Vania 0791 1491 6389
I currently have my spreadsheet in the email field if someone wants something from it. I'm currently filling everything out so it'll take awhile.
Quoted By:
>>18478100 We've been over this - they enjoy our suffering. Same reason you can request event legends on the GTS even though they can't actually be traded over the GTS.
Quoted By:
Still giving away: Safari Ball Pinsir (Jolly 4–5IV) 7x Male (6 Hyper Cutter, 1 Mold Breaker) 7x Female (all Hyper Cutter) Egg Moves: Me First. Quick Attack, Feint, Close Combat Moon Ball Mr. Mime (Bold 4–5IV) 9x Male (8 Soundproof, 1 Filter) 1x Female (Filter, needs to relearn egg moves) Egg Moves: Icy Wind, Fake Out, Nasty Plot, Teeter Dance I also have a female Mold Breaker Pinsir without egg moves that I have no need for. Korean, 5 IV and in a Poké Ball. Please specify which ability/gender you want and put up a disc.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:06:54 No. 18478236 Report Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Random Mini-Giveway
>1 Shiny Rayquaza w/ V-Create (Muh illegality) >1 Shiny Groudon >1 Shiny Kyogre >3 Shiny 6ivs Ditto First to come first to serve
>>18478124 Glad to see you, i think you were kill, can you help me to see if a Flame body heatran can be traded online?
Quoted By:
does anyone have a HA slurpuff with bold or careful nature? that would be awesome
Zach 2766-9068-1856 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbacle)
Zach 2766-9068-1856 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbacle) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:08:04 No. 18478270 Report >>18478252 I want the rayquaza
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:08:25 No. 18478279 Report Quoted By:
>>18478252 Id take but you ready gave me that ditto so :/
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama)
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:08:29 No. 18478281 Report >>18478252 I'd like the Groudon if nobody has claimed it yet.
Amera 5386 7349 5742(Wooper, Nincada, Palpitoad)
Amera 5386 7349 5742(Wooper, Nincada, Palpitoad) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:08:31 No. 18478283 Report
>>18478252 can i have kyogre?
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:08:47 No. 18478291 Report >>18478252 >disc is up in Rinneth's giveaway WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:08:56 No. 18478294 Report >>18478252 Can I take a ditto please?
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>18478236 You put up a disc for disc, please reupload
>>18478252 Can I have the Kyogre?
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:09:01 No. 18478301 Report Zach 2766-9068-1856 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbacle)
Zach 2766-9068-1856 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbacle) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:09:06 No. 18478303 Report Quoted By:
>>18478252 >>18478270 I'm guessing it can't be used online though?
Vania 0791 1491 6389
Quoted By:
>>18478252 I was here yesterday lol and sure just send trade
Also, my pastebin. I can breed more of everything, but it will have to wait. I think I'll breed more Tyrunt once I'm finished with these Chespin.
Yes, you can have it. Just tell me what you want, and when you have a disc up.
Quoted By:
>>18478168 Hey, I still have a 'disc up for a female sport ball Scyther
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>Only discs for reshirams and zekrom this is gonna be slow guys
Zach 2766-9068-1856 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbacle)
Zach 2766-9068-1856 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbacle) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:13:11 No. 18478393 Report Quoted By:
>>18478381 I will pull my Reshiram disc for the Rayquaza
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18478287 Send you are the only disc i can see until now
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:14:24 No. 18478430 Report Quoted By:
>>18478381 Also, yeah, i would want that Cleffable i told you.... and maybe the one you suggest. So, when you´re free from this giveaway... plz. Also, can we direct trade when Cresselia?
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
Quoted By:
Im doing friend ball bulbasaur, will come with females leftovers shortly
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:14:38 No. 18478436 Report >>18478404 You willing to give and hold for me or no?
Quoted By:
>>18478404 Thanks already got the pink beauty.
Peter 2809 - 8288 - 9758
I still have a fuckton of garden vivillon scatterbugs if anyone wants them? at least 5ivs, timid nature 1 box of males with shield dust 1 box of females with shield dust 9 males with compound eyes (well 8 if the guy who wanted me to save him one is still here?) 3 females with compound eyes also if anyone wants them I have a couple of female pentaperfect Jolly farfetch'ds (4 with keen eye and one with inner focus)
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18478294 You don't need to ask, disc up bro?
>>18478349 Discing up for Chespin in about twenty minutes, thanks.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Zach 2766-9068-1856 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbacle)
Zach 2766-9068-1856 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbacle) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:16:18 No. 18478474 Report Quoted By:
>>18478404 Disc is up for
>>18478460 Sure, let me know when it's up.
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:16:46 No. 18478485 Report Quoted By:
>>18478469 no, it is. im sorreh
>>18478349 I would like a Klefki, please! 'Disc is up, IGN is Artalias, thank you in advance.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18478298 No more kyogres right now sorry
>>18478281 Send
>>18478443 I'd like the Inner Focus Farfetch'd once I'm done with those legends.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:17:31 No. 18478502 Report Quoted By:
Marris 1822-0989-6139 (Ledyba, Illminus, Heracross)
Marris 1822-0989-6139 (Ledyba, Illminus, Heracross) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:17:32 No. 18478504 Report >>18478252 is the groudon still available?
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:17:43 No. 18478507 Report >>18478443 I'm the guy who wanted one CE male LOL. So... how we doing this? My disc is busy on Rinneth's giveaway.
>>18478480 It'll be about seventeen minutes from now.
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama)
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:18:38 No. 18478528 Report >>18478495 I love you. Groudon is my bro, now he's shiny and awesome.
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
>>18478349 says it has been removed?
>>18478494 Sent.
>>18478525 That's awfully precise, what are you up to?
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18478546 I'm just very good at estimating times.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18478504 >>18478301 >>18478298 >>18478283 No more right now sorry guys.
>>18478528 Sure hope you like it
Quoted By:
>>18478538 Try again? I may have been editing it.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
>>18478349 I would love a skrelp,
Disking up.
Peter 2809 - 8288 - 9758
>>18478507 I will save you one man no worries I'm trying for one of rinneth's zekroms right now too
>>18478496 sure thing, I will save it for you
Zach 2766-9068-1856 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbacle)
Zach 2766-9068-1856 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbacle) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:21:16 No. 18478597 Report Quoted By:
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18478554 No, pls kill and stay kill.
Don't worry bro, all is fine; how's your giveaway? if you need help just tell me 2 MOAR 6IVS DITTOS. should i WT them?
Quoted By:
>>18478606 any adamant one?
>>18478546 >>18478558 Activating the doomsday device.
Amera 5386 7349 5742(Wooper, Nincada, Palpitoad)
Amera 5386 7349 5742(Wooper, Nincada, Palpitoad) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:23:03 No. 18478638 Report Brandon 1177-8023-7095
Quoted By:
>>18478606 I have you on friends list can I just trade you? Or must it be GTS?
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18478606 It's doing okay. Got to find those people who place their disc up early so they can have their stuff ASAP.
>>18478124 5iv male w/ rockhead????????
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
>>18478606 discing up for a 6IV ditto what nature?
>3 females in one batch Then where are the guys who wants my phanpys, Lyra and Twitchy?
>>18478637 That's a hell of a warm up time, your typical JRPG protagonist will have that shut down way before then.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Amera 5386 7349 5742(Wooper, Nincada, Palpitoad)
Amera 5386 7349 5742(Wooper, Nincada, Palpitoad) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:25:29 No. 18478693 Report Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18478654 whats your in game name?
>>18478677 >implying I can't stall them with a battle where I reveal multiple forms after being "beaten" Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Quoted By:
>>18478693 Sent grill, it's marked as 4 but is 6
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
>>18478679 just one minute my interwebs is messing up... sorry :(
Adrian {2148-9558-6371}
>>18478589 Sent.
>>18478697 That's what they all think, but then the power of friendship kicks in and there go all your plans for world dominance.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18478725 Yup don't worry
Vania can we check the hacked heatran thing pls?
Also i have a cress and darkrai waiting for you
>>18478349 Will disc up for Klefki.
Quoted By:
>>18478100 not the nasoshi alomomola
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
Kanrabat --- Friend code: 0619-4948-9972 IGN: Veronica
Kanrabat --- Friend code: 0619-4948-9972 IGN: Veronica Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:28:11 No. 18478759 Report Quoted By:
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / 6IV DITTOS Not to be an ass, but I think my humble request is in the spirit of the thread. I just want a REGIGIGAS to complete my golem trio. So, I put up a shiny lovedisk. Any taker? (Also, add me for safari!)
>>18478751 Sure, you get the last one.
>>18478677 But this is real life, not a JRPG.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Does anyone have a red/ blue flabebe leftover pls? Need them to complete muh autism collection
Gabriel 0275 8678 6502 (swadloon quilladin sunkern)
Gabriel 0275 8678 6502 (swadloon quilladin sunkern) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:29:39 No. 18478790 Report >>18478349 a chespin please
>>18478768 Waiting for Rinneth to fetch my disc, will put up yours right afterward.
>>18478776 >implying a doomsday device or multiple forms is "real life" >>18478790 >>18478812 Of course
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
>>18478750 disc is up....! Thx
Abe 5043-2955-5541
>>18478349 Disc is up for Chespin.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:33:00 No. 18478861 Report Quoted By:
>>18478787 Haha. I still have need of flabebes, deerlings, and vivillons to complete my living forme dex. (And a keldeo, if anyone has a spare)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:33:08 No. 18478863 Report Quoted By:
Hey Meggs, were you still going to trade with me after the Darkrai? Sorry if I quit the trade too early.
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18478736 Did you put one up? If so I think it might have gotten sniped since I can't find yours.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18478832 >implying doomsday devices or cloning isn't possible. Flash
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
Quoted By:
>>18478892 awesome.... all the natures of dittos ... all the natures~!!!!!
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:37:05 No. 18478942 Report Quoted By:
I need some disc. Anyone needs Shed Sking Dratini with ExtremeSpeed, Dragon Dance and Aqua Jet? (adamant both). Also, Male is -Def, female -def - sdef (This is a mini giveaway of the ones i'm gonna release, just need some discs)
Adrian {2148-9558-6371}
>>18478869 sorry new to this. :) put up quickball, female clefairy just now . thanks
Quoted By:
>>18478790 >>18478843 Sent.
>>18478908 I got to admit, an rpg that satirized the modern world/politics would be pretty interesting. As long as it made fun of everything, not just pushed some sort of agenda.
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:37:35 No. 18478954 Report Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18478946 put a luvdisc up
Quoted By:
Chespin seems awfully popular today.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18478252 Hi. Sorry, I was making the list.
Lucario: Gender: Female Shiny: Yes Ability: Inner Focus Nature: Modest IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 Ball: Moon Ball EVs: 252 Special Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP Moves: Aura Sphere, Bullet Punch, High Jump Kick, Flash Cannon Azumarill: Gender: Female Shiny: Yes Ability: Huge Power Nature: Adamant IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 Ball: Friend Ball EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def Moves: Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, Super Power, Play Rough Ampharos: Gender: Female Shiny: Yes Ability: Static Nature: Modest IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 Ball: Love Ball EVs: 120 Def, 252 SAtk, 136 Spd Moves: Agility, Thunderbolt, Hidden Power [Ice], Electric Terrain Whimsicott: Gender: Female Shiny: Yes Ability: Prankster Nature: Calm IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 Ball: Moon Ball EVs: 252 HP, 128 Def, 128 SDef Moves: Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Cotton Guard, Moonblast As for Keldeo, as long as he has Secret Sword, that should be fine.
Thanks for doing this. If you have any suggestions or improvements, please tell me.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Quoted By:
>>18478651 I know that pain
>>18478910 Sent.
>>18478954 If you calm down with the question marks, yes. You get the last one.
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
still have boxes of eevees same as before...
>>18478979 Nest Ball Eevees?
Adrian {2148-9558-6371}
>>18478958 Alright , thanks man. [= have a good one
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18478967 don't worry. you'll be here in a hour until i ... catch them?
Vania 0791 1491 6389
Quoted By:
>>18479005 No problem. Just from now put luvdisc if anyone is going to trade you.
>>18478996 >actually making a list of everything you have I need to do this, but what a pain.
>>18478996 I want a Klefki from you later.
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
>>18479003 yes all of them with either 4 or 5 IVs ... adaptability anticipation run away... egg moves charm wish yawn and curse... males and females tell me what you want and ill tell you if i have it
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:42:56 No. 18479035 Report >>18478973 haha sorry man didn't mean to sound edgy ok discing up ^-^
Marris 1822-0989-6139 (Ledyba, Illminus, Heracross)
Marris 1822-0989-6139 (Ledyba, Illminus, Heracross) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:43:23 No. 18479042 Report >>18478349 Ill take a skrelp
Disc is up
Quoted By:
>>18478595 Disc is up for Farfetch'd. Thanks.
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:45:02 No. 18479061 Report >>18478996 Too much of this is similar too mine. I need to stop leeching off you :|
>>18478996 Yo that magnet MITE be of interest to me
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18479013 Yep, I'll be here.
Oh, and could you set their levels at 50, if that's possible? I'd like to level them up.
Mopeto 4983-5825-7831 {2387} !MOPETO5Zcs
>>18479062 I have your ground one now :3
>>18479042 Sent.
>>18479035 No problem, also sent.
>>18479062 Stop.
>>18479061 Some of this is common.
>>18479025 I'm getting it over with. Looking for Penta stuff first.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Can't wait for dead hours to come, so i can do the cresselia giveaway >>18479073 Gib ID NAME AND NUMBER
>>18479028 Oh I want a female, I need Leafeon in my life someday. Gimme a minute to put my disc up for a female eevee.
Axithane (0490-6267-6757)
>>18479085 Just wondering, what would it take for you to "catch" a pokemon for me?
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
Got 5 Chlorophyll 5iv female Bulbasaurs in friend ball, nows giga drain & amnesia.
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
>>18479088 please take as many as you wish... i have boxes upon boxes of them... and what ability do you wish... they are all of Timid Nature as well
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:50:16 No. 18479117 Report
>>18479108 I'll grab one, thanks!
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18479101 You'll need to become my waifu for the rest of your life
Just a thanks i guess Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18479085 I'm not a genning expert. Where would I find my ID name and number? Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion)
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion) Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:50:49 No. 18479128 Report >>18479108 disc up for this
>>18479116 Anticipation pls. Disc is up, thanks :)
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>18479108 Disc up, thanks.
Quoted By:
>>18479074 Oh thanks so much, i totally forgot about it! Lemme go catch a Heart Scale real quick
>>18479078 make me Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18479126 Your IGN and id number for example Anon 12345 Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Fri 14 Mar 2014 01:53:28 No. 18479157 Report >>18479126 In pokemon bank, on a pokemon you banked from whichever real game you are pretending you caught the genned mon from.
Mack 2294-5355-4315
>>18479108 Would it be too much to ask for you to hold one for me? I have a disk up for Rinneth's giveaway at the moment, but it's really love one of those Bulbasaurs. Thanks.
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18479108 Any Bulba left?
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
Mack 2294-5355-4315
>>18479108 Aaaaand now we're discing up.
Axithane (0490-6267-6757)
Quoted By:
>>18479124 Could I possibly get a
Whimsicott: Gender: Female Shiny: Yes Ability: Prankster Nature: Bold IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 Ball: Love Ball EVs: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 SpAtk. Moves: Taunt, Leech Seed, Encore, Moonblast IGN: Axithane ID: 35396 Please? I will love you forever :D
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18479150 >>18479157 OH. Thanks for clarifying.
OT: Catherine
ID No.: 17929
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:00:20 No. 18479250 Report Quoted By:
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:02:32 No. 18479277 Report Quoted By:
>>18479240 Theres too many from your list i want but i shall bother you some other time
>>18479074 Mopeto, your disc is goin up.
Mack 2294-5355-4315
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18479225 Lucario and ampharos are done
working on the rest
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
What is the average for hatching shiny in pokemon x and y?
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:07:50 No. 18479351 Report >>18478313 You still around? ill put ma disc for disc now
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu]
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu] Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:08:11 No. 18479355 Report >>18479238 Hey kouji, got that phanpy ready man?
Mopeto 4983-5825-7831 {2387} !MOPETO5Zcs
Ambit 2852-8935-4522
Quoted By:
Any wish eevee's or dittos for trade? Just started playing pokemon again and my breeding ability suckssss
>>18479347 with charm it's around 1/400 Eggs.
>>18479355 Yes! Put a disc up, I was looking for you before
>>18478664 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18479347 all eggs have the same rate.
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18479077 I missed out on your Chespin. ;_; Any chance of you breeding those again soon?
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu]
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu] Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:11:52 No. 18479409 Report >>18479363 K bro! thank you so much!
also, i heard its possible for them to have sneaky pebbles... is that correct?
>>18479401 I'm breeding more right now, lord knows how long it will take to get more females though.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18479322 Fantastic. You're awesome.
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu]
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu] Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:13:18 No. 18479430 Report Quoted By:
Adrian {2148-9558-6371}
Quoted By:
Putting up <3 Disc for 6IV phanphy Please and thank you
Quoted By:
>>18479347 1/99999999999999999999999999999999
Don't let that discourage you, though.
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio)
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:15:15 No. 18479463 Report >>18479351 BOB, just got your disc, waiting for you to pop online.
>>18479409 Actually no. It was via tutor, and can't pass down the move by breeding :(
MFW I made a mistake and released my HA Dream Ball Wooper a long time ago
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu]
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu] Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:18:23 No. 18479514 Report >>18479465 ahh its ok! it is perfect for a build i thought of some days ago, and donphan popped up in my head for this team im making and completely forgot about the pebbles support possibility
but, oh well... i guess it's knock off then :P
>>18479514 Probably later GF adds tutors again and you can put it to your Donphan.
Also, sent.
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu]
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu] Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:22:28 No. 18479569 Report Quoted By:
>>18479540 Just got it bro! thanks a lot!
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:27:02 No. 18479637 Report >>18479401 I have some... i think i have like 2 or 3 females. Gonna do a giveaway with the same eggmoves (he provided dat mother), so... if you need, you can have one.
BTW, i'm done. I just get 2 hexa Dratinis with Shed Skin. Gonna leave those babies right there, and, get some Corphish and Chars....
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:27:28 No. 18479641 Report Quoted By:
>>18479463 was away for a sec srri, on now
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Cathe Whis didn't pass throught bank, the other mons are ready; going online in a couple of mins
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:30:10 No. 18479684 Report >>18479463 Tenks yo
Captcha: andbacm ated
Peter 2809 - 8288 - 9758
>>18479637 hey dog you still want that bug?
Mopeto 4983-5825-7831 {2387} !MOPETO5Zcs
>>18479647 Whimsicott didn't exist in HG/SS so It cannot be captured on a Moon ball.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18478554 I just now saw your post in the other thread about Clefairy. Transfer one whenever you're able. Your giveaway tonight should be a priority, though, so I won't bother you anymore about it.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
>>18479647 Did it had egg moves?
Quoted By:
>>18478996 Updated by a bit.
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:33:28 No. 18479728 Report >>18479698 Of carse. So, how we doing it? Just noticed i ran out of disc. Should i put something else?
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:33:51 No. 18479734 Report >>18479499 Did your Zubat have infiltrator, I realise I didnt check?
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18479701 >>18479718 5 Gen Apricorn balls can pass bank doesn't matter that they are hacked; i just when full retard and forgot to set the encounter to wild pokemon.
>>18479703 pls online nao
Quoted By:
>>18479734 Yeah I already had HA.
Mopeto 4983-5825-7831 {2387} !MOPETO5Zcs
Quoted By:
>>18479743 Oh, never tried to pass that, I always gen them 100% legal, first time making a Love Ball Gardevoir was fun to learn that
Peter 2809 - 8288 - 9758
>>18479728 as long as you tell me what you put and I can find you I dont really mind
male and compound eyes right?
>>18479684 Why do people post their captcha??
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18479647 >>18479701 I was worried about ball issues. What other ball would look good with Whimsi that would allow it to pass through?
I'll be online in a sec.
Amera 5386 7349 5742(Wooper, Nincada, Palpitoad)
Amera 5386 7349 5742(Wooper, Nincada, Palpitoad) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:38:10 No. 18479805 Report I have ten 4-5 iv phiones random nature only one has egg moves Ice beam/grass knot if anyone wants some disk up and tell me
Adrian {2148-9558-6371}
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:38:46 No. 18479818 Report Quoted By:
>>18479782 To let all the other posters know they are human. Standard protocol.
Ambit 2852-8935-4522
>>18479805 Ill take one. putting up disc
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:39:15 No. 18479830 Report Quoted By:
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:39:48 No. 18479838 Report Quoted By:
>>18479805 illl take one. discin.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:40:04 No. 18479842 Report Quoted By:
>>18479150 Ivory, are you still in need of someone to help you move stuff when you restart?
>>18479805 >phione with egg moves Gray
While I try to breed more female Chespin, I have:
x3 male pentaperfect HA Nest Ball Chespin (Impish with Bulletproof; egg moves Quick Guard, Spikes, Curse, Synthesis)
Also my significantly emptied pastebin back up
>>18478349 is still open. Yes, you can have it. All I need is your luv
disc. Brandon 1177-8023-7095
Quoted By:
>>18479805 dic up, don't care for natures
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Quoted By:
>>18479793 Don't worry, i'll make it work, i just need to figure out how
>>18479844 >TMs as egg moves >>18479850 People like your stuff more than mines.
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:41:23 No. 18479874 Report >>18479850 Any chance I could get one while I have a different disc up?
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:41:31 No. 18479877 Report >>18479780 Putting a Dratini. IGN Allan. Yeah. Male and coumpound Eyes.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18479848 For those who already got a Zek/Reshi and need the other dragon, read this.
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama)
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:42:37 No. 18479894 Report Quoted By:
>>18479782 sometimes it's a funny captcha...
>>18479743 could i ask a shiny, adamant, 6iv level 1 honedge, as if it was a egg hatched by me? moves could be tackle, sword dance and shadow sneak. if you can't do it right now i can wait. in case you need IGN Reborn, ID 57843. Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:43:11 No. 18479910 Report >>18479888 Can we direct trade?
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18479888 Are they chini right?
>>18479872 That's because I've been hoarding multiple old projects. I'm happy to be rid of all this stuff.
>>18479874 Sure, just let me know when your disc for the Chespin is up.
Quoted By:
>>18479805 Disc up, thanks
Peter 2809 - 8288 - 9758
>>18479877 someone sniped me because I guess dratini is too cool a pokemon?
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18479901 >Pokegen >Honedge Bro, i can't do that
IGN: Wyart, 4527-8082-7274
Quoted By:
>>18479805 I'll take one
Disc is up
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18479910 Yes, assuming you still got me on your Acq list. I have to transfer more dragons shortly though.
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:45:06 No. 18479942 Report >>18479928 LOL, gonna put another one. I need to get ride of some anyway
Mopeto 4983-5825-7831 {2387} !MOPETO5Zcs
>>18479901 You can't gen 6th gen mons bro. And even then you would need your Hidden ID to be able to change the name.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
>>18479939 are they shiny?
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Cat azurill can't be traded, send error, give me some minutes please
Quoted By:
>>18479934 no? okay, sorry, had to ask
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18479888 Wait, I missed it?
>>18479912 THANK YOU SO MUCH. There's something wrong with Azumarill, though. It won't let us trade it.
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:47:10 No. 18479981 Report Quoted By:
>>18479939 Ok, gonna TR, i got reshiram. So, plz, save a Zekrom 4 me. Gonna TR you when you left GTS :D Ty SO MUCH!
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:47:13 No. 18479982 Report >>18479969 Ivory, are you still in need of someone to help you move stuff when you restart?
James 1220-7710-8516 (farfetch'd tropius ???)
James 1220-7710-8516 (farfetch'd tropius ???) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:47:45 No. 18479994 Report Quoted By:
>>18478443 disc up for male ce
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
>>18479951 I got my hidden id from instacheck days an a lot of shiny PIDS
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:48:08 No. 18480001 Report >>18479913 Disc is up.
>>18479939 Thanks for Reshi
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18479982 I'm but i'm working in the giveaway for the dead hours right now bro, so i can't even if i wanted
>>18479939 have you done this giveaway before? i have a reshi i got a while ago on here but im not sure the OT. ill check it soon. Im missing zekrom so i would ask in case i had one of your reshirams
Axithane (0490-6267-6757)
Quoted By:
>>18479969 Would you be able to try my Whims, after you get catherine's all sorted out of course
Quoted By:
>>18479913 Yeah I have about 5 or 6 things from you on my list.
>6IV HA Bunnelby So nice
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18479976 Yep no problem
ill send you TR when i bank the new whimsicott and azumarrill
Peter 2809 - 8288 - 9758
Quoted By:
>>18479942 got you this time
Mopeto 4983-5825-7831 {2387} !MOPETO5Zcs
Oh me too, but I havent tried myself to gen something with my id, sid and name, I think the region wouldn't match and it wouldn't let me change the nickname.
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio)
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:50:48 No. 18480048 Report I've got 6 Keldeo . First 6 to reply can put up a disc, asking for a disc to acquaintance trade.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18480009 What's the OT on Reshiram?
>>18479976 I'm transferring more so I should have some for you.
>>18479960 No, Dragons are shiny-locked
Mopeto 4983-5825-7831 {2387} !MOPETO5Zcs
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:51:15 No. 18480060 Report
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:51:31 No. 18480067 Report Quoted By:
>>18480003 Alright, its LSCC this weekend so I wont be on (much).
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:51:52 No. 18480076 Report Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:51:54 No. 18480078 Report Lucas 4184 1266 0854
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
>>18480059 It does let you change the name
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:52:59 No. 18480099 Report >>18480048 Could I directly trade instead of using the GTS?
Mopeto 4983-5825-7831 {2387} !MOPETO5Zcs
Quoted By:
>>18480097 Really? Nice, will do that from now on.
Amera 5386 7349 5742(Wooper, Nincada, Palpitoad)
Amera 5386 7349 5742(Wooper, Nincada, Palpitoad) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:53:18 No. 18480103 Report >>18479816 >>18479824 im not seeing you in gts
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:53:41 No. 18480108 Report Quoted By:
>>18480076 >>18480099 oh right yh. i have u on my acq. already too
>>18480058 its AJ so i dont think its you so its cool. ill take a zekrom if you got any left but get them to whoever asked first. also added my ign
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
>>18480059 You can however calculate it with your TSV but i dont have the formulae
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18480109 My Reshiram has Hatate as their OT. That's wasn't me.
Ambit 2852-8935-4522
>>18480103 Give it to someone else. Phione isn't in my pokedex and I swore it was.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18480140 You don't need to have it in your dex...
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 02:56:20 No. 18480151 Report >>18480133 Rinneth, i TR you... Can i still get the Zekrom, plz?
Quoted By:
>>18480140 Scroll right down to the bottom and select 'what Pokemon?', select and type in Phione.
Quoted By:
>>18480145 That was helpful. Good job.
>>18480140 Scroll to the bottom and type it in manually.
Quoted By:
>>18480048 didn't see it was to disc for disc, disc is up now
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Well MoonBall Whismcott passed bank
Mopeto 4983-5825-7831 {2387} !MOPETO5Zcs
>>18480127 Calculate what? My Hidden ID or what?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18479425 It's okay! Are you hunting for a shiny? If so I hope you get it soon!
I just hatched a Shiny Tepig! And found out that Pig is censored. I couldn't name my TePIG Pig. ;_;
I have 5iv Tepig up for trade Sucker Punch/Super Power/Curse/Yawn
Adrian {2148-9558-6371}
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
Quoted By:
>>18480048 sorry, didn't notice the disc thing, it should be fixed now
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio)
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:00:35 No. 18480212 Report >>18480060 I'm not seeing your disc. Now I see it, but put it for another disc, I can't trade those GTS.
>>18480061 I got you.
>>18480076 >>18480078 Haha, I've got you two on my acquaintance list already. I'll be with you shortly.
>>18480090 Just got you.
>>18480093 Disc for a disc, so we can acquaintance trade.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18480058 Oh, super. Thanks.
>>18480173 I knew you'd find a way.
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:01:03 No. 18480217 Report >>18480048 You already delivered the Keldeos?
>>18480189 I'm just breeding for females to give away, since they seem popular. Though I'm enough boxes in that I'm likely to get a shiny if I keep breeding.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18480197 Oh just being clear, I'm giving out normal not gold pigs.
Quoted By:
>>18480189 Congratz on the shiny pig! They censor out weird things.
5 HA Great Ball Bagon 3 HA Nest Ball Turtwig 2 Nest Ball Turtwig Disc up, reply if interested.I think I'm done with Turtwig.
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:02:30 No. 18480241 Report >>18480223 >>18480226 if either of you hit a spare hexa. may i?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18480223 Go for it! The egg moves and the ball really make it nice. I have a 6iv shiny one from the instacheck days but it's a pokeball with no eggmoves and my balltism is strong now. I can't look at it anymore. ;_;
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:02:39 No. 18480244 Report Quoted By:
>>18480234 Discing for HA nest ball turtwig.
Adrian {2148-9558-6371}
Quoted By:
>>18480226 thats kewl, i like tepig :]
like those moves and 5iv is always good
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18480213 So... the Pokeball is good..
right? Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:03:39 No. 18480259 Report Quoted By:
>>18480212 Oh, k, no prob. fixing it. right now. Sorry :P
Quoted By:
>>18480241 I suppose, if I'm ever wildly lucky enough to land multiple 6IV females.
>>18480242 Eh, we'll see. I'm going to keep breeding them for some time, anyway.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18480241 I should have a hexa, I have 2 boxes of them and they have 6iv parents. I'll go check them out, put a disc up in the meantime.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio)
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:04:47 No. 18480275 Report >>18480217 I've not. I don't think I saw you on the GTS?
I've got Ramirez and Lucas so far.
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
Quoted By:
>>18480275 Thank you so much
Quoted By:
>>18480189 I'll take a Tepig.
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:05:55 No. 18480289 Report Quoted By:
>>18480275 Done, put the disc 4 disc. Message: VP Allan. Has heart Scale. TY so much btw!
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:06:29 No. 18480298 Report Quoted By:
>>18480275 Dope.
>>18480271 Erm. Can i ask you to hold it for now? Im just waiting on Rinneths Reshi.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18480213 I can breed to see if i can trade the eggs if you want
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18480252 If it passed bank, it's probably not the ball. I don't know why it's not working. :/
>>18480234 Discing for an HA Turtwig (female is preferable).
Mopeto 4983-5825-7831 {2387} !MOPETO5Zcs
Quoted By:
>>18480273 Ohh, I don't need too, I used instacheck when it came out and I got some records with the "extensive" data mode, something like this:
Species,Nickname,PID,ID,SID,Nature,Ability,TSV,PSV,isEgg,HP IV,Atk IV,Def IV,SpA IV,SpD IV,Spe IV,Item,HP EV,Atk EV,Def EV,SpA EV,SpD EV,Spe EV,Move 1,Move 2,Move 3,Move 4,Hatch Move 1,Hatch Move 2,Hatch Move 3, Hatch Move 4
Fennekin,Egg,E65B6BD9,28444,64035,Timid,Magician,2387,2264,True,31,28,31,31,31,31,(none),0,0,0,0,0,0,Hypnosis,Heat Wave,Wish,Magic Coat,Hypnosis,Heat Wave,Wish,Magic Coat,
>>18480275 my internet is bitching, wait some minutes pls
>>18480271 Finally got a HA female Chespin for you, if you didn't already get one. Why GF thought the 1/8 gender ratio was a reasonable or rational thing I'll never understand.
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
>>18480275 Luvdisc has been up and waiting, take your time.
Disc up I am currently looking for a Giratina if anyone can give me one I am trying to complete the legendary portion of the dex but if not I would like a exploud
Adrian {2148-9558-6371}
Quoted By:
>>18480347 ill get your exploud, just give me a lil
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18480299 Or just put them in regular Pokeballs and try again. Whichever is easier for you.
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:10:15 No. 18480378 Report >>18480271 In fact whats your IGN. We mustv have a run in before.
>>18480314 >GF I don't know why you'd think they're rational beings.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Quoted By:
>>18480377 Sure, i can try in some minutes
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18480234 I want to be done with Turtwig too. >>18479108 >that match oh god it's beautiful, would you breed one for me? I'll trade you a nest ball turtwig--- except oh god these three I hatched before passing out have overgrow. I can hatch a HA one for you if you wish though but I'll have to go to work soon ;_;
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18480314 Oh thank you so much! I'm on the GTS, uploading that disc!
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18480300 Your Clefairy is here
Quoted By:
>>18480275 will you send me the TR? i don't know which of the persons that apeared in my acquaintance list you are...
Adrian {2148-9558-6371}
Quoted By:
>>18480347 did u put one up for a exploud?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18480378 Name is Cynthia. I haven't been so active on the thread in a while, so maybe not. ;_;
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio)
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:13:22 No. 18480434 Report >>18480275 I have BOB, Ramirez, Lucas, and Allen.
>>18480316 Just got your disc!
>>18480312 Sorry, I didn't get you earlier! I got your disc, right? Just let me know when you're ready.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
Quoted By:
>>18480409 ill come back with more later i'll save you one.
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion)
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:13:42 No. 18480440 Report >>18480234 save one HA turtwig for me, disc is in for zekrom :c
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18480151 Hit me with a trade, I now got some Zekrom to trade. Naughty or Naive?
Quoted By:
>>18480390 That was my real error, wasn't it? How foolish of me.
>>18480410 Sent.
>>18480434 at least i received a disc named dawn and you said you got me, just send the request, IGN is Reborn
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
Quoted By:
>>18480427 Cynthia <3 I'm glad to see you around again.
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:15:03 No. 18480465 Report Quoted By:
>>18480427 zOh wells. I'll just wait
>>18480427 >name is Cynthia I don't believe you.
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
Quoted By:
>>18480434 thank you mah nigga
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
Is Aegislash usable with 31 speed IVs?
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:16:45 No. 18480505 Report >>18480454 I see you as busy. Also, naive. plz you good miss.
Zach 2766-9068-1856 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbacle)
Zach 2766-9068-1856 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbacle) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:17:02 No. 18480510 Report >>18480480 If you aren't trick rooming yes.
>>18480234 Sending one up for HA female turt
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:17:06 No. 18480514 Report >>18480480 Yes, but its not ideal. you want to go last so you can remain in defence form to take hits.
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
Quoted By:
>>18480474 Nah, I struggle really hard with MMing unless it's something with a shortish hatch time. I just wanted to give out a whole bunch in illegal balls like how I did Piplup.
I dunno which illegal ball starter I should do next though. I should put up a pastebin of all pokemon I have available to breed too.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18480473 It's my irl name. I am a Pokemon Champion irl.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18480505 Coming to you shortly
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18480474 Thanks for Turtwig!
>>18480411 Hooray! Discing up.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
holy shit what did i miss?!
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio)
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:18:22 No. 18480538 Report >>18480460 I thought I got you, but I never had a disc named Dawn.. I'm not seeing you on my acquaintances.
Quoted By:
>>18480511 actually after this other disc i have up is taken
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
Quoted By:
>>18480510 >>18480514 Alright, I just wanted to make sure if the shiny I WILL eventually hatch will be fine with potentially 31 speed IVs. Thanks for the answer.
Quoted By:
>>18480538 putting another disc up then
>>18480529 >Champion irl Sounds neat.
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:19:24 No. 18480563 Report Quoted By:
>>18480480 Yes, but no. People run 0 spd to hit last, so you are in shied form when you take the hit. So, it CAN work, but, against another aegislash, you'll hit them while they are on Shield form, and they hit you when you're weak.
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:19:43 No. 18480569 Report >>18480529 lolyhofcourseyouare
>>18480536 everything.
>>18480511 See here
>>18480440 . I hatch a few more egg I guess.
Quoted By:
NVm sorry I got traded a shiny one for a extra bello but I need a seeking
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:21:44 No. 18480600 Report Quoted By:
>>18480531 OH THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! I love you <3
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
wait so i missed rinneths and serenas giveaway?! all because i was BOWLING?! FUCK BOWLING WITH NO WI-FI!!
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:22:29 No. 18480614 Report >>18480601 Rinneths is still live. Hence the crosspost :/
>>18480565 I don't.
>>18480601 It's not the end of world. Just continue on with life.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>18480565 >>18480569 >>18480555 Cynthia isn't even an uncommon name where I am. ;_;
>Not being a Pokemon trainer irl Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18480601 You still early for the cresselia darkrai giveaway Flash
Quoted By:
>>18480620 He can't, he died while bowling.
RIP Zilla.
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:24:18 No. 18480641 Report Quoted By:
>>18480631 sooooo hoping this is in late period of dead hours. :|
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18480601 My giveaway is still alive though
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:24:39 No. 18480647 Report Quoted By:
>>18480531 I have a disc up, not sure what thread to tell you in.
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
Quoted By:
>>18480631 Situations like this are reasons why I'm scared to go shower.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18480620 i know its not the end of the world im just flustered lol
>>18480631 ahhh ivory da gawddd
>>18480531 hey rinn if you have anything left from your giveaway please lmk
Quoted By:
Damn, I missed the HA Nest Ball Turtwigs giveaway.
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18480646 What are you giving away? I'm a bit lost
>everyone missing everything edition
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18480614 ahhh i see thank you good sir
>>18480673 Oh hey. I missed you.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18480683 Flash! I missed you.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
>>18480683 What have you been up to, anyway? Just playing other games?
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
After Honedge what shiny should I go for?
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:28:31 No. 18480704 Report Quoted By:
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18480698 Shiny HA Vespiquen of course.
Quoted By:
>>18480692 Hi Rynn. I missed you.
>>18480697 Yesterday, yes. Today, no, haven't been doing much of anything.. Although I did gen one of the shiny Whimsicott listed up there because it seemed it was giving people trouble.
Jay - 3153-3690-5425
Quoted By:
>>18480690 i got a disc up for a zekrom if you got any left
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion)
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:29:45 No. 18480726 Report >>18480572 the demand for zekroms is currently high, and even though i was one of the first ones to ask for a second one, i haven't got mine, disc is up for Turtwig for now :c
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
>>18480690 discing for zekrom XD
i love you people so much
I am willing to trade the almighty Luvdisc for a Giratina. Trying to finish legendary pokedex portion
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:30:26 No. 18480738 Report Quoted By:
>>18480674 Rinn is giving zekroms and reshirams.
>>18480631 Hey! can you save me onre cresselia? i think i won't be here... if not, that's fine too... you r being so kind here.
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
Quoted By:
>>18480690 Disc up for a Reshiram. Also posted there
Quoted By:
>>18480690 do you still have a reshiram? i'll disc up for one
Quoted By:
>>18480730 Unless someone's actually give them away, you probably won't get one.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18480726 You probably didn't specify what nature you wanted, so I skipped you.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18480731 ;_;
Do something cute from 6th gen, like Chespin or Tyrunt
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:32:54 No. 18480774 Report Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18480760 holy ship that was fast!! thanks so much!! <3<3<3
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:33:18 No. 18480782 Report Quoted By:
>>18480731 Pancham. Fuck it.
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:34:26 No. 18480798 Report >>18480760 >>18480779 Wut. i havent even got my reshi yet tho ;_;
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
Quoted By:
>>18480762 Shiny Noibat sounds neat.
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion)
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:34:49 No. 18480804 Report >>18480760 i said naive before, but that's ok, my fault
can we direct trade? i have you on acquittances Vania 0791 1491 6389
Quoted By:
Still have some arons
Amera 5386 7349 5742(Wooper, Nincada, Palpitoad)
Amera 5386 7349 5742(Wooper, Nincada, Palpitoad) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:34:54 No. 18480807 Report 3 phione left for those who want them
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:35:39 No. 18480811 Report >>18480799 add politoed to that.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18480799 >inb4 Cosmic says that's shit Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
Quoted By:
>>18480774 Already got a Gible on Black 2.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18480798 Patience, I got to found you first.
>>18480804 Whoops, missed it. I'll can do direct trade
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:37:24 No. 18480828 Report Quoted By:
>>18480823 lol, that english
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>4IV HA female Nest Ball Chespin And it only took another twenty eggs to get it.
Anyone want it, or should I wondertrade it? See
>>18479850 for setup.
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
Quoted By:
>>18480821 A man can dream
I know it's not possible, I just have some kind of Dive Ball/Blue Shone fetish >>18480811 I started this list today, adding any shiny that looks good in a Dive Ball
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion)
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:41:08 No. 18480864 Report Quoted By:
>>18480823 thanks a ton sweet princess, sorry about my internet connection
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
>>18480854 I will take it, Disc up soon.
Jay - 3153-3690-5425
Quoted By:
>>18480823 i realized i didnt ask for a nature earlier. ill take naive but its mainly for my dex so any you got left will do.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
>>18480807 discing for one. i have a shiny but would like to breed my own :)
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18480811 Looking again, I'd prefer a Politoad in a Lure Ball because of it's belly
Quoted By:
>hatch 8 eggs >2 females >OVERGROW So guys, what ball for Swinub?
George 5343-8274-5372
Was the Dratini giveaway ever done? I just found out I have a DD, aqua jet, E speed, dragon pulse Dratini. I could breed some
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:44:46 No. 18480909 Report Quoted By:
>>18480893 each to their own i guess.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:45:50 No. 18480920 Report Gray
Quoted By:
>>18480912 Shiny Arceus plz/
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:45:56 No. 18480924 Report >>18480912 Friend code here.
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
>>18480912 Darkrai. Adding
George 5343-8274-5372
>>18480912 Darkrai pls. And Thanks
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:46:51 No. 18480934 Report David
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:47:00 No. 18480938 Report Quoted By:
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18480924 >>18480925 >>18480927 Darkrai, wait until cresselias are gone pls
It's not the great giveaway just a little giveaway until dead hours come to the big one
>>18480912 discing for cres
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion)
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:48:07 No. 18480954 Report Quoted By:
>>18480912 i have you on my friends list, any of both
Quoted By:
>>18480912 Cresselia omg pls
Marris 1822-0989-6139 (Ledyba, Illminus, Heracross)
Marris 1822-0989-6139 (Ledyba, Illminus, Heracross) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:48:55 No. 18480965 Report Quoted By:
>>18480912 Is it too late for the cress?
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:49:22 No. 18480969 Report Quoted By:
>>18480905 I'm gonna do it. LOL
>>18480948 Also, Ivory, should i take one of these? DT?
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:49:24 No. 18480970 Report Quoted By:
>>18480934 >>18480948 iv got you on acquaintances too if that matters.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:49:42 No. 18480976 Report Quoted By:
>>18480948 Are Darkrai and Cresselia the exact same ones for the giveaway?
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18480912 fml lol at least i saw it
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Weird shiny giveaway time! Da rules: I am listing 15 pokemon that I have to give away. All are shiny, kalos born, 5-6IV, some with egg moves, most with proper natures, so pretty much - awesome. To take part you have to reply to this post with your in game name on and say which pokemon you're hoping for. HOWEVER, you won't simply receive the pokemon you want, you will receive the pokemon which number is the same as your replies number. So if you're the first one to reply to the post you get the first pokemon on the list. If you're fourth - fourth one. Etc. One pokemon per person, so you can either take whatever or thy sniping the one you really want - it's your choice! If a reply doesn't have a name of the pokemon, or is Gray wanting a shiny 8IV arceus and decides to reply to this post just because, it still counts, although the person is not getting a pokemon. So some pokemon might not be given out at all. 1. Clefable 2. Whimsicott 3. Denenenenene 4. Litleo M 5. Lilligant 6. Cyndaquill 7. Fennekin 8. Caterpie 9. Icy Snow Vivilion 10. Pancham 11. Wailmer 12. Chikorita 13. Flabebe white 14. Charmander 15. Espurr F
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18480982 Don't you worry, the big giveaway will be better Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion)
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:50:47 No. 18480989 Report Quoted By:
>>18480948 i have you on my friends list, it seems i'll have to wait for the big ass giveaway, i'll request a Darkrai, let me know when you're ready
is beeing too greedy to ask for both? David
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:51:26 No. 18480998 Report Quoted By:
>>18480823 Thank you Rinn, you're awesome.
>>18480973 Im heading to bed since its 4am in the Uk, could you save me a Cresselia please.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
Axithane (0490-6267-6757)
>>18480986 I want that whimsicott
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:51:51 No. 18481005 Report >>18480986 Flabebe white, IGN Allan
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Jay - 3153-3690-5425
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:52:13 No. 18481009 Report Flash
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
>>18480986 I want Lilligant!
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion)
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:52:24 No. 18481015 Report >>18480986 chikorita
it's a long journey, help pls Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:52:37 No. 18481016 Report Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:52:52 No. 18481017 Report >>18480986 Espurr F please!
George 5343-8274-5372
>>18480986 >if I respond jokingly it might screw someone else over This isn't a fun game, Rynn.
>>18480986 i'd really like that espurr
Marrise 1822-0989-6139 (Ledyba, Illminus, Heracross)
Marrise 1822-0989-6139 (Ledyba, Illminus, Heracross) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:53:11 No. 18481025 Report Quoted By:
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18480999 "Lucky" is not the name of the pokemon.
>>18481007 Neither is rollin.
>>18481010 Aaand that's thee pokemon not being given out.
>>18481021 Four!
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18480928 Lucas your disc isn't up sorry
2 Cresselias for the next replies here; also darkrai guys listed here
>>18480948 i'll add you in a minute
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
Quoted By:
>>18481029 so no clefable for me? u.u
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:54:37 No. 18481042 Report Quoted By:
>>18481030 Ivoey, can we direct trade that cresselia? also, are the big giveaways ones better?
Jay - 3153-3690-5425
Quoted By:
>>18481029 Ah damn I just skimmed it and replied to not miss out and in turn i missed out haha
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Marrise 1822-0989-6139 (Ledyba, Illminus, Heracross)
Marrise 1822-0989-6139 (Ledyba, Illminus, Heracross) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:55:11 No. 18481052 Report Quoted By:
>>18480948 Disc is up if this is what you ment
>>18481029 God damn it, I posted too soon.
Mack 2294-5355-4315
Quoted By:
>>18480987 When do you expect the big giveaway will be?
Axithane (0490-6267-6757)
Quoted By:
>>18481029 So I get that Whimsicott right? Does it have any egg moves?
Quoted By:
Ivory my disc is up for a darkrai please get to me I been wanting one for months
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
Quoted By:
>>18480799 >gon? I'll gen a dive ball porygon named lucas just for Fun
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18481053 No, you did well.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:57:12 No. 18481077 Report >>18481070 did u have any of them reshis left? i had to disc down for ivorys giveaway
Quoted By:
>>18481066 Is up now.
T-Thanks Flash
Quoted By:
>>18480986 Furfrou please.
Quoted By:
>>18481029 can i disc up for my espurr?
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
Species: Eevee x401 Gender: Male x 364/Female x 37 Nature:Timid Ability: Anticipation x222, Adaptability x107, Run Away x74 Egg Moves1: Curse Egg Moves2: Wish Egg Moves3: Yawn Egg Moves4: Charm IV: 4-5IV Ball: Nest
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18480986 Cyndaquill.
This is... unique.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18481077 just when i was chosing the cresselia to give you
>the pokemon has already being traded Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion)
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion) Fri 14 Mar 2014 03:59:07 No. 18481107 Report Quoted By:
>>18481029 i got vivillion, maybe i posted too soon for chikorita, but that's ok...
Quoted By:
>>18481071 Whoops?
Rynn, plz give that poor Charmander to someone. (Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18481077 I still have some left.
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:00:22 No. 18481119 Report >>18481104 Lolwut. I got sniped... for a cresselia? iv gta check this.
>>18481101 >x401 Jesus. I admire your dedication.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Well my ds fell off my bed, sd is kill
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
>>18481104 thank you for the beautiful moon-mon
Quoted By:
>>18481119 i think the same thing happened to someone today
Vania 0791 1491 6389
>>18480912 shit I went to go eat dinner and missed it. Lol
>>18481101 >x401 Eevee It's okay to let some of those go, you know.
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
Quoted By:
>>18481121 >>18481121 Thanks i have a girl on a mission for a damned shiny eevee haha
Capcha: imprisoned uzurer
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18481002 Right on! Disc up for whimsicott!
>>18481005 premature flabebelation, you were 3rd, so disc up for Dedenne!
>>18481006 Too fast, disc up for male litleo~
Liligant is kill because of Jay, boohoo.
>>18481010 Disc up for Cyndaquill~
Fennekin is kill, thanks Flash!
>>18481013 Sorry Matt, Liligant is dead, but have this awesome Caterpie instead! Disc up~
>>18481015 Not even close, but maybe you can trade this Icy Snow Shiny Vivillion for one? Disc up~!
>>18481016 Oh boy you guys are terrible, disc up for Pancham.
>>18481017 Wailmer is cute too, right? Disc up~
>>18481018 No fire starter for you. However, enjoy your Chicorita, disc up!
>>18481019 Well, it's not a Vivilion but it's still white. Disc up for flabebe.
Gray just killed Charmander, unfortunately, so Espurr goes toooo
>>18481023 oh boy spot on! Disc up for Espurr.
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:02:11 No. 18481143 Report >>18481104 my disc is still there s:
did you mean you have no cress left for me?
>>18481115 awesom. will disc back up after this cress shit
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Quoted By:
>>18481143 >Cress shit Oh boy
Quoted By:
>>18479805 Ill take one friend
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:03:19 No. 18481161 Report Quoted By:
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
>>18481134 I figured i would give everyone on here a chance first then ... maybe WT some... then just release the rest... but wanted to give anyone that might want some a chance... been posting throughout the last couple of days... gonna start releasing some tomorrow
Quoted By:
>>18481139 Disc is up for Flabébé.
>>18481139 I think you meant to tell
>>18481009 to disc up for Cyndaquil.
Quoted By:
I put up a disc for cress
Quoted By:
>>18481164 Hey, no problem. Thanks for offering to give them away here first.
Quoted By:
>>18481139 my disc is ready
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:04:43 No. 18481195 Report >>18481139 wait what? why did my post get ignored?
im not having great luck today.
>>18481164 Did you get your shiny yet?
Quoted By:
>>18481164 For what it's worth I went 103 boxes deep without I don't know where I was going with that
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18481129 Don't worry i can always bank for you
Guy so i guess that the big giveaway is cancelled for the moment, i mean i don't wanna do a Cress Shit giveaway :^)
Adding you darkrai guys
George 5343-8274-5372
Quoted By:
>>18481139 Disc up. Thanks
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion)
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Poison (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion) Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:05:51 No. 18481215 Report Quoted By:
>>18481139 i love you you sick bastard, disc is up for elegant Butterfly
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
>>18481200 not yet still on my journey haha
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18481175 >>18481195 Whoops! This. Disc up~
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:06:38 No. 18481228 Report Quoted By:
>>18481202 Cress shit is dope. You know i didnt mean literal 'shit'
missed rins reshi
fakesniped for ivorys cress
ignored for rynns shiny.
GTS hates me tonight.
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:06:47 No. 18481232 Report Quoted By:
>>18481139 Catching the disc, disc gonna be up on a minute.
Quoted By:
Please can i et a cress now :0
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
>>18481202 :( this post makes me sad....
Quoted By:
>>18481225 fuck, i got sniped, going to catch another disc
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
Quoted By:
>>18481139 >Lilligant is kill Oh well, Caterpie is cool, I'll MM a Liligant later I guess.
>>18481217 Good luck! It can rough for a while.
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:07:41 No. 18481266 Report Quoted By:
Vania 0791 1491 6389
Quoted By:
>>18481202 Awww thank you! I'll wait for the Cress giveaway then
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18481241 I'm sad too
Darkrai guys, send me tr
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18481139 >Giveaway that penalizes everyone for posts that don't follow the rules Rynn
you are an evil genius. Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
>>18481139 shiny simba!! thanks rynn!! <3<3
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
Quoted By:
>>18481264 i have been trying for three days haha... it is gonna be death of me haha
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:09:24 No. 18481294 Report >>18481225 Upped. Who got the pancham in the end?
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:09:32 No. 18481297 Report >>18481139 Not sure what just happened, but I'll disc up.
>>18481124 :O
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
>>18481273 if you have a floating dark mon laying around after i wouldnt mad about being informed of it
;) i'm greedy tonight Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:10:46 No. 18481313 Report Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
See you in dead hours guys, remember to have your disc ready. you never know when i'll ask you to disc, you aren't never safe
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:11:55 No. 18481330 Report >>18481313 swapsies? shh, theyl never know. Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18481297 I made the SD work,
i was scared Anonymous
>>18481314 So just for clarification... when are dead hours?
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18481330 shutup and accept my TR BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:12:59 No. 18481347 Report Quoted By:
>>18481115 discin back up for that now
Quoted By:
I put a disc up for a cress I hope you can get to me <3
Quoted By:
>>18481225 Thanks! i love this pink guy already
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:14:25 No. 18481368 Report Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:14:38 No. 18481374 Report >>18481336 Lucky, my 3DS rattles a bit from when I dropped it last :/
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
>>18481368 ok i pre'd i was discing sending now shhh
George 5343-8274-5372
Quoted By:
>>18481336 Thanks for the Darkrai.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
>>18481342 It's a secret
In 5 hours G-Guys.. can i make new thread pls?
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:16:02 No. 18481393 Report Quoted By:
>>18481330 Thanks for the offer but I'm not sure yet, I'd have to see the Pancham's egg moves, IVs, etc
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:16:05 No. 18481394 Report >>18481336 oh sweet so cress is back?
>>18481374 iv merged two broken ds's to form a fully functioning one now. so proud of myself :')
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18481389 NEVER!!!
please do Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18481115 Discing up for a Reshi, then heading to bed. Thanks again, Rinneth.
leinad41 (ign: Daniel): 1220-7543-7444 ([water] Wartortle Octillery Frogadier)
leinad41 (ign: Daniel): 1220-7543-7444 ([water] Wartortle Octillery Frogadier) Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:17:34 No. 18481412 Report Quoted By:
Hi everyone, I need a Porygon-Z so much, can anyone give one? Please, I would love you forever. I don't care about IV's, it's just for pokedex. I've already put the luvdisc.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:17:41 No. 18481414 Report >>18481389 Im off to bed now. I've left a disc up for a Cress.
Goodnight all.
>>18481139 Thanks for the Wailmer, i'll make him viable and use him in my team somehow.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18481275 Also, almost noone got what they wanted.
I have to do this more often.
>>18481330 Haha, I don't mind you guys swapping at all!
Okay, I think I got everyone! Did someone not get their shiny?
>>18481414 Or you can make hot skitty on wailmer action.
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:18:38 No. 18481425 Report >>18481404 Oh you sick guy.
Ivory !qkNlHd3JZ.
Quoted By:
>>18481414 g'night
>>18481404 k
;-; New thread:
>>18481418 New thread:
>>18481418 New thread:
>>18481418 See you later guys,
>>18481422 Me, my disc is still up for Flabébé.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18481394 i really hope your the bob on my friends list i just traded
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18481433 I just got you, check again.
Quoted By:
>>18481115 do you still have a zekrom? i'll put a disc up, i don't really care about nature
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Fri 14 Mar 2014 04:20:20 No. 18481448 Report
Quoted By:
>>18481438 Oh right. Thanks!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>18481422 Just. As. Planned. Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
>>18481448 not a big fan of the shiny and it wont hurt my 200+ collection ;)