Steel Fag
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:16:19 No. 18507476 Report Continuing from last thread. So, let's try something fun /shw/. Inspired by the "Draw the Shiny you are hunting" thing we did last week, I've come up with something fun we can all do. Draw yourself with your favourite Shiny Pokemon. Doesn't have to be MS Paint, you can spend as little or as much effort as you like.>Pic Related It's something I did earlier in the week. I have some Spare Event Shiny Pokemon for the top three best pictures. Thought it might be a nice break from hunting.
Alice - insect-4184 1461 2541
I should really study. I l keep saying one more hour, but i never pick up my book. I'm going to fail /shw/ and the worst thing is i don't even care. Still all day tomorrow i guess...
Nick 1203-9244-5669
Quoted By:
I found my fucking 3DS, hell yeah. Time to /shw/!
>>18507476 Nigga that's cute as fuck. I'll definitely participate after I charge this stupid thing.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:20:07 No. 18507545 Report >>18507461 According to the chance of getting a 6IV female (provided 50/50 gender rates) with 6IVs from two 5IV parents is 1 egg in every 384.
>>18507498 Go study. You can hunt with /shw/ any weekend, don't ruin your life over it.
Hopefully next weekend we can all have some Shiny MultiBattles. That'd be nice.
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet)
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet) Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:20:53 No. 18507562 Report >>18507498 I've been saying the same thing but after I hatch these 3 remaining boxes, I'm done MMing until next weekend. I will try to not fail! Let's not fail, we can do this!
Daryll 0705-2872-3253
>>18507476 Mouse drawing is hard.
I know Metagross isn't that big, but that's besides the point. Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:23:11 No. 18507596 Report Quoted By:
>>18507567 I don't think many people are taking exact size according to the dex into account.
I know I didn't.
Steel Fag
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite)
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite) Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:23:57 No. 18507609 Report Quoted By:
And I'm working on my 16th box of Pumpkaboo's. I kinda want off this ride now holy shit
Alice - insect-4184 1461 2541
>>18507545 one parent is 6iv so its 1/132 right?
Alice - insect-4184 1461 2541
>>18507562 but i don't wannnnnnnna stuuuuuuuudy white collar crime. It's soooooooo boring. And i don't even want to think about all the things I have due before the end of the month.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>come in from an 8-mile bike ride >immediately hop back on bike simulator what's happening, guys
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:30:21 No. 18507703 Report >>18507644 Less than that, according to their calc.
>>18507663 You life and your virtual life are merging.
A scary fact, one that might take you by surprise, unless, you are in
The Twilight Zone .
>>18507703 So is it better to breed 5IV with 6IV or 6IV with 6IV?
Josh 1203-9930-1868
Quoted By:
So how many shinies do ya'll have? I've come to the realization that I have 86 shiny pokemon to my name. 8 come from older games (2 ruby, 2 pearl, 3 heart gold, 1 trade) 9 come from Y (2 mm, 6 safari, 1 horde) And the rest come from trading around stuff. I became the guy who picked up all the poorly natured shinies/unwanted 'useless' shinies from the shiny trade threads. Its odd.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:34:01 No. 18507779 Report Quoted By:
>>18507703 Damn, forgot my bloody link >>18507740 Depends on how you see it.
Dual 6IV parent + Destiny Knot guarantee a 5IV offspring, but getting your desired IV spread is a 1/6 chance. However there's also a 1/32 chance of getting a 6IV offspring out of them.
Daryll 0705-2872-3253
Quoted By:
>>18507740 With a 5IV and a 6IV there's still a chance of getting a 4IV, or even a 4IV with one of them being one you don't need.
With 2 6IV's you'll always have 5 perfect IVs.
Alice - insect-4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>18507740 you have the same chances of hatching a 5iv shiny with a 5iv/6iv breeding pair as you do with a breeding pair of 6/6. One just guarantees a better chance of the shiny having the iv's you need.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18507703 The Twilight Zone is my all-time favorite show and there are several episodes that more or less fit that theme
Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360 !JeSter8CDw
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet)
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet) Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:41:06 No. 18507928 Report >>18507661 I understand. POWER THROUGH.
I've got a final exam on Monday, 2 finals on Tuesday, research wednesday and Thursday, and final final Friday Yet, I'm still here. Shit. Good luck with studying.
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>18507498 You should study and hatch eggs at the same time. You hatch at a much slower pace though. It's why it takes so long for me to find shinies.
>>18507663 One day, you'll probably decide to stop at a store and buy some eggs just for the hell of it.
>no, no you can keep these seven. I can only carry five at a time. Alice - insect-4184 1461 2541
>>18507928 well, my dog has spoken, no studying for me she walked in and put her paw down on my notebook, so back to MMing i go with her blessing.
well why didn't you study? My dog didn't want me to sir Alice - insect-4184 1461 2541
>>18507975 I would if i didn't have to stop every so often and check the IVs on the females i hatched. If i had two 6iv parents, id say screw it and just store all the eggs and hatch them tomorrow while i studied
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:45:34 No. 18508022 Report Quoted By:
>>18507978 She'd a wise and noble creature.
Give her a treat for her services.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:46:39 No. 18508043 Report Quoted By:
>>18507837 I actually love the simplicity
Josh 1203-9930-1868
>>18507928 >>18507978 I have clinical placement this week in a hospital.
Studying is easy.
Going into an unknown workplace
To deal with unknown people
Who have real sicknesses/injuries.
I wish I felt that studying would prepare me.
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
Quoted By:
>>18508002 You got me there. I can't argue with that or your dog.
Special Aegislash or physical Aegislash?
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:51:41 No. 18508133 Report Quoted By:
>come back from nap >my OP image is being used I feel a little better now
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:51:44 No. 18508136 Report Quoted By:
>>18508111 Mixed, favouring Special so a Quiet nature.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18508111 Depends on your team perhaps?
Sliggoo M8 1392-5780-0735
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet)
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet) Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:54:19 No. 18508176 Report Quoted By:
>>18507978 A valid excuse. An intelligent creature spoke to me with a simple gesture, telling me I should focus on MMing.
Why did you fail this? show them pic related >>18508049 That's why I need to get a hospital internship as quickly as possible
>real life experiences I wish you the best of luck.
Nick 1203-9244-5669
Quoted By:
>>18507537 Being a breeder is suffering.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:57:19 No. 18508242 Report Quoted By:
>>18508172 Oh my gosh my sides
/vp/ Kris 2594-9976-3878 (Eevee, Minncino & Teddiursa)
/vp/ Kris 2594-9976-3878 (Eevee, Minncino & Teddiursa) Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:59:29 No. 18508279 Report Dubs decides which shiny i hunt for.
DexBased 0044-3519-8559 [Snorunt, Beartic, Lapras]
DexBased 0044-3519-8559 [Snorunt, Beartic, Lapras] Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:00:13 No. 18508296 Report Quoted By:
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:00:21 No. 18508301 Report Quoted By:
>>18508279 Female Combee Via Masuda Method
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
Accidentally broke a chain of 99. It hurts.
Nick 1203-9244-5669
Sliggoo M8 1392-5780-0735
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:01:00 No. 18508319 Report >>18508279 HA female Eevee.
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon)
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:01:11 No. 18508321 Report Quoted By:
リリー (Lily) 1005 9226 8342
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:02:08 No. 18508333 Report >>18508319 Postin the transparent version
>>18508279 HA Female Froakie
Nick 1203-9244-5669
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon)
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:02:52 No. 18508347 Report >>18508333 >trips ain't dubs >>18508279 Seismitoad
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:03:27 No. 18508359 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>18508279 Snorlax in a Heavy Ball
Daryll 0705-2872-3253
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:03:50 No. 18508371 Report Quoted By:
>>18508347 Trips overrule dubs.
Kris 2594-9976-3878 (Eevee, Minncino & Teddiursa)
Kris 2594-9976-3878 (Eevee, Minncino & Teddiursa) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:04:33 No. 18508382 Report >>18508333 T-THANKS /shw/
let the pain and suffering begin Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:04:33 No. 18508385 Report Quoted By:
>>18508279 If you're gonna call me out and say trips aren't dubs as Lucca did, I'll roll again
HA. Female. Froakie.
Check 'em
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:05:36 No. 18508412 Report >>18508382 Good luck
>>18508377 Also, this is hella adorable
Nick 1203-9244-5669
Quoted By:
>>18508377 >Next in line >mfw suffering never ends Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:07:15 No. 18508440 Report >>18508377 That is absolutely brilliant
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:08:20 No. 18508456 Report Quoted By:
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon)
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:10:14 No. 18508480 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
on to box ??? of poochyena Oh god I've been nuzlocking in emerald and everything is so much faster in X, thank god
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite)
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:14:22 No. 18508530 Report Quoted By:
Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
Whoo, one chapter of 6 studied for. Now to do as all procrastinators would and take an hour long break for 30 mins of work
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet)
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:17:00 No. 18508583 Report >>18508531 >I'll take a 5 minute break >turns into an hour of nothing Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
>>18508583 turns out it was a good thing I did because 6IV FEMALE yeaaaaah now I can mass horde eggs again
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet)
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:21:45 No. 18508687 Report Quoted By:
>>18508627 FINALLY! Nice! Good luck on that hunt.
Kris 2594-9976-3878 (Eevee, Minncino & Teddiursa)
Kris 2594-9976-3878 (Eevee, Minncino & Teddiursa) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:23:39 No. 18508720 Report So, i think i'm going to start with Skitty first, the real challenge is next.
Mareeps (Matt) 3308-5556-3031
Well, I hatched a shiny Absorb Wooper!Breeding for a HA is suffering, but i'm gonna take a break from Woopers, to get a horde shiny
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18508731 grats! pink shinies is best shinies
>>18508720 Oh neat! I can get you one in a dream ball if you need matching colors.
I think that matches right Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:28:59 No. 18508833 Report Quoted By:
>>18508731 Grats! Sorry about the Ability though
Kris 2594-9976-3878 (Eevee, Minncino & Teddiursa)
Kris 2594-9976-3878 (Eevee, Minncino & Teddiursa) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:29:36 No. 18508844 Report >>18508812 That'd be amazing!
I'd love one!
do you want anything in return?
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:29:42 No. 18508848 Report HAPPENING
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:29:48 No. 18508850 Report >>18508731 Congrats!
Which Horde shone you going for?
Mareeps (Matt) 3308-5556-3031
>>18508850 Another Mareep! I want the whole line shiny, and i only need a Flaaffy now
Still no luck with my nidoran hordes. How long does it usually take you guys I find a shiny in a horde
>>18508848 Oh shit! Congrats!
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:33:28 No. 18508912 Report >>18508848 Oh gosh, is it any good?
>>18508885 Noice, good luck!
>>18508886 Only found 1 horde shiny, and it was a random Whismur whilst EV-training.
honedge guy from last night...just hatched in 22nd box, 4th egg. Dubs decides nickname
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:34:52 No. 18508934 Report >>18508848 >>18508905 >>18508912 4-5/31/31/31/31/31
That HP is pretty disappointing, but otherwise, I'm happy!
Daryll 0705-2872-3253
>>18508844 Breeding leftovers would be cool but anything's fine! Just give me a second to hatch a female.
Maybe a Loveball would fit better though. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18508934 Nice, congrats!
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:36:20 No. 18508969 Report Quoted By:
>>18508915 Grats! Name it Godric, after Godric Griffindor, as engraved on the Sword in the second Harry Potter book/movie
Ellis 1607-2348-9941 !!j35jx41L0ld
>>18507476 After losing half of my drawing materials in the process, its finally done
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:37:10 No. 18508991 Report >>18508915 Polterslice
>>18508934 Shame about the HP, but it's still nice to see you got a greenish shone in time for St. Paddy's Day. Congratulations!
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:38:09 No. 18509012 Report Quoted By:
>>18508989 Oh my god what the fuck
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:39:31 No. 18509034 Report >>18508989 >not drawing yourself infected with the cordyceps Ya blew it.
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet)
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:39:39 No. 18509040 Report Quoted By:
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:39:46 No. 18509043 Report >>18508991 It's actually only 13 points difference at level 50, so it's not that bad at all!
Just got a 6 IV japanese Ditto and am now trying to breed my first shiny. I hope I don't go insane.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:41:30 No. 18509065 Report >>18509043 13 points is quite a lot, it has an impact on Life Orb, recoil damage, Subs and Leftovers recovery. But it's not like you can't make it work.
>>18509045 Great, what're you gonna hunt for?
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:41:46 No. 18509071 Report Quoted By:
Ellis 1607-2348-9941 !!j35jx41L0ld
>>18509034 I can barely draw m8
I couldn't do that if i tried
>>18509065 Shiny Fletchling. Shiny Talonflame looks badass. Also I already have an HA 5 IV adamant talonflame so it makes things faster.
Kris 2594-9976-3878 (Eevee, Minncino & Teddiursa)
Kris 2594-9976-3878 (Eevee, Minncino & Teddiursa) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:44:02 No. 18509116 Report >>18508944 I have some Impish Gligars for you, i'll add you now!
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:45:10 No. 18509140 Report >>18509065 Should I put 252 EVs in HP, then?
I was thinking of 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 6 HP (or SpDef, not really sure) but I could switch HP and Speed around to give it a little more bulk.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:45:11 No. 18509142 Report Quoted By:
>>18509075 I know that feel.
>>18509115 Sounds exciting, good luck with getting the shiniest, bravest bird.
Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
How should I train my scraggy? Max out attack and what else? Speed? Defense?
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:48:10 No. 18509211 Report >>18509140 I have that spread on my Dragon Dance Feraligatr, but a friend of mine has a bulkier one with Swords Dance. I think his has a 252 Atk/72 Speed/rest in HP spread. Not 100% sure.
>>18509173 Depends on the planned set
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:48:20 No. 18509216 Report Quoted By:
>in Route 20 trying to pass down PokeRus to Totodile >shiny Amoongus
Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
>>18509211 jolly
DD, drain punch, ice punch, crunch
I think I'm going to evolve it rather than use evolite
Just got to this episode of the anime, I hope it brings all of us luck! Kaitlin--Étoiles/Maximus
Quoted By:
>>18509173 Speed, I'd think.
>>18509280 Mine is fully invested in Speed and Attack. After a DD, it is impressive. 4 in Sp Def since that's my imperfect stat.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:53:17 No. 18509338 Report Quoted By:
>>18509280 Max Atk, max Speed, then 4 in either of the defenses.
>>18509283 I love that episode.
>>18509314 God damn it! I wanted nidoran! I guess I'll catch it and keep going
>>18509116 Sorry for the wait, I'm online now!
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:55:36 No. 18509385 Report >>18509351 Congratulations, at least it's a nice consolation for all the time you've spent so far!
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sun 16 Mar 2014 00:56:26 No. 18509397 Report >>18509283 We are all Dr. Wiseman.
Quoted By:
>>18509351 At least you get two shinies when you do get that Nidoran, congrats!
Quoted By:
>>18509385 That's true I guess, still disappointed lol
Best Namefag
I'm never going to get this shiny Sandile, I swear. I'm tempted to just drop masuda's wild ride and hunt for one in a Sandile safari. But then no one seems to have a Sandile safari and I'll miss out on a few IV's. Also a lesser chance of Moxie.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:02:27 No. 18509542 Report Quoted By:
>>18509505 You can capsule Moxie, can't you?
And there's always at least 1 Safari Thread in the catalog.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:03:44 No. 18509562 Report >>18509505 The fuck does that tweet even mean?
Why did Will Smith father such unlikable children?
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet)
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:05:10 No. 18509602 Report Quoted By:
>Last box >Surely the shiny Squirtle is here
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
>>18509562 He's just a teenager that's going through his deep phase. Cut the kid some slack.
Kris 2594-9976-3878 (Eevee, Minncino & Teddiursa)
Kris 2594-9976-3878 (Eevee, Minncino & Teddiursa) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:05:36 No. 18509611 Report >>18509363 Thanks a ton! :3
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:06:06 No. 18509622 Report Quoted By:
>>18509562 What's wrong with Jaden? He's a young fellow and like to make trends and make friends.
Quoted By:
>>18509611 No problem! Thanks for the Gligar
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite)
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:06:52 No. 18509633 Report Quoted By:
>>18509562 Its cuz he's a celebrity, and his fame goes up with every single tweet.
Radical Ed
just caught a shiny floatzel while ev training in hordes. Feels good
Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360 !JeSter8CDw
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:09:04 No. 18509673 Report >>18509660 Congrats!
That deep purple Kingdra is beautiful
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:09:12 No. 18509675 Report >>18509652 >>18509660 Lucky, lucky.
Congratulations, guys!
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite)
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:12:05 No. 18509733 Report Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360 !JeSter8CDw
Quoted By:
>>18509673 >>18509675 >>18509733 Thanks guys!
It feels nice to actually get a shiny i'm trying for
Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
Got one more chapter to go before I stop studying for tonight. I plan to stock up on eggs tonight, then autohatch them tomorrow while I study some more. Muhahaha my plan is foolproof!
Quoted By:
>>18509660 Cute! Love purple Kingdra too, like
>>18509673 .
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Finally got a skrelp that doesn't have a terrible nature. Neutral, but I'll settle for that!
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:22:54 No. 18509995 Report >>18509939 What could go wrong?
>>18509973 Congrats!
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite)
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:24:46 No. 18510038 Report Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:25:43 No. 18510056 Report >>18507476 Im back! Had my food, ended up watching The Worlds End and Thor the Dark World (hadn't seen either yet, enjoyed both very much).
Well, here it is, just done in photoshop for spits n giggles. Too much time on my hands.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18510038 >>18509995 Thank you!
Skrelp - #690 (Quirky) : 20 - 23 / 28 / 0 - 3 / 28 / 12, 14 / 16, 18
Defense is too bad, but the rest seems pretty good for a wild shiny.
>>18509660 Congrats!! What was your chain?
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:28:31 No. 18510131 Report >>18510056 Christ on a cracker, how much effort did you put into that mate?
Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360 !JeSter8CDw
>>18510086 Thanks! The chain was really low. like 6 or so.
>>18510056 I thought you said you were very overweight? if that's what you consider heavy, then...
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18510148 Oh wow, that's awesome. My lowest so far is 33.
I'd like to find out how the rate is actually affected when you chain fish - is it automatically lowered or does it decrease with each cast?
I guess we won't know for sure until someone is able to peep the data.
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga)
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:31:07 No. 18510184 Report Currently stuck on Fennekin Quest PT 3: It Keeps Happening. I'm making the Fennekin a supporting set for rotation battles with Sunny Day, Hypnosis, and Magic Coat. Think it'd work as a Braixen or would it need to go Delphox to even stand a chance of doing anything?
Macks !d.Bl05kb.M
Got that Shiny Charm. Got dat 5IV Jap Heracross humping my 5IV english Heracross. Just started, up to 90 eggs. Dis is some booshit.
Quoted By:
I swear to fuck I got two 6 iv pineco in the same trip after breeding 200 or so, better chance of a shiny I think.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:33:19 No. 18510223 Report >>18510184 Probably better off as Delphox, unless you'd rather have Eviolite on your Braixen. But then it'd have a lower Speed and damage output, with no reliable recovery.
>>18509973 Congrats!
>>18510056 Very cool! I do all my art stuff (draw pics, OP images) on Photoshop
for iPad. But I'm totally lacking your mad skillz.
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:35:29 No. 18510264 Report >>18510131 bout half an hour ish, whenever something like this comes up I always go overboard.
>>18510156 I left out a the worst of it, im 5"11 and if i breath in deep I can hide most of it.
I am really heavy, but instead of being wide all my weight is out front.
I basically found a photo of a guy who had vaguely similar proportions and worked off that pose.
Add a chin or two, extend the gut a bit more, then you got me.
Alright guys, I'm going to play through Y using only shiny Pokemon I caught or are given to me. What horde should I hunt for my starter?
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga)
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:36:02 No. 18510272 Report >>18510186 Even with shiny charm it's 1/400 chance. Booshit happens after box 12.
>>18510223 Yeah, but holding an Evolite turns off Magician. Damn. Might go Safari hunting for a trophy Braixen after breeding a usable one.
Also forgot my 'listl
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga)
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:37:24 No. 18510294 Report >>18510267 If you want a shiny to get you started I got a fished shiny you can just have. No like I'm going to be able to trade it to anyone.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18510186 45+ boxes of riolu with the charm, no shiny in sight.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:39:02 No. 18510324 Report >>18510264 You kinda look like Thor in that pic. It's remarkably well done, I'd be surprised if Abi didn't award you one of the shinies now.
>>18510267 Either Mareep or Spinda.
>>18510272 Magician is an awful ability either way. Telepathy would've been better, as it'd fit the oracle/Wizard motif as well as make it a good Doubles partner.
Either way, I wish you luck in your hunt!
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:39:57 No. 18510333 Report Quoted By:
>>18510257 I love using sketch club on the ipad, havent done any doodling in a long time but that one was great because if I remember right you could rotate and scale individual layers really easily.
I did this one on photoshop with a wacom tablet, honestly dont have great skills this is about the extent of it.
I always wanted to do web comics or something, but I just never had the patience to keep at it.
Tay 2036 7957 1419
>>18510294 If you're willing to just give it to me certainly, it will be the first on my team
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:42:00 No. 18510363 Report Quoted By:
>>18510324 damn i wish i even looked remotely like thor in reality. Hair is actually shorter right now I had it cut a few days ago, but this is my usual long hair and goatee.
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga)
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:44:23 No. 18510416 Report >>18510349 Don't thank me yet. You're free to have it, if only because I'm not getting rid of it otherwise since it's an
Alomomola Tay 2036 7957 1419
>>18510416 It will destroy the e4.
Poochyena boy 0705-2916-9351 (Rock: Dwebble, Corsola, ???)
Poochyena boy 0705-2916-9351 (Rock: Dwebble, Corsola, ???) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:46:04 No. 18510447 Report >>18510267 Try looking for Electrike. His shiny's really cool looking!
Tay 2036 7957 1419
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:47:50 No. 18510468 Report >>18510440 I could probably gift you one as well.
How about a Grass or Fire-type to go with your Water-type?
Tay 2036 7957 1419
>>18510468 Either or would be great, make it a surprise if you want to part with one.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:49:50 No. 18510505 Report >>18510487 Alright then, shall I trade it to you now?
Tay 2036 7957 1419
>>18510505 Yes please, adding you now
Macks !d.Bl05kb.M
What do you guys do to pass the time? This is my first shiny hunt. I made sure to get the Shiny Charm before even started.
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga)
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:53:19 No. 18510576 Report Quoted By:
>>18510440 Alrighty. His name is Jokerfish, and he shall be your lead. I'll add you in a minute, currently balls deep in Pokebank stuff.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:53:19 No. 18510578 Report >>18510545 Alright then, I'll be on now!
>>18510547 Watch films, tv-shows, the occasional
stream Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:53:50 No. 18510588 Report Quoted By:
>>18510547 usually watch some tv, youtube or listen to music as well as chat on /shw/ if its the weekend.
Just hunting without something else will eventually lead to madness, even death.
Tay 2036 7957 1419
>>18510578 Thanks a bunch, this play through will be fun.
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite)
Kokoro 3093-7436-0895 (Dewgong, Delibird, Bergmite) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:56:55 No. 18510648 Report Quoted By:
>>18510547 Pokemon related stuff. the anime, the movies, youtube streamers (blushing eevee, shinytwins, supremerk9, shofu and Shadypenguinn are highly reccomended).
I feel watching something pokemon related gives you good luck
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:57:12 No. 18510652 Report >>18510634 I hope so, it sounds fun.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18510547 I talk to people on skype (friends and anons) or I listen to music. When my boyf and I MM together we turn on the pokemon anime in the background
because we're watching through it together leave me alone Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18510652 I'm curious, what did you give him?
3497-0901-1773 James
Most uneventful /shw/ for me this weekend. Maybe next weekend will be more intriguing.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:01:15 No. 18510719 Report >>18510687 That's for him to reveal >>18510701 Weekend isn't over just yet, mate. Never say never, and NEVER GIVE UP!
3497-0901-1773 James
>>18510719 I took today off cuz of my sons surgery yesterday and I didnt even hunt cuz I chose to sleep all day. And tomorrow muh 12 hour shift is going to kill me so I wont be up for the hunt. God these hunts love to fuck me when I have work.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18510745 >son's surgery oh dear! is he okay?
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:04:55 No. 18510774 Report >>18510745 That's a shame. Hope everything clears up so you've got some time next weekend, I can understand abandoning the hunt to tend to parental duties.
3497-0901-1773 James
>>18510760 Oh yeah he had some teeth removed cuz they were rotting out on him but the tooth fairy got him a big toy last night when the anesthesia wore off.
Tay 2036 7957 1419
>>18510687 >>18510719 It was a treecko.
I have a feeling it'll be valuable for this play through.
3497-0901-1773 James
Quoted By:
>>18510774 I swear ima use some vacation days to sit on my ass and hunt for shinies and all the above lol
Poochyena boy 0705-2916-9351 (Rock: Dwebble, Corsola, ???)
Poochyena boy 0705-2916-9351 (Rock: Dwebble, Corsola, ???) Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:09:40 No. 18510849 Report Quoted By:
I finally finished doing stuff with my bf, so I might as well shiny hunt I'm probably gonna scrap the idea of getting a shiny Trike or Zigza in Sapphire since I don't really care enough about shinies to use for my own purposes. I'll still finish hatching my leftover Poochyena eggs and try to breed a shiny Houndour to give to someone here.
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga)
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga) Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:10:18 No. 18510861 Report >>18510785 Okay, sorry for the wait. Added and online, send request when ready. Going to be doing a nutty trade-chain in a minute to help some dude complete his dex, so if I'm bust just give me a few to get that done.
>>18510658 I'm going through the anime right now, too. I tried to watch it with my fiancé, but he works like 60 hrs/wk so I got tired of waiting for him.
Alice - insect-4184 1461 2541
and i continue to prove that i can only draw like a 5 year old. Sorry for the lack of color, i don't have access to paint right now.
Tay 2036 7957 1419
Quoted By:
>>18510861 I'll be on in just a second.
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:16:05 No. 18510952 Report >>18510784 glad hes okay, remember seeing yesterday about the surgery but didnt know what was being done
When I was little (about 5 or 6 I think) my brother accidentally tripped me onto the coffee table, chin first, loosened a lot of baby teeth.
Was not pleasant having the doctor pull them all out, but got an entire roll of stickers for my troubles.
3497-0901-1773 James
Quoted By:
>>18510891 Alot better than what I can draw. The best I could do is stick figures
Tay 2036 7957 1419
>>18510861 Thanks!
I hadn't realized what an appropriate nickname that was.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18510882 He got both of his ridiculously lucky shinies during the anime so maybe your theory about it being good luck is true
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
3497-0901-1773 James
>>18510952 Lol that entire roll was literally currency back in the day to shut someone up lol. But yeah the little booger took the surgery like a champ and the meds make him funny as hell
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga)
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga) Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:19:45 No. 18511020 Report Quoted By:
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:20:10 No. 18511026 Report Quoted By:
>>18510995 >consuming marmite Anonymous
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:22:34 No. 18511071 Report >>18510996 haha yea, it was awesome, I also think I got a ghostbusters figure out of it, and a few years of guilt from my brother.
House ended up having smiley face wallpaper in some rooms, but only on the bottom of the walls.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:26:05 No. 18511130 Report >>18511057 Yeah, when this thread ends, I'll pick winners and post them next thread, and all day tomorrow until the prizes are claimed.
Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
>>18511130 I hate to be that girl, but is st patricks day a big enough holiday to extend shiny hint weekend? All that good luck...
3497-0901-1773 James
Quoted By:
>>18511071 That funny business. I missed holding shit over my brothers heads. Be like you remember that one time and pretty much blackmail haha hate growing up....
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet)
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet) Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:30:44 No. 18511208 Report Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:31:38 No. 18511229 Report >>18511179 Won't most of us be hammered, though?
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18511179 Not that I think this would win, but did you see mine?
>>18504448 Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:34:41 No. 18511275 Report >>18511179 we should do a St. Patricks Day "Luck of the Irish" hunt contest.
All have to try and catch a green shiny, first one to get it wins... something. I've got a shiny mewtwo I can use as a prize actually.
Has to be caught on st patricks day though, or it doesnt count.
Tay 2036 7957 1419
Quoted By:
>>18511229 Considering I'm sick and won't be going out, I'm in favor.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:37:19 No. 18511320 Report >>18511179 Well the luck of the irish is both tempting, and somewhat relevant to the theme of the thread.
If everyone agrees, we'll do it. It's been about three months since we extended anyway, outside of those crappy "I was bored so I decided to make a /shw/ on Tuesday" threads that
thankfully turn to shit within an hour.
>>18511260 >>18511208 Yeah, dont worry guys, I actually saved every entry
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:39:25 No. 18511349 Report Quoted By:
>>18511275 This sounds like a valid reason to extend /shw/. I've already hatched my green shone, and knowing my luck I'll never find another one within 48 hours, but it sound fun.
I'm a few hours into MMing my Fletchling. Can anyone tell me if the Shiny Charm is worth it and if so, what the easiest way to go about filling up the national dex is?
Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
>>18511320 including my post a few minutes ago? I just added it...
Daryll 0705-2872-3253
>>18511360 Get a gen 5 game, download every Pokemon from pokecheck, and transfer to bank.
Otherwise, the slower trading and training.
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:43:47 No. 18511394 Report Quoted By:
>>18511360 Odds are supposedly improved, but its all still down to luck really so sometimes the charm is good, sometimes it isnt, I think its just another thing to blame when you haven't found a shiny for a while.
And best way to fill up the Dex is using the GTS. Try and start with something rare and awesome and work your way down. Ask for something worth slightly less each time.
or if you've already got most of them on black and white, poke transfer them.
>>18511320 I like the idea of the St. Patty contest. I don't think it's worth extending unless we do something like a contest.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18511360 The shiny charm seems to affect things but you can still be unlucky.
A good way to fill your national dex is to breed a relatively sought-after bankmon (i used frillish) and put them up on the GTS for whatever you want. You wouldn't believe the stuff people traded me for frillish, usually within minutes. Things that needed BP items and trades to evolve, things that evolved with unbuyable stones, you name it.
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga)
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga) Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:45:28 No. 18511418 Report Quoted By:
>>18511360 According to reports it drops the odds from 1/2000 to 1/400. Even with such a significant drop it still takes a while, and since it's random you likely won't be able to notice the difference. However the numbers are more in your favor with than without.
As for filling the dex, cheat in gen V and transfer up, or if you want things done legit beg on WiFi general or other threads. Breeding a bank-mon people like and tossing them up on the GTS also helps get the non-legends down. I've built a living dex this way using mostly bunearies leftover from my MM run.
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
Here is my glorious effort. I definitely have cyborg features
Well after forgetting to save after getting a shiny HA 31/31/31/30/31/31 Bagon last week I've had a turn of luck. I've gotten two shiny Chespin in the last 10 boxes. Both are missing Attack, but the weaker of the two has either a 26 or 27 in attack and the other may have a 29.
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:48:13 No. 18511453 Report Quoted By:
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:48:58 No. 18511459 Report >>18511430 I'd use the 29 one, at lvl 50 the difference is only a few points. Besides, most of the damage dealt out by Chesnaught comes from Leech Seed and Spiky Shield contact damage.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:52:39 No. 18511494 Report Quoted By:
>>18511361 Mhmm
>>18511400 I'm gonna make the thread questions next thread, and I'll make the possible extension one of the topics.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
whhhhyyy do I still not have a hexaperfect female with marvel scale. or any hexaperfect at all for that matter
>>18511459 Yeah I was thinking about using that one. It has Bulletproof unlike the other one. What's the GOAT set for the Juggernut? I'm thinking of running Bulk Up, Leech Seed, Wood Hammer, and Spiky Shield.
Interstellar [4785-5525-6957]
Quoted By:
>>18511360 If you decide to do the National dex, I can help you out with Mons you haven't seen. Or in general, anyone who needs a few can hit me up, I don't mind.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 02:58:38 No. 18511564 Report >>18511510 I've been tinkering with it, and for the moment I think the best set in your case would be
Adamant nature
252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
>Spiky Shield >Leech Seed >Seed Bomb/Wood Hammer >Rock Slide/Stone Edge using Grass/Rock attacking moves you'll only have issues with Steel-types, most of which can be Seeded and dealt with that way. Ferrothorn/Ferroseed are the only ones that resists Grass/Rock and are immune to Leech Seed, to carry a team member to counter them.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18511527 No, I have one. I'm breeding with a 6IV ditto and a 5IV dratini
>>18511564 An Impish nature instead of an Adamant one wouldn't matter too much, you think?
J Sal 4742-6496-8948
Literally got this guy like 2 minutes ago while breeding for a female HA for someone . 3 IV ak/def/speed Impish. Poison Point.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:03:51 No. 18511631 Report >>18511507 I ended up getting a shiny Roselia whilst trying to breed a 6IV mother with the right ability.
>mfw 0 Def IV >>18511605 Nah, it should improve your defensive capabilities if anything. You'll do slightly less damage (especially due to the lower IV), but you'll be able to take more hits.
>>18511612 Congrats!
Radical Ed
Quoted By:
>>18509652 Just caught a shiny geodude while ev training again. today is certainly a good day.
Now i just need to give it a good name
>>18511588 well thats just bad luck then. Is this a mixnite or do you just like masochism and trying to get hexaperfects?
>>18511386 Is there any way to download multiple pokemon from Pokecheck GTS at once, or do I have to do it one at a time?
Nick 1203-9244-5669
J Sal 4742-6496-8948
>>18511631 >3 IV >poison point not intimidate >impish with no intimidate "this isn't the time to use that!"
Daryll 0705-2872-3253
>>18511644 Nope, one at a time.
Just queue up a buttload of Pokemons, and watch your box slowly fill.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:07:30 No. 18511679 Report Quoted By:
>>18511655 It's a shiny, be happy you got one at all.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18511638 I'm MMing, so it would be cool if I could get a 6IV dratini parent so that I'd be guaranteed at least 5 IVs in all the offspring.
By the way everyone, I have like 8 pentaperfect marvel scale dratinis with 4 egg moves in dream balls, plus a couple in poke balls, plus a couple with shed skin, if anyone wants one
>>18511631 Well alright then. Thanks for the advice, I'll probably come to /shw/ next weekend to cry about breeding Beldum.
Quoted By:
>>18511676 Looks like I'm in for the long haul. Why must I partake in such a depressing lifestyle?
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:10:15 No. 18511706 Report >>18511690 No worries, mate, glad I could be of help.
You'll never leave us now Oogie 0104-0666-4014
>>18511683 i'll take one of the marvel scale ones. female in a dream ball if youve got it
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18511714 I do have one. You're planning to use it, right, not breed? Because otherwise I'll just give you a regular 5 IV
Poliwag Boyfriend
Guys, I'm concerned. I just hatched a full five eggs without any new ones showing up in the daycare. Is this a sign I should stop, at least for now, or do I keep going?
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18511758 Man that's a lot, do you have the oval charm?
Poliwag Boyfriend
Oogie 0104-0666-4014
>>18511737 if its adamant or jolly nature i'll definitely use it
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:16:31 No. 18511799 Report >>18511758 >>18511782 The Shiny Charm is a nice bonus when MMing, the Oval Charm is a necessity.
Get it when you have the time, it'll make things go much smoother.
>>18511799 If you get the Shiny Charm you've already got the oval charm right, since it's only regional?
Quoted By:
>>18511612 Congrats, it's like a bonus shiny! I love Qwilfish's purple shiny.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18511792 Oh yeah, they're all Adamant. They're all Adamant, everybody. Throw something up on the GTS or whatever? And do you want her to have a nickname?
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:20:10 No. 18511862 Report >>18511836 Other way 'round, the Oval Charm is for seeing everything in the Kalos Dex and the Shiny Charm is for owning all the Pokémon in the NatDex.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18511836 Not only is it only regional, but you don't even have to catch all the regional pokemon, just see them. Make it a priority, Poliwag Boyfriend.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:21:21 No. 18511876 Report Quoted By:
>>18511836 >>18511862 No wait, read that wrong.
Yes, having the Shiny Charm means you have the Oval Charm.
It's shit but I wanted to be part of the contest. Back to my kips now.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:23:43 No. 18511914 Report >>18511882 That looks real cozy, mate.
Oogie 0104-0666-4014
>>18511851 nickname isn't necesary but I just finished my nuzlocke run a few hours ago and havent seen a dratini so i cant request one in the GTS. can i add you quick and just trade that way?
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:24:32 No. 18511925 Report >>18511882 thats awesome! really like your style
Poliwag Boyfriend
>>18511918 Can't you request unseen Pokemon with a write-in?
Saucy 2535-4586-3782 (Shuppet, Golurk, Pumkaboo)
Saucy 2535-4586-3782 (Shuppet, Golurk, Pumkaboo) Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:25:19 No. 18511937 Report Quoted By:
Say, have exact numbers on consecutive fishing chances been detailed yet?
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
Spoilered for high quality art. It's okay to be jealous.Holy shit, drawing with a touchpad is fucking impossible.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948
>>18511612 Looking to trade this qwilfish.
Mainly into trick room pokemon, hidden power pokemon in matching balls, and other penta ball pokemon I don't have. Possibly blazikenite or heracronite?
I also have a shiny cubchoo and vanillite from hordes. If I don't find anything to trade for I'll probably do a playthrough with all the poor IV shinies I have.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18511918 You can type its name in at the bottom! Scroll down and click "what pokemon?"
Oogie 0104-0666-4014
Quoted By:
>>18511934 oh shit yeah. thanks duderus
Oogie 0104-0666-4014
>>18511944 forgot. deposited luvdic named /vp/
J Sal 4742-6496-8948
Quoted By:
>>18511943 Qwil is in Dreamball, Cubchoo in Premier, Vanillite in Heal. All nicknamable.
Quoted By:
>>18511914 >>18511925 Thanks guys! I just wish I could lay down and watch the stars with my pokémons...
Quoted By:
>>18511943 People don't normally trade in here, try the shiny trade thread.
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:28:48 No. 18511983 Report Right im gunna go get some shut eye, meetin a friend tomorrow and got a load of editing to do. With regards to the St Patricks day hunt, I am all for it if you guys are, I will most likely be on sometime tomorrow so if anything concrete is decided i'll find out. If not, I will at least offer a shiny mewtwo to the first green shiny caught on st patricks day. Just time stamp yer photos, and if possible put the time in GMT because I am absolutely cack with timezones Goodnight and goodluck!
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:29:06 No. 18511986 Report Quoted By:
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18511968 treat 'er good, Oogie
Oogie 0104-0666-4014
Quoted By:
>>18511989 i'll train her up and kick my friend's ass
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:30:10 No. 18511996 Report Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:30:59 No. 18512011 Report >>18511882 >it's shit Stopped reading there, I bloody love it
Almost certainly a winner infact. I dunno, there's something really charming about it
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:31:01 No. 18512012 Report Quoted By:
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18511983 Sleep well!
If someone had a spare shiny munna for that contest it'd be perfect. It has shamrocks on it...
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:32:02 No. 18512021 Report >>18511941 I did my one in paint. I've been told im a pro at MS paint
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:33:25 No. 18512033 Report >>18512021 With the half broken track/touchpad I was supposed to add
Quoted By:
>>18512011 O-oh. Thank you very much, Abi.
>>18512011 >I dunno, there's something really charming about it it's the night sky. Nothing beats the night sky! Anonymous
>>18507476 Just a quick doodle.
I'm still wary around vp in general but I hope I am okay being here for a few hours!
Nick 1203-9244-5669
>>18512063 >mfw I have one Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>18512021 >>18512033 Jesus. Knowing that, you deserve to win your own prize because that is a torture I would never wish on anybody. After spending about an hour on the Mothim, I was exhausted. I can't imagine the horror you went through.
>>18512088 I actually have one for myself but I want to hunt one for a friend
Nick 1203-9244-5669
>>18512100 >dubs >generosity What are you, a prophet?
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika)
David- Link [1736-1117-4263] (Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika) Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:43:05 No. 18512134 Report Quoted By:
I am back everyone, do not fret.
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
>reading skinwalker spoopypastas on /x/ >tfw you will never be an American and go on moonlit gibbering adventures with goatmen
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet)
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet) Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:45:39 No. 18512159 Report >tfw everyone has really good equipment to draw with and their drawings are really great >tfw my doodles are not as quality as everyone else's "doodles" >wish I could draw That's why I stick to making movies.
Poochyena boy 0705-2916-9351 (Rock: Dwebble, Corsola, ???)
Poochyena boy 0705-2916-9351 (Rock: Dwebble, Corsola, ???) Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:46:32 No. 18512166 Report >still breeding leftover eggs >mfw Are your hunts going well, guys? Didn't really lurk much since I'm still busy.
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>18512159 Take a chance. Have you even seen my monstrosity?
>>18511941 Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:48:25 No. 18512189 Report >>18512094 Yeah, I started doing doodles last year for friends, and they said my ability to successfully use Paint was astounding.
>>18512063 The drawing is cute. Also, what did you mean by;
>I'm still wary around vp in general but I hope I am okay being here for a few hours! ??
Everyone is welcome here if thats what you're asking. We're a pretty chill group.
>>18512158 Arent there also goatman stories coming out of Scottland and shit? Monsters that take the form of animals or people is kind of a universal thing.
>>18512159 >MS Paint Also, you make movies?
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18512166 I would say it's going the opposite of well.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:50:42 No. 18512219 Report I'm gonna take a powernap or something. Need some sleep. See you all later, good luck with your hunts!
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
>>18512189 Probably, but most of the more well-known stuff goes on in the US apparently. Skinwalker Ranch and all that shit. Time for Wikipedia!
>>18512166 >tfw five boxes of Instacheck leftover eggs >can't be bothered to hatch them Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18512219 'Night, frapton.
>>18512063 Please be in London.
Quoted By:
So, I've been meaning to do this for a while now but never got around to it but since I'm filling up my dex for the shiny charm I might as well. Anyone willing to trade with me and and then tradeback so I can get evolve my Haunter?
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:54:59 No. 18512264 Report Quoted By:
>>18512221 Last time I saw anything skinwalker-related, it was in Smallville, and Superman falls in love with one, but it dies, i'm not even making this up.
>>18512234 I'm an American sorry
>>18512189 Nah I just have had bad experiences with /vp/ due to some shitposting in the past
It's because of art Thanks guys!
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18512288 Shitposting? On /vp/? You must be mistaken.
Bug Catcher Angela 3110-5102-2925 (Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Manectric)
Bug Catcher Angela 3110-5102-2925 (Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Manectric) Sun 16 Mar 2014 03:58:37 No. 18512304 Report >>18507476 hope i'm not late
62 boxes someone please fucking kill me Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18512121 She gave me two shinies without me asking so it's the least I can do :U
TBH I might stop by today since I imposed this on myself
Joëlle 4484-8049-7552 (Ghost: Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb)
Joëlle 4484-8049-7552 (Ghost: Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb) Sun 16 Mar 2014 04:00:11 No. 18512324 Report Quoted By:
Hatched a shiny Charmander last night by accident; still hatching those Yanma here and there.
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet)
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994 (Abra, Gothitelle, Wobbuffet) Sun 16 Mar 2014 04:00:14 No. 18512328 Report >>18512182 That Mothim is beautiful, and I like the holding onto it for flight.
>>18512189 Paint is the only way I can make anything. Yes, I make films with my friends and my sister. I've thought about posting a film here but I feel as though it's kinda narcissistic. After finals are done, I need to edit two films I'm working on.
Quoted By:
>>18512288 Please be in South Dakota.
Jester (Jayz) 1547-6464-2360 !JeSter8CDw
Quoted By:
>>18507476 I redrew mine (
>>18507837 )
Idk if that's allowed, but whatever
Quoted By:
>>18512304 You can make it through!
Also that creepy look is awesome
Ellis 1607-2348-9941 !!j35jx41L0ld
Quoted By:
>>18512304 All bugs enjoy our tears. forcing us to go on endless hunts
except sewaddle Anonymous
Funny how most of /shw/ have brown hair.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 04:02:54 No. 18512362 Report >>18512304 >Your post was the 300th post, marking the end of the contest and the thread Talk about cutting it close.
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
Quoted By:
>>18512304 That's creepy. I like it.
>>18512328 Thanks, but I practically copied that Mothim from Bulbapedia.
Liz the Gold Digger - 3239-2952-7139 !!Rs+1C1Fy6bX
Liz the Gold Digger - 3239-2952-7139 !!Rs+1C1Fy6bX Sun 16 Mar 2014 04:07:15 No. 18512416 Report Quoted By:
>>18512362 Dammit, now I can't enter...WELP, I'm out...
Tony 0189 8989 4432
Quoted By:
>>18512360 >tfw I have brown hair >tfw I have brown eyes I've been called Mexican, Middle Eastern or Jewish at least ten times in my life.
Quoted By:
>>18512301 What was I thinking? I must have been thinking of reddit again
Okay, I'll admit I am not as wary now but I still was kinda annoyed about it last year To be back on topic, here's a doodle of my last accidental shiny
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sun 16 Mar 2014 04:12:25 No. 18512472 Report Quoted By:
NEW THREAD (And Contest winners):
>>18512435 >>18512435 >>18512435 And if any of you guys are bored while hatching eggs, some british dude is crying while playing Amnesia here: http://cytu .be/r/vpweekends