Lee-kun 3866 8247 7303
I can give you an Yveltal, Zygarde or Lugia. Can also breed alot Pokemon: Mew Nickname?: Mew Nature: Mild Ability: Synchronize Gender: None Shiny?: no Specific PokeBall*: Ultra Ball IVs: x/x/x/x/x/x EVs: Doesn't matter Moves: Metronome Transform Mega Punch Psychic
Enjoy your missing pentagons
Quoted By:
>>18515957 >HAHA FAGGOTS U HAVE TO CHEAT A KIDS GAME WOW HAHA Eye of the beholder. Leave us alone and we'll leave you alone.
Lee-kun 3866 8247 7303
Quoted By:
>>18515900,1 I would be so happy if you could do this. Please?
>>18515957 What exactly does the pentagon change? Can I still use a pentagon-less Mon in Maison and over Wi-Fi?
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] !!mxNcXQoFFF+
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] !!mxNcXQoFFF+ Sun 16 Mar 2014 13:12:58 No. 18516076 Report >>18516050 It looks fine, the location error doesn't matter. I've gotten dittos through bank with that error.
Quoted By:
>>18516069 I need it for breeding
Desperately looking for a Keldeo. A friend is getting into pokemon and loves Horses. I got her a Rapidash, but I'd really like to surprise her with a Keldeo. (She saw it online, then got really sad when she couldn't get one) Someone offered it to me in the other thread before it did. Is this possible guys? Could offer basically any BP item.
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] !!mxNcXQoFFF+
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] !!mxNcXQoFFF+ Sun 16 Mar 2014 13:21:28 No. 18516113 Report >>18516098 Yeah definitely.
Kanrabat --- Friend code: 0619-4948-9972 IGN: Veronica
Kanrabat --- Friend code: 0619-4948-9972 IGN: Veronica Sun 16 Mar 2014 13:21:59 No. 18516116 Report >>18515900 Fakemon me a LV 49 shiny Gardevoir.
You'd be a real bro.
I'll offer a luvdisk for it.
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] !!mxNcXQoFFF+
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] !!mxNcXQoFFF+ Sun 16 Mar 2014 13:27:00 No. 18516133 Report >>18516116 gonna need a bit more info on that. filling out the form above would help
Quoted By:
>>18516165 pretty sure this guy answered your question
>>18516076 Kanrabat --- Friend code: 0619-4948-9972 IGN: Veronica
Kanrabat --- Friend code: 0619-4948-9972 IGN: Veronica Sun 16 Mar 2014 13:42:11 No. 18516184 Report >>18516133 Fill the blanks with watever. Not perfect IVs, normal pokeball, ect.
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] !!mxNcXQoFFF+
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] !!mxNcXQoFFF+ Sun 16 Mar 2014 13:49:57 No. 18516205 Report >>18516184 alright. transferring your gardevoir now
>>18516098 >>18516113 Okay then, I'll do the form:
Pokemon: Keldeo
Nickname: Behooved
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Justified
Gender: Genderless (I think that's how that works)
Shiny: No, that'd look suspicious.
Specific Pokeball: Cherish Ball (Event limited?)
IV's: Not that concerned, maybe 31 in Sp.Atk and Speed, the rest normal?
EV's: None
Moves: Sacred Sword, Hydro Pump, Close combat, Work up
Is this filled out right? Actually kinda new to Pokemon stats.
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] !!mxNcXQoFFF+
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] !!mxNcXQoFFF+ Sun 16 Mar 2014 13:57:28 No. 18516237 Report >>18516230 Don't think that you can nickname a Keldeo. I have a spare Keldeo in my X though that you can have, not sure about its IVs
Quoted By:
>>18516237 Oh, that would absolutely make my day.
Really not concered about any of that, just had to choose, so.
My Trainer name is Yara, and my friend code is 3110-5138-4337
Quoted By:
>>18516237 Is there literally anything you want in return?
I'll do my best to get it, I'm seriously in your debt man.
Quoted By:
>>18516237 Wow you are one generous guy.
Thanks man, absolutely made my day.
Kanrabat --- Friend code: 0619-4948-9972 IGN: Veronica
Kanrabat --- Friend code: 0619-4948-9972 IGN: Veronica Sun 16 Mar 2014 14:13:02 No. 18516341 Report Quoted By:
>>18516205 Thanks. Shall we trade directly? Because if it was on the GTS, I missed it.
Adding your friend code.
Stian - 1607 2382 1647 IGN: Sophia
Alright, normally I wouldn't do this because muh breeding and muh morals and whatever, but this seems nearly impossible to do. Fuck Gen 5 breeding.>Pokemon: Mankey >Nickname?: Machu >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Defiant >Gender: Male >Shiny?: Nope. >Specific PokeBall*: I think my only choices are Poké and Dream ball, so I'll do Poké Ball. If possible, I'd love a Safari Ball, but I doubt it is possible. >IVs: 31/31/31/0 or 31 whatever you want/31/31 >EVs: Nothing, I at least want to train it myself >Moves: Thunder Punch, Fire Punch and Outrage Level 1 would do. I could give you some of my breeding rejects, but they're all pretty bad. Or some BP items, since I have some lying around and I don't know what to buy.
Kanrabat --- Friend code: 0619-4948-9972 IGN: Veronica
Kanrabat --- Friend code: 0619-4948-9972 IGN: Veronica Sun 16 Mar 2014 14:19:58 No. 18516398 Report Quoted By:
>>18516205 Ready to trade when you are. Thanks in advance!
RALA 2165-5904-7901
pokemon: growlithe nickname: Big Bill nature: careful ability: intimidate gender: male shiny: yes pokeball: luxury or dream ball IV's: perfect ev's: none moves: snarl flame charge wil-o-wisp morning sun i need it at level 50 also i can offer shinies, and some battle items
Kanrabat --- Friend code: 0619-4948-9972 IGN: Veronica
Kanrabat --- Friend code: 0619-4948-9972 IGN: Veronica Sun 16 Mar 2014 14:25:17 No. 18516444 Report Quoted By:
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee)
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee) Sun 16 Mar 2014 14:30:47 No. 18516486 Report Quoted By:
can someone help me out with this ? pokemon: Charizard nature: mild ability: solar power gender: female shiny: don't really care pokeball: don't really care IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 evs: don't really care moves: flame thrower focus blast dragon pulse air slash
B- 3582 9819 4506
Quoted By:
Anyone willing to make this thing? >Pokemon: Zapdos>Nickname?: None>Nature: Modest>Ability: Pressure>Gender: None>Shiny?: Sure >Specific PokeBall*: Pokeball>IVs: x/x/x/x/x/x 31's >EVs: 252 Sp Atk, 252 Speed Moves: Heat Wave, Signal Beam, Defog, Thunderbolt IGN: Go West
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Meloetta Nature: Modest Ability: Serene Grace Specific PokeBall*: Quick ball IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 EVs: 0 Moves: Any Please?
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Rotom Nickname?: none Nature: Calm Ability: Levitate Gender: none Shiny?: no Specific PokeBall*: regular IVs: x6 31IVs EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD Moves: Volt Switch/WoW/Overheat/T-bolt please?
John 1160-9729-6991
Pokemon: Eevee Nickname?: Nature: Bold Ability: Anticipation I can offer you leftovers or bp items Gender: Female Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall*: Poke Ball IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252HP 252Def 4SpAtk Moves: Hyper Voice, Heal Bell, Wish, Yawn
Quoted By:
>>18516035 You cant use non pentagon pokemon in special battle mode,which is vgc, other than you can use them however the hell you want
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
Im willing to hack and bank some mons im accepting bp items, leftovers and megastones
John 1160-9729-6991
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
Quoted By:
Can someone make me a Smeargle made for catching pokemon? Something like Spore, False Swipe, etc. I would do it myself, but I haven't gotten around to buying a bank supscription
John 1160-9729-6991
>>18517103 Thanks:) I'll add you right now,let me know when you're ready
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
>>18517127 almost
moving pokemon through games on top of taking it from the gts with all the loading screens is a real bitch
John 1160-9729-6991
>>18517164 Alright what did you want for it btw?
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
Quoted By:
>>18517185 leftovers is alright
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
Lorenzo IGN 3711-8666-8892
Pokemon: Smeargle Nickname?: Hunter Nature: Jolly Ability: Technician Gender: Female Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall*: Premier Ball IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/31 EVs: 252 Attack 252 Speed 4 HP Moves: False Swipe, Spore, Soak, Spider Web.
John 1160-9729-6991
Quoted By:
>>18517234 Thanks man I've been wanting this for a while and on top of that I just hatched a shiny charmander after a week of MM =D
Lorenzo IGN 3711-8666-8892
Quoted By:
>>18517258 nevermind, Nickname: Cazador
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
Lorenzo IGN 3711-8666-8892
>>18517272 Thanks man :D What do you want for it?
Lorenzo IGN 3711-8666-8892
Quoted By:
>>18517272 And um can you change the nickname again? Its female so it should be Cazadora (It means "Huntress")
Miles 3995 7355 8866
Pokemon: Roggenrola Nickname?: Nature: Adamant Ability: Sand Force Gender: Male Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall*: IVs: x/x/x/x/x/x Perfect EVs: (lvl1 so 0) Moves: Rock Tomb and Heavy Slam OT: Miles I can pay you back with a shiny kalos born Dunsparce or 4-5IV kalos born mons Thanks!
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
>>18517280 any bp item that isnt a power item leftovers or megastones
by the way can we ignore the premier ball part? it wont go through the bank if i dont know where it was originally caught
Lorenzo IGN 3711-8666-8892
>>18517301 Not really. Can't you look it up?
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
>>18517314 found it, route 5 black 1 via swarms
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
>>18517299 im doing this as well
Lorenzo IGN 3711-8666-8892
>>18517327 Also sure, any BP item in particular? I cannot afford Ability Capsule at the moment.
Jabril 2036-7953-2537
Pokemon: Foriegn Ditto Nickname?: Ditto Nature: Adamant Ability: Imposter Gender: Shiny?: Doesn't Matter Specific PokeBall*: Doesn't Matter IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: N/A Moves: N/A To make an enticing offer, I have a 5 IV Gible, 5 IV Aegislash, 4 IV Klefki, 4IV Starly, 4 IV Swirlix, 4 IV Larvitar, 4IV Bulbasaur, and a bunch of other mons I've painstakingly breeded. I also have all the power items, flame orb, and a life orb.
Miles 3995 7355 8866
Quoted By:
>>18517333 Alright I'll hook you up with leftovers and something else.
I appreciate it man.
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
>>18517344 i dont want ability capsules, really anything in the range of 48 to 16 bp
Lorenzo IGN 3711-8666-8892
>>18517376 Anything huh? Would you like a Toxic or Flame Orb?
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
>>18515957 Does anyone know how exactly the pentagon works? I transferred over a legit Reuniclus that I bred myself in gen V and it has no pentagon.
Zowayix 3797-7105-9486
Pokemon: Cofagrigus Nickname: Coffy Nature: Relaxed Ability: Mummy Gender: Male Shiny?: Yes Specific Pokeball: n/a IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252HP/252Def/4SpD Moves: Will-O-Wisp, Hex, Pain Split, Knock Off OT: Zowayix Checking wat I have to offer.
Miles 3995 7355 8866
Lorenzo IGN 3711-8666-8892
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
>>18517392 to get the pentagon the pokemon must be part of the kalos dex and must be bred or caught in kalos
Lorenzo IGN 3711-8666-8892
Quoted By:
>>18517403 Doesn't have to be Kalos Dex actually. Just Born there.
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
>>18517400 toxic
>>18517400 >>18517299 Both pokemon are ready for trade
Miles 3995 7355 8866
Lorenzo IGN 3711-8666-8892
Dv987 - 3308-5026-5105
It is three Pokémon. I can give a Choice Specs and a Focus Sash for them. Pokemon: Eevee | Ralts | Mothim Nickname?: -- | -- | Hope Nature: Bold | Timid | Timid Ability: Antecipation | Trace | Tinted Lens Gender: Female | Female | Male Shiny?: Yes | Yes | Yes Specific PokeBall*: Premier Ball IVs: All 31 | All 31 | All 31 EVs: --- Moves: Hyper Voice | Hyper Voice | Giga Drain Thank You for the help n_n
Lorenzo IGN 3711-8666-8892
Quoted By:
>>18517425 Wait a sec, I'll send the trade request
Miles 3995 7355 8866
Quoted By:
>>18517425 Thanks so much!
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
>>18517443 all of them have those single moves?
Zowayix 3797-7105-9486
Quoted By:
>>18517396 Ok, I have an extra Houdoomite and Heracrosite, plus a Flame Orb.
I could go on aison to get more stuff, but I'd have to grind.
Dv987 - 3308-5026-5105
Quoted By:
>>18517474 No. It is just following the order. n_n
Lorenzo IGN 3711-8666-8892
Dv987 - 3308-5026-5105
>>18517443 Oh, I forgot that I need the Ralts and the Eevee with Wish. Sorry for missing it!
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
>>18517548 it really is a big trouble having to search where you can find them in the wild just because of the premier balls, but alright,
Dv987 - 3308-5026-5105
>>18517569 No, if that's a big problem you don't need to.
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
>>18517596 (getting them from the gts)
the thing is,if you breed in gen 5 the ball will be pokeball, to be a premier you have to search on bulbapedia the in game locations, i nailed eevee and ralts but morthim is obtainable only in gen 4 which means it was transfered so on top of that, id have to serach the right ribbons to be legal
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
Quoted By:
>>18517646 yep. only mothim made it through the bank.
Dv987 - 3308-5026-5105
>>18517646 So it is better to just ignore that. If it is difficult or something, would be better to not worry about that.
And thank you for this big help. I don't have the other games so it is quite impossible for me to get these Pokémon.
Pokemon: Ditto
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Imposter
Shiny?: Yes
Specific PokeBall*: Luxury Ball
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Transform
Pokemon: Manectric
https://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=9448077 Nickname?:
Nature: Timid
Ability: Lightning Rod
Shiny?: Yes
Specific PokeBall*: Luxury Ball
IVs: 31/0/30/31/31/31
EVs: 6 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
Moves: Volt Switch/Thunderbolt/Overheat/Hidden Power
If someone could grab these mons, that'd be terrific.
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
Quoted By:
>>18517701 ill retry ralts and eevee
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
>>18517709 ill try this too
>>18517709 Wowee never mind on the ditto, I realized that they don't pass balls down.
Pokemon: Gardevoir
https://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=9491012 Nickname?:
Nature: Timid
Ability: Trace
Gender: Female
Shiny?: Yes
Specific PokeBall*: Dive ball
IVs: 31/00/31/31/31/31
EVs: 6 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
Moves: Calm Mind/Hyper Voice/Thunderbolt/Psychic
>>18517746 Hey thanks man, just be sure to see this post!
Zowayix 3797-7105-9486
>>18517396 t-trying to request again
Jake 0662-3152-0397
>>18517764 I'll take a crack at that
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
>>18517751 >>18517701 alright ive redone ralts and eevee and did manetric and gardevoir going to try and transfer them, gardevoir cant be dive baller by the way
Zowayix 3797-7105-9486
>>18517800 Thanks dude, sorry for taking so long to answer.
ANything you want in particular in return?
Quoted By:
>>18517843 Gotcha gotcha, the original Love ball from the pokecheck link will be just fine (or whatever ball you happened to put it in).
Jabril 2036-7953-2537
Jake 0662-3152-0397
>>18517848 i'm just really looking for battle items really
Zowayix 3797-7105-9486
>>18517867 I only have like 16 BP atm.
Would you like a Toxic/Flame Orb for it?
Dv987 - 3308-5026-5105
>>18517843 Just added. Tell me when you are ready n_n
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
>>18517880 ralts ddint make it through because wish on ralts is banned in gen 5 sorry.
Jake 0662-3152-0397
>>18517878 sure that'll be fine
Dv987 - 3308-5026-5105
>>18517906 ;_;
Without Wish then
Quoted By:
>>18517921 Which one do you prefer tho?
tea.rectum 5429-7630-2977
>>18517950 accept the trade man.
>>18517751 IGN?
Could anyone help me with this? I'll suck your dick. Pokemon: Meganium Nickname?: Minty Nature: Calm Ability: Leaf Guard Gender: Female Shiny?: nope Specific PokeBall*: Nest Ball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252HP / 128Def /128SDef Moves: Reflect / Light Screen / Aromatherapy /Giga Drain
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Willing to help gen mons for 6IV Kalos mon Each gen mon gets you a free item of your choice.
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18517362 Is Italian alright?
>>18517981 IGN is Pierce
getting online
Dv987 - 3308-5026-5105
>>18517981 I didn't know it was you
Thank you and sorry for taking your time
Quoted By:
>>18517992 You have good taste,
although I'd rather the one in your picture sucked my dick. based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18517992 Leaf Guard is not available.
>>18517992 What the fuck is wrong with your? Why would you want 31 Atk? Not only do you want people to hack for you, you also want to hack them shit for your.
>>18518038 Why would you not want 31 in all IVs if it's possible and doesn't take any more time than 31 in 5 IVs?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18518065 Swagger, Foul Play, Confuse status.
I know about his but my autism requires me to have 6IV mons.
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18518030 Overgrow is fine too
>>18518038 Nigga it doesn't even matter.
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee)
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee) Sun 16 Mar 2014 17:41:06 No. 18518108 Report Quoted By:
>>18517995 I got you with a 6iv drought vulpix if you can help me can someone help me out with this
pokemon: Charizard
nature: mild
ability: solar power
gender: female
shiny: don't really care
pokeball: don't really care
evs: don't really care
fire blast
focus blast
dragon pulse
>>18518065 >>18518101 Enjoy your Foul Play and Confusion you fucking faggots.
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18518101 I'll get started on it.
Quoted By:
>>18518100 You're so good, thank you so much!
Quoted By:
>>18518113 I would if I was the one asking.
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
ill do a few more, looking for bp items in the 48-16 bp range
Zowayix 3797-7105-9486
>>18518176 Jake is killl apparently ;_;
Would you mind doing
>>18517396 for me?
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18518113 >being this mad >>18518120 Thank you.
Zowayix 3797-7105-9486
Quoted By:
>>18518202 Mkay.
I have 16BP right now
and I dont feel like grinding~ .
Do you want a power item or a flame/toxic orb?
Jake 0662-3152-0397
>>18518186 sorry just having dns issues
Zowayix 3797-7105-9486
>>18518240 Oh, well, I''ll trade with you then.
Sorry for the confusion ;_;
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18518257 >>18518257 anybody wants
>>18517396 for free?
I made one but the request was canceled
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee)
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee) Sun 16 Mar 2014 17:53:12 No. 18518310 Report >>18518286 yeah that'd be awesome
Jake 0662-3152-0397
>>18518257 just transfered it to the bank and it'll be available shortly
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
Zowayix 3797-7105-9486
>>18518286 S-sorry.
>>18518327 Thanks dude.
You never said if you wanted in return a flame orb or a toxic orb tho.
Jake 0662-3152-0397
>>18518344 toxic prefered but either is fine
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee)
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee) Sun 16 Mar 2014 17:57:50 No. 18518389 Report >>18518337 I have a 5iv aron with a weakness policy waitin' for ya
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sun 16 Mar 2014 17:58:39 No. 18518410 Report >>18518176 Alright then requesting:
6IV shiny charizard nicknamed:Ddraig
adamant 248HP /32 attack /188 special defense and 40 speed.
Dragon claw
will o wisp
6IV shiny Azumaril
252 attack 252 speed 4 defense
aqua jet
belly drum
Jake 0662-3152-0397
Quoted By:
Man i Love me some Pineco, sorry about the wait though enjoy your cofag :)
Zowayix 3797-7105-9486
Quoted By:
>>18518352 Thans a ton dude
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18518224 All set except for the nickname trash bytes do you want me to fix them or is that fine? It will transfer and all that.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sun 16 Mar 2014 18:03:16 No. 18518478 Report Quoted By:
>>18518410 Battle item of your choice
>>18518436 I don't know what trash bytes are, will they fuck my game up?
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
Forrest 1822-0293-3089
>>18518501 It's alright then
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18518604 Fixed them. Going to transfer it over
RALA 2165-5904-7901
>>18516435 anyone? please?
Forrest 1822-0293-3089
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18518613 I'll get started
>>18518627 If I could get a power item or a HA female that'd be greatly appreciated.
RALA 2165-5904-7901
>>18518655 what would you like in return?
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18518682 power item preferred but if not a HA female
Forrest 1822-0293-3089
>>18518655 Which power item do you need?
I'm seeking an Accelgor for an absurd double battle strat (Using Gastro Acid to disable Truant/Slow Start) Pokemon: Accelgor Nickname: Bug-Dono Nature: Modest Ability: Hydration Gender: Male Shiny:... Surprise me? I honestly don't mind either way. Specific Pokeball: Luxury Ball IV's: Full except Attack EV's: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Moves: Bug Buzz Energy Ball Gastro Acid Final Gambit
RALA 2165-5904-7901
>>18518684 which HA female?
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18518691 Band Anklet or Weight
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18518389 hey dil does are you still there? i had to print some papers, are you still available to trade_
Quoted By:
>>18518708 Forgot to mention, can offer a lot of BP items, and Rare candies too, lots of those.
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18518712 Any specifically froakie or dratini line.
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee)
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee) Sun 16 Mar 2014 18:21:30 No. 18518735 Report Quoted By:
RALA 2165-5904-7901
>>18518727 do they have to be good iv wise?
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
Forrest 1822-0293-3089
>>18518713 Thank you based based.
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18518780 you're welcome and stay positive.
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee)
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee) Sun 16 Mar 2014 18:26:52 No. 18518810 Report Quoted By:
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
Quoted By:
>>18518789 #taskforce reporting in
Jabril 2036-7953-2537
>>18517996 Yeah thats fine thanks so much. Sorry I just came back to the thread.
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
I'm looking for someone to gen me Uxie(no nickname) Bold Not shiny Luxury Ball 31/0/31/31/31/31 No EVs Protect, Toxic, Foul Play, Giga Drain I have a 6iv shiny greninja and goomy to offer as well as some BP I can use
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18516435 Okay so the only problem with the request is the specified ball with the egg move. Okay if I make it a Poke Ball?
>>18518827 I'll add you and send you a request then.
Quoted By:
>>18518708 Actually scratch that whole order, needs revising
Jabril 2036-7953-2537
>>18518855 Just added you now actually.
Jabril 2036-7953-2537
>>18518864 What would you want?
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
>>18518892 Awesome what do you want in return?
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18518880 Power Band or Weight. Or any HA female if you don't have those.
Jabril 2036-7953-2537
>>18518904 Alright thanks, keep living the based lifestyle. #based
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
Quoted By:
>>18518930 Jabril confirmed for GOAT. Thanks.
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18518902 the greninja is interesting
RALA 2165-5904-7901
>>18518904 would a HA noibat be okay?
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
Quoted By:
>>18518950 Okay sounds good. It's 6iv shiny timid.
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18518964 Sounds great. Going to transfer now. Also if anyone wants to see a Pokecheck legality analysis of a Pokemon I've sent your or will send you just let me know.
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
RALA 2165-5904-7901
>>18518978 crap. i forgot that his hidden ability was telepathy and not infiltrator. would you still like that or do we need to renegotiate?
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18518984 done transfering
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18519027 Haha it's fine. If you do have another HA female though that'd be cool. You don't even need to clear it first I'm looking to collect a ton.
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
Quoted By:
>>18519058 awesome i added you and are ready when you are
RALA 2165-5904-7901
>>18519078 I-I think i love you based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18519097 Just shoot me a request whenever.
RALA 2165-5904-7901
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
Quoted By:
Helping people was pretty damn good, i got 2 legit shinies, one of them being awesomely good stat wise, 3 expensive bp items, 2 unexpensive bp items, leftovers damn
Okay trying this again! Pokemon: Accelgor Nickname: Bug-Dono Nature: Modest Ability: Hydration Gender: Male Shiny: No thanks. Specific Pokeball: Luxury Ball IV's: Full except Attack EV's: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Moves: Bug Buzz Energy Ball Gastro Acid Final Gambit Have lots of BP items available, and tons of rare candies. (We can fodder trade for multiple if you like)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sun 16 Mar 2014 18:52:18 No. 18519177 Report Can anyone help I can offer battle items Requesting:6IV shiny adamant Charizard nicknamed Ddraig 248 HP / 32 Atk / 188 Special defense/40 speed ~ dragon claw ~ eathquake ~ roost ~ will-o-wisp 6IV Impish Skarmory nicknamed Starscream,,ability Sturdy 224 HP / 252 Def / 32 SpD ~ Stealth Rock ~ Roost ~ Whirlwind ~ Brave Bird 6IV shiny Togekiss serene grace bold 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD. ~ Ancient power ~ fireblast ~ thunder wave ~roost
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18519177 doing all of these 3
RALA 2165-5904-7901
>>18519109 thank you. you have earned these :^)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sun 16 Mar 2014 18:54:38 No. 18519205 Report >>18519183 Thanks what item would you like?
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18519151 I'll get started.
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18519205 what do you have?
>>18519227 Thank you very much :)
Bug-Dono was my starter a while ago, but I'm missing a gen so I can't trade him up D:
What would you like in return friend?
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sun 16 Mar 2014 18:57:37 No. 18519246 Report >>18519233 All the battle items except the ability capsule
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18519244 Power Band or Weight. Or any HA female if you don't have those.
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18519246 assault vest choice scarf focus sash?
>>18519258 Have Band and Weight, any preference?
Quoted By:
>>18519258 >>18519277 Oh I also have HA 4-6 IV Caravahnas
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sun 16 Mar 2014 19:01:45 No. 18519299 Report >>18519267 You want those 3?
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18519277 Nope. I actually already have Carvahna I'm fine without the IVs. Do you happen to have Froakie or Dratini line?
>>18519310 I actually traded my Dratinis and my Breeding female Dragonite two days ago D: Sorry.
I'll do the Weight then, usually get more use out of that.
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sun 16 Mar 2014 19:06:24 No. 18519353 Report >>18519337 Sure,assault vest sound good?
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18519323 Alright cool. I'm about wrapped up just a couple more things then I'll transfer and add you.
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18519369 Friend code is 3110-5138-4337
I'll add you too :)
I really want to just give you both Power items, but I have a lot of trouble in the Maison. Hopefully this Accelgor helps me enough that I can trade you the other.
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
Quoted By:
>>18519353 oh by the way i made starscream shiny by mistake is that alright? you didnt ask for it to be shiny
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sun 16 Mar 2014 19:11:34 No. 18519424 Report It''s fine lol let me know when your done adn ready to trade.
>>18519393 Oh actually!
I have a surprise when we trade.
Don't forget to check its ability.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sun 16 Mar 2014 19:12:37 No. 18519439 Report
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Blaziken Nickname?: Nature: Adamant Ability: Speed Boost Gender: female Shiny?: Specific PokeBall*: fastball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: ,4 hp,252 atk,252 spe Moves: knock off,swords dance,flare blitz,high jump kick Pokemon: Lucario Nickname?: Nature: Adamant Ability: inner focus Gender: female Shiny?: Specific PokeBall*: heavy ball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 4 hp,252 atk, 252 spe Moves: bullet punch,ice punch,crunch,close combat I have breeding leftovers and ability capsule to offer in return
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
Quoted By:
>>18519393 >>18519426 Don't worry about sending 2. 1 is plenty. Transferring now and then I'll get on and send the request.
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
Quoted By:
>>18519439 im getting online to trade
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
Quoted By:
>>18519539 Don't even know where it came from, but Thank you too!
>>18519539 Ah but.. his nature is Adamant, which is probably the worst one for him.. uh oh..
Guess I could try to breed one from him, won't ask you do all that again.
Jessica 5429-7630-2977
Quoted By:
>>18519593 Turns out I had a HA Froakie, which he asked for Earlier.
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18519573 Haha if you ever have another Pokemon in need of being genned I'll gladly do it. I enjoy making it look game generated and all that and it's naive which is pretty good as far as I'm concerned.
>>18519593 Naive protean female froakie. It also was marked like I mark for 31's so that it was just missing Sp. Attack.
Falsehood 1736 - 0748 - 0534
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Latios Nickname?: - Nature: Timid Ability: Levitate Gender: Male Shiny?: yes Specific PokeBall*: IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 SpA / 4 Spd/ 252 Spe Moves: Draco meteor / Surf / Psyschock / Hp
>>18519606 I really don't want to point out that you made a mistake, because you're being so nice.
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18519629 What'd I do :/
I'll be happy to redo it for nothing.
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
Quoted By:
>>18519641 Oh adamant... Fuck.
>>18519641 Oh I meant to be clearer before.
Adamant nature instead of Modest, which reduces his Sp.Atk, which is kind of all he has.
I wouldn't really care if it was any nature but Adamant, man that's pretty unlucky.
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
Quoted By:
>>18519658 Already fixing it. Give me a second and make sure I don't mess up the PID changing it too.
Justice 4081-6908-0220
Quoted By:
> PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM IF YOU ARE REQUESTING A POKEMON!!! Pokemon: Ditto Nickname?: Slowpoke Nature: Sturdy Ability: Gender: Shiny?: Specific PokeBall*: IVs: x/x/x/x/x/0 EVs: Moves: IGN : JUSTICE
based 3609 - 1477 - 9937
>>18519658 I'll send you a trade. Transferring now. I won't be very active in this thread anymore. Michigan game is on.
>>18519740 I've made the retcon as worth your time as I could.
This Azurill has Pokerus too, if that's of any use.
Quoted By:
>>18519740 Thank you :D All perfect!
>>18519789 Thank you very much. You didn't have to send anything. I really appreciate it. If you ever see me online and you find me in any thread I'd love to make/clone/breed you anything I can.
Quoted By:
>>18519813 Have a fantastic day man, I'll give this other Bug-Dono to a friend, it all works out.
Stian - 1607 2382 1647 IGN: Sophia
Quoted By:
>>18516342 Guess I'll bump this, if anyone's willing.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Willing to help gen mons for 6IV Kalos mon Each gen mon gets you a free item of your choice.
Jasjes (1736-1227-2542)
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Ditto Nickname?: Ditto (doesn't matter really) Nature: Any Ability: Any Gender: Shiny?: Doesn't matter Specific PokeBall*: Doesn't matter IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: Doesn't matter Moves: Transform I unfortunately don't have much in return, I have a few 3IV Beldums and 3IV Hasty Protean Froakies. New breeder, really need one of these things to help make the experience less frustrating.
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee)
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee) Sun 16 Mar 2014 21:33:29 No. 18521402 Report >>18520639 I got you with a 6 iv drought vulpix if you can help me with this:
pokemon: Charizard
nature: mild
ability: solar power
gender: female
shiny: yes
pokeball: don't really care
evs: don't really care
flame thrower
focus blast
dragon pulse
air slash
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18521402 Sure I'll do it.
What's the nature on it?
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee)
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee) Sun 16 Mar 2014 21:43:14 No. 18521533 Report dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee)
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee) Sun 16 Mar 2014 21:44:54 No. 18521548 Report Quoted By:
>>18521465 and thanks mane
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18521533 Excellent.
Give me a sec to make it for you.
Any item you want with it?
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee)
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee) Sun 16 Mar 2014 21:46:39 No. 18521574 Report >>18521556 can you do a shiny charm ?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18521574 That's a key item.
Not tradeable.
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee)
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee) Sun 16 Mar 2014 21:52:37 No. 18521660 Report >>18521627 oh don't worry I'm autistic, I could use blazikenite then
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee)
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee) Sun 16 Mar 2014 22:01:37 No. 18521761 Report >>18521734 thanks and ignore my obvious retardation
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
excuse my retarded question, but i can still send muh .pkmnz to my black 2 via pokecheck?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18521761 Ready.
Sorry about the wait.
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee)
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee) Sun 16 Mar 2014 22:20:15 No. 18521984 Report >>18521942 no problem, i'm ready when you are
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18521984 Shouldn't have taken so long as did but I didn't realize that I had the fucking Charizard in my party in Black.
What the Power Anklet back?
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee)
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee) Sun 16 Mar 2014 22:28:14 No. 18522097 Report Quoted By:
>>18522045 nah and thanks again
and just so you know the vulpix knew hypnosis at some point
Ender 3883-6137-7805 (Farfetch'd, Hoothoot, Rufflet)
Ender 3883-6137-7805 (Farfetch'd, Hoothoot, Rufflet) Sun 16 Mar 2014 22:29:09 No. 18522113 Report Quoted By:
Pokemon: Ralts Nickname?: Mai Waifu Nature: Timid Ability: Trace Gender: Female Shiny?: Yes, please Specific PokeBall*: Love Ball IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 EVs: 4 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Spe Moves: Hyper Voice, Psyshock, Focus Blast, Will o Wisp I have 5 IV Mawiles, Marrils, and Ralts up for trade, as well as my eternal gratitude for whoever can help me out.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>18521938 pls, i havent been on much since the online support for b/w went down. but can i still use pokegen/check to send mons over to black 2?
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+ Sun 16 Mar 2014 22:38:39 No. 18522217 Report Pokemon: Swablu Nickname?: Fluffy Nature: Modest Ability: Natural Cure Gender: Female Shiny?: Yes, please. Specific PokeBall*: Love ball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/x EVs: Max HP / Max Special Attack / Special defence leftovers Moves: Doesn't matter. I want it to be a surprise for my wife, the nickname isn't my idea -.- I have a 6IV Torchic if someone wants him for the Swablu.
Quoted By:
>>18522216 I think so? I think it'd still have that ribbon though.
Is there a website or something that lists Legendary pokemon, where they're found, what level they are, and what moves they have? Bulbapedia and Serebii just list the pokemon and their entire movelists and general stats, but I'm looking for information specific to their unique game appearances.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18522217 Does the Torchic have Speed Boost?
>>18522235 Serebii has it. And just look at the 4 moves they'd know at their level.
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+ Sun 16 Mar 2014 22:47:42 No. 18522337 Report >>18522248 Indeed it does.
Quoted By:
>>18522254 Considering most legendaries are caught at lv 40+, I'd have to start guessing which ones they actually have.
I'd rather just copy and paste
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18522337 Consider that Swinub yours.
Do you want a free item with that?
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+ Sun 16 Mar 2014 22:50:17 No. 18522375 Report Quoted By:
>>18522364 Umm... Swablu? I said swablu ;_;
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18522364 Swablu
My bad lol.
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+ Sun 16 Mar 2014 22:51:23 No. 18522389 Report >>18522379 Alright, ha. Choice Specs if possible.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18522389 Ok I'm reading.
Please tell me that chicken has at least a decent nature.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+ Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:05:20 No. 18522549 Report Quoted By:
>>18522511 Alright.
Lemme check it's nature.
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+ Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:07:37 No. 18522575 Report Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:07:45 No. 18522578 Report I need this gen'd
https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=8220671 Can offer Abily capsules in return
Quoted By:
The lv 1 dialga/palkia/giratina that you get in the sinjoh ruins, for Pokegen what does it count as for encounter type? Cave? Event? Inside a building?
0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
>>18522578 Want anything specific on it?
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:17:45 No. 18522739 Report >>18522678 It's perfect as it is
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18522575 Why is it only 4IV?
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+ Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:21:06 No. 18522785 Report Quoted By:
>>18522747 What? It SHOULD be 6 ;_;
Hold on lemme check to see if I gave you the wrong one.
0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
>>18522739 Got it, let me transfer real quick.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:22:07 No. 18522801 Report Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+ Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:23:43 No. 18522818 Report >>18522747 God damnit. I was told it was 6IV and didn't bother to check it myself -.-
Umm, want a 6IV scyther too to make up for it? I know this one's actually pentaperfect, anyway ;_;
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18522818 Wait is the Scyther 5IV or 6IV?
Why the hell don't you bother checking your mons before trading them away.
Andrew 0748-2162-0876
Quoted By:
Pokemon:Azumarill Nickname?: Nature:Adamant Ability:Huge Power Gender:Female Shiny?:No Specific PokeBall*:Pokeball IVs: x/x/x/x/x/x Perfect EVs:168 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def, 84 Spe Moves: Aqua Jet, Play Rough, Waterfall, Superpower I can give you legendaries or Battle maison items in return
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+
Chris [0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] !!MCr+Rv33Go+ Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:28:09 No. 18522874 Report >>18522840 Sorry, hexaperfect.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18522874 Is at least Adamant?
Also why aren't you responding to my trade request.
0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
>>18522801 Sorry it's taking a while, had a technical difficulty with a .sav on my R4, but I fixed it. Transferring shortly!
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:35:44 No. 18523014 Report 0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
Quoted By:
>>18523656 There's a little button in Pokegen that's next to the PID value. Hit that, and = what IVs you want to be 31, and hit search. It processes a legit PID, and you can go from there.
Kip FC: 4554-0563-3771 ( Pidgey, Tranquil, Fletching)
Kip FC: 4554-0563-3771 ( Pidgey, Tranquil, Fletching) Mon 17 Mar 2014 00:20:00 No. 18523715 Report I can gen some stuff if anyone wants. Kinda new to it but I got it relatively down. If you guys have any X exclusive and/or kanto starter megastones that would be great but it's not that big of a deal.
0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
Quoted By:
What should I gen? I'm currently just going through the Pokedexs in order, and starting with Kanto. Anyone have ideas?
Sophitis 1607-3486-0661
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Mew Nickname?: No Nature: Jolly Ability: Synchronize Gender: N/A Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall*: Premier IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 HP 4 Def 252 Speed Moves: Stealth Rock Magic Coat U-Turn Fake Out I have pentaperfect Timid Charmander, if you want.
Andrew 0748-2162-0876
Quoted By:
>>18523715 >Pokemon:Azumarill >Nickname?: >Nature:Adamant >Ability:Huge Power >Gender:Female >Shiny?:No >Specific PokeBall*:Pokeball >IVs: x/x/x/x/x/x Perfect >EVs:168 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def, 84 Spe >Moves: Aqua Jet, Play Rough, Waterfall, Superpower I can give you blastoisinite
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Beldum Nickname?: Nature: Adamant Ability:Clear Body Gender: Shiny?:Nope Specific PokeBall*:Pokeballl IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: Moves:Take Down For your services I can get you really any BP item, except an ability capsule. I also have an extra Leftovers if you'd like that.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Again offering my genning services for 6IV Kalos mon Free item of your choice with the gen mon.
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
>>18524152 I have a level 60 6 IV female Chespin I can give you if you can gen me that Beldum from my previous post.
0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
>>18524200 Ability Bulletproof?
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
>>18524220 Yup, it'll need to be taught it's egg moves again though.
0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
>>18524255 Well, if he replies to this, I'll let him swoop on this deal.
Sophitis 1607-3486-0661
>>18524152 I have a 6IV Kalos Timid Charmander.
0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
Quoted By:
>>18524255 >>18524290 Since he offered his services first. I just merely stepped in.
Anywho, I can do the same services, but looking for some specific IV pokes with egg moves.
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
>>18524290 Woah, I didn't even realize I wasn't talking to him. If he doesn't reply after awhile would you like to gen it for me. I can give you the Chespin.
0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
>>18524342 Sure thing, mang. Just wanna be fair is all.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18524342 He can take bro I already have a HA 6IV Chespin.
>>18524292 Sure what did you wanted gen again?
Sophitis 1607-3486-0661
>>18524386 >Pokemon: Mew >Nickname?: No >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Synchronize >Gender: N/A >Shiny?: Yes >Specific PokeBall*: Premier >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 252 HP 4 Def 252 Speed >Moves: >Stealth Rock >Magic Coat >U-Turn >Fake Out Thanks! I'll go ahead and add you.
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
Quoted By:
>>18524369 You down for genning in exchange for the Chespin? If not what exactly are you looking for, I may have it.
0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
>>18524342 6IV on the Beldum, right? I can try to get it, it's just the PID I'm worried about.
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
>>18524471 Yup, 6 IV Beldum. If you can't get it I could try to find a pre-made one on pokecheck, if you'd like.
0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
>>18524555 I got it. Made it from scratch. Gonna transfer in a moment.
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
>>18524642 Alright cool. Not too sure how the trade is supposed to work from here, do I add you as a friend and then we trade?
0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
>>18524706 Yup, add me on your 3ds and then we trade over the PSS thing.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18524400 Ok give me a bit. My internet is funny.
Jasjes (1736-1227-2542)
>>18524152 Pokemon: Ralts
Nickname?: Noire
Nature: Timid
Ability: Trace
Gender: Female
Shiny?: Yes
Specific PokeBall*: Timer Ball preferably
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Speed / 4 HP
Moves: Hyper Voice, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Will-o-Wisp
I have a Modest 6IV Kalos-born Litwick with Infiltrator I can give to you.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18524751 Sure I'll be right on it.
Just let me finish with Sophitis first.
Jasjes (1736-1227-2542)
>>18524774 Sure, thanks for helping.
Just let me know when you've got it ready.
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
>>18524715 Alright added. I taught it 2 of it's 4 egg moves again, leaving out Curse and Quick Guard.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18524400 I'm sorry about it taking a while fucking shitty Bank has locked for a bit.
Jasjes (1736-1227-2542)
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
Thanks a lot, dude.
0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
>>18524883 Sorry, bank was lagging for me.
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
>>18525237 No problem.
I've been watching The Walking Dead Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
Jasjes (1736-1227-2542)
>>18525283 Already added you.
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
Quoted By:
>>18525286 Thanks for doing this btw.
I don't expect much from the show and it's been even worse than usual Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18525302 Sorry there's a problem with the Pokemon you're going to have a wait awhile.
Jasjes (1736-1227-2542)
>>18525387 No problem, just let me know when.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18525394 Ok finally lol.
Jasjes (1736-1227-2542)
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18525394 Why does it have a nickname?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18525801 And in a obvious hack ball.
That I could deal with but the nickname is too much.
Jasjes (1736-1227-2542)
>>18525803 Oh, I got it from a friend.
If you want me to get rid of that I can breed another for you. Sorry if you're not happy with it, I'll trade back if you want.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18525827 If you can breed a 6IV one sure.
I'll be here or you can just hit me up with a trade request.
Jasjes (1736-1227-2542)
Quoted By:
>>18525846 Yeah I'll get on that ASAP. Hopefully RNG isn't too mean to me.
Sorry, clearly I'm new to this whole thing.
Can pokegen be used to create a sheer force Totodile? Can that gen'd Totodile then be used to breed legit sheer force Totodiles?
Quoted By:
>>18527650 Nope.jpeg
You can transfer them over but they can't be used with anything for wifi.