Lance is just an all around idiot.
I know, I'll build my team around DRAGONS!
>Uh, Lance, there are only 3 dragons in existance and they're from the same evolutionary line, how are you going to build a team around them?
Behold! I'll use Dragonite! And Dragonair is still useful despite being a lower evolutionary form of Dragonite, so he's in! And then I'll use, uh.... Gyarados!
>Gyarados isn't actually a dragon type pokemon.
What are you talking about? LOOK AT HIM, he's a big flying dragon thing!
>Looks can be deceiving...
Well, FUCK YOU, he's in! And I'll use, uh... Aerodactyl!
>...... I don't even see your line of reasoning on that one.
Well, I mean, you know.... He FLYS, like a Wyvern or something. And he has scales, so.... Yeah, fair game, right?
>Okay dickwad, what's next?
MMMM..... Uh..... MMMM-another Dragonair? With different moves? That counts as a different pokemon, right?
>You're really reaching now, huh, faggot? Whatever, it's not like your shit's not going to get pushed in by Lorelei, anyway. So, Agatha, what's your team going to be?