Different pokeballs give you different bonuses in battle.
Poke/Great/Ultra - 248 more EVs.
Premier Ball - Higher Chance of breeding a shiny if a either parent are in one.
Master Ball - All moves over 90% accuracy no longer check accuracy
Safari Ball - All moves with a secondary effect now always activate the effect when used twice in a row, but never the first time.
Cherish Ball - Pokemon gains shiny entry sparkles.
Dive Ball - Water pokemon in this ball gain water absorb as a bonus ability
Dusk Ball - Dark pokemon in this ball gain +1 Accuracy Boost
Luxury Ball - Pokemon ignores entry hazards.
Heal Ball -
>>18562689Nest Ball - IDK lol
Net Ball - Bug Pokemon in this ball are cured of status upon being sent out.
Repeat Ball - Same effect as the metronome item
Quick Ball - Pokemon's priority attacks are all made at max priority. Nice protect stall, faggot.
Timer Ball - Pokemon gains +1 Atk, Def, SpA, or SpD randomly every 2 turns.