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/vp/'s MS Paint Topic Day 79: Disappointment Edition.

!!5FVS7Ai6IW9 No.18657435 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The last thread 404'd. There's a point where things need to stop, and this is the line. We passed it. So I'm going to assert a few things right now.

First off, I do not want to start denying images contributed to the collage, but these passed few days have made it REALLY hard for me not to. I know I said anything bar pornographic imagery was fine, but there's a fine line that some of you keep trying to push. That's not cool. It's making it hard for the rest of us to contribute. Denying images goes against the entire idea behind this project - to allow everyone, artist or not, to contribute to something dedicated to developing some OC for this board that is starved for OC. If things like this keep up, I'm sadly going to start having some quality control.

Second, I have to apologize as I am partially to blame for not seeing this coming. I should have manipulated yesterday's Pokemon to be less of a target for sexualization. I'm sorry for that. I will have to manage my list a bit more carefully now due to this oversight since now I don't know if I can trust /vp/ with Pokemon like Lopunny or Gardevoir for example. Don't expect to see them any time soon.

Finally, the Gogurt thing has to stop. I can understand that you probably wanna piss off a few anons who get butthurt over the slightest thing. That's fine. I cannot stop you. However, when half the thread becomes nothing but shitposting then it becomes a problem that has to be addressed. When it was the one guy doing it the first few times, it was funny. But now we have several users, including a couple regulars, drawing it out of spite of some anon that had an issue with it. That is not what this project is for. Sadly, I need to ask you to cut it out.

If this becomes too big a problem, I will cease making these threads. Have someone else do it.

>Pokemon 79: Tyrunt
>Hard Mode: No References

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This is why we can't have nice things.