>first Pokemon gameBlue & Red. My brother and I got one version each, I can't quite remember which was "mine". Blue I think, I was always a Blastoisefag and he a Charizardfag.
>favorite Pokemon gameRuby
>least favorite Pokemon gameCrystal I think.
>favorite PokemonAzumarill.
>least favorite PokemonIt's a tie between Lucario/Keldeo/Rotoms. Christ, those fuck awful designs.
>what you want most in the next Pokemon gamesThe return of Secret Bases.
Difficulty settings for single player.
Beginner: Tutorials for all mechanics
Easy: NPC mons have no IVs/EVs, bad AI
Normal: As it is now
Hard: Minimal tutorials, NPC mons have high EVs/IVs, NPCs use simple strategies and have good moves, wild pokemon have higher base levels, most trainers use items and consumables to some extent
Very Hard: No tutorials, NPC mons have perfect IVs/EVs, AI uses competitive-tier strategies, enemy pokemon scale to always be higher level than you, npc trainers are free to abuse consumables as much as the player
Champion: Basically Very Hard in nuzlocke mode