Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] {Polar} !!mxNcXQoFFF+
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] {Polar} !!mxNcXQoFFF+ Sat 05 Apr 2014 12:41:03 No. 18751794 Report Quoted By:
>>18751785 whoops, forgot to include old:
>>18736877 Yara
Moving over from old thread: Looking to begin Ducktank power sweeps in Maison. Pokemon: Porygon2 Nickname: Quailgun (Just came up with that, feel good) Nature: Modest Ability: Analytic Gender: It's genderless isn't it? Shiny: No Specific Pokeball: Love Ball IV's: All 31/s, gotta go it hard EV's: 252 hp, 252 SpA, 4 def Moves: Tri-Attack Ice Beam Thunderbolt Recover Can offer pretty much any BP item!
Austin 1779-1144-3795 (Fairy - Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Clefairy)
Austin 1779-1144-3795 (Fairy - Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Clefairy) Sat 05 Apr 2014 13:30:52 No. 18752008 Report Pokemon: Sceptile Nickname?: Lefty Nature: Adamant Ability: Unburden Gender: Male Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall*: Dusk Ball IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31 EVs: 252 Atk, 4 Def, and 252 Spe Moves: Swords Dance, Leaf Blade, Acrobatics, and Drain Punch
Austin 1779-1144-3795 (Fairy - Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Clefairy)
Austin 1779-1144-3795 (Fairy - Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Clefairy) Sat 05 Apr 2014 13:40:36 No. 18752051 Report Quoted By:
>>18752008 If anybody actually does this for me, you are amazing <3
Jack [2208-6022-6164 Muk - Gloom - Swalot]
Jack [2208-6022-6164 Muk - Gloom - Swalot] Sat 05 Apr 2014 14:18:33 No. 18752221 Report Quoted By:
Pokemon: Banette Nickname: Banette Nature: Careful Ability: Frisk Gender: Male Shiny: yes Specific PokeBall: Level Ball if possible , otherwise Luxury Ball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: HP 240 , Def 56 , Sp. Def 212 Moves: Will - o - Wisp Pain Split Destiny Bond Confuse Ray Can offer some BM items or some megastones(Heracronite , Blazikenite)
any genners around? or is saturday considered "dead hours"?
Quoted By:
>>18752615 It's dead sometimes, it's strange.
Joni 1521 - 2878 - 5294 (IGN: Kawaii)
Requesting these three. Poke Balls and genders don't matter, no shiny, no nicknames. Pokemon: Thundurus Nature: Timid Ability: Prankster IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 4 HP Moves: Thunderbolt / Dark Pulse / Flash Cannon / Nasty Plot Pokemon: Landorus Nature: Jolly Ability: Sand Force IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 HP Moves: Earthquake / Rock Slide / U-turn / Swords Dance Pokemon: Togekiss Nature: Bold Ability: Super Luck IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 HP / 129 Defense / 129 Special Defense Moves: Follow Me / Thunder Wave / Heal Bell (the last moveslot can be empty, I'll put Dazzling Gleam there) Reward: One Maison item for one Pokemon. If you're in a desperate need of Ability Capsules, I can get you three of them for these Mons.
Joni 1521 - 2878 - 5294 (IGN: Kawaii)
Quoted By:
Bamp, any genners around?
Lance 0576-4992-9344
>>18752864 I'll gen you those 3 for a Life Orb, Choice Band and Weakness policy
Joni 1521 - 2878 - 5294 (IGN: Kawaii)
Quoted By:
>>18752918 Life Orb, Choice Band, and Weakness Policy? You have a deal.
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
Pokemon: Manectric
Nickname?: Susanooh
Nature: Timid
Ability: Lightningrod
Gender: Male
Shiny?: Yes
Specific PokeBall*: Great Ball
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Volt Switch
Hidden Power Ice
I can offer the following: and also Adamant Magikarp, Stealth Rock/Outrage/Dragon Dance/Pursuit Larvitars and Adamant Hawluchas, all 4-5 IV.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sat 05 Apr 2014 16:12:41 No. 18752987 Report Lance 0576-4992-9344
>>18752864 Done, add me please
Joni 1521 - 2878 - 5294 (IGN: Kawaii)
Joni 1521 - 2878 - 5294 (IGN: Kawaii)
P.Bew 3969-4047-7567
Is it possible to gen Iron Fist Infernape ? if so would someone be kind to help ? Pokemon: Infernape Nickname?: N/A Nature: Hasty / Naive Ability: Iron Fist Gender: Female Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall*: No IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 180 Atk, 76 SpAtk, 252 Speed Moves: Close Combat Overheat Mach Punch Thunder Punch My white 2 FC 1765-6627-7858 My X FC 3969-4047-7567
Erin (IGN Yin)
Quoted By:
>>18752970 Oh shit, I gotta go. If somebody could get this done and I'll be back this time tomorrow for it that'd be great.
I've also put a Larvitar on the GTS, if it doesn't get sniped then you could trade with that while I'm out.
Summer/Vitto 1263-6865-8245
requesting, can offer any bp item as usual Pokemon: Hydreigon Nickname?: Silicus Nature: Timid Ability: Levitate Gender: Either Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall*: Dusk ball if possible, if not a regular pokeball is fine IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 SpA/ 252 Speed/ 4 HP Moves: Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Earth Power, Dark Pulse
Jack [2208-6022-6164 Muk - Gloom - Swalot]
Jack [2208-6022-6164 Muk - Gloom - Swalot] Sat 05 Apr 2014 16:45:15 No. 18753264 Report Pokemon: Landorus-I Nature: Timid Ability: Sheer Force Ball: Premier Ball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 4 HP Moves: -Psychic -Sludge Wave -Earth Power -Focus Blast Can offer Battle Maison items
Lance 0576-4992-9344
>>18752987 I'll do it for a Focus Sash, Rocky Helmet and Choice Specs
Quoted By:
>>18753276 I can give you a rocky helmet and another Maison item for a pokegen
Zo 3067-5937-8624 {2942}
I'm back again to Gen. In search of Megastones, Kalos Shinies &/or Legendaries, Eviolite, or BP Items.
Summer/Vitto 1263-6865-8245
>>18753395 hi I can offer an eviolite if you gen me this
>>18753395 Summer/Vitto 1263-6865-8245
P.Bew 3969-4047-7567
>>18753395 Can offer Gengarite / Focus sash / choice specs
>>18753116 Lance 0576-4992-9344
>>18753234 Can I have a Choice Specs?
>>18753430 I figured that. Let me know if something's incorrect.
Summer/Vitto 1263-6865-8245
>>18753479 sure! if Zo hasn't started on it, but seeing as you're the first to reply I'll leave up to you then
Lance 0576-4992-9344
Summer/Vitto 1263-6865-8245
>>18753504 >>18753498 >>18753479 nevermind then, thank you Zo, Looks good
Can someone help me with this little guy? I don't get why pokebank block
>>18753509 So do you want me to do it or the other guy?
Jack [2208-6022-6164 Muk - Gloom - Swalot]
Jack [2208-6022-6164 Muk - Gloom - Swalot] Sat 05 Apr 2014 17:24:43 No. 18753571 Report >>18753395 Can you gen this for BP item ?
>>18753264 Summer/Vitto 1263-6865-8245
>>18753551 I'll let you do it since you already started on it bud
>>18753536 >Lovely place Kill yourself fuckhead
>>18753509 >>18753498 Was my post, Do you still want me to bring it through or are you going with the other guy? 0645-6947-9076
>>18753264 Do you have an Ability Capsule or a Air Ballon? I got that Landorus sitting in my PC awaiting your ownership.
Quoted By:
>>18753583 Ok then. Will bring it through with
>>18753571 .
Summer/Vitto 1263-6865-8245
>>18753593 Getting kinda confused on who is who without the names, I'll let Zo do it okay
Lance I'm sure someone will offer you your choice specs eventually
>>18753595 NVM its allready taken
Quoted By:
>>18753626 Yeah, sorry. I accidently erased the rest of my name from my second reply and it defaulted to anon status. I'll just use my IGN in my posts from here out.
Jack [2208-6022-6164 Muk - Gloom - Swalot]
Jack [2208-6022-6164 Muk - Gloom - Swalot] Sat 05 Apr 2014 17:35:18 No. 18753673 Report Quoted By:
>>18753648 if you can gen another , i`ll give you air ballon for that
>>18753626 Bringing it into Bank now.
>>18753439 I have your Infernape
P.Bew 3969-4047-7567
>>18753771 Awesome, what item were you after ?
P.Bew 3969-4047-7567
Quoted By:
>>18753794 Cool, FC ?, i'll be online now
Summer/Vitto 1263-6865-8245
>>18753722 itt: hydreigon is one of the better looking shinies thanks a bunch mate
>>18753833 You're welcome.
FC here
>>18753395 P.Bew 3969-4047-7567
>>18753837 much appreciated, ty
Quoted By:
>>18753863 You're welcome, enjoy.
Quoted By:
>>18753395 Well... i can give ou an Evolite
Pokemon: Keldeo
Nickname?: Nope
Nature: Timid
Ability: Justified
Gender: hehe
Shiny?: No
Specific PokeBall*: Cherish ball
IVs: 30/22/30/30/30/31
EVs: 6HP, 252AtkSpe, 252 Speed
Moves: Aqua jet, icy wind, HP FLY, scald
red 0834 0966 5408 (crawdaunt, pawniard, absol) Anonymous Sat 05 Apr 2014 18:17:42 No. 18754038 Report Quoted By:
ditto timid shiny YES all 31s thanks guys, i have a shiny vanilite for anyone up to this
Jack [2208-6022-6164 Muk - Gloom - Swalot]
Jack [2208-6022-6164 Muk - Gloom - Swalot] Sat 05 Apr 2014 18:21:27 No. 18754068 Report Anyone can do this ?
>>18753264 Yara
>>18751979 Going to bed for a few hours, if anyone is going to be around in about 6 hours and feels like helping me out that'd be great.
Lance 0576-4992-9344
>>18754068 Can I have a Choice specs?
Jack [2208-6022-6164 Muk - Gloom - Swalot]
Jack [2208-6022-6164 Muk - Gloom - Swalot] Sat 05 Apr 2014 19:05:46 No. 18754386 Report >>18754355 Yes , i can give you specs for mon
Lance 0576-4992-9344
>>18754386 Done, add me please
I just realized that I spent hours breeding zoroarks, only to realize that I forgot to give them Sucker punch as an egg move. Now, I could just gen up something that could breed with my current female. But with their 12.5% female rates, this shit's getting old. Can I get a female Zoroark with: Extrasensory Dark Pulse Suckerpunch w/e lvl 100 works best, but here's the part that's been giving me trouble, for some reason. Can i get it in a Luxury Ball? I'm willing to pay with any 4-5 IV breeding leftovers I have lying around (no 6IVs left) or any power/choice items.
Jack [2208-6022-6164 Muk - Gloom - Swalot]
Jack [2208-6022-6164 Muk - Gloom - Swalot] Sat 05 Apr 2014 19:13:43 No. 18754464 Report Quoted By:
Jack [2208-6022-6164 Muk - Gloom - Swalot]
Jack [2208-6022-6164 Muk - Gloom - Swalot] Sat 05 Apr 2014 19:16:08 No. 18754485 Report Quoted By:
>>18754410 Thank you very much!
0903 3045 6143 Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto
Quoted By:
Friendly bump because I like this thread.
nondi 1134-7624-9862 (Zebstrika, Helioptile, Emolga)
nondi 1134-7624-9862 (Zebstrika, Helioptile, Emolga) Sat 05 Apr 2014 19:39:36 No. 18754658 Report Pokemon: Genesect Nickname?: Nature: Hasty Ability: Download Gender: Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall*: IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 6 Spa Moves: U-Turn / Ice Beam / Iron Head / ExtremeSpeed Pokemon: Gengar Nickname?: Yeezy Nature: Timid Ability: Levitate Gender: Male Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall*: IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 Spa / 252 Spe / 6 HP Moves: Shadow Ball / Substitute / Disable / Perish Song I can get you any BP item.
>>18754440 oh, shit. FORMATTING
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
Pokemon: Zoroark
Nickname?: w/e
Nature: w/e
Ability: Illusion
Gender: Female
Shiny?: w/e
Specific PokeBall*: Luxury Ball
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: w/e
Moves: Extrasensory, Sucker Punch, Dark Pulse, w/e
willing to pay with BP items or breeding leftovers
Lance 0576-4992-9344
>>18754658 Can I have a Quick Claw and an Air Balloon?
nondi 1134-7624-9862 (Zebstrika, Helioptile, Emolga)
nondi 1134-7624-9862 (Zebstrika, Helioptile, Emolga) Sat 05 Apr 2014 19:57:19 No. 18754769 Report >>18754738 Sure thing. Thanks.
Lance 0576-4992-9344
nondi 1134-7624-9862 (Zebstrika, Helioptile, Emolga)
nondi 1134-7624-9862 (Zebstrika, Helioptile, Emolga) Sat 05 Apr 2014 20:04:34 No. 18754831 Report Quoted By:
>can offer battle maison items, rare berries, and shit iv blue pentagon shinies Pokemon: Rotom Nickname?: Easy Bake Nature: Calm Ability: Levitate Gender: Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall*: Repeat IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs: 22 hp/252 spdef/6 def Moves: signal beam/painsplit/snatch Pokemon: scizor Nickname?: Sheena Nature: brave Ability: technician Gender: female Shiny?: no Specific PokeBall*: repeat ball IVs: max with 0 speed EVs: 252 hp/252 attack/6 spdef Moves: superpower/bug bite/pursuit/knock off
>>18754728 I would also like
Pokemon: Joltic or Galvantula
Nickname?: doesn't matter
Nature: Timid
Ability: Compundeyes
Gender: Female
Shiny?: either
Specific PokeBall*: Luxury Ball
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: any
Moves: any
Still willing to give BP items, bred pokemon, or non-genned shinies (admittedly shitty because they're non-bred)
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Manectric
Nickname?: Susanooh
Nature: Timid
Ability: Lightningrod
Gender: Male
Shiny?: Yes
Specific PokeBall*: Great Ball
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Volt Switch
Hidden Power Ice
I can offer the following: and also Adamant Magikarp, Stealth Rock/Outrage/Dragon Dance/Pursuit Larvitars and Adamant Hawluchas, all 4-5 IV.
Sucks to be poor right guys?
>>18757377 sucks to be shitty at pokegen is-wait. what the hell does that even mean?
Quoted By:
>>18757396 >not knowing how to pokegen Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
Quoted By:
I'm here to gen pokemon and kick ass. And I'm all out of Ass.>Looking for 6th gen 5iv mons.
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
Requesting Mew No nickname Not shiny Genderless Regular Pokeball Synchronise ability Timid 31/x/31/31/31/31 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP Recovered from Pokerus Level 100 OT Richard Trainer ID: 32017 Secret ID: 35663 Met: As if received from a Heart Gold event In return I have some good breeding rejects - Dratini, Larvitar, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Marill, Togepi, Swinub, Staryu and others Many thanks
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
>>18757559 Bless you child, I'll see what gen 6 mon I have. Maybe Froakie? We'll cross that bridge when we com to it
Quoted By:
Genning 3 mons for a 5IV Sap sipper, female goomy
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18757570 Well, the event from HG is in a Cherish Ball, so I can't do it with an average ball. And the OT will have to be the event distributor's OT.
>>18757594 if you're still genning after the mew, would you mind doing these for me?
>>18756371 >>18754728 I can't for the life of me gen one of them on a luxury ball.
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
>>18757594 Ah I see, well I want it to look legit, so I guess we'll go with cherish ball event OT. Thanks
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18757608 Yeah no problem.
>>18757619 From your list of rejects I have all of them, so I don't need anything. Just wait for me to get online.
If you don't know how I run, I prefer to gen a whole box then transfer, so it may be a while
>>18757608 Incidentally, I know why the zoroark probably isn't going through the pokebank (egg moves), but if you can at east make a female in a luxury ball, I'd be pretty fucking happy
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18757629 The biggest problem is egg moves can't be passed down without being in a normal pokeball.
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
Quoted By:
>>18757627 Cool, so I guess you'll be a while before you've gen'd a whole box. I'll add you now and jump back on soon
>>18757644 I more or less figured that out yesterday, but I was hoping that someone else might know of a way. Still, I really just want luxury ball females for breeding purposes. I can do the egg moves myself.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18757655 I can't do Zoroark in a Luxury Ball. All Zorua's are event pokemon, and are in a Pokeball.
>>18757698 isn't there a Zoroark you can catch in lostlorn forest using the event dogs?
>>18754106 I'm back, could someone please help me with
>>18751979 I was the first post in the thread and everything!
The reign of duck tank must begin.
David 3926-5754-2050
Can someone gen me the Lunar Duo?>Pokemon: Cresselia >Nickname?: none >Nature: Bold >Ability: Levitate >Gender: Female >Shiny?: Yes >Specific PokeBall*: Normal >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 252 HP 176 Def 80 SpD >Moves: Light Screen, Reflect, Lunar Dance, Psychic >Pokemon: Darkrai >Nickname?: none >Nature: Timid >Ability: Bad Dreams >Gender: n/a >Shiny?: No >Specific PokeBall*: Normal >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs:252 SpA 252 Spe 4 HP >Moves: Dark Void, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot I have 5 IV leftovers to give in return.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18757718 Completely forgot about that one.
>>18757768 This I could do.
But only maybe.
David 3926-5754-2050
>>18757793 Based Sean coming to my rescue again. Allow me to give you a Shiny 5 IV Skarmory for your trouble.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18757813 >Shiny 5iv Skarmory Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
>>18757793 Sean I forgot to request which moves I wanted for the Mew you are genning for me;
Nasty Plot
Aura Sphere
Baton Pass
But really it's not critical as most moves are either TM's or can hopefully be heart scaled in
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
>>18757833 Unfortunately, I can't offer anything that exciting as payment. Makes me feel douchey, to be honest.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18757847 Yes please scale them because I kind of already genned it.
David 3926-5754-2050
Quoted By:
>>18757833 That's right, be excited. You've earned it, my good man!
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18757866 Uh, what are you requesting?
Don't feel bad not giving me anything, I've genned the entire 5th gen National Dex and own it all on my Pokebank. Now I just need to complete a competitive dex of 6th gen. If you can offer at least a good natured <Kalos Pokemon> I'll be happy. If not, not a big deal anyway, I could easily do it myself.
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
>>18757890 I'm the dude unreasonably asking for a Zoroark and Galvantula. I can give you any of a bunch of 4-5IV breeding leftovers, one of my odd shinies, or I can even breed you a 5-IV mon if I don't have one ready.
Alternatively, BP items, but if I don't already have the item on hand, it might take me like 30 minutes to actually get the points.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18757923 i dO liEK tHe sHIniEs...
Don't be bothered breeding anything for me, I'd be happy with a Bunnelby.
As for Battle Items, I need a bunch of Leftovers.
As for Shinies, I am a firm collector of Shiny Smeargle, but they have to be legit, hence why I don't just gen a whole bunch.
>>18757940 Leftovers requires pick up farming doesn't it?
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18757951 Sadly. Too lazy to walk around and do shit with genned level 100 Phanpy.
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
>>18757961 I have an Adamant 5IV Inkay for Ducktank?
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18757989 Don't have one of those so I can take. Wait, am I naming it Ducktank or Quailgun?
>>18757998 Quailgun, most people just call it ducktank instead of porygon2
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
>>18757867 No worries;
Also, consider the next request as low priority, but if you're hoping to speed up your process of genning a whole box, I'll throw in my bird requests;
Moltres / Zapdos
Modest, No Nickname, Genderless, Not shiny
Regular Pokeball
Pressure ability
Met: As if caught in Heart Gold
OT: Richard, Trainer ID: 32017, Secret ID: 35663
Recovered from Pokerus
Level 100
Moltres: Fire Blast, roost, hurricane, u-turn
Zapdos: Thunderbolt, roost, defog, heat wave
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18758013 Thunderquack can't have Defog and be in this game.
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
>>18757940 Hmmm, well I unfortunately have no shiny smeargles, but do have a Sigiglyph and Zangoose as well as two worthless fishing shinies (kingdra and politoad).
As for the leftovers, I'd be willing to get some, but you'd have to wait for me to find them.
If you're willing to just take a bred pokemon, I have 5-IV Noibats, Larvitars, Deinos, Ghastleys, Honedges, Scythers, Gligars, Magikarps, Shroomish, Torchics, and bulbasaurs
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18758032 Uh, can I pick two Shinies? If so I want da Zangoose and Politoed.
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
>>18758023 I think somebody has gen'd me a timid zapdos before with defog, but it's no problem, volt switch is fine. But again, only do this if you've done other peoples requests first, I don't wanna be greedy
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
>>18758056 can you gen me both pokemon?
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18758063 Thunderquack can learn it 4th gen, but since it's a HM so it can't go through 5th gen Poketransfer
>>18758067 We'll see. Right not connection is being a bitch. I'm just going to transport what I have and if it it continues to fail then I'll reset router.
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
Alrighty, here we are. ORDER LIST: Shiny Mew (Got you Chard) Galvantula and Zoroark (Register me Romasanta.) Lunar Duo (I got you already David.) CyberQuackTank (Yara, I need your FC.) I'm getting online now so look for me. You make it easier if you shoutout what pokemon you wanted.
Quoted By:
>>18758206 Friend code is 3110-5138-4337
David 3926-5754-2050
Quoted By:
>>18758206 I'm in the middle of a phone call, give me a couple of minutes.
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
Quoted By:
>>18758206 added you and shouting
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Latios Nickname?: Nature: Timid Ability: Levitate Gender:Male Shiny?:no Specific PokeBall*:Great ball IVs: x/x/x/x/x/x :31/x/31/31/31/31 EVs: 4hp, 252 SpA, 252 Spe Moves: Dragon pulse recover surf calm mind I can provide an ability capsule or any other bp item.
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
Quoted By:
>>18758206 Thanks, man. Enjoy your shinies
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
Quoted By:
>>18758206 Thanks brah. I didn't actualy ask for a shiny one but I'm not complaining
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18758009 Well uh, Quailgun decided not to transfer nickname, I forgot to check the box. Do you still want this one or do you have to have Quailgun?
David 3926-5754-2050
Quoted By:
>>18758206 Ok, ready to rock.
Quoted By:
>>18758335 It's fine, don't need nickanem
Quoted By:
>can offer battle maison items, rare berries, and shit iv blue pentagon shinies Pokemon: Rotom Nickname?: Easy Bake Nature: Calm Ability: Levitate Gender: Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall*: Repeat IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs: 22 hp/252 spdef/6 def Moves: signal beam/painsplit/snatch Pokemon: scizor Nickname?: Sheena Nature: brave Ability: technician Gender: female Shiny?: no Specific PokeBall*: repeat ball IVs: max with 0 speed EVs: 252 hp/252 attack/6 spdef
>>18758335 ... Cannot be traded? What?
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18758386 Well, uh. Um. Uh. No clue. Maybe it needs to change it's template, instead of Entree Forest, Dream Radar and instead of Love Ball, Dream Ball. That's all I can think of why it isn't trading.
Quoted By:
>>18758402 That's strange indeed.
At least that gives another chance at nickname?
... Woo?
guise what will we do when nintendo closes their services for ds games!
>>18758571 We Flashcart, or we die trying.
>>18758592 Thank for you for Quailgun, and sorry for the trouble.
Quoted By:
>>18758671 I was more like "IT WORKED!"
Maybe I'll be back later.
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
Quoted By:
>>18758013 since things have settled down here, I'll bump my bird request (replace defog with volt switch for 'dos)
Quoted By:
Please! Pokemon: Togekiss Nickname?: Omelet Nature: Calm Ability: Serene Grace Gender: Female Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall*: pokéball IVs: x31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 Hp / 6 Spa / 252 Spdef Moves: - Air Slash - Thunder Wave - Roost - Defog
I'm curious and this seems like the best place to ask, so: if a genned Pokemon makes it through Poketransporter and you breed it in X/Y, would the offspring be completely indistinguishable from a legitimate pokemon? I assume the answer would be yes unless there's some really weird inheritance mechanisms going on and your genned mon has bad trash bytes or something.
Anybody willing to help me move some dittos / RNGed pokes over to 6th gen? Missed the pokebank free trial myself. Feel free to clone a copy for yourself if you're up for it, or whatever.
>>18760569 well, yes, bar one exception; if the mother's in an illegal ball, the baby will be as well, thus making it obvious that it has hacked lineage.
aside from that, nope, should be good
Quoted By:
>Decide to gen one perfect IV pokemon starter - Heck no justifications, I just wanted to make one for myself. >Take PKM of legit cyndaquil, shift it give it the stats and nickname it >Nickname it "Sin" because that was just a name I thought for "CYNdaquil" >Realize I named my first in slippery slope of cheated pokemon "Sin" I should go cut myself for how fucking double edgy I am
>>18761329 What is it you need? PKM straight from save file?
I can help, playing Black myself right now.
Got enough trash pokes in Y though?
>>18762236 >What is it you need? 6 Pokemon from B&W2 and 4 Pokemon from White 1 being pokebanked over to my copy of X.
I can't ask in /wfg/ because they frown on this stuff.
Yeah, got trash pokes I can use. Thanks for your help / offer.
4471-5120-0778 is my B&W2 FC.
>>18762267 ... OOOH, NOW I GET IT.
Shit might take a while, and I do not have even flashcart on me (lent it to a friend) so I will not clone anything.
I need to get through the Gym 1 (again, rerolled save) and get 10 trash pokes so give me 10-20 mins.
IF you got steam, will make communication easier: Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18762267 >>18762279 Just to clarify; I did not think it is trading over In Black/2.
I already think them as dead though the DS online is not dead - YET.
Quoted By:
>>18761336 Ah, right - forgot about the ball thing. Thanks!
Taking requests.>Looking for Heart Scales, Leftovers, 5iv Kalos Mons, Shinies, Shiny Smeargles.
P.Bew 3969-4047-7567
>>18762803 Pokemon: Gothitelle
Nickname?: N/A
Nature: Timid
Ability: Shadow Tag
Gender: Female
Shiny?: NO
Specific PokeBall*: Surprise me
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 4 SpDef, 4 Speed
Moves: Psychic, Trick, Thunderbolt, Signal Beam
Offering 5IV Adamant Tyrunt with DD / Fire fang / Ice Fang + Heart Scale
Quoted By:
>>18762877 Can't do that. Only Goth with Shadow Tag is Gothorita, and it's Male, in a Dream Ball.
And I don't need Tyrunt, but I'll try to gen this regardless.
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey]
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey] Sun 06 Apr 2014 16:14:47 No. 18763011 Report Pokemon: Noivern Nickname?: Decibelle Nature: Timid Ability: Infiltrator Gender: Female Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall* Fast ball, if not, then Premier ball: IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 sp. att, 252 spe, 4 HP Moves: Hurricane tailwind draco meteor switcheroo This would be so rad, thanks in advance
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey]
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey] Sun 06 Apr 2014 16:16:19 No. 18763016 Report Quoted By:
>>18763011 Name your price, can offer BP items, some stones, select pokes with 4 or 5 ivs
Quoted By:
>>18763011 We
Kalos Pokemon.
Quoted By:
Genning 3 mons for a KB shiny
Hi PGG, I'm a new (casual) genner with a few questions for experienced genners. Any help much appreciated! Q1: Can I send event items (i.e. Azure Flute, Oak's Letter) to 4th gen as held items and use them to activate their respective events in-game? (I'm using PokéCheck if that's relevant) Q2: Along the lines of Q1, say I send said Poké with Azure Flute to HG/SS and trade it to Plat at a later time, will that work? Q3: Amidoinitright? (pic related) Thanks in advance!
>>18763033 The best way to find out is do it.
Quoted By:
>>18763050 I recently restarted my Plat to Nuzlocke and I'm making slow progress, not close enough to test at this point.
Timrod 2879-1025-2315
I was wondering if someone could gen me a 6-IV Ditto for breeding purposes and send it to me in X/Y. Ideally, I'd want one in Adamant or Modest nature. Nothing else really matters, except that it's 6-IV and has a decent nature on it.
I can't offer much in the way of PKMN items (since I'm not even halfway through X yet) but I can offer some TF2 stuff if you play TF2.
Steam for easy communication: Sean
>>18763073 I'll get you. No need to pay.
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey]
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey] Sun 06 Apr 2014 16:31:32 No. 18763114 Report Pokemon: Feraligatr Nickname?: Levi Nature: Adamant Ability: Sheer force Gender: M Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall*: Heavy ball, if not possible, Dive ball. If all else fails, great ball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 attack, 252 spe 4 HP Moves: Dragon dance Ice punch Waterfall Crunch Can offer anything from BP items to stones to 4IVed pokes.
Quoted By:
>>18763114 Sheer Force can't transfer to X and Y
>can offer battle maison items, rare berries, and shit iv blue pentagon shinies Pokemon: Rotom Nickname?: Easy Bake Nature: Calm Ability: Levitate Gender: Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall*: Repeat IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs: 22 hp/252 spdef/6 def Moves: signal beam/painsplit/snatch Pokemon: scizor Nickname?: Sheena Nature: brave Ability: technician Gender: female Shiny?: no Specific PokeBall*: repeat ball IVs: max with 0 speed EVs: 252 hp/252 attack/6 spdef Moves: superpower/bug bite/pursuit/knock off
Timrod 2879-1025-2315
Quoted By:
>>18763085 Hey, thanks. Add me on Steam if you have it, or just post your FC and I'll add you.
>>18763148 what do you want in return?
Quoted By:
>>18763114 >sheer force feraligatr >starter in a heavy ball 4742-6496-8948
Quoted By:
>>18763148 >>18763136 252 hp on rotom, my bad.
>>18763195 What do you have in terms of Kalos 5-6 Ivs and Shines?
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
Repostan now that we're in ALIVE HOURS
Pokemon: Manectric
Nickname?: Susanooh
Nature: Timid
Ability: Lightningrod
Gender: Male
Shiny?: Yes
Specific PokeBall*: Great Ball
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Volt Switch
Hidden Power Ice
I can offer the following: (embed)
and also Adamant Magikarp, Stealth Rock/Outrage/Dragon Dance/Pursuit Larvitars and Adamant Hawluchas, all 4-5 IV.
>>18763224 I'll get you.
I want the Corphish
>>18763216 I can do pretty much anything if you give me time. I have a lot of parents with 5Ivs already.
Name some pokemon for me.
>>18763033 As long as its not a key item you should be fine.
Quoted By:
>>18763216 as for shinies, only shit IV horde durant and cubchoo
Quoted By:
>>18763114 It can transfer. It just can't be traded. The ability has not been released.
>>18763239 Skiddo, Espurr, Litleo, Skrelp, Carbink, Swirlix, Spritzee, Furfrou.
>>18763272 i can do skiddo, espurr, litleo, and furfrou.
leaning more towards skiddo/furfrou since I want to try MMing one of them.
Faris 1865-0563-4010
Faris 1865-0563-4010 Hello I would please like this. Pokemon: Gengar Nickname: (None) Nature: Mild Ability: Levitate Gender: Male Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall*: Premier Pokeball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 SpA. 252 Speed. 4 HP Moves: Destiny Bond Confuse Ray Shadow Claw Dark Pulse I have just beaten the Pokemon League so I don't have BP yet...what item outside of that would you consider?
>>18763321 I know this isn't the point of this thread, but wouldn't you want, say, shadow ball over shadow claw, and something else over dark pulse?
Quoted By:
>>18763244 If I'm not mistaken, the event items in question are Key Items... darn. Thanks for the response!
Faris 1865-0563-4010
Quoted By:
>>18763342 I think shadow Ball would be a good move instead of Shadow Claw. Thanks for your input
>>18763371 >>18763318 what interests you more?
specify gender/nature/ability.
Pokemon: Mamoswine Nickname: Slamoswine Nature: Adamant Ability: Thick Fat Gender: Male Shiny: No IVs: Perfect EVs: 248 HP, 252 Atk, 8 Spd Moves: Earthquake, Icicle crash, Ice shard, stealth rock>Will give battle Maison items or certain mega stones.
>>18763380 Nature And Ability.
>>18763386 Can do. Name your Mega Stones you have.
Faris 1865-0563-4010
Quoted By:
>>18763371 Thank you Good Sir.
I'm online now
>>18763380 I posted incorrectly. Whoops. Furfrou Jolly or Impish, Skiddo Adamant, Litleo Timid, Espurr Timid or Modest, Skrelp Modest or Quiet.
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
Quoted By:
>>18763236 Okay, let me know when it's ready.
>>18763400 Just name someone's you need or certain Maison items. I have all of the Y exclusives besides heracronite
>>18763415 i'll do furfrou
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18763425 I need Charizardite Y.
>>18763432 I can give that. Let me find my 3Ds charger and then ill meet you online. FC?
Timrod 2879-1025-2315
Quoted By:
>>18763432 I added you and I'm on. Just let me know when.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
Faris 1865-0563-4010
Quoted By:
I just added you Sean. Sorry I didn't notice the FC.
>>18763504 1032 1551 9624
I actually traded away my charizardite already, though. Would an aggronite or houndoominite suffice?
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18763555 Houndoominite would be fine, yes.
Faris 1865-0563-4010
>>18763559 Are you in the process of Genning that Gengar for me? Thanks
>>18763559 Alright, I'm getting it right now. Did you add?
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18763576 I'm genning a whole box of pokemon. Patience is a virtue.
>>18763578 Yes. I won't be online for a little bit, still genning.
Faris 1865-0563-4010
Quoted By:
>>18763596 Sounds good, I appreciate it.
Quoted By:
>>18763596 Just tell me when. I'm ready. Thanks again, btw
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
Alright I'm transferring everything now. It you could reply to this post of what you wanted and/or shoutout what pokemon you were after, it would be easier for me to distribute.
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
>>18763817 I was after the Manectric.
Quoted By:
>>18763817 I needed the mamoswine. I had the houndoominite to give
Timrod 2879-1025-2315
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18763827 The nickname didn't transfer. Forgot to check box again.
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
Quoted By:
>>18763817 Yay, thank you!
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
>>18763912 Oh, crap. If you don't mind can have one with the nickname in your next batch of gens?
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18763922 I'll be gone for a few hours but I'll do it.
Faris 1865-0563-4010
Quoted By:
>>18763817 I had the Shiny Gengar. Thanks
iGN Faris
Timrod 2879-1025-2315
Quoted By:
>>18763933 I got your trade while I was in the middle of a gym leader battle. I'm ready now.
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
Quoted By:
>>18763933 That's okay, I don't mind.
Just send me a trade request whenever it's ready, I'll try to keep my 3ds with me and online for now.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
Sorry everyone, I'm leaving. If I didn't get to you I'll try later today.
Quoted By:
>>18763972 Have you left already?
Just getting back into Pokemon from Gen 2, ordered a 3DS and Pokemon Y. Would it be worth it to grab a copy of B/W 2 to gen my own Pokemon?
Quoted By:
>>18763999 Dunno - I got a copy but it was not to gen them, it was so I can play Ruby, Soul Silver and transfarr from those legitly. I got Black 1 - And I am actually liking the game itself.
I am actually surprised this many people here are basically in same situation as I am.
I also offer to gen stuff for people.
... That said, Amateur Gen dude possible for helping out for basic genning needs.
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 06 Apr 2014 18:24:43 No. 18764117 Report Pokemon: Gible Nature: Jolly Ability: Rough Skin Gender: Female Ball: Dusk LV:1 IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 Pokemon: Togepi Nature: Calm Ability: Serene Grace Gender: Female Ball:Luxury LV: 1 IV: 31/31/31/31/31
>>18764117 I am unsure how legit that can be made.
Probably will pass trades if done right... But I am not nearly sufficient enough to know to do that stuff legitly.
Pokemon: Gardevoir Nickname?: Gardevoir Nature: Timid Ability: Trace Gender: Male Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall*: Lure Ball, if failing that then a Great Ball IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 Sp Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP Moves: Hyper Voice, Psychic, Destiny Bond, Thunderbolt Can offer any BP items, if you want an Ability Capsule then i'll need some time to get the points.
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 06 Apr 2014 18:40:22 No. 18764291 Report >>18764224 Which one? Cause I'm sure either one is legit as long as there's no egg moves on them.
Unless you're talking about the IVs
>>18764291 Ah OK, I will see and try if nobody else steps it up in 5 mins.
Timrod 2879-1025-2315
>>18764318 Can you get me a 6IV ditto? The other guy traded me while I was in the middle of a gym battle, and now he's gone.
>>18764285 I will also try to step up to this if nobody else does in "my next five mins"
But amater as fuck, Will use pokecheck and all.
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 06 Apr 2014 18:45:19 No. 18764367 Report Also this one Pokemon: Togepi Nature: Calm Ability: Serene Grace Gender: Male LV: 1 IV: 31/31/31/31/31 Moves: Nasty Plot
Quoted By:
>>18764351 I will add that to the pile of "if nobody else gonna step up in next 'five minutes'"
It is more like I am watching a specific episode and will start hassling after the EP is done 2466-2311-2091
>>18764352 Appreciate it, what do you want in return?
Chocolat 5343-9281-8758
>>18751785 Pokemon: Togekiss
Nickname?: surprise me
Nature: Timid
Ability: Serene Grace
Gender: Male
Shiny?: No
Specific PokeBall*: Love (premier if not possible)
IVs: all max
EVs: irelevant
Moves: Wish/Baton Pass/Nasty Plot/Air Slash
Pokemon: Hitmonchan
Nickname?: surprise me
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Iron Fist
Gender: Male
Shiny?: No
Specific PokeBall*: Premier
IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/31
EVs: any
Moves: Drain Punch/Ice Punch/Close Combat/Mach Punch
Thanks guys!
Quoted By:
>>18764367 Putting it into the "i´five mins pile"
It is more like 10mins
I just want to make sure someone who is more qualified at this shit can come in and do it probably.
But these threads seem to die and not that many genners are live.
>>18764420 Ah, if I end up doing it, nothing much really - whatever you want to give for a perfection farted out from thin air.
Danny 3565-5481-
Could someone please gen me a Darkrai?>Darkrai >Timid >Bad Dreams >N/A >Not Shiny >Luxury Ball >31/0/31/31/31/31 >252 SpA/ 252 Spe/ 4Def >Dark Void >Dark Pulse >Thunder Wave >Nasty Plot Can offer a 6th gen shiny (including legends) with any Maison item
>>18763817 >>18763429 >>18763136 when you get back let me know if you want a male or female one and a nickname, they're both Impish missing spatk.
Danny 3969-5481-6535
>>18764469 Fucked up my FC bad, sorry
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 06 Apr 2014 18:56:36 No. 18764495 Report >>18764434 >Specific PokeBall*: Love (premier if not possible) >Moves: Nasty Plot You have to realized that gen6 is the only generation that pokéballs could be inherited through breeding. Therefore, Specific Pokeball are Not Applicable when Egg moves were involved.
Chocolat 5343-9281-8758
Quoted By:
>>18764495 Whoops, my bad. Ignore the pokeball request, then.
Quoted By:
Anonymous 04/06/14(Sun)10:01 UTC-7 No.18763386Replies:
>>18763400 Pokemon: Mamoswine
Nickname: Slamoswine
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Thick Fat
Gender: Male
Shiny: No
IVs: Perfect
EVs: 248 HP, 252 Atk, 8 Spd
Moves: Earthquake, Icicle crash, Ice shard, stealth rock
>Will give battle Maison items or certain mega stones. すめあ
OK, my five mins of waiting are over.
I might not succeed at first (or at all so give me while)
I kinda am dependant on request being legit first taking on
>>18764117 >>18764285 And moving on from there if more and success
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 06 Apr 2014 19:03:28 No. 18764584 Report >>18764564 online and waiting.
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 06 Apr 2014 19:05:50 No. 18764617 Report >>18764564 also, what's your ingame name?
Danny 3969-5481-6535
>>18764564 Sweet, take your time and i'll be waiting eagerly.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18764584 >>18764617 Sorry, I am first working on it.
Switching my Name now
Let me get few mins of work as I base this stuff on few legit PKM files I have copied over - and I also work over my actual ADHD and all.
One good thing is I have now a perfect (deleted) Black OT to use too.
>>18764676 In same time as this.
>>18764661 If nobody else goes STEP UP MODE after I am done with these, OK then.
Danny 3969-5481-6535
Quoted By:
>>18764692 Take your time, I can wait. Thank you.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18764117 Just for legitimacy Reasons:
Cannot find a PID for 6 31 so is it OK if you can tell a "X" IV - for both if you want them as female at least
- sorry the combination you want just seems to not bear legit PID which probably is a problem
- Just seems like I cannot find fitting PID if you want full perfection.
Quoted By:
>>18763999 Yes. Did exactly that. No looking back.
The games themselves are good enough on their own merit though.
>>18764117 The problem is the Pokeballs. If you want bred mons in any Gen before Gen 6 then they will be in standard Pokeballs.
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 06 Apr 2014 19:39:17 No. 18765012 Report >>18764926 >- sorry the combination you want just seems to not bear legit PID which probably is a problem>>18764982 > - Just seems like I cannot find fitting PID if you want full perfection Strange, Sean did game me a perfect 6IV togekiss the other day. And I do have some 6 IVs monsters in the bank.
I just need those for breeding purposes.
>>18764982 >The problem is the Pokeballs. If you want bred mons in any Gen before Gen 6 then they will be in standard Pokeballs. Which is why I didn't list egg moves on those monsters.
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Dragonite Nickname: Steve Nature: Adamant Ability: Multiscale Gender: Male Shiny: Yes IVs: Perfect EVs: Max Atk, Max Spd Moves: Extreme Speed, Outrage, Fire Punch, Dragon dance I have maison items like assault vest and like 50 points so I could buy any item needed. Please respond
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
Quoted By:
>>18765012 The thing is it changes by nature and even what ability it has.
This image may help.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18764285 Subsequently, it seems I cannot PID a shiny with these stats. If not shiny, can do.
>>18765121 Change the SID to match a shiny combo
Pokemon: Darkrai Nickname: N/A Nature: Adamant Ability: Bad Dreams Gender: N/A Shiny?: sure Specific PokeBall*: Dusk Ball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 80/80/80/80/80/110 Moves: Dark Void Dark Pulse Phantom Force Dream Eater I dont have much but I will give a Gengarite or shiny legend
0877-1778-8099 Prof. Oak
Quoted By:
>>18765213 forgot FC
IGN is J-Rob
Quoted By:
>>18765158 How silly of me:
Pokemon: Gible
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Rough Skin
Gender: Female
Ball: Dusk
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
>>18764982 >>18764926 How silly of me:
Pokemon: Gible
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Rough Skin
Gender: Female
Ball: Dusk
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Pokemon: Togepi
Nature: Calm
Ability: Serene Grace
Gender: Female
LV: 5
IV: 31/31/31/31/31
Pokemon: Togepi
Nature: Calm
Ability: Serene Grace
Gender: Male
Ball: N/A
LV: 1
IV: 31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Nasty Plot
Just those 3.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
Quoted By:
>>18765158 Guess I suck cocks.
>>18765310 I try. Might end up wasting a lot of time and not getting anything done since I am not the best to swipe trainer ID's
It been hour already, Gardevoir distracted me and being stuck made me stay stuck. One track mind.
>>18765142 I tried three I have - and the third one is invalid - overall I have no idea what to do if I need to dig into GEN IV genning - I just have no idea what I am doing as it is. Sorry. This is the reason why I said repeatedly "maybe someone who knows what the fuck they are doing would come up and say they do it rather than me"
Sorry - for now I have to drop this
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18765310 Does this gible look ok?
Yeah I just copypasted it and edited what you want to it. Melonhead
Timrod 2879-1025-2315
Quoted By:
>>18765478 Oh shit, if it isn't too much trouble, could I get a copy of the same Gible? I raised a Garchomp from a Gible I bred from a Gible I got off Wonder Trade, and I think that one was hacked. Female, Jolly Nature, 31 in all IVs but HP. That would be in addition to the 6IV Ditto, if you're still up for that.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
Timrod 2879-1025-2315
Quoted By:
>>18765714 I'm on and ready to trade. You had a 6IV Ditto I asked for, but I wasn't able to trade earlier.
Timrod 2879-1025-2315
>>18765714 Could I get the manectric with the nickname this time? I'll give you another one of my breeding leftovers for your trouble.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18765790 I still have to distribute things. I had a "client" asking for a legend dex, so it's going to be a while for the next batch.
This is the reason why it took so long.
>>18765841 That's not a problem at all, just do it with your next batch
>>18765478 I also got you registered on my Friend list, if that helps.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
Quoted By:
>>18765874 I am still face desking hard with the togepi.
If I just get one I will get another - hopefully.
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan]
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan] Sun 06 Apr 2014 20:52:38 No. 18765904 Report I wanted to get one of those stalling skarmory/blissey for doing a 200 maison streak. I already have the kangaskan myself, so I just need the other two. and to be specific
So, if I understand this right, people with bank gen these, transfer them and then trade them to us, right? I don't have bank (yet)
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18765310 >>18765874 The problem is Luxury ball with togepi 1.
If you let me just call it quits and be it pokeball I will get this done almost immediately
if not, I will be head desking for eternity since I have still no idea what the fuck am I doing. And 2 hours of trying to do it has made me varyingly better and worse at it.
>>18765933 can skip it, I'll find someone else for that togepi.
jonathan 5129-0925-5349 (2223) (2212) can someone get me this ill give you a ability capsul
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
Pokemon: Latios Nickname: nope Nature: Timid Ability: Levitate Gender: Male Shiny?:no Specific PokeBall*: Great Ball IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 hp Moves: Dragon pulse Psychic Recover Calm mind Would like Soul Dew on him if possible. I can give you any bp item or one of my 6iv Feebas
>>18766125 Can't gen items to X/Y, so no soul dew for you
jonathan 5129-0925-5349 (2223) (2212)
>>18766098 Bump and could you also get me this i can get you any 2 bp items
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18765987 I am headslamming this shit.
I got everything else valid . but the encounter, best I get is unknown encounter, or invalid encounter.
No shitting idea how to get a valid encounter
Prof. Oak 0877-1778-8099
Quoted By:
If shiny is an issue on Darkrai I am fine without it. Its mainly for dex.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18766329 OH
I tried white forest in fifteen fucking different ways.
All of them were MORE false than just trying something else - I do no get it either.
It is not lack of trying, want to check them all individually?
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan]
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan] Sun 06 Apr 2014 21:32:04 No. 18766463 Report >>18766301 Oh, okay, thanks....could someone get me this and trade it to me?
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18766467 possibly problem is that I cannot put encounter type as pokegen does not just let... "unset" option.
I need "Type Not set in generation 5" but can't do one
jonathan 5129-0925-5349 (2223) (2212)
>>18766237 BUMP BUMP BUMP please help me.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18766329 While I made my brain into absolute chernobyl, I can now come and give the gible and other togepi at least.
Heck, if I get lucky the female one passes through too.
>>18766595 I-FUCKING-HAVE.
>>18766632 Met, Encounter, Egg/Pall Park/Honey Tree Shaymin
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18766682 Yield's "Unknown Encounter" as well.
I am absolute wreck and this thing not just functioning is killing me.
Want to take it from me?
>>18766632 Kay, sorry for the inconvenience. I'll have someone else (like Sean or Zo) for that Luxury Female Togepi
>>18766734 Post the full pokecheck link. I'll fix it.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18766754 I will come online.
I seriously lost understanding on the 50th slightly edited togepi.
I been flinging shit against wall for three hours and not a single piece of poo I flung at fall has stuck.
Highly - HIGHLY frustrating - To understate it a lot.
>>18766763 And if you DO fix it, I NEED to know what the fuck was wrong with it.
This became personal about two hours ago.
>>18765841 >>18765862 Actually Sean, don't worry about it, I can ask somebody else
SO re-requesting for the ninety-third time:
Pokemon: Manectric
Nickname?: Susanooh
Nature: Timid
Ability: Lightningrod
Gender: Male
Shiny?: Yes
Specific PokeBall*: Great Ball
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Volt Switch
Hidden Power Ice
I can offer the following: (embed)
and also Adamant Magikarp, Stealth Rock/Outrage/Dragon Dance/Pursuit Larvitars and Adamant Hawluchas.
Everything is 4-5 IV.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18766329 can you repost your friend code and let's get at least 2/3rds of this shit done.
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon)
Melonhead 1032-2149-6593 (Ground: Marowak, Wooper, Gastrodon) Sun 06 Apr 2014 21:58:19 No. 18766877 Report >>18766860 K. Sorry it gave you a hard time
>>18766810 for starters, the only way to find a togepi in the wild in black/white is White forest, which is not a cave encounter, and you meet it at level 5, not 3.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18766877 no - I let things that do not work when they by all purposes should work - get to me.
And then I am stuck failing until I just drop dead from being too tired to go on.
I will probably scream because the togepi may work Just to be adult, it is not you, just me being fuckall over it when it gets under my skin like disease ridden heroin needle.
>>18766898 There is some that are tall grass encounters, there is also ones with LVL 5 encounter.
Those were the very first ones I did.
You can guess why I made attempts that strayed from that.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
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Be back never Going to commit sudokuThe lvl 5 toges worked fine
jonathan 5129-0925-5349 (2223) (2212)
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
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>>18767019 You know how much I want to say "no problem"
But... You're welcome, at leats.
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan]
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan] Sun 06 Apr 2014 22:10:37 No. 18767049 Report >>18766463 Bump, help someone? Would be awesome
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
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>>18767049 nobody else did?
... OK that is easy enough, I will do it.
I want to be done. It's 1am and I lost control of anything that should have control.
jonathan 5129-0925-5349 (2223) (2212)
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18767098 OK, in same pile with
>>18767049 Add me now going to black upload.
And give me stuff I want stuff for wasting 3 hours when I had absolutely no need to.
and got fucking nothing for it because I didn't ask so of course. jonathan 5129-0925-5349 (2223) (2212)
>>18767128 Would you like bp items?
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan]
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan] Sun 06 Apr 2014 22:19:50 No. 18767151 Report >>18767128 I have extra power items that I was going to trade to a friend but he didnt want them and I dont need them. That okay? Or anything else you need? I've got a few ev trained pokes if you're into that thing.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18767146 >>18767151 GIve whatever if you want to give.
I do not enforce you to give anything for overly complicated copypaste.
Prof. Oak 0877-1778-8099
>>18767128 is mewtwonite Y a good trade for Darkrai? I dont have much.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
jonathan 5129-0925-5349 (2223) (2212)
Prof. Oak 0877-1778-8099
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If I'm genning for White, is pic related right? As in, it's okay for both B/W and B2/W2?
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan]
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan] Sun 06 Apr 2014 22:29:29 No. 18767269 Report Quoted By:
>>18767175 Oh. Okay. Well, take your time, and thanks a bunch!
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan]
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan] Sun 06 Apr 2014 22:40:20 No. 18767377 Report >>18767128 Also what's your IGN? Some people stopped showing up on my friends recently for some reason.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18767377 The one on my name
I will add you guys but first gonna help friend out
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan]
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan] Sun 06 Apr 2014 22:58:12 No. 18767574 Report >>18767424 ...okay, I'm gonna go do dishes. I'll be back in a bit.
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
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>>18766816 >just now realized after a whole day that I've been requesting great ball when I wanted ultra ball end my life
Anyway, time to re-request for the ninety-fourth time and hopefully it'll all work out this time round:
Pokemon: Manectric
Nickname?: Susanooh
Nature: Timid
Ability: Lightningrod
Gender: Male
Shiny?: Yes
Specific PokeBall*: Ultra Ball
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Volt Switch
Hidden Power Ice
Can give in return: I'm also giving away all the stuff in the pastebin to make up for my horribly spamming the thread with the same request over and over, just post if you want any of it.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
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>>18767574 Yeah.
We were gonna trade few legit pokes from friend in Black so I thought this is not gonna take long.
Guess how many comm errors I saw in past 20 mins.
Quite fucking many, about 40 too many
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
I am done soon, and in X and Y People who I promised my shit; sorry for wait, blame nintendo being horrible
jonathan 5129-0925-5349 (2223) (2212)
IGN:Jared 1650-2624-2725
Pokemon:Umbreon Nickname?: no nickname Nature: Calm Ability: Synchronize Gender: Male Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall*: Moonball if possible otherwise normal pokeball IVs: 31/0/31/0/31/31 EVs: Health and Special Defense Moves: Swagger, Heal bell, Foul play, and Moonlight Pokemon:Sceptile Nickname?: no nickname Nature: Adamant Ability: Unburden Gender: Male Shiny?:no Specific pokeball: Nest ball or Friend ball, dealers choice IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: Attack and Speed Moves: Swords Dance, Leaf Blade, Earthquake, Acrobatics haven't played Pokemon in a while so tell me if I messed up anywhere.
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan]
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan] Sun 06 Apr 2014 23:20:14 No. 18767764 Report >>18767678 Oh, you're done for today?
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18767764 no no.
I tried to combine my black boot with friend's request to move some legit blackies through me to Y.
But a fuckload of communication errors happened.
If you bear with me here, I am gonna get to you guys in 10-15 mins
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan]
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan] Sun 06 Apr 2014 23:25:00 No. 18767811 Report Quoted By:
>>18767776 3DS wireless does sorta seem to be shit. I was playing Island Tour with some friends a few days ago on a bus and it seems that moving vehicles dont go well with pokemon battles and any other games. Trades seem to work most of the time though. Weird.
never had the problem with ds games though
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] {Polar} !!mxNcXQoFFF+
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] {Polar} !!mxNcXQoFFF+ Sun 06 Apr 2014 23:27:29 No. 18767837 Report >>18767749 not sure if it can be in any ball other than dream ball since it's a dream world event
sauce: Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
Who wanted Latios Clefable Darkrai And... skarmory. Gonna add you guys now if you say "hoi" once more to me
IGN:Jared 1650-2624-2725
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>>18767837 That would be fine
Prof. Oak 0877-1778-8099
>>18767864 Darkrai was my request. ive added your friend code
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan]
Black Hatted Ryan [4184-1935-9075] [IGN Ryan] Sun 06 Apr 2014 23:35:33 No. 18767913 Report >>18767864 Hoi, Skarmory here.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
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>>18767837 Think it was a Pokeball, that's how my layout worked.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
>>18767894 aight, need the third guy to just holler up...
>>18767913 Aight
Want to hear super news?
Now the fucking pokemon bank server responds with the speed of 2 mac books hosting 4chan.
Got error code first time trying to connect - And here I thought I had to deal only one set of bullshit tonight.
Fuck you nintendo I really mean it, may absolute chernobyl happen to your fucking HQ.
Prof. Oak 0877-1778-8099
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>>18767979 that keyboard is fuggen sweet
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
Coming Online in game, brace for impact People.
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
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What did you want Jonathan
Prof. Oak 0877-1778-8099
>>18768086 thanks a bunch
im gonna work on getting bank so i can contribute back eventually
Sumea 1907 - 8522 - 1195
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>>18768208 welcome to pain.
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
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Reiterating my bird request; Moltres and/or Zapdos No Nickname, Not shiny, Genderless Regular Pokeball Pressure ability Modest 31/x/31/31/31/31 Met: As if caught in Heart Gold (Victory Rd/Power plant) OT: Richard, Trainer ID: 32017, Secret ID: 35663 Recovered from Pokerus Level 100 Moltres: Fire Blast, roost, hurricane, u-turn Zapdos: Thunderbolt, roost, volt switch, heat wave
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Is anyone here still genning?
Kyle Yo 1736-1678-4879
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Pokemon: Poliwrath [Level 25] Nickname: Thirsty Mike Nature: Adamant Ability: Water Absorb Gender: Male Shiny: No Specific PokeBall*: Dive Ball, but not a big deal. IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31 EVs: None Moves: Waterfall / Focus Punch / Substitute / Bulk Up I learned the hard way after skipping Gen V that Focus Punch is no longer a TM. Of course I didn't learn this until after getting a 5IV Poliwag and training it up. Teaching it Focus Punch is impossible, unless it can be fudged that it's from a Gen III or IV game. Can you guys do that? I'd love you if you did. It's my first time in the thread, I'm hoping to figure PokeGen out for myself soon.
Kyle Yo 1736-1678-4879 [IGN Kyle]
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Pokemon: Poliwrath [Level 25] Nickname: Thirsty Mike Nature: Adamant Ability: Water Absorb Gender: Male Shiny: No Specific PokeBall*: Dive Ball, but not a big deal. IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31 EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def Moves: Waterfall / Focus Punch / Substitute / Bulk Up I learned the hard way after skipping Gen V that Focus Punch is no longer a TM. Of course I didn't learn this until after getting a 5IV Poliwag and training it up. Teaching it Focus Punch is impossible, unless it can be fudged that it's from a Gen III or IV game. Can you guys do that? I'd love you if you did. It's my first time in the thread, I'm hoping to figure PokeGen out for myself soon. I'm just tired of playing on simulators while my cartridge collects dust.
David 3926-5754-2050
Looking to pick up these mons today. Pokemon: Celebi Nickname?: no nickname Nature: Modest Ability: Natural Cure Gender: n/a Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall*: normal pokeball if possible IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 Spe, 252 SpA, 4 HP Moves: Nasty Plot, Psychic,Giga Drain, Earth Power Pokemon: Jirachi Nickname?: no nickname Nature: Careful Ability: Serene Grace Gender: n/a Shiny?: no Specific PokeBall*: regular pokeball if possible IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 HP, 200 SpD, 56 Def Moves: Iron Head, Thunder Wave, Ice Punch, Wish
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
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How do I pass a Contrary Snivy up? What are some other good unreleased HA Pokemon that I can Gen and send up? And finally, they can at least be used in the Maison right?
David 3926-5754-2050
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>>18767749 gonna request again before I leave