Aparrently 2chan says that some r4 will get a ''beta'' patch for japanese pokemon roms to make them work with Pokebank.
>>18606462 exactly what does this mean?
>>18606481 that you will be able to use roms with poketransfer stupidfuck
Fut 4055-4302-3606
Quoted By:
Any chance someone could get me two of these? Anonymous
Quoted By:
Is Isaac around?
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Sun 23 Mar 2014 19:29:56 No. 18607356 Report Quoted By:
Need this genn'd Offering ability capsules in return
0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
Quoted By:
Bump for the sole purpose of interest in this thread.
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Sun 23 Mar 2014 19:37:34 No. 18607442 Report Pokemon: Umbreon Nickname?: Poxleitner Nature: Calm Ability: Synchronize Gender: Female Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall*: No IVs: Pentaperfect EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD Moves: Wish, Foul Play, Protect, Heal Bell I have Y, and haven't claimed/given away any mega stones other than houndoominite, so if you want megastones I have those. I also have some competitive Marills.
I'm trying to gen a 6IV ditto buy it keeps being incompatible with bank, any ideas what's causing this?
Quoted By:
>>18607772 send us the legality analysis.
also if you give up, use this as a template and modify it to how you see fit. [Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Sun 23 Mar 2014 20:20:03 No. 18607955 Report >>18607442 I'm still here... if anyone wants... you know... to help 0_0
Banker Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18607955 do you have mega charizardite y?
Anthony: 1650 2501 1837
Pokemon: Eelektross Nickname?: Myxini Nature: Modest Ability: Levitate Gender: Female Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall*: No IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31 EVs: 240 HP / 232 SpA / 36 SpD Moves: Acid Spray, Giga Drain, Flamethrower, Volt Switch All I've really got are breeding leftovers and a shiny Snubull to trade. If anyone could help it'd be awesome, thanks.
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Sun 23 Mar 2014 20:42:50 No. 18608259 Report >>18608089 I haven't bought it yet.
Lemme go do that.
Banker Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18608259 Alright, im genning it
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Sun 23 Mar 2014 20:57:08 No. 18608496 Report >>18608349 It'll be a couple of minutes, I have to get the money to buy the stone. So, no rush.
Banker Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18608496 it is ready for trade, ill add you
In the meanwhile im whaiting for more requests
Mostly looking for essential battle items
Banker Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18608111 are you still here?
i can do eelektross
Anthony: 1650 2501 1837
>>18608675 Yeah I'm still here! That would be much appreciated.
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Sun 23 Mar 2014 21:16:10 No. 18608796 Report >>18608611 Still getting the funds, fucking le wow.
Curious, which IV did you leave out?
Banker Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18608746 acid spray is not legal on eelektross in gen V, only in gen 6 therefore it wont go through the bank
Banker Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18608796 actually none i made it 31 in all stats do you want me to change that? if so, choose a stat plis
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Sun 23 Mar 2014 21:20:15 No. 18608861 Report Quoted By:
>>18608843 Oh, that's fine! I always put penta when I mean hexa, so I wanted to make sure I didn't fuck myself. 0_0
Anthony: 1650 2501 1837
>>18608826 Oh shit I forgot. Would you be able to instead give it Knock Off? It's a tutor move in BW.
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Sun 23 Mar 2014 21:31:48 No. 18608986 Report >>18608843 OK, got the stone! What 'mon you want me to throw this on?
Banker Jessica 5429-7630-2977
Anthony: 1650 2501 1837
Quoted By:
>>18608989 Awesome! I've got you added and I'm online and ready.
Banker Jessica 5429-7630-2977
Quoted By:
>>18608986 anything, i really dont mind a random leftover or a shitmon you caught on the wild
Anthony: 1650 2501 1837
>>18608989 Suck a dick, I dont want it without Knock Off.
Banker Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18609026 hum, but i did put knock off on it
Anthony: 1650 2501 1837
>>18609026 Really? You have to be that asshole in this thread?
I really didn't think it necessary to throw a tripcode on here, but okay.
>>18609050 Disregard the other person posing as me.
Lin 0060 9618 4884
>Finally get 5IV Sucker Punch Pawniard from a 6IV one (wanted it to be nicknameable) >Find out Knock Off is a tutor move FUCK I would really appreciate if anyone would gen me a Pokemon: Bisharp Nickname?:Lizzie Nature:Adamant Ability:Defiant Gender:Female Shiny?:No Specific PokeBall: No :IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 or perfect, doesn't matter to me EVs:0, gonna toy with them Moves:Knock Off, Iron Head, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance I will be able to breed you a 5IV Jolly Rough Skin Gible in return, but it won't have Outrage. Thanks for your consideration. I'd gen it myself but I'm not at home right now.
>>18609026 >genner is doing you a favor >Suck a dick Real nice.
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Sun 23 Mar 2014 21:41:20 No. 18609121 Report >>18608989 Umm, it doesn't have the moves or nature I asked for ;_;
Banker Jessica 5429-7630-2977
Anthony: 1650 2501 1837 !!YI9AY0jRVqD
>>18609110 That's not me. Theres some asshole in the thread abusing the fact that I wasn't using a tripcode.
I'm trying to into genning. I encountered this. Will it be a problem, and how do I fix it.
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Sun 23 Mar 2014 21:43:03 No. 18609158 Report >>18609135 No. It was bold and had shadow ball and some other moves.
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Sun 23 Mar 2014 21:44:05 No. 18609172 Report >>18609153 the last 4 chars should be F, not 0
Banker Jessica 5429-7630-2977
Anthony: 1650 2501 1837
>>18609137 >implying I'll ever use a tripcode Pretending to be me. Way to go man.
Banker Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18609174 >>18609158 alright i understand what happened
i forgot to save the changes to my pokemon
ill gen it again
im so sorry
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
Zo genned an Azumarill for me yesterday but informed me that certain egg moves (Belly Drum + Aqua Jet) can't be together on the same mon (?). I don't really remember. She doesn't have Belly Drum, and that's a problem. Pokemon: Azumarill Nickname?: N/A Nature: Adamant Ability: Huge Power Gender: Female Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall*: Pokeball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def Moves: Belly Drum, Superpower, Ice Punch, Toxic Please set her level at ~49 so I can teach her Play Rough. Can offer BP items, etc. as usual.
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Sun 23 Mar 2014 21:55:10 No. 18609363 Report >>18609248 You're welcome :)
>>18609236 It's not a problem! I'm patient :)
Well, not Masuda Method patient. Just regular patient. Anthony: 1650 2501 1837 !!YI9AY0jRVqD
>>18609050 Thank you for working on genning me that Eelektross, but I've gotta go meet my parents for Sunday dinner and have to leave now or I'll be late.
If you'll still be hanging around the thread in a few hours I'll be back to trade for it. Sorr for the confusion with the name hijacker.
>>18609191 Welp, I hope you got some entertainment out of that. I just was hoping I could get a little help since I don't have Gen V completed yet. Great le ebin troll m8 :^) You sure made me rage for the win...
Banker Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18609363 chris accept the trade i have to leave in a while
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Sun 23 Mar 2014 22:01:05 No. 18609446 Report >>18609421 Yay! Take care of Gunter!
Or not, I wasn't gonna use her anyway.
Banker Jessica 5429-7630-2977
>>18609446 alright i have to go sleep
Good night and im sorry for that mistake i didn-t mean to scam you
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Sun 23 Mar 2014 22:03:50 No. 18609483 Report Quoted By:
>>18609463 Night! And once again, not a problem I understand that mistakes happen =D
Quoted By:
>>18609370 >You sure made me rage for the win... See
>>18609092 :^) SKELETON / What's The !MataHC5XPw
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Sun 23 Mar 2014 22:15:46 No. 18609613 Report >>18609550 Yes, but only on your waifu.
SKELETON / What's The !MataHC5XPw
>>18609613 I'd never cheat on my waifu
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] !!mxNcXQoFFF+
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] !!mxNcXQoFFF+ Sun 23 Mar 2014 22:18:16 No. 18609655 Report >>18609550 pretty much just depends on how you see it. obviously its more rewarding to work for something but some parts of the game are excruciatingly unfun (ev training) which is why I gen personally.
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Sun 23 Mar 2014 22:19:09 No. 18609675 Report Quoted By:
>>18609621 That's what you think.
SKELETON / What's The !MataHC5XPw
Quoted By:
>>18609655 Not saying it is bad
I just feel a lot less guilty for using PokeSav/Gen myself
Lin 0060 9618 4884
Quoted By:
I have the 5IV Gible missing SpA ready if anyone wants to do this one
>>18609101 Anonymous
Anyone know anything about Pal Park trash bytes? I've got the Nickname Trashbytes for Deoxys figured out, but I don't know how to make the OT name check out. My Deoxys, with its correct trash bytes, is nicknamed DEOXYS\FFFF\0000\A148\020C\FFFF There's a deoxys on Pokecheck whose OT name is erics, so the trash bytes for his name is simply erics\xFFFF\xFFFF\xFFFF and it checks out. My OT name is Vin, which is two letters shorter than that name. If I change my OT to Vinny\FFFF\FFFF\FFFF then my Deoxys also clears through Pokecheck. Problem is, with the two character difference between our OT names, I have no idea what two additional trash bytes I need to throw in to make it check out. I've read two different guides, one which gave me correct working trash bytes for my pokemon name, and another which makes heavy use of hex editors, and both of them don't work as far as coming up with OT trashbytes. Anyone here have any idea or am I just thinking about this 70x more than anyone else on this board?
Quoted By:
If you're still available can I request a Anonymous
>>18610119 > That's the guide I'm talking about, its instructions for OT name make no sense and keep coming up wrong.
Quoted By:
Does anyone use the NDS Adapter Plus for PokeGen? Is it worth the purchase? I'm considering getting it, as well as a retail Black 2.
Quoted By:
Is Isaac here? I'm the guy who asked for the bisharp
>>18610126 Try changing every string of FFFF after the first one to 0000.
Lin 0060 9618 4884
Quoted By:
>>18610206 Mizztical has a guide to nicknaming Pokemon in Pokegen on his channel. On mobile so I can't link, sorry.
Is the only way to get a Protean Kecleon through the FS?
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 23 Mar 2014 23:01:38 No. 18610343 Report Pokemon: Togekiss Name: Nunully Nature: Calm Ability: Super Luck Gender: Female PokeBall: Luxury Ball LV: 100 IV: 31/31/31/31/31 EV: 252/0/4/0/0/252 Moves: Air Slash, Thunder Wave, Nasty Plot, Roost decided to go all the way with the request
>>18610343 Why wouldn't you want serene grace on that?
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 23 Mar 2014 23:08:51 No. 18610443 Report >>18610427 I do now
Pokemon: Togekiss
Name: Nunully
Nature: Calm
Ability: Serene Grace
Gender: Female
PokeBall: Luxury Ball
LV: 100
IV: 31/31/31/31/31
EV: 252/0/4/0/0/252
Moves: Air Slash, Thunder Wave, Nasty Plot, Roost
>>18610443 Can't gen it myself, but just gonna let you know that Nasty Plot is an egg move and you can't have special balls with egg moves.
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 23 Mar 2014 23:13:43 No. 18610490 Report Quoted By:
>>18610459 I'll accept the standard ball then.
>>18610443 I'm on it. I request shiny luvdisc for said pokemon.
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 23 Mar 2014 23:15:59 No. 18610518 Report >>18610492 What about a 5iv multiscale female dratini? Also, I may need your game name along with your 3DS friend code so I could ID you.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Hey guys, I'm back again so send me your requests. Not looking for anything specific but Gen 6 legendary Pokemon & shines are greatly appreciated.
>>18610518 just a regular luvdisc is fine, actually. I'd feel bad for making you give up a shiny I could gen in myself.
Quoted By:
>>18610254 You can gen one by setting the hidden ability flag and leaving the ability as Color Change. Bank doesn't check the hidden ability flag until the transfer is complete so it just sees the ability as Color Change and lets it through. Once it's transfered it detects the flag and changes the ability to Protean.
>>18610618 Hey Zo! Thanks again for the Raichu yesterday :)
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18610648 Your welcome. Need anything today?
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 23 Mar 2014 23:29:18 No. 18610696 Report 1762-2691-4242
Quoted By:
>>18610518 I've actually got dragonair in my safari, so you can get a multiscale one. but if yer too lazy to breed, I can gen one in. So, which will it be?
Quoted By:
>>18610696 don't thank me yet
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 23 Mar 2014 23:31:21 No. 18610735 Report >>18610696 ....where's nasty plot?
Quoted By:
Is Isaac around?
I was able to transfer pokes with illegal pokeballs (mostly aprincorn balls), but since this week they get rejected. Does anyone know a way to bypass this? Thanks.
Quoted By:
i too could make it, i got a sheer force feraligatr and i can use it in battle too
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18610782 I know that 5th Gen exclusive Pokemon can't be in them as well as non wild encountered Pokemon from HG or SS or Pokemon with eggmoves.
>>18610618 Pokemon:Keldeo
nature: Modest
Ability: Justified
Gender: genderless
Specific PokeBall*: cherish
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: zero
Moves: sacred sword, sword dance, hydro pump, aqua dance
Really I just want a carbon copy of the event one I have quit a few breeding leftovers, but I can give you my kalos moltres if that's what you desire. I'm entirly too aweful to get bp from mansion though.
Ign atamis
Fc: 0430 8656 5689
>3rd and 4th Gen competitive mons still not in copypasta. Sad, sad, sad...
Leon 5327-1587-4109
Pokemon: magnimite Nickname?: Nature: quiet Ability: analytic Gender: Shiny?: no Specific PokeBall*: no IVs: what the ideal spread is for hp fire while having minimal speed and max everthing else but atk EVs: 252 hp/s.atk 4def Moves: signal beam/gravity/tunderbot/flash can
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 23 Mar 2014 23:43:05 No. 18610906 Report >>18610735 The Togechick is fine enough.
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] !!mxNcXQoFFF+
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] !!mxNcXQoFFF+ Sun 23 Mar 2014 23:47:45 No. 18610950 Report >>18610891 Haven't heard anything from Sean about gen 3 or gen 4. also why do the links for comp gen 1 and gen 2 always mess up?
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Zapdos Nickname Zaptoast Nature: Modest Ability: Pressure or Lightingrod if its legal yet Gender: Shiny?: no Specific PokeBall*: Luxury Ball IVs:31 in everything but attack EVs:248-Hp/ 240-Def/4-SpD/160-S Moves: Thunderbolt/Tailwind/Defog/Heat Wave FC: 1950 8055 4242
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18610906 The new one has Nasty Plot, right? I did send the fix't one, right?
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 23 Mar 2014 23:55:04 No. 18611042 Report Quoted By:
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18610866 What is aqua dance?
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18610893 Pokemon: magnimite
Nature: quiet
Ability: analytic
Shiny?: no
Specific PokeBall*: no
IVs: what the ideal spread is for hp fire while having minimal speed and max everthing else but atk
EVs: 31/1/30/30/31/2
Moves: signal beam/gravity/tunderbot/flash can
i think this will work actually
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Sun 23 Mar 2014 23:57:42 No. 18611089 Report >>18610661 Pokemon: Mew
Nature: Timid
Ability: Synchronize
Gender: Yes.
Shiny?: Yes.
Specific PokeBall*: Premier ball if possible
IVs: Hexaperfect
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Moves: Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Psychic, Baton Pass
I can still go out and find megastones for you, and still have that Aggronite from yesterday.
>>18611049 Arg, me being retarded. Its aqua jet.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18611089 All good man, whatever you feel is fine.
Matty: 4227-2086-4252
Male Roselia Techinician/Timid HPFire- 31 /30/31/30/30/31 Synthesis/Spikes/Leaf Storm/Hidden Power 252 SpA, 252 Spe and 4 HP Looking to get this genned, I can shinify your Pokemon in return
Steve (Tyrone) 3067-6253-9556 Golurk, Lampent, Phantump
Steve (Tyrone) 3067-6253-9556 Golurk, Lampent, Phantump Mon 24 Mar 2014 00:05:01 No. 18611201 Report Quoted By:
Rampardos jolly Sheer force female why not? Pokeball 31/31/31/x/31/31 252 attack, 252 spe, 4 hp fire punch (if its possible) iron head rockslide crunch zen headbutt Have assault vest, life orb, choice specs, choice band, air balloon
Matty: 4227-2086-4252
Quoted By:
>>18611197 Thanks kind anon, what is your FC and what would you like Shinified?
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Mon 24 Mar 2014 00:05:30 No. 18611208 Report Quoted By:
>>18611163 Kayy, well if you decide there's something you want in particular just let me know. I feel bad not giving something up for a service =/
>>18611168 Roselia doesn't get Technician, You're thinking of Roserade. Roselia has Leaf Guard.
Tino 1160-9889-3016
>>18611000 Hey, do you remember that you genned the Hoenn legendaries for me yesterday? Do you have them?
Matty: 4227-2086-4252
>>18611222 Yep sorry, I meant HA Roselia
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18611086 bump
will offer any maison item or berries
just to make sure, this will produce a hp fire right?
Matty: 4227-2086-4252
>>18611197 HA Roselia, typed wrong sorry about that
Quoted By:
>>18611259 Yep, it gets HP Fire.
SKELETON / What's The !MataHC5XPw
Quoted By:
Is it bad to use PokeGen to swap your starter and other pokemon in your party for Axew, Larvitar and Gible?
OK, here's the deal. I have a whole box of Pokémons on Pokécheck and I'd like someone to help me transfer it to my Pokémon X, I'm offering an Ability Capsulo for the one who helps me.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18611089 >>18611111 Sorry guys got pulled away for a minute.
I'll still get your your pokemon
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18611375 That depends. Exactly how many Pokemon are there and are they all legal?
>>18611436 A box, exactly. Everything is legal. I can add a Focus Sash in the offer
>>18611259 if you have lefties, I'll gen it.
Quoted By:
>>18611262 >>18611239 They're not coming over. Sorry man
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18611461 Sooo, 30 Pokemon? Post the link to the box and I'll get it.
Give me about 20-30 minutes though. I can only send 8 Pokemon to my copy of black at a time.
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Mon 24 Mar 2014 00:28:03 No. 18611524 Report >>18611429 Could you switch Nasty Plot for Rock Polish ans psychic for zen headbutt?
>>18611515 Newfruit question, how can I link you the whole box?
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18611500 yeah i can do that
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18611089 Getting errors for nasty plot and baton pass on the mew. It says that they were event only moves.
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18611553 First set the box as public. then click the link that says open public view.
>>18611429 No rush here, take your tiime.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18611524 You realize that the Mew is timid and Zen headbutt is a physical move right?
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
Quoted By:
>>18611553 >>18611610 You will have to make a new box first if you haven't already.
Leon 5327-1587-4109
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Mon 24 Mar 2014 00:35:17 No. 18611642 Report >>18611602 Switch nasty plot for rock polish, and as long as it's level 100 I should be able to move rememberer baton pass.
>>18611636 k. ready to trade when you are.
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Mon 24 Mar 2014 00:36:21 No. 18611655 Report >>18611625 Also switch timid for Adamant... sorry ;_;
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Quoted By:
>>18611642 Alright, I'll try that
Leon 5327-1587-4109
Quoted By:
>>18611644 thanks man!
ppriciate it
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18611553 If you can't figure it out, there's a button at the bottom of the page to export all selected Pokemon in a zip file. Which you could then upload on mediafire or something.
Quoted By:
>>18611684 I figured it out. Just fixing one Pokémon
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18611655 This is the only spread that I could find for EV. I also assume that you want me to change the ev spread from SpA to Atk?
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Mon 24 Mar 2014 00:43:00 No. 18611743 Report >>18611716 >>18611732 That's fine. I can use the reset bag and train it too, if I care that much.
Also... sorry again. I feel like an ass.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18611743 I meant to say IV spread.
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18611762 You need to set the Pokemon themselves to public, or I can't download them.
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Mon 24 Mar 2014 00:46:30 No. 18611782 Report >>18611756 Ah, that's fine. You want Heracrossite for this?
>>18611773 Done, sorry forgot that
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18611880 Weird, I checked the top box so everything was cheched, this is the only one that didnt check. Anyway, it's fixed
Matty: 4227-2086-4252
Male Roserade Techinician/Timid HPFire- 31 /30/31/30/30/31 Synthesis/Spikes/Leaf Storm/Hidden Power 252 SpA, 252 Spe and 4 HP I need this genned, in return I will Shinify your Pokemon, or get you BP items that you want
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18611944 It's still not showing up for me.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18611782 Yes, I would.
Your Mew has the moveset
Rock Polish
Stealth Rock
Zen Headbutt
Is this OK?
>>18611980 Can you download this instead? I don't know why but even though I check it when the page refreshes it simply vanishes
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Mon 24 Mar 2014 01:04:11 No. 18612033 Report >>18612004 No swords dance?
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Mon 24 Mar 2014 01:05:15 No. 18612045 Report Quoted By:
>>18612004 Well, Swords Dance is a TM move anyway so I can just teach it that. It's OK!
Matty: 4227-2086-4252
Quoted By:
>>18611948 Anyone? I can give you megastones too
Tino 1160-9889-3016
>>18612001 Do you have the Pokécheck links and can we trade please?
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18612033 Sorry, that's been corrected.
Is Now, Rock Polsh, Transform, Swords Dance, Zen Headbutt
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Mon 24 Mar 2014 01:12:31 No. 18612132 Report >>18612118 Perfect! There's a weedle with some Heracronite awaiting you :)
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] !!mxNcXQoFFF+
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] !!mxNcXQoFFF+ Mon 24 Mar 2014 01:13:54 No. 18612143 Report Quoted By:
>>18611000 alright sweet, adding it to the copypasta
Can anyone help me with this?I would greatly appreciate. 6IV Bisharp Ability: Defiant EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature -Knock Off -Sucker Punch -Iron Head -Swords Dance 6IV Manaphy Ability: Hydration EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Tail Glow - Surf - Ice Beam - Energy Ball 6IV shiny Garchomp Ability: Rough skin EVs: 180 Atk / 252 SpA / 80 Spe Rash Nature - Draco Meteor - Earthquake - Fire Blast - Stealth Rock
Sammy 1805-2468-8081
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18612160 Adding. Ability Capsule only or youwant the Focus Sash too?
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Quoted By:
>>18612132 >>18611614 Downloading your Pokemon into Gen 5
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18611614 I don't have your information to trade it to you
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
Quoted By:
>>18612248 Posted it with the request, but its 0430 8656 5689
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18612248 To the person that asked me to Gen a Keldeo, I do not have your information
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 01:33:40 No. 18612399 Report >>18606198 Pokemon: Zapdos
Nickname?: Zeus
Nature: Bold
Ability: Pressure
Shiny?: no thank you
Specific PokeBall*: Master Ball
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
EVs: Don't worry, ill just do them myself
Moves: T-bolt, Heat Wave, Roost, Defog
If you could make it Level 1 aswell, that would be awesome
I've got an Ability Capsule, Mewtwonite X, or any of my breeding leftovers for trade.
IGN and FC are up there ^^ Thank you to any who read or respond!
>>18612295 You. Are my hero right now
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone]
[Chris 0232-9626-0398 Dragonair Druddigon Gabone] Mon 24 Mar 2014 01:35:51 No. 18612426 Report >>18612295 Thanks again Zo!
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18612409 Your welcome.
>>18612399 Don't Think that it can be lv 1, but I can make one with the EV's you want.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Quoted By:
>>18612426 Your welcome dude.
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 01:40:39 No. 18612478 Report >>18612457 okay, that's fine, well then the EV's i would want would be:
EVs: 248 HP / 244 Def / 16 Spe
Sammy 1805-2468-8081
>>18612145 Can someone do this plox can offer battle items.
Quoted By:
>>18612483 Doing three is very difficult.
Quoted By:
>>18612193 Thank you so much
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
Taking requests. Need mewtwonite y or some battle maison items
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 01:53:07 No. 18612616 Report >>18612595 would you do this
>>18612399 >>18612478 For an ability capsule?
Sammy 1805-2468-8081
>>18612595 >>18612145 I can offer battle items
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
>>18612616 Sure, on it now
Alright, I can offer any BP item for this (Except Capsule). I'd also be happy to go farm up a metal coat/light clay for you. Pokemon: Cloyster Nature: Jolly Ability: Skill Link Gender: Female Shiny: No thanks Pokeball: Dive Ball IV's: 31, 30 in Sp.Atk EV's: 252 attack, 252 speed, 4hp Moves: Shell Smash Icicle Spear Rock Smash Hydro Pump
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 01:56:16 No. 18612646 Report >>18612628 awesome! I'll add you now.
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
>>18612616 any ot? also backup level just incase 1 doesn't work? btw do you want the evs
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
>>18612627 What do you need genned?
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Quoted By:
>>18612478 It's done. Bringing it through now
Sammy 1805-2468-8081
>>18612685 >6IV Bisharp >Ability: Defiant >EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe >Jolly Nature >-Knock Off >-Sucker Punch >-Iron Head >-Swords Dance >6IV Manaphy >Ability: Hydration >EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe >Timid Nature >- Tail Glow >- Surf >- Ice Beam >- Energy Ball >6IV shiny Garchomp >Ability: Rough skin >EVs: 180 Atk / 252 SpA / 80 Spe >Rash Nature >- Draco Meteor >- Earthquake >- Fire Blast >- Stealth Rock Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18612646 You don't want it anymore? I'm bringing it through now.
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 02:04:09 No. 18612753 Report Quoted By:
>>18612665 I guess put "Monty" if you can.
If level 1 doesn't work, try like 25-30.
You should do these Evs: 248 HP / 244 Def / 16 Spe with the IVs from that original post
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 02:05:25 No. 18612763 Report >>18612750 hmm, well if you don't mind taking Mewtwonite X, i promised ability cap to the other guy.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 02:10:12 No. 18612816 Report Quoted By:
>>18612777 sorry about the confusion, you didn't answer after that other post so i wasn't sure if you were still going to make it, guess ill take 2 Zapdos, I've got a buddy who would appreciate it, haha
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
>>18612763 I can't get the iv spread to work...
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 02:14:49 No. 18612848 Report 31/0/31/31/31/31? as long as the other ones are 31, i don't really care what you have to make the 0 spot work.
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 02:16:00 No. 18612856 Report Quoted By:
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
>>18612721 working on garchomp now got the other 2 down
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
>>18612721 Got all three down sending to my game, hopefully they'll all go through
Sammy 1805-2468-8081
>>18612869 Based,aslo what item do you want?
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 02:21:53 No. 18612914 Report >>18612896 Is my Zapdos working now?
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
>>18612897 1 item for them all? Or item per mon
if one for all then i'd say life orb
for each life orb specs and band
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
>>18612914 I'm going to get 3 other mons sent to my game, I will check if zapdos works through transfer. If it doesn't I will check solutions.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081
>>18612639 Can anyone help with this? D:
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
>>18612935 I'll take choice band, choice specs, and life orb for them all. Thanks
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 02:25:34 No. 18612957 Report >>18612926 thank you! you are a saint!
Sammy 1805-2468-8081
>>18612945 alright i added you
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
>>18612983 garchomp is being sent to game now. all others acquired
Sammy 1805-2468-8081
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
>>18613006 Err got other 2 but apparently garchomp can't be shiny. Is this okay?
Sammy 1805-2468-8081
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
>>18612957 I'll tell you if I get your zapdos to look
Sammy 1805-2468-8081
>>18613125 Also i only have life orb and band is that okay
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
Quoted By:
>>18613155 transfering garchomp now. i'll add you and be online
Jonathan 2423-2923-0061
Quoted By:
can someone make me a low level latios and latias? maybe around level 15 with 6IVs? idk, i just got their mega stones, i gotta try some things
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 02:51:27 No. 18613289 Report >>18613132 i just realized the only reason the 0 was where was for Hp ice option...which i don't care about.
So Revised so you don't have to search for the original:
Poke: Zapdos
Nickname: Zeus
Pokeball: Master ball (ultra is fine if it doesn't work)
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Evs: 248 HP / 244 Def / 16 Spe
Moves: T-bolt, Heat wave, Roost, Defog
and please make it the lowest level possible, whatever will work.
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 02:52:46 No. 18613306 Report Quoted By:
>>18613289 and a Bold nature, my bad.
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
Quoted By:
>>18613289 I will try this.
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
>>18613289 Any information on the memo? I think this could be a problem as well as the id.
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 02:57:50 No. 18613359 Report >>18613337 memo? I don't follow
what i just posted was essentially what i got from the other guy, but i was wanting the OT to be my name and the ball to be master. He also gave me a lvl 100.
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Mon 24 Mar 2014 02:58:02 No. 18613362 Report Pokemon:duskull Nickname?: Nature:calm Ability:levitate Gender:m Shiny?:yes Specific PokeBall*: dusk ball IVs: penta perfect with none in speed EVs: Moves: subsitute, will o wisp, icy wind
>>18613337 >still using ids No wonder you guys make so many junk Poke.
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 03:00:52 No. 18613403 Report Quoted By:
>>18613378 Try 50 first, 70 might also work. I'm not really sure why the level would be the issue, is it like a legality thing? (I'm new to gen, i apologize)
Rusty 0001 4758 4825
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Mew Nickname?: Nature: Timid Ability: Synchronize Gender: Shiny?: No. Specific PokeBall*: Cherish Ball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 36 HP / 252 SpA / 220 Spe Moves: ~ Calm Mind ~ Softboiled ~ Thunderbolt ~ Ice Beam This is probably a retarded request, and I'm willing to adjust as much as necessary if it's impossible to obtain.
Anonymous I have pentaperfect Timid Charmander, if you want.
Sophitis 1607-3486-0661
Quoted By:
>>18613438 Fuck. Sophitis 1607-3486-0661
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18613359 Would you like another?
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Mon 24 Mar 2014 03:11:05 No. 18613551 Report >>18613362 Ok i will give an adamant 5 iv speed boost torchic to who does this for me. Some guy wanted me to breed one for him yesterday but he left when I finally had it ready.
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
Quoted By:
>>18613562 its an enriching learning experience
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Still no help on my Cloyster. Feels bad man.
Biv 1392-5750-6236 !8VhyTYzA4Q
>>18613562 actually can you do it, this is taking me too much time :((
>>18613289 also sorry I can't seem to get this to work
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18613551 It has to be in a pokeball with your specifications.
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Mon 24 Mar 2014 03:17:06 No. 18613610 Report >>18613575 >>18613594 It seems these guys only do shit when you offer something even though the thread claims it's a favor thread
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18613601 Lol, ok
>>18613594 What cloyster?
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Mon 24 Mar 2014 03:18:11 No. 18613621 Report >>18613607 anyway to get it in the duskball?
>>18613610 I offered BP items and to farm metal coat/light clay.
Normally that's fine, I've made friends with a lot of the genners. Wonder what the deal is today.
Also one of the people here who wasn't requesting a legendary (Which gets tons of issues with genning)
Ah well.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18613610 I've done plenty of trades without asking for anything in return. I only let it be known if there is something that I'm looking for and often people will oblige.
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 03:20:17 No. 18613642 Report >>18613614 yeah, ill take another if you do it exactly like this:
"Poke: Zapdos
Nickname: Zeus
OT: Monty
Pokeball: Master ball (ultra is fine if it doesn't work)
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Evs: 248 HP / 244 Def / 16 Spe
Moves: T-bolt, Heat wave, Roost, Defog
and please make it the lowest level possible, whatever will work."
Ill just give you the first one with an ability cap
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18613621 Not with egg moves.
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Mon 24 Mar 2014 03:20:45 No. 18613646 Report >>18613623 >>18613634 Can be true but every time I gen save for the one time I offer something, I wait like 5 hours til someone finally sees it.
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Mon 24 Mar 2014 03:21:48 No. 18613654 Report >>18613643 remove the egg moves then
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 03:22:35 No. 18613657 Report Quoted By:
>>18613517 >>18613634 >>18613642 Sorry, add Bold nature to the post.
And is it okay if i just exchange the one you gave me for this other one?
Quoted By:
>>18613646 I rarely get that much time, only get a little while to go on after work, so just have to hope someone can see it or the thread is gone.
(And someone might've made it for me only for me to vanish, which I really want to avoid)
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18613642 Zapdos is made, let me finish making the others and I'l bring them all over.
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
Anyone have any requests they want filled? I can make Pokemon from Colosseum and GoD if anyone wants that. The Pokemon from the GC games will be a fateful encounter Pokemon, "come from a faraway land", and have the National ribbon attached to them. It also can't be shiny.
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 03:30:54 No. 18613739 Report >>18613684 did master ball work this time?
My balltism is tingling, lol
>>18613738 I'm looking for a Cloyster.
This one.
>>18612639 I can offer BP items or I can try to farm things for you!
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18613797 Alright anon. I'm working on it.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Quoted By:
>>18613844 Ah thank you very much.
What would you like in return?
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 03:46:35 No. 18613870 Report Quoted By:
>>18613845 >>18613857 t's fucking beautiful, thank you!
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18612639 I can't give it rock smash. Any BP item besides for focus sash is fine.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18613654 To get a Duskull with a Dusk ball I have to go all the way back to Diamond, and the IV's that you request aren't working for me. I can do everything else you ask except for the dusk ball.
>>18613877 Oh. Any idea why?
Been an egg move since forever.
I require that move, a lot, so if I can't get it, what else do I have to change?
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Quoted By:
>>18613877 So you're taking over for the Cloyster? Ok.
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Mon 24 Mar 2014 03:50:13 No. 18613903 Report >>18613890 Fine pokeball then. Fuck I really wanted that duskball to go with its name
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18613891 Are you sure rock smash is the one you are thinking of. I can't find it in Cloyster's move list anywhere.
>>18613904 Fuck, Rock blast. Sorry that's my bad.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Quoted By:
>>18613903 Sorry dude.Wish I could.
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18613909 If I give it rock blast, it will have to be in a regular pokeball.
>>18613917 Yeah that's okay.
Sorry for the trouble, totally derped on this request for some reason.
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18613845 >>18613857 How did you get those beautiful valid trash bytes. Did you use a program to generate them, or did you transfer it up, game by game?
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18613362 Duskull is complete
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Quoted By:
>>18613938 Search for what you're looking for and emulate as best as possible adding your own changes
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Mon 24 Mar 2014 04:03:34 No. 18614040 Report >>18614006 added, unless you want to gts it
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18614040 Cool with whichever. Bringing it into Gen 5 now.
If you want to do a gts trade put up a lv 1 luvdisc requesting it with my name in the description.
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Mon 24 Mar 2014 04:07:18 No. 18614077 Report >>18614070 You don't want the torchic?
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18614070 I'll do a regular trade then
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18613928 It's ready. I need your FC though, unless you want to GTS it.
>>18614108 3310-5138-4337
I'll go chuck Life Orb on a Caravahna.
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18614120 Ask for a level 100 female cloyster and make the comment /vp/
Quoted By:
>>18614128 Or we can do that.
I'll do Cara with Life orb on GTS then.
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18614120 That FC is invalid.
Quoted By:
>>18614145 Hm, I'd had issues with mine.
I'll just GTS Cara with orb, sec.
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 04:15:30 No. 18614173 Report Quoted By:
>>18614100 Just tap me whenever you can, since we've already added eachother.
Blaze 0989-1959-0881 !!0duaw9PQ8fU
>>18614184 Alright. It's traded.
Quoted By:
>>18614201 Ah thank you so much.
Sorry for all the trouble.
Team is complete now :)
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18614077 Waiting on you man
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Mon 24 Mar 2014 04:21:32 No. 18614243 Report Quoted By:
>>18614227 Oh lol my bad I was shiny hnting pumpkaboo, I also found out I had a duskclops safari aling with it lol. I will get on now
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Mon 24 Mar 2014 04:25:19 No. 18614294 Report Quoted By:
>>18614227 Thanks dude, back to pumpkin hunting
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 04:43:54 No. 18614523 Report >>18606198 Pokemon: Azumarril
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Huge Power
Gender: Female
Shiny: No thanks
Specific PokeBall: Heal Ball
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
EVs: 252attk 252 speed 6 SPd
Moves: Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, Superpower, Play Rough
I don't have much else besides a few maison items and Tyranitarite that i never plan to use.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18614523 Illegal move combination dude.
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Mon 24 Mar 2014 04:53:28 No. 18614598 Report Quoted By:
>>18614585 oh shit, it totally was before 6th, i forgot.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Quoted By:
>>18614626 lol, ok. Now its there. Any tweaks you want done to it or do you want it the way that it is?
Would anyone mind helping me evolve my Feebas? I'm trying to recreate my Hoenn team and Milotic was my Special wall. FC is 5343-9760-0918. Have a fuckton of leftover Torchics if you'd like some as a bonus for being a bro.
>>18614626 its ok just like that, thanks
Can someone grab these three mons for me? (renamed back to Zapdos) I'd like for these to have everything as they are in the links, but edited to be in Luxury balls.
Thanks for lookin. I have lots of 5IV adamant unburden hawluchas looking for a home if you want to help me out~
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18614667 I can do it. You can trust because I've been all through this thread and I'm on Reddit to. No infractions.
>>18614677 Alright I'll have it for you.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18614705 I can do yours as well
Quoted By:
>>18614717 That's fantastic~! I'll add you then, lemme know when you're good to go bro.
>>18614707 thank you, im in the game
>>18614707 Feebas guy here. Sounds killer, lemme add you real quick.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18614705 That Zapdos & Slowbro aren't going to make it. Just tell me your specifications & I'll build it.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18614731 Need your info to do it man.
>>18614737 Ok, just pending for your friend confirm now.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18614737 Pokemon: Zapdos
Nature: Bold
Ability: Pressure
Shiny?: Yes
Specific PokeBall*: Luxury Ball
IVs: 31/00/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252HP/252Def/4SpA
Moves: Toxic/Roost/Thunderbolt/Defog (or heatwave if not defog)
Pokemon: Slowbro
Nature: Bold
Ability: Regenerator
Gender: Male
Shiny?: Yes
Specific PokeBall*: Luxury Ball
IVs: 31/00/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252HP/252Def/4SpA
Moves: Psyshock/Scald/Slack Off/Thunderwave
Thanks for your effort
Keith 5343-9760-0918
>can offer maison items, rare berries, MAYBE X stones Pokemon: Sylveon Nickname?: Sylvester Nature: Calm Ability: Pixilate Gender: Male Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall*: Heal if possible IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 hp/252 spdef/4 spatk Moves: Hyper Voice/Wish/Yawn/Heal Bell Pokemon: Aggron Nickname?: Tap Water Nature: Impish Ability: Sturdy Gender: Male Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall*: Premier if possible IVs: max EVs: 4 HP/252 Attack/252 Def Moves: Stealth Rock/Iron Head/Ice Punch/Fire Punch Pokemon: Donphan Nickname?: The Don Nature: Relaxed Ability: Sturdy Gender: Male Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall*: Heavy if possible IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0 EVs: 252 hp/252 def/4 atk Moves: Stealth Rock/Rapid Spin/Ice Shard/Knock Off Pokemon: Conkeldurr Nickname?: Ronald Nature: Brave Ability: Iron Fist Gender: Male Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall*: Premier if possible IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0 EVs: 252 hp/252 atk/4 spdef Moves: ice punch/mach punch/fire punch/drain punch
>>18614783 im waiting for your friend confirm too
Keith 5343-9760-0918
Quoted By:
>>18614783 Ah my god, thank you so much!
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18614802 Can't gen 6th Gen Pokemon, so Sylveon's out.
Pokemon Can't Have egg moves and be in special balls.
Quoted By:
>>18614854 I meant Eevee, oops. Lvl 99 I guess so I can evolve.
Y-you doing it? Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18614786 Can't get the Zapdos shiny, sorry man. Everything else is fine.
>>18615012 That's fine, regular Zapdos is dandy. Lemme know when you're ready
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18614854 I can do them all if you want them in Pokeballs.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Quoted By:
>>18614726 >>18614786 Bringing them into gen 5 now
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Quoted By:
>>18615140 eagerly awaiting
Quoted By:
>>18615020 pokeball is fine
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Quoted By:
>>18614805 Are you there Omar?
>>18615149 Thanks man, you're too cool! Have an awesome night.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Lobo 4527-8725-2553
Is somebody still genning? I have a Request Pokemon: Mewtwo Nature: Jolly Ability: Pressure Gender: - Shiny?: Nah Specific PokeBall: Masterball IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31 EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Moves: -Drain Punch -Zen Headbutt -Ice Punch -Low Kick Level 100 if possible Of course you can ask for any battle maison items.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Lobo 4527-8725-2553
>>18615331 yay thanks! which item can i give you for trade?
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18615349 Ability capsule, or assault vest, or leftovers
Lobo 4527-8725-2553
>>18615371 Ok, I'll give you an assault vest
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
Quoted By:
>>18615389 Give me about 10 minutes
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18615389 Bringing it through now.
Lobo 4527-8725-2553
Quoted By:
>>18615465 Thanks a lot man!
Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
Pokemon: Lucario Nickname?: Nature: Jolly Ability: Justified Gender: female Shiny?: no Specific PokeBall*: Moon ball (if possible) IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: Moves: crunch, bullet punch Pokemon: Lucario Nickname?: Nature: Timid Ability: justified Gender: female Shiny?: no Specific PokeBall*: Moon ball (if possible IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: Moves: vacuum wave I can offer starf/lansat berries, leftovers, and any BP item.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18615598 Pokemon with egg moves can't be in specific Pokeballs
Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
>>18615609 D'oh. Well, I already have males with the egg moves, so I can do without them.
Zo 3067-5937-8624 [2942]
>>18615618 I'm signing off man. Good luck.
Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
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>>18614802 bumping
regular ball is fine too
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Rotom-H Nickname?: none Nature: Calm Ability: Levitate Gender: none Shiny?: nope Specific PokeBall*: regular IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: none Moves: Heat Wave/Will-o-wisp/volt switch/pain split anyone please?
Kris 2594-9976-3878 (Eevee, Minncino & Teddiursa)
Kris 2594-9976-3878 (Eevee, Minncino & Teddiursa) Mon 24 Mar 2014 10:05:37 No. 18616321 Report Quoted By:
rika 1220-7242-0498
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Snivy Nickname?: Nature: Timid Ability: Contrary Gender: Female Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall*: IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 HP/252 Moves: Leaf Storm Not sure if we're allowed to ask for pokemon with unreleased hidden abilities...but could anyone gen this for me? I'm desperate.Willing to provide any bp item/evolutionary item
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people still doing this?
Gin 0404-7254-6195
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Exploud Nickname?: Eris Nature: Naive Ability: Scrappy Gender: Female Shiny?: Doesn't Matter Specific PokeBall*: Heavy or Normal IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 68 Atk/252 SpA/ 188 Spe Moves: Hyper Voice/Surf/Fire Blast/Low Kick I've got a few breeding leftovers to trade.
Sophitis 1607-3486-0661
Quoted By: Got some Kalos 5IV -Atk Timid Charmander.