[7 / 1 / ?]
Quoted By: >>18474679 >>18474701 >>18474734
I swear to god my pokemon that have max happiness or affection or whatever crit and dodge things more often. My fuckin' piece of shit quacklin with a stick almost never crits with fly (50% chance) but my heracross who doesn't have any increased crit chance crits and dodges stuff oddly often.
Has anyone noticed this or am I imagining it? Don't just look it up on bulbapedia I don't care what they say I want your opinion (they've been wrong before)
ALSO Stunfisk is awesome and cool and fuck the haters.
Has anyone noticed this or am I imagining it? Don't just look it up on bulbapedia I don't care what they say I want your opinion (they've been wrong before)
ALSO Stunfisk is awesome and cool and fuck the haters.