Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:00:03 No. 18495460 Report SAME QUESTIONS AS LAST TIME GO How're your hunts going? How far in are you? What're you listening to or watching? What's your favorite song or TV show or both? How've you been lately?
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
You guys seem nice enough. I begin the quest for a shiny Pawniard.
>Having chat turned on when you play 2nd Noibat I got
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:02:13 No. 18495486 Report >>18495466 Welcome to /shw/! Enjoy the ride!
>>18495467 Congrats!
In other news, already got a 6IV Totodile. The real ride begins now.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:02:18 No. 18495489 Report >>18495457 Friend Safari probably
>>18495460 But nobody is gonna' answer because we already done these questions though >>18495466 Good luck bro!
>>18495467 Oh sweet, congrats! Were you the guy last thread who said they gave up trying for the Noibat before?
Drunken Sputnik !IoTrlkZxt.
So I'm at 4/6 for a Shiny team. Wish me luck, guys.
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>18495441 No problem. I would have never used it anyway. Also,
>implying Porygon is junk Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>18495467 Congrats! Ahh how many boxes? It looks so good. Hope Masuda blesses me with one soon.
I made a list, yay. Now, back to mudkip eggs.
No-ah 4425-1690-7563
>>18495349 That's cool, I wish I could find a Gen 6 shiny. I found two shinies so far in Gen 6, and one of them I couldn't catch and the other one was a pachirisu
>fish grinding on route 12 >at the tme didn't know about chain fishing >shiny octillary appears >hot damn yes >use my false swipe scyther to weaken in >sylveon to yawn it >about to catch it >no pokeballs >wasted them all to catch wabbufett for dex >lay on ground >curl into ball >cry David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika)
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:04:14 No. 18495525 Report >>18495466 Welcome to /shw/, enjoy going insane and just remember: you're here forever.
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:04:19 No. 18495526 Report Quoted By:
>>18495489 But there're already some new /shw/ers and there might be a whole new crowd compared to the start of the last thread Anonymous
>>18495492 I've just got my Espurr, now I'm going for Gastly and I think I'll do Hawlucha after that.
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika)
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:05:16 No. 18495538 Report >>18495520 Cool way to make a list.
Drunken Sputnik !IoTrlkZxt.
Quoted By:
>>18495528 Nice, I got lucky and got Honedge in about 70 eggs and Rotom in under a box.
Cottonee and Marill took about 1.5k eggs each though.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:06:06 No. 18495559 Report >>18495466 Welcome to /shw/!
Reminder to those who prep for Masuda's Wild Ride to keep your arms and legs to yourself at all times and to abandon your hopes and dreams at the door.
We hope you enjoy your stay!
>>18495467 Noicebat. Congrats!
>>18495486 Good luck, mate! Let's hope you get your St. Paddy's Day shone!
>>18495492 Good luck!
>>18495520 I like it, it's a fresh layout.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:06:25 No. 18495565 Report >>18495520 I love the image! Good luck!
>>18495492 Good luck!
>>18495528 Grats on the Espurr. Good luck getting that friendly ghost!
>>18495524 ouch
>tfw never failed to catch a Shiny Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>18495492 Good luck.
>>18495489 Thanks.
>>18495525 Sounds like WFG, I should fit right in.
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika)
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:07:48 No. 18495586 Report >>18495567 It's basically the same, except with more birth defects.
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
>>18495512 Believe me, I've never liked Porygon. I absolutely love it in 3D now. It's so odd, I can't help but like the little...thing. Thanks again, now Adaptability Life Ord Tri-Attack PorygonZ can sweep sweep sweep the Maison.
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:09:09 No. 18495615 Report Quoted By:
>>18495559 Thanks, hope your next shone hunt goes great, you deserve it after that hell of a Lileep ride.
No-ah 4425-1690-7563
Quoted By:
>>18495524 >next day >training on the same route >bought shit ton of ultra balls because of day before >not fishing cause still mad about the octillary >shiny pachirisu >named it Tyrone >white >right outside white forest >training nine tales >shiny emolga in shaking grass Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
Quoted By:
>>18495586 That's impressive, I'd say.
I'll try to keep the shitposts to a minimum. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18495538 >>18495559 >>18495565 Thanks guys.
>>18495597 One day, I'll find a way to make hypno viable then, he'll be my main man. Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet)
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:11:50 No. 18495667 Report Oh, I tried but halfway through, the transparent picture I had started messing up and the white background came with it, so I just have a partial list, guess it came out okay because I just got the starters in, hence why it's so crowded... there was supposed to be more.
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
Quoted By:
>>18495559 Missed your post somehow.
Thanks, I'll be sure to keep that in mind.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:13:48 No. 18495700 Report >>18495567 I'd say this place is nothing like WFG, but whatever, that's just me. The point is, yeah, we try to be nice.
>>18495667 Oh neat. Slightly off topic, but I see you post random art a lot. I like it. It reminds me of the comfy feeling of Art class, excluding my absolutely dreadful teacher of course.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:13:50 No. 18495701 Report >>18495667 I like it, nice theme.
How's the Squirtle hunt going?
Paul 3351-5035-1076
Quoted By:
New to /shg/ and finished hatching a shiny Pawniard. It only took me ten boxes and I ended up with two shiny 4IV males in the batch.>How're your hunts going? How far in are you? Shiny Male and Female Furfrou. Just started.>What're you listening to or watching? Watching the Flashpoint movie right now.>What's your favorite song or TV show or both? I've taken a liking to the OST of DKC: Tropical Freeze.>How've you been lately? My eyes are dry as fuck.
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>18495613 It's always been my favorite. I use that set and it is ridiculously destructive. I can only imagine how amazing it would be if we still had Gen I's Hyper Beam mechanics. I think I'll try for my own shiny Porygon-Z some day.
Quoted By:
Help me team-build. I have a shiny Espurr, am 24 boxes deep for Gastly, and am planning Hawlucha next. What should I do for the other three?
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>18495700 More so the 'Here forever' aspect.
Just curious: about how many shinies have you all hatched so far?
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:18:08 No. 18495774 Report >>18495748 I'm on my third, currently.
First was Harvest Trevenant with over 1600 eggs and second was Lapras with around 20. Going for my St. Paddy's Day Totodile now.
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
Quoted By:
>>18495712 That one I gave you is only missing Atk, so it should be fine for a PorygonZ MM. I chose Modest over Timid for that little bit of extra power.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:18:37 No. 18495788 Report >>18495748 14 in total, 9 of which I have kept.
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>18495788 In gen 6?
>>18495774 Alright.
I've already hatched 2 this gen, 1 unintentionally.
Tyrunt and Scyther, respectively. Those all sounds like good shinies.
>five batches without a single pentaperfect bunnelby Well this doesn't bode well...
>>18495748 8. Cleffa, Tyrogue, Espurr ×2, Klefki, Fennekin, Chespin, and Froakie.
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>18495748 Just two, Deino and Litwick. I'm going for Archen at the moment.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:22:31 No. 18495844 Report >>18495809 Yupp, all in Gen 6. I've been hunting via MM since November. Thanks to /shw/ I usually get 1 shiny a week if I'm lucky.
Drunken Sputnik !IoTrlkZxt.
Quoted By:
>>18495492 Figured I'd make one of those chart things too.
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet)
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:24:00 No. 18495860 Report >>18495700 I'm an Art History minor so I save a lot of paintings and sculptures to post as my images while on /vp/ and just to cycle around for my background. And I believe that people should be exposed to more art, in any way possible.
>>18495701 Box 32 right now, it's not going well, even switched up parents because I have a feeling as though that helps.
I know it doesn't but I BELIEVE >>18495711 Thank you, wish I could finish it.
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>18495817 Wow, that's quite a few.
>>18495829 Good luck, those sound nice.
>>18495844 You must be the luckiest person I know.
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
Quoted By:
>>18495748 Goodra
Eevee (by accident)
Oh man, quite a few others. I'm pretty beat. I need to make a shiny collection collage tomorrow.
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:25:16 No. 18495876 Report Quoted By:
>first egg I bred with 6IV Totodile is another 6IV Totodile This ride is already proving to be wild
No-ah 4425-1690-7563
I have no idea how many charmanders I've hatched mostly because I was releasing the the first day I started hunting them, which was Thursday.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:25:51 No. 18495888 Report >>18495860 Well you've got my faith. It may not stack with the Shiny Charm, but it's there! Good luck, mate!
>>18495862 >You must be the luckiest person I know. Oh, that's right. You're new to /shw/ and haven't yet met Ida.
Quoted By:
>>18495748 Shiny Basculin.
Drunken Sputnik !IoTrlkZxt.
>>18495882 How often do you finish a box, and about how long do you breed per day?
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>18495888 I'll have to meet this Ida sometime, then.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:29:49 No. 18495946 Report >>18495925 She got 9 shines in total last weekend. She's incredible.
No-ah 4425-1690-7563
>>18495909 Idk how often I finish a box, but I hatch whenever I get off of work (I work 7-7:30/8 mon-fri) and I'm not playing New Leaf.
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
>name shiny Greninja Raiden obviously >Meet the dreaded Rest/Sleep Talk/Snore/Ice Dust (the always crit one) Walrein in Maison >Raiden used Grass Knot! It was supereffective! >Walrein used Encore! THIS IS PAYBACK YOU BASTARD FOR ALL THOSE LAME STALL TACTICS
Drunken Sputnik !IoTrlkZxt.
Quoted By:
>>18495962 I was going to try and calculate an approximation of how many eggs you've hatched, but if you don't know that's fine too Also, is it music time again? Calvin 0044-3804-6874 (Butterfree, Illumise, Venomoth)
Calvin 0044-3804-6874 (Butterfree, Illumise, Venomoth) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:34:58 No. 18496013 Report Quoted By:
>Listening Ameloriate - An Endless Sporadic>Hunt progress Trying to chain Fletchling but keep thinking 3 spaces is 4>Favorite song Probably Octovarium >Favorite TV show Been watching a lot of Dr. Who lately.>How've you been lately? Alright, too much work for my taste.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:35:13 No. 18496015 Report >>18495959 >>18495969 I know, right?
>>18495982 Greninja really is the best.
Also, anyone up for Shiny Multis on Sunday? Let the frustration vent out via a battle or two?
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:35:17 No. 18496017 Report Quoted By:
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
Quoted By:
>>18496015 That feels like its breaking the laws of the universe.
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet)
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:36:12 No. 18496030 Report Quoted By:
>>18495888 Nice trips. Thank you, I don't think I'll get it until next weekend because I've got finals coming up but when I do get it, I'm celebrating
with more shiny hunting!!!! Good luck with your hunts as well.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
i'm hunting dratinis right now and i want to die. help me
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet)
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:37:55 No. 18496053 Report Quoted By:
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
>>18496015 I might be up for it, but it seems a lot of the regulars are cramming for exams or something. Maybe have a nice, big, celebratory /shw/ next weekend? With shiny battles, shiny hunting, shiny streams, shiny icecreams!
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite)
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:39:25 No. 18496081 Report Quoted By:
Hydreigoon (3780 9238 3895) (Electric) (Galvantula, Emolga, Pikachu) !!XThzLY+DWTm
Hydreigoon (3780 9238 3895) (Electric) (Galvantula, Emolga, Pikachu) !!XThzLY+DWTm Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:42:21 No. 18496124 Report Quoted By:
Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
Still trying for a 6iv female since flipping the ball, I'm not sure if I want the shiny to hatch before I get a female. On the one hand the ride makes a pit stop, on the other stats may be shit.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:54:32 No. 18496345 Report Quoted By:
>>18496079 Sounds good, I suppose I can wait another week to try out Hathi. And it gives me time to prep Shamrock.
>Want to catch a shiny Poliwag for my girlfriend, ideally with Swift Swim >Some anon in previous thread suggests I go through Pokemon Village swarms to find a MM parent >Start to catch a bunch of females, too lazy to check in battle if they have Swift Swim or not >A wild shiny Poliwag shows up in the seventh swarm >Catch it >Doesn't have Swift Swim Also doesn't help that it's level 25, so she can't use it right away. Now I'm left wondering if I should keep going for the ideal for her (low level + Swift Swim) and keep this guy for myself or just leave it at that. Either way this is the first wild random shiny I've ever encountered in all six generations, which makes it a nice souvenir.
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 03:58:52 No. 18496421 Report >>18496400 Breed it and trade her the egg so it'll have her OT and she'll be able to use it without a hitch
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:00:32 No. 18496437 Report >>18496400 That's quite lucky, but it'd probably be more meaningful if she got to train one from scratch. I'd keep the current shone as a backup, and continue with the plan at hand.
Remember that the parent with HA can be male if you're breeding with Ditto.
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:02:32 No. 18496468 Report Quoted By:
>>18496421 Well, you can't really do this unless you have that new version of instacheck
>tfw accidentally release shiny Solosis damn it looked just like the normal one
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
Right, I've got 7 hours until my shift starts. I better go to fucking sleep. Later /shw/ and may Masuda warm the cockles of your hearts.
After 1000+ eggs, I finally got this beauty. Turns out it's 5 IVs and Trace. I'm safe for now...
Hydreigoon (3780 9238 3895) (Electric) (Galvantula, Emolga, Pikachu) !!XThzLY+DWTm
Hydreigoon (3780 9238 3895) (Electric) (Galvantula, Emolga, Pikachu) !!XThzLY+DWTm Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:04:25 No. 18496500 Report Quoted By:
>>18496479 that's a very lewd image anon
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:04:42 No. 18496506 Report Quoted By:
>>18496489 Night Lycanbelle.
>>18496493 Oops orgot pic.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:06:07 No. 18496538 Report >>18496489 >cockles l-lewd
Goodnight mate!
>>18496493 >>18496518 Nice, congratulations!
Will you be going with Pory2 or PoryZ?
Quoted By:
>>18496538 Rolling with 2.
I guess if I want to go for some shiny dex data, I might clone it sometime. Maybe, maybe not. I'll see what happens.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:10:45 No. 18496609 Report Quoted By:
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite)
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:11:18 No. 18496614 Report Quoted By:
>>18496518 >>18496590 Hot damn congrats guys!
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:11:31 No. 18496616 Report >>18496590 Nice shiny, congrats! But...
>Calm My sympathies.
This is why I don't intend to MM for a Budew when I hunt Roserade.
>>18496437 Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I wouldn't worry about the gender if I had a foreign Ditto; all of my foreign mons are off Wonder Trade, and I haven't seen a Ditto that way.
>>18496616 Why not? It's not like you can't everstone your Ditto/Parent with the right nature...
Quoted By:
>hunt for shiny grimer for 2 weeks straight doing at least 1 box a day, no luck >switch to hunt for horsea and it takes me roughly a week to get it PLSsSS
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323}
>>18496616 Also got a Munchlax (M) - Adamant - Thick Fat - but non shiny
Quoted By:
>>18496400 Poliwag are in season. Breed one and add in an egg move or two.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:15:41 No. 18496685 Report >>18496623 I suppose you could put something up on the GTS and ask for a Ditto from a foreign region if you really need one. But I was thinking that if it got you started you could breed a HA male with one of your Dittos until you get the HA female.
>>18496643 You Everstone one of them, you give the second one the incense, and none of them can hold the Destiny Knot.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18496616 >>18496656 b...but......everstone...
in fact, isnt that the ONLY way you can guarantee the right nature on a shiny?
>>18496616 Hi Frapton its Octillery guy
My friend code is 5172-0852-9151
Quoted By:
>>18496685 Fuck, anon, my apologies. I totally forgot to consider you'd go for the Munchlax.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:18:06 No. 18496718 Report Quoted By:
>>18496697 Through breeding, yes. But to get Munchlax you need to breed a Snorlax holding Full Incense IIRC.
>>18496656 Ouch, that must sting.
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:18:10 No. 18496719 Report >>18496623 I have a few extra
genned 6IV JAP Dittos if you want one, anon
Throw up a Luvdisc and I'll trade it to you. Any specific nature?
Quoted By:
>>18496479 >>18496504 Shiny Solosis pictures?
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18496697 >>18496685 Oh shit, I'm an idiot. But still, it's not like you could guarantee the nature in the wild, right?
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:19:33 No. 18496745 Report >>18496710 Great to see you're back mate!
Just before we trade I need to make sure it's you, so can you prove it by posting the email address I contacted you through? I don't want to give the shiny to the wrong person.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:20:45 No. 18496759 Report >>18496725 Synchronisers can. Since Emerald if you lead with a SynchMon you get a 50% chance of getting the same nature as the SynchMon on your wild shiny.
It isn't 100%, but it's something.
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika)
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:21:19 No. 18496772 Report >>18496719 Wait a minute. Are you the same Zack
from that one thread with the thing? Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:22:00 No. 18496783 Report >>18496760 I actually meant the email address I used, but it seems like it is you.
Adding you now.
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:22:10 No. 18496785 Report >>18496772 HOLY FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT THAT BUT YEAH
Evan:4313-0993-8338 (Wooper, Nincada, and Gastrodon)
Evan:4313-0993-8338 (Wooper, Nincada, and Gastrodon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:22:32 No. 18496792 Report Well, wish me luck fellow breeders. Is it too greedy for me to aim for both male and female? I know it is ;-;
hey guise pic retaled is my first X/Y MM attempt going through my 71st box, it's not funny anymore needing some support right here guys ;_;
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18496759 Oh cool, I didn't know that. Still, thank god none of my favorite shinies need to be bred with incense
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika)
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:23:25 No. 18496811 Report >>18496785 HI THERE
>>18496792 No, but good luck trying to get them with the right nature and ability.
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:23:30 No. 18496812 Report >>18496794 Never give up!
If it takes longer, that usually means you'll have a better shiny!
>>18496792 Go for it!
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18496794 I just finished my first box of these guys. The hatch time is draining. Consider me supportive
and terrified at the prospect of doing this 70 more times Anonymous
>>18496783 lol, i did think it was pointless to post my email
its just how i read it
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:24:32 No. 18496836 Report >>18496811 Holy shit how did I even forget about that? That was such a great thread
No-ah 4425-1690-7563
Quoted By:
Finally got off of work and am now taking Masuda's Wild Ride and watching Ed Edd and Eddy Oh the memories
Evan:4313-0993-8338 (Wooper, Nincada, and Gastrodon)
Evan:4313-0993-8338 (Wooper, Nincada, and Gastrodon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:25:48 No. 18496855 Report Quoted By:
>>18496811 >>18496812 Nujabes shall bless me, friends.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:26:01 No. 18496858 Report >>18496799 yeah, I think it's a bit of a shame though. It would've been nice to replace the regular Dex Model with the shiny one, now I have to skip a shone in the evo line.
>>18496794 You can't give up! Not now! Not when you're so close! PUSH ON, DAMMIT. PUSH ON.
>>18496824 Alright, I've got you added so whenever you're ready just send me a trade request.
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika)
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:27:21 No. 18496871 Report Anonymous
>>18496858 THANKS MAN
-Octillery guy
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika)
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:29:30 No. 18496900 Report >>18496836 Yeah. Unfortunately, it'll never happen again.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:29:34 No. 18496902 Report Quoted By:
>>18496886 No problem, mate.
Are you sure you want me to have this other Octillery, though? I would've taken any old shitmon for the Octillery I gave you...
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:31:28 No. 18496932 Report Quoted By:
>>18496900 Yeah, it sucks that they took it down.
Dratini guy here
>>18496822 I've spent almost 130 ingame hours hatching those 10k steps qts and not even a non competitive shiny
Masuda can't be so cruel to do the same to you
>>18496858 I hope to post the success pic here soon! At least when it comes I can start a nice give-away thread
Thanks everybody, I'm taking the Masuda wild ride again!
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18496960 God, that's awful. To make matters worse for me, my boyfriend seems to have incredible luck. when I started hatching the dratinis two nights ago (i haven't had much time to do it lately), he decided to try breeding something for the first time ever in his whole life and got a shiny in 2 boxes that night. Then the next day (yesterday) he decided to start going for his favorite pokemon (farfetch'd) and he got a shiny on like the 20th egg. Oh, and it was hexaperfect.
Quoted By:
>>18496871 Thanks, you've made my day
;_; David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika)
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:38:11 No. 18497029 Report Quoted By:
>>18496952 A roleplaying thread. Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:38:43 No. 18497035 Report Well, I'm gonna hit the hay. Night everybody!
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:39:17 No. 18497043 Report >>18497013 At least you can take consolation in the fact that there's someone nearby who's luck you can siphon should you ever need it.
>>18496960 After MMing Lileep I know what despair lies in wait for HA MMing with longer step counts, but it's always worth it in the end when you get the perfect shone!
>>18497035 Goodnight mate!
No-ah 4425-1690-7563
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18497043 That's what I'm thinking. But honestly I wasn't jealous, I'm really glad he's enjoying the game and there is pretty much nothing more adorable than seeing someone (especially someone who doesn't play pokemon too seriously) hatch a shiny of their all-time favorite pokemon and then find out that it's hexaperfect on top of it
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk]
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:43:18 No. 18497086 Report MMing Beldums for that sweet golden "X" Metagross (goddamn psuedos and their goddamn egg steps). I know that not everyone's bro could have gotten a Mega, but I can't help but think that it's a damn shame that Metagross didn't get one.
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Been taking a break from the hunt to drown myself in even more RNG through monster hunter, but I'll be getting back to my chespin hunt soon
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:46:06 No. 18497118 Report >>18497086 Metagross keeps getting worse each Gen, and it's pissing me off. They took away the Dark and Ghost resist on Steel.types, meaning it now takes SE damage from those moves. As if Earthquake and Fire moves weren't enough already.
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk]
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 15 Mar 2014 04:52:20 No. 18497184 Report Quoted By:
>>18497118 And then there's Bronzong.
Poor, poor Bronzong...
Yousef [1435 - 3469 - 8957] (Ledyba, Masquerain, Venomoth)
Yousef [1435 - 3469 - 8957] (Ledyba, Masquerain, Venomoth) Sat 15 Mar 2014 05:13:18 No. 18497462 Report Quoted By:
does anybody have oddish/gloom in their friend safari?
Nick 0103-9430-3372 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
Nick 0103-9430-3372 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 05:18:29 No. 18497531 Report So if/when I DO hatch a shiny Froakie, will it be noticeable? I feel like this will be one of those shinies where I have to keep checking to make sure because the shiny is so similar.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 05:20:18 No. 18497554 Report >>18497531 After hatching like 300 regular Froaks, you'll notice the slight change in blue. Then there's always the red star, just incase.
Hydreigoon (3780 9238 3895) (Electric) (Galvantula, Emolga, Pikachu) !!XThzLY+DWTm
Hydreigoon (3780 9238 3895) (Electric) (Galvantula, Emolga, Pikachu) !!XThzLY+DWTm Sat 15 Mar 2014 05:21:36 No. 18497563 Report Quoted By:
>>18497531 Its pretty noticeable.
Nick 0103-9430-3372 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
Nick 0103-9430-3372 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 05:23:09 No. 18497583 Report >>18497554 I'm hitting 300 soon, but I keep tricking myself into thinking OOH IS THAT A LIGHTER BLUE SHADE THAN NORMAL? I CAN'T TELL.
It's frustrating.
Quoted By:
>>18497583 >mfw hatching poliwags Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 05:25:40 No. 18497616 Report Quoted By:
>>18497583 I went through the same thing with Phanpy, not being able to tell which was light blue and which was sky blue. But when I found my shiny in box 10 I could tell straight away "This one isn't the same colour as the rest".
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon)
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 05:32:40 No. 18497685 Report Quoted By:
>>18497583 In my personal experience you're more likely to think a non-shiny is shiny than the other way around. I hatched a shiny Froakie earlier and the same thing happened to me several times. Trust me, when you hatch a shiny, you'll know it. You just might have a few false alarms along the way is all.
>tfw 32 year old virgin >tfw no gf to MM with I was in high school when Red/Blue came out
Hydreigoon (3780 9238 3895) (Electric) (Galvantula, Emolga, Pikachu) !!XThzLY+DWTm
Hydreigoon (3780 9238 3895) (Electric) (Galvantula, Emolga, Pikachu) !!XThzLY+DWTm Sat 15 Mar 2014 05:37:34 No. 18497768 Report >>18497731 >There are dinosaurs browsing 4chan Anonymous
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>>18497731 Holy hell, m8, go get a m8.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 15 Mar 2014 05:40:26 No. 18497802 Report Quoted By:
Nick 0103-9430-3372 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
Nick 0103-9430-3372 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 05:42:13 No. 18497821 Report Quoted By:
>>18497731 It's OK anon, Game Freak is your gf.
Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
>>18497768 >32 > Dinosaur be kind to whom you consider elderly, because when you reach that age, you won't appreciate the thought of being considered old
Hydreigoon (3780 9238 3895) (Electric) (Galvantula, Emolga, Pikachu) !!XThzLY+DWTm
Hydreigoon (3780 9238 3895) (Electric) (Galvantula, Emolga, Pikachu) !!XThzLY+DWTm Sat 15 Mar 2014 05:43:49 No. 18497841 Report Quoted By:
>>18497823 No, I'm just messing with him. I can't imagine how lonely he must feel.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18497731 i've always wondered what it would be like to be in high school when pokemon came out (assuming you were into it). was it cool for high school kids to play pokemon back then? or was it like considered really geeky?
>>18497850 It was like how WoW was five years ago.
Quoted By:
>>18497731 It's never to late anon. Even my ugly like hell and stupid cousin got a bf, you surely can have a gf one day. Just try a little harder.
No-ah 4425-1690-7563
I remember when I first started Pokemon. I was about 6 or so, and we lived in Germany. I was at the bank bored out of my mind with my mom. Next to me, so guy with a gameboy was playing Pokemon, but my little kid mind didn't know what it was and was curious. I peeked over to his game and when he noticed me, he asked if I wanted to play. My 6 year old eyes went exceedingly wide and I just nodded excitedly. He started a new game, and gave me the gameboy. After a while when I got stuck or something, I turned to ask him about it, but realised he was gone. I looked everywhere, but couldn't find him. Whoever you are, if you're reading this, thank you.
Hydreigoon (3780 9238 3895) (Electric) (Galvantula, Emolga, Pikachu) !!XThzLY+DWTm
Hydreigoon (3780 9238 3895) (Electric) (Galvantula, Emolga, Pikachu) !!XThzLY+DWTm Sat 15 Mar 2014 05:56:31 No. 18497982 Report Quoted By:
>>18497943 I think you met a ghost m8
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite)
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite) Sat 15 Mar 2014 05:57:00 No. 18497984 Report Quoted By:
Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
Holy shot, WT is nice tonight. I got an adamant female HA dratini and a porygon back to back
Quoted By:
>>18497943 That's adorable. Whoever this person is, they're going to Heaven.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18497901 Is that...bad? WoW was still considered really geeky then right? I was in my freshman year of college then and I had thoroughly stopped giving a shit about other people's choices of hobbies long before then
>>18497943 What the fuck that's the cutest story ever
I lived in Hawaii when Pokemon came out, so we got Japanese trends a couple years before everyone else. When we visited our cousins on the mainland that summer we tried to show them pokemon and they said it was super lame and dumb. Fast forward a couple summers and suddenly Pokemon is their lives and they have no recollection of ever saying that
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika)
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 05:59:29 No. 18498019 Report >>18497993 I wanna try now. I'll send out one of my reject Chikorita.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 15 Mar 2014 06:00:07 No. 18498023 Report Quoted By:
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika)
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 06:01:13 No. 18498038 Report >>18497993 >>18498019 FUCKING SURPRISE I GOT A BUNNELBY
So, I'm not a part of SHW but I'm interested. How does one hunt for shinies?
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika)
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 06:02:14 No. 18498047 Report Quoted By:
Who has a picture of the guise for this
>>18498039 guy?
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620 Sat 15 Mar 2014 06:03:45 No. 18498066 Report Quoted By:
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika)
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 06:05:18 No. 18498085 Report Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>18498038 really? Cause I just got a female snorunt, ugh but that quick ball and a timid foreign honedge
No-ah 4425-1690-7563
>>18497943 Another story from the same bank is one day they were handing our cupcakes, and when I took one I ate the wrapper on accident. I was a strange and adorable kid.
>>18498085 Interesting. Too bad I don't have a foreign ditto.
>>18498124 GTS. But don't fall for 6IV ditto trick.
>>18498133 >6IV Is there a picture/site that explains this stuff? I just picked up Y after that 3ds campaign offer for it. I've heard the term before, but I have really no idea of what it is.
Quoted By:
>>18498154 >Is there a picture/site that explains this stuff? Yes, google. Or Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>18498124 well you could have people flip parents for you, or you could ask for a foreign 6iv ditto from the give away threads or here in this one. They are pretty easy to come by on vp
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika)
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 06:14:12 No. 18498185 Report Quoted By:
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 15 Mar 2014 06:14:21 No. 18498189 Report Quoted By:
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18498108 A coworker of mine (who is an extremely large guy) once confided in me, somewhat embarrassed, that he usually eats cupcakes in one bite. I was a little taken aback, but I was like "well, no, that's not so bad, some cupcakes are small..." but then he was like "I don't think you understand. I put them in my mouth, wrapper and all, and eat the whole thing in one bite."
No-ah 4425-1690-7563
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18498244 Yeah...he seemed really embarrassed about it too. But then so why not just take the wrapper off???? i don't understand but I felt bad for him. Anyway, I like to bake cupcakes in ice cream cones and then they look like ice cream when you frost them and you can eat the cone too
No-ah 4425-1690-7563
>>18498266 That sounds heavenly omg
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18498285 It's really cute yeah, it can be a little too much icing for my tastes sometimes, but it is convenient
sorry for talking off-topic so much Anonymous
>>18498133 Do the IVs of the Ditto matter at all or do I pretty much need a 6 IV one if I want a shiny with the desired IVs?
>>18498310 Wow, looks delicious! I bet you can cook other delicious stuff too, don't you?
Quoted By:
>>18498318 6IV dittos are the best because it maximizes your chances of passing on those maxed out IVs to your offspring. It's entirely doable with a foreign ditto with less than 6 max IVs, but you're gonna have to put more work into passing down max IVs if you're going for that.
Quoted By:
>>18498318 Yeah, if you want good IV's, you need a 6IV Ditto. Make sure it holds Destiny Knot.
Quoted By:
>>18498318 Well, a 2IV ditto can be enough, but to breed an usable pokémon (in battle) will be really painful. If you just want a shiny, to keep like a trophy, any ditto goes.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18498318 Yeah Destiny Knot uses 5 ivs from EITHER parent so you need both of them to have 6 ivs before 5 ivs are guaranteed. So if you're using a ditto, yes, it should have 6 ivs
>>18498319 Oh yeah. Cooking/baking is one of my favorite hobbies
No-ah 4425-1690-7563
>>18498310 One day, I want a bakery. After I lose some weight and stuff, I bet I'd look adorable in an apron and all that other stuff.
And I seriously wanna get into IVs and shit, but it seems totally confusing to me.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18498394 It seems confusing but it is actually very easy. What do you need to know
everyone looks adorable in an apron, no exceptions. No-ah 4425-1690-7563
Quoted By:
>>18498416 Well that pic someone posted earlier seems like it'd be good, but if I have any questions I'll be sure to ask
I started breeding for a Shiny ha froakie at around 500 hours, I'm at 646 hours currently and still not a single shiny. I lost track of my egg count at around 700, that was a week ago. I have both the shiny charm and MM active. I guess this is what I get for breeding a shiny ha poliwag on the 7th egg.
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika)
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika) Sat 15 Mar 2014 06:44:03 No. 18498529 Report Alright guys, I'm going to sleep at 2 boxes of Phantump. See you guys tomorrow.
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite)
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite) Sat 15 Mar 2014 06:45:23 No. 18498540 Report Quoted By:
>>18498529 Night
>>18498486 My lord.
Don't give up.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18498486 Holy fuck. You haven't even gotten a non-HA shiny?
No-ah 4425-1690-7563
Quoted By:
Ten boxes of mudkip. Ugh.
Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
Two boxes left before I hit 25 boxes for shinx and then I'm going to bed. Come on Masuda, you know I'm your most hated favorite
No-ah 4425-1690-7563
Quoted By:
I'm gonna go to bed, three boxes full of charmander is good enough for me for one night Night night guys and gals
>>18498560 I have not gotten a single shiny frokie yet.
I only have two more weeks to breed one, otherwise I'll have to settle with a non shiny. I'm breeding a team of shiny pokes for Armageddicon's Pokemon gym leader event, I'm the water gym leader.
So far I have a shiny politoad, gyrados and Ludicolo. I will most likely make greninja my final shiny hunt for the con, I still have to finish prepping all 1200 badges well be giving out to contestants.
(Pic related)
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18498811 Dude I am so sorry
and terrified that genuinely made me consider giving up the dratini hunt before I get too invested
>>18498844 I wouldn't get discouraged. My shortest hunt was 7 eggs and my longest is currently still in progress, lol.
I've found that allot of my hunts either produce a shiny around 70 eggs or 300 eggs, depending on my luck.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18498900 I've MMd two times so far, and they both took between 200 and 300 eggs, and that was before the shiny charm. So idk, I feel like I'm due for a long hunt, and when it's dratini, a long hunt is unbearable. But I will soldier on
for now Phoenix
Quoted By:
>>18498914 Best of luck comrade
senamic 0404-7103-7292
About to start on box 81. Just calculated how much I have done, these will be eggs 2401 through 2430. I-it will be soon, right?CAPTCHA is fullwat easy, that is just taunting
It's fucking 5AM and my dog is barking like a crazy. Something's happening. If I die now, I just wanted to say thanks for everything /shw/. Thanks for everything /vp/. I'll die without a shiny, damn. Goodbye
senamic 0404-7103-7292
Quoted By:
>>18499062 Also, a vanity shot of my current shones. Competitive in the bottom left (apart from the Amoonguss, which was my first shiny since Silver and as such got a full EV train and good set in spite of his shit stats and bad nature), random encounter shinies in the top right.
Yes, I have encountered a Foonguss and 2 Amoonguss in 6 random encounter shinies.
My seventh random encounter shiny was ANOTHER foonguss, but I knocked it out accidentally. So 4/7 is the actual number. Ian 2234-7205-1316 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Dewgong)
Ian 2234-7205-1316 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Dewgong) Sat 15 Mar 2014 07:54:39 No. 18499103 Report Taking a break from hatching eggs, I took up the Mareep hunt. Not what I was expecting, but I'm ok with it. Keen eye, and my synch passed over so it's modest! >tfw still no female HA Eevee
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 15 Mar 2014 07:57:37 No. 18499126 Report Quoted By:
>>18499085 Good luck anon, may Masuda protect you
Khynoe 1762-2818-4371
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Breeding for a specific gender AND hidden ability is the worst. I'm afraid that my Gligar will either be female or male without Immunity.
Tony 0189 8989 4432
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Officially started my hunt for Honedge. I'm excited to get my based Smogonsword. It'll be my first gen 6 shiny.
Rayu 3394 - 3661 - 8406 [Ledyba, Masquerain, Vivillon]
Rayu 3394 - 3661 - 8406 [Ledyba, Masquerain, Vivillon] Sat 15 Mar 2014 08:48:20 No. 18499589 Report /shw/ /shw/ pls I know this isn't the right place but I'm desperate. I need someone to touch trade me Swoobat and Kingdra so I can finish the Kalos dex. If anyone is willing. I don't think I'll ever get that shiny charm.
>>18499589 Add me. I have both.
Rayu 3394 - 3661 - 8406 [Ledyba, Masquerain, Vivillon]
Rayu 3394 - 3661 - 8406 [Ledyba, Masquerain, Vivillon] Sat 15 Mar 2014 08:55:52 No. 18499666 Report >>18499646 Added at the speed of light
Surrender now or prepare to fight 3926-5818-2924
>>18499666 Heh, nice trips btw.
Hold me, /shw/ i have been breedind for that shiny charmander for almost a week (a few hours less) and no shiny yet. 774ish eggs by now. Im in a weak moment, i want to quit.>"I want to get of Mr. Masuda's wild ride!"
Rayu 3394 - 3661 - 8406 [Ledyba, Masquerain, Vivillon]
Rayu 3394 - 3661 - 8406 [Ledyba, Masquerain, Vivillon] Sat 15 Mar 2014 08:59:13 No. 18499698 Report >>18499685 Thank you so much.
Good luck with your hunt.
Quoted By:
>>18499698 No problem man. And yeah, I gonna need luck.
Quoted By:
>>18499690 NEVER GIVE UP.
Seriously, treat this
>>18499062 as some inspiration.
Mareeps (Matt) 3308-5556-3031
I'm like 36 boxes into MM'ing Wooper, and so far I'm convinced that Sycamore just got this plastic bracelet he called a "Shiny Charm" out of a cereal box
>>18499783 I feel the same way about my shiny charm.
Going to make a picture about this later, if you don't mind. Mareeps (Matt) 3308-5556-3031
Quoted By:
>>18499809 Go for it, I'd love to see an OP pic with that concept!
>>18499783 >Shiny hunt before getting the charm in the Friend Safari >Averages two or three a day >Gets shiny charm >Haven't found one since Sycamore's fucking plastic charm can go to hell.
Sari IGN: michelle 1349-5683-2035(fly spearow, swanna, rufflet)
Sari IGN: michelle 1349-5683-2035(fly spearow, swanna, rufflet) Sat 15 Mar 2014 09:50:16 No. 18500001 Report Quoted By:
>>18499902 apparently shiny charm doesn't affect Safari. Dunno cause I never went to safari without it.
My current datas are 16 shinies out of 7500. Which would usually get me 3 shinies per days if I spent a whole day in there. But sometime the rng is shit and you can be up for 1500+ encounters without a shiny, and sometime you'll get 3 in one hour.
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy)(Fairy)
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy)(Fairy) Sat 15 Mar 2014 11:11:11 No. 18500317 Report My Goal for this weekend, going for a 'Navi' team. Just got the Shiny Charm so I hope it works...
SHANK (FC: 3995-7522-0815)
>>18500317 I like a lot of the blue shinies, those ones are really nice. I got a Ralts yesterday, but she only had 2 perfect IV's. Good luck!
You ever get a shiny, but only after you broke down from your desired shiny?>Was SHW for a zorua >5 boxes no shiny >breed for 5iv quick feet shroomish >first egg shiny >MFW
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy)(Fairy)
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy)(Fairy) Sat 15 Mar 2014 12:06:10 No. 18500574 Report >>18500554 Yeah, I dont know, but blue fits shinies almost always very well!
Aw, are you still gonna use her? Depends what IV's but still!
Thanks! Got a Bold Kirlia, currently cottonee up!
SHANK (FC: 3995-7522-0815)
Quoted By:
>>18500573 Never had it happen, sounds awful man. But hey, still got that Shroomish right?
>>18500574 'Course I'll use her! She has Def and SpA - I'll still EV train her, but I'll likely just end up using her for a playthrough or something.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 12:31:26 No. 18500691 Report Quoted By:
>>18500573 Never given up any of my hunts, but I once got a 0 Def shiny Roserade whilst trying to breed a 6IV one.
How did your Shroomish turn out?
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
Morning everyone. >>18500573 Yeah, I've had that happen before. I was MMing Heracross, got to box 15, then took a break to breed a Magnemite for my dex. The second egg that I got accidentally was a shiny.
Still, I turned it into something positive and I've been collecting steel shinies since then.
Quoted By:
>random shiny pansage >calm nature >max HP and Attack IVs >0 in SpDef
YOU GUYS She's almost perfect.tfw no atk
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 13:23:48 No. 18500990 Report >>18500963 Congratulations!
Matto 4012-4498-0109 [Braixen, Pansear, Larvesta]
Matto 4012-4498-0109 [Braixen, Pansear, Larvesta] Sat 15 Mar 2014 13:27:54 No. 18501018 Report Forgot my trip earlier.
>>18500990 Thanks!
I'm just so happy it's over, even though I still have 5 extra boxes to hatch.
Fuck shiny charm, seriously.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 13:33:45 No. 18501049 Report >>18501018 It's quite fitting to get a Grass-type shiny, seeing as St. Patrick's Day is on Monday.
How many boxes did you go through? I remember you started on Deerling like 2 or 3 weeks ago?
Leo 2681-0616-6377 (Nincada, Diggersby, Sandshrew)
Leo 2681-0616-6377 (Nincada, Diggersby, Sandshrew) Sat 15 Mar 2014 13:34:15 No. 18501054 Report Well, this is unexpected... Been attempting to hatch an Unburden Drifloon with a decent nature. Got myself four eggs. The first two were Modest, with different abilities. The first has a neutral nature. Number three turned out to be Shiny, Careful with Unburden. Wasn't even attempting MM or anything like that. Not sure if I'll be using this one, so I'm just going to box it for the time being and try another batch.
Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360 !JeSter8CDw
>Take a break from hatching Pumpkaboo >Decide to try fishing for a Horsea >2 hours later >Shiny Skrelp
Matto 4012-4498-0109 [Braixen, Pansear, Larvesta]
Matto 4012-4498-0109 [Braixen, Pansear, Larvesta] Sat 15 Mar 2014 13:41:00 No. 18501088 Report >>18501049 I didn't know. Too bad the shiny isn't green then!
I started 2 weeks ago, but I was hatching so slowly it felt like forever. I'm almost sure she was in box 31 (which is considered average for most people).
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 13:43:58 No. 18501108 Report >>18501054 Keep it until the next games. I'm sure the Gems will make a return, and Flying Gem works great on an Acrobatics Drifloon set. Seeing as it's a physical move, the drop to Sp.Atk shouldn't hurt too much.
You'll have to wait a little bit for it to start wrecking shit in battles, but at least you got a shiny. Congrats!
>>18501079 Heh, close enough, right? Congrats!
>>18501088 Still a green type though.
I hatched my own green shone last night, in box 52, so I know how much of a let down the Shiny Charm is.
Matto 4012-4498-0109 [Braixen, Pansear, Larvesta]
Matto 4012-4498-0109 [Braixen, Pansear, Larvesta] Sat 15 Mar 2014 13:51:19 No. 18501152 Report >>18501108 It's good to know I'm not the only unlucky charm owner around.
At least I caught a couple great shinies in the wild.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 14:19:05 No. 18501356 Report >>18501152 >unlucky charm Haha, Unlucky Charms could be the official /shw/ breakfast cereal.
Jack Mihoff 1736 1317 8739 Magmar Fletchinder Pyroar
Jack Mihoff 1736 1317 8739 Magmar Fletchinder Pyroar Sat 15 Mar 2014 14:33:18 No. 18501446 Report I think I have to take a break from shiny hunting just to breed competitive bro mons and pray that one is born shiny
No-ah 4425-1690-7563
Quoted By:
Morning everyone, time to get back on the ride
>>18500573 Oh yeah, shroomish was the one shiny I forgot about when telling my RE shine stories last night.
It was in an emerald emulator, which is probably why I forgot
Jack Mihoff 1736 1317 8739 Magmar Fletchinder Pyroar
Jack Mihoff 1736 1317 8739 Magmar Fletchinder Pyroar Sat 15 Mar 2014 14:35:39 No. 18501462 Report >>18501446 GOD DAMN IT HOW COME EVERY POKEMON I WANT TO USE WITH KNOCK OFF CAN'T FUCKING USE IT IN GEN VI
It really hurts not giving Bisharp Knock Off Hydreigoon (3780 9238 3895) (Electric) (Galvantula, Emolga, Pikachu) !!XThzLY+DWTm
Hydreigoon (3780 9238 3895) (Electric) (Galvantula, Emolga, Pikachu) !!XThzLY+DWTm Sat 15 Mar 2014 14:42:30 No. 18501511 Report >>18501462 Gen 6 tutors in Z/XXXY/X2Y2/RSE Remakes
Alexander 2852-7040-8512
Starting my Mankey hunt. Wish me luck!
Jack Mihoff 1736 1317 8739 Magmar Fletchinder Pyroar
Jack Mihoff 1736 1317 8739 Magmar Fletchinder Pyroar Sat 15 Mar 2014 14:43:52 No. 18501525 Report Quoted By:
>>18501511 I can't wait that long, Hydreigoon... Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 14:45:23 No. 18501536 Report >>18501462 Tutor moves are a bitch, hopefully we'll get the next ahem/games soon enough.
>>18501511 >RSE Remakes Hoenn will never be revisited [spoielr];_;[/spoiler:lit]
>>18501517 Good luck, mate!
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite)
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite) Sat 15 Mar 2014 14:54:51 No. 18501586 Report Quoted By:
only able to sleep for 4 hours oh god let's hope this ride ends soon
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 14:56:21 No. 18501599 Report Quoted By:
>>18501536 I fucking suck at spoilers.
Also, does anyone have a transparent version of Masuda? Or his upper torso or something?
Thinking of making an OP image.
>>18501356 turned out worse than hoped, but eh
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 15:06:58 No. 18501690 Report >>18501665 HAHAHAHAHA, FANTASTIC!
It's pretty similar to what I had planned on doing.
Do you think you could add the /shw/ tag, shiny Mareep and maybe replace the leprechaun's face Masuda's face? And maybe something like "Happy St. Paddy's Day!"?
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk]
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 15 Mar 2014 15:09:10 No. 18501703 Report Quoted By:
>>18500573 All. The. Time. Heck, last weekend after I didn't get an HA Swirlix, I hunted Litwik only to get it a few hours later. Then later that day I got a Fennekin while trying to breed a 5IV parent.
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric)
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric) Sat 15 Mar 2014 15:09:42 No. 18501709 Report Quoted By:
>>18500573 >Up to ~700 eggs for Yamask >Ehh lets make a Sableye with Prankster >Gold Sableye with Stall after 20 eggs Anonymous
Good morning all. Back on the ride for a Mareep. God I am so tired of hoards already.
>>18499103 I live in constant fear of this happening, and me missing it because the difference is kind of subtle, and I just really hope that doesn't happen, man ;_;
Also congrats.
>>18501665 I love it, 9/10.
Jack Mihoff 1736 1317 8739 Magmar Fletchinder Pyroar
Jack Mihoff 1736 1317 8739 Magmar Fletchinder Pyroar Sat 15 Mar 2014 15:14:19 No. 18501742 Report Quoted By:
>>18501665 That is fucking awesome
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 15:21:33 No. 18501792 Report Quoted By:
>>18501770 Eh, I like it better without the Mareep. Maybe put the "/shw/" where the Mareep is now.
Quoted By:
>>18501856 Yeah, I dig that.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 15:51:55 No. 18502011 Report Alright, it isn't as good as the real Unlucky Charms one, but it's my first OP image. Please be gentle...
>>18502011 10/10, I actually laughed out loud.
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite)
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite) Sat 15 Mar 2014 15:56:41 No. 18502036 Report >>18502011 oh man that's amazing
Jack Mihoff 1736 1317 8739 Magmar Fletchinder Pyroar
Jack Mihoff 1736 1317 8739 Magmar Fletchinder Pyroar Sat 15 Mar 2014 15:57:08 No. 18502046 Report Anonymous
>>18502011 12/10, its much nicer than mine
No-ah 4425-1690-7563
>>18502011 >ilikeit.jpg Also, I just realised Yoshi's New Island is already out. I guess I'm gonna be taking a break from the Wild Ride for a while.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:04:33 No. 18502102 Report Quoted By:
>>18502027 >>18502036 >>18502046 Thanks guys!
>>18502061 I dunno about that, I feel yours had better editing, especially with the font.
Matto 4012-4498-0109 [Braixen, Pansear, Larvesta]
Matto 4012-4498-0109 [Braixen, Pansear, Larvesta] Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:04:39 No. 18502103 Report Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon)
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:16:28 No. 18502165 Report Hello everybody! Did anything happen?
Steel Fag
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:25:24 No. 18502218 Report Quoted By:
Afternoon, /shw/! Loving the Unlucky Charms OP images
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:26:11 No. 18502223 Report >>18502165 Yeah, loads of people got their shones and we have a few new OP images.
>>18502097 >>18502103 >>18502167 Thanks guys, glad to see it got such a great reception.
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon)
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:29:15 No. 18502246 Report >>18502223 Oh shit! Congrats on that shiny Lileep! Do you have any pics of it's evolved form?
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:29:43 No. 18502248 Report >>18502246 He's not evolving it
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon)
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:32:01 No. 18502265 Report >>18502248 Oh. Any reason for this?
Opti (BagonBoy)
> not even one box in > Hatch pentaperfect shone Skarmory with sneaky pebbles, brave bird and whirlwind Feels good man
Steel Fag
>>18502265 Shiny Cradily a shit.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Hi everyone Still hunting dratinis, long ride ahead What's happening
リリー (Lily) 1005 9226 8342
Hello everyone. How're the hunts going? I made something dumb.
Gave up for a while, but finally back to trying to hatch a shiny Aron. I was around 20 boxes in before so got a long way to go.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:35:40 No. 18502298 Report >>18502265 As Zack said, I'm not gonna evolve it. While I like Cradily I really only like the green form. Had shiny Cradily been Lileep lilac I would've evolved it, but it isn't. It's the same shade of pinkish purple that Lileep was in Gen 3. Call it autism, if you want, but it's just the way I feel.
>>18502266 Nice, congrats!
>>18502281 New OP images.
See here
>>18501665 >>18501770 >>18501856 >>18502011 Anonymous
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon)
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:37:22 No. 18502312 Report >>18502275 >implying cradily isn't the best fossil u wot m80
>>18502292 I like it.
replace the shiny charm with the higher resolution image when you recieve it >>18502298 I see now.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18502298 Oh man those are really good
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:40:35 No. 18502334 Report Quoted By:
>>18502292 That's great but what Lucca said
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk]
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:50:53 No. 18502401 Report Yeah Baby! 4 Boxes in!
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:52:53 No. 18502415 Report Matto 4012-4498-0109 [Braixen, Pansear, Larvesta]
Matto 4012-4498-0109 [Braixen, Pansear, Larvesta] Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:53:20 No. 18502423 Report Quoted By:
>>18502292 this is an accurate representation of me when i got the charm.
and then reality destroyed my dreams Steel Fag
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:57:24 No. 18502447 Report >>18502292 Enjoyble/10
Could you perhaps have a transparent shone Mareep discretely hidden in the eyes?
>>18502294 Good luck, mate!
>>18502312 I still have a Storm Drain Cradily in my 3rd box of Battle Ready competitive Pokémon for when I want to use him, but this Lileep is my pride and joy.
Lileep's line are the best FossilMon, along with the Tyrunt one. Love me some fossil shones.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:00:09 No. 18502469 Report >>18502401 Missed this, congrats mate!
Shame about the lack of Egg Moves. How're the IVs?
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:01:26 No. 18502477 Report Hey all! How're your hunts going? How far in are you? Just bought a preowned Pokemon Platinum, SRing for shiny chimchar, at about 150 soft resets maybe? not counting. Done some yesterday and some today. What're you listening to or watching? Just finished watching Wales murder Scotland in the rugby, and now watching Catfish the TV Show. What's your favorite song or TV show or both? Don't stop believing - Journey / The Wire and Sherlock How've you been lately? Brilliant. Recently started a diet (I am hella overweight), and I have had back pain for years as a result of slipping with a large tool kit on the stairs years ago. Since that injury I couldn't walk 10 minutes without feeling in absolute pain. Since starting the diet, I have way more energy, and just this morning I did a 5 and a half mile walk, non-stop. no back pain. Got a long way to go, but I am feeling positive.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18502447 Am I the only one whose favorite fossil pokemon is
Aurorus I know it's shit but i love it. I remember I gasped aloud the first time I saw leaked images
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18502477 I'm not proud to admit that I've watched every episode of Catfish, but I have. Season 3 when
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon)
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:05:58 No. 18502518 Report >>18502401 Oh shit congrats! I remember when this hatched. It was my first MM. I also filled 4 boxes and it hatched on egg 118, with 2 eggs remaining to finish the 4th box. I tought my eyes were playing tricks on me when it hatched white.
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:06:17 No. 18502520 Report >>18502484 don't think its my favourite, tyrunt is just to awesome, but I do love the design of Aurorus, I think 6th Gen probably has the best fossil pokemon overall.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:07:05 No. 18502525 Report >>18502477 Afternoon, Beechyboy!
Wow di we get on with the Rugby? Missed it because I was
watching Cardiff play Everton .
>>18502484 Lots of people like Aurorus, but other than nice-ish design, a unique typing and a very niche ability it isn't that useful. I've seen some sets work wonders in UU, but they are very gimmicky and don't fare well against SE priority moves
Bullet Punch, Mach Punch and Vacuum Wave completely wreck it .
That, and Tyrantrum is love, Tyrantrum is life.
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:07:31 No. 18502532 Report >>18502504 my friend got me hooked on it recently, usually wouldn't watch something like this but after seeing the film I just had to watch more
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk]
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:07:44 No. 18502533 Report >>18502415 Thanks!
>>18502426 I don't know why this made it even more satisfying.
>>18502469 >Egg Moves Man, I wish! 4IVs, not counting Defense and Sp.Defence unfortunately, but I still love it. Gonna check out the missing ones over at the Battle Facility
>>18502518 Thanks, this feels great especially since Beldum was my first MM too and I failed miserably.
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:09:35 No. 18502544 Report >>18502525 eyo frap!
We absolutely murdered them, 51 - 3.
They were a man down for the last 2 thirds of the game after a pretty brutal tackle.
I just wish we could've played like that for the rest of the competition.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:09:42 No. 18502548 Report Quoted By:
>>18502533 Sounds scary, lets hope those Defs are in the mid 20's.
Fingers crossed, mate!
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18502525 Yeah, I know I could never use it competitively, but in-game it was my pal. I just love the design
>>18502520 Agreed. runner-up goes to gen
5 Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18502532 I know, it's like such a trashy show but it's exactly my kind of trashy show. Also one episode was filmed in my hometown and the guy on it went to my high school, so that was surreal. Do you think the documentary was fake or no?
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:18:19 No. 18502626 Report >>18502544 >51 - 3 Fucking hell.
Aye, it would've been nice if they had pulled that kind of result against the English the other day.
>>18502552 It's a real shame, too. It would've been much better off as a physical attacker like Tyrantrum, as at least then you could Refridgerate powerful moves like Return and Double-Edge, then run a bulky set with that. I know they nerfed weather this Gen, but it'd be nice if Hail boosted one of the stats for Ice-types, like how Sand boosts Rock-type's Sp.Def. At least then HA Aurorus would be slightly better.
>Gen 5 >runner up >mfw Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:20:49 No. 18502656 Report Quoted By:
>>18502626 >Alos Fuck me, I need my eyes tested
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:22:55 No. 18502677 Report Quoted By:
>>18502586 I don't think so, the show really does seem genuine unlike a lot of the other trashy "documentaries" that come up on channels like MTV.
I wish theyd do a series in the UK, I wanna see some of the oddballs living in my country
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:23:38 No. 18502686 Report Quoted By:
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:23:58 No. 18502691 Report Quoted By:
>>18502626 yea I am just hoping Ireland win now. They dont need a points difference, I just want them to win the competition over England.
Ian 2234-7205-1316 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Dewgong)
Ian 2234-7205-1316 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Dewgong) Sat 15 Mar 2014 18:25:23 No. 18503256 Report Quoted By:
>>18501716 Don't fret anon. Gamefreak anticipated such an issue, it's why the screen darkens upon the pokemon sparkling. It was quite obvious, even with me listening to music and looking elsewhere.
I too was worried about it, but I try not to now.