List of everything being given away today, with spreads/sets/ect.: Everything being given away level 100 has outstanding IVs and is fully EV trained, and can dance:
Wobblies (Teeter Dance Spinda with DW only move)
Tortilla (Shiny Rain Dance Ludicolo)
GrassWaifu (Shiny Quiver Dance Lilligant)
Lilyhammer (Shiny Teeter Dance Vileplume)
Muh Shone (Shiny Swords Dance Garchomp)
Rare Shiny (Shiny Dragon Dance Gyarados)
I have one box of each. You can ask for more than one pokemon, but don't ask for more than one of the same pokemon.
Also giving away leftovers from previous giveaways, these are in short supply and will be removed from the link as they become unavailable. How to get one:
Post a level 1-10 (you will need to breed) luvdisc on the gts, ask for whatever you want at level 91-100, and put the description "Based OP". When asking for a lucario, put whether you want special or physical, or specify MALE or FEMALE in the request, if I don't know which to send, I wont send either. If you want a ditto, put the nickname of the ditto in the description too. Hold items are appreciated but not mandatory.
To show gratitude:
-Say "Thanks OP" in this thread
-Attach a Sweet Heart to the luvdisc
-Attach any nice item to the luvdisc
-Send a shiny luvdisc
-DON'T ask to use something other than a level 1-10 luvdisc
I give priority to the luvdisc that has waited the longest, with the exception of shiny luvdiscs and luvdiscs with items that have a high likelihood of being sniped.
Things given away before: Competition this time again, see my next post
Guess How many Sweet Hearts I have. Easy right? I've been asking for these since the first giveaway, so how many do you think I have now? The prize? Whatever you want! If you want a specific pokemon or item, you want me to giveaway your pokemon idea, or use an old one again, thats fine. You can even ask for a gen VI mon, but these take longer. How to enter: Reply to this post with your answer Have your FC and IGN in the name or comment field Name a prize winner announced in about 90 minutes, if there is a tie then whoever answered first wins. I have taken a pic of the sweet heart count already, so todays additions wont affect the results
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
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Sounds awesome, I really like the Pokes you chose this time, I'll be putting up a Luvdisc for each... just let me breed some again first.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084
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Spinda please! Putting up disc shortly...
Jack [2535-4076-4203]
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I have also got 24 All31 dittos (6V and ITA)
>>18582812 It's nice to see you again Doug. I'll be out shortly but I saw this and your competition post.
I'll guess 809. Can't wait to see the results. Hope your giveaway goes well!
PS would you save a Regirock and or a Vileplume for me?
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>>18582965 I have one regirock left, I'll hold it for you
Francisco 0087-2327-8084
michael 0473-8901-0700
>>18582868 118, give swagplay mons
How do you get Sweethearts again?
Francisco 0087-2327-8084
>>18583010 The house closest to the day care, once per day from the maid
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
K Putting up a disc for the Vileplum. Dunno why I chose it first. I'll think of a number to guess in a sec.
Fut 4055-4302-3606
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>>18582812 Disc up OP
Thanks a load! <3
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May I have a Garchomp, please? Luvdisc is up, IGN is Artalias. Thank you so much in advance, OP!
Disk up asking for a ditto, thanks op
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>>18583067 Sniped, try again
Ask for level 91-100
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upping a disc for vileplume. thanks OP!
>>18583037 TIL, huh.
>>18583039 Thanks for the Vileplum, it's definitely one of my favorite shinies, I'm throwing one up for a Ludicolo now.
Also, I guess I'll be guessing... 63? I dunno that's pretty low but yeah, I'll go with that.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Fut 4055-4302-3606
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>>18582812 disc with a sweet heart up for versionWHY
love you op <3
Put up a Bunnelby with the description "thanks based god"
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>18583137 Oh we had to name a prize as well... uhhh
I don't know, how about a Shiny Legendary, of your choice? Cause I really don't like deciding these types of things.
Maybe a Lugia? I've been wanting one of those.
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>>18583202 I have to leave in 5 minutes. Hurry up
>>18583202 aren't those untraidable on the GTS?
>>18583226 The person that won last time asked for an event victini, prize winners can say what they want after they win too.
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>>18583245 Welp you're right.
Jake 0748-3334-4610
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>>18582812 I'll take a Lilligant and a Ludicolo op. Thank you in advance!
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
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>>18583253 Ok, then I'll just ponder about it for a little bit in case I win (doubt it)
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>>18582812 I would like a Spinda. Thank you beary much OP!
I'd love a ludi and lilli. are liechi/petaya/salac/ganlon/apicot berries any good to you?
Jake 0748-3334-4610
>>18582868 I'll take a guess at 250 sweethearts?
>>18583327 I have bred loads of all the berries, send sweet hearts or something
>>18583352 what maison items do you need?
why sweethearts?
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>>18583379 >why sweethearts? They show an appreciation that you can't buy.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Ha, I like where my Spinda's spots are.
>>18583464 Doesn't that depend on PID or something?
>>18583517 yeah I think
I still like them, though.
Sending one last Luvdisc for a Gyarados, this time with my only Sweet Heart (didn't even realize I could get them there, fail)
IGN Waxer
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thanks again OP
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
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>>18583535 That was me...
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
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Are there still leftovers for VersionWHY? Disc up for Liligant
IGN:Xodia 2595-0049-1886
>>18582868 Guessing 444 (inb4 I win again). Also I've put a Lovdisc for a Spinda. Thanks OP.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
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Thank you tons, OP. I got them all. They will be very appreciated
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Someone is asking for a ditto, too bad they don't specify which one.
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Fri 21 Mar 2014 21:28:01 No. 18583689 Report Quoted By:
>>18582812 id like a ludicolo and a garchomp pls, Thanks OP. will be attaching a sweet heart to one and a star piece to another
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee)
dil'does 5215-0856-1318 (lilipup, loudred, evee) Fri 21 Mar 2014 21:32:43 No. 18583720 Report thanks op. and guessing 421
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Reminder to try
>>18582868 Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Fri 21 Mar 2014 21:43:49 No. 18583849 Report also i forgot to guess the sweet hearts so ill guess 549
Will announce competition answer in about 30 mins
Hika 0087-2542-8020
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>>18582812 Discing up for a Lilligant and a Vileplume, thanks OP!
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>>18583964 Will post the answer in a couple mins, last chance to try
>>18582868 Chaos 2938-7628-9049
Thanks for the pokes, OP. You rock! Also guessing 379
>>18584316 I figured with how many giveaways you've done, and that you must do around half a box at least per mon, and that since hearts are pretty easy to get, you'd get a lot.
Let me add to your collection Doug. Is putting up level 15 luvdisc acceptable? I know your post says nothing other than 1-10 but I'm MMing.
Also this shiny luvdisc is level 15. Is Regirock level 100? I'll disc up for that first.
>>18584504 That's fine if it's shiny, I've got over 50 boxes of discs in my bank, easily over 1600 trades and only 100 or so hearts from it.
>>18584519 Fifty boxes of Luvdisc, oh wow. Can you release pokemon through bank?
I need to actually purchase that too just in case.
Disc is now up for Rock! Next'll be Vileplume but it will be just a regular disc, I'll look for a level 1-10 one if I can.
>>18584529 >Can you release pokemon through bank? Not quickly.
I think I'll use the powersaves to backup, then move 30 boxes to the cartridge, then overwrite with the old save to kill off 900 or so discs at once, after I filter out the shines
>>18584541 Not anymore
Can I /r/ one of each? I love dancing mons. Need to breed moar discs first.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Fri 21 Mar 2014 23:09:00 No. 18584656 Report Quoted By:
>>18584550 Hey OP just uploaded a level 1 disc for a Gyrados thanks OP!
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>>18584563 First one up for Spinda.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Fri 21 Mar 2014 23:14:34 No. 18584715 Report Quoted By:
>>18584550 Thanks a lot OP! Just got it! Put another disc for Pink Fab Dragon :D
>>18584550 Shoot, I don't have any 1-10 Luvdisc out of a whole box of them from giveaways and such, and I can't snipe any on gts.
If you're still here, I'll breed some
I should breed a lot in anticipation for your stuff but it'll be a little bit.
Doug what pokemon has been your favorite to give away pls respond while Luvdiscs make luv.
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
>>18584788 >what pokemon has been your favorite to give away I think I gave away more Funbro than anything else (except those god forsaken dittos), although I remember doing a level 99 eevee twice because I got the ability wrong the first time, didn't stop it selling out though
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>>18582812 Is this over? do you have anymore Ludicolo?
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>>18584851 Haaaaah. Funbro was fun to use when people challenged me while I was breeding.
Have you considered doing giveaways of Gen4 exclusive stuff? Like Vacuum Wave Infernape, Defog Skuntank, lots of things with Sucker Punch / Heat Wave?
Also luvdisc is up! Level 1, for Vileplume!
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>>18582812 got it thanks OP
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>>18582812 another disc up with pp max for Muh Shone if you have any left thanks
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>>18584851 got it thanks again you're really a great person
I'll end the giveaway here for tonight. The person asking for a mawile is a few weeks too late. If anyone wants anything from tonights giveaway, they can leave a disc up and I'll get to them when I wake up. Goodnight
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>>18585157 Good night Doug! Thank you for Lillyhammer and Pebbles <3
Train 5000-3602-3785
>>18585157 Put one up for a Shiny Lilligant since you said that.Thanks op.
Marc-Andre 2621-3915-7967
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put a disc up for garchomp. Thanks OP if you have some left
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>>18588508 Putting up one for shiny Liligant too, love you OP.
Neu 2981-5435-7005
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>>18585157 Disced up for a Liligant. Got a starf berry for you based OP
Carl 0791-2733-0346
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Deposited a Luvdisc with a Balm Mushroom for you, OP. Thanks again.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sat 22 Mar 2014 13:03:30 No. 18591161 Report Quoted By:
I still have Bold HA (Prankster in Male) Espurrs with Assist, Barrier, Trick, Yawn in premier balls. Let me know if you want a male or female (Competitive HA)
Skye 2509-2348-9195 (combee,masqerain,heracross)
Skye 2509-2348-9195 (combee,masqerain,heracross) Sat 22 Mar 2014 13:16:53 No. 18591212 Report leached a few things beforehand, i've got some bits for giveaway now though! all IV's are mixed, can't garauntee anything. I have: - 13 Jolly, Arena Trap Diglett with Pursuit and Reversal, in great balls (don't judge me!) 8 Male, 5 Female - 8 Adamant, Prankster Liepards in pokeballs 4 male, 4 female - 14 Jolly, mixed ability Sneasel in moon balls, With Pursuit, fake out, icicle crash, and ice punch. 7 male, 7 female
Skye 2509-2348-9195 (combee,masqerain,heracross)
Skye 2509-2348-9195 (combee,masqerain,heracross) Sat 22 Mar 2014 13:18:01 No. 18591220 Report Quoted By:
>>18591212 I should also state that they're all 5IV's! whoops
Falsehood 1736 - 0748 - 0534
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Thanks OP! Disc up for gyarados
I abandoned this thread nearly 15 hours ago, I guess I can continue it here then.
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Discing up for a Dancing grass waifu thanks in advance, OP
Lucy 4313-1007-5457
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Putting a Disc for a Garchomp, thanks ^^
pea 3540-0891-8748
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>>18591690 I just wanna say thanks real quick.
I'm relatively early in the game so I have no idea where to get sweatheart's, but if I did I would totes give you some. :c
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Put up a disc for Garchomp, thanks!
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
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>>18582812 Discing up for a Lilligant if you're still there, thanks OP!
Donte 0018-1524-4670
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putting up a luvdisc for a spinda right now. thank you in advance, OP.
Scatman 3282-
Tortilla please. Luvdisk level one holding Sweet Heart being put up for offer. THANK YOU captcha: Icanado class
Scatman 3282-2827-6394
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>>18592856 oops. Didn't complete friend code
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>>18591690 just saw this thread, nice giveaway! currently rushing to breed me some discs lol im gonna try to nab them all but i really want a gyarados.
Giving away a box of teddiursa: - 6 with pickup - 24 with quick feet they're all female, jolly, in nest balls, with the egg moves fake tears, close combat, play rough and crunch. Reply to this post if you're interested! Also, i am looking for a moon ball female hondour
Scatman 3282-2827-6394
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OP, you here? Accidentally put in incomplete friend code. Disc with Sweet Heart level 1 on GTS, Looking for a Ludicolo. Thank you!
Got a disc up for a gyarados! thanks op!
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>>18592970 wrong thread, sorry ;_;
>>18582812 Got any of the others left? I'm gonna put another disc for garchomp
Scatman 3282-2827-6394
>>18593060 >>18593533 Did you get yours?
Pardon me if I have no idea how GTS giveaways work.
pea 3540-0891-8748
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>>18593581 i got mine, just be patient. :3
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>>18593581 yeah i just out a lvl 1 disc with "based op" message. maybe he mightve missed it or ran out of what u asked for i guess
>>18593581 Make sure it wasn't sniped, and if you typed out the species name that it is spelt right.
Someone is asking for regirock, I don't have any of those left
>>18593747 Mine's named BASED OP with description also based op (I think it is anyway)
Level 1
>>18593770 What is it asking for? I don't see any with that description, make sure what you're asking for is spelt right
Scatman 3282-2827-6394
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put another for ludicolo. i might try for another disc for liligant but i might not have time
>>18582812 Thanks for the liligant.
Putting up a disc for gyarados
I have 10x Fennekin with Hypnosis, Heat Wave, Wish, Magic Coat. First 10 luvdisc get them.
Phocas 0061-1313-3802
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>>18582812 Put a disc up for aggron, thanks op
>>18594167 discing up, thanks
>>18594220 Thanks for the PP Up!
>>18594167 put a disc up for this thanks!
>>18594241 no prob, i got like 150 of those through recent pokemiles exchanges. i've been looking for a breeding project for MM the past few days and this fennekin looks like the perfect candidate. here's to hoping the shiny hatches with the HA...
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>>18594265 thanks! the disc for OPs ludicolo is back up. hopefully i can nab one
>>18594321 Why is your thumb mouldy?..
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anything left?
>>18594389 Just a very clean semi-long nail.
pea 3540-0891-8748
>>18594167 Still any left? disc up :3
>>18594583 Thanks! Disc is gyarados is back up OP
pea 3540-0891-8748
>>18594420 some kind anon with powersaves access should do a giveaway of these fuckers, with that exact nickname
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>>18594781 If I could clone them I would do it.
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Disc up for all31s
>>18594094 OP If you happen to see this Ihave put up a disc for a rampardos.
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>>18596837 You've had one up for ages, but it is asking for a cranidos
Phocas 0061-1313-3802
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If your back op my disc is up for aggron
Phocas 0061-1313-3802
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Disc up for all 31 ditto
Phocas 0061-1313-3802
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Thank you so so much op!
Quoted By:
Disc (with item) up for a 6iv ditto
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sun 23 Mar 2014 01:23:58 No. 18598778 Report Quoted By:
if this is still going on, im putting a disc up for an aggron, Thanks OP
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Thanks OP, putting up a disc up for Garchomp killing it
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Sweet heart disc up for Muh Stone Also, thanks for the Ditto OP!