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X/Y Anime Episode 21 Hype Thread #4

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The episode has aired, Serena is best girl, Clair is hot fap fuel and Iris did something no one really paid attention to, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan etc etc.



Next week's episode:
>XY Special: The Strongest Mega Evolution!!
A new protagonist makes his debut! A young man named Alan journeys ever onward in an attempt to master Mega Evolution, engaging in intense battles between mega evolved Pokémon using his partner Charizard!

Next episodes:
>Fish the Golden Magikarp! [4/10]
>The Aurora Bond! Amaura and Aurorus!! [4/17]

Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and-
It's better than Unova. Will it peak soon? Most likely, but just enjoy the ride as it is now. Right now we've got some of the most hyped episodes coming up with Diantha's debut, Mega Evolutions, a new rival for Serena and our goddess Korrina.

>Will Serena win da Ash?
The long answer: No.|The short answer: Maybe.

>Whoa, whoa hold the fucking phone, what's all this Mega Evolution special shit?
A series of specials focusing on a new character named Alan, as well as Siebold, with other new characters Manon, Louis and Ayaka as they travel and unlock the secrets of Mega Evolution.

>Muh subs when?
[PM] is subbing X/Y and usually release within 3-4 days of the episode's airing. They have the best subs available, so work with them.

>Muh dubs when?
This Saturday, XY011: The Bamboozling Forest!