Could I get some feedback on my UU team? Looking to iron out any kinks in it before I properly analyze why it's so awesome.'s my premier wall, with a RestTalk Curse set. Tanks even special hits sickeningly well and beats the fuck out of even the many things that resist Heavy Slam after a turn or two of setup. Takes Victini's V-Create like it was an Ember.
I'm not sure if I ought to be running an offensive set on Crobat but I really wanted one on my team and I needed another special attacker. It's got decent 3-move coverage the likes of which grass types dream about, and Nasty Plot + Focus Sash to rek the opposition. Bonus: If the first hit doesn't break its sash, Giga Drain can potentially restore me back to full.
Porygon2 is nothing special but it takes neutral hits expertly and hits back hard in return.
Darmanitan is my Rape Ape. Basically unstoppable to anything without neutral priority or a scarf of its own.
Golurk for special tank. I read something somewhere that said 252 Sdef was more efficient for reducing special damage than investing in HP, but he could have been full of shit, just let me know.