Why does everything have to become a fucking general. All you need to type is Shiny Trading. We don't need quirky names or thread numbers.
Lance 0920-0799-0786
All my shinies are Kalos bred and that's all I will accept because who wants something they can gen in thirty seconds? Shiny Klefki Bold Prankster 5 IV (Switcheroo) nicknameable Shiny Miltank Jolly Scrappy 5 IV Shiny Honedge 5 IV Brave No Guard (Wide Guard) nicknameable Shiny Zorua 6 IV Timid Illusion Shiny Furfrou 6 IV Impish Fur Coat Shiny Talonflame 5 IV Adamant Gale Wings Shiny Umbreon 6 IV Calm Synchronize wish and curse Shiny Smeargle Timid Technician 5 IV w/ Dark Void Shiny Goodra Modest Gooey 6 IV Shiny Florges Blue 5 IV Calm Flower Veil Shiny Chespin 6 IV Impish/Bulletproof w/ all egg moves Shiny Swirlix Naughty Unburden 6 IV Shiny Klefki 6 IV Bold Prankster Shiny Malamar Adamant Contrary 6 IV Shiny Ferrothorn 6 IV Relaxed Iron Barbs Shiny Carbink 6 IV Impish Sutrdy
Lance 0920-0799-0786
Quoted By:
>>18531316 It's attention grabbing and posting random shit amuses me.
Lance 0920-0799-0786
i have a shiny mudkip for trade
Lance 0920-0799-0786
>>18531644 Any additional details?
Quoted By:
>>18531717 it has egg move avalacnhe and nature adamant but no iv's
Faggot 5086 2022 0748 !GaybOYmIqU
Quoted By:
Shiny Petilil | Dream Ball Timid | Own Tempo | Hidden Power Fire 31/30/31/30/31/12-14 I like cute and girly things because I'm a faggot.
Calem - 5429 - 8384 - 1963 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion)
Calem - 5429 - 8384 - 1963 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion) Mon 17 Mar 2014 17:01:06 No. 18531937 Report All of my shinies I own currently. The pokemon in my party are all shiny too, but they're pretty hard to get off me. I'm looking for fem ralts, fem zorua, carbink, and honegde. I'm open to offers.
Lance 0920-0799-0786
>>18531937 Any competitive
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
Quoted By:
>>18531322 Want a Jolly Tyrantrum 5IV for your Honedge?
Calem - 5429 - 8384 - 1963 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion)
Calem - 5429 - 8384 - 1963 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion) Mon 17 Mar 2014 17:06:15 No. 18531983 Report Quoted By:
>>18531951 Mawhile and Cradily are the only ones at the top of my head that are perfect for competitive
Nick 1203-9244-5669
Quoted By:
>>18531322 Hey would you want a 5iv shiny male Espurr for Smeargle or Ferrothorn? I have a shiny brave 4iv Aegislash too with 0 speed.
i have a perfect aegislash and a trophy greninja im looking to get rid of. i'm just looking for anything nicknameable
Quoted By:
Anyone have a shiny chespin or espurr I can trade for
Lance 0920-0799-0786
Quoted By:
Hompteh Bomp Also, captcha says "lil defication"
Brandon 3153 - 4120 - 5558
Quoted By:
>>18531322 how about a 5ivs (missing sp atk) jolly taillow w/egg moves for the chespin?
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
My list:
6iv goomy HA egg moves
6iv greninja HA
5Iv ivysaur eggmoves KB
3iv tyrantrum egg moves
2iv aegislash
politoed KB
audino KB
Piloswine KB
adamant entei
hardy eevee
deino line
jigglypuff line
>>18531937 if youre still around i would love that jigglypuff for something
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
>>18531937 Which of those are KB?
Calem - 5429 - 8384 - 1963 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion)
Calem - 5429 - 8384 - 1963 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion) Tue 18 Mar 2014 02:23:49 No. 18538518 Report Well shit this thread is sorta alive I guess
>>18538047 Idk, offer away anything and I'll gladly consider
>>18538438 Aromatisse, Gallade, Exploud, Magmortar, Gogoat, Gligar, Sylveon, Lilligant, Roserade, Tyrantrum, Chesnaught, Torterra, and Lopunny.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18531322 Lance I'm interested in you Klefki, Carbink, Malamar, Umbreon, Zorua, and Furfrou.
Anything here interest you? The Klefki is the one I want overall though.
Calem - 5429 - 8384 - 1963 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion)
Calem - 5429 - 8384 - 1963 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion) Tue 18 Mar 2014 02:24:54 No. 18538541 Report Quoted By:
>>18538518 Oops and Ferrothorn is kalos born
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
Quoted By:
>>18538518 Interested in Slyeon, Lopunny and Tyrantrum.
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
Quoted By:
>>18531322 Interested in Talonflame.
Still availible?
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18538532 I have a 6IV Impish Klefki I'd trade you for your Slurpuff.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18539515 Alright cool, added.
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
Quoted By:
>>18539515 Could I also entice you to trade your Flabebe for a 5 IV Modest Amaura?
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
Quoted By:
I'll be posting my list soon, just need to grab some dinner, and import all my Pokemon to Y and then use the mass dumper to get all the info, also
>>18531316 mfw this thread.
Just creeping around to see if anyone had shinies they could rename. I have a box of random shiny offers, so feel free to include the gist of what you're seeking in exchange.
Adriane 2981-5816-2448
Quoted By:
>>18531322 I'd trade a adamant 6iv entei for your adamant shiny malamar
>>18531308 As of now, everybody should know Honedge is useles.
A cloner last night/early morning dumped a huge stream of them.
Akai 1504-6375-5014 !!Aln2bknAMdx
Quoted By:
I have this. It's Bold, unfortunately but it is indeed Nobunaga's. What do I want for it? A shiny Timid Articuno. I will also take a shiny Modest Remoraid, a shiny Timid or Modest HA Poliwag, or a shiny Adamant Horsea. Good IVs are preferable but beggars can't be choosers.
Akai 1504-6375-5014 !!Aln2bknAMdx
I also have one of these (it's Quiet) and a Relaxed shiny Lombre which I can nickname for you.
Akai 1504-6375-5014 !!Aln2bknAMdx
Quoted By:
>>18540444 I can rename a shiny Lombre for you. What can you offer me for it?
Janice 0705-3374-0961 (Galvantula, Dedenne, Stunfisk)
Janice 0705-3374-0961 (Galvantula, Dedenne, Stunfisk) Tue 18 Mar 2014 14:10:28 No. 18542939 Report Man, does anyone have a HA Dragalge? I'd give my shiny Entei, Gengar, or 6IV Ditto for one. I guess its a shame that I can't tell if they have it or not for the trade, but I've yet to find one at all. Is it even possible?
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Tue 18 Mar 2014 14:15:43 No. 18542976 Report >>18542939 HA Dragalge hasn't been released yet.
Neither has HA Tyrunt or Amaura, unfortunately.
Janice 0705-3374-0961 (Galvantula, Dedenne, Stunfisk)
Janice 0705-3374-0961 (Galvantula, Dedenne, Stunfisk) Tue 18 Mar 2014 14:16:36 No. 18542980 Report Quoted By:
>>18542976 Man that sucks. Ah well. Good things come to those to wait I guess. Thanks!
I have a shiny male Pumpkaboo. Looking for a Choice Scarf.
Akai 1504-6375-5014 !!Aln2bknAMdx
>>18543001 That's a great deal. I can take that.
>>18543038 Alright. Just slap it on any random shitmon
FC - 3926 - 4966 - 2888
Akai 1504-6375-5014 !!Aln2bknAMdx
Quoted By:
>>18543057 Gotcha. I'll just finish this match in the Maison and then I'll trade ya.
Akai 1504-6375-5014 !!Aln2bknAMdx
Thanks, anon! Very happy with my new Gourgeist!
Quoted By:
>>18543107 Glad to hear. Enjoy!
Janice 0705-3374-0961 (Galvantula, Dedenne, Stunfisk)
Janice 0705-3374-0961 (Galvantula, Dedenne, Stunfisk) Tue 18 Mar 2014 15:01:58 No. 18543215 Report I've got a shiny Victreebell if anyone wants it for a decent enough trade.
>>18542765 No all that guy did was dump out a bunch shinified shit IVs and nature Honedges.
Since you probably don't know what that means you should gb2 Reddit, Marilland, or GameFAQs.
Quoted By:
>>18543406 Adding to what this anon said, some anon gave away a shit ton of cloned shiny Goomy's (modest, egg moves, 6 IV), Tyrunt's (adamant, egg moves, 6 IV) and Vivillion's (Monsoon, timid, 6 IV) and these things are still valuable even though everyone has one.
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu Tue 18 Mar 2014 19:59:16 No. 18546160 Report heres my shinies if anyone is interested in tradin'
>>18546160 can any of them be nicknamed? Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu Tue 18 Mar 2014 23:00:13 No. 18548399 Report >>18547724 No. These are all obtained from trades or older generations.
Nick 1203-9244-5669
Let's see... I've got 5iv Skiddo with Sap Sipper 4iv Krookodile 4iv Golem 3iv Skarmory 3iv Gyarados 2iv Snover Trophies: Cacturne, Swanna, Venomoth, Lampent, Chespin, Clauncher, Dunsparce All Kalos Born. I've also got Leftovers and almost all the X exclusive megastones besides the starters'.
Jack [2535-4076-4203]
>>18548399 What ones are Kalos shinies?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Tue 18 Mar 2014 23:04:45 No. 18548456 Report Quoted By:
>>18542831 You still here? I'm really interested in the Lombre
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu Tue 18 Mar 2014 23:11:51 No. 18548538 Report >>18548435 whatdya mean? Only the Fairy Eevee and the poison seahorse at the end of the list. those are kalos pokemon. the others arent.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Tue 18 Mar 2014 23:13:41 No. 18548565 Report >>18548432 What's the nature & iv spread on the snover?
I can offer a 2V lapras, 2v Pangoro, 1v rotom, or a gogoat.
Jack [2535-4076-4203]
>>18548538 I mean Kalos born/generated.
Nick 1203-9244-5669
>>18548565 xx/xx/xx/31/xx/31
I'm torn between the Lapras and Pangoro, does Lapras's shiny coloration show up when it uses surf?
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu Tue 18 Mar 2014 23:30:41 No. 18548775 Report >>18548568 That's an odd question. Most of these are from Johto, Sinnoh and Unova.
The ones that were caught/hatched in Kalos are:
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Tue 18 Mar 2014 23:30:50 No. 18548778 Report >>18548613 It actually doesn't, it stays blue when surfing unfortuantely. What the nature on snover btw?
I trade this kid ask me for FC if intrested
Jack [2535-4076-4203]
Quoted By:
>>18548775 I assume the Corsola is from Chain Fishing? I can give you a Kalos Relicanth for it
>>18548787 What would you want for it?
>>18548775 Details of that Clefable?
A shiny entry hazard shitmon
>>18548778 >Snover Oh wow I'm an idiot
It's a Snorunt, not Snover
THANKS GAMEFREAK Jack [2535-4076-4203]
Quoted By:
>>18548858 You're looking for one, or you have one?
You're not being very specific.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Tue 18 Mar 2014 23:39:07 No. 18548879 Report Quoted By:
>>18548874 fuck haha, no worries.
Quoted By:
>>18548787 >male FUCK YOU RNG
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu Tue 18 Mar 2014 23:43:21 No. 18548942 Report >>18548856 no nickname, female, level 90, magic guard, impish, caught in friend safari, OT name: Duplika, knows Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Dazzling Gleam, IVs in Sp Def and Speed according to dude in Friend Safari city poke center.
Jack [2535-4076-4203]
>>18548942 Do you want to trade the Corsola for a Relicanth?
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620 Tue 18 Mar 2014 23:44:54 No. 18548962 Report >>18548787 I have a shiny snorlax in a heavy ball (not kalos-born because heavy ball)
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu Tue 18 Mar 2014 23:47:07 No. 18549004 Report >>18548958 got anythign else? dont care for relicanth.
>>18548962 anything I have interest you? I likes snorlax.
Jack [2535-4076-4203]
>>18549004 A Japanese Jigglypuff from the Friend Safari?
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu Tue 18 Mar 2014 23:50:36 No. 18549055 Report >>18549016 can ya list all you got?
Looking for shiny Porygon, preferably competitive.
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu Tue 18 Mar 2014 23:57:01 No. 18549149 Report >>18549089 I can trade a normal gen 3 Kanto Porygon from Rocket Game Corner of Celedon City, but that's it.
>>18549055 Yeah, but I've got a quite a few of NFTs though
Azumarill (From Sinnoh)
Zubat (From Emerald)
Graveler (From Soul Silver)
Unown (from SS)
A Staraptor from Unova
That 2IV Jigglypuff, Kalos generated
French Goomy
2IV Pansage
And that Relicanth
And I have a genned Groudon and Cresselia
Nick 1203-9244-5669
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620 Tue 18 Mar 2014 23:58:19 No. 18549169 Report Quoted By:
>>18549004 If he is not trading braixen (I'll give 15 minuties) Then I'll maybe have that 9tails or Mareep.
Quoted By:
>>18549149 I do have a normal Porygon, but the shiny one is so awesome
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu Wed 19 Mar 2014 00:02:10 No. 18549229 Report >>18549154 which unown is that?
Quoted By:
>>18549229 It's the "U" one
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620 Wed 19 Mar 2014 00:09:11 No. 18549301 Report Quoted By:
>>18548787 You alive?
Heavy ball shiny snorlax
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620 Wed 19 Mar 2014 00:18:36 No. 18549417 Report >>18546160 If you're still here, what are the details on the vulpix and the mareep?
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu Wed 19 Mar 2014 00:25:28 No. 18549486 Report >>18549417 I don't have a Vulpix. you must mean ninetales. Give me 10 minutes or so. I'm battling the E4 to level grind soem pokemon asked for on the GTS.
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620 Wed 19 Mar 2014 00:27:26 No. 18549504 Report Quoted By:
>>18549486 Yeah, I get them mixed up (because they both have 9 tails), I got time
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620 Wed 19 Mar 2014 00:39:18 No. 18549633 Report >>18549486 GF finished dinner, brb
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620 Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:11:33 No. 18549944 Report Quoted By:
>>18549486 You alive or what?
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:15:10 No. 18549980 Report >>18549633 Ninetales:
no nickname, female, level 12, bashful, flash fire, iv in attack, knows fire blast, sunndy day, confuse ray, flamethrower.
no nickname, male, level 5, static, calm, iv in HP, knocks tackle, thunderbold, thunderwave, thunder.
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620 Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:19:18 No. 18550050 Report >>18549980 I added you, I'll take nintales
Level 50 Female Snorlax has Adamant, thick fat, Fire punch, Ice punch, superpower, gunk shot. Heavy ball as stated before
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:25:56 No. 18550164 Report >>18550050 k, hoppin online.
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620
Wesley [Noibat Druddigon Gabite] 3497-1017-5620 Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:29:02 No. 18550214 Report Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu
Toyuri (1246 8966 4259) Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu Wed 19 Mar 2014 01:31:45 No. 18550243 Report Quoted By:
>>18550214 same. snorlax is a bro.
even when its female.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Wed 19 Mar 2014 02:27:01 No. 18551164 Report still looking for shiny dedenne and swirlix, don't care about ivs on them just need it to finish kalos collection
I have a shiny female snivy lv5 and female bibarel lv 18 any takers?
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce)
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce) Wed 19 Mar 2014 02:55:56 No. 18551622 Report >>18551569 Ill take either but i only have a shiny basculin and petilil
>>18551622 info on petilil? Is it kalos born?
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce)
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce) Wed 19 Mar 2014 02:57:53 No. 18551650 Report >>18551164 I have a shiny swilix you can have
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce)
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce) Wed 19 Mar 2014 02:59:06 No. 18551665 Report Quoted By:
>>18551647 no it isnt its from my white sorry
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Wed 19 Mar 2014 03:01:33 No. 18551702 Report >>18551650 hot damn, what would you like for it? I can offer Gogoat, Pangoro, Lapras, or Rotom. All Kalos born.
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce)
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce) Wed 19 Mar 2014 03:04:07 No. 18551740 Report >>18551702 BTW the swirlix is kalos born and the pangoro sounds good
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Wed 19 Mar 2014 03:04:35 No. 18551744 Report Quoted By:
>>18551740 awesome, I'll add you now !
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce)
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce) Wed 19 Mar 2014 03:05:48 No. 18551760 Report Anonymous
>>18551740 >the swirlix is kalos born Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce)
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce) Wed 19 Mar 2014 03:08:02 No. 18551789 Report Quoted By:
>>18551765 Thanks man it looks awesome
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Wed 19 Mar 2014 03:08:29 No. 18551794 Report Quoted By:
>>18551760 sweet, got the choco dog. Thanks man, I'm only 1 away now
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce)
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce) Wed 19 Mar 2014 03:10:38 No. 18551828 Report Anonymous
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce)
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce) Wed 19 Mar 2014 03:26:14 No. 18552031 Report Quoted By:
>>18551899 Alright thanks it looks good!
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce)
Bryce 2895-7784-3367 (Ditto,Loudred,Dunsparce) Wed 19 Mar 2014 03:40:45 No. 18552301 Report >>18551899 My god man thanks!!
>>18552301 lol your welcome
>>18552443 if anyone have a shiny noibat or noivern I'll be so happy
Quoted By:
>>18552465 What did you have to offer for one?
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, ??) Wed 19 Mar 2014 06:04:12 No. 18553758 Report Quoted By:
>>18531322 perfect sklrep with egg moves lv 1 dive ball for the furfrou???
Quiet Honedge for trade X/31/31/31/31/31
Quoted By:
>>18553947 5 IV Skrelp for it?
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
Quoted By:
>>18553947 I'm interested in your Honedge. I could trade you a pentaperfect EV trained Clawitzer or a 4IV EV trained Chesnaught for it?
It's a long shot, but I've been trying to breed a shiny charmander in soul silver. Does anyone have one willing to trade. I'll trade just about anything. Also I have hundreds of charmanders in various genders and nature if anyone's looking
Quoted By:
Anyone has a shiny Roselia/Budew/Roserade for trade?
Jack [2535-4076-4203]
I have a 5IV Japanese Honedge It's 31/31/x/31/31/31 and Impish
Quoted By:
>>18560318 id like this i have a shiny drapion (not great IVs) or a 6IV golurk(id give both for it even)
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18560318 I'll trade you either a 6 IV Chespin, or a 5 IV Amaura/Clauncher for it.
Quoted By:
>>18546160 I would give my life and soul for the shiny coffra. What would you want for it?
Fut 4055-4302-3606
Quoted By:
I have a shiny japanese spinda and a shiny relicanth if anyone is interested. Both are kalos born.
I would like I trade for a shiny chespin Kalos born 5IV modest noivern 4IV protean greninja 1IV quirky whismur Hasty yanma Sassy gogoat 2IV timid toxicroak Non Kalos born are 6IV modest drought ninetails Docile woobat Careful gengar Hasty shaymin Impish medicham I will give two of these for a chespin please this is my last hope before I give up completely
I`ve got a shiny slowking Its not kalos born,bold nature, its got perfect iv`s Its most definately gen`d and yet the retard gave it own tempo as an ability. ITs also german, named Laschoking Anyone interested in it, I`m not too fond.
>>18561763 il give you a shiny nidoking
>>18561763 If you're offering garbage you might as well just WT it or put it up on GTS for a legendary.
>>18561800 >garbage >6iv bold slowking Yeah, ok buddy
>>18561932 What nature is the Aegi?
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Thu 20 Mar 2014 00:16:52 No. 18561957 Report >>18561278 Is your 6IV Chespin Bulletproof?
Quoted By:
>>18561792 Out of curiousity is it nicknamable?
>>18561955 >genned mon >not garbage kek
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Thu 20 Mar 2014 00:19:20 No. 18562008 Report >>18561981 What's the nature?
Here's my list, I'm interested
>>18562008 hey can i add you for freind safari
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18562008 Impish, with egg moves Spikes, Curse, Synthesis and Quick Guard. I'm interested in your Furfrou.
Quoted By:
>>18562004 >shiny pokemon being traded in these threads >obvious clones >clones of ancient instachecks kek
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Thu 20 Mar 2014 00:23:52 No. 18562101 Report Quoted By:
>>18562044 Go ahead
>>18562054 Sounds like a trade. Adding.
Quoted By:
Is anyone trading a chespin
Here is what I'm offering
>>18561560 Dante 1907-9248-0821
LF: Shiny Honedge or evolutions and Shiny Froakie or evolutions OF:Shiny Butterfree, Timid, Compound Eyes, Sleep powder, stun spore, Bug Buzz, U Turn - 5 Ivs Shiny Starmie, Adamant, Analytic ability, hydro pump, trick room, ice beam, rapid spin -5 ivs Shin Arbok, Careful nature, shed skin ability, coil, gunk shot, earthquake and rest. -5ivs Shiny Haunter, modest, levitate, Shadowball, dark pulse, destiny bond, dazzling gleam, 3 Ivs
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>>18562392 >>18561932 what are the odds :^)
Dante 1907-9248-0821
>>18532239 I want your Aegislash and Greninja..
What you looking for? i can nickname whatever..
Dante 1907-9248-0821
>>18562546 Shiny Butterfree, Timid, Compound Eyes, Sleep powder, stun spore, Bug Buzz, U Turn - 5 Ivs
Shiny Starmie, Adamant, Analytic ability, hydro pump, trick room, ice beam, rapid spin -5 ivs
Shin Arbok, Careful nature, shed skin ability, coil, gunk shot, earthquake and rest. -5ivs
Shiny Haunter, modest, levitate, Shadowball, dark pulse, destiny bond, dazzling gleam, 3 Ivs
Also Shiny Latios, and Shiny Rayquaza obtained from GTS, so legitimacy isn't down to me
>>18562580 ill take the arobok and the haunter. assuming they're nicknameable
and kalos born Dante 1907-9248-0821
>>18562637 Not Kalos born unfortunately
5IV modest noivern 4IV protean greninja 1IV quirky whismur Hasty yanma Sassy gogoat 2IV timid toxicroak Non Kalos born are 6IV modest drought ninetails Docile woobat Careful gengar Hasty shaymin Impish medicham What I want is a chespin, espurr,honedge, tyrunt, or a sloking
Dante 1907-9248-0821
>>18562671 I know, was hoping it wouldnt be a dealbreaker, I will say they're pretty good for competitive builds though
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>>18562686 i'd do it if it weren't for 6th gen shones.
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>>18562008 i was going to ask you can i trade for that slurpuff here is my list
>>18561560 Anonymous
My list: Aromatisse Tentacruel Octillery x2 Poliwhirl Honedge Pelipper Gyrados Seaking Crustle Dunsparce Alomomola Relicanth Basculin Rapidash (non kalos) More info upon request.
Dante 1907-9248-0821
>>18563008 will you do that honedge for any of these?
Shiny Butterfree, Timid, Compound Eyes, Sleep powder, stun spore, Bug Buzz, U Turn - 5 Ivs
Shiny Starmie, Adamant, Analytic ability, hydro pump, trick room, ice beam, rapid spin -5 ivs
Shin Arbok, Careful nature, shed skin ability, coil, gunk shot, earthquake and rest. -5ivs
Shiny Haunter, modest, levitate, Shadowball, dark pulse, destiny bond, dazzling gleam, 3 Ivs
Not Kalos bred
>>18563008 info on aromatisse?
>>18563008 what would you want for honedge and what is the nature and IV spread
Azza [3969-5872-9386]
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>>18531322 6iv shiny snorlax for Honedge?
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>>18563040 hardy natured, healer ability, 2iv (def, spa), male
>>18563039 sorry, don't see anything.
>>18563070 I'm specifically looking for a shiny hawlucha, but any gen 6 shiny would do.
and it's bold, 26-31 ivs in spd, female
>>18563008 can you nickname any of these?
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>>18563198 Nah. traded all of my OT shinies haha
>>18563157 sorry man i actually just traded my shiny hawlucha but here are my shiny pokemon oh and sorry for not includeing but my greninja is timid
>>18562678 Anonymous
>>18562678 how badly do you want to keep that ninetails?
>>18563255 i was actually going to build a team around it but i can manage fine without it
>>18563237 Would you trade for Noivern or Protean?
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>>18563283 >protean greninja lol
>>18563273 yes i am willing just say witch one you wan
>>18563292 want* sorry for the typo
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Thu 20 Mar 2014 01:46:30 No. 18563328 Report Have a shiny Gogoat, Lapras, and Rotom for trade, the latter 2 are Kalos born. Looking for Kalos born offers, starters specifically
>>18563339 Mine is 3540-0569-2999
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>>18563339 We're already friends lol
>>18563353 my noivern knows a hm move
>>18563409 oh lol
i was wondering what the sorry was for lol
>>18563273 would you do it for an also non-kalos?
>>18563433 a non kalos what?
and thanks man
>>18563428 |4613-7530-4304|
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>>18563453 no probblem. hope you enjoy the honedge!
and thanks for the heart scale.
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
Does anyone have a shiny froakie?
>>18563462 of course but what pokemon
>>18563463 would a greninja count?
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>>18563468 i'll tell you in a little bit. stuck in the elite four.
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
>>18563473 No I'm trying to get my sister a froakie because she wants to train it herself
>>18563473 what you looking for, for greninja?
>>18563484 oh man if i could help you out i would sorry and i traded my shiny froakie 30 mins ag0
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
>>18563512 if you can nickname it, i'm interested.
>>18563523 i also have two shiny greninjas but you already said you were looking for a froakie but if you change your mind the one i will give you has the hidden ability just saying the offer is on the table just show me what you offer if you decide to take it ill take anything i just want to help you out
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
>>18563563 I already have one. But thanks for the offer. She really only wants the froakie
>>18563580 ok sorry i couldn't help
>>18563540 >>18563563 Arbok, Starmie, Fraxure, butterfree,
Really want greninja with protean if possible
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
>>18563600 nvrmind. we went through this already.
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>>18563615 ah, sorry, i didnt include fraxure as being kalos born though, so just adding info
>>18563605 dude can i add you because i could also try to look for one and if i find it i could try to send it your way but if not try serebii forums
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
>>18563627 Sure what is you FC?
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
>>18563685 It says it is invalid
>>18563719 crap 3540-0569-2999 sorry
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
>>18563733 You play dark souls. Awesome best game ever
>>18563745 can you part with ambipom
>>18563776 and yes i love dark souls i haven't played much because i don't own it but its the next game i'm going to buy. i'm not even that good at it i just like how challenging it is i'm also gonna buy dark souls 2 the same time i buy the first one but not
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
RALA 2165-5904-7901
>>18563817 i can deal with that. fc please
>>18563850 >3540-0569-299 i am in the middle of a trade ill add you after ok
RALA 2165-5904-7901
RALA 2165-5904-7901
>>18563872 uhhhh. you're missing a number
Anybody have a 6IV shiny or non shiny Lucario/Magnezone/Aggron/Growlith/Starly? My trade list.
>>18563912 No, but I do have a 5IV EV trained Clauncher, and I'm interested in your Fennekin and Flabebe.
RALA 2165-5904-7901
anon 3024-6179-4652 ign Jason
>>18563912 i have a non-kalos lucario.
that flabebe doe. what color petals?
RALA 2165-5904-7901
>>18563912 i've got a meh shiny growlithe and lucario. maybe?
anon 3024-6179-4652 ign Jason
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>>18563912 btw, i have a special lucario and a physical lucario, both shiny with ivs, evs and shit
>>18563955 To clarify, it's shiny. I can offer other Kalos competitive shinies as well.
>>18564012 No non Kalos mon
>>18564029 What are the others?
Only really interested in 6IV ones
>>18564014 Sorry not interested.
>>18564059 I don't think the 31 in Attack makes it any more valuable than a pentaperfect. The only 6 IV Kalos shinies I have are all ones you own, since they've been cloned to hell and back, save for one HA Scolipede I might trade. I have some 5 IV shinies you don't have however: Clauncher, Amaura, Deino, and a Brave 31/31/31/31/31/04 Honedge.
>>18564125 I'd clone you the HA Scolipede and give you the Fennekin and Flabebe.
And I'm kinda wondering when people will shut up with that crap. I don't use these mons for battle, I have my own. I'm just getting the ones that some people value over others and much of the fanbase is filled with morons who see 6IV and immediately think it's the greatest thing ever.
I know about Foul Play, confusion, and Swagger.
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18564159 Alright, I'm cool with that.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
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Just let me know when you're done cloning Chris and we'll finish the trade.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
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>hatch a shiny Scyther >check IVs >0 Atk >
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Anyone got a shiny budew?
>>18559318 What about gen 1?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Thu 20 Mar 2014 06:14:04 No. 18566012 Report >>18563328 bumping this, just want some Kalos born offers. i'll be here about an hour
>>18566012 Would you trade you're Gogoat for a red nicknamed Florges?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Thu 20 Mar 2014 06:29:22 No. 18566099 Report >>18566083 I actually already have a Florges, sorry
Do you have anything else interesting?
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>>18566099 No other shiny trophies of worthy note.
Fut 4055-4302-3606
Kalos born: Spinda Relicanth Noibat Other: Aggron perfect 6 iv ditto Seeking: Froakie porygon eevee with wish klefki nidoking Kalos born or not really doesnt matter to me.
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another day another bump
Mareep Lv. 100 Got it through a wonder trade, probably hacked. Anyone interested though? :/ A shiny Eevee would be nice, but I'll take anything.
pea 3540-0891-8748
anyone interested in a shiny litwick?
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>>18570437 I am but I don't have anything to offer
>>18531308 Il give you a kalos born Shiny aegislash and Charizard for that
IGN Nate (0903-2789-1286)
I have three shiny Scythers (31/31/31/31/31/x) for trade, Adamant nature with Technician, all Kalos bred. Looking for anything with at least 4IVs.
>>18571229 Nature on that Aegislash?
>>18571828 4IV perfect except sp. atk and speed
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>>18571858 Oh, no thanks then.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Thu 20 Mar 2014 21:45:52 No. 18572138 Report Quoted By:
>>18563328 bumping my short list.
looking for neat kalos born mons, If anyone has a horde lombre they wan't to trade I'm your guy
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Still looking for Rash / Quiet Honedge lines with preferably good IV's.
Fnord 1435 5488 2870
I have Shiny klefki up for trade
Jack [2535-4076-4203]
>>18573862 IVs?
I have a 4IV Impish Honedge
I think it's Defense is around 18
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>>18573874 Would you take a 4IV Chesnaught for it?
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>>18548775 Would you be willing to trade the Shiny Poliwag for a Shiny Butterfree?
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
>>18563328 Want Lapras if KB.
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
>>18563745 Dibbs on Hawlucha if you still have it.
>>18583138 that one is mine. anything in the box is up for grabs
>>18584138 Info on Aegislash?
I have for trade:>4 IV Impish Honedge, missing Defense and Attack >4IV Timid Greninja, missing HP and Atk >5IV Timid Noibat, Missing Atk >0IV French Goomy >2IV Japanese Jigglypuff
>>18584238 >Impish Honedge who would breed such a disaster
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>>18584251 No idea, it's Japanese and I got it from a trade
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
>>18531308 LF: (all KB)
Shiny Heliolisk
Shiny Lapras
Shiny Meditite/Medicham
Don't care about the IVs/Nature.
FT: (all KB)
5IV Shiny Modest Squirtle
6IV Shiny Modest Togekiss
5IV Shiny Adamant Bunnelby
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>>18584226 flawless and adamant
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
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>>18584568 bump
I have like 56 shinies so if you have what I'm looking for, I can offer something else.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Sat 22 Mar 2014 01:41:15 No. 18586343 Report >>18583111 Lapras is Kalos born. What can you offer?
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
Jack [2535-4076-4203]
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>>18584238 bumping with my list
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Shiny: Dratini Lvl 30 (Atk+Spd Hardy) Charizard Lvl 36 (Sp Atk+Spd) Nidoqueen Lvl 100 (Perfect IV) Pichu Lvl 100 (Just shit) Feraligatr Lvl 70 something (Meh)
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Anyone has a shiny Ferrothorn for trade?
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>>18584568 does the bunnelby have huge power?
and if so, are you interested in a 5iv adamnt shiny Aggron?
Andrew 4441-9816-5962 (Flying)
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Have a Rash x/31/31/31/31/30 Nidoran male with Poison Point in a Wave Ball. Has Beat Up, Sucker Punch, and Head Smash egg moves.
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Got a shiny 5-IV Iron Fist Thunder Punch Chimchar from Kalos.
Nick 1203-9244-5669
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>>18566159 Any interest in Feebas, Dratini, Shellos, Vaporeon, Leafeon?
>not just using power saver to make mons shiny
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>>18565554 Two things,
1. Don't put your email in the email field. It's not necessary to post.
2. Anon is talking about the Pokegen tool, though I have a feeling Pokecheck is more your speed.
Try them out. They're easy to use and you can get whatever poke you want.
RIP shiny trade thread. This thread is almost a week old.
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>>18600175 I had a lot of good trades in this thread, so I'd call it a success.
5iv espurr for trade (female) only for 4iv+ kalos mons
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18600575 I'm interested. Would you trade it for a 4 IV Adamant Chesnaught?
>>18600595 ha sorry i already have one with the exact same specs.
i forget when i said kalos i meant kalos born
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18600617 I understand m8, what about a 5 IV Clauncher? It's level 24 and EV trained.
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18600675 Of course. Same for the Espurr?
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18600684 that sounds pretty good acutually.
yep espurrs shiny, bold.
that cool?
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18600708 Yup, And the Clauncher's Modest obviously. Adding you.
Fnord 1435 5488 2870
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>>18573862 My klefki is still up
>>18573874 Sorry but i found it random , it don't have perfect IV's
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18600717 seems i already have you.
just ask when ready
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18600753 thanks!
hope she to ur likin
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>>18600779 She's
Espurr fect.
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Looking for scyther, solosis, shroomish or joltik Can offer luvdisk or froakie(torrent)
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
shone list mons are sorted top to bottom by number of 31 IV's, starting with 6, and the last four on the bottom right are trophies.
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>>18531644 well you have probably left but I will trade my giritina for that mudkip
>>18601308 is that espurr female/ nicknameable?
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>>18604429 Female, but not nn-able.
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>>18563745 pretty interested in that Alakazam. whats the iv's on him?