Slowbro + Slowking running the funbro set. Add that to Swagplay Klefki, Perish Trapper Gengar and Swagplay Klefki.
>Gengar up first
>Use Perish Song, take the hit like a champ
>Use Protect, see if he's using the same move
>Use Disable/Substitute, stops him from attacking
>Switch to funbro or funking, and get a free kill
Depending on circumstances, switch to the other funbro/king if you're facing a SAtker or Atker who can plow through you. Set up your trap and time stall for the rest of the match
If you do this correctly, you'll win in battle spot or other games as the winner is the person who has the most pokemon alive + % HP remaining.
Thats how you fucking win faggots. Klefki could be used to get a kill too with Swagplay. Whatever floats your boat anon.