">Chesto Berry Rest Rotom-W is one of the best counters to Gliscor that there is, as it has a way to permanently evade Toxic damage while being immune to Gliscor's main STAB attack. Gengar is also a fantastic counter to Gliscor if it lacks Knock Off, being immune to Toxic and Earthquake. Similarly, Xatu serves as an excellent counter, being able to bounce back Toxic using its ability, Magic Bounce, and being immune to Earthquake. Skarmory walls any Gliscor lacking Taunt, and Ferrothorn, similarly, does well."
"Checks & Counters
**Strong Special Attackers**
Water and Ice types that can outspeed in particular force Gliscor out such as Scarf Rotom-W and Greninja
Charizard-Y can OHKO with Sun-boosted Fire Blast
Deoxys-S and Thundurus can Taunt and hit SE with Ice Beam and Hidden Power Ice respectively
**Bulky Steel-types**
Bulky Mega Scizor does not care about Toxic, Roosts off damage taken from Earthquake and set up on you
Air Balloon users such as Heatran or Excadrill can temporarily check Gliscor if it isn't behind a sub
**Pokemon immune to Toxic**
Gengar shuts down SubToxic, but must watch out for Knock Off
Mega Venusaur can take on every Gliscor set very well
Physically Defensive Clefable with Magic Guard shuts down SubToxic
While not immune, Chesto Rest Rotom-W makes for a shakey check at best since it has to be weary of running out Hydro Pumps from the SubToxic set
**Faster Taunt Users**
Prankster Pokemon such as Thundurus or Sableye can Taunt it and set up sub
Timid Deoxys-D and Deoxys-S can outspeed and shut Gliscor down
**Infiltrator and Sound-Based Moves**
Crobat is immune to Toxic and Earthquake and can Taunt Gliscor
Support Sylveon can Hyper Voice through Substitute and use Heal Bell to cure Toxic
Chandelure, but fears Earthquake
**Ice Types**
Mamoswine and Cloyster with Icicle Spear can break its subs and KO it
Kyurem-B can outspeed and threaten with STAB Ice Beam"