Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18728078 (\/)(O,,,O)(\/) Anonymous
>>18728078 looking for heavy ball snorlax ;^)
Just saw a Pretty cool infestation set for M-Banette, I know what I'll be breeding.
>>18728156 heavy ball snorlax? BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Thu 03 Apr 2014 04:49:33 No. 18728214 Report Quoted By:
Just a couple of Deoxys Defence left. Anyone?
Pat 2509 1027 7162
Quoted By:
>>18728078 Disc up for Tirtouga.
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
Andy if you are here its 4 Ivs and modest. That cool?
Quoted By:
what happened to Lucas?
^-^ (''\ (~_-) /'') )( )( ((...) (...)) Heavy ball
IGN: Andy
>>18728227 Yep, send it on over. Appreciate it dude.
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
Giving away:
Moon ball, timid, Venonats with morning sun, giga drain, toxic spikes and baton pass
Dive ball, modest Skrelps with venom drench, toxic spikes, haze and acid armor
Repeat and quick ball, jolly, Buizels with me first, baton pass, aqua tail and switcheroo
Both genders available.
Older leftovers here: IGN: Andy
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (
BOB 3840-7245-3573 ( Thu 03 Apr 2014 04:53:19 No. 18728260 Report >>18728236 Dafuq is that supposed to be?
Okay, so if no ones wanting these last Dexoies im going to bed. Night guys
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 03 Apr 2014 04:54:34 No. 18728274 Report Hello again, ill just leave this here, pls take them 5 4 iv adamant clear body beldum 6 4-5 iv adamant ralts (mean look/shadow sneak/destiny bond/confuse ray)(males only) 2 5 iv modest gastly (males) 1 5 iv timid blaze charmander (males) 8 4 iv adamant speed boost torchic (all male) 4 4 iv adamant growlithe (double edge/flare blitz/close combat/morning sun)(all flash fire)(2m/2f) 11 4-5 iv modest feebas (hypnosis/mirror coat/dragon pulse/captivate)(7m/5f)(all oblivious) 14 4-5 iv adamant mudkip (all male) 12 4-5 iv impish immunity gligar (8m/5f)(1 jap male 5 ivs) 1 4 iv adamant blaze charmander (flare blitz/outrage/d dance/dragon pulse)(male) 9 5 iv jolly skill link minccino (3m/6f) 1 5 iv adamant speed boost carvanha (destiny bond/hydro pump)(female) 3 4 iv adamant huge power marill (superpower/belly drum/aqua jet/perish song)(2m/1f) 5 4-5 iv jolly skill link shellder (icicle spear/rock blast/aqua ring)(2m/3f) 5 5 iv mold breaker drilbur (all male) 6 4-5 iv calm rotom 5 4-5 iv adamant moxie heracross (rock blast/megahorn) (1m (4iv)/4f) 4 4-5 iv adamant guts heracross (rock blast/megahorn)(all female) 13 4-5 iv adamant scrappy kangaskhan (double edge/hammer arm/counter/disable) 8 4-5 iv timid moody snorunt (weather ball/spikes) (all female) 6 4-5 iv timid hustle nidoran male (counter/iron tail/takedown) 6 5 iv timid hustle nidoran female (same as above) pls be as specific as possible with what you want, if not ill send whichever one is first
Neu 2981-5435-7005 (Pigey, Woobat, Tropius)
Neu 2981-5435-7005 (Pigey, Woobat, Tropius) Thu 03 Apr 2014 04:54:56 No. 18728278 Report Quoted By:
>>18728260 I'd like a Deoxisisisisis.
IGN: Andy
Quoted By:
>>18728260 Night dude, thanks for the Deoxy's earlier.
>>18728115 Were you the one breeding Treeckos yesterday?
Quoted By:
....^-^.... ("\(-_-)/") .)(......)(. ((...) (...)) Heavy Ball Snorlax
Have these up for grabs: 9 HA Luxury Ball Gothita 12 Timer Ball Larvesta Disc up and reply if interested.
Sapphiriel (1478-4244-1438)
>>18728274 ive been meaning to get to you
>>18728288 Yes and I still have a ton of them if you want some.
>>18728312 Discing up then, thanks
Quoted By:
>>18728255 ill take a venonat female ign jon
>>18728274 can I have a beldum? disc up
>>18728260 thanks for the deoxys bud
Quoted By:
>>18728255 Disc up for Venonat
>>18728328 Want a female or just an unburden male? I have both types.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:00:58 No. 18728356 Report Quoted By:
>>18728308 take all that you need lol
>>18728333 sent!
Bert 4699-7206-7551 Espurr/Drowzee/Duosion
Bert 4699-7206-7551 Espurr/Drowzee/Duosion Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:01:01 No. 18728357 Report Quoted By:
looking for a chlorophyll bulbasaur with giga drain if anyone has an extra
>>18728346 Any with unburden will be fine.
>>18728307 Discing for Gothita in a bit.
Sapphiriel (1478-4244-1438)
>>18728274 Crap i didnt even finish typing what i wanted, anyways I would like
A 5iv female feebas
A 5iv female shellder
A carvanha
and a male minccino please
would you like to disc for each or disc for disc then trade?
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>18728255 The venonats are females? If so disc is up
IGN: Andy
Quoted By:
>>18728274 I'll be getting one of everything I don't have a dex entry for, so dont worry about IV or anything for me.
I'll start with Growlithe, disc is up
Igor 3325-3448-7757
>>18728346 May I have one of those Treeckos too?
Quoted By:
>>18728255 Skrelp, please. IGN is Artalias, Disc is up. Thanks in advance!
>>18728146 >>18728193 Fuck you faggot, stop copying me.
:^) Aegis
>>18728374 yeah otherwise
pic related happens
Igor 3325-3448-7757
>>18728388 disc is up hahah
ign Igor
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:06:06 No. 18728413 Report >>18728361 yea that would be great, let me know which one you disc up for first
IGN: Andy
Quoted By:
>>18728274 disc up for feebas
Igor 3325-3448-7757
Sapphiriel (1478-4244-1438)
Quoted By:
>>18728413 Alright, ill start with what i requested first (the feebas) then work my way down, gonna disc up now
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:09:17 No. 18728446 Report >>18728274 5Iv Kanga pls. I'd love to be lazy and just EV train/level it for the april friendly.
Discing up
IGN: Andy
>>18728274 disc up for minccino
Quoted By:
>>18728255 Thank you for the Venonat Katherine. Much appreciated
Sapphiriel (1478-4244-1438)
>>18728413 Thank you very much Michelle, i appreciate it
>>18728274 are you still there? can i get one of those male ralts?
IGN: Andy
>>18728274 disc up for Drilbur
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:20:30 No. 18728543 Report Quoted By:
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:22:00 No. 18728565 Report >>18728511 im here, disc up friend
>>18728529 sent
IGN: Andy
Quoted By:
>>18728274 disc up for Heracross
>>18728565 will do. give me about three minutes. have one already caught with a heart scale
>>18728255 Throwing a disc up for a Venonat female please.
>>18728274 What ball are the heracross in?
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:26:59 No. 18728606 Report Quoted By:
>>18728590 theyre in regular pokeballs
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
Please take them. I still have so many riolu. Disc up if you want something. 5IV doesn't necessarily mean it's pentaperfect, and most aren't marked. I won't check IVs on them but if you get something really shit for some reason I'll send you another.
IGN: Andy
Quoted By:
>>18728274 disc up for Snorunt
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:29:36 No. 18728622 Report >>18728608 disc going up for the chansey, thanks in advance!
Igor 3325-3448-7757
>>18728608 Disc is up for one eevee
I just want the hint, where the fuck should I look for a ditto with a few IV maximized? Go to the pokemon village and spend my live capturing them?
>>18728608 I'll grab a Chansey.
Pat 2509 1027 7162
>>18728608 Disc up for Koffing.
>>18728608 Disc up for Chansey
Thank you
Igor 3325-3448-7757
IGN: Andy
Quoted By:
>>18728274 That's all, thanks bundle, you saved me a lot of time.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18728629 Look in the friend safari threads for someone with a ditto safari. Pokemon in FS are guaranteed two perfect IVs.
Alternatively can chain for ditto with the pokeradar in the village. The higher your chain, the higher chance you'll have of getting perfect IVs. So I've heard anyway.
>>18728622 Sent!
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18728608 Guess i disc up for Male Scraggy if you don't mind
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18728622 Sorry, I actually got Yukari's disc and not yours. Is yours up?
>>18728634 >>18728627 >>18728636 >>18728635 Sent!
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:35:42 No. 18728677 Report >>18728648 just put the disc up now.
Igor 3325-3448-7757
Sapphiriel (1478-4244-1438)
>>18728608 Hi Ramona, imma disc up for that chansey
Thinking about a mono bug playthrough. Looking for suggestions for a team.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Okay guys i will stay 1 hour giving away this lefties ALL FEMALES quote and disc up. You guys can ask for all the mons in the list if you want there is no limit
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
I also have:
x1 Female Nest Ball HA Eevee w/Wish
And only two chansey left.
>>18728677 Ok, got it for real this time.
>>18728665 Also sent!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18728690 Sent!
Your shoutout says you like girls? Well she's a big one, treat her right. Ace 0619 4400 4739
Quoted By:
Anyone have a field group with 31/x/30/31/31/31? I thought I could settle for my Eevee with 31/10/10/31/31/31 for HP ice but I can't. Up for trade; Net ball Gligar, Zubat with egg moves, totodile with egg moves, quick ball eevee, HP ice Eevee, 5iv TS froakie.
Sapphiriel (1478-4244-1438)
>>18728727 Thank you
I feel like im being called out on it now I think i should change that But yeah ill treat her real good
IGN: Andy
Trying to get all of the starters, IV's and natures don't matter to me. Let me know if you have one you're willing to give me and I'll throw a disc up for it. Here's what I need: Chikorita Cyndaquil Totodile Turtwig Chimchar Piplup Snivy Tepig
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:41:38 No. 18728739 Report >>18728722 >>18728697 I got good IV premier icy snow vivillions
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18728705 Discing for roselia.
I just cleaned out my in-game boxes and have about a box and a half of luvdiscs, gotta get rid of these fish.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:42:03 No. 18728744 Report Quoted By:
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:42:43 No. 18728752 Report >>18728608 Male scrafty would be awesome.
Discing up.
Quoted By:
>>18728739 My balltism says yes please.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18728737 haha, just poking some fun atcha. >>18728738 I think I have some extra starters in bank, give me a few minutes to grab them.
Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
>>18728739 Hi pan! What's up? Who provided the vivillon?
Also... Hi again everybody
Dan 2621-2626-1610
Quoted By:
I'm still looking for any nice guy/gal with a spare set of leftovers (the hold item not breeding leftovers). Anybody? Also I have Unburden Treeckos that I bred from one I got in yesterday's thread. I might have damp Mudkips tomorrow, but for today, just Treeckos. Two females, the rest male, 3-5 iv's, not all of them are checked.
IGN: Andy
>>18728761 Alright, thanks in advance.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18728752 Change your disc to scraggy and not scrafty if that still works! They're just babbies
>>18728705 Disc up for Skiddo
Thanks dude
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:45:09 No. 18728778 Report Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18728743 Sent sadly is Poison Point but i hope you can work with that :c
>>18728705 Discing for a Skiddo
>>18728739 Putting up a disc for a scatter bug.
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:46:30 No. 18728790 Report >>18728771 Oh god I'm an idiot. On it.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18728775 >>18728785 >they want Skiddo Both of you are now in my cool list
>>18728608 If I could get a moon ball Seel that would be pretty sweet. Disc is up.
>>18728697 Vivillion is actually pretty good, and Leavanny was one of my top players in my Black playthrough.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:48:33 No. 18728809 Report Quoted By:
>>18728778 Damn man how many boxes did you go through?
Sapphiriel (1478-4244-1438)
Would people want some horseas with DD/Outrage (adamant natured) if I bred them? cuz im planning on breeding them and i want to give something away
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:49:38 No. 18728816 Report >>18728813 im planning to do all 30 boxes
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18728782 Ah I see, well I'll see what I can do with it. Thank you!
>>18728769 I have an extra cyndaquil and
feraligatr . Disc up!
>>18728790 No problem, sent!
>>18728816 B1 - 2,2 - Scatterbug (F) - Timid - Compound Eyes - [2408]
This one please the missing attack iv is what I would breed for.
>>18728804 You're the only person other than my mum who thinks I'm cool.
Kidding. My mum doesn't think I'm cool. Jason
Quoted By:
thanks, willchelle
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:51:41 No. 18728832 Report >>18728824 OK i'll get you in a few minutes.
>>18728814 >Not doing Critdra Git gud or go home son
Dan 2621-2626-1610
If nobody wants these unburden treeckos I'm just gonna go to wonder trade with them. Anybody?
FFIXMaster 3239-3558-0868 (Machoke, Sawk, Hariyama) {3962} !PumpkinSiY
FFIXMaster 3239-3558-0868 (Machoke, Sawk, Hariyama) {3962} !PumpkinSiY Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:52:49 No. 18728836 Report Quoted By:
>>18728778 Man I would kill for a shiny premier ball icy snow, but I don't match any of those.
;___; Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18728808 Sent!
>>18728778 Oh man.. can I grab one of these eggs?
IGN: Andy
>>18728822 Hell yeah! Discin up for Cyndaquil first.
Lemme know when it's sent and ill disc up for feraligator
Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
>>18728778 shit, not a single match... Did you checked on #Safari? XD I think I saw two matches, but I don't really Remember their TSV. I would take one from you, but already got one! So... Everything's good? >>18728804 Save one for me plz, 3ds is not with me!
>>18728835 i-i'll take one. just let me catch a disc with a heart scale
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:54:32 No. 18728852 Report Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18728814 This would be pretty cool.
I fished up a shiny horsea that is now a seadra. It's stats aren't the greatest obviously.. but I'm gonna try to do a crithax set with it.
Quoted By:
>>18728832 Thanks
>>18728826 Thanks for the venonat Kath.
My balltism comes out in full force for playthroughs
>>18728835 I have 5 boxes.... Good to see the line has multiplied. We can now flood wt with them.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18728852 B3 - 1,5 - Scatterbug (F) - Timid - Compound Eyes - [0222]
Should I TR you? (And if so, anything you want from my list in return?)
>>18728608 >>18728843 Sent!
Disc up for feraligatr.
Dan 2621-2626-1610
>>18728739 Can I nab this one?
B4 - 1,6 - Scatterbug (F) - Timid - Compound Eyes - [1541]
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18728804 I'll actually disc up for skiddo too, don't have one yet.
Is gogoat gud? Its model looks a little awkward to me, although I like the design
Sapphiriel (1478-4244-1438)
>>18728833 >implying you can't do the same with a physical Kingdra >>18728853 shiny still looks cool though and theres not a lot of physical sets out there which is why i wanna do it
IGN: Andy
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 03 Apr 2014 05:57:36 No. 18728883 Report >>18728864 trade me a chansey
Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
>>18728835 As I said
>>18728844 , 3ds is not with me... But I can grab a female tomorrow... If that's ok with you... (I have a male, and I got tired of lookin for a HA female )
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18728844 Get it quick i could leave any moment! D:
Quoted By:
>>18728881 >Runing an inferior set, and locking yourself in Outrage. Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18728880 Can hit things hard if they gave him the chance to do it
Hey guys Is Ayame here today?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18728881 Yeah, I love the royal purple. Mine was calm so it's a special attacker, although its physical sets are better I think because of dragon dance.
>>18728883 Thanks a ton, you got my last chansey.
>>18728882 Just finished up the trade, sorry for the delay - did you get sniped? I don't see your disc
Dan 2621-2626-1610
>>18728886 sure, i'll hold on to a female for ya.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 03 Apr 2014 06:01:55 No. 18728935 Report >>18728870 upload a disc for a disc
Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
>>18728888 Not with me means... On my place kek. Can't get it tonight. I hope skidoo doesn't get that popular... Well, good night man!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18728915 Haven't seen her today, sorry. Maybe she'll be on later.
>>18728899 Cool, I'll have to breed one.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Guys which ball will look cool in Amoonguss?
Dan 2621-2626-1610
Just put a luvdisc up for a female forretress if anyone has one.
>>18728835 I'll take one. Want anything in return? I've got 5 iv joltiks, helioptiles, paras, ekans and pidgey (some with egg moves) if you want one?
IGN: Andy
>>18728920 It's all good, and nope it's still up there. Just checked to make sure I didn't typo, I didn't realize there really wasn't an "o" lol. So check now, my bad.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18728938 You still have like half hour man you still can't get it? But if you don't i always can save you one
Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
>>18728934 Yay! Ty man! Btw, what nature and eggmoves do they have? My male has all I need, just shitty iv's, just asking to know If I'll need heart scales!
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>18728948 I want to be something special not a simple ball but i guess it can be helped :/
Dan 2621-2626-1610
>>18728949 Nah. Just Disc up and include your name in your post so I know who I'm giving it to.
I got one guy's by the way. Not totally sure who it was, but it was for a treecko and it said /vp/, and i've got like a box and a half of these guys.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18728944 Premier
>>18728950 I remember seeing feraligatr's name on a pokemon card once and thinking they typo'd. Sent!
Dan 2621-2626-1610
>>18728959 dragonbreath and endeavor as egg moves
Allan 1848-1849-4734 {3802} !fg52RSfrig
Quoted By:
>>18728954 I'm on my gf place, doing some homework while she sleeps. My 3ds is on my place... I can't get it tonigh... So... Ty for saving one! I'll lurk for a couple of minutes more...
IGN: Andy
>>18728972 Hahahaha, now I'm never gonna forget. Thanks a bunch man you really helped me out.
>>18728974 btw man I've upgraded the line to 4 egg moves now if you want a male so you can upgrade as well.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18728972 Thanks i guess i work on that right away when i get my shiny taillow or i give up on gettin it hahaha
;________________; I want it Daan (3067-5437-2162)
Quoted By:
>>18728967 Allright. Disc will be up shortly.
Dan 2621-2626-1610
>>18728985 what are the new ones?
IGN: Andy
>>18728608 disc up for da Seel
>>18728939 Alright cool thanks
nice picture on the other thread had my laughs whats the origins on the jammed dick part
>>18728994 leech seed and synthesis
nolan 3325 2718 3649
>>18728608 wanting koffing pls
disc is up
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18728984 No problem! Good luck collecting the others.
>>18728986 Best of luck dude. How many boxes in?
I've sort of given up on riolu. I want to MM something else but I'm not sure my body is ready again. >>18728996 Sent you a moonball one!
Dan 2621-2626-1610
>>18729011 Nah. I've already got myself a pretty kickass sceptile that I'm running with white herb/leaf storm. It's working pretty well.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729004 haha, thank you. Some anon was complaining about Aegis giving free pokemon to people, I think, and they said something like "their dicks are jammed so far up Aegis' ass that it's affecting his senses." Probably the best thing the shitposters have said so far.
>>18729013 Sent!
>>18729021 Did you raise that from the line that quickly? Nice how's unburden working most of the time?
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>18728608 Could I get one of those Natu? I'll put up a Luvdisc.
IGN: Andy
>>18729016 Thanks, thanks, and thanks again.
God I love these threads when there aren't trolls.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18729016 Starting box number 31 right now gonna stop tonight in box 33
Thats bad. How many boxes did your body take? Anonymous
>>18729016 I am slowly working toward shiny charm in my spare time so MM is actually bearable. It is a slow process. ;_; Dan 2621-2626-1610
>>18729028 With the unburden boost even my modest one cannot be outsped without some serious boostan. I love him.
Daan (3067-5437-2162)
>>18729021 Got the disc up!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729031 Sent! You're the first person to ask for one, which kinda surprises me
>>18729033 No problem at all! The trolls are definitely a problem but man, I've built so many 'mons from this thread. I think the community also helps keep my interest in pokemon.
nolan 3325 2718 3649
Quoted By:
>>18729027 thanks! i've been trying to get stockpile on this little dude for awhile but keep running into trouble
much appreciated
Dan 2621-2626-1610
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729034 45 boxes,
with the shiny charm. It's not as bad as others' hunts, but still, it's a lot... Maybe I'll go back to it.. eventually. I do want to breed a lucario but they just make me bitter now
>>18729037 Best of luck anon. Despite my shit luck with riolu I feel like the charm has actually helped me out. Got two shinies from hordes and an accidental shiny buizel after 15 eggs with it.
Daan (3067-5437-2162)
>>18729051 Awesome! Thanks a lot! I have a friend who's nuts about treecko's so I'm gonna breed him another one now.
Still looking for a forretress. Putting a disc up for that now.
>>18729039 I've been thinking about using this set
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
- Nature Power
- Energy Ball
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power Ice
I got from Mal.
Use normal gem as nature power turns into tri-attack in wifi battles. Just not sure how important HP Ice is.
>>18729065 Is your friend named Leo and comes on to these threads?
Daan (3067-5437-2162)
>>18729072 Nah. His name's Dirk and he probably doesn't even know vp exists.
Dan 2621-2626-1610
>>18729067 HP ice would be nice. I should probably check mine's HP, since right now I'm just running leafstorm/energyball/dragonbreath/focusbust. The coverage is kinda meh, and it gets hard walled by togekiss, but leaf storm/white herb was the best way I could think of to trigger unburden, even if it leaves me with a slight stab redundancy.
Teiki !!77lAXu61hOW
I have one luvdisc if anyone can give me a Groudon or anything from this list I'll put it up. Thank you.
IGN is MmEw.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>18729045 Natu is great, happy to take one off of your hands, thanks!!!
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 03 Apr 2014 06:23:15 No. 18729101 Report Quoted By:
>>18729067 maybe frenzy plant/hyper beam/solar beam + Power Herb
>>18729099 Read OP Fucktard.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729087 This may be a stupid question but are one-time use items used up in an online battle?
I feel like I just wouldn't have the time/patience to farm something like focus sash, for example
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18729059 Wooo i'm almost there i have like 8 more boxes of eggs in the pc and i guess if it don't want to came to me then i think i'll move to the foongus
Teiki !!77lAXu61hOW
>>18729104 > If someone happens to be so nice to as to give one away, they will let all of us know I read it.
Quoted By:
>>18729027 Are you fucking serious lol wish i was there
i thought that picture was based on that Opti guy fuck now theyre targetting Aegis fuuck that is some funny shit
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Thu 03 Apr 2014 06:25:06 No. 18729120 Report >>18729104 Hey, he's just asking for Pokdex help and wasn't obnoxious about it. I think that's ok.
>>18729106 No if it's used in multiplayer it respawns after.
Dan 2621-2626-1610
>>18729106 They regenerate after a PvP match or in the battle maison, but not in story mode or something like that
>>18729106 Wait, since when is focus sash consumable? Berries and gems sure, but focus sash? That's news to me.
Teiki !!77lAXu61hOW
>>18729115 I haven't put it up. Waiting for someone to tell me what they can give me.
>>18729120 >Literally asking for 251 entries, almost 30 are Gen 6 Mons, that you can find in early routes. >Only asking for help. >>18729116 Not today
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729099 I have a raichu that you can take. Disc up
>>18729107 I hope your shiny is sittin in one of those eggs. Good luck!
>>18729120 >>18729122 Oh, awesome. In that case I'll have to invest in one for maison.
>>18729126 I thought so.. I could be wrong.
>>18729116 Typically that means don't ask unless someone offers,
but don't worry about it Anonymous
>>18729059 Is shiny charm given for all seen or all caught?
IGN: Andy
Going to bed guy's. Thanks to all of you who helped me out today, I'll definitely be giving back to the community myself in the future. I left a disc up for Turtwig in case anyone see's this and happens to have one. Night all
>>18729082 Ah ok I bred the treecko lines up for people in these threads. The guys who wanted them the most I haven't seen in a while.
>>18729087 How's dragon breath working for you? I want to know for non hp ice ones.
Leo or whatever your name is I've been saving a penta for you.
N-Anon I've been saving a badass shark for you.
I have Pokemon y and need a clawcher
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729149 Yeah it's caught. There are a few event mons that you don't need though, like mew.
>>18729156 Good night!
>>18729127 What do you have to offer i can help
Teiki !!77lAXu61hOW
>>18729138 Luvdisc is up. Thank you.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729169 Sent! Good luck with the dex.
>>18729162 Sent
Read the OP stupid fuck:>Post with IGN. >>18729169 I'm so sorry about your autism friend.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
Updated list. I only have two male scraggy left.
Teiki !!77lAXu61hOW
Quoted By:
>>18729169 Oops meant to quote
>>18729146 >>18729174 Thanks again.
Dan 2621-2626-1610
>>18729159 9 times out of 10 energy ball hits harder. I just keep it for the odd dragon type. I honestly never use it. My sceptile's HP is dark.. don't know if I want that.
Austin (Mobile Version)
>>18729162 I'll send one up for you.
Whats your IGN?
>>18729153 >>18729164 I was pretty sure that was the case, but wanted confirmation before I
started crying. Well I guess I'll just work on filling up my missing seen entries and then start working on the caught holes.
561 seen / 455 obtained I'm nearly there right? Right? ;_; Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729162 I'll try to get you one, gimme a few minutes
Austin (Mobile Version)
>>18729188 >>18729181 Too late.
At least I got dubs. Teiki !!77lAXu61hOW
>>18729165 I have these pokemon to trade.
Froakie, Axew, Ursaring, Pinsir, Gengar, Farfetch'd, Rilou, Girafarig, Voltorb, Zorua 2, Snivy, Archen, Nincada, Jinx, Marill, Amoonguss, Psyduck, Blastoise, Throh, Poliwag, Azurill, Caterpie, Lickitung, Noibat, Chansey, Jigglypuff, Audino, Honedge, Gyarados 2, Bunnelby, Vulpix, Graveler, Magneton, Doduo 2, Torkoal, Onix 2, Drowsy, Nidoran Male, Silicoon, Unown B, Unown E, Unown G, Tentacruel 2, Fennekin, Seaking 2, Durant, Charmander, Lileep 2, Dugtrio, Snorlax 2, Pikachu 2, Magikarp 2, Mr. Mime, Geodude, Pawniard 2, Eevee 3, Trapinch, Quagsire 2, Wobbuffet, Torchic, Roselia 2, Gible 2, Lombre, Litleo, Tyrunt, Pidgeotto 2, Ferroseed, Mawile 2, Fearow 2, Tynamo, Aerodactyl 2, Sentret, Druddigon, Sableye, Tentacool 2, Liepard, Pidgey, Bellsprout, Wurmple, Froakie, Fungus, Flabebe, Ditto 2, Exeggcute, Floatzel, Chingling, Mankey, Gloom, Roggenrola, Woobat, Murkrow, Ponyta, Rhyhorn, Tauros 2.
For these. Friend code: 1977-0178-9459
Quoted By:
>>18729221 Wrong thread butthead.
>>18729219 ?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729192 I know, it's a huge chore. It helps to re-trade things you get on the GTS.
It took me about two weeks to finish my dex, although I had massive help from some regulars here who had living dexes. Unfortunately I haven't seen them around in a long time
>>18729195 >>18729188 Looks like you're taken care of, though I got one if you still need it.
>>18729099 You are kinda flooding people with that list being so long it's pretty much 1/3rd of the dex. Best way to do it would probably try to knock out one generation at a time.
>>18729187 I think nature power would be better. The chances for the added effect. Also dragons just don't seem as common now with fairy type.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
Speaking of clauncher does anyone have a female in a dive ball? I have Y so I can't catch them myself. IVs/nature don't matter.
>>18729221 Please leave. You obviously aren't intelligent enough to understand the purpose of this thread
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
List of free shit. Put up a Luvdisc, let me know in the thread, and let me know if you want the Pokémon in question nicknamed.
Also if your IGN is different than your posting name then have your message with the Luvdisc be your posting name, to avoid confusion.
First come, first serve.
>>18729249 You should be jewing in wfg
:^) Teiki !!77lAXu61hOW
>>18729228 >>18729221 >>18729234 Sorry just thought it would be the fastest way to find someone that had something I wanted and it kind of was since I got my raichu.
>>18729244 I am but someone asked me what I had to offer. The post I replied to.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
>>18729249 Can I grab the female solosis? I'll disc up.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>18729261 I've already jewed enough Leftovers and Mega Stones from Serebii. :^)
>>18729264 Your autism is dense
>>18729268 >jewed >enough >ever You are not Lima Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729264 They're all just trolls, sorry about that. They've been a problem lately. That said, might be easier if you asked for only basic pokemon and a few at a time. Most people aren't going to look through a pastebin unless it's someone giving shit away, I'd say. IGN: Andy
>>18729243 I haven't quite gone to bed yet, I'll get ya one since you helped me out today (;
>>18729230 >It helps to re-trade things you get on the GTS. I have this autistic compulsion to keep everything I get from Wonder Trade, and to Wonder Trade all my shitty breeding leftovers.
That and my bright idea of "hey you should do a living dex" are really killing my PC space.
I have seven boxes of trash from WT please help me Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>18729276 >enough Leftovers for two full stall teams and enough to put a Leftovers on every Pokémon that needs it because I'm too lazy to switch items out I go the extra mile to be lazy. :^)
>>18729249 shit waifu shit list Anonymous
>>18729264 Do you have to post a reaction image everytime? Look up and down the thread no one else does it you flithy jew nigger
Dan 2621-2626-1610
Quoted By:
>>18729234 Yeah, you're probably right. Then I can at least hit togekiss with something neutrally.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>18729294 Kill la Kill yourself.
Sapphiriel (1478-4244-1438)
>>18729249 Can I get that shroomish and a solosis please? discing up for shroomish first
>>18729303 Enough with the images. No one in this thread uses reaction images they are annoyinh
>>18729264 Are you making a living dex or do you just need the entires? People can touch trade you stuff easily to knock stuff off the list. Wfg does touch trades more often then we do. Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729287 You may be a pokemon hoarder. I suggest you take a daily dose of
pokebank. It's definitely going to be a lot harder to go for a living dex, but maybe you could get the entries + charm first, and then try to get them all back to construct it?
>>18729289 Same, although I lack the excess items to support my laziness Thank you for the solosis!
>>18729286 That'd be awesome, I'll disc up!
Teiki !!77lAXu61hOW
>>18729280 It's okay I'm not really looking for any more freebies. Was just replying to that anon that wanted to know what I had to offer.
>>18729295 Well, my original image didn't want to get off the quick reply so I had too keep changing the image but I just reloaded the thread and it fixed it.
the term touch trade gives me a boner
>>18729268 >hordes all the good stuf for himself >HEY GUYS IM BEING GENEROUS IM NO JEW TAKE MY WORTHLESS SHITT!!!! youre no better than that faggot opti or that idiot bob
why dont giveaway some of those stones
>>18729280 >Troll I just give the butthead the love that they need, i'm not aware of their mental disorders, and i don't really care; it's fine if you love to spoon feed the autists, but stop pretending that everybody is a troll.
>>18729289 >Not jewing assault vest for a full stall team git gud Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
>>18729321 good
>>18729319 Well either way, sorry about the shitstorm Teiki !!77lAXu61hOW
>>18729313 Yeah, I'm making a living dex. I'll just come back if I get any more luvdiscs and make a specific request.
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Thu 03 Apr 2014 06:49:03 No. 18729337 Report >>18729322 >Not already having at least 1 of every stone. Sick of you trolls. But seriously. Go buy the other version used, get all the stones before 7 days. Return it. Done.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>18729309 Shroomish sent.
>>18729310 Looks like you're a newfruit. :^)
>>18729317 No problem~
>>18729322 Wow rude. :^(
>>18729329 2antimeta4me.
>>18729317 I wish I could pokébank it would solve all of my problems, but during the entire free trial I was never able to connect to the servers from home so I couldn't justify spending money for it.
I had to go to a coffee shop and leech their wifi just to transfer up my event legends and a few bank-exclusives.
>>18729249 Putting up a disc for a phantump
>>18729331 we tend to not give out evolved mons, ask for the earlier forms. A living dex is a lot of work and a good amount of those you can catch yourself in game. We are helpful but we won't give you 1/3rd of the dex.
KuroPR 5429-7924-0969
I got some spares to give away: -5IVs (no Sp Att) Adamant Blaze Charmanders with Dragon Dance and Outrage -5IVs (no Sp Att) Jolly Moxie Pinsirs with Quick Attack and Closed Combat Any takers?
Sapphiriel (1478-4244-1438)
>>18729342 Got it, discing up for solosis and thank you very much
IGN: Andy
>>18729317 I'm not seeing it man
>>18729337 >Trying to fit in the conversation so hard. >>18729342 I don't know what to reply >>18729352 >2012 >Locking yourself in Outrage Anonymous
>>18729337 >>18729342 >implying im a poorfag >implying i dont own two 3ds handhelds >implying i dont own x and y Not being rude youre being a that greasy lazy shit opti and that idiot bob
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729345 Augh, that's too bad. Do you have bad wifi?
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
Before going to sleep any egg moves that i should get on Amoonguss?
>>18729352 What ball are the pinsirs in? Sorry mono bug playthrough coming up and I develop balltism for those.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729359 How about now? It's level 15 if that helps
KuroPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>18729369 Regular Pokéballs sorry
Sapphiriel (1478-4244-1438)
Quoted By:
>>18729342 Sorry i got DCed from GTS like twice, the disc is up now, sorry bout that
IGN: Andy
>>18729371 Found ya, and sent.
Alright goodnight for real this time lol, glad I could help.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
>>18729377 Thank you, I appreciate it!
>>18729364 I have bad internet in general, my ping times average about 750ms on good days. I'm pretty sure Nintendo's servers are just not equipped to handle such terrible connections as mine.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>18729351 Done~
>>18729356 Done~
>>18729361 We can discuss on how shit you're waifu is. :3
>>18729362 Wow. Anonymous sure is a mean guy. :^(
Teiki !!77lAXu61hOW
Quoted By:
>>18729351 It's okay. Just trying to go about it the most effective way possible. Getting rid of my extra pokemon first. Then I'm just going down the list and getting the rest myself. I'll make sure to ask for unevolved forms next time if I need help.
>>18729384 >you're Dear god you are dumb
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729383 Well dang, I'm sorry. I'd suggest checking the IVs of your WT 'mons and getting rid of the shit ones.
If you love something, let it go. Release all of your pokemon. Anonymous
>>18729384 Nobody finds your cutesy shit funny
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>>18729392 Did I say something about you're waifu? Is she not Nui? Then she's shit. :^)
>>18729395 Good taste. :^)
>>18729397 Nobody likes a newfruit who isn't ebin. :^)
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 03 Apr 2014 07:00:30 No. 18729401 Report Quoted By:
>>18729384 Lolita waifu is best waifu Sorry
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
Vulpix Timid drought Love Ball Growlithe Adamant Flash Fire 4 egg moves Houndour Modest ~3 Carvanha Adamant speed boost Treeckos Modest Unburden or overgrow ~4 pichu in fast ball All mons should be 4-5 iv range. Nicknames upon request. I'll try to match any gender requests.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 03 Apr 2014 07:02:50 No. 18729417 Report Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729417 Pan please don't encourage these morons
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>18729407 >Being this butthurt >>18729410 >Implying i was talking about Sakura :^)
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 03 Apr 2014 07:04:26 No. 18729429 Report Quoted By:
>>18729407 Eventually we won't be able to see the background image. And eventually means 12 hours.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
>>18729425 It's my art About to breed pic related. Are there any eggs moves people would want to see on it? I'm thinking Iron Head is probably somewhat important.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729432 I'll just have to make the sequel. But I'll save the last bit of space on this one for an especially juicy quote.
>>18729394 I already released all of the pure garbage English pokés with no nicknames, and I still have boxes and boxes of nicknamed or foreign
garbage, honestly How am I supposed to release Demonflower the level 17 Flabébé? Their OT loved them enough to give them a nickname before throwing them in the trash that is Wonder Trade. Dan 2621-2626-1610
>>18729444 I got an eevee named "35" today. Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729444 I understand, anon. But all good things must come to an end.. all good demons must be released to the, er, demonworld.
Or you could train her up to be the ultimate bro. !NTFag.ZBbY
>>18729423 My waifu won >>18729444 >Caring about nicknamed pixels Aegis
>>18729444 I saved a Carbink named CrystalMeth a magnetite named Hiv+ and a watch dog in a masterball. Wonder trade so full of crap yet full of bright spots too
>>18729454 >caring about people caring about nicknamed pixels Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 03 Apr 2014 07:12:34 No. 18729463 Report >>18729456 I'll have to name my carbink crytalMeth now
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
I have one more chansey. Dream Ball/Bold/Natural Cure w/Seismic Toss, Counter, Gravity, Aromatherapy Will need to remember egg moves. Disc up if you want.
KuroPR 5429-7924-0969
Dan 2621-2626-1610
>>18729454 They aren't pixels. The pixels are a representation of them. They are actually a collection of ones and zeroes in a specific order that encodes all of the information about them.
But I digress. This is a GTS giveaway thread.
Last call for unburden Treecko's, and I'm still looking for anyone that has an extra leftovers they wouldn't mind parting with.
Quoted By:
>>18729457 Sorry, You can't have a conversation with me.
Filthy Casual :^)
>>18729479 Interesting, the same goes for you.
Anybody wants some 5-6IV modest Larvesta? They all know morning sun and some have their HA.
>>18729451 I have an unnicknamed French Eevee in my WT boxes, waiting for Nintendo to patch the game to keep foreign names on evolution so I can evolve it and keep the cool name >>18729452 I have six boxes of this stuff I cannot train everything up to bro-tier it is just not feasible. I know eventually I MUST release them all, but I keep putting it off because
autism. >>18729454 I started this whole conversation with
>I have this autistic compulsion... I am well aware of how ridiculous I am being.
>>18729463 I want to make a doubles team with carbink and shedninja. Have carbink skill swap sturdy onto shedninja.
>>18729483 ball?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729477 Is your IGN KuroPR? Someone disced up for it but it's a different name, just wanna double check
KuroPR 5429-7924-0969
>>18729483 An HA one would be nice, I'll be putting a disc soon, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>18729496 >Name in post: KuroPR Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729488 We all have our autistic tendencies.
I nickname everything, and balltism is a must.
KuroPR 5429-7924-0969
>>18729496 >>18729497 It's still there
IGN Jahn C
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 03 Apr 2014 07:18:03 No. 18729503 Report Anonymous
>>18729441 spoiler]I wish i can teleport to your location, and fuck you hard ramona.i bet youre a fucking dirty chubby slut with a name like that. id pin you down as i make love to your tight little pussy as i call you a bitch repeatedly thrusting harder with every call. afterwards ill cum all over your face and make out wih you as i finish off by kissing your forehead and cuddle[/spoiler:lit]
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
>>18729502 Alright cool, sent!
Dan 2621-2626-1610
>>18729501 I enjoy balltism upon occasion, but it doesn't make or break for me.
Also I like everything in a premier ball. Just looks classier to me.
I nickname all of my competitive pokes as well.
>>18729505 Well Ramona looks like you can add this to your Troll image
>>18729505 You sickfuck, how can you
forgot the spoiler? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18729503 I've never tried it, but I am almost certain you cannot Skill Swap Sturdy onto Shedinja without mega hax.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729509 One of these days I'll have to breed an all-male pokemon and suck it up. These threads actually got me hooked on balltism in the first place.
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Thu 03 Apr 2014 07:19:51 No. 18729519 Report >>18729495 I actually use Carbink on my VGC team. He's wonderful. Underrated as hell. This would be beautiful.
KuroPR 5429-7924-0969
Quoted By:
>>18729519 I ran an Adamant Carbink in my game team, it was a total bro and I didn't give a fuck about its nature.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729513 It was bound to happen eventually.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 03 Apr 2014 07:22:57 No. 18729540 Report >>18729518 I got a 6IV tyroge i'll breed at the end of times
>>18729510 >>18729513 >>18729514 Forgets a bracket
quite possibly the greatest thing to be poster here
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729540 I kinda want to breed up a hitmonlee, seems kinda difficult to do so if you want a specific evolution though. (is it?)
Quoted By:
>>18729541 And you ruined it
Congrats anon, imma proud bby
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 03 Apr 2014 07:24:27 No. 18729550 Report Anyone have a Hidden Ability Bouffalant? I'm in Black 2 right now, running back and forth along Route 9, praying for the 50% chance to get a female from a 1% chance of it spawning in a 5% chance of something showing up in the Hidden Grotto every 256 steps. It's torture.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 03 Apr 2014 07:25:11 No. 18729553 Report >>18729545 Thats not doubles...
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 03 Apr 2014 07:25:29 No. 18729554 Report Quoted By:
>>18729550 Of course, I'm trying to get it in a decent ball, too. Premier or Timer, probably. Ugh.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729550 I'm literally just about to breed a Sap Sipper one... why do you want soundproof instead?
Dan 2621-2626-1610
>>18729546 Not really. All you need to do is fiddle with the EV's a bit to make sure the stats are the way you want them, and then rare candy. I did that to get my Hitmontop, and he's a serious bro on my team. Saving my buge's from stealth rocks and whatnot.
Quoted By:
>>18729535 As soon as you said you were saving space on the image for a juicy quote it was certain to happen.
>>18729546 The only time it's even a little difficult to breed for a specific evolution is when you're going for against-evo natures, like a -atk 'Lee; but even then you can force stats via EVs so it's nbd.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 03 Apr 2014 07:27:00 No. 18729566 Report >>18729555 Because it's rare :3
And I'm one of those BUT WHAT IF I NEED IT LATER type of people.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
>>18729561 >Evolves into Hitmonlee when Tyrogue's Attack is higher than its Defense. Oh, for some reason I thought it was a lot more complicated than that. I guess I'll try to go for one sometime, then.
>>18729566 Just gen in, stop being so autistic.
>>18729553 Yes I know, It just shows you can get it on to it. I'm pretty new to this stuff I hope it's possible in doubles.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729566 Ah gotcha. I don't think I've seen any soundproof ones floating around at all, sorry man.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 03 Apr 2014 07:30:37 No. 18729582 Report >>18729570 Stop asking a rare collector to shame himself.
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>>18729582 >Rare collector Dan 2621-2626-1610
>>18729566 Me too. I almost always save the best IV'd female of my breeding projects just in case I want to make another one later.
I literally have two boxes labeled "Saving JIC"
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>>18729572 The thing is you cannot use Skill Swap to get Wonder Guard onto anything other than Shedinja, which is why he used Worry Seed to give it Insomnia first in that video. It would be -possible- to use a similar strategy in Doubles, but it wouldn't be possible in a single turn like that so Shedinja would be wide open until Carbink came in to drop Sturdy on it. It would need to Protect until it got its Sturdy.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
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>>18729593 I have a couple of boxes of 4-5IV 'mons that I keep just in case I ever want to go and trade for something in /wfg/.
So far I never have
Going to breed some dive ball Finneons, ideas on nature?
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 03 Apr 2014 07:36:35 No. 18729605 Report >>18729577 That's fine. I didn't think it would be that easy.
>>18729593 Yep. I always try to get a 5IV female when I'm breeding, in addition to whatever I'm actually going for.
KuroPR 5429-7924-0969
>>18729605 I'm gonna start breeding some Scatterbugs (I have Archipielago) any ball suggestion?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
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>>18729621 Probably luxury
Whats up guys. Wackiness is happening in this thread
>>18729572 Whats up. I love trading and battling with the Japanese. Just made onebquit I wws using
Arceus Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 03 Apr 2014 07:43:20 No. 18729638 Report Quoted By:
>>18729621 The brown one? Hmm...Nest or Timer, I guess.
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>>18729634 If you can understand my last sentence
Dan 2621-2626-1610
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>>18729621 I'd say repeat.
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>>18729601 Please do. Calm would make sense.
KuroPR 5429-7924-0969
This is the one I have Luxury, premier, nest, timer?
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>>18729621 >>18729654 Archipelago? Man that's a tough one to call. The brown doesn't really go well with anything. I guess I'd throw a vote in for Repeat.
>>18729654 Nest
>>18729634 treeckos are currently flooding WT
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 !A53nla90hM
>>18729654 I guess I'd go with nest.
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>>18729660 Really? haha Alright going to try to get one in there. This will be fun
KuroPR 5429-7924-0969
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>>18729660 >>18729664 Nest it is, thanks guys! I'll be posting later with leftovers if anyone is interested.
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>>18729535 >implying it didnt turn you on >implying it didnt turn me on its like youre not even trying anymore. fuck im hard as constipated shit right now
>>18729688 Not that anon, but i'm just curious,
how old are you? Anonymous
>>18729688 no i want to fuck you Ramona, hitomi aint cutting it no more
i hope your boyfriend leaves you, so that i may swoop in on that ass. Hell we can double team your tight pussy, baton pass and u turn on that asshole
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>>18729718 A ramona's selfie :^) Anonymous
This is the best thread yet, some funny shit going on 10 pokemon on WT, and I have yet to cross paths with you Aegis.
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dead hours whos out there where dem gibaways
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Thu 03 Apr 2014 08:24:27 No. 18729785 Report So guys I'm lazy as fuck. Would anyone wanna trade me a Focus Sash for a Shiny Deoxyes?
>>18729785 Are you serious? That item is worth more than that piece of shit, that self entitled cunt Opti was giving away
what else you got
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Thu 03 Apr 2014 08:28:54 No. 18729803 Report >>18729796 Nothing I'm willing to give up. Just figured I could save myself 30 minutes since Battle Mansion is boring cheating hell. Unless you want a 5iv jap mawhile.
>>18729803 What the fuck is wrong with you.
is this why they shit on you along side opti and bob? youre no better than those two fucks right now, why would you offer something that was given at a large sum no more than a day ago
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Thu 03 Apr 2014 08:36:25 No. 18729825 Report Quoted By:
>>18729818 I think your the first person here to shit on me. Not that I care. Most players have shit tons of BP so those items are a dime a dozen as much as the genned shinies are. Perhaps someone missed the giveaway and would be into it. Who knows.
>>18729747 I'm like 2 boxes wonder traded away so far. Best thing so far was a scrafty with 4 egg moves.
>>18729840 How long has it been 30 minutes? I just got a bunch of good stuff from the Japanese. I befriended three of them and got to speak with one of them...well listen to one of them. Ill be sure to pass something down to you and all fyou
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4chan is kinda fucking up for me, it's not loading the reply boxes. Oh well, new thread
>>18729793 Aegis
>>18729853 I'm pretty much clearing out my boxes with this. I go through afterward and check ivs/eggmoves/ha. This is how I got that treecko. ....and almost just traded him away he gets a place of honor in my boxes.
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>>18729868 Thats a good way of finding valuable pokemon, i see youre offline guess youre out. if you are, good night. I want that rematch though, those battle strategies are insane.
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>>18728738 I've got illegal Moon ball Calm Piplup, and illegal Nest ball Adamant Turtwigs with their HA, both 4iv minimum, egg moves, males, that I still haven't flushed away. If illegal balls bother you though it's cool. Anonymous
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would like to have a gallade with justified and no -IVs. also adamant if possible. thank you very much.