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/vp/ Mono-Type Tournament Season 2 Face-Down Defense Position Edition

!w/3CosbyQ6 No.18595011 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome to the /vp/ Gym Challenge!
Here, in seasons of approximately 3 months each, we hold a mono-type tournament to select 8 Gym Leaders, and then anyone can challenge them to become Champ of /vp/!
Season 2's tourney is underway. If you missed the deadline, check back in April to challenge the newly appointed Gym Leaders!

Round 3 is underway, knock out those battles!

Information for the season 2 tournament:

To all of the participants, pairings for round 3 are up, and the deadline is 2 days! Make sure to get to your match as soon as possible!

Previous Thread: >>18577102