, Endeavor give away?
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:14:00 No. 18456547 Report >>18456531 gonna put 1 Luvdisc and then send you TR to give you the Vivillon
>>18456544 Why, yes. Yes I would :-P
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18456532 Thank you so much!
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
>>18456531 Well, i put a vivillon then. Just let me know the gender and level of scatterbug, so it dont get sniped
>>18456544 Yeah! Aron is a bro
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:15:19 No. 18456558 Report >>18456547 Does the vivillon pattern change if you switch regions mid-game (to get bank or something?)
Quoted By:
>>18456532 So... should I put my Luvdis up? Sorry, first timer.
>>18456544 i don't have another latios right now, so i can send you one when i bank the rest of the mons?
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:17:02 No. 18456570 Report >>18456558 Vivillon's form is aesthetic and is dependant upon the geographic location set on your 3DS
Copy pasted this from serebii
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:18:26 No. 18456576 Report >>18456570 I changed it mid game though.
I'll evolve them just to be sure
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18456568 yeah no problem man
>>18456556 >>18456549 They aren't pentaperfect though, but do have 5IV's
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
>>18456577 its all good! I gotta run for a few (no more time to frantically refresh for the latias/latios/giratina/landorus anymore haha) so I threw up a disc for aron, if you do decide to go ahead with it whenever. Thanks! Love me a lil steel dino :-)
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18456595 Alright disc up
>>18456596 Alright looking for yours right now
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>18456576 Changing mid game doesn't change the pattern. It's set to the region you started the game with until you delete your save. I would assume that's to stop people from changing the region to get multiple patterns without trading.
Quoted By:
>>18456532 Luvdisc up for Latias
Quoted By:
>>18456568 thanks! sorry about the end
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
Quoted By:
>>18456532 So do I put a disc up for Latios now?
Quoted By:
>>18456552 Sure not problem
get your discs ready people, 20 minutes to start
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
>>18456607 Disc up!
>>18456531 Still around here? Do you prefer a direct trade so they dont get sniped?
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:27:02 No. 18456662 Report >>18456645 I wouldn't mind either- just evolved 2 scatterbugs into vivillons- they're jungles!
>>18456607 Thanks for the little guy! :-)
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
Quoted By:
>>18456662 Nice! Added you
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18456645 should have traded right now.
>>18456671 No problem man anytime.
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:30:16 No. 18456693 Report >>18456662 I have a disc up
I'll give you the marine through acquanintance after
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:32:22 No. 18456705 Report >>18456693 In a trade right now, will do shortly after
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:34:20 No. 18456720 Report Quoted By:
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
Quoted By:
>>18456681 Thanks a lot, love this little guy.
>>18456705 Thanks bro! Jus one pattern to go
Sandstorm !BD/akaTc4w
I'll just check the luvdisc in the replies in this post. Post only with your IGN, please. Only one mon per people so be sure of your choice. First to come, first to serve; breeding leftovers are apreciated but, i love luvdiscs too; so just let me know what's up, if you send a luvdisc tell me the level
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:41:13 No. 18456766 Report >>18456763 Discing up for Landorus.
Mack 2294-5355-4315
>>18456763 Discing up for Lando, thanks.
>>18456763 Disc up for Latios
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:42:33 No. 18456776 Report Quoted By:
Vania 0791 1491 6389
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>>18456763 Landorous please. Placing disc now.
Mack 2294-5355-4315
>>18456763 The Disc is a lvl15 female named Vp
>>18456766 >>18456770 >>18456777 >>18456780 >>18456781 Searching
>>18456771 >>18456596 >no more time to frantically refresh for the latias/latios/giratina/landorus anymore haha :^)
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:43:18 No. 18456787 Report >>18456763 lvl 15 disc up for landorus
>>18456771 Oh right, mine is level 15 also
Quoted By:
>>18456763 Level 15 disc for latias
>>18456763 Disc up for Raikou pls
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama)
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama) Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:44:22 No. 18456802 Report >>18456763 Could I get a Latios please. I put up a level 15 female Luvdisc.
>>18456763 Lv 15 Disc up for Latios, IGN is Artalias.
Quoted By:
>>18456785 haha, I've been changing into my work clothes and getting my bag ready while i continue refreshing! XD Great way to start the day!
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>18456785 Disc is lvl 15 btw.
Quoted By:
>>18456790 level 15 Luvdisc with heart scale, sorry
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
Quoted By:
>>18456815 LV 15 female Luvdisc
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:50:25 No. 18456848 Report Quoted By:
Mack 2294-5355-4315
>>18456785 Thanks for the Lando!
It doesn't look like there's much interest in Giratina, so if you've got any left after you've finished distributing the rest of them could I grab one? No pressure.
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
>>18456763 Disc up for giratina
Sallya 0103 9541 3472
Quoted By:
>>18456763 Have any Latios left?
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
Quoted By:
>>18456887 Forgot level, 15. Female
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama)
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama) Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:56:41 No. 18456901 Report Quoted By:
>>18456763 Thank you for the Latios, you're a damn good person.
Vania 0791 1491 6389
They are all in Premier balls. Aron give away!90% of everyone are asleep, but who knows someone might be out there.
>>18456766 >>18456770 >>18456777 >>18456790 >>18456787 >>18456802 >>18456803 >>18456887 Send
>>18456780 Couldn't find yours, there's only japanese discs, that's why i say to wait before putting the disc; we can do a fc trade after if you want
>2 Latias >1 Giratina >3 Raikous Zach
Quoted By:
>>18456763 Damn! I wasn't expecting a shiny! Thanks so much.
Quoted By:
>>18456906 T__T
Home come you skipped over me lol
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Wed 12 Mar 2014 08:58:54 No. 18456917 Report >>18456904 I'll take one, discing up.
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18456906 Thanks for all the help Zyrax!
>>18456917 which one?
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
Quoted By:
>>18456906 Looks like I'll settle for a Latias. Level 15 Luvdisc again
Quoted By:
>>18456906 Artalias here. Thank you so much!
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>18456906 i'll place a disc for raikou then
Arturo 4854 7092 8451
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Wed 12 Mar 2014 09:00:32 No. 18456930 Report >>18456919 What kinds are there?
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18456930 click the picture
Mack 2294-5355-4315
>>18456906 Level fifteen disc up for Giratina.
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama)
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama) Wed 12 Mar 2014 09:02:24 No. 18456941 Report >>18456906 I'll take on the Raikou if nobody else is interested.
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Wed 12 Mar 2014 09:03:13 No. 18456946 Report >>18456933 Oh, I'll take a 5IV rock head, preferably female but I'll take what's available.
Totodile from Google doc? IGN: Xavier, listing Luvdisc w/ /vp/ in message
>>18456941 One per person :^)
Don't worry they will hit WT if nobody wants them
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama)
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama) Wed 12 Mar 2014 09:04:13 No. 18456954 Report Quoted By:
>>18456949 Alrighty, thanks again.
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18456946 alright disc up and i'll trade ya
Quoted By:
>>18456785 >>18456788 >>18456906 ... a little sad I was skipped over? :-(
Mack 2294-5355-4315
Quoted By:
>>18456949 That's cool, thanks for the one all the same.
Quoted By:
>>18456949 I'll take a Raikou, same info as
>>18456948 Sallya 0103 9541 3472
>>18456949 I'll take a Giratina, I guess. Level 15 JP disc female w/ heart scale.
>>18456949 >2 Raikou >1 Giratina >1 Latias WT them in 5 minutes
>What a waste Arturo 4854 7092 8451
Quoted By:
>>18456948 I think the people giving these currently arent connected.
Kohaku 3480-3868-6003
>>18456949 Thanks for the Latias.
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>>18456970 I said I'll Place a disc for the Raikou.
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18456970 nooooo I'll take Raikou if no one wants one
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18456970 Discing up for Raikou, 1 min
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18456970 Disc lvl 15 for Raikou is up, "vp adoption"
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18456976 nevermind give them to the people who want them
>>18456974 >>18456984 Tylor
>>18456970 Hey, not sure if I broke a custom or did something rude and thats why you aren't replying to me, just wanted to apologize if that is the case. Thanks doing these distros, hopefully I can snag one next time
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18456970 >WT You'll make some kids very happy. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18456970 Thanks for the Giratina!
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Wed 12 Mar 2014 09:14:17 No. 18457010 Report Quoted By:
>>18456970 Is the WT still happening?
>>18456964 >>18456974 Send
>>18456973 Sure
>>18456988 u'r l8 m8
send >>18456989 Only one per person :^)
kiddin' accept my trade request >>18456998 Maybe,
maybe not and they will use them as a jew coin with their friends, or they will use them as HM slaves !BD/akaTc4w
>>18456989 raikou is waiting for you
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Wed 12 Mar 2014 09:18:09 No. 18457030 Report Quoted By:
>>18456956 Thanks for Aron!
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
Quoted By:
>>18457021 Just woke up, almost missed it, thanks
>>18456989 Thank you too
Vania 0791 1491 6389
Quoted By:
>>18457027 >>18457021 Sorry was editing my box for aron give away lol
>>18456992 >>18457021 Yikes, I'm feeling the frosty shoulder! Alright I can take a hint, I'll get going :^(
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>18457021 Nah, they'll use them online and then people will rage about how unfair legendaries are. !BD/akaTc4w
>>18457038 Put disc 4 latias !BD/akaTc4w
Ivory !BD/akaTc4w
Quoted By:
>>18457053 Should i say...
send? Enjoy it