I've got a shiny Aurorus, I'd love to trade it for a shiny Tyrunt/Tyrantum.
>>18475685 Are you willing to part ways with that Altaria for a shiny Ho-Oh?
>>18475685 >posting furfag image Nick 1203-9244-5669
>>18475757 I've already had a shiny Ho-Oh at one point but I guess it'd be better for GTS. What's your FC?
>>18475769 >Implying it wasn't the only shiny pokemon image I have in my inadequate folder. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18475798 Nah it's cool, my shit is gened so you wont' be able to GTS it. Most of the shit I was given is gened.
Got a 6IV shiny Aegislash. Looking for kalos born offers.
Quoted By:
Have Shiny: 5IV Noivern (kb) 3IV HP Grass Mareep (kb) 3IV HP Ice Mareep. (kb) 3IV Mime Jr. (kb) 2IV Aegislash (kb) 2IV Kecleon (kb) 2IV Ditto (kb) 1IV Conkledurr (kb) Shelmet Golett Rotom Pokemon with (kb) next to them are kalos born, looking for competitive kalos-born shinies, namely a slurpuff/swirlix or offers
Quoted By:
I have a shiny level 100 timid Latias that I'm willing to trade for a lower level shiny Latias. (Preferably below level 50)
Quoted By:
>>18475837 i have a shiny probopass or a shiny clauncher id be happy to give both for it cause ive been wanting a shiny aegislash for a long time
king afro 2423 2732 4252
i have a shiny greninja kalos born gardevoir kalos born charmander kalos born dragalge kalos born cofagrigus gengar charizard gliscor drapion klinklang ho-oh giratina im looking for a tepig gensect petilil trevenant and miotic
Shinys I Have: Gligar Gliscor Galvantula 6IV Golurk Braviary Clawitzer Gardevoir Manectric Heracross Cinccino Sigilyph Vanilluxe Marowak Metapod Zoroark Sharpedo Male shiny Combee Bidoof Whismur Wingull 2 kalos born Probopass Shinys I Want: Klefki Honedge line Vulpix or Ninetales(only if it has drought) Toxicroak(only if it has dry skin) Basically these are all trophy shinys and Im willing to part with most of these pretty easily so just give me some offers
king afro 2423 2732 4252
Natt !!hP0RY18gTGP
Quoted By:
i have non-kalos pachirisu,bronzor(heaviball),sneasel,gligar,zangose,
>>18476493 i want your klefki or one of your aegislashs does anything from my list apeal to you
>>18476484 Anonymous
Brennan (3711 - 7726 - 0638) (Dunsparce, Kecleon, Ditto)
Brennan (3711 - 7726 - 0638) (Dunsparce, Kecleon, Ditto) Thu 13 Mar 2014 23:45:17 No. 18476706 Report I have a Kalos Born Metagross. Any offers?
>>18476706 can i have your safari
Shiny Metagross, Bouffalant, Milotic, Castform, and Lake Guardian trio, none are Kalos born. Anyone want 'em?
Brennan (3711 - 7726 - 0638) (Dunsparce, Kecleon, Ditto)
Brennan (3711 - 7726 - 0638) (Dunsparce, Kecleon, Ditto) Thu 13 Mar 2014 23:46:56 No. 18476729 Report >>18476722 sure, I'll add you.
king afro 2423 2732 4252
>>18476727 code i get that milotic
>>18476748 What do you have to offer? I'm mainly looking for 5 IV Egg Move Pokemon, they do not have to be shiny.
king afro 2423 2732 4252
>>18476788 i have a shiny 5iv porygon
king afro 2423 2732 4252
>>18477045 bold dont know if thats any good
Quoted By:
>>18477103 It would be if you were shooting for Porygon-2. What's the missing IV in?
Quoted By:
>>18477103 Sounds good enough for me, I'll take it. IGN is Artalias, FC is 0447 5910 1026.
I'll be adding you now.
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Fri 14 Mar 2014 00:17:39 No. 18477157 Report Shinies, all Kalos-Bred: 3IV Dragonite / Inner Focus / Adamant 3IV Magnezone (HP Fire) / Magnet Pull / Modest 3IV Mudkip / Torrent / Relaxed 3IV Ralts (F) / Synchronize / Modest 3IV Rhyperior / Solid Rock / Adamant 4IV Aegislash / Brave 4IV Darmantian / Sheer Force / Jolly 4IV Lilligant / Own Tempo / Modest 5IV Amaura / Refrigerate / Modest 5IV Aurorus / Refrigerate / Modest 5IV Espeon / Synchronize / Timid 5IV Fletchling (nicknamed Amelia, can change) / Gale Wings / Adamant 5IV Gliscor / Poison Heal / Impish 5IV Sceptile / Unburden / Timid 5IV Sylveon / Cute Charm / Timid 5IV Umbreon (Wish, Curse) / Synchronize / Jolly 6IV Goomy (Counter, Acid Armor, Iron Tail, Curse) / Gooey / Modest 6IV Larvesta / Flame Body / Timid 6IV Noivern / Infiltrator / Timid 6IV Volcarona / Flame Body / Timid Also have: Non-shiny 2IV Smeargle with Happy Hour, Celebrate, and Pokérus LF: Offers, 5/6IV XY Legends, 5/6IV Shiny Furfrou
>>18477157 Anything from muh list
>>18476493 interest you? I'm mostly interested in your Sylveon and Amaura.
French |4613-7530-4304|
hey guys. posting my list Aromatisse Crustle Poliwhirl Dunsparce Relicanth Rapidash Alomomola Gyrados Seaking Pelliper Octillery Tentacruel all are kalos born except Rapidash.
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Fri 14 Mar 2014 00:21:28 No. 18477211 Report >>18477180 Amaura for Klefki?
Nick 1203-9244-5669
>>18476444 I've got a Trevenant for your Gardevoir.
>>18477182 What'd you want specifically for Relicanth or Octillery?
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Fri 14 Mar 2014 00:24:24 No. 18477262 Report >>18477255 Post your fc and we'll trade
3067 5639 3615
Have: Kecleon Braxien Kricketune Second Gen Beasts (event/japanese) Sunflora Vaporeon Want: Furfrou, +Attack natured Charmander line, offers
king afro 2423 2732 4252
Quoted By:
>>18477234 alright adding you now
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18477274 Info on Braixen?
king afro 2423 2732 4252
>>18477274 i have a charmander could i get a raikou
3067 5639 3615
>>18477296 Timid, caught it in the Safari.
>>18477310 What are its 31's in?
3067 5639 3615
Well Zack, my DS died. If you're still on in 30 minutes I'll trade you again.
French |4613-7530-4304|
>>18477234 Venomoth for Octillery?
Relicanth for Chespin?
3067 5639 3615
Quoted By:
>>18477324 Special Attack and Attack.
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Fri 14 Mar 2014 00:31:21 No. 18477408 Report >>18477368 Alright, I'll be hatching eggs
Todd 2509-1040-9383
Everything but the vespiqueen is up for grabs none are made for combat but i'll post stats if you ask.
king afro 2423 2732 4252
Nick 1203-9244-5669
>>18477412 Are all of them Kalos born?
If so I'd like details on Rotom, Goodra, and any Combee.
3067 5639 3615
Quoted By:
>>18477456 No thanks, sorry
Todd 2509-1040-9383
>>18477457 All kalos born.
Any idea what youwant to trade for them?
IGN Waxer king afro 2423 2732 4252
Quoted By:
>>18477412 would you take a cofagrigus for that rotom
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:22:30 No. 18478624 Report Quoted By:
>>18478580 Give me a few minutes, then I'll be ready
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:26:37 No. 18478723 Report Quoted By:
>>18478580 Sorry, gotta trade with someone else real quick
French |4613-7530-4304|
Quoted By:
>>18477369 nick, you still here?
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:30:25 No. 18478806 Report Quoted By:
Nick 1203-9244-5669
Quoted By:
>>18477548 Sorry for taking so long
Take a look at my list and see what you like?
>>18477369 I got a Relicanth off GTS just now so I'm good.
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
So I have: 6iv non kalos eevee 5iv non-kalos shellos adamant non kalos entei Kalos Politoed Kalos Audino Nicknamed Timid Dragalge 3Iv Naive Greninja Modest Malmar Looking for: Offers, i like bugs specifically
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
>>18477182 Stats on Tentacruel and Crustle? interested in anything
>>18479261 Anonymous
Quoted By:
I have a shiny Furfrou and I wanna trade it for a shiny Pancham. Anyone?
Mike 4871 3702 1838
>>18477369 I have a shiny Relicanth if you want to trade it for Chespin.
Ign: Silve 1607-2788-4992
Have Shiny: 5IV Noivern (kb) 3IV HP Grass Mareep (kb) 3IV HP Ice Mareep. (kb) 3IV Mime Jr. (kb) 2IV Aegislash (kb) 2IV Kecleon (kb) 2IV Ditto (kb) 1IV Conkledurr (kb) Shelmet Golett Rotom Pokemon with (kb) next to them are kalos born, looking for competitive kalos-born shinies or offers
>>18479483 >offering the most common fishing shiny for something that was probably obtained via breeding does anyone else find it funny that the amount of shiny relicanth on the gts almost outnumber the regular ones?
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
Quoted By:
>>18477412 stats on meowstick and syther, interested in anything
>>18479261 Mike 4871 3702 1838
>>18479548 Hey he just offered someone else a trade for it a couple posts above.
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
>>18479536 stats on shelmet aegi and golett? interested in anything?
>>18479261 Ign: Silve 1607-2788-4992
Quoted By:
>>18479586 aegis is lonely with attack and spatk i believe, golett is calm with no perfect ivs and shelmet is lax with no perfect ivs
>>18479575 checking his list he already has relicanth and was looking to trade that for chespin, not trade a chespin for a relicanth.
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
>>18479586 would you be willing to trade all 3 for entei greninja and something else on my list?
Mike 4871 3702 1838
Quoted By:
>>18479640 Shit you're right. My bad dude.
Ign: Silve 1607-2788-4992
>>18479690 i don't need entei, but i'll do all 3 for the greninja and malamar if you like
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
>>18479760 that sounds good i'll add you now, do you mind if i trade you a karrablast for the shelmet so it evolves?
Ign: Silve 1607-2788-4992
Quoted By:
>>18479825 i don't mind, i was going to suggest the same thing
French |4613-7530-4304|
Quoted By:
>>18479285 greninja and audino?
Shinies for trade: Helioptile, Blisset, Magmar, Gloom, Swoobat, Adamant Scizor
Quoted By:
>>18481182 Stats on the helioptile?
>>18481182 Mild nature (+ sp atk, - def), 31s in def and speed, HA Solar Power. Im OT so its nicknamable.
>>18481337 Anything from
>>18476493 interest you?
>>18481424 Can you confirm any of you pokemon were not instachecked or hacked? A truck load of 6IV shinies seems suspicious.
Quoted By:
>>18481532 Shiny trading has been a hobby of mine since I bought the game when it came out, so it's taken some time to amass my collection. Although I did participate near the end of Instacheck before it died I've traded all of those away a long time ago (didn't have many to begin with). I'm not sure what you mean by hacked, but I've never asked anyone to user an AR to change my mons to shiny because of the messed up trash bytes.
Quoted By:
I have: Shiny Meganium and shiny Emolga Looking for offers
>>18475685 Where is that image from again? I know there's a whole set, but reverse image search turns up empty.
>>18487430 It's from
a tumblr blog Anonymous
Nick 1203-9244-5669
Quoted By:
>>18481182 I'd be interested in the Helioptile and Scizor, check my list?
>>18487430 >>18487508 >>18487551 Please, I need to know this too because of reasons.
Quoted By:
Shinys i have: 1 Meganium 2 Emolgas 1 Octillery Hard to let go Drifblim Amparos Gardevoir LF offers
Quoted By:
>>18488085 I tried, but neither Google, nor Tineye or Saucenao gave me anything.
Thank you.
>>18488085 D'aww, such a cute, little Umbreon ^__^ ~~~~~
...w-wait! OH GOD! Why is there PENISES EVERYWHERE??!?!?? >______<"""
Fucking furries. Anonymous
>>18488354 I'm more bothered by the possible lack of irony in that post.
Quoted By:
>>18488446 It raises a valid point though.
Why do so many furries create cute, little, innocent, kawaii-as-fuck characters just to sexualize them to no end the next minute?
It's almost as if they are incapable of seeing any other point than sexual gratification in anything whatsoever.
Ign: Silve 1607-2788-4992
Quoted By:
Have Shiny: 5IV Noivern (kb) 3IV competitive HP Grass Mareep (kb) 3IV (possibly) competetive HP Ice Mareep. (kb) 3IV Mime Jr. (kb) 3IV Greninja (kb) 2IV Kecleon (kb) 2IV Ditto (kb) 1IV Conkledurr (kb) Malamar (kb) Rotom Pokemon with (kb) next to them are kalos born, looking for competitive kalos-born shinies or offers
Elettra - 1693 1648 1234
>>18476493 Hey, are you around?
>>18491745 Yup. What's up.
Elettra - 1693 1648 1234
>>18491844 I'd love that Shiny Klefki, Goodra, Slurpuff, Aegislash if not nicked and Metagross.
Can offer shiny HA hasty Frogadier HP ice EV trained, Shiny HA impish Chespin lev. 1 with Curse, spikes, synthesis and quick guard, shiny Monsoon Timid Vivillon EV trained, shiny pentaperfect modest Clauncher EV trained, Shiny pentaperfect Calm Skrelp lev. 1.
Elettra - 1693 1648 1234
Quoted By:
>>18491993 I forgot to write on them all, but they are all competitive.
>>18491993 >those offers The hexaperfect Aegi is not nicknamed. It, along with Goodra and Metagross (traded Klefki earlier to Zack), are all things I would offer for Clauncher, Skrelp and possibly Chespin depending on its IV situation.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
my shinies to trade away: Charmander 5iv Piplup 5iv Squirtle 5iv Magby 5iv Cyndaquil 5iv Elekid 6iv Bulbasaur 31/18/23/30/30/30 and you can nickname it
Nick 1203-9244-5669
>>18492135 They're all kalos-born I assume?
Anything on my list you like?
Elettra - 1693 1648 1234
>>18492129 Chespin is hexaperfect.
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross){1928}{1710}
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross){1928}{1710} Fri 14 Mar 2014 23:10:21 No. 18492218 Report >>18492135 Deets on that bulbasaur? (Kalos born, gender, egg moves, nature)
>>18492165 W-would you do a 3:3?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18492163 Yup
I dont have bagon or deino yet
>>18492218 kalos born, male, leaf storm and giga drain, modest
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross){1928}{1710}
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross){1928}{1710} Fri 14 Mar 2014 23:13:11 No. 18492258 Report >>18492241 What would you want for the little guy?
Elettra - 1693 1648 1234
>>18492223 Of course! Just checking Chespin to be sure it's actually hexa and then adding you!
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18492258 probably something I dont have that has good ivs
>>18492261 there isnt anyway that it wouldnt be hexa
Nick 1203-9244-5669
>>18492241 I would love the Elekid and Bulbasaur, if you'd be up for it. I'd like it nicknamed Hemlock if you could. If someone else has a better offer on it, I'd take Piplup if it's okay with you.
Elettra - 1693 1648 1234
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross){1928}{1710}
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross){1928}{1710} Fri 14 Mar 2014 23:19:17 No. 18492334 Report Quoted By:
>>18492272 Didn't notice it was you kacy. Hop on steam and we can negotiate Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18492297 thats what I said lol
>>18492280 You were first, so you get dibs
Nick 1203-9244-5669
Quoted By:
>>18492336 Alright cool. I'll add you right now.
Elettra - 1693 1648 1234
>>18492336 Yeah sorry, I realized later I misread.
Have Shiny: 5IV Noivern (kb) 3IV competitive HP Grass Mareep (kb) 3IV HP Ice Mareep. (kb) 3IV Mime Jr. (kb) 3IV Greninja (kb) 2IV Kecleon (kb) 2IV Ditto (kb) 1IV Conkledurr (kb) Malamar (kb) Rotom Pokemon with (kb) next to them are kalos born, looking for competitive kalos-born shinies or offers
Nick 1203-9244-5669
>>18492336 Thanks a bunch!
>>18492411 Take a look at my list? (Minus Deino, Bagon, and Trevenant)
>>18492411 6IV shiny aegislash for the Malamar?
Ign: Silve 1607-2788-4992
Quoted By:
>>18492438 nothing on that list interests me sorry.
>>18492446 the malamar is little more than a trophy shiny but if you still want it sure
>>18492358 Thanks man, you helped me a bunch today.
Elettra - 1693 1648 1234
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
>>18492411 is that noivern timid with switcheroo? would you take a shiny 6iv scolipede for it or a 3iv shiny tyrantrum
Ign: Silve 1607-2788-4992
>>18492944 it is and no thank you
Nick 1203-9244-5669
New list! (KB) Dedenne, Amoonguss, Dunsparce, Clauncher, Venomoth, Zoroark, Chespin, Skiddo, Pancham, Cacturne, Swanna, Golem, Tyranitar, Gyarados, Skarmory. (NKB) Feebas, Spearow, Dratini, Tropius, Gligar, Seviper, Vaporeon, Liepard, Rattata, Quilava, Leafeon, Altaria, Grimer, Shellos (both colors), Bisharp, Zubat
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
>>18492974 what about a 6iv modest ha goomy with egg moves
Ign: Silve 1607-2788-4992
Quoted By:
>>18493169 already have one
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Sat 15 Mar 2014 02:33:22 No. 18495094 Report For trade:
Nidoran male
Looking for Dedenne and Swirlix, offers are welcome. Everything on my list is Kalos born
>>18492411 >>18493025 Interested in the Dedennen from nick and the 3v Mareeps. Do either of you see anything you'd like? I'll be back in like 15 minutes to give info if you need it
>>18495094 details on the gogoat/skiddo?
Ruka 5386 8418 7302
Anyone interested in this Pichu(Leftovers included)? I'll trade it for (almost) any 4IV Kalos born Pokemon.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Sat 15 Mar 2014 02:52:06 No. 18495332 Report >>18495298 both were found wild, so no great stats. The Gogoat is Jolly, i think EV trained but no 31s, whereas the Skiddo is Brave with 31 in sp.def. Was gunna use him as bulky trick roomer.
Neither are very competitively viable though
>>18495332 and the pangoro/pancham?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Sat 15 Mar 2014 02:58:57 No. 18495436 Report >>18495350 the pancham has pretty good IVs, but a lonely nature/ mold breaker.
31 / 23, 24, 25 / 26 - 30 / 28 - 30 / 11, 12, 13 / 31
>>18495436 eh i'll have to pass on both sorry
Joey !Li/gPozVD2
Quoted By:
>>18475685 What's the gender on that Trevenant?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:03:18 No. 18495501 Report Quoted By:
IGN Chris 2380 2722 2521
>>18495314 Any? Or any 4IV shiny Kalos Pokemon?
Ruka 5386 8418 7302
Quoted By:
>>18495574 Oh, sorry. Yeah, shiny kalos 4 IV pokemon. 3 IV would do too if it has the essential IVs.
Ruka 5386 8418 7302
Just hatched this one. Will trade it for other 4/5IV Kalos shinies.
>>18496221 You can nickname it right?
Ruka 5386 8418 7302
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18496256 ill offer either a hawklucha or an espurr for it. 5iv
Ruka 5386 8418 7302
>>18496359 How's espurr like?(lv, nature)
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18496399 missin atk. bold female
Shinys i have: 1 Meganium 2 Emolgas 1 Octillery Hard to let go Drifblim Amparos Gardevoir LF offers
Ruka 5386 8418 7302
>>18496409's the hawlucha, then?
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18496503 ada, unburden. missin def
Ruka 5386 8418 7302
>>18496608 Alright, hawlucha it is. Adding you. Want a nickname on the magikarp?
Leon 5327-1587-4109
Quoted By:
>>18496639 yep ill add you in just a sec.
name it 'Dis'
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress)
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:17:23 No. 18496707 Report Does anyone have a spare 6IV Jap shiny ditto. I have a friend who really needs one. All i have for offer is a shiny Chesnaught. 4 Iv's in everything but Special attack and Speed. Adamant nature, no bulletproof sadly. If anyone has one it would really help.
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18496639 thanks!
hope its to ur likin
Ruka 5386 8418 7302
Quoted By:
>>18496804 Thank you! Yes, it was a nice trade.
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18496707 Yup, i got one.
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress)
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:28:02 No. 18496879 Report Quoted By:
>>18496872 Awesome ill add ya now.
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress)
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:31:48 No. 18496944 Report >>18496872 Do you need it named or anything?
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18496944 Wait, are you the OT?
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress)
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:35:13 No. 18497005 Report >>18496988 Yes. I could rename it for ya if you want. (I was unlucky in it
breeding )
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18497005 Alright, could I have it renamed to Chesnaught?
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress)
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:38:00 No. 18497026 Report >>18497015 Ya sure. Sorry about that
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18497026 No probs, just hit me with the trade request when you're free. Hope you friend enjoys Bike Sim 2014.
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress)
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:40:21 No. 18497056 Report Quoted By:
>>18497039 Sure thing. This ditto is actually for a friend who was really in need for one, and I promised him I would get him it. So its more bike Sim 2014 for someone else, ive already been on this ride for too long.
Brennan (3711 - 7726 - 0638) (Dunsparce, Kecleon, Ditto) !QUVegthE4o
Brennan (3711 - 7726 - 0638) (Dunsparce, Kecleon, Ditto) !QUVegthE4o Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:58:31 No. 18497266 Report Quoted By:
Anyone want a shiny Metagross? Kalos Born of course
Quoted By:
>>18496442 is meganium kalos born?
Quoted By:
>>18476444 Hey king I only have a shiny golduck, but could I get that shiny charmander for a giritina? if so let me know
Quoted By:
>>18477157 I can give you a yveltal(not shiny) for that mudkip
Quoted By:
>>18477412 what do you want for an Evee
Hi there, my list is pic related (Frogadier has HP Fire). Looking for 6th gen shinies, better if competitive.
>>18500187 Forgetting list.
Will 0619 4548 4976
Quoted By:
>>18493169 I'll trade you one big hug for all of your pokemon
Randy 4055-4010-4564
Quoted By:
>Gardevoir >Salamence >Porygon-Z >Mudkip >Castform >Glaceon >Umbreon >Latios >Suicune All except Latios, Glaceon, and Suicune are from Gen V trades, Latios and Glaceon are from Gen VI and Suicune is from the Gen IV event. Will check stats upon request, looking for offers, mainly nicknamables.
ign Rodrigo 5112-3455-3108
I have a nicknamable 5IVs brave Honedge (-spd) and a 6IVs Jolly Bagon w/ dd (kalos born). Looking for competitive Kalos born shinies
Elettra- 1693 1648 1234
>>18500656 I'd love that Bagon. See
>>18500193 ign Rodrigo 5112-3455-3108
Elettra- 1693 1648 1234
>>18500670 Alright! Adding you now.
ign Rodrigo 5112-3455-3108
Elettra- 1693 1648 1234
anyone need anything cloned, i got muh powersaves yesterday
Elettra- 1693 1648 1234
>>18500749 Do you have any 6th gen shinies?
>>18500756 i have a legit Inkay, Talonflame, fletchling and greninja. also a 3iv gardevoir. plus a charmander, quilladin and froakie, last 3 are shinified tho
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>>18500767 and a bunch of other shones of which i either dont know the ancestry or theyre gen'd
Elettra- 1693 1648 1234
>>18500767 May I have that Inkay? Here's my list, if you need anything
>>18500193 ign Rodrigo 5112-3455-3108
>>18500767 Is Talon competitive?
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>18500782 yup, theyre all competitive
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
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>>18500794 also theyre on my X cartridge so dont add this ID
ign Rodrigo 5112-3455-3108
>>18500794 Would you take a 5IVs brave Honedge (-spd) for it? It also can be nicknamed
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>18500775 Balmung pls, ill return you one if you want
also does Balmong mean anything i should know about? i faced a french player with a greninja named "kuttekop" the other day which means cuntface in dutch
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
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>>18500797 pls name it Ulfberht
ign Rodrigo 5112-3455-3108
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Ok, I'll add you
Elettra- 1693 1648 1234
>>18500806 That's fine, and I have PS myself so you can keep it. Googled the name a few days ago, it's the name of a Sword from Castlevania.
What's the FC I have to add?
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
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k so rodrigo - talon elettra - inkay anyone else need something?
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
gonna clone em now, switching to my windows comp brb. (im on a mac now) and just add this ID, i cant be arsed to check my X version id and friendcode
ign Rodrigo 5112-3455-3108
>>18500838 Just ask for trade when ready.
Could I ask you to shinify one Charmander for me?
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>18500852 sure, i can also just clone you a shiny charizard if ya like
ign Rodrigo 5112-3455-3108
>>18500877 Tks a lot! Just shinify my Charmander, it's all right.
I'll pass both Honedge and him to you than
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>18500891 K Rodrigo you're up, TR coming in 2 secs. Elettra pls add me back
Elettra- 1693 1648 1234
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>18500972 cool, ill trade you the Inkay and shinify Rodrigo's immediately after that
ign Rodrigo 5112-3455-3108
>>18500977 Tks a lot, just ask me back when ready.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
Elettra- 1693 1648 1234
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
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>shiny inkay really looks like shit btw kekekek
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>18500993 you're welcome
>dat passerby Elettra tho haha neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
shinifying your charmander now Rodrigo, TR coming in a few minutes
Elettra- 1693 1648 1234
>>18501006 It's because you went online on the gane before I added you back. It's a bug, sortof.
ign Rodrigo 5112-3455-3108
>>18501014 Tks a lot.
Would you prefer a event Genesect or a event extreme speed pikachu back?
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>18501016 oooh, i get it. since Ace traded via acquaintances too i thought your list was full as well
Elettra- 1693 1648 1234
>>18501025 Well, I think it'd be some pain in the ass finding you among the passersby. And I don't think that ALL people that are now online are shown there
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>18501023 i think i have the 'sect already but id like the Pikabro
ign Rodrigo 5112-3455-3108
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I'll give a shiny Nosepass to whoever can give me an Everstone and one good IV pokemon that is NOT shiny. Make your bids, and I'll find my FC
ign Rodrigo 5112-3455-3108
>>18501041 >>18501052 Tks a lot both of you, it was a really good errand here today. You were very friendly
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
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>>18501140 you're very welcome brah
Elettra- 1693 1648 1234
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>>18501140 Thanks to you too!