So in my sattempts to breed a shiny Tyrunt I have loads of leftover Tyrunts that are too good to just give away on wonder trade They're all adamant know Fire/Ice/Thunder fang and have 5 iv's most of their spreads are 31/31/31/x/31/31 If you want one of these awesome little bastards just put a scatterbug up on GTS with the message /vp/
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>>18756177 There is such thing as the GIVEAWAY thread try using it
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Sun 06 Apr 2014 04:01:25 No. 18759166 Report I've been handing out pretty much the same thing all week except that most of mine are jolly and they know dragon dance. Most of /vp/ doesn't want them which kinda makes me sad honestly.
Andrew 4441-9816-5962 (Flying)
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>>18759166 I think everyone who actually wants a tyrantrum only wants a shiny one. There's just no market for the poop colored ones.
3711-8918-3252 Ghost - Lampent- Golurk- Pumpkaboo
3711-8918-3252 Ghost - Lampent- Golurk- Pumpkaboo Sun 06 Apr 2014 11:13:56 No. 18761840 Report Quoted By:
I'll take one mate, it'll be useful for breeding strong dragons. Scatterbug already up
IGN proto 2079-7258-2131
Elias 1736-1512-4937
>>18756177 Scatterbug up! I'd love a Tyrunt.
Haruka is Best
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>>18756177 bug going up! thanks op, and I actually like the normal one more than the shiny, the blue kinda hurts my eyes.
Elias 1736-1512-4937
>>18762670 Gah, sniped by japs twice in a row! Putting another up.
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Scatterbug up! IGN: Fionn
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scatterbug up :)
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>ITT: ops been giving shitmons in exchange for foreign scatterbugs
Elias 1736-1512-4937
>>18762734 Sniped again. Putting another bug up.
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No Poison Fang for dealing with Fairies?
What is OP's IGN? got a shit Tyrunt here with no moves :(
Elias 1736-1512-4937
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>>18762992 Sniped yet again. Trying this shit one more time.
jonathan 5129-0925-5349 (2223) (2212)
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Is this still going on?
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o shit I didn't think this thread was still alive, I'll be watching this thread if anyone still wants them
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>>18756177 does anyone think rock head tyrantrum isn't irrefutably better than strong jaw? I want to MM it so bad but I just think rock head would be way better
Rock head is way better but too bad it doesn't exist yet
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>>18767816 yeah I think I'll just wait to see if it ever comes, he would be a monster with a scarfed head smash
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It will likely get released the day after contrary snivy
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I just put a scatterbug up! IGN: JP
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wow that got sniped fast try one more time anf if it doesn't work we'll switch it up to luvdiscs
they need to give the fossil pokemon some love, there should be a way to remove that awful rock typing, can you imagine if there was a feature in the next gen where they went back to their natural pre-fossil form. Also ball changing machine when gf?
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>>18767877 bug/water armaldo needs to happen. That's pretty decent typing
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>>18756177 Will do.
IGN: Francisco
Looking forward
IGN: Kuroneko FC: 2578-3139-3782
Shit ok this isn't working, lets change this up. I'm gonna turn this into my breeding leftovers give away if you want something just do this 1. Tell me what you want that I have 2. Throw a Luvdisc on GTS with /vp/ as the message All my mons are at least 5 iv and in balls other than regular pokeballs and some have egg moves Ive got: Brave Honedge Adamant Tyrunt's w/elemental fangs Modest Noibats Modest Mareeps in level balls Relaxed Aromaveil Spritzee Slurpuffs 2 Calm Sableyes w/ Recover Tyrouge
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>>18768306 can I disk up for that brave honedge? I have to go catch a disk first. What ball is it in btw?
IGN: Kuroneko FC: 2578-3139-3782
Premier Ball and its all your if you want it
Could I get a Mareep please? Thanks!
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>>18768346 just caught it, disking up now
>>18768306 Dude I really want a tyrouge, Ill be your best friend please
IGN: Kuroneko FC: 2578-3139-3782
IGN: Kuroneko FC: 2578-3139-3782
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>>18768425 got it, thanks a lot!
>>18768346 thanks a lot! I've been meaning to breed these again, I MM'd a shiny one a while ago but I was breeding for natures so it was sassy. Not terrible but I probably just shouldn't have evolved it and gave it eviolite
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Would love a Noibat. Disk is up.
IGN: Kuroneko FC: 2578-3139-3782
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>>18768456 No problem, not sure what gender i gave you but if you need a female one if you need it
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I'll still take the Tyrunt, OP. Thanks a lot! Luvdisc goin' up.
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
Deposited the bug, if you're still doing this. I'm ok with either gender, but a 31/31/31/x/31/31 spread would be much appreciated, OP.
Elias 1736-1512-4937
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>>18768306 I'd love the Tyrunt, please! Male if you don't mind. Putting Luvdisc up momentarily.
IGN: Kuroneko FC: 2578-3139-3782
>>18768986 I'm still giving them away, i got the spread you want just put up a luvdisc instead because the scatter bugs are getting sniped like crazy
>>18769082 I noticed. I wonder why, though? Putting one up in just a sec.
Elias 1736-1512-4937
>>18769093 Japs like to buy up all the scatterbugs they can find on the GTS so they can complete their Vivillon collection. It's kind of a sport for them.
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>>18769101 Oh yeah, vivillions have that wing thing, don't they? I had completely forgotten about that.
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
Austin 2621-2888-1266
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>>18768306 May I have one of the Noibats? Disc is up, thanks!
Bug is up for a male dino, OP.
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
Thanks a bunch for the Tyrunt, OP
IGN: Kuroneko FC: 2578-3139-3782
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>>18769160 Put a Luvdisc up and ill get one to you
Oh and I know I didn't make it clear but I'm OP and I've switched from Scatterbugs to Luvdiscs
>>18769269 No problem, enjoy :)
Elias 1736-1512-4937
>>18769082 Thanks, OP! Those hunters were really getting to me.
IGN: Kuroneko FC: 2578-3139-3782
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>>18769301 Ya sorry didn't think scatter bugs were that high of demand. I'm defiantly gonna stick with Luvdiscs for all my giveaways
Kip FC: 4554-0563-3771
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Yo I would love a tyrunt OP! Putting up a luvdisc right now.