GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. Version exclusives, bank Pokes, breeding leftovers, special pokeball pokemon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the purpose of this thread. If someone happens to be so nice to as to give one away, they will let all of us know. Do not pester them. Also, we aren't the PokeGen thread; we may not have pokemon such as Knock Off Timburr or Hyper Voice Ralts / Eevee available. And no, we may not always have spare 6IV pokemon for you, sorry!
What pokemon would you travel on and why? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IGN. It makes everything so much easier. We want the 'mon to go to you, not anyone else!
List of active giveaways! We'll update this as the giveaways change, feel free to request something not on the list!
Old Thread:
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Has anyone got any decent beldums? Would be much appreciated
Breeding Premier Ball Winter Deerling, if you want one just ask.
>>18673794 Giving away:
8x Female Wailmer
- 2x Oblivious
- 6x Water Veil
- All are in Dive Balls
- 4IV, all have at least HP / ATK / DEF except one imperfect 5iv
- Brave Nature
- Because I didn't know what to do, some have the speed stat marked. This means they have either 31 or 0 in speed.
Egg moves are Curse / Zen Headbutt / Body Slam / Aqua Ring
Reply to this post, up a luvdisc and get your lighter than air blue whale!
>>18673847 I'll take one with Water Veil
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 13:59:18 No. 18673853 Report >>18673794 Anyone have a female balltism froakie? I have been MMing them, but I figure I should have them in a nice ball.
Meanwhile: Disc up if you want a pentaperf timid protean froakie (all male). 2 so far.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 14:01:38 No. 18673862 Report >>18673847 The wailmers! Disc is up, thanks.
>>18673851 Hehhh, I was just about to ask you for a Deerling.
And do you have any tangela left over from when you did HP Ice? HP ice doesn't matter, just a tangela. Gotchu!
>>18673862 Gotchu!
>>18673876 Nope, I have a HP Ice Mienfoo left if you want, just hoarded about 2 boxes of eggs Anonymous
>>18673847 I wanna one, disk is up, IGN: PMaker.
Water veil if possible.
>>18673898 Hoarded two boxes of eggs of what? Deerling? I'd like that Mienfoo, yeh. I've disced up for it.
>>18673909 Gotchu- what. Looks like you got sniped.
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>>18673909 >>18673932 Put up another disc and I'll try to get you faster this time ;_;
>>18673826 I'd like one.
>>18673847 That is one cute GIF, discing in a moment.
>>18673943 Gotchu.
>>18673945 I've disced up for Deerling now...!
>>18673853 I put up a disc for a little frog. Name is memo
>>18673853 Luxury ball good enough for you?
>>18674011 >>18673945 Thanks~
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
>>18673847 discing up for a water veil one, thanks!
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 14:28:45 No. 18674052 Report Quoted By:
>>18674024 Perfect. Thank you, Disc is up.
>>18674013 I do not see yours, I will keep checking.
>>18674011 I wasn't the one who sent you the Mienfoo.
Mgoose/IGN Matt 4785 5665 7252
>>18674053 do you have other mienfoos?
>>18674066 about 70 eggs that I haven't hatched of HP Ice Mienfoo.
Mgoose/IGN Matt 4785 5665 7252
>>18674053 Oh, you're right. Someone named Ashin did. It even has a pair of egg moves on it I think. I'll redisc for Mienfoo then.
Thanks for the deerling! It's cute. Disc's up for Mienfoo now.
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>>18674109 Sent. I'll breed a few things before I work on HP Fire Cryognal, dunno what.
Mgoose/IGN Matt 4785 5665 7252
>>18674091 Im not sure what you mean, but I disc up
>>18674164 Disc up for what. I have nothing for you.
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Got a bunch of random IV Skill Link Minccinos in premier balls if anyone wants that. Just reply if you do.
>>18674164 You can't send eggs through the GTS
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 14:51:22 No. 18674225 Report >>18674221 You can send togepi.
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>>18674225 Eggs with a head, face, arms and legs don't count.
>>18673847 Discing up for Wailmer.
>>18674225 >>18674262 Gotchu.
1 Water Veil and 2 Oblivious remaining!
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869 Sat 29 Mar 2014 15:04:28 No. 18674336 Report >>18673847 I'll take an oblivious one
>>18673826 Hello Cosmic, sorry If i annoyed you the other day. I would love a winter deerling
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869 Sat 29 Mar 2014 15:08:31 No. 18674371 Report >>18674336 >>18674312 Actually, could I take a water veil one?
>>18673794 Sorry to ask but...
What's so special about a 6IV ditto?
it's been driving me crazy since Ive got Pokemon Y(I stoped since the 3rd gen)
Somehow, Im new in this again
>>18674388 It's makes breeding significantly easier
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
>>18674388 makes breeding pokes with good IVs easier. like, immensely easier.
>>18674388 It is the quickest way to breed a perfect pokemon
List: -Safari Ball Trapinch - Quick Attack and Buge Bite -Pentaperfect Bagon (HA) - Dragon Dance -Dratini (HA) - Extremespeed, Iron Tail, Aqua Jet -Friend Ball Larvitar - Stealth Rock, Pursuit, Iron Head, Dragon Dance -Chimchar (HA) Male - Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Encore, Fake out (bread and butter egg move set)
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
>>18674407 I'd like a female larvitar if it's not too much trouble. Discing up!
>>18674388 They're pretty hard to acquire in the wild; it's nearly unheard of to go and have actually caught a 6iv ditto, and they can't be bred.
People do clone and distribute them, but that's up to them to do so. Most of us in this thread don't have the capability, thus most 6iv ditto requests would be unfulfilled and simply add worthless posts to the thread.
In addition to this, prior to pokemon bank's release, the board was rather flooded with 6iv foreign ditto request threads, which was insanely annoying.
Although not nearly as annoying as seeing 4 friend safari threads all on page zero. Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869 Sat 29 Mar 2014 15:17:11 No. 18674467 Report >>18674383 Disc is up, thanks. I love wailord
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sat 29 Mar 2014 15:17:42 No. 18674472 Report >>18674448 I love you Cynthia, the Totodile I got from you awhile back is now Feraligatr :D
hidden ability GF pls Opti
>>18674467 Gotchu.
>>18674472 Sorry, but you have the wrong Cynthia.
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Sat 29 Mar 2014 15:20:11 No. 18674492 Report >>18674407 can I have the bagon?
>>18674491 what was your original name before you became cynthia 2.0?
>>18674492 There are various. If there's no number, that means I have plenty
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>>18674492 Whoops, post was cut halfway. Anyways feel free to take one.
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Sat 29 Mar 2014 15:23:27 No. 18674526 Report Quoted By:
>>18674504 ok discing for bagon then, thanks :D
Cynthia [0920-1099-5958]
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>>18674500 It was this. But people were getting confused between the two Cynthias, so I decided to be 2.0
Mateo 4038-6336-4381
>>18674312 can i take a oblivious one? disc is up
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>>18674540 Sure, they're the only ones I have left now. Disc up.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 15:27:10 No. 18674566 Report >>18674407 I just looked through my bank, and found that bagon is the only of yours I have. So I am going to disc for the other 4. Starting with chimchar.
>>18674407 Dratini please, disc is up.
Jonathan 0216-0973-3586
>>18674566 Sent. I think they all have Iron Fist, but if one with Blaze slips up tell me asap
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Sat 29 Mar 2014 15:37:43 No. 18674670 Report Quoted By:
I'm looking for an aerodactyl with tailwind and wideguard, anyone have some to spare?
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 15:39:00 No. 18674684 Report >>18674640 Thanks, dratini is up next.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 15:42:27 No. 18674717 Report Mateo 4038-6336-4381
Alright, here's the deal, this is my first giveaway so be gentle pls. I have been playing Soul Hackers in the meantime, but i wanted to do something little for you guys, give this spiders a home Giving away: Joltik in Poke Ball (x4) Compoundeyes: 4- 5IV (x3) Unnerve: 1 5IV, 2 Pentaperfect disc up if interested
Mateo 4038-6336-4381
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>>18674721 forgot to say, all of them are timid
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 15:47:15 No. 18674763 Report >>18674739 And finally Larvitar. Thanks, again.
>>18673826 I would like a Deerling.
>>18673847 Any whales left?
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>>18674763 No prob. I've got spares of all these mons to repopulate a region.
>>18674721 >Unnerve Discing up for an unnerve Joltik. Thank you!
>>18674777 Nice trips.
And yes. One pentaperfect Oblivious remains.
Although I dunno if that means it has 0 speed or 31.
>>18674799 Cool, Disc is up. Thanks Anon2.0.
Mateo 4038-6336-4381
>>18674791 sent! enjoy your pentaperfect :3
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>>18674721 nobody wants narco pokemons
>>18674777 >>18674822 Okay
Also sent.
Looks like I'm now all out of whales
Mismagius, Rotom anyone??
>>18674908 Put up a disc for a Rotom.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18673847 I had a dream that the thread needed Wailmer last night and I was going to breed Wailmer today. Then you breed Wailmer.
May I have an oblivious one?
>>18674885 Any balltism ideas? I figure I should get everything in before Nintendo closes the gates.
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>>18674920 Thans a lot anon!!
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869 Sat 29 Mar 2014 16:12:46 No. 18674991 Report >>18674968 Dive ball cubchoo
;_; Also, I thought they weren't closing the GTS?
>>18674951 Sure. Day Care man had an egg still, and I haven't taken the mom out of the daycare. I'll hatch you one quick.
>>18674968 Friend Ball or Dusk Ball Treecko
Oh my god I can't even think, I'm excited.
Let me get myself ready for the day, I'll throw more ideas at you soon enough.
>>18674968 Also, do you want shiny balltism or just ones that would suit basic forme most?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18674994 Thank you! I just have to fulfill destiny and get that Wailmer.
>>18674991 Gen 5 GTS is closing unless they changed that. Plus we already have Dive Ball Cubchoo.
>>18675020 Either or I guess.
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869 Sat 29 Mar 2014 16:16:48 No. 18675037 Report >>18675027 Cosmic has dive ball cubchoos, but he refuses to give me one. Do you happen to have one?
FFIXMaster 3239-3558-0868 (Machoke, Sawk, Hariyama) {3962} !PumpkinSiY
FFIXMaster 3239-3558-0868 (Machoke, Sawk, Hariyama) {3962} !PumpkinSiY Sat 29 Mar 2014 16:22:52 No. 18675090 Report Quoted By:
Does anybody have an Avalanche Sneasel? I'm hoping to pass it down to other lines, so Male obviously.
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869 Sat 29 Mar 2014 16:23:19 No. 18675096 Report >>18675042 >implying you didn't refuse
>>18675096 >Implying that I didn't state that I didn't have anymore, yet you still bugged me Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869 Sat 29 Mar 2014 16:27:19 No. 18675128 Report >>18675103 I asked you to breed one for me, because it was in your breedables list. Sorry if I bugged you, but you never gave me a full answer, just "No." and "I won't."
>>18675128 No and I won't are full answers.
>>18675140 >implying that's not a refusal Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869 Sat 29 Mar 2014 16:32:30 No. 18675179 Report Quoted By:
>>18675140 You never explained why you wouldn't breed one for me until today if I recall correctly
>>18675140 Hey breed some up i want cubchoo. i got the teddiursa and pancham
>>18675164 I just found it funny. Not like getting a dive ball HA cubchoo is hard.
>>18675215 No.
Does anyone have any spare clauncher? I have Y and can't get them wild. IGN Haakon.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Hey, guess what. Had to get a trips because someone with the same name started going 'round.
>>18675237 Disc up.
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>>18675228 Well why not its not hard only takes about fifteen minutes
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869 Sat 29 Mar 2014 16:41:17 No. 18675263 Report Quoted By:
>>18675228 I was mainly looking for the egg moves, but why is it even in your breedables list if you're going to refuse to breed them for others?
polite sage Strato !!xBoSR8tz4LN
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>>18675241 happens more often now
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
List: -Safari Ball Trapinch - Quick Attack and Buge Bite -Pentaperfect Bagon (HA) - Dragon Dance -Dratini (HA) - Extremespeed, Iron Tail, Aqua Jet -Friend Ball Larvitar - Stealth Rock, Pursuit, Iron Head, Dragon Dance -Chimchar (HA) Male - Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Encore, Fake out (bread and butter egg move set) 1x female Cyndaquil in Premier Ball with Extrasensory.
>>18675024 >3 batches >all male >4th batch >penta female with oblivious first egg hello where is cynthia
>>18675310 i'm discing up now, can I get a bagon
Opti faggotboy
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Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18675310 ill take the cyndaquil what the info on it disc is up
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>>18675237 Cheers to whoever sent the clauncher
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Anyone got HA Elgyem form e? ;_:
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Giving away pentaperfect Cleffas in Moon Balls, knowing Fake Tears/Wish/Aromatherapy/Misty Terrain. They're Calm, and mostly have Magic Guard (some with Cute Charm tho).
Also giving out any imperfect 5IV Pokémon from this table:
>>18675099 and female 31/x/31/31/31/x Feebas.
>>18675364 I'll take a Cleffa.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18675364 I'd like a cleffa, good sir. Raise ur discs
>>18675350 The cyndaquil is Timid, female, comes in a premier ball. Didn't check IVs.
Opti fangirl
>>18675228 wow you are an asshole
>>18675364 Discing up for a magic guard cleffa!
>>18675393 This just got fun.
>>18675364 Would love a cleffa :) IGN Jordan, discing up, Thanks in advance.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18675388 Sent.
>>18675377 Sent.
>>18675394 Sent, if that's Cynthia.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Mike [2208-6494-8792]
/really/ want a yamask of any kind. i have a shiny level 2 bold sylveon i could trade for it
>>18675364 Disc is up for a Cherubi
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18675404 Please don't feed the troll, he'll eventually grow tired.
>>18675424 Thanks, man!
Guess he didn't want the Cyndaquil. Any takers, then?
>>18675310 I'll take a Chimchar please.
Mike [2208-6494-8792]
>>18675450 id love a cyndaquil
>>18675442 If you give me a couple minutes I can breed you an imperfect one for just a Luvdisc. Just put it on the GTS and I'll send it when it hatches.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18675454 >>18675457 Put up a disc, then.
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>>18675440 Thank you very much :)
>>18675458 Fuck you, I would get a shiny Sylveon if it wasn't for you.
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>>18675364 I'll take one, thanks.
Mike [2208-6494-8792]
>>18675458 omg thank you...he's my fav pokemon and i love you.
Opti Fag
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>>18675424 Thanks for cleffa i go beg for more pokemon and continue to gib my shitty fake iv mon
GUYS GIVEAWAY SOON only five shitty cloned gen legendaries will be given despite the fact that all of you have given more than this
>>18675310 please take my trash
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18675449 Sent.
Also if anyone has hexaperfect males from the Grass or Bug egg groups, I have some German Field and Fairy ones to sned in return.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18675322 I am here, I put a disc up ahead of time. Ouch, that sounds pretty terrible for a 50/50 split ratio. ;_; RNG pls.
Mike [2208-6494-8792]
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>>18675473 ill trade it to you for something. watcha got?
>>18675364 I'll take one Cleffa. Thanks!
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Mike [2208-6494-8792]
Mateo 4038-6336-4381
>>18675489 disc is up for cherubi
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18675489 Disc up for my 6IV Sceptile. Do you want any nickname on him?
>>18675521 I hate to ask but...(also do you have any adamant female Mawiles left?)
>>18675473 >implying Pan didn't just give a bunch away
>>18675492 Sent!
And yeah. The rest of the batch after yours is all male too.
Time to see how far the rabbit hole goes >>18675489 I might have some hexa turtwigs, I'll need to check them though since I never check males. Also they're in illegal nest balls, if you dont want that give me a heads up.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18675526 Sent.
>>18675531 No nickname is fine. You sure you don't want a 6IV Eevee or Cleffa in return?
Giving away 7 Premier Ball Winter Deerling 4 Moon Ball Meditite 4 Love Ball Sneasel 1 Level Ball Kangaskhan 1 Dive Ball HA Cubchoo :^)
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18675546 Nah, I got my shiny Treecko already so it's cool beans.
>>18675551 I likey Winter Deerling. Disc is up.
Mike [2208-6494-8792]
>>18675483 disc up for ma boy yammie
>>18673625 ExtremeSpeed Linoone/Zigzagoon giveaway here, by Linooneologist.
>>18675551 May I have a Sneasel and a Meditite?
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 17:11:39 No. 18675581 Report >>18675546 Disc is up for cleffa. Thanks.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18675557 All right, thanks. Disc is up!
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869 Sat 29 Mar 2014 17:11:48 No. 18675585 Report Quoted By:
>>18675551 could i have the cubchoo?
:^) Jon
Quoted By:
>>18675551 shit ill take the cubchoo disc up XD
>>18675596 First disc's up for meditite then!
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Quoted By:
>>18675581 Sent.
>>18675541 Since I'll be using it as a father, the ball doesn't really matter. I'd appreciate it.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18675582 Sent.
>>18675523 I believe you have been sniped.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Quoted By:
>>18675617 Thanks again!
I realised that Sceptile is actually not in the Grass group, but Monster/Dragon; but that's great too because now I can mass-produce 5IV Feeba, didn't have any 6IV ones in its egg groups before. Anonymous
>>18675647 I realize now Love Ball goes amazingly well with Sneasel's shiny.
Disc up for sneasel now!
Thanks for meditite!
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869 Sat 29 Mar 2014 17:21:23 No. 18675671 Report >>18675551 Okay then, how about you give me a winter deerling! :^D
>inb4 thats not hard to get
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>18675689 thanks for Sneasel
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869 Sat 29 Mar 2014 17:25:35 No. 18675703 Report >>18675681 >tfw cosmic-san-sama-chan will never give me stuff again because i asked him for a cubchoo
>>18675703 You didn't put up a disc for Deerling.
>>18675689 Swiggity swooty
>>18675681 Thanks for kawaii sneasing weasel
>>18675703 >delete your name >ask politely >??? >Profit! MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
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>>18675551 Discing up for Level Ball Kang if you still have one.
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>>18675647 Well fuck soI went ahead and read the entire thread and shit and i, of course, caught the opti geting shitted on again, and the guy begging for cubchoo. i was rused wasnt i bro theres no cubchoo...why would you do this that aint clever...well yeah it was must suck to be the other guy
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869 Sat 29 Mar 2014 17:29:17 No. 18675742 Report Quoted By:
>>18675713 It's up >>18675730 >my IGN is Azure Anonymous
>>18675562 Yamask sent, enjoy.
>>18675473 I couldn't let the kid give up his shiny Sylveon for a shitmon.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18675551 Disc up for Deerling
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
>>18674109 Oh shit Belloblossom is cute.
I'll be around for at least half an hour, I have some random crap left, feel free to disc up for anything that takes your fancy.
Everything here likely has a cataloging name like A15 or some shit, if you want it nicknamed spefic in the post.
Furfrou: random 5IV, Impish, pokeball, 2F/3M
Petilil: random 5IV, Modest, quickball, four chlorophyll
Minccino: random 5IV, Jolly, quickball, skill link HA, one female
Espurr: penta purfect 5IV, Bold, luxuryball, 1M w/ infiltrator, 2F w/ keeneye, 1F leveled up by breeding w/ Own Tempo (HA)
Mawile: random 5IV, Adamant, pokeball, 1M intimidate, 1M hypercutter, 1F intimidate leveled wi/suckerpunch
Dratini: random 5IV, Adamant, loveball, 1M w/ Marvel Scale, 1F w/ Shed Skin, both with egg moves
Lapras: Random 5IV, Sassy, all male, 3 w/ Shell Armor, 1 w/ Water Absorb, all have egg moves.
>>18675743 So noble, sir knight. I hope that at least made you feel good.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18675760 Lapras with Water absorb please
>>18675780 This is the giveaway thread, not the jew people for their shinies thread.
Mike [2208-6494-8792]
>>18675743 thank you so much. been looking for weeks.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18675812 Do you still want the Cyndaquil?
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>>18675797 Look, you won, you saved this kid from making a big mistake. There is nothing more to say
Mike [2208-6494-8792]
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>>18675797 >>18675780 honestly, im not all that into shinies unless i catch them legitimately. i have a shiny level 100 venusaur and a shiny sylveon that i just kind of acquired but im not particularly attached to either. the only shiny ive ever caught myself was my trapinch. it just seems lame to not get it myself. so im willing to let sylveon or venusaur go for a pokemon i like the concept of
Mateo 4038-6336-4381
>>18675537 >>18675537 do you need a reet bag? i have two, i saw you on my acquaintance list
Mike [2208-6494-8792]
Quoted By:
>>18675823 oh sure. disc up.
Quoted By:
>>18675750 Not much, just delaying doing things I need to do including make some proper breakfast.
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
>>18675538 The part I like about it is that I bred Sylveon the day before and got
him penta perfect but couldn't work out how to get hypervoice, so it's a cute charm health tank.
Now with Pan's shiny
boi Sylveon I've got a nuking one too with pixilate. One blue, one pink, Trap Meguca and Meguca's Man respectively.
>>18675793 On it's way. Enjoy.
Quoted By:
>>18675838 Oh haha not anymore! Finally got one a few minutes ago. Thanks though.
Mateo 4038-6336-4381
>>18675537 do you need a reset bag? i have two, i saw you on my acquaintance list
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18675853 Hyper Voice is a Gen V tutor move.
;_; Anonymous
>>18675853 Thanks! Out of curiosity, why is it Sassy? This isn't very good nautre for Lapras, is it?
Any of you know where i can grab perfect dittos to breed?
Quoted By:
>>18675861 >trading reset bags Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
Quoted By:
>>18675872 Yeah, figured it was something like that. Same problem with some of the other eeveelutions but it's not a huge issue as there are other ways to use them.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sat 29 Mar 2014 17:47:23 No. 18675912 Report >>18675364 Any chance I could grab a female Parasect?
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18675912 Paras, you mean? Sure, just put up a disc for it.
>>18675364 Could I get a Mold Breaker Pinsir?
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
Quoted By:
>>18675897 Well, I didn't choose that nature for it personally, it's just a carry on some someone else's breed that I picked up and agree with.
Essentially, it's built as a tank. Shell Armor, tons of health and resistance, dropping speed instead of one of the attack stats means when you hit back with ice shard or hydropump you still pack a punch no matter which stat you use.
It's something I've not tried, but liked the idea of. So I didn't fuck with it.
>>18675573 I just now saw this advertisement. You're top-tier awesome, Cynthia.
Does anyone have a spare Cyndaquil? IGN is Robert, Luvdisc is up on GTS. Thanks a bunch!
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18675941 Sent!
Still in search of 6IV males of the Grass and Bug egg groups myself, offering 6IV Eevees and Cleffas.
Quoted By:
>>18675963 stop pls,
you're not fucking here ;^) Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
>>18675364 oh I missed this while settling in. I hope you don't mind me discing up for a Cleffa, she's a qt pie and will add to my collection of cute mons to finish leveling for comp play.
Putting a disc up.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sat 29 Mar 2014 17:55:35 No. 18675991 Report >>18675926 Cheers, my disc is up.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18675980 I have one in Premier Ball. Sending.
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
>>18675983 I have a 6IV, Hex perfect shiny snivy from a giveaway, but I can only lend him you, I'd want him back. If you only need him for some kind of project I don't mind lending him though.
>>18675364 could I have a female cliffs please? disk going up, and thank you
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>reddit giveaway clogging up the GTS Absolutely disgusting.
>>18675987 Sent.
>>18675991 Sent.
>>18676011 Sending. Only two females left now, though.
>>18676010 I'm looking for one to use for a variety of projects, so I'd like to trade one permanently. Thanks for the offer, though.
Mike [2208-6494-8792]
>>18676002 um/. i put a disc up for that awhile ago.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sat 29 Mar 2014 18:03:27 No. 18676068 Report Quoted By:
>>18675424 Fwah! I totally forgot to say, thank you Adalwolf.
Bacooooooooooooooooon is frying and my apartment smells so good. Let me look among my turtwigs for you, just a sec
>>18675963 No problem! You're doing good stuff, I don't mind spreading the word.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18676058 Sent. (I was talking about another one, I had you I mind already)
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
Quoted By:
>>18676043 Thanks for that.
I'll look around but I think the only sort of spare 6IV I've got is a eevee who hatched after I finished my eevee projects, but it won't fit your criteria.
I like Snivy too much to part with him forever. Never evolving.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18676069 All right, thanks.
Captcha: protein nlessn
Mike [2208-6494-8792]
Quoted By:
>>18676070 oh okay. thanks friend
can anyone tell me the current giveaways I love free stuff
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18675898 Try looking out for shone dittos without the pentagon on the GTS.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 18:18:19 No. 18676193 Report >>18676148 -Tauros- pokeball, Adamant, no egg moves.
Sheer force. 4-5 random ivs.
Intimidate. 1 hexaperf.
-Gligar- pokeball, Impish, no egg
All 3 abilities, females are immunity
3-5 random ivs.
-Zubat- luxury ball, jolly
brave bird, defog, zen headbutt
male and females, both abilities
4-5 random ivs.
-Venonat- net ball, timid
disable, foresight, baton pass
tinted lens, or compound eyes
male and female
4-5 random ivs.
-Charmander- pokeball, timid
dragon pulse
all male, 4 iv. 1 penta.
-Froakie- luxury ball, timid
toxic spikes
male, pentaperf.
>>18676193 Can I have Hexaperf Tauros please?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 18:21:48 No. 18676217 Report >>18676209 Put a disc on gts and tell me your ign.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18676216 Would like a fur tank. Discing up.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 18:23:38 No. 18676234 Report >>18676216 I believe I need a female furfrou with a sassy name.
>>18676217 Serena. Disc is up in a minute, I run out of those.
>>18676180 Mind explaining that to an idiot like myself
>>18676237 Disc is up. Sorry you had to wait.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18676234 Shaniqua it is.
>>18676224 Sent.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Quoted By:
>>18676216 Disc is up for a male Trapinch.
>running out of of Love Ball Luvdiscs Gotta breed another stock tomorrow.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 29 Mar 2014 18:26:07 No. 18676251 Report Quoted By:
>>18675364 if this is still going on ill put a disc up for a cleffa, thanks in advance!
>>18676122 ;_;
I didn't end up having any hexa males out of a box and a half of leftovers. Sorry Adalwolf
More pentas than I would've thought though, but not as good for breeding.
Good luck with finding a hexa male grass and bug group mon!
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 18:28:09 No. 18676269 Report Quoted By:
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Quoted By:
>>18676253 Oh well; I appreciate the sentiment, thanks for checking them all.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18676240 Look for a ditto levels 1-10 or 91-100.
If you're lucky they'll ask you for shitmons (last day a guy I know traded a Simisear for a 6Iv ditto).
If it has pentagon don't take.
They'll ask for legendaries for levels 91-100, but they might be of the sort of Groudon and Tornadus that a man with enough resources can get.
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
Quoted By:
>>18676216 Discing up for Trapinch
Quoted By:
>>18676216 >tfw people rarely ever one your furfrou Still, those are some nice Furfrou, I'm glad people are taking a interest in him. I've had a surprisingly amount of success using him as a physical tank. Catches a lot of people by surprise just how tanky he is.
>>18676216 >tfw people rarely ever one your furfrou Still, those are some nice Furfrou, I'm glad people are taking a interest in him. I've had a surprisingly amount of success using him as a physical tank. Catches a lot of people by surprise just how tanky he is.
Quoted By:
>>18676216 Putting up a disc for minccino.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18676302 Yeah, I love Furfrou, does very well against offensive teams.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 18:36:23 No. 18676330 Report Quoted By:
>>18676244 Purfect. Thank you!
Quoted By:
>>18676216 could I have a female trapinch please disk going up
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 29 Mar 2014 18:37:36 No. 18676339 Report Hello again, just gonna leave this here, pls take them 1 3 iv modest download porygon 6 5 iv modest trace porygon 7 4-5 adamant clear body beldum 9 4-5 iv adamant ralts (mean look/shadow sneak/destiny bond/confuse ray) 3 5 iv modest gastly 2 5 iv timid blaze charmander 9 4-5 iv adamant speed boost torchic 5 4 iv adamant growlithe (double edge/flare blitz/close combat/morning sun)(1 intimidate/4 flash fire) 13 4-5 iv modest feebas (hypnosis/mirror coat/dragon pulse/captivate) 15 4-5 iv adamant mudkip 13 4-5 iv impish immunity gligar 3 4 iv modest squirtle (dragon pulse/aura sphere) 1 4 iv adamant blaze charmander (flare blitz/outrage/d dance/dragon pulse) 3 4 iv timid natural cure staryu 12 5 iv jolly skill link minccino 1 5 iv adamant speed boost carvanha (destiny bond/hydro pump)(female) 5 5 iv adamant rock head aron (head smash) 5 4-5 iv adamant huge power marill (superpower/belly drum/aqua jet/perish song) 9 4-5 iv jolly skill link shellder (icicle spear/rock blast/aqua ring)
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Quoted By:
>>18676319 Thank you!
Now off to eat dinner. Might resume my giveaways tomorrow.
>>18676339 I would like Ralts, please.
Silver (3325-1422-1269)
>>18676216 Disc up for a female Minccino thanks.
>>18676275 why not take the pentagon ones because they ask for legends? what resources dont mind being of one of mine
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
What are good egg moves and nature for a Tentacool?
>>18676382 Because pentagon ones won't have 6 IVs. Just trust us.
Quoted By:
>>18673794 Holy shit is that a Krystal burger in his other hand?!?!
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18676382 The pentagon means they are from Kalos, meaning the chances of them actually having 6IVs are next to 0.
To get legendaries on the GTS powerelevel a rare mon to level 85 or higher, and ask for a low tier legend like Uxie. Then go up.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18676381 I don't have female Skill Link. I have female Technician but that's about it. I do have a hexaperfect male with Skill Link if that tickles your dick.
>>18676404 that defiantly tickles mine
Silver (3325-1422-1269)
>>18676404 I'll take the male one then. Re-disced.
Vinhaes 3325-3448-7757
>>18676339 Can i have this adamant charmander?
Quoted By:
>>18676397 >>18676403 alright thanks onemore thing though is it even possible to look up the pokemons summary to see if its kalos or not on gts the nature etc
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot:
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot: Sat 29 Mar 2014 18:50:50 No. 18676433 Report anyone got some fossil poke's in not regular pokeballs? specifically looking for omanyte's in a dream ball
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>18676420 Cool. Sent.
>>18676419 Don't worry, I have one that I can clone you. I'll do it when I get back from Culver's.
Also, I'm going to Culver's for lunch. So be back in a bit.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 29 Mar 2014 18:53:50 No. 18676445 Report Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18676433 I have a dream ball Anorith female. It has 4 IVs but sadly came with 0 attack IVs. If you still want it, it's better for me than to WT it away.
>>18676339 Missed you yesterday michelle. Don't suppose you'd be willing to let me disc up for marill then aquaintance trading for shellder, aron, minccino, and squirtle?
>>18676449 could you breed one, I'd be interested in one as well I've don't matter
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18676460 I'll try to breed a bunch today, hopefully more than 1 will come out better than this one.
Leave me an IGN so I can know who to trade later.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 29 Mar 2014 18:58:54 No. 18676486 Report >>18676459 hey brent whats up? and sure, send the trade request, i sent the marill now
Quoted By:
>>18676477 disk is up just get at me whenever, and thank you
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
>>18676433 I have a spare Female Dream Ball Omanyte you can have. It doesn't have its HA though.
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot:
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot: Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:00:17 No. 18676499 Report >>18676477 Ho man I'd love it!
do you want me to put up a disc?
It'd be a shame if it got sniped..
and possibly battle for the hell of it brent
Quoted By:
>>18676486 All right, I have some okay leftovers to trade myself
Linooneologist (IGN:Zoelle)
Quoted By:
>>18676339 I'd like one of those Minccino, please. Disc is up.
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot:
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot: Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:01:21 No. 18676515 Report >>18676494 All of my want!
dont care much bout the HA tbh
do you want me to add you/shoot up a disc?
sorry for the double post btw
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18676499 Throw up a disc for an Anorith then.
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
>>18676515 Just put up a disc for it.
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot:
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot: Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:03:37 No. 18676531 Report Quoted By:
>>18676523 >>18676526 got it, fishing for some luv right now
tyvm guys, you just made my day
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot:
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot: Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:09:16 No. 18676574 Report Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:09:24 No. 18676576 Report Quoted By:
>>18676566 no problem, enjoy!
Yoo does anybody have any foreign (not US) male pokemon in the Amorphous egg group with some decent IVs (preferably without any in attack)?
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
>>18676574 Sent. Comes also with EMs Cross Poison, Knock Off, Aqua Jet and Curse.
Quoted By:
>>18676578 ME i have a 6ivs ditto (:
Any Larvitar bros out there been looking for one forever
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
>>18676609 I do have Friend Ball Larvitars with SRs, Pursuit, Iron Head and DD. Disc up.
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot:
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot: Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:15:23 No. 18676636 Report >>18676526 >>18676523 Got the Anorith thanks again!
Shot up the disc for the Omanyte
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot:
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot: Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:20:08 No. 18676681 Report Quoted By:
>>18676660 you're a saint, ive been trying to get that dream ball omanyte for weeks now
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:26:10 No. 18676736 Report Hi everybody, I have some leftovers to spare: 4-5IV gible jolly both habilities 4-5IV Espurr bold any hability, a couple of pentaperfect females 4-5IV Larvitar Brave 4-5IV fungus bold effect spore 4-5IV riolu timid 4-5IV rottom bold If anyone have an areodactyl with tailwind and wideguard please let me know :D
Good morning everybody.
>>18676736 Do the Riolu have egg moves?
>>18676736 Could I get a rotom? Disc is up
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:29:45 No. 18676770 Report Sup bitches.
>>18676767 Disc isn't up yet, sorry. I hit wonder trade by accident
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:31:29 No. 18676795 Report Quoted By:
>>18676770 I have not seen you on here in a while.
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:32:46 No. 18676806 Report >>18676757 didn't have any
Quoted By:
>>18676778 Now the disc is up
Quoted By:
>>18676806 Dang, it's impossible to find a vacuum wave riolu.
>>18676770 Hi bob.
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:35:35 No. 18676837 Report Quoted By:
Yeah i've been trying to revive my failed university careers in its final few breaths but i dont think its happening. Also, been playing showdown randoms a bit, aiming for that 1500+
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
4x Dream Ball HA Spiritomb (Adamant w/ Shadow Sneak and Pain Split) 3x Premier Ball HA Swirlix (Adamant w/ Belly Drum) 2x Dream Ball HA Eevee (Impish w/ Wish and Synchronoise) 1x Dive Ball East Sea Shellos (Relaxed w/ Mirror Coat, Fissure, Yawn, Counter) 1x Dream Ball HA Murkrow (Adamant w/ Brave Bird, Perish Song, Psycho Shift, Whirlwind) All female and up for grabs.
Quoted By:
>>18676858 Discing up for female Spiritomb
Have these up for grabs:
5 HA Premier Ball Minccino
5 Moon Ball Mareep
Disc up, reply if interested.
>>18676858 I'll Disc up for Spiritomb.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:41:32 No. 18676890 Report Quoted By:
>>18676858 Swirlix, thank you! Disc is up.
Larallax 4313-1702-9783 (Sandile, Vullaby, Absol)
Larallax 4313-1702-9783 (Sandile, Vullaby, Absol) Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:41:56 No. 18676893 Report >>18676858 I can give you a breeding leftover 4-5IV Skarmory with Bravebird and Stealth rock for a Swirlix.
I'd prefer to get a male swirlix but its not a big deal.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:42:07 No. 18676895 Report >>18676858 Can I take the murkrow please
>>18676736 Ill grab a gible and larvitar if is cool
disc up for gible ign jonathan
Quoted By:
>>18676882 Save me one of those Mareeps, I need to grab a Spiritomb from MGE first. Thanks in advance
Quoted By:
>>18676858 disc is up for swirlix
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
Quoted By:
>>18676858 Discing up for Spiritomb
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
>>18676893 This is a giveaway m80.
>>18676895 Disc up.
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:48:30 No. 18676983 Report Jun
>>18676882 Discing up for Mareep.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:49:14 No. 18676999 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
I'm after Frillish, Porygon 2 and a harvest Phamtumb. Anyone have a spare of one of them?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Luxury Ball Noibat (Tailwind/Switcheroo) Safari Ball Scyther (Defog/Counter/Whatever) Moon Ball Ponyta (Morning Sun/Low Kick/Hypnosis/Horn Drill) x2 Shell Armor Turtwig (Wide Guard/Seed Bomb/Stockpile/SuperPower) x6 Magician Repeat Ball Fennekin (Hypnosis/Wish/HeatWave/Magic Coat) All female except for Turtwig. If I don't have a number in front of the Pokemon, it means I have too many of them.
Quoted By:
>>18676858 Disc up for female Eevee please. Thanks!
>>18676990 Mareep incoming.
>>18676983 D you know the stats on the Gible saw it was unmarked if you dont mind and thanks
Quoted By:
>>18677017 could I get a scyther? Disc is up
Quoted By:
>>18676893 shit ill take the skarmory if he doesnt want it ill xisc up and put your name on the desc
Quoted By:
>>18676858 Disc up for Shellos!
Quoted By:
>>18676339 Could I get one of the trace Porygons please?
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Sat 29 Mar 2014 20:00:33 No. 18677109 Report >>18677068 It was for a breeding project should be 4-5IV didn't know wich ones are the IV, not pentaperfect for sure
Quoted By:
>>18676893 Can I get that Skarmory? Will Luvdisc be sufficient or do you want something useful?
>>18676858 You have one Spiritomb right ? I'll take.
Quoted By:
LF> Rain disc tentacool timid any ivs disc up
Alex 3711-8008-8981
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
>>18677114 I've got one left.
Quoted By:
>>18677109 ahh i see well thanks for the mon illgo check it out been waning to get a shiy garchomp but anways thanks a lot
>>18677017 Disc up for ponyta
IGN: Lep
>>18677138 If it's any old Taillow you want, they appear in hordes on route 8 on the mountain bit.
Quoted By:
>>18677144 Disc went up, thanks.
Quoted By:
>>18677017 Disc up for Ponyta. Thanks!
Alex 3711-8008-8981
>>18677167 Damn dude, I've never seen one, thanks for he help.
>>18677034 Disc up for Mareep
Vinhaes 3325-3448-7757
>>18676445 Disc up for that charmander adamant.
Quoted By:
>>18677190 theyre very rare tho took me a long time to find them
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 [Fire] (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 [Fire] (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Sat 29 Mar 2014 20:35:53 No. 18677488 Report >>18677315 Are any of the Mareeps female?
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sat 29 Mar 2014 20:57:50 No. 18677783 Report >>18676339 Mind if I take a 5IV speed adamant speed boost torchic?
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 29 Mar 2014 21:02:21 No. 18677847 Report >>18677302 >>18677783 i havent seen wither of your discs, are they getting sniped or am i just slow
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 [Fire] (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 [Fire] (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Sat 29 Mar 2014 21:04:31 No. 18677878 Report Quoted By:
>>18677556 Are you still there? If so I'll disc.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 29 Mar 2014 21:04:33 No. 18677879 Report >>18677783 nevermind, i saw it. sent!
Quoted By:
anyone got tentacool with rain disc? been looking for one of these for a while
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sat 29 Mar 2014 21:07:18 No. 18677907 Report Quoted By:
>>18677879 Thank you! I got it!
Vinhaes 3325-3448-7757
Quoted By:
>>18677847 Someone sent me a charmander, but not adamant.
I'll disc up again
Hello. What did I miss in the last three days?
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Going out of my mind hatching dratinis. Take some dratinis. they're all 5 ivs, dream ball, marvel scale, adamant, with 4 egg moves put something up and tell me. also tell me which gender you want, thanks
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
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>>18677963 ah yes, my classic move, "Posting After the Bump Limit Without Realizing"
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Sat 29 Mar 2014 21:13:50 No. 18677989 Report >>18677918 an awesome party with clowns and ballons, also some furry action
>>18677963 would love one throwing up a disk, female please
>>18677918 This Opti guy getting shitted on for his jewness which really it may be true but were all at fault, an infamous known anon that convinced i believe ramona or cynthia to breed wailmers which will be awesome and not much
where wer you
>>18677963 I'll take one. A female would be nice for possible rebreeding. Thanks.
rory 5429 8352 8790 (Oddish, Quilladin, Sawsbuck)
rory 5429 8352 8790 (Oddish, Quilladin, Sawsbuck) Sat 29 Mar 2014 21:16:40 No. 18678025 Report >>18676339 I'd love a Porygon with trace if they're still going!
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 [Fire] (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 [Fire] (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Sat 29 Mar 2014 21:17:51 No. 18678041 Report >>18677963 Discing for female
>>18677963 Ill take a male please ign Jon
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869
Azure [tangela, maractus, sawsbuck] 3609-1230-2869 Sat 29 Mar 2014 21:18:26 No. 18678052 Report Quoted By:
>>18678001 It's Cynthia. She gave me one and i'm currently breeding for my own penta
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>>18677970 Good.
I didn't miss you either. >>18677989 >furry action Ewwwww.
>>18678001 Tied to the bed, mostly.
Someone make a new thread, I have two boxes of stuff to give away
>implying anybody wants it. Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 29 Mar 2014 21:26:17 No. 18678118 Report Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18677994 >>18678013 >>18678042 Traded! Enjoy
>>18678041 Don't see you. Were you sniped?
rory 5429 8352 8790 (Oddish, Quilladin, Sawsbuck)
rory 5429 8352 8790 (Oddish, Quilladin, Sawsbuck) Sat 29 Mar 2014 21:27:17 No. 18678127 Report Quoted By:
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 [Fire] (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 [Fire] (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetales) Sat 29 Mar 2014 21:29:19 No. 18678148 Report Quoted By:
>>18678125 Got sniped, but you're on my friend list so I can trade that way if it's easier.
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someone please make a new thread
>giving away a box of protean timid froakies 7- 2 iv males 10-3 iv males 4- 4 iv males 2- 3 iv females 1- 2 iv females
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 21:59:38 No. 18678488 Report >>18678409 I have male pentaperfs in luxury balls with toxic spikes available, if you want. I have been releasing froakies all day.
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Fucking lol, I posted the new thread in a existing thread.
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Sat 29 Mar 2014 22:03:37 No. 18678528 Report >>18678488 can I have a pentaperfect froakie? :D
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>>18678542 >>18678542 >>18678542 New thread, did it right this time.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sat 29 Mar 2014 22:05:50 No. 18678559 Report Quoted By:
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Sat 29 Mar 2014 22:06:32 No. 18678561 Report Quoted By:
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>>18678488 i got mine, but thanks.
wanted to give away something.
ill try to make a rain dish tentacool with rapid spin giveaway soon enough.
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Trey is my IGN and I'm looking for a turtwig.