Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[5 / 1 / ?]

No.18484191 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /vp/, got some shiny 6iv kalos Pokemon up for trade, if anyone's interested, here's what's up for trade:
Impish bulletproof chesnaught, timid moon ball gastly w egg moves, jolly sand veil gible w egg moves, impsh bulletproof chespin, modest adaptability eevee, modest gooey goodra, modest oblivious feebas, naughty levitate rotom, bold overgrow venusaur, adamant technician scyther in a bug ball w egg moves, timid gengar, naive protean greninja, bold prankster klefki, timid infiltrator noivern, adamant gale wings talonflame

Once again, all kalos bred, and shiny.
Please make a respectable offer