>Pansage BW-P 14 goes for 17 bucks on TnT.>Pidove BW-P 15 goes for 18 bucks on TnT.>Axew BW-P 16 goes for 40 bucks on TnT.>mfw I missed out on making some cash.Goddamn it, I should've bought those blisters when I had the chance.
>Error print Dark Persian promos go for 150 bucks or more on eBay.Well... At least that makes up for it.
>>18721634They were probably going to be those Plasma Skarmory, Plasma Bouffalant, Scraggy, and/or Tympole promos we never got.
>>18725769>The prices for the non-playable Promos usually aren't bad, but the 3-pack blister Promos from Plasma Storm and onwards are fucking expensive since they are not available in North America, which resulted in Plasma Landorus and the Mew being "LOL $20+">Plasma LandorusPlasma Landorus is currently going for 35 bucks on TnT and up to 40 bucks elsewhere thanks to it being a decent tech in Plasma decks.
>MewEh... TnT has that card going for 9 bucks, but they're sold out.
Ebay's another can of worms, though. Most of the sellers have it going for 25-30 bucks.
And that's for the English AND Japanese versions!>>18727194>I mean I'm not terribly disappointed about this, but my Pokemon league is in a McDonalds as is so this would have been kinda coolSeconded, but replace "in" with "nearby a" for me. But after checking out the scans for both 2013 and 2014 McDonalds sets I'm not surprised why we're skipping them, they're mostly reprints.
>>18727246Nowhere, I can't find anything going on here in Cali right now...
But then again, we had our States a few weeks ago.