GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. Version exclusives, bank Pokes, breeding leftovers, special ball pokemon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS/ MEGASTONES That is not the purpose of this thread. If someone happens to be so nice to as to give one away, they will let all of us know. Do not pester them. Also, we aren't the PokeGen thread; we may not have pokemon such as Knock Off Timburr or Hyper Voice Ralts / Eevee available. And no, we don't have spare 6IV pokemon for you, do it yourself.
Nothing interesting to see here. Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IGN. It makes everything so much easier. We want the 'mon to go to you, not anyone else!
List of active giveaways! We'll update this as the giveaways change, feel free to request something not on the list!
Old Thread:
>>18627567 Wow, we're really dead tonight ._.
Giving away: Dive Ball Wingull (Bold 4–5IV) 2x Female (Rain Dish) 2x Male (Keen Eye) Egg Moves: Aqua Ring, Knock Off, Agility, Wide Guard Moon Ball Mr. Mime (Bold 5IV) 1x Male (Soundproof) Egg Moves: Icy Wind, Fake Out, Nasty Plot, Teeter Dance Other stuff I don't need (not bred by me) : 1x Female Dream Ball Tropius (Modest 5IV, Harvest, w/ Dragon Dance, Leech Seed, Nature Power, Synthesis) 1x Female Heal Ball Ralts (Modest 4IV, Trace, Japanese) 1x Female Litwick (Timid pentaperfect, Flame Body, Japanese) 1x Male Litwick (Modest 5IV, Infiltrator, Japanese) 1x Female Luxury Ball Gligar (Impish 4IV, Immunity, Japanese) 1x Female Gligar (Impish 4IV, Immunity, Italian, w/ Agility, Baton Pass, Feint) 1x Female Great Ball Meoqstic (Docile pentaperfect, Infiltrator) Please specify which ability/gender you want and put up a disc.
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 25 Mar 2014 09:30:46 No. 18627680 Report >>18627665 I'll take the Tropius, please.
Disc up. Thanks.
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 25 Mar 2014 09:35:28 No. 18627689 Report >>18627634 Btw, I remember you had Emolga with 4 great egg moves, right?
Do you still have?
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 25 Mar 2014 09:44:56 No. 18627716 Report >>18627701 Ok, It's up.
Thank you!
>>18627665 I'd like that Mr. Mime, discing.
>>18627716 Sent.
>>18627680 >>18627719 Wait a moment, I'll have to reorganize the post and hatch some eggs. Your Tropius and Mime have been noted.
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 09:48:58 No. 18627730 Report >>18627665 can i get the gligar haha
>mfw I'm breeding with two DKs >>18627730 Which of them?
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 09:58:25 No. 18627757 Report Quoted By:
>>18627738 the iltalian one please
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 25 Mar 2014 10:00:51 No. 18627771 Report Quoted By:
>>18627729 No prob, thanks.
>>18627665 UPDATED LIST (shit won't let me delete the old one):
Dive Ball Wingull (Bold/Relaxed 4–5IV)
2x Female (Bold, Rain Dish)
2x Female (Relaxed, Keen Eye)
1x Female (Relaxed, Rain Dish)
1x Male (Relaxed, Rain Dish)
2x Male (Keen Eye)
Egg Moves: Aqua Ring, Knock Off, Agility, Wide Guard
Other stuff I don't need
(not bred by me) :
1x Female Heal Ball Ralts (Modest 4IV, Trace, Japanese)
1x Female Litwick (Timid pentaperfect, Flame Body, Japanese)
1x Male Litwick (Modest 5IV, Infiltrator, Japanese)
1x Female Luxury Ball Gligar (Impish 4IV, Immunity, Japanese)
1x Female Great Ball Meowstic (Docile pentaperfect, Infiltrator)
Please specify which ability/gender you want and put up a disc.
Kelrith 0860-3234-6638 Steel: (Skarmory, Magneton, Klefki)
Kelrith 0860-3234-6638 Steel: (Skarmory, Magneton, Klefki) Tue 25 Mar 2014 10:42:28 No. 18627877 Report >>18627824 Any chance of getting that other gligar?
>>18627877 If you put up a disc, sure.
Kelrith 0860-3234-6638 Steel: (Skarmory, Magneton, Klefki)
Kelrith 0860-3234-6638 Steel: (Skarmory, Magneton, Klefki) Tue 25 Mar 2014 11:16:03 No. 18627955 Report Quoted By:
>>18627935 Just did, thanks
Opti (BagonBoy)
>>18627824 Putting up a disc for a female wingull with rain dish.
>>18627959 Prefer Bold or Relaxed? (Pelipper is rather slow)
Quoted By:
>>18627824 putting disk up for male litwick
Opti (BagonBoy)
Does avyone have a frillish in a nice ball lying around? IV's, nature, etc don't matter
>>18627997 I have one in a Dive Ball.
>>18628061 Could I grab a female please?
IGN Ramon
>>18628071 That's the only Frillish (female) I have. Put a Disc up.
IGN Ramon
Quoted By:
>>18628071 >>18628074 It has to relearn Egg Moves Acid Armor, Confuse Ray and Pain Split. Am out of Heart Scales myself. It's also level 20.
>>18628074 Disc is up, I can trade you a female back in a few minutes if you'd like?
IGN Ramon
>>18628086 No, the only balltism I have is regular Pokéballtism, so you can keep it. Thanks for the offer though. And sent.
Quoted By:
>>18628089 Thanks a lot man, you've saved me a heap of time with those egg moves too
I got some leftovers Corphish if anyone wants one. They're all Adamant with Adabtability and KnockOff/AquaJet/DragonDance Didn't mark the IVs so I'm not sure, but should all be between 3 and 5. Seven females and a male
>>18628096 I am absolutely up for a female one of those.
Discing up.
>>18628110 Yara, sorry, went to catch a disc, Gimme 30 seconds?
>>18628112 Of course, I ain't going anywhere
Quoted By:
>>18628115 Alright it's up.
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 12:11:48 No. 18628123 Report Quoted By:
>>18628096 oh could i get a female one gonna catch a luvdisc IGN gecko
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 12:12:52 No. 18628129 Report >>18628096 can you name corla
Quoted By:
>>18628096 Discing up
Ign is Trillian
Quoted By:
Anybody got a male Squirtle with max IVs on SpA and SpD? I only need that for MM-ing.
>>18628096 I'd love one.
What ball are they in? if they're in regular pokeballs, I'll take the male. Otherwise female. Marco
>>18628241 Male Corphish sent! You might wanna reteach it the egg moves though
Azza [3969-5872-9386]
Lf hidden ability 6iv gligar for shiny 6iv snorlax>Or begging for HA gligar
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Tue 25 Mar 2014 14:25:08 No. 18628532 Report Quoted By:
>>18628465 I can give you a 5iv, female.
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 14:49:00 No. 18628656 Report long shot but looking for 5 -6iv zangoose or wooper last ones i need for my collection :3
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18628656 I have a shiny I can give you when I get home. But I need to clone her and I have no access to internet right now.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Tue 25 Mar 2014 14:55:05 No. 18628700 Report >>18628656 I can breed a zangoose I got from Lime, give me a few minutes.
Quoted By:
please anyone have a good iv scragly w/ its HA? ill offer bp items
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Tue 25 Mar 2014 14:56:14 No. 18628710 Report >>18628695 >>18628656 Haha! Or you can just wait for that!
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>18628710 I always appear when I'm mentioned. Even before I'm mentioned. I'm that good.
11 5IV HA Luxury Ball Fletchling (One Penta) 9 5IV HA Premier Ball Bunnelby 6 Dive Ball HA Cubchoo(one needs to relearn egg moves) 6 Moon Ball Teddiursa 3 Luxury Ball Pancham with 0 speed I'm still breeding a few Pancham and have about 15 Teddiursa eggs
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:01:26 No. 18628736 Report >>18628695 really thanks that would be amazing !!! which one and which one do you have :D
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:01:51 No. 18628737 Report >>18628717 Hey Cosmic do you have any Pick Up Teddiursa?
Anyone has a Male from the Flying Group with Brave Bird? Trying to breed my Skarmory.
>>18628737 half of them are.
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:03:01 No. 18628751 Report >>18628700 thanks !! :D can you nickname for me too :D
>>18628717 can i pretty please get a cubchoo named chubbers
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:04:07 No. 18628757 Report Quoted By:
>>18628717 I need these bears! Disc is up for cubchoo.
Quoted By:
>>18628717 I'll take a Cubchoo.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:05:12 No. 18628761 Report >>18628739 You can have one of my Skarmory's with Stealth Rock, BB, Whirlwind and drill peck if you like. put a disc up.
>>18628744 Could I take one please? I will put a disc up for it.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18628736 She's Jolly with Toxic Boost. Pentaperfect in a Premier Ball. Her egg moves are Metal Claw and Night Slash. Also since I'm cloning you mine she might be level 40 something. She's already fully trained in speed and attack. Also she's Kalos native.
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:06:22 No. 18628767 Report >>18628762 omg you are amazing thank you !! do you want anything in particular for her
>>18628751 I ain't nicknaming shit.
I managed to get a 6IV Female Teddiursa which sped things up a shitton.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18628767 Nah, did you want a name?
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:08:31 No. 18628783 Report Quoted By:
>>18628770 haha ok no problem :) no nickname is fine :D
>>18628717 Hey Cosmic can i take all three bears male please if youre here? Disc up for a Cubchoo
Pmma (Serena 2895-8318-1139) !JFFizZTz3A
>>18628761 Disc is up. Message says /vp/ Pmma
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:10:05 No. 18628792 Report >>18628780 is that ok if so can you name her could you name her bowie :3
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:13:04 No. 18628805 Report Quoted By:
>>18628770 Thanks, I have disc up for teddi now.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18628792 Alright, cool. Stick around for about two and a half hours and I'll clone her for you.
Ign Allan 1848-1849-4734
Quoted By:
>>18628717 Cosmic, we need the those bears. Disc was up for that cubchoo, but can I get one of each bear? U know they rooooock
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:14:42 No. 18628815 Report >>18628806 haha do you want me to put anything in particular on GTS cause i have to go to bed soon 3am here haha
Pmma (Serena 2895-8318-1139) !JFFizZTz3A
>>18628761 >>18628791 Thanks for the Skarmory.
Someone give me a Super Sized Dusk ball pumpkaboo please. Only 2 Cubchoo left.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18628815 In that case I'll hold on to her until next time I see you.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:16:10 No. 18628824 Report >>18628817 Np, its 5IV, just wrong nature, you want Impish on it probably.
>>18628818 Thanks cosmic, did you want to borrow mine to bred with?
>>18628824 Is it female in a dusk ball ? if so then yes.
I just have to have it shiny with my small Pumpkaboo Anonymous
>>18628770 Are these bears strong enough for battle? I thnk theyre not supposed to be good but how far did you get with them?
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:18:17 No. 18628837 Report >>18628834 Yes, just come online and i'll trade you.
Quoted By:
>>18628717 I'd like one of those Cubchoo and Teddiursa.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:20:35 No. 18628849 Report Quoted By:
>>18628834 Thanks, again. Disced up for pancham now.
Quoted By:
>>18628835 All of them are 5IV if that's what you're asking.
They fill a small niche I guess, Beartic can do work with rain and Ursaring can do damage with either Guts or Quick Feet, but that's for lower tiers really.
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:20:51 No. 18628852 Report Quoted By:
>>18628820 im on everyday anyway thanks so much your the best :3
>>18628717 The time has come and so have I.
May I have one of each bear?
>>18628837 I'll send you a TR after I send everything.
>>18628853 You get the last Cubchoo
Pmma (Serena 2895-8318-1139) !JFFizZTz3A
>>18628824 It isnt 5V i checked the IVs and its ??/31/31/??/31/??, but it will do, i have a Ditto that fits for the spread, and i really only wanted the moves.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Also I'll be taking a short break from Trapinch to do Minccino Cappuccinos, woo hoo! Skill Link, of course. I heard Chinchilla can be bulky but I think I'll be breeding them Jolly in Premier Balls.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:24:23 No. 18628874 Report >>18628863 I must have marked it up wrong sorry.
Pmma (Serena 2895-8318-1139) !JFFizZTz3A
Quoted By:
>>18628874 no worries, as i said, i only wanted the moves, so thanks!
Quoted By:
>>18628861 Wonderfrou~ Disc's up for Cubchoo first!
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:28:06 No. 18628894 Report Quoted By:
>>18628717 Thanks for the delightful bears!
Has anyone bred spinda, so as to complete my new collection?
Quoted By:
>>18628861 Aww damn guess I was missed
>>18628837 Huh. You're not showing up for me. Send me a request ?
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:35:07 No. 18628938 Report Quoted By:
>>18628904 I'd like her back ideally when you're done breeding her please.
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:40:25 No. 18628974 Report >>18628780 still on wondering if you cloned it yet haha trying to stay up
>>18628861 Cubchoo would be the cutest bear if it didn't have the icicle from it's nose. So discing up for numero uno cutest, Pancham, now...!
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:43:37 No. 18629001 Report >>18628991 Did you still need a crustle? I Have a 4IV Adamant female.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18628974 I'm at school currently and won't be home for at least another hour and a half.
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:50:49 No. 18629041 Report Quoted By:
>>18629031 ok i will watch tv a bit longer :) if i fall asleep i will jut see ya tomorrow
Vinny 3823-8820-8938
Stupid question, but what's IGN, in-game name? Also I'll trade any legendary from any gen for a Yveltal. I guess I can't search the GTS for one because I haven't seen it. Except it doesn't appear in X, so I don't really know how the GTS works. TBH I wish I could just browse what's being offered so I could just trade that way instead of having to look for a certain pokemon. Then again, I haven't even gotten the 8th gym badge yet, should I just be patient?
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 15:52:29 No. 18629049 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>18629046 This is not the thread for asking legends, sorry.
Vinny 3823-8820-8938
Also I guess fuck it, I'm offering up any legendary from any game. They're 100% average, no specific natures, no RNG'd IVs, only thing is they're all caught in a premier ball.
Quoted By:
>>18629046 You can search for it, just scroll down to 'What Pokémon?' and you can manually enter it.
If you want one, put a Ditto or Rotom up, say it's 6IV and wait Vinny 3823-8820-8938
Quoted By:
>>18629067 Well, specifically Platinum, HG/SS and BW/B2W2 because that's pretty much all of them
Now to hatch a box worth of eggs.Anyone have a Bronzor ?
>>18629106 I have Bronzong safaris at least.
Ign Allan 1848-1849-4734
>>18629106 I can breed it. Anything special?
>>18629115 I thought I had one but I guess I didn't bother. Any random one will do.
>>18629117 No, I'm just going to breed HP Ice Bronzor later.
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
>>18629117 Hey Allan, you want me to name that Espurr with own tempo for you?
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 16:05:07 No. 18629137 Report Quoted By:
>>18629123 >Bronzor? trade me. Cuan
>>18629123 Put up a disc, this should only take seconds.
>>18629001 Yes please, especially if it's got egg moves outside of Night Slash. Let me disc up after I snag a Teddiursa.
>>18629106 Meanwhile, Pancham get...!
Last one to bother you with Cosmic, for Teddiursa. Or after you go on hatching spree, I can wait since I'm just going to be watching Jojo.
What should I breed after Dwebble?
And illegal or legal ball combo? Cuan
>>18629150 It even has the infinitely useful HA, Light Metal!
I thought for a moment that Bronzong had the obnoxious capture rate 3, but that was Metang.
Quoted By:
>>18629162 *Heavy Metal it is
Even more useful.
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 16:09:56 No. 18629171 Report >>18629139 hey are you still giving away wingulls?? :)
>>18629171 Pick one from
>>18627824 and tell me ability/nature/gender you want.
Ign Allan 1848-1849-4734
>>18629136 Yes! Nickname: Gonzo
Direct trade or gts?
>>18629123 Let me try a batch... Maybe I can provide hp ice bronzor
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 16:13:42 No. 18629192 Report >>18627824 can i get a female rexlaxed keen eye one and named peeko plz really appreciate it :) putting up a disc
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18627824 Any female Rain Dish WIngulls left?
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
>>18629188 GTS works alright for me, I don't think I have you on acquaintances so it's probably the fastest way.
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 16:15:40 No. 18629201 Report Quoted By:
>>18629178 >>>18627824 can i get a female rexlaxed keen eye one and named peeko plz really appreciate it :) putting up a disc
>>18629192 Didn't I already give you a Peeko? You can have it though.
>>18629196 One Bold, one Relaxed. Make a pick.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Quoted By:
>>18629214 Bold please. Disc is up.
Ign Allan 1848-1849-4734
>>18629197 Yes, we are lol. Sorry about it, gonna go for a better wifi connection... My cellphone as a hotspot
>>18629188 You can go ahead, I'm doing it myself either way.
I also use my phone as a hotspot, it works fine.
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
Quoted By:
>>18629223 Oh, fair enough, I wondered what happened and checked my own wifi. No worries.
DrQuint 4699-6443-5219 (Lilipup Minccino Ditto)
DrQuint 4699-6443-5219 (Lilipup Minccino Ditto) Tue 25 Mar 2014 16:22:02 No. 18629238 Report What are the chances of someone around here having a Fairy Safari with a clefairy? I'm in need of moon stones.
>>18629238 The answer is, go to the safari general threads and not in a place named 'GTS Giveaway'.
DrQuint 4699-6443-5219 (Lilipup Minccino Ditto)
DrQuint 4699-6443-5219 (Lilipup Minccino Ditto) Tue 25 Mar 2014 16:25:01 No. 18629258 Report Quoted By:
>>18629247 I know, sorry. I just happened to have this thread already opened, thought of risking it.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18629214 Thanks!
Pelipper is a bro. Too bad it can't learn Whirlpool in Gen VI, else I would try a Toxic/Whirlpool/Sky Drop/Roost set.
Ign Allan 1848-1849-4734
>>18629232 Yeah, but I hope an hp ice father provides help. Got it btw. Mild one, with hp SAtk sdef spd. Either attack or defense is 30, the other is the random one. Does it work for you?
Quoted By:
>>18629323 It's fine I don't need the help. Keep it
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 16:46:37 No. 18629421 Report >>18629158 Sorry I popped out to the shops. Is your disc up?
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Tue 25 Mar 2014 16:49:56 No. 18629448 Report Quoted By:
Is Pan lurking this thread? I wanted one of those sylveons, but fell asleep too soon.
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot:
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot: Tue 25 Mar 2014 16:53:12 No. 18629479 Report Quoted By:
Anyone got a dream/heavy/dive ball omanyte/omastar? Wanna start MMing but havent got one :(
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 16:53:41 No. 18629481 Report >>18629437 It's a 3IV Dwebble sorry, with Night Slash and Counter.
Does anyone have a spare Scyther that knows defog? Sucks to not have any gen 4/5 to transfer
Lucas !!zR8G+VLfqox
Special Wall or Defensive Wall Mandibuzz?
Quoted By:
>>18629509 Both are too damn hard
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 17:00:57 No. 18629526 Report Quoted By:
>>18629509 Defensive, just watch out for electric attacks.
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??)
Gecko- 2766-8385-5949 (Zebstrika, Emolga, Helioptile ??) Tue 25 Mar 2014 17:04:09 No. 18629543 Report Quoted By:
>>18628871 hey lime im about to pass out ahaha tell me when ready haha its 4am here
>>18629481 Oh! Whoops, I had it up for Crustle, didn't realize till now. Sorry Kjedoran. I've reupped for Dwebble now.
Quoted By:
>>18629305 tbh, I don't know why I even bred it. Pelipper has some niches it could fill that my Aerodactyl can't, in having access to Tailwind and Wide Guard, but also to a strong Flying-type attack in Hurricane. But the 4x Electric weakness really keeps it down.
Similar case with Swanna, who I'd really like to use more.
I'll likely have to head to the pokegen thread for this but does anybody have a 5/6 IV rotom with pain split?
Im at work , so you'll have to wait for your shiny hyper voice diveball sylveon. Also I have heavy ball omanytes.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 17:41:46 No. 18629806 Report Quoted By:
>>18629622 lol no worries, im playing LoL, its been sent.
Incoming batch of junkmon: 1 Slicoon 1 Pidove 2 Kangaskhan 1 Shroomish 1 Ferroseed 3 Duskull 2 Snorunt 3 Riolu 1 Pinsir 1 Gengar Most, if not all are 3-4IV
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 25 Mar 2014 18:08:27 No. 18630002 Report >>18629506 Are you there?
Well, I have 3 female Scyther (3-4 IV) in Sport Ball with Defog and other 3 egg moves.
Disc up if anyone interested.
>>18629856 Fuck it whats the info on the Riolus any adamants?
>>18630002 can I take a sport ball scyther?
disc is up
>>18630002 Ooh, I'll take one. Disc up.
>>18630002 Can I get one of those scythers?
Disc is up
Quoted By:
>>18630079 no sorry.
to amend that list:
1 Slicoon
1 Pidove
2 Kangaskhan
1 Shroomish
1 Ferroseed
3 Duskull
2 Snorunt
3 Riolu
1 Pinsir
1 Gengar
3 Charmander
2 Scyther
3 Pinsir
Quoted By:
put up a disc for Banette IGN: Marlon IVs, Nature doesn't matter. Banette is the last pokemon I'm looking before I start working on the national pokedex
Palmby (ign:Ben) 3797-7287-5837
Quoted By:
If anyone has leftovers, i'm looking for an adamant unburden hawlucha. would be much appreciated!
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 25 Mar 2014 18:41:44 No. 18630277 Report Serena
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Tue 25 Mar 2014 18:47:57 No. 18630345 Report Ill just leave this here again, pls take them 1 3 iv modest download porygon (saving the 5iv one for klaus if youre here) 7 5 iv modest trace porygon 9 4-5 adamant clear body beldum 10 4-5 iv adamant ralts (mean look/shadow sneak/destiny bond/confuse ray) 4 5 iv modest gastly 3 5 iv timid protean froakie 2 5 iv timid blaze charmander 3 4-5 iv adamant marvel scale dratini (leer/aqua jet/e speed/dragon dance) 12 5 iv adamant charmander 1 4 iv jolly kabuto 13 4-5 iv adamant speed boost torchic 8 5 iv adamant speed boost carvanha (destiny bond/hydro pump) 10 (9 4 iv/1 5 iv) adamant growlithe (double edge/flare blitz/close combat/morning sun) 21 4-5 iv modest feebas (hypnosis/mirror coat/dragon pulse/captivate)*1 pentaperfect males, first come first serve* 18 4-5 iv adamant mudkip 11 4-5 iv impish immunity gligar
Lucas !!zR8G+VLfqox
Quoted By:
I need some mons for new balltism projects can anyone help me? The Pokémons are the following: Nest Ball Cottonee Dusk Ball Spiritomb/Zorua Love Ball Mareep/Hoppip Luxury Ball Yamask Heavy Ball Machop I'm breeding Love Ball Mawiles, tomorrow I'll probably give them all
Pmma (Serena 2895-8318-1139) !JFFizZTz3A
Quoted By:
Anyone has a 3-5 IV Skarmory?
Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
Quoted By:
what would you all say is a good moveset for a good houndour
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 18:55:31 No. 18630411 Report >>18630345 Can I take that male feebas please?
>>18630345 disc up for a 5IV gligar
>>18630345 are any of the carvanhas male?
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:00:26 No. 18630437 Report >>18630411 of course, disc it up (the pentaperfect right?)
>>18630414 sent!
>>18630421 yessir, i have a few males left, disc it up
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
Spares left over from last weeks breeding projects: Furfrou: random 5IV, Impish, pokeball, 3F/3M Petilil: random 5IV, Modest, quickball, two own tempo, four chlorophyll Vulpix: random 4IV, Timid, quickball, 1M, drought HA Minccino: random 5IV, Jolly, quickball, skill link HA, 3F Espurr: penta purfect 5IV, Bold, luxuryball, 3M w/ infiltrator, 2F w/ keeneye, 1F w/ Own Tempo (HA), some have trick, barrier egg moves Mawile: random 5IV, Adamant, pokeball, 1F/1M intimidate, suckerpunch Eevee: random 5IV, bold/calm/jolly/timid, all male, might have egg moves, pokeball/nestball I'll nickname anything if you want, otherwise they'll likely have a letter and a number for their name because of autism.
>>18630345 disc is up for carvanha
KIVA 5429-8718-0972
>>18628717 I'll take a smogonbird. Disc up, and thank you.
preferably penta :) Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:04:49 No. 18630463 Report Quoted By:
>>18629765 i didnt miss it? yes!
>>18630437 alright cool thanks man! disc up
Akari 3526 6270 3941
Quoted By:
Still looking for a HA female Pinsir in gen 5 (BW)
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:06:29 No. 18630482 Report chuy
>>18630482 either
doesn't matter
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:11:21 No. 18630523 Report Ayame ~ 1048-9445-6073
Hi guys... I dont normally ask for stuff on here... but I was going to do a giveaway with a houndoom being one of the parents for one of my sets and found out i WT'ed my 5IV HA one... does anyone have a 5IV houndoom or houndour they dont want/need? If you do that would be awesome!!!! Thanks
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:16:56 No. 18630580 Report Quoted By:
>>18630523 Disc is up for the male feebas please.
Quoted By:
>>18630523 got it! thanks again
Quoted By:
>>18630539 >... >... >... >!!! Kill yourself
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Slugma, Braixen, Ponyta)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Slugma, Braixen, Ponyta) Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:20:30 No. 18630605 Report Quoted By:
If anyone has a female HA Emolga in an ultra ball... I'd really appreciate it...
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:23:04 No. 18630624 Report Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:24:10 No. 18630636 Report >>18630624 >tfw i didnt send it redisc pls, ill be alert this time
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:24:14 No. 18630637 Report Quoted By:
>>18630437 I got sniped >_<
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:26:44 No. 18630656 Report >>18630636 Okay, its up again.
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will/Michelle 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:27:51 No. 18630666 Report Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:29:40 No. 18630686 Report Quoted By:
Current leftovers: 3 HA Dream Ball Shelmet 1 HA Dream Ball Zubat 1 HA Luxury Ball Fletchling 6 Moon Ball Teddiursa Disc up, reply if interested.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Slugma, Braixen, Ponyta)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Slugma, Braixen, Ponyta) Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:36:25 No. 18630749 Report >>18630713 I'll take a Teddiursa, please.
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:37:15 No. 18630754 Report >>18630713 I'll take the Moon Ball Teddiursa, please.
Disc up, thanks~
>>18630713 I'll take fletchling
>>18630713 Can I get a Shelmet?
female if possible, thanks
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:45:52 No. 18630860 Report Quoted By:
>>18630813 Thank you very much!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Does Rynn still come around? Haven't seen her in ages.
>>18630884 Stalk her in Powersave/Clone general
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18630893 Ahh, I see. No more giveaway thread though? ;-;
Quoted By:
Can I get an almost competetively viable kangaskhan? If I ever feel like cheaply beating the Battle chateau, I figure M kangaskhan is one of the best options. I'm guessing jolly nature?
>>18630893 What up bitch got any of those Bears left you had earlier ill swoop in on all three
FUCK not having another Cubchoo I know you holding out
Thats where most people are on now anyways
>>18630905 Giveaway threads were oddly popular last week though
KIVA 5429-8718-0972
Quoted By:
>>18630458 Sniped. Do not want Passerouge. Can I send another disc?
>>18630905 Haven't seen Gray either now that I think about it.
>>18630713 Dream Ball Bat, yukari please. Disc's up!
Someone get me off the zorua mming ride before it's toolate. Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18631016 I feel like Gray has been around more than Rynn, though I suppose it's been a while since I've seen him too.
Ah man, I kinda wanna MM zorua at some point... Fuck, I just can't bring myself to MM until the riolu ride is over..
>>18631016 Gray said he was losing interest, that's probably why.
I have Super Size Pumpkaboo if anyone wants >>18631035 You online ? I want to evolve my shiny Pumpkaboo.
>>18631035 How many boxes now?
>>18631016 It's been like a week since I last saw Gray.
Bat sent.
>>18630979 Dont trip but youll remember by the way i talk/type and shit
>>18631016 Dont give it up if you want a shiny Zorua ill give you one it aint kalos though
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18631052 Still 45.. I haven't done any at all in weeks. But it feels like unfinished business.
Also, I still haven't transferred your mons yet but that will be a thing that happens soon. Before the end of this week. >>18631049 Oh yeah, I'm on WT so gimme a minute and I'll DT you.Why the hell does an online class cost more than a regular one? Fucking college. Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18631067 Errm, sorry about the spoilers.
>>18631049 Yeah I remember he said that. I wonder how much playtime he put it, it must have been quite a lot. Wish I'd gotten to say bye or something though
;_; You guys can't leave me without saying goodbye either ok What's the difference between pumpkaboo sizes? Aesthetic like ball?
>>18631035 Shiny Zorua's simple but pretty; one of my favourite shinies of all.
>>18631053 thanks for pinkball bat. Man I have way too many mons I want to MM.
>>18631060 I'm actually kind of curious as to who you are. How come you want to give me a shiny Zorua? So mysterious, I dunno what to think. Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18630713 A bear would be awesome discing up.
New to this thread. Where is the best place to get luvdisc?
Quoted By:
>>18631128 Route 8 or Cyllage City. Old Rod.
captcha: about dingdad
Quoted By:
>>18631128 Cyllage City, at the beach. Old Rod = 100% luvdisc encounter rate.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18631128 Use an old rod over at cyllage, also welcome.
>>18631108 Stats are different Small is faster with less HP, Super Sizes is slow with Higher HP. I think there's also an attack difference.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18631143 I don't see you online, yo.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18631143 HA Thanks for the shiny pUMPKAboo!!! PSYCH
>>18631108 Dont mind all yall mufackas have given me a couple of mons before besides i got it from the nigga dude
Quoted By:
>>18629765 Are you still here?
Would love an omanyte.
Quoted By:
Small Gourgeist
Super Size
>>18631176 lel
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18631176 >>18631143 I taught it phantom force over astonish, hope that's okay. Little dude wanted to learn like four moves though, I wasn't sure which one you'd want. Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18631178 Nigger Jim uses the 2nd gym leaders pic? I've come across him twice in two different playthroughs.
>>18631178 Who's that? Nigga dude? Only more questions, sorry. How do you want to do this? I-I'm still going to MM though, I'm sorta too paranoid to try Riolu without a successful purposeful run after uh, someone else's not so successful run. Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18631225 I think Cynthia 1.0 got a shiny riolu from breeding one of mine. I cried.
11 5IV HA Luxury Ball Fletchling (One Penta) 9 5IV HA Premier Ball Bunnelby 7 5IV Moon Ball Teddiursa 6 4~5IV Dusk Ball Super Size Pumpkaboo I'll be leaving in about an hour so disc up.
>>18631243 She did. It punched a huge hole in my baby team too.
I know you'll get your shiny Riolu though. You're a strong, confident woman who can muscle past Masuda's madness--- someday.
Quoted By:
>>18631272 Discing up for Pumpkaboo.
>>18631279 That's the same Riolu that swept during that baby battle right ?
>>18631225 What do you mean by someone elses not so successful run
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
Quoted By:
>>18631272 If you don't mind I'd love me some Pumpkaboo, that little thing is adorable.
Disc up.
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 25 Mar 2014 20:34:07 No. 18631309 Report Quoted By:
>>18631272 Discing up for one Pumpkaboo
Quoted By:
>>18631272 Putting a disc up for Pumpkaboo.
>>18631290 If I recall correctly, it High Jump Kick'd either yours or Cuan's Absol into dust.
>>18631294 U-uhm well you see... Ramona's ride has been going on for quite a while. Not the longest, but sort of terrifying to think about still.
I almost cried when I evolved my Pumpkaboo, it's too adorable.
Quoted By:
>>18631272 I'll take a Pumpkaboo just so I know what size is Super-Size.
Quoted By:
>>18631272 putting up a disc for a pumpkaboo!
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
>>18631321 I will never evolve my Pumpkaboo, fuck competitiveness, I'll find a way.
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Tue 25 Mar 2014 20:36:53 No. 18631343 Report Quoted By:
>>18631272 I put a disc for punkaboo
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18631320 It was mines as soon I switched Absol was kill.
Holy shit everyone wants Pumpkaboo Anyways [spoilerhttps:// I just do 50 mons per page on my spreadsheet ?
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
>>18631351 Probably, but for the moment it doesn't really matter, I've not even really started battling people because I'm too busy breeding stuff up for fun teams to actually use them.
300 hours and 0 battles. What the hell am I doing.
Quoted By:
>>18631358 >fail spoiler The king
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18631358 52 different pokemon... damn.
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Tue 25 Mar 2014 20:43:08 No. 18631391 Report >>18631377 can I have a super size punkaboo?
Stuart 5300-9472-3272
I have 2 boxes of moon ball and love ball Vulpix. They are all timid, 5IV with egg moves and Drought and each is holding a fire stone. Put what ball you want and a nickname (if you want a nickname) in your reply if you want one.
>>18631391 I had 6 and you were the 7th to reply.
>>18631381 It's not that much is it ?
Quoted By:
>>18631399 >Moon Ball and Drought Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18631399 love ball please, nickname Sophia
Quoted By:
>>18631399 I'll take a love ball Vulpix, I need the egg moves for when I breed Vulpix somewhere down the line.
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Tue 25 Mar 2014 20:47:04 No. 18631420 Report Quoted By:
>>18631405 :( ok no problem, thanks anyway
Opti (BagonBoy)
Quoted By:
>>18631399 Would like one in a Moon Ball.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 20:48:06 No. 18631432 Report Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18631405 It seems like a lot then again I just updated from blue and silver versions 3 weeks ago so I'm pretty new to the whole serious breeding thing.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18631279 Thank you, Cynthia. I shall begin hoarding again soon.
>>18631294 >>18631320 There are definitely many others whose rides have lasted longer than mine, but 45 boxes is still pretty painful for the average player.
>>18631321 Well, gourgeist is till pretty cute. Thanks for the shiny dex entry too!
>>18631363 900 hours and basically no battles. Only like 12 competitively bred pokemon. What am I even doing.
>>18631399 I'll disc up for a love ball one! No nick is fine.
>>18631272 I'd also like a bunnelby.. will disc after vulpix.
5x 5IV(-Atk) Nest Ball Modest Scatterbug (Rage Powder) Garden pattern (see pic). They are all male. I've been breeding for days and still haven't gotten a single pentaperfect female.
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 25 Mar 2014 20:49:42 No. 18631467 Report >>18631377 That Spritzee looks good in HBall.
Do you have one female available?
It would be great disc up for one. Thanks
Pmma (Serena 2895-8318-1139) !JFFizZTz3A
Anyone giving away smogonbirds?
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !6v/H3JHevI
>>18631399 I'd like one no nickname disc is up. Thanks
Diego-4682-8665-8782 (Skarmory Ferroseed Bronzong)
Diego-4682-8665-8782 (Skarmory Ferroseed Bronzong) Tue 25 Mar 2014 20:50:45 No. 18631476 Report >>18631377 could i get a slowpoke?
Quoted By:
>>18631459 Remember to disc up for Scatterbug, not Vivillon, if you want one.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18631399 >Moon Ball for Sunlight bringing pokemon I love it. May I disc up for a female in a moon ball?
>>18631432 I guess.
About 10 of those weren't bred by me.
>>18631467 No
>>18631470 Yes see
>>18631272 >>18631476 These are not things I'm giving away, just what I have available
That and I was just asking about how should I format. Jun
Quoted By:
>>18631399 Could I snag a moon ball Vulpix?
Pmma (Serena 2895-8318-1139) !JFFizZTz3A
>>18631490 Got any 5V ones left? no need for HA just male.
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !6v/H3JHevI
>>18631470 I refuse to add to the epidemic of smogon birds online. and FYI you are better off asking for fletchling because most giveaways are breeding leftovers Honkey - 1762 2801 1123
Quoted By:
>>18631399 Would love one in a loveball.
Throwing a disc up.
Message : vp HONK
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 25 Mar 2014 20:52:44 No. 18631503 Report Quoted By:
>>18631399 I want one Love Ball Vulpix
Disc up for one. Thanks
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18631399 Thank you so much!
>>18631490 Disc is up for bugs bunnelby.
>>18631494 Nope, I only have 5IV Females with HA, I release my males.
Stuart 5300-9472-3272
Quoted By:
>>18631399 disc is up
moonball please
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18631496 tfw doing classic team playthrough and Pidgeot looks kind of fugly and you have to stop yourself from replacing it with smogon bird.
Pmma (Serena 2895-8318-1139) !JFFizZTz3A
>>18631516 Whats their nature?
Bubble 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
>>18631399 Disc up for a moon ball one. No nickname.
Quoted By:
>>18631521 >not spearow/fearow granted Fearow's uglier but drill peck / drill run combo
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18631552 Sorry for no egg moves, I just used the 6IV Gray gave me.
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
Quoted By:
>>18631519 Love ball please
KIVA 5429-8718-0972
Quoted By:
>>18628717 Disc up for Fletchling, thank you!
>shiny Whimsicott making everyone ragequit It was worth breeding it. I never even have to touch my smogonfrog.
>>18631587 I don't know whether I should use Dive or Luxury for a shiny Whimsicott.
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
>>18631587 I bred a Switcheroo Klefki yesterday, might be amusing for passerby battles, though probably not that good.
>>18631452 I'm collecting and breeding pokemon to use in battles, though I'm just going off what I think would be cute and then trying to work out how to make them work later.
Eventually we'll battle more, I guess, but I'm surprisingly content just breeding them right now.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Tue 25 Mar 2014 21:07:04 No. 18631642 Report Quoted By:
>>18631399 Disc is up. Either ball is fine, no nick.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
So this is a kind of strange question but what's a moveset for pikachu?
Quoted By:
>>18631399 Disc is up for a moon ball one.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 21:09:14 No. 18631672 Report >>18631655 ~ Substitute
~ Thunderbolt
~ Hidden Power Ice
~ Encore / Grass Knot
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>>18631592 I went with dive and I'm happy with the results.
>>18631615 Take it to the battlespot and see.
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
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>>18631655 fly with balloon :^)
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika)
[IGN: Richard] 4399-0205-1274 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Zebstrika) Tue 25 Mar 2014 21:11:33 No. 18631709 Report Quoted By:
>>18631399 Thank you very much
Bubble 4184-2095-9208
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>>18631399 Thank you very much
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18631672 On current play through it has reversal volt tackle thunderbolt and wish. in the grass gym now. I like the idea of grass knot. Not so sure about sub.
>>18631320 Shit i wish i knew what you were talking about lol but ill get on the 3ds later if you want the thing but it has no moves to breed with though but dont give up on the mm....bitch
Mateo (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion) 4038-6336-4381
Mateo (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion) 4038-6336-4381 Tue 25 Mar 2014 21:14:41 No. 18631734 Report Quoted By:
>>18630449 are you still there? i'd like to disc up for a Own Tempo Petilil
>>18631459 Disc is up for Scatterbug.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 21:16:00 No. 18631744 Report >>18631727 They are talking about a battle and shiny hunt.
>>18631723 Thats a support build i guess? Sub will protect you from status moves, and i'd rather sub then eat an earthquake if it comes to it.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
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>>18631744 thanks you gave me some stuff to think about.
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Tue 25 Mar 2014 21:26:08 No. 18631827 Report Quoted By:
>>18631672 >>18631655 Fake out is also an option. VoltSwicht too.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Tue 25 Mar 2014 21:31:22 No. 18631874 Report Quoted By:
>>18631049 Discing up for a pumpkaboo while lunch
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
Anyone interested in me hatching some 5IV goomys with counter attack? It turned out to be a fast breed so I didn't have many left overs and none of them were remotely good so I released them. I did cute squad last week, so I'm sort of half between breeding fetish mons for a creepy squad and breeding my original squad so I could use them competatively. I don't know if anyone has any interest in goomy tho because of it's horrible justified stigma.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 21:36:35 No. 18631919 Report >>18631902 I have a female 5IV Modest Sap Sipper, with Acid Armour, Iron Tail, Poison Tail and Counter, would you like to borrow her?
Still have some shiny nicknamable, male Smeargles left, disc up if you want. Will be leaving in about half an hour again.
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Tue 25 Mar 2014 21:40:02 No. 18631952 Report >>18631927 mmm so... then... i'll disc up,Let me go for my 3ds :P
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
>>18631919 I got a penta perfect on one of my first five hatched, so the only use I'd have for yours would be to breed some more useful breeding ones with egg moves for other people.
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Tue 25 Mar 2014 21:42:42 No. 18631970 Report >>18631952 Disc it's up. Also, would like it named "Leaonardo". but, nickname doesn´t really matter
>>18631970 I'm going with assumption that you mean "Leonardo".
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 21:45:56 No. 18632003 Report Quoted By:
>>18631927 Disc is up, thanks.
>>18631957 Alright, well if you want her just send me a TR.
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI)
Allan:1848-1849-4734 (FAIRY FS WITH TOGEPI) Tue 25 Mar 2014 21:48:38 No. 18632028 Report Quoted By:
>>18631979 Oh yeah, phone keyboard... just trolls. TY!
Opti (BagonBoy)
I have 2 female Cyndaquils in honor balls with extrasensory, who wants them?
Mateo (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion) 4038-6336-4381
Mateo (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion) 4038-6336-4381 Tue 25 Mar 2014 21:52:11 No. 18632056 Report >>18631927 disc is up, nickname
MyPrecious!! Cuan
>>18632046 You mean the white Premier Balls?
Not me. Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 21:55:43 No. 18632087 Report >>18632046 Can I take one please? I'm just farming for dics now.
>>18632056 Sent
Someone make a new thread.
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RIP In Peace Scarra, I can't give away mons in this emotional state.
>>18632092 I'll do it.
Opti (BagonBoy)
>>18632082 Yeah, the white ones because that's where I caught my Typhlosion back when I first played colo.
>>18632087 Sure thing.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Tue 25 Mar 2014 21:59:10 No. 18632116 Report Quoted By:
Mateo (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion) 4038-6336-4381
Mateo (Kakuna-Garbodor-Drapion) 4038-6336-4381 Tue 25 Mar 2014 22:00:22 No. 18632128 Report Quoted By: