GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. Version exclusives, bank Pokes, breeding leftovers, special ball pokemon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS/MEGASTONES That is not the purpose of this thread. If someone happens to be so nice to as to give one away, they will let all of us know. Do not pester them. Also, we aren't the PokeGen thread; we may not have pokemon such as Knock Off Timburr or Hyper Voice Ralts / Eevee available. And no, we don't have spare 6IV pokemon for you, do it yourself.
Plans for the weekend? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IGN. It makes everything so much easier. We want the 'mon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Please ignore shitposters. At least try. Well, okay, we're past the point of no return. Old Thread:
Buizels, quick and repeat ball, water veil. Egg moves: switcheroo, me first, aqua tail, baton pass
Skrelp: dive ball, modest. Egg moves: venom drench, toxic spikes, haze and acid armor
2 male Scatterbugs that evolve into garden pattern Vivillon, nest ball. Can breed more if there's demand.
4 male Venonats. Eggmoves: baton pass, giga drain, toxic spikes, morning sun.
Both genders available for all of the above unless stated.
Older leftovers here: Anonymous
Does anyone have a scrappy whismur they could give away? IVs and egg moves not necessary. Thanks
6 HA Luxury Ball Gothita 6 Timer Ball Larvesta 5 Dream Ball Chansey 6 Heal Ball Frilish Disc up and reply if interested.
IGN: Roxy 4897-6255-7662
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Try to get some legendaries from you nice, nice people when they're available.
>>18749367 Gothita, please. IGN is Artalias, Disc is up. Thanks in advance!
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can someone spare a homie a bagon? it doesnt matter what kind
Does anybody have any Love ball Petilil?
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
>>18749354 discing for repeat ball buizel. female preferred!
Vinhaes 3325-3448-7757
>>18749363 I just got one in WT. Disc up
>>18749443 Thanks so much! IGN is Chris
Vinhaes 3325-3448-7757
>>18749354 Disc up for Venonat.Thanks in advance!
>>18749479 Needed one with scrappy :/ thanks anyway though! Does anyone else have one with scrappy?
>>18749501 Rattled becomes scrappy when it evolves.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 05 Apr 2014 04:35:08 No. 18749519 Report hello again, ill just leave this here, pls take them 3 beldum – 4 iv adamant clear body 5 ralts (all male) – 4 iv adamant (4trace/1 synchronize) em: mean look/shadow sneak/destiny bond/confuse ray 1 gastly (male) - 5 iv modest 1 charmander (male) - 4 iv adamant em: dragon dance/outrage/flare blitz/dragon pulse 1 charmander (male) – 5 iv timid 8 torchic (all male) – 4 iv adamant speed boost 4 growlithe (2m/2f) – 4 iv adamant flash fire em: double edge/flare blitz/close combat/morning sun 9 feebas (6m/3f) – 4-5 iv modest oblivious em: hypnosis/mirror coat/dragon pulse/captivate 14 mudkip (all male)– 4-5 iv adamant torrent 11 gligar (6m/5f) - 4-5 iv impish immunity (1 extra jap male 5 iv) 7 minccino (1m/6f) – 5 iv jolly skill link 3 marill (2m/1f) – 4 iv adamant huge power em: superpower/belly drum/aqua jet/perish song 1 shellder (male) – 4 iv jolly skill link em: icicle spear/rock blast/aqua ring 4 drilbur (all male) – 5 iv adamant mold breaker 6 rotom – 4-5 iv calm levitate 3 heracross (all female) – 4-5 iv adamant moxie em: rock blast/megahorn 3 heracross (all female) – 4-5 iv adamant guts em same as above 11 kangaskhan – 4-5 iv adamant scrappy em: double edge/hammer arm/counter/disable 4 snorunt (all female) – 4 iv timid moody em: weather ball/spikes 9 nidoran (5m/4f) – m: 4-5 iv f: 5iv all timid hustle em: counter/iron tail/take down 4 eevee (3m/1f) – 4-5 iv bold em: wish 2 treecko (male) – 5 iv adamant unburden 3 vullaby - 4 iv impish overcoat em: roost/mean look/foul play/knock off pls be as specific as possible with what you want or ill send whichever is first
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>>18749518 It has soundproof
>>18749354 Are the scatter bugs pentaperfect?
>>18749367 Egg moves on Larvesta?
Saki (2509-2518-3446)
>>18749519 Rotom please, disc is up.
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>>18749555 No. Maybe one day they'll be.
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
>>18749519 oh sweet. discing for adamant charmander
>>18749519 Disc is up for a calm rotom.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 05 Apr 2014 04:52:40 No. 18749693 Report
3 Imperfect HP Ice Mienfoo 3 5IV Timer Ball Larvesta 2 Dive Ball HA Riolu (Vacuum Wave) 5 5IV Luxury Ball Shuppet 2 5IV Premier Ball HA Zangoose Currently hatching 5 boxes of eggs.
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>>18749728 I call dibs on one of those riolu
Saki (2509-2518-3446)
>>18749693 Thanks, can I get a Torchic too?
Disc's up.
>>18749734 Hey hey I may be a cunt but I'm not greedy.
>>18749750 Maybe that's why you're part of the honorable mentions?
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>>18749760 Good point. Who the fuck is Derek/Anthony anyways.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 05 Apr 2014 05:02:08 No. 18749778 Report Quoted By:
>>18749746 of course, disc up
>>18749519 ill take a 5iv kang! disc goin' up
>>18749555 All the useful ones like Magnet Rise, Zen Headbutt, Morning Sun.
>>18749519 mind if i also nab a drilbur and moxie hera? putting disc up for drilbur
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 05 Apr 2014 05:16:05 No. 18749862 Report >>18749834 go for it, drilbur sent
>>18749862 thanks! disc up for hera
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Finally finished my game of league.
>>18749693 Thanks~
>>18749809 Disc is up for it.
>>18749728 Can I take a Zangoose?
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>>18749885 My disc is up, thanks :)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sat 05 Apr 2014 05:23:13 No. 18749899 Report Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Okay guys here is the new list go ahead a take everything you want Jay
>>18749728 ill take a larvesta, disc up
>>18749901 Discing for a Rattatata
>>18749863 >>18749834 >>18749781 >>18749923 How many Jays are in this fucking room. oh shit buddy you need cool down you greedy fuck. Acting no better than the top three cunts
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>>18749999 then add me to the cunt list brotha
>>18749519 Could i take a Kangaskhan?.. Disc up.
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>Yukari never sent larvesta O- Okay..
>>18749885 Disc is up for dat riolu
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18749945 Sent sorry i take my time hahaha
Flavio 3067-6412-8522
>>18749901 i'll take a koffing
Quoted By:
>>18750030 That's OK, thanks
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18750035 Ok tell me when you disc up
Flavio 3067-6412-8522
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>>18750053 disc is up, thanks btw
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Need a pansage with overgrow i thew a lud on the gts. Dont have anyone with a pansage safari to get one.
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
Looks like people are judging jews in a jew thread, better start giving away shit. -Adamant Penta Axews in poke balls -Jolly Penta Growlithes in poke balls, ems: crunch, CC -Jolly 5iv minicinnos ems: Knock off -Quiet 5iv Mareeps in Love balls -Timid 5iv Mareeps in Love balls, em: Agility
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 05 Apr 2014 05:55:53 No. 18750084 Report Quoted By:
>>18749899 Can I have one? Ramona
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Is Opti here? Sorry I'm flaky today dude
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sat 05 Apr 2014 06:00:11 No. 18750099 Report >>18750094 Yeah ofc, put a disc up
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>Cosmic and Yukari are both gone Looks like im not getting anything from them tonight.
>>18750053 Disc is up for a HA Foongus.
>>18749750 I'm surprised I haven't made it to the list yet. Anonymous
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>>18749901 disk is up for a rattata thank you
>>18750109 Hey Ramona, how's that Scatterbug? <3 I actually just hatched a 5IV male with egg moves if you need a starter for your project. Ramona
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>>18750148 I made a little progress while at work! Just got a 3IV female with egg moves finally. I need to go to sleep at a decent time tonight, but lemme see what I can get in the next hour.
I'm using a 6Iv ditto so no need, thanks though!
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sat 05 Apr 2014 06:12:18 No. 18750162 Report >>18750134 Oups :x
I thought you wanted a dream ball petilil ? no ?
IGN Kyle
>>18749519 Hey would love a speed boost Torchic and if it happens to be carrying a blazkinite i would probably shit my pants right here right now
but would love a torchic speed burst
Disk is up
Quoted By:
>>18750162 Yeah I was looking for
an illegal ball , but Dream is cool too, it's better than Heal.
24 Friend Ball Snivys w/ Glare
>>18750200 how many females
Andrew 4441-9816-5962 (Flying)
>>18750213 12, I knew those would be the ones people wanted, so I was tossing most of the boys.
and fuck opti im glad hes not here
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 05 Apr 2014 06:21:37 No. 18750234 Report >>18750181 yea, no blazikenite but the torchic was sent
IGN Kyle
>>18750234 Thanks man yea been trying to get a blazkinite i started like 3 weeks ago and its one of my favs any idea on how i can find someone willing to trade it?
>>18750228 disk is up for a female, thank you in advance
>>18750232 >mfw I'm a beta because I'm further along in my Scatterbug project than she is and offered help You really need to learn to channel your energy into something more productive than lashing out at random Anons, like
hating Opti Ramona
>>18750148 Wow, just got incredibly lucky with the 3IV parent and hatched a pentaperfect female with compoundeyes!
Lemme know when you want to trade, and if you want a nickname.
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anyone have any ice punch arons?
>>18749519 can i have a marill?
Andrew 4441-9816-5962 (Flying)
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>>18750251 Your smuglizard is on its way.
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>>18750251 fuck off bitch. i cant believe youre on at this time fucking loser
besides werent you going to give away shit you fucking jew. you better not single people out and create a shit storm like you did last sunday fucking cocksucker
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 05 Apr 2014 06:28:31 No. 18750276 Report >>18750247 you should probably try the cloning thread and ask if someone will clone you one
>>18750260 Wow, lucky. I've got a penta I can trade you for it now.
Wanna disc for disc so we can direct trade?
3239 4409 1705 Zimmerman
I got a shiny lvl 100 Porygon-Z with adaptability and choice specs, if anyone's interested
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 05 Apr 2014 06:30:53 No. 18750292 Report >>18750263 male or female? also disc up pls
>>18750279 Awesome, I'll disc up. Can you nickname it for me? What's the gender?
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18750288 Just for a disc or are you looking for equal value?
Quoted By:
>>18750276 discing up for one of your marills, thanks anon
3239 4409 1705 Zimmerman
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18750305 I'll take it then please. Give me a moment to disc up please
>>18750295 I sure can, and it's a male.
And its pattern will be
___Polar___ when it evolves.
>>18750318 Cool! How about Emmett?
I'll disc up.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 05 Apr 2014 06:36:39 No. 18750338 Report Quoted By:
>>18750323 i didnt see the post, but ill acquantance trade you the female for the male back
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18750305 >>18750316 Disc is up TY very much
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sat 05 Apr 2014 06:38:33 No. 18750354 Report Quoted By:
I'm looking for a smoochum in a cool ball
Torres 0662 3310 5215
Hey guys, I just put up a Luvdisc, Im hoping to trade it for a shinx if has a beneficial nature ill suck some dick IGN is yuuto and the Luvdisk is named Wut is a Man
3239 4409 1705 Zimmerman
>>18750342 No problem, I got a box full of em
>>18750360 I can catch you a luxio in friend safari, would that work?
Torres 0662 3310 5215
>>18750366 Thats perfect man, lemme just change the gts setting
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue]
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue] Sat 05 Apr 2014 06:42:20 No. 18750380 Report Quoted By:
>>18750288 could i get one named Duck Cannon please?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18750372 Cool, give me a couple of minutes. What's a good nature for shinx anyway? Do people run it physical or special?
>>18750365 Thank you! Enjoy the scatterbug.
>>18750076 Growlithe, please. IGN is Artalias, Disc is up. Thanks in advance!
IGN Kyle
Hey okay this may be a long shot. Im looking for a timburr with Iron Fist Male Drain Punch Adamant I know its a long shot if impossible just ignore this post If you do have it respond so i can disc up Thanks in advanced
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18750388 Kyle, you asked for a seel last night right? Do you still want one? I didn't end up getting it to you
>>18750259 Says the emoticon using faggot. Before you type another shitbrain post like that again, evaluate your life and your previous posts.
>channel your energy into something more productive >Hey Ramona, hows that scaterbug <3 >outdated image youre making it too easy faggot
IGN Kyle
>>18750384 Its able to either but has better stats for phisical
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18750388 I have one with knock off and drain punch. Let me breed one for you
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>>18750393 Do emoticons offend you? :^) IGN Kyle
>>18750398 Thanks A Lot man ill put my disc up now but silly question if i breed it will it lose drain punch?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18750397 >>18750372 I'll try to get a jolly one, then. I have a synchronizer for that.
Also, do you want it in a specific ball?
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18750409 It will keep drain punch. I was wrong about Knock off that was a genned mon Ivory gave me and Knock off doesnt pass down
Torres 0662 3310 5215
>>18750416 >>18750416 >specific ball I dont want to develop balltism so soon senpai, my heart isn't ready yet. Eh, Whichevr you think would look best in bro.
IGN Kyle
Quoted By:
>>18750428 Thanks a bunch dude do you have a female and male by any chance? If not just a male would be amazing thanks a bunch.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18750440 I caught it in a luxury. My balltism is just too strong.
>>18750416 Shit Ramona you used to be cool now youve become a bigger cunt Opti
If i was your bf id take whatever device youre using right now and toss that shit in order to keep you off here.
IGN Kyle
>>18750364 Hey if you have a box full of them may i get one?
>>18750456 Does this mean I can be on the list now?
In all honesty though, I'd kinda like to know why I'm a cunt now. Give it to me straight, anon. 3239 4409 1705 Zimmerman
>>18750460 Sure, but I won't be able to rename them
>>18750462 You're a cunt for helping someone.
I'll never understand trolls IGN Kyle
Quoted By:
>>18750468 Thats cool let me put a disc up for it thanks man
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>>18750364 if you got a box, ill snag one too. ill throw a disc up for one at lv 100
Torres 0662 3310 5215
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>>18750456 >Ramona >Cunt Nigga just traded me a Shinx, fucking cool like the fonz
IGN Kyle
Would anyone else be interested in scatterbugs? I have High Plains. I'm going to breed another penta for myself anyway, but if others want them I'll try for more.
>>18750474 Makes sense.
I wish they'd just tell us why they hate everyone Anonymous
>>18750455 >Shinx >Not Quick Ball c'mon now
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>>18750498 Oh man, you're honestly right. I fumbled there.
I have a shiny shinx that I caught in a luxury and or some reason that memory blinded my judgment. Katherine
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>>18750497 I'd like one.
They're bored. 4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Sat 05 Apr 2014 06:59:51 No. 18750517 Report Quoted By:
Giving away 4-5 IV HA Adamant Bagons in Great balls to homes. I have so many, please take them! Also begging for a HA Marowak, I cant get a safari with Marowak in it.
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>>18750497 Most people that he gives a reason for he says it's because they're a greedy jew, but suddenly you're a cunt for offering to catch a pokémon in any ball. He's being inconsistent to say the least.
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18750491 I've got a male adamant 5 iv (missing def) Iron Fist Timburr with Drain punch and Mach punch for ya Is your disc up?
Thought it was a bad idea to get on right now, guess i was right nothing but faggots tonight and i thought Opti was bad
IGN Kyle
>>18750532 OMG yes one sec its going up
Quoted By:
>>18750538 Somehow I doubt that this is actually Cuan
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
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>>18750543 Nickname or no?
>>18750538 Disregard that I suck cocks.
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>>18750554 Disregard that I suck cocks.
IGN Kyle
>>18750532 Its up Thanks again another dumb question. when you breed with everstone d IV's transfer and how do you get IV's?
no nickname i generally just reed more to nickname
Quoted By:
>>18750554 Oh wow. I haven't heard someone say that in years. It's almost nostalgic.
3239 4409 1705 Zimmerman
>>18750546 Yep, just put a disc up and i'll getcha
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18750559 Everstone passes down nature. Destiny knot passes 5 ivs down from the parents to the offspring
>>18750559 While breeding you generally put the everstone on the pokemon with your desired nature, and a destiny knot on the other pokemon.
If you're just beginning to breed, this may help you out.
>>18749636 >duplicate file keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue]
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue] Sat 05 Apr 2014 07:07:40 No. 18750581 Report Quoted By:
>>18750562 can i get a porygon z as well pls?
IGN Kyle
>>18750573 Ahh so if i wanted to pass down nature and IV i would need one with everstone and another with destiny knot? just theory crafting.
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18750456 >Implying she's really a girl :^) This place has turned into /wfg v.2/ in the last 2 weeks. Some people stay in this place without being a cunt, others think that the thread runs around them and claims to be an important part of this place, i'm not shouting names, i'm just saying that this place isn't what it used to be when i came here for the first time. I'm sure that almost the 50% of these threads are namefags that went into ''anon mode'' to shitpost, the other 20% are namefags shitposting about shitpost. Don't get me wrong guys, the idea of these threads are great, but you are fucking them.>inb4 troll >inb4 wat can an anon know about this place Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18750584 I'm not seeing your disc did you get sniped?
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>>18750584 Think with the knot though is it picks 5 IVs at random between both parents, so if you have one parent with six 31s and one parent with six 0s, you're just as likely to get an egg with 0/0/0/0/0/x as you are 31/31/31/31/31/x
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sat 05 Apr 2014 07:13:04 No. 18750623 Report >>18750497 Can I have one too ?
Discing up
IGN Kyle
>>18750595 nah its up there luvdisc for timbur
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18750628 Timburr has two R's bro make sure you spelled it right
garfield 2809-8233-7598
>>18750562 disc up, not sure if you do nicknames, but if you do can you nickname it "Daffy"
>>18750593 Long post incoming:
I can honestly see where you're coming from. I've been here for a couple of months now and it's definitely slowed down a lot. As someone who namefags, I can admit it's just become too easy to do so and hang out in the thread just because I like talking to people. I do give stuff away, but sometimes, like now, I just want to chat while I breed. I feel like the regulars/namefags are typically the ones giving stuff away the most, though, and keep the threads alive. And there are always people interested in the 'mons - in my experience, not just the usual suspects. I dunno, though. I'm probably biased. IGN Kyle
Quoted By:
>>18750634 Balls lol okay one sec
>>18750623 Well I'm still breeding them, I don't have any more pentas yet.
Unless you don't care about IVs? I'm about to check a batch.
3239 4409 1705 Zimmerman
>>18750637 No can do, i'm just a guy with some French Porygon-Zs, not a miracle worker
IGN Kyle
>>18750634 okay i fixed my horrid spelling
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sat 05 Apr 2014 07:17:58 No. 18750650 Report >>18750644 3-4 IVs is already great ;)
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
Quoted By:
>>18750386 oh i just saw this. growlith on its way
>>18750650 Haha, alright. I just hatched a 5IV missing Def, disc up if you'd like it.
If you see me posting when I have more pentas though, don't hesitate to ask for another.
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
Quoted By:
>>18750386 dont see your disc. probably sniped
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18750649 Sent. When you need to evolve it I'll touch trade you
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sat 05 Apr 2014 07:22:00 No. 18750665 Report >>18750656 Thanks Ramona, disc up
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue]
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue] Sat 05 Apr 2014 07:23:16 No. 18750670 Report Quoted By:
IGN Kyle
>>18750664 Care if i friend you? dude you have helped me a bunch and your a wealth of knowledge. Also would love to practice battle when i have my pokemon line up completed
thanks a lot
>>18750593 OP can't inb4 For real though you raise valid points and have valid complaints. But you don't really give any ideas on how to make things better. also just thought i'd note how funny it is that every time i start lurking long-running generals i immediately see people complaining about how they aren't as good as they used to be pic related Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama)
Clox 3840-6570-8850 (Sawk, Machoke, Hariyama) Sat 05 Apr 2014 07:24:41 No. 18750679 Report Quoted By:
>>18750648 Could I bother you for one of those Porygon-z? I put a disc up.
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18750672 Sure, whats your FC?
IGN Kyle
>>18750680 3840 - 6230 - 0608
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
Quoted By:
>>18750672 >>18750680 And I don't have a wealth of knowledge lol. No more so then anyone else here
>>18750638 I dont want to agree with angry anon...but hes sort of right...;/ Ever since Opti sbowed up last week ive seen more anons come and shit post hes brought in more evil with those legendary giveaways....and i miss cool anon not sure you know who im talking about and cynthia 2.0 Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18750693 I'm guessing you're talking about N-Anon?
>>18750673 I get that the trip/namefagging annoys people since this is, after all, meant to be an anonymous board. I guess it's just natural to become too attached to the community or something.
Yeah, I know, autism If the shitposters were more constructive that'd be cool. I also understand that it sucks when people play favoritism, but honestly I haven't seen a lot of that..
>>18750693 Cynthia still lurks..
I really, really don't understand the hate for Opti. I must have missed whatever shitstorm supposedly happened when the trolling rose again Ramona
>>18750702 Well anyway, If I'm gonna be a cunt tonight, I might as well post my list. Sorry for the delay, I was breeding.
>Seel - Love Ball/Timid w/Disable, Fake Out, Water Pulse x1 Thick Fat female, x1 Hydration female >Seel - Moon Ball/Timid w/Disable, Fake Out, Water Pulse x2 Thick Fat females, x1 Hydration female >Eevee - Heal Ball/Bold w/Wish x3 females > Eevee - Nest ball/Jolly/HA x1 female >Scraggy - Timer Ball/Careful/Shed Skin w/Low Kick, Drain Punch, Dragon Dance, Fake Out x2 males, x7 females >Koffing - Heavy Ball/Bold w/Toxic Spikes, Stockpile, Pain Split, Swallow x6 females >Bouffalant - Luxury Ball/Adamant w/Iron Head x1 Reckless female, x2 Sap Sipper females >Riolu - Quick Ball/Jolly w/Bullet Punch, HJK, Blaze Kick, Crunch - Both HA and Non-HA, most female, a few males. Too many of them. Ramona
>>18750708 Also:
>Snubbull - Love Ball/Adamant w/Crunch, Heal Bell Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18750699 N-anon?
>>18750702 He has this belief that hes better than most posters here because hes given legendaries you can pick it up by the wayhe post and how he spoke to bob...and that he has a tendency to grab a lot of stuff
yes my names off
Kaza 5386-9172-7891
Quoted By:
Does anyone have an elekid with cross chop, fire punch and ice punch? Its the final pokemon to complete my team.
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
IGN Kyle
Quoted By:
>>18750725 nice thanks dude i use game chat if u happen to need me for something (idk what tho). also im looking for a guy who can shine pokemon if you know someone that would be useful
Im off for now tho thanks again for everything everyone
Quoted By:
>>18750728 I'm sorry anon, I don't want to invalidate your opinion, you're entitled to it. We can't make certain people go away though. If you have any other ideas as to how we can make the threads better, within our control, feel free to say it
But even then, no one can really control how these threads function. No one's the leader. I'd hate to see these threads die, though keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue]
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue] Sat 05 Apr 2014 07:41:08 No. 18750750 Report can anyone help me evolve muh porygon and kadabra pls?
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
Quoted By:
>>18750750 I can give you a hand, if we've traded before TR me from acquaintances, otherwise put a disc up for a disc
>>18750733 oh thats right what happened to him. he was anon but he emitted this aura people seemed to have been attracted by and recognized
hes the reason why cynthia made wailmers he was close to her and ramona or they just grew a fond of him
>>18750758 Oh yeah, I remember chatting with him a few times
There seem to be a lot of anons who have a similar style though, I feel like I can never tell when he's actually here Ramona
>>18750715 >>18750708 Not a lot of interest tonight anyway, but last call for these before i leave
>>18750775 Hi. I like that Snubbull, may I have one?
>>18750780 Hey Cynthia. Disc up! It's my only one right now but I have more sitting in eggs.
>>18750715 d-do you have any left?
Quoted By:
>>18750693 I honestly don't get that impression from him. I kinda like the guy. Plus, you're basing your argument off of your own interpretation.
>>18750769 No way you know when hes around something about that guy
I remember he called me a nigger and i threw one back and felt disrespected
Quoted By:
>>18750786 >>18750781 Give me a few minutes to hatch the eggs I've hoarded, then disc up.
>>18750781 Disc's up. Thanks in advance Ramona.
I was going to go to bed, but I decided to pop in and saw that, it's perfect really.
>>18750798 >tfw you're him I suspect he may be one of the shitposters but I admit, he was cool when he talked to us Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
Quoted By:
>>18750750 >>18750753 Still need help or...?
>>18750807 Sent!
You'll have to relearn the egg moves actually, sorry about that. I should really go to bed too, fuck.
Does anyone have a nifty breeding project they want done? I'm bored, I've just been battling on showdown and not doing a lot outside of work. If you've got a suggestion, please list ball + moves + nature, and of course species! I'll check this in the morning I guess, night everyone.
Quoted By:
>>18750786 Hatched one, disc up!
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18750819 Don't worry about it, from here I've gotten tons of Luvdisc and Heart Scales so I'm well set. Thanks again.
And don't be disheartened. Sometimes the shitposting is really nearly overwhelming, but be positive, and smile for those who may need it. Autistic, I know, but happiness and love are always stronger than hatred and anger. Anonymous
>>18750811 >if i were him instead of talking about id be talking like him even then it wouldnt be the same.i doubt it or it would have ben the same situation then
Quoted By:
>>18750820 How about luxury ball hippopotas?
I've never seen anyone breed those. 'Night!
Quoted By:
>>18750820 Whens your super omega giveaway tomorrow night?
Werent you doing Wailmers
>>18750842 True that! Just gotta keep the spirit of the thread alive. >>18750843 Perhaps so. Maybe he'll join us again soon.
>>18750786 Disc up soon anon, I want to sleep ;-;
Quoted By:
>>18750820 I'm still waiting on those
Tangela Anonymous
>>18750854 do you do nicknames?
>>18750881 I can do that, what name would you like?
Quoted By:
>>18750881 It's probably not pentaperfect though, just so you know. I'm not sure what the parent's IVs are
garfield 2809-8233-7598
>>18750906 If its a girl can you nickname it "Josyln F", and if its a guy then Mittens will do.Also intimidate for the ability.
Thanks in advance!
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
3xF Dream Ball Gible (Jolly w/ Thrash, Sand Tomb, Outrage, Iron Head) 3xF Premier Ball HA Espurr (Modest w/ Assist, Barrier, Trick, Yawn) 2xF Premier Ball Skorupi (Jolly w/ Agility, Poison Tail, Whirlwind) 1xF Nest Ball Solosis (Quiet w/ Acid Armor, Confuse Ray) 1xF Dream Ball HA Pachirisu (Timid w/ Follow Me, Bestow, Fake Tears, Ion Deluge) 1xF Dream Ball HA Spiritomb (Adamant w/ Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch) Take them, etc.
Quoted By:
>>18750937 disc is up for spiritomb
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sat 05 Apr 2014 08:24:43 No. 18750961 Report Quoted By:
Looking for a charmander in a cool ball
garfield 2809-8233-7598r
Quoted By:
Does anyone have an Onix with Stealth Rock?
>>18750937 Would love a Skorupi! Gible would be nice as well afterwards, but I understand if it's just one per customer.
Disc up. Thanks in advance.
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue]
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue] Sat 05 Apr 2014 08:45:00 No. 18751031 Report >>18750949 i think you've blocked trades. still able to help?
>>18750937 Disc is up for the pachirisu
Thanks for the spiritomb
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18751031 I can help you, Ramona went to sleep
>>18751039 You're talking about Snubbull right? Could I get one?
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue]
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue] Sat 05 Apr 2014 08:49:49 No. 18751047 Report Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
Quoted By:
>>18751046 Sorry i'm not talking about Snubbel. Keo was asking for help evolving mons. If I had one I'd give it to you sorry
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
Quoted By:
>>18751047 Do you want your Porygon to learn Zap cannon?
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue]
keo 4742-6186-1643 [mankey/pancham/tyrogue] Sat 05 Apr 2014 08:57:16 No. 18751070 Report Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
Quoted By:
>>18751009 Oh, and disc is named /vp/
Whos up right now? Probably go out and jerk it to some JAV
>>18751180 I'm still lurking.
>>18751193 Whats up asl? Horny as fuck right now what do you get off of go any rec?
Quoted By:
Looking for a Togepi, dics is named /VP/, IGN is Autumn
>>18751216 Saw this fine black bitch today and now im in the mood to jerk off to some black bitches what yall recommend? i got duvalle, silver, hayes
IGN Goose 4699 - 6933 - 0146
>>18750937 >>18751009 I realize I forgot to put my name up.
Though I think MGE fell asleep. Oh well, maybe I'll get that Skorupi tomorrow.
Too many Imperfect HP Ice Mienfoo 2 5IV Timer Ball Larvesta 2 Dive Ball HA Riolu (Vacuum Wave) 3 5IV Luxury Ball Shuppet 1 5IV Premier Ball HA Zangoose
>>18752026 disc is up for zangoose
Help me get rid of my leftovers before my bank trial expires: Timer Ball Pawniard (Adamant 4–5IV) Inner Focus: 1M, 4F Pressure (HA): 1M, 2F Egg Moves: Pursuit, Sucker Punch, Quick Guard, Stealth Rock Other stuff I don't need (most are not bred by me) Female Luxury Ball Karrablast (Brave 4IV, Swarm, w/ Pursuit, Knock Off, Drill Run, Megahorn) Female Luxury Ball Marill (Adamant 5IV -SpA, Thick Fat, w/ Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, Japanese) Female Ultra Ball Minccino (Jolly 4IV, Skill Link, w/ Knock Off) Female Tentacool (Calm 5IV -Spe, Clear Body, w/ Rapid Spin, Knock Off, Acupressure) Female Tentacool (Calm 4IV, Clear Body, w/ Mirror Coat, Aqua Ring) Female Fennekin (Modest 5IV -Spe, Blaze, w/ Heat Wave) Female Chimchar (Jolly 4IV, Iron Fist, w/ Fake Out. Should have Thunder and fire Punch as relearnable egg moves) Female Druddigon The only thing special about it is its nickname, Spike , which is a forbidden word in XY Male Nest Ball Ferroseed (Brave 4IV, Iron Barbs, w/ Bullet Seed, Leech Seed, Worry Seed, Gravity) Male Nest Ball Ferroseed (Brave 4IV, Iron Barbs, w/ Bullet Seed, Leech Seed, Stealth Rock, Gravity) Male Dive Ball Frillish (Bold 5IV -SpA, Cursed Body, w/ Acid armor, Recover, Confuse Ray, Pain Split) Male Chespin (Impish 4IV, Bulletproof, w/ Synthesis, Spikes) Male Roselia (Calm 4IV, Poison Point, w/ Spikes, German) Male Shroomish (Jolly 4IV, Quick feet, w/ Leech Seed, Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed, Spore) Male Aron (Adamant 4IV, Rock Head, w/ Curse, Superpower, Head Smash, Japanese) Male Dratini (Adamant 5IV -Atk, Marvel Scale, w/ Dragon Rush, Dragon Dance, Extreme Speed, Japanese) Male Karrablast (Adamant 5IV -SpA, w/ Knock Off, Drill Run, Megahorn, Japanese) Male Hawlucha (Adamant 5IV -Spe, Limber, Spanish) Please specify which ability/gender you want and put up a disc.
I have a timid Gastly with 21 IV in HP, S.Atk and Speed and a bunch of Honedges with 2 to 4 IV . Need Any male Pokemon able to breed with Banette which has th Move Disable.
Hank 4356-0012-3407 (ariados, toxicroak, cascoon)
Hank 4356-0012-3407 (ariados, toxicroak, cascoon) Sat 05 Apr 2014 14:52:38 No. 18752438 Report Quoted By:
Does anybody have a female Growlithe in a fast ball? I have a couple of female dream ball bold Koffings with painsplit & toxic spikes, if anyone's interested?
>>18752362 Is all that extra stuff from wondertrade?
Quoted By:
>>18752444 A lot from that second list is from GTS, with some stuff from WT (when people don't send route 2 crap for a change). Some are leftovers from old breeding projects. I mainly listed it here in case someone needs it.
Quoted By:
>>18752362 Discing for that Shroomish
>>18749519 I could realy need the male gastly
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
Quoted By:
>>18751280 >>18751035 I passed out last night, sorry.
Tell me if you're still around.
>>18752362 Could i get one of those chimchars? Disc is up, ign is Ben, message is vp.
Quoted By:
>>18752910 Everything from the second list are singles.
I don't see your disc. If you got sniped and still need one, re-disc for a female.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
giving away (ALL FEMALE): 4x Ultra Ball Simple Numel (Ancient Power, Yawn, Heatwave, Rollout) 5x Dream Ball HA West Sea Shellos (Counter, Mirror Coat, Fissure, Yawn) 5x Heal Ball HA Spritzee (Fairy Wind, Disable, Refresh, Wish) 5x Moon Ball Intimidate Shinx (Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Eerie Impulse) reply and disc up if interested
Quoted By:
Does anyone happen to have feebas or riolu females in premier balls so I can breed? My ign is Haakon.
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
>>18753004 I'll take one of those Shellos.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Hank 4356-0012-3407 (ariados, toxicroak, cascoon)
Hank 4356-0012-3407 (ariados, toxicroak, cascoon) Sat 05 Apr 2014 16:21:19 No. 18753066 Report >>18753004 Can I get a Shinx? Disc is up!
>>18753004 Moon Ball Shinx? Yes Please. Discing up
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sat 05 Apr 2014 16:23:51 No. 18753087 Report >>18753004 Discing up for a shinx
>>18753004 Hi can I get one of those spritzee? Putting disc up, ign is Marcelo. Thanks in advance!
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
>>18753124 Thank you very much!
Jack 5300-9980-3062 (Lapras, Sneasel, Spheal)
Jack 5300-9980-3062 (Lapras, Sneasel, Spheal) Sat 05 Apr 2014 16:28:58 No. 18753130 Report Quoted By:
Looking for a female HA Pikachu. Puttin a disc up
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sat 05 Apr 2014 16:31:03 No. 18753140 Report Quoted By:
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
giving away (ALL FEMALE): 4x Ultra Ball Simple Numel (Ancient Power, Yawn, Heatwave, Rollout) 4x Dream Ball HA West Sea Shellos (Counter, Mirror Coat, Fissure, Yawn) 4x Heal Ball HA Spritzee (Fairy Wind, Disable, Refresh, Wish) 2x Moon Ball Intimidate Shinx (Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Eerie Impulse) reply and disc up if interested
>>18753159 disk is up for Shinx thank you
>>18753159 Mind if I disc up for one of those Shellos too?
>>18753124 Is this the real Zilla?
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18753198 no problem go for it
>>18753207 is there a fake one?! if so then yes i am the REAL one lol
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18753227 Thanks, disc is up for Shellos now.
Also there was some guy trolling around with your name before. A disgruntled fan perhaps?
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18753227 Well there was someone posing as you, Trying to pass a rule that only people who are consistent giveawayers could get stuff back. The Zilla imposter trolled alot of people pretty hard lol
Quoted By:
>>18753183 fuck you anthony
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
>>18753243 ahh oh well imitation in the sincerest form of flattery
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Hey guys, How is everyone?
>>18753159 Can I disc up for a shinx if you still have any?
>>18753252 That was Anthony not zilla. Which is why last sunday is brought up a lot and he gets shit by anon. and youre thinking of zroke who started the beggar giver badge along Anthony.
>>18753286 Aegis can vouch for me
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18753309 Well there might have been an Anthony imposter I may have missed it idk. But I was lurking during the shitstorm that fake Zilla started
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18753286 yep last ones yours
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18753309 When the thread went to shit last sunday someone suggested VIP and private giveaways I just bailed to avoid the sprialing shitstorm. Those are horrible ideas in the first place they completely isolate the community for the most part and provide a barrier to entry. I haven't been on since 10 last night finally slept, if you guys are talking about some other shitstorm. But anon has been bitching about anthony for about a week now. Who? Has been my reaction when he's been brought up. This anthony guy posts like 4 times a thread or something.
>>18753339 Thanks Zilla,
>>18753322 Not an imposter, if you really were there then youd know this guy showed up last Sunday with shinies to givaway. Everything was fine until he decided not to give to some of th usersbecause they dont giveaway stuff. Whch is silly because it defeats the purpose of "giveaway". So now you have anons like the one above us shit on him
Zach 2766-9068-1856 !HSerq0D3m.
>>18753377 He didn't give anything away the shiny giveaway was fake all together. If we are talking about the same incident
>>18753364 That fucking picture, its your favorite because of the jammed dicks, affecting senses part I read right.
I hope Ramona updates it with the stuff from that one night. Are you going to be on for a while?
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18753396 So he just came in started a shitstorm and didn't even give out anything?
Anons I'll be honest with you guys I show some favortism in my giveaways. If I have hard to find female mons with ha (starter and other things with annoying gender ratios). I will make sure that a good amount of those end up in the hands of people I see in the threads either breeding stuff or giving away stuff. I view it as the best way for those mons to benefit the thread in the long run.
>>18753431 Probably the next half hour. Also I love the picture the first time anon got really mad at me.
>>18749334 >>18753244 anon giving away sandshrew
>>18753468 Hey post it if you do. I should have screen grabbed those posts anons made
Up for a battle?
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18753597 sure, the top bit of text on that image is from the first time anon got mad at me. Also I could just go to the archive and find the post again.
Dewboy 4897-6276-1848 Rock: Boldore, Macargo and Barbacle
Dewboy 4897-6276-1848 Rock: Boldore, Macargo and Barbacle Sat 05 Apr 2014 17:39:29 No. 18753702 Report Giving away: 2 Chespin 2 Bulbasaur 2 Squirtle 2 Fennekin 2 Charmander 2 Froakie 4 Skorupi 4 Skiddo 4 Aron 4 Gothita 4 Ponyta 4 Pichu 2 Hawlucha 5 Amura 3 Tyrogue and about 10 Chimchar
>>18753702 deets on the Gothita?
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sat 05 Apr 2014 17:41:22 No. 18753720 Report >>18753702 What ball for the 2 charmander ? female ?
Dewboy 4897-6276-1848 Rock: Boldore, Macargo and Barbacle
Dewboy 4897-6276-1848 Rock: Boldore, Macargo and Barbacle Sat 05 Apr 2014 17:43:20 No. 18753735 Report Quoted By:
>>18753711 I didn't breed them but:
2M Gentle/Compet Lonely/Frisk 2F Brave/Frisk Relaxed/Frisk
Pound/Heal Pulse/Dark Pulse/Uproar
>>18753720 Two boys pokeball
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
>>18749519 disc going up for a moxie heracross 2148 9597 5330
>>18753702 tyrogue for my sandshrew? I'm in the middle of a sandshrew holly nature giveaway
>>18753542 Dewboy 4897-6276-1848 Rock: Boldore, Macargo and Barbacle
Dewboy 4897-6276-1848 Rock: Boldore, Macargo and Barbacle Sat 05 Apr 2014 17:47:38 No. 18753760 Report >>18753753 you can sandshrew up
2148 9597 5330
Quoted By:
>>18753753 *jolly and ponyta too if its not too much to ask
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
Quoted By:
>>18753752 shit I don't have a disc, will a totodile work?
Quoted By:
this thread's been up for over 12 hours
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
>>18753702 details on the bulbasaur?
2148 9597 5330
Dewboy 4897-6276-1848 Rock: Boldore, Macargo and Barbacle
Dewboy 4897-6276-1848 Rock: Boldore, Macargo and Barbacle Sat 05 Apr 2014 17:52:06 No. 18753795 Report >>18753772 2M Timid/Lonely
>>18753779 put a sandshrew up in the GTS for a tyrogue. or you can add me
2148 9597 5330
>>18753795 can i put sand slash? also any great ball mons?
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18753779 Hi new guy also congrats on the shiny. Shiny sandslash is badass looking. Read the top post for more info. We give away pokemon through the gts using luvdiscs. In this instance you can put up a sandshrew up on the gts asking for tyrogue.
Haakon 0576-5073-8883
Quoted By:
I have a box full of adamant charmander with dragon dance, inside premier balls. They're all male except 1 female.
2148 9597 5330
>>18753702 Added you an put a sandshrew for tyrogue on gts sorry its my first time, add me or just gts it thanks in advance!
Quoted By:
I have a handful of Jolly SkillLink Minccinos in Premier balls with random IVs but they should all have at least 3 perfect. 2x - Males 5x - Females Reply if you want one. Can nickname if requested.
Dewboy 4897-6276-1848 Rock: Boldore, Macargo and Barbacle
Dewboy 4897-6276-1848 Rock: Boldore, Macargo and Barbacle Sat 05 Apr 2014 18:01:23 No. 18753878 Report >>18753806 just tackle/petaldance
>>18753804 for what?
>>18753858 you can go again for ponyta
2148 9597 5330
Quoted By:
>>18753878 Done! Thanks alot!
Anyone have any Head Smash Arons? Would prefer a female with Rock Head but I'm not picky.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Guys maybe this is too difficult to obtain but... someone by any chance have HA Alomomola?
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
>>18754278 I can breed you one.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18754290 You can? Please do it and thanks man you really save me
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
>>18754296 Sure. Just give me some time.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18754308 Ok just tell me when to disc up
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 05 Apr 2014 19:04:11 No. 18754378 Report Quoted By:
>>18752603 >>18753752 sorry i just got online, if youre both here disc up and i guess totodile works too
Haakon 0576-5073-8883
Quoted By:
Would anyone have a spare feebas available?
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 05 Apr 2014 19:13:27 No. 18754460 Report hello again, ill just leave this here, pls take them 3 beldum – 4 iv adamant clear body 5 ralts (all male) – 4 iv adamant (4trace/1 synchronize) em: mean look/shadow sneak/destiny bond/confuse ray 1 gastly (male) - 5 iv modest 7 torchic (all male) – 4 iv adamant speed boost 4 growlithe (2m/2f) – 4 iv adamant flash fire em: double edge/flare blitz/close combat/morning sun 9 feebas (6m/3f) – 4-5 iv modest oblivious em: hypnosis/mirror coat/dragon pulse/captivate 14 mudkip (all male)– 4-5 iv adamant torrent 11 gligar (6m/5f) - 4-5 iv impish immunity (1 extra jap male 5 iv) 7 minccino (1m/6f) – 5 iv jolly skill link 3 marill (2m/1f) – 4 iv adamant huge power em: superpower/belly drum/aqua jet/perish song 1 shellder (male) – 4 iv jolly skill link em: icicle spear/rock blast/aqua ring 4 drilbur (all male) – 5 iv adamant mold breaker 6 rotom – 4-5 iv calm levitate 3 heracross (all female) – 4-5 iv adamant moxie em: rock blast/megahorn 3 heracross (all female) – 4-5 iv adamant guts em same as above 9 kangaskhan – 4-5 iv adamant scrappy em: double edge/hammer arm/counter/disable (last 5 iv one was breeding mom so has to relearn egg moves) 4 snorunt (all female) – 4 iv timid moody em: weather ball/spikes 9 nidoran (5m/4f) – m: 4-5 iv f: 5iv all timid hustle em: counter/iron tail/take down 4 eevee (3m/1f) – 4-5 iv bold em: wish 2 treecko (male) – 5 iv adamant unburden 4 vullaby - 4-5 iv impish overcoat em: roost/mean look/foul play/knock off pls be as specific as possible with what you want or ill send whichever is first
Haakon 0576-5073-8883
>>18754460 I'd take a feebas mate. What ball are they in?
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
>>18754332 Hatched you a 5IV one. Disc up?
Sapphiriel (1478-4244-1438)
Quoted By:
Hi, hows everyone doing? Anyone gonna make a new thread?
2148 9597 5330
>>18754460 Ill take a vullaby, middle of a sandshrew giveaway so look for one
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 05 Apr 2014 19:19:32 No. 18754513 Report >>18754490 regular pokeball, im pretty sure the only one that would satisfy anyones balltism is snorunt in premier balls (goes well with froslass)
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18754500 Is going up in a minute Thanks again man!
2148 9597 5330
>>18754508 ho and ill pick a feebas too! deposing a sandshrew again
MGE 0619-4373-8558 !mige.pXHBU
Haakon 0576-5073-8883
>>18754513 Well I wouldn't mind taking a feebas off your hands anyway if it's alright?
Haakon 0576-5073-8883
>>18754513 I can't ask for feebas when I deposit my disc, probably because I haven't seen one in game yet.
2148 9597 5330
Quoted By:
>>18754460 Just to recap I would like a vullaby and a feebas, im dropping sandshre for them if its ok,
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
>>18754460 Totodile is up. He's a high level but is 5IV and if you take it to the move relearner it has 4 egg moves
>>18754257 I can give you a male 4IV Aron with Superpower, Head Smash and Curse right now.
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>>18754555 Scroll to the bottom, there's a 'What Pokemon?' option that allows you to select any you haven't seen before via inputting the name.
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>>18754573 Fine by me.
I'll put up a 'Disc named /vp/ shortly.
IGN is Xavier.
2148 9597 5330
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>>18754460 thanks for the vullaby! I put up my sandshrew for the feebas.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 05 Apr 2014 19:45:08 No. 18754691 Report Quoted By:
>>18754508 >>18754526 both sent!
>>18754532 sent!
>>18754569 i dont see the totodile asking for heracross