>>18686687Looking back on it, your roll don't make any sense.
>>18684383Roll for starter, picks Chikorita. All good so far.
>>18684399First real roll for Happenings. Get Forest with a 993 roll.
>>18684410You roll a 014 on forest. 14+5<300. Your Chikorita should have fainted, and you should have lost, but instead you got a Celebi somehow?
>>18684426This next roll you say you got Forest again without rolling for Happenings? Okay, that's odd. Also, somehow your dead Chikorita and non-existant Celebi just gained some levels from what I can only assume is a mysterious and illusive God.
>>18684520Your dead LVL 5 Chikorita and non-existent Celebi gain some more levels from "Forest again", which you never rolled to get.
tl;dr None of your rolls make sense.
Basically Make sure you read the whole infographic and understand what "flipping your rolls" means. Also, after you get your starter, you should be rolling for "happenings" to see what square you then go to based off the post# of this happenings post. If you got sent to the Cave/Ocean/Forest/Ruin/Gym/TR/Egg/WP square, then you roll again and based off that post's number, you will see how your did/what you got. Otherwise, if you rolled happenings and got sent to the Battle/Trade/Rare Candy/Shiny/Faint/PokeCenter, proceed to do whatever the square says and roll happenings again on the next post. It's all pretty straight forward, and don't forget to flip your roll.