Okay, this is going to be long:
>What nuzlocke comics do you reccomend, /vp/?
Completed ones: Oh Gosh's Platinum doesn't have the best art quality ever but it's just great regarding the comedy, you gotta read Land-walker's Sapphire and Land-walker's Yellow (this one is cancelled, sadly, but he's updating his dA with the written story), those two are probably my favorites. Hale's Emerald feels a lot like the original nuzlocke comic regarding humor and style. Any Nuzlocke from Kitfox is cool, the guy is kinda furry but I can't deny the comics are funny... and of course, if you haven't already, you have to read the original Ruby: Hard Mode and FireRed: Hard Mode.
On-going comics: FireRed Kick@ss Mode for teh lulz, if you ignore the edgy foreshadowing. Mewitti's Alterity, Nyapapa's DEN and Velink's J.A.L if you want to read something with pretty good art. Jutopa's Blue is pretty funny and the autor has improved a fuckton over the pages, you wouldn't even believe it. There's this girl who just started an Emerald one and it's looking great so far too, Alayne's Emerald (the username is "isilayne" if you need to type it). Jet's Black Nuzlocke has too many good things, just read it. VolbeatFiro's Odd Ones and B2's HG Nuzlocke are loooong, but they're worth the time and both are some of my favorites. Goddamn Criticla Hits is something you really don't want to skip, because that thing is awesome, updates fast, and you may know the artist from some other popular pokemon minicomics. Finally, of course, White: Hard Mode, from Nuzlocke himself.
>In particular, are there any good XY Nuzlocke comics yet?
There's one. Cross Out, from the same guy who did Death's HeartGold (which he cancelled because he couldn't deal with haterz). The rest of XY nuzlockes are pretty shitty, imo.
Have fun.