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Double D's Genesect Giveaway Extravaganza!

No.18480044 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello everybody! After slaving over two 3DS for what seemed like a damn eternity, I finally finished cloning my transferred Genesect and now its time I shared the love to all of you! I have 60 Genesect that need new homes and I think you'd be great owners.

Here's how it works;
Add me.
Since these Robo Bugs can't be traded over the GTS just add me. I will add people 10 at a time. Once I have added you please wait for me to send you a trade. After I have traded you, please go offline so I can delete you and add the next ten. This is a first come, first served thing so act fast.

Also, first comer gets a shiny GameStop Giratina!

What I want;
I don't care. This is a giveaway. Shitmons, legendaries, breeding leftovers, whatever. Any gifts or what have you are appreciated but not necessary to get a Bug. Though I am a big breeder and water lover, so if you've got any spare Corphish, Frillish or Tirtouga laying around that'd be nice, but again, not necessary.

Without further ado, let's do this!
If I fumble a bit please forgive me. Its my first time.