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Fakemon Draw Thread/General #013: Unlucky Number Edition

!IpqAZPNI3Y No.18691461 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Previous Thread >>18655632

Welcome to the 13th Fakemon Draw Thread/General!

Post your ideas for Fakemon, and artists can draw them for you!
Post your own Fakemon, and have them rated!
Post other Fakemon you like/dislike!


Fakemon of the Thread:
Tiglow (by FakeMaker)

Challenge of the Thread:
Make a non-edgy Dark or Ghost type.
>HARDMODE: Non-edgy dual Dark/Ghost type
*Alternate Challenge*:
Make a mascot for the soon-to-be-made deviantART archives.
>HARDMODE: Make it a Pika-clone.

Archives (WIP, currently on hault)
If you are a regular artist, please give me your email so I can add you to the Dropbox so you can add your art! It's hard for me to do it all by myself.
We have discussed making a deviantART account. I will make it and distribute the password to regular artists, like Nutz, Boltz, Blackmore, etc.

FAQ [Updated 3/15/14]
>How does Fakemon of the Thread work?
-Vote for a Fakemon you like! Just reply with something along the lines of "This should be Fakemon of the Thread".
-The Fakemon with the most votes is the winner!
-If there is a tie, or no votes at all, the winner is picked by the OP.
>How does the "Challenge of the Thread" work?
A new challenge is made every thread. Anons can then attempt the challenge. Simple.
>Can I post fakemon that aren't mine?
Yes. Just don't claim it as your own.
>Can I post fakemon with fan-made types?
>So does this count as a Fakemon general?
Yes, it is now also a Fakemon general.
>Rule 34?
>Sage/PokeAus fakemon/rejects?
Sure, just give credit.

I, the OP, will be taking requests and posting my own art too.

Let's get drawing, creating, and sharing!