xPerceus 2723-9700-5878
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a cloned Tyranitarite or could someone clone one for me? In return I have a bunch of shone, legends, events, battle items. IGN and FC in Name field.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
We were only on page 6 though..
Looking for someone to shinify: Swirlix | Male | Unburden | Naughty| 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Substitute, Flamethrower, Belly Drum, Play Rough | Steven | 10779 | Premiere Ball | Kalos
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Indy/anyone else able to O+1 some things for me in a bit?
Indy 0662-4390-0749 !!yskHZ6IQB6C
so cloning general is now can i have general? and if your gonna post new thread learn to spell.exist does not have a c.and we only post new thread when we get to page 10 yes i can clone for u bryce
Becca 2079 7638 0367 (Kecleon/Lillipup/ditto)
Becca 2079 7638 0367 (Kecleon/Lillipup/ditto) Sun 16 Mar 2014 14:25:08 No. 18516443 Report >>18516383 I can do that for ya
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18516383 ooh, what'd you get?
good morning btw
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18516441 Okay. I'm coming online now.
>>18516443 I'm going to let Indy do it because he offered first.
>>18516490 Morning Jasmine!
Indy 0662-4390-0749 !!yskHZ6IQB6C
>>18516517 done getting them out of bank
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au_GB3z4TLygdE5DMEFSakFvd1ZNQnAzTzVlZHMzaGc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 posting list, don't trade me stuff in ultra/quick balls etc etc
though I did finally find the one shiny pokemon that is acceptable in a quick ball yesterday thanks to jeric (drifloon)
Becca 2079 7638 0367 (Kecleon/Lillipup/ditto)
Becca 2079 7638 0367 (Kecleon/Lillipup/ditto) Sun 16 Mar 2014 14:46:25 No. 18516598 Report >>18516517 Okay xD
if anyone needs something cloned Let meh know :o
Indy 0662-4390-0749 !!yskHZ6IQB6C
who has the shone sewaddle from arsonists list im after a copy of it.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18516592 Thanks Indy.
>>18516597 Shiny Drifloon and Reg Manectric are the only exceptions for Quick Balls.
>>18516598 I might need something cloned, and I'll let you do that one if I do.
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18516685 I don't like non-shone pokemon in balls that aren't pokeballs ahahah my balltism is even stricter when it's not a shiny pokemon.
Indy 0662-4390-0749 !!yskHZ6IQB6C
>>18516703 balltism. get a life :P the pokeball its in has no bearing on anything.Silly Man/woman.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18516703 Your balltism is just as bad as my
gender tism.
But I finally got 3 things that I wanted female. Buneary, Fennekin and Amaura.
Indy 0662-4390-0749 !!yskHZ6IQB6C
Quoted By:
>>18516634 Bumpin this!!!!!!!!!!! gonna go eat a sec.
Quoted By:
>>18516259 bump, can offer 5iv kalos bred and/or mew/shaymin/deoxys
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18516721 it's ugly and if I could get myself not to care about the colour of the ball I could probably get myself not to care about the colour of the pokemon either, ahaha. it's just personal preference. I want my collection to look nice, yknow?
>>18516728 oh god I don't care what gender the pokes are usually that would probably kill me. glad you could get what you wanted though
Indy 0662-4390-0749 !!yskHZ6IQB6C
>>18516839 You cray cray.Having the pokemon is enough for me.
Indy 0662-4390-0749 !!yskHZ6IQB6C
Quoted By:
http://pastebin.com/4r3b4cNe back in a few hours, out to lunch and all that.
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18516863 yeah a little bit, ahaha. I just honestly cannot stand ultra balls
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18516598 Still here? I need something O+1.
Evan:4313-0993-8338 (Wooper, Nincada, and Gastrodon)
Evan:4313-0993-8338 (Wooper, Nincada, and Gastrodon) Sun 16 Mar 2014 16:01:27 No. 18517237 Report Quoted By:
I've got a shiny Aurorus that I'd like to clone, would anyone help me out?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18516876 Jasmine, still here?
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18517275 I am now, whoops
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>18516634 I got a shone sewaddle for ya luv
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
Quoted By:
If Gerardo is around, I want to trade for one of his 5 IV Timid Mewtwos. I have some good stuff you might want
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Hi! Were people looking for me?
Some new stuff:
Bronzor 0 Speed
Barboach with coolish egg moves
New stuff at bottom.
And I am still LOOKING FOR:
Tropius with Harvest
Mime Jr
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At7OG72Hu3RsdFJQcFlRRkFzcjZYTG9BOHpNNFluNWc#gid=0 Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18518388 I've got a 6 IV Jolly shiny Sneasel for you, among other things. I'm interested in your 6 IV modest Xerneas, and super size Pumpkaboo.
(I'm just assuming the "x"s are perfect IVs, tell me if I'm wrong :P)
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak9xWeyLUp2EdGtqLVRuWF81amRvd3BQTEpsX1d1a3c&usp=drive_web#gid=0 This is slightly out of date, I recently got a flawless timid Yveltal if you're interested in that
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
http://pastebin.com/g0CYVNrQ Finally made an updated list.
Anybody have a 6IV Prankster Klefki.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18518525 Cool, we can do sneasel and Xern for Pumpka and Yveltal. Yeah, x's are 31.
Do you have anything else from my "looking for" list?
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
Quoted By:
>>18518619 Seems good. Give me 1 minute to clone them and make sure that the Sneasel is 6 IV. I just found it in my boxes yesterday and was like "oh, that's kind of cool"
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18518525 Also, your list needs asking for access to view, you might want to change that.
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18518861 Oh. Thanks for the input. I got them both cloned, the Sneasel was in fact what I thought it was. I'm getting on now
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18518388 Is there anything on my list that interests you for your Klefki?
Can clone and give it back.
http://pastebin.com/g0CYVNrQ Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18519004 I've got a shiny Klefki but it's missing ATK and SpA. I don't know if that's interesting to you at all
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18518895 Added you and I'm online but I don't see you, you might need to refresh your internet. IGN is Kim?
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18519044 It's usually Kim, but the Pokemon I'm trading you are on my Y game, so it's Rowland. sorry for confusion
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18519018 Sorry I at least want it to have Special Attack.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18519073 >http://pastebin.com/g0CYVNrQ Shiet, I didn't ask you if you want an everstone on that pumpka. Do you?
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18519094 yes please. You can't cancel trade evolutions by hitting B can you?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18519118 No, unfortunately. Okay, let's go.
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828 {3516}{0006}
Guys quick! I need a number for my baseball jersey. Help me pick
>>18519563 Just make it like, the last two digits of your favorite pokeyman or something.
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18519563 This board is not your personal blog
>>>/soc/ Furisuko 3368-2035-2828 {3516}{0006}
Quoted By:
>>18519580 Nice thinking man, thanks
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828 {3516}{0006}
Quoted By:
>>18519735 Since when does a question turn a board into a personal blog?
Quoted By:
>>18518388 I have most the stuff on your looking for list
Quoted By:
Not sure if anyone can or will help, but does anyone happen to have an Umbreon w/ bold nature and Foul play? I don't have much to offer (no legendaries) but I can clone
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
http://pastebin.com/CeyMpAp6 Posting current unfinished list.
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18520462 Zammmn im interested in like half your list
>>18520462 Do you want anything from my list for that 6IV Marill.
http://pastebin.com/g0CYVNrQ Anonymous
>>18520576 Maybe the cloyester since im too lazy to evolve mine
Holy crap I was posting in the old thread. Anyway I'm looking for someone to +1 like 6 things for me. In return I'm getting pokes people here don't have yet (I think).
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18520687 I'm good with that.
>>18520366 There is a couple things from your list im interested in too
>>18520691 Want me to do that for you?
I'll be home in about 15 mins if you can wait
Quoted By:
>>18520703 K give me about 15 minutes or so. Im on the trolley on my way home
>>18520730 You are winrar. Hopefully you don't have what I'm getting yet but there's no way to tell until I show you afterwards (also since your list isn't fully updated :^) )
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18520691 what are you getting?
speaking of getting new shit, I finally got a plusle that has memories off gaymfaqs this was a good idea to go here
Quoted By:
>>18520795 Lel ok.
Well im working on it now on my phone and will pastebin it after
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18520780 Actually you might have a couple of them lel. Not too sure.
>>18520808 I'll keep them a secret to keep things interesting :^)
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18520840 k back
coming on now
Indy 0662-4390-0749 !!yskHZ6IQB6C
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18520943 Are you ready?
1:1 or?
>>18520943 Ok so what I'm semding are
timid/ hasty hp ice yveltal, farfetchd, spinda, ledyba, hp ice rotom.
I know you have these already but I'll let you clone everything that I get from this guy.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18521013 kk
>>18521005 let me finish with jeric and ill get to you
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18521013 Actually I don't have those Yveltals i think
everything i can prolly send to you though
>>18521075 K. I just hope what I'm getting no one else has so I can spread it like aids here.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18521143 Kk but,
Aids isn't spread.
HIV is.
It turns into aids if left untreated for 7-10 years :>
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18521193 kk coming back on
>>18521242 after i am done with jeric and the other guy ill let you know what i want
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18521281 Take your time man
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18521281 Cool, thanks. Going to shoot the guy a message now.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18521450 >>18521450 Yes sorry, I was installing a nude mod for RE6.
I;ll add you in a sec
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18521604 This 1:1 or what?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18521736 Ok well if you needed it clone let me know.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18521744 no need. i clone too
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
Does anyone have a shiny 5iv timid noibat w/ switcheroo they'd be willing to trade
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18521962 I got one.
What you got?
Stef- 1693 1648 1234
Postin' list. Looking especially for (preferably) competitive 6th gen shinies, or competitive KB shinies.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ar_WdKeKDybSdHI2Z3k3OHVyMXpyNUVQWTZ1UzlhWEE#gid=0 Indy 0662-4390-0749 !!yskHZ6IQB6C
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18522155 Got anything new for me
bby Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18522550 Check bottom of list~ adding new stuff now too.
Also I got another Dedenne!
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
>>18522318 6iv shiny goomy scolipede or greninja work? i also have a 5iv shiny ivysaur
Stef- 1693 1648 1234
>>18522609 I'd like Slurpuff, Meowstic, dem four Vivillons and Bunnelby. My list:
>>18522404 MK - 1075-0768-1553
Looking for Honedge line (+SpAtk nature), Rotom and Swirlix line
http://pastebin.com/7WN1H7qC Unfortunately unable to clone yet
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
>>18522609 does that noivern have switcheroo? if so woulf you be interested in
>>18522699 Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18522716 actually, I have all the vivs now except for modern... and I think the bunnelby might be a diggersby...
>>18522759 I dont think it does, but I can check
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18522619 Ok ill check it out. You're keeping my torkoal as NFT right?
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
>>18522774 please check ive been looking for one for a while now
Stef- 1693 1648 1234
>>18522774 Well, chosing now is impossible! I love Vivillon, so I probably would ask for every one. Let's just stick to what you wrote in the pastebin. Is there anything on my list you're interested in? If not, I can clone and trade you back.
barrett 1091-9522-3764
>>18518388 I have 5iv KBs of Pineco, Slugma, Dunsparce, Woobat, Dwebble, and Yanma. All are UT and uncloned and notsave altered.
Have anything good not in your docs list?
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Quoted By:
>>18522609 I'd really love the Slurpuff and the Porygon-Z, here's my list
>>18522749 Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18522794 Yep~
noone wanted it yet though>>18522823 Want. And no, everything I have is on my list. Come on man, I have like 400 things there, what else could I be keeping out of it.
Well, I have all the shiny vivilion patterns unlisted, all the birthday eeveelutions (including eevee) but that's it.
barrett 1091-9522-3764
By the way, what happened to the Josh duo and the other oldtards? Havent been checking in for a few months.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
http://pastebin.com/CeyMpAp6 Posting List one Final Time before I do my update
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18522809 how about flabebe, clauncher, fennekin, klefki, and carbink?
>>18522797 oh shit it does in fact have switcheroo
>>18522877 they lurk around still
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18522892 I really love that Aegislash, do you like anything from my list?
>>18522749 barrett 1091-9522-3764
>>18522852 Eh. I'd rather keep them nft at this point.
Stef- 1693 1648 1234
>>18522904 Sweet. So I'll take a Garden, Archipelago, Ocean Vivillon (if you have them), Slurpuff and Bunnelby/Diggersby.
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
>>18522904 I can trade you a goomy scoilipede or greninja for it. All Shiny, All Kalos Born, all have their hidden abilities. I also have a KB shiny venusaur with giga drain.
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
Quoted By:
>>18522963 they all have 6iv except the ivysaur which has 5
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18522926 What's the OT of that Gliscor?
What's its missing IV?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18522947 Okay.
I already got Yanma and getting Pineco tommorow, so you might want to get as much as you can for them, cause they'll soon stop being NFT.
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18522986 Every pokemon with 5IVs is pentaperfect and the OT from Gliscor is a guy named William
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18522963 ill take scolipede for it
>>18522961 ok, sounds good!
Stef- 1693 1648 1234
Quoted By:
>>18523034 Adding you now!
Guys just to let you know, if you got any pokemon with OT Miranda they're most likely shinified.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18523058 Oh really?
Did you get those mons by the way?
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
Quoted By:
>>18523034 good deal adding you now
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18523058 mmm? like what?
how can you tell anyway did people finally be able to tell shinified stuff apart or did they just suddenly have like 15 new rare mons and are trying to pass them off as self bred haha
>>18523087 No I just rechecked his list and it looks like the ones I wanted were shinified...
I didn't scroll through his list far enough on my phone and I didn't see the OT and TIDs...I was hoping for his volbeat, basculin, pansear/pour, and barboach.
the other trade was for a pichu but the guy is rechecking if it was shinied.
sorry Jace
I am looking for a genesect I am trying to make a futuristic type Pokemon team and I was hoping someone could trade me a shiny powerful one I have a 6iv staryu 6iv bagon 6iv larvesta 6iv porygon 6iv larvitar can someone help me and hook me up with a real strong shiny genesect 3969 5493 3089
>>18523119 His list had the same OTs and different TIDs. I'm not going to bother checking with him for the rest of the things on his list.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18523144 Aw that blows.
Well no worries, at least you have some stuff to 1:1 in the future right?
>>18523010 Ah ok. Did you have it cloned already?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18523158 Hey look it's the local Jew.
How's that Giratina you Jewed me out of.
Barrett 1091-9522-3764
Have: Kalos Born shiny (Most UT) 5IV Snover (0 Spe) 6IV Greninja (Protean/Holding Orb) 5IV Gible (Iron Head/Holding Scarf) 6IV Salamence (Dragon Dance) 6IV Conkledurr (level 80/fully trained/Iron Fist/Mach Punch, etc) 4IV Shellos (Blue shell) 2IV Gastrodon (Pink shell) 5IV Reuinclus (Timid/Overcoat) - Junk 3IV Spinda 4IV Relicanth 5IV Omastar (Nicknamed Lord Helix/Modest) 5IV Aegislash (0IV in Speed) 4IV Gogoat (Timid/Sap Sipper - Junk) That same 5IV Charmander that's been going around for 4 months NON-Kalos Born shiny: 6IV Spiritomb (Sucker Punch/Foul Play) 5IV Scizor (Adamant/Tech/Defog) 6IV Typhlosion (Eruption/Solar Beam) 5IV Hitmonchan (Adamant/Rapid Spin) Have probably 300 other random friend safari/junk shinies. Just ask. Nothing I trade is genned (Aside from specific movesets on Non-KB Poke, which I'll let you know), save altered, or RNG'd. I expect the same. Looking for: Mew (Non-Jolly/Timid/Quirky... MUST be UT or I'm giving that faglord back) Genesect (Non-shiny... just name the nature/IVs) Other offers.... Nothing common that floats around here.
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18523189 >Ah ok. Did you have it cloned already? I'm afraid I'm unable to clone, could you do that? Also, if you are interested in another pokemon I could let you clone it at the same time
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18523222 did you get that gif from me?
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>18523119 You have a Plusle with memories? I'm interested...
Barrett 1091-9522-3764
>>18523189 Thanks for cloning them for me man. I wouldn't have asked you to clone them but I got too excited when I saw those. And my note 2 wasn't big enough to fit the other columns on my screen without scrolling.
Anyways I could give you a spare venonat I have for your trouble if you don't have one already. Not much I know...
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18522852 That's even better
Stef- 1693 1648 1234
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
if anyone knows anyone that needs to be blacklisted... let me know please
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18523255 the guy I got it from told me to keep it strict NFT but I don't know how strict I should keep it bc I'm not currently on gaymfaqs
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18523233 That's fine. I'll just clone that one.
Give me a couple mins though. I'll add you in a bit.
>>18523314 No worries dude. Shit happens.
Save the Venonat till I am done updating my list
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Quoted By:
>>18523362 Sure, adding you, thanks
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18523351 This faggot right here.
>>18523158 I genned him a Impish Shiny Giratina for a 6IV Modest Larvesta.
Gave me a 4IV one and than gave me a 2IV one and finally a shit IV one.
Also looks like he was trying to jew last night thread as well but no one bother to respond to him.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>18523358 Is it 5/6 IV? I'm sure you can be a little more lenient here in /vp/. What Gen 6 event are you missing? Birthday Eevee?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18523399 if this is true, then he will be added
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18523496 thats all I needed. He is added now
>>18523466 I gave you the Pokemon sir
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18523539 Are you sure about this?
This happened in PokeGen General, not in Cloning General.
Just saying.
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18523462 yup! has the HA too so it can't be a bank transfer since I think gen V didn't have HA plusle/minun. I am missing birthday eevee (and eevee house sylveon but I'm not banking on that much) and would trade it to you. just... don't go back to gamefaqs with it I guess I think the guy'll come after me hahah. I'll get online
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18523598 Go look under his friend code in the archive.
He has been trying to jew people for 2 months now.
When bank came out he started a thread to get legendaries for starters.
And last night he posted the same shit in the clone thread about 6IV mons for legendaries.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18523560 however, you lied about the stats
>>18523598 True... but if he starts lying to us in here, wouldn't it be better to know ahead of time?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
TenFold [IGN: Ben]~[FC: 5069-5240-7348] !j22b6IwCk6
TenFold [IGN: Ben]~[FC: 5069-5240-7348] !j22b6IwCk6 Mon 17 Mar 2014 00:17:20 No. 18523678 Report IT FINALLY CAME!! and so did i Powersaves get!
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>18523619 don't worry. A plusle with memories is extremely precious, so naturally I want him all for myself :). Let me get online too, and I just want the original back thanks.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18523623 >>18523625 True, but did any of his jewry leak into Cloning General?
I understand about being cautious but if it didn't happen in cloning general well..
I dunno lol
>>18523637 Lol first off the first one I was simply offering them I never said 6iv in first post
2nd one there was a giveaway jackass
3rd was my original comment before you came along
>>18523690 Your logic is stupid. If he is willing to Jew anywhere on /vp/ than he is willing to do it in this or any other clone thread.
Thank God you aren't in charge of the blacklist.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18523737 >Thank God you aren't in charge of the blacklist. I have some bad news for you
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18523685 whoops sorry about that I went and got myself a drink. online for real now
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
Quoted By:
>>18523718 umm... you kinda did
>>18523737 lol jace has a pretty big role with the blacklists
speaking of which
http://pastebin.com/DHngxUjM who forgot to put the blacklist up?
>>18523678 Mine comes in on Tuesday from what my gamestop tracking code said (:
Quoted By:
>>18523737 Considering the blacklist doesn't mean anything coming from cloning anymore.... who cares?
Takes 5 minutes to gen something.
Whatever all I know is no one on /vp/ can stop me.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
Quoted By:
>>18523788 no, but we can get people not to help you
>>18523788 Lol nice copycat fag
Quoted By:
>>18523788 Well aren't you a little cunt?
At least post when you have good stuff to trade.
Dave !v/rTh0HxaQ
>>18523806 Guys those two guys aren't me.
I made a trip code to stop this shit.
My offer still stands on the 6IV for Genesect.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18523788 >>18523769 Not the same person.
The post limit is evident here, come on.
Dave !v/rTh0HxaQ
>>18523823 It's a minute difference which is enough you fucktard.
But yeah you're right it isn't the same person.
Quoted By:
>>18523820 That you ivory?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18523823 Jace you know im a fucking newfag... thats been on 4chan a while...
>>18523829 sorry I guess?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
http://pastebin.com/g0CYVNrQ Reposting my list now with 6IV Marill with Egg Moves.
Thanks again Jace I was looking for that bad boy for a while.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18523829 58 seconds you imbecile.
Post limit is 60 seconds.
>>18523841 lel
>>18523845 Ok. I'll have your Gliscor back in a sec.
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18523854 Thanks man, no hurries
Also, repostin my list:
http://pastebin.com/7WN1H7qC Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18523866 Oops yeah wrong person.
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18523845 interested in your marill, riolu, fletchling if level 1 and in poke/premier ball, sap sipper goomy, and charmander
I'm uninterested in a mon if any are in ultra/quick balls tho just putting that out there haha
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au_GB3z4TLygdE5DMEFSakFvd1ZNQnAzTzVlZHMzaGc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 list!
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18523875 Interested in Tyranitar and Slurpuff, do you like anithing from my list?
>>18523866 Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18523875 The Fletchling is Level 2 Pokeball lol if you still want it.
Interested in Joltik, Mawile, Slurpuff, and Flabebe.
Trapinch as well if you are okay with the Fletchling.
Also the Riolu is 5 IV just incase you misread it.
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18523893 I actually have everything on your list except for the Excadrill so I guess I can trade one for that. pick which you like the best I guess? haha
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18523931 I think I'll choose Slurpuff. Are you able to clone mine?
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18523930 that's fine, which IV is it missing? I'm probably not actually gonna use it anyway for competitive so it's not too big of a deal
I'll trade for that fletchling. I wonder why level 1s are impossible to come by lol level 2
Ponyo 4914-4692-9951 [Grass: Swadloon, Oddish, Gogoat]
Ponyo 4914-4692-9951 [Grass: Swadloon, Oddish, Gogoat] Mon 17 Mar 2014 00:40:05 No. 18523953 Report Sup. Kinda New to this. This is what I have: Shiny Chikorita Mew Yvetal 5IV Metagross (lv50/ft) 5IV Salamence (lv50/ft) 5IV Mawile LF: Whateves! :D
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18523942 No fucking clue how I got it that way.
I think I got it from Jeric.
It's missing Special Attack of course.
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18523954 hahaha who knows. ah yeah that's fine. ok let me clone my shit and get on
>>18523940 yes I can! I'll be on in a sec
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Quoted By:
>>18523966 Cool, adding you
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18523966 >>18523875 Are you interested in a Scraggy in a Premier ball?
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18523991 I actually have one already! got some decent egg moves too if I'm remembering right
Ponyo 4914-4692-9951 [Grass: Swadloon, Oddish, Gogoat]
Ponyo 4914-4692-9951 [Grass: Swadloon, Oddish, Gogoat] Mon 17 Mar 2014 00:49:13 No. 18524055 Report Quoted By:
>>18523953 Oh. Decided what I was looking for. Looking for a Clefable with Softboil, preferably in a moon ball.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18524021 Ah ok.
I have a Vanillite in a dive ball too if you are interested, and a Flabebe(Blue) in a Premier Ball
I'm interested in 2 of your things though.
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18524059 Vanillite would be nice! I already have all the Floette colours in premier balls tho. I can just take a peek at your list, I can take pokeball mons too I'm trying to lighten up on my balltism a bit ahaha
which two things did you want?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18524071 Haha no worries.
I am interested in the Meinfoo and possibly that Plusle that you have in your NFT List
http://pastebin.com/CeyMpAp6 Here is my current list.
If you are interested in a Rare Event though, I also have the Eevee House Sylveon(KOR) which was available only for 6 days I think.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18524071 Ready when you are.
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18524156 hot damn I am definitely interested in that Sylveon. I'll just repeat what I said earlier in not going back to gamefaqs with it because I think I was the first person that guy traded with... they'll know I traded it hahaha
so I can do Plusle & Meinfoo then for Vanillite and Sylveon?
>>18524165 one sec! sorry was just cloning that other guy's stuff
>>18524191 Thanks for the Slurpuff!
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18524191 Oh of course.
I normally don't list NFTs anyway lol.
I'll start cloning them right now
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18524227 not a problem! thanks for the trade
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18524317 I can!
>>18524276 cloning something for someone else rn then I can get on
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18524317 You see me postin' nigga
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18524278 Sorry internet problems
The Goomy for the Trapinch?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18524324 Kk.
I have them cloned already, I believe I have you added already.
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18524331 whoops I forgot about that... I'll get back on haha. I've got the rest cloned at least
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Repostin my list:
http://pastebin.com/7WN1H7qC And now looking for:
- Shiny Tyranitar line
- Shiny Porygon line
- Shiny Clefable line
- Shiny Rotom
>>18524156 Hi there, I am interested in your Hawlucha and the modest Xerneas you have.
I have shiny a 5iv Tyrunt, Klefki, Carbink, Froakie, Goomy and Ledyba to offer.
If any of those interest you I can give you more details on them if neccessary.
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18524340 I completely forgot shiny Vanillite was purple.. why would they put it in a dive ball that matches the unshiny version much better ahaha how strange
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18524388 I think because it kinda matches Vanilluxe
I could be wrong though lol
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18524388 Thanks again though!
I appreciate it lol
Ponyo 4914-4692-9951 [Grass: Swadloon, Oddish, Gogoat]
Ponyo 4914-4692-9951 [Grass: Swadloon, Oddish, Gogoat] Mon 17 Mar 2014 01:16:36 No. 18524424 Report >>18524350 Hey, I have a 5IV Rotom-W and a 5IV Tryanitar, but they're shinified. Do you still want them?
Rick 2509-1387-3702
Posting list:
http://pastebin.com/iqDa6SDC Looking for shiny Kalos bred:
6IV (0 Speed) Quiet Honedge/Aegislash
5IV (0 Speed) Sassy Foongus/Amoongus
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18524354 I actually have all those.
Do you have anything else?
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18524422 yeah! ty for the trade!
sadly I got locked out of pokebank for some reason afterwards lel why does a disconnection lock you out for 10 minutes that's such shit
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18524444 That happens way too much to me too.
10 minute limit is retarded
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18524424 Sorry, I'd like them not to be shinified, but thanks anyways for the offer
Quoted By:
>>18524443 A Snivy and a Maractus are the only other shinies I have.
Ponyo 4914-4692-9951 [Grass: Swadloon, Oddish, Gogoat]
Ponyo 4914-4692-9951 [Grass: Swadloon, Oddish, Gogoat] Mon 17 Mar 2014 01:20:35 No. 18524486 Report >>18524464 I can give them to you non-shiny as well, if you were prefer.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18524444 I thought it was Trapinch why are you offering my Fletchling back?
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18524331 >ultra ball ;_; I think I'm just gonna give it back. I'm sorry I've already got a goomy in an ultra ball I can't stand these forgive my balltism
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18524488 your stuff was cloned and I was giving your clones back? I'm not too crazy about the ball it's in either so I guess you can just cancel that so I can give you your clones
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18524486 In fact I have both non-shiny versions of them
>>18524439 I do have the Aegislash you are looking for, are you able to clone?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18524531 I don't need clones.
I can clone myself.
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18524545 OH well that makes shit easier then hahah. sorry about that...
Rick 2509-1387-3702
>>18524538 Yes, with the two 3ds method though, so it can a little while. Let me know what you were interested in so I can make a clone of it if I don't already have one.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
MK - 1075-0768-1553
>>18524589 I have few time so I don't think I can do it with the 2 3DS method, though. Sorry man, that Magnetric looked sweet
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
does anyone have a shiny shellos?
Rick 2509-1387-3702
Quoted By:
>>18524616 Alright then, maybe another time. The Manectric clone is ready though.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18524622 East or Regular?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18524622 West or East? Or both?
Barrett 1091-9522-3764
>>18524622 Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah both colors.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18524639 >>18524641 >>18524645 both... geez why am I so slow T^T
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18524657 I just have East. Female
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18524697 well, I can get East from you, and west from someone else
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18524721 Yep. If you get West will you Toss it my way?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
does anyone have a list of all Gen 6 event pokemon? Bulbapedia doesn't seem to have them all (it's missing all the birthday eevees so it might have other shit missing too)
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18524758 k
i have it now. just come online when you get a chance
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18524782 do you want anything for it?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18524765 Birthday Celebration Pikachu
Birthday Celebration Eevee
Birthday Celebration Vaporeon
Birthday Celebration Jolteon
Birthday Celebration Flareon
Birthday Celebration Espeon
Birthday Celebration Umbreon
Birthday Celebration Leafeon
Birthday Celebration Glaceon
Birthday Celebration Sylveon
Pokemon Center Tokyo Bay Happy Hour Inkay
Pokemon Center Gengar
Pokemon Center Scizor
Pokemon Bank Celebi
XY Torchic
Taiwan Movie Sylveon
Hong Kong 4th Nintendo 3DS Party Sylveon
Eevee House Sylveon
Christmas Trade Gengar
Christmas Trade Scizor
Walmart Event Scizor
Walmart Event Garchomp
Singapore Comics Connection Garchomp
CoroCoro Garchomp
Taiwan CoroCoro Garchomp
CoroCoro Charizard (Pokemon X Version)
CoroCoro Charizard (Pokemon Y Version)
Tretta Wobbuffet
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18524795 Nope, just the west whenever you get it
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18524801 god damn it I thought I might be coming close to having all the events I'm nowhere near lol oh well collecting never stops. thank you though
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
Quoted By:
>>18524836 WHOOPS wasn't looking at my 3ds sorry. O+1 for this?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18524843 Yeah..
I might get those Corocoro Charizards later tonight hopefully
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18524836 you have the west shellos right?
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18524864 you're gonna share with the class r-right?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18524901 Yup. You don't need to give me anything for it.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18524907 If I get them hopefully
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18524924 thank you bryce!
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18524959 I need it cloned though Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
Owenie ( 0817-3777-2986 )
Been looking to get rid of this shiny staraptor clone forever, also have shiny eevee but thats only for good offers cause I can't clone another for a while
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18525001 want a 6iv shiny elekid for it?
Owenie ( 0817-3777-2986 )
>>18525034 yessss sir which one staraptor or eevee?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18525045 staraptor, I have plenty of eevees
Owenie ( 0817-3777-2986 )
Quoted By:
>>18525061 alright adding now
Owenie ( 0817-3777-2986 )
>>18525061 adding soon? says you haven't added yet
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18525165 yeah sorry about that lol
Owenie ( 0817-3777-2986 )
Quoted By:
>>18525192 its fine haha sending you a trade request as soon as i get on
Owenie ( 0817-3777-2986 )
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18524945 If you dont get online, you're gonna have a bad time
>>18525229 np!
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
bryce I have the hp grass fairydeer cloned
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
TenFold [IGN: Ben]~[FC: 5069-5240-7348] !j22b6IwCk6
TenFold [IGN: Ben]~[FC: 5069-5240-7348] !j22b6IwCk6 Mon 17 Mar 2014 04:01:48 No. 18526803 Report Updated my list:
>https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aj2A_OU-tTvudE5uRHFWd2dqNEdXdlNxMGRHb0o1QXc&usp=drive_web would have shortened link, but 4chan thinks it's spam Also powerderp has finally arrived, so i can clone for people now.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Anyone here? I need a Yveltal O+1.
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18528356 Or
fuck off :^) .
Got that list updated yet..
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18528380 Wow rude.
And no I took a break after adding 120 things.
I'm not done yet.
>>18528380 hp grass x for z?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18528391 Dang, post what you've got so far?
>>18528438 Sorry about earlier. I was busy. What one of mine did you want? HP Grass Zygarde? I'm going to need it cloned just so you know.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Rob:Y 0318-7376-8413(Ground)Nincada,Sandshrew,Palpitoad
Rob:Y 0318-7376-8413(Ground)Nincada,Sandshrew,Palpitoad Mon 17 Mar 2014 05:51:48 No. 18528497 Report Quoted By:
anyone mind giving me a 31/31/31/31/31/0 Ditto, if for mothing else then to make a friend rage a little bit.
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 17 Mar 2014 05:52:59 No. 18528510 Report Quoted By:
Would anyone be willing to make my Clauncher Shiny for me? I can give you any of my breeding leftovers for the help.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18528475 Not until I'm done m8 :^)
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18528540 wow fuk ohf thn m7
When do you think you'll be finished? I want those goodies of yours.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18528642 Tomorrow morning or so.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Anyone around right now?
pastebin.com/nLejay8P 4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18528821 Are we trading now? What happened last night?
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 17 Mar 2014 06:28:15 No. 18528859 Report Quoted By:
>>18528821 I'm here looking for a person to Shinify something for me, bout all there's been.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18528839 heh... Jaegermeister happened my friend. Do you still have copies of both our lists or should I go peruse the archive?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18528821 What happened with that guy with the Goldeen and other shit?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18528860 You're going to have to go into the archive.
And we can't trade for like 30 minutes anyways.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18528867 Jeric? I have a Goldeen too nigga. I also got a Chingling. But I can't give up the Torkoal..
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18528867 I haven't dealt with him yet. I'm going to have to figure out a way to get a torkoal that ISNT the NFT one floating around because I don't trust his faggoty ass to not get it cloned to high hell.
>>18528880 He was asking about the gamefaqs guy who is super le bootymad at me.
I want dat chingling. I was about to go and breed my chimecho but this makes things easier.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18528880 Something about his save file corrupting if I recall.
I was a little tired but I wondered what happened.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18528880 16 4 Pidgey Tackle Gentle Tangled Feet x/x/x/x/x/x Poke Male Yes
43 1 Oddish Absorb Bold Chlorophyll 31/x/31/31/31/31 Poke Male Yes
86 1 Seel Headbutt Modest Thick Fat 31/31/31/31/31/31 Dive Female Yes
100 1 Voltorb Charge, Hidden Power Timid Static 31/x/31/31/31/31 Poke Yes
102 1 Exeggcute Uproar, Hypnosis, Natural Gift, Giga Drain Modest Chlorophyll 31/30/31/30/31/30 Poke Male Yes
170 1 Chinchou Flail, Mist, Water Pulse, Whirlpool Calm Water Absorb 31/x/31/31/31/31 Poke Female Yes
177 1 Natu Peck, Leer, Roost, Haze Bold Magic Bounce 31/x/31/31/31/31 Luxury Male Yes NFT
190 1 Aipom Agility, Covet, Fake Out, Pursuit Jolly Run Away 31/31/31/x/31/31 Poke Male Yes
205 51 Forretress Gyro Ball, Rapid Spin, Spikes, Stealth Rock Relaxed Sturdy 31/31/31/x/31/31 Dusk Female Yes
349 1 Feebas Dragon Pulse, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis, Haze Bold Oblivious 31/31/31/31/31/31 Dream Female Yes
392 55 Infernape Close Combat, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Mach Punch Jolly Iron Fist 31/31/31/31/31/31 Poke Male Yes
438 1 Bonsly Fake Tears, Copycat Docile Sturdy 31/31/31/x/31/31 Poke Male Yes
450 50 Hippowdon Earthquake, Slask Off, Whirlwind, Crunch Impish Sand Stream 31/31/31/x/31/31 Luxury Female Yes
456 1 Finneon Pound, Aqua Tail Modest Storm Drain 31/x/31/31/31/31 Poke Female Yes NFT
459 1 Snover Powder Snow, Leer Brave Snow Warning 31/31/31/31/31/x Poke Male Yes
585 1 Deerling Tackle, Camouflage Adamant Chlorophyll 31/31/31/x/31/31 Poke Female Yes Spring
588 1 Karrablast Pursuit, Megahorn, Knock Off, Drill Run Adamant No Guard 31/31/31/x/31/31 Poke Female Yes
598 100 Ferrothorn Spikes, Gyro Ball, Leech Seed, Stealth Rock Relaxed Iron Barbs 31/31/31/x/31/0 Poke Male Yes
636 1 Larvesta Ember, String Shot, Leech Life, Take Down Timid Flame Body 31/x/x/31/31/31 Poke Male Yes
666 12 Vivillon 31/x/31/31/31/31 Jungle
666 13 Vivillon 31/x/31/31/31/31 Modern
666 25 Vivillon 31/x/31/31/31/ High Plains
666 12 Vivillon 31/x/31/31/31/31 Garden
^What I liked.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18528880 Bulbasaur if it's HP Fire, Weedle, 6IV Poliwag, Horsea, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Adamant Torchic, Kecleon, Blitzle, Foongus, Litwick F and the non HA Goomy.
^what you liked
Rob:Y 0318-7376-8413(Ground)Nincada,Sandshrew,Palpitoad
Rob:Y 0318-7376-8413(Ground)Nincada,Sandshrew,Palpitoad Mon 17 Mar 2014 06:34:52 No. 18528907 Report Quoted By:
No one has a 0 speed ditto?
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18528895 When are we trading? Is your list updated?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18528910 I'm still updating.
But here is my old list, what did you want from it?
http://pastebin.com/CeyMpAp6 Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18528923 Zigzagoon, wurmple, bidoof, skarmory, buneary, cherubi, voltorb, minun, farfetchd, gothita, skitty. whimsur, sigilyph, nidoran , castform, mothim, seviper, mr mime, snubull. lotad, maril,
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18528901 >>18528906 Okay, I'm ready. Do you have yours cloned? And you do realize that Pidgey has 0IVs right?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18528995 kk i got some things to do at work actually, so will you be around in the morning?
ill be here for most of the day tomorrow as well
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18529157 oh well fuck pidgey then.
I keep backups of everything and I have to be very careful after our trade is over. My X has been being a bitch lately and I fear the worst for it's near future. Y's seem to be more stable with Powersaves.
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18529160 yeh i will man, im on spring break so ill be around all week. here my list so you can pick the mons you want
http://pastebin.com/v7Xy8RfC Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 17 Mar 2014 07:15:06 No. 18529226 Report >>18529192 would you be willing to make just one pokemon shiny for me? If not it's cool, just thought I'd ask.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18529192 I do have a 5IV Pidgey, I don't know why you picked the other one..
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18529239 I already have the 5iv pidgey is why.
I'm on the other 3DS you added forever ago. sitting online atm.
>>18529226 I won't do shinfying, sorry.
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 17 Mar 2014 07:20:58 No. 18529267 Report Quoted By:
>>18529257 okay, thank you for responding regardless
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18529239 Since I wanted 23 and you wanted 12, how're we doing this?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18529257 Since it's a 23:12 trade, can I pick some other things out, if I see some?
Also please keep Finneon Strict NFT/not even list it.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18529324 Just give me shitmons for now.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18529332 yeah go pick some other stuff.
Since I'm halfretarded and keeping track of this stuff. I need to make sure the save does not corrupt when we do this, right? Also after the first 12 lets take a break for you to check my list.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18529349 >>18529353 I didn't even type what I wanted to actually type. Fuck.
I need to make sure these mons don't die because I have to send copies back, right?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18529384 kk. We take a break now for me to clone part one and then we'll do part two. I don't want to do all eggs in one basket right now.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
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>>18529390 Correct spread Carvanha, Spinda, Pachirisu and Axew.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18529384 I'm so fucking done with this god damn powersave killing my fucking x cartridge bullshit. Fucking corrupted save. I'm doing literally everything I can right now to see if I can recover the file (I made a "backup" that's allegedly corrupt as well. Going to check the PC data to see if they're still there at all or not. If they're there, we can wait god knows how long for pk6 insertion/extraction and hope it can pull from dead saves.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18529428 w-with muh shones? ;_;
Why don't you just start using your Y?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
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>>18529428 Ok. Good news hopefully. Mass Dumper is telling me all PC data is there.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
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>>18529443 I'm about to. I just wanted to stick with the file I started from the getgo at launch.
Going to try to force this X to stop thinking any save I load is corrupt
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
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They survived... Attempting to clone now. The backup is good but I need to do some switching and get everything onto Y. (and by everything I mean your mons. I have everything already on Y from before)
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
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Ok so using banku is bad apparently for trying to back everything up. Going to have to do it the slow trading way between my 3DS's.. I can't believe powersaves killed 3 X cartridges in 2 weeks.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
I'm fighting a losing battle right now with this X cartridge. It's wanting to die like a Meeseeks but I keep telling it the task isn't done.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18529523 How is it not working? Does it have to do with powersaves? I really don't want my game to die out...
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
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>>18529544 The save file keeps coming up as corrupted. I should've traded the mons to my Y when I had the chance instead of attempting to use Bank.
The powersaves will murder X. Do not use X with Powersaves
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18529544 At this point I'm going to say there's nothing I can do. Every time I try to reload the save it's fucking me raw. I need to get some sleep but I'm going to be doing everything within my power to get those 12 pokemon out of that perfectly fine save file. The cartridge needs something done to it to fix it and I have to figure out what.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
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>>18529623 Between the new episode of Walking Dead and this whole dilemma, I'm fucking sick to my stomach right now.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18529600 Shit man, you're scaring me. I've been using powersave with X and it's been a-okay all the time. Now I kinda feel like I need to make a backup of all my shone just for safety.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18530492 Hey Rynn. Do you have any of these, and can spare a copy?
>>18528901 Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18530630 I can give you those four vivillons, the oddish and the natu if you're still around.
thread seems dead
gonna update list in the meantime I guess
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au_GB3z4TLygdE5DMEFSakFvd1ZNQnAzTzVlZHMzaGc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 TenFold ~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{2860} !j22b6IwCk6
TenFold ~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{2860} !j22b6IwCk6 Mon 17 Mar 2014 15:47:45 No. 18531390 Report Quoted By:
>>18526803 >>18526803 >>18526803 Re-bumping my list from earlier.
Also can clone if anyone needs anything done.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18531330 I have everything from Finneon and down. I'm going now, but if Fyre's save is completely kill, I'll get the Oddish and Natu from you.
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
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>>18531429 alright. hopefully it comes back! mine eventually did and I use X too
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
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>>18530492 >https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au_GB3z4TLygdE5DMEFSakFvd1ZNQnAzTzVlZHMzaGc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 >>18530630 >>18531330 The oddish, seel, voltorb, exeggcute, infernape, aipom, forretress, chinchou, feebas, bonsly hippodown and natu are what I had borrowed and am attempting to recover iirc.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
update: as of just a moment ago the cartridge is officially kill. It won't read at all now on the 3DS or ARPS.
TenFold ~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{2860} !j22b6IwCk6
TenFold ~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{2860} !j22b6IwCk6 Mon 17 Mar 2014 16:06:45 No. 18531507 Report >>18531463 My Y cart officially went kill today as well... pic related
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18531507 I've lost 3 X's in the last 2 weeks.
TenFold ~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{2860} !j22b6IwCk6
TenFold ~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{2860} !j22b6IwCk6 Mon 17 Mar 2014 16:10:59 No. 18531534 Report Quoted By:
>>18531512 I lost my Y on the very first time using the powersaves. I was extremely cautious in making sure i did absolutely everything right too.
Had no issues on my X though.
But i somewhat feel your pain, not on the level and frustration of it happening 3 times
yet , but i can sympathize.
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panpour adam 49291 Pansear gerald 54827 Pansage nemi 45560 Anyone have these shiny monkeys and know if they are legit?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
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>>18531512 how does it kill them? I guess you probably wouldn't know but I guess it doesn't hurt to ask...
I use X and it's the only game I have a physical copy of and now I'm kind of scared lel
>>18530630 Why, what, are we rebuilding Fyre's collection or something?
>>18531507 jesuschrist
I should pick up some used copy just in case, I guess.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18531707 Nah, 12 of the pokemon he was lending me got lost in the fray. Everything I had before the trade I still have thanks to bank.
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>>18531875 Ah. Well I might have them but I'm too lazy to check if they are the same ones, can you guys do it?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18531875 Oh poor bryce..
What did he get back at least?
I think he got some of those from me
Still looking for these:
Tropius with Harvest
Mime Jr
>>18532016 Can you help me out with the above stuff, man?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18532289 Hey rynn is Fyre the ot for your pansear? Im supposed to get all of the monkeys but I'm not sure if they are legit. I was about to get some monkeys from bouncer on gfaqs but they had his ot but diff tids.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18532323 Yep, Fyre. Also that bouncer guy asked me if I care if mons are shinified or not, so I guess he does do it.
>>18532340 I'm about to get a legit volbeat tho that gerardo didn't want to share.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
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>>18532353 Cool beans, can I get it too?
I just got Surskit (missing HP though), Dwebble 0Speed, Tauros and Pineco 0 speed.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
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>>18532289 Although the only thing I have is the Luvdisc I believe
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
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>>18531330 updated list, bored to tears so trade with me
no ultra/quick balls etc
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>>18532353 didn't want to share??
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
>>18532651 would you do JPN Birthday Chu for the Corocoro Garchomp?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
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>>18532353 Make sure the OT is not Eskimo.
"Ok. Now that I am looking at the Ot. I think volbeat and woobat have been shinified, their Ot is Eskimo w/ different id #."
>>18532679 aight I'll be home in a hour to trade
Sero 0001-3485-9705 !LcuAUV9nYk
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Folks, we're on page 10!