>>18687363This spread should be your goal (assuming perfect IVs everywhere, but don't panic yet):
252 HP / 172 Def / 68 SpA /16 Spe (Bold)
31 IV in SpA + 68 EVs is necessary to KO M-Pinsir with Thunderbolt (don't use Discharge, you need to kill that thing).
31 IV in Spe + 16 EVs lets you outspeed neutral-natured base 70s like Adamant Bisharp and lets you kill it with Heat Wave. Of course, you won't have access to Heat Wave, but Thunderbolt hits hard enough.
The rest is pretty much physical bulk. Aim for HP, Def and SpA. You might need to sacrifice some Def EVs in order to pump Speed a little.
Why aren't you using Pokegen?