Feel free to Trade and Clone among yourselves as we try to complete the collections that can never be completed.
>How do I clone pokemon? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMTR6bq3A9E (The timing varies from person to person, general accepted timing though is 4.5 seconds)
Or using a Powersaves.
>What the hell is a Powersaves? An AR device that allows you to back up your save file. With it, mass cloning is possible by backing up your file, uploading the mons to clone to Pokebank, and restoring your file from the backup.
>Are there any risks? With the 2 3DS cloning method the only risk is losing the pokemon you want to clone, and that can only happen if you turn off the wrong 3DS.
With the Powersaves there is a risk of bricking your cartridge and loosing your save, it is currently unknown why this happens to some people and never happens to others.
>Can we clone items too? Yes, items can be cloned with the pokemon using the 2 3DS method.
Items can't be cloned using the Powersaves.
>Isn't this cheating? Duh.
>How do I know so-and-so won't steal my hard-earned pokemon? Honestly there's no real definite way. It's all trust.
>Are the clones usable online? Yes, the clones are completely legal and usable.
>Blacklist, Trusted, and Archives >Note: Trusted just means they've been trading and cloning for a long time. Doesn't mean ignore everyone but them pastebin.com/DHngxUjM
just face it... we're barely hanging on. We probs wont make it to 300
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>implying we're not dead >implying making a thread during the deader than dead hours is even a good idea >implying adding info about the powersaves matters >implying implyingsiefies
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18772903 Yeah, probably.
>>18772906 rynn did you forget to reply?
>captcha was isded Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18772921 Nah, I started writing that as soon as I made the thread, didn't see your reply.
Someone gib a good bank Celebi.
Quoted By:
>>18772945 that makes sence
Anyone able to clone a blazikenite? I don't have one myself though
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18772998 Can you offer something in return?
Or can you gen?
Quoted By:
>>18773022 Doubt it, I want to play legit, so I just have normal mons, but I really wanted to have a Mega Blaziken.
Don't even know what gen is.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Goddamit, I'm trying to find a female HA plusle, shit's taking forever.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18773627 I want one in a repeat ball.
Quoted By:
>>18773662 oh right. mines in a love or dream
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18773662 You need a good celebi you say?
Im back
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18773845 Yeah, I wouldn't mind.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18773845 How did the emergency go?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18773857 >>18773865 Kk let me look through my bank real quick.
And ugh terrible. I really hate scanning kids. I don't like seeing children get hurt. I'm good at reassuring adults but kids are scared as hell to go into a huge tube.
Sometimes I'll give them my 3DS and they will calm down. But days like yesterday, they just scream as they are being murdered.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18773937 Augh, that sucks. Did the kid end up being okay?
Also, I want that bank event Celebi, just to be clear.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18774109 She had a fractured arm, but other than that she was ok.
Her dad was real messed up though.
And of course, let me check the spread real quick, but I think its 4IV
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18774131 Messed up as in a psycho, or messed up as in badly hurt? Hope he'll be okay.
Also arm injuries hurt, I fell of a horse and fucked up my elbow, by bone broke and went through the elbow joint, crushed it into 7 pieces. Worst pain in my life. I ended up singing in the OR while they were cutting the clothes on me, because I didn't want to scream.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18774149 Badly hurt. Fractured Skull and 5 broken ribs. And I believe internal bleeding as well. A big semi truck hit them in their little car.
Jesus christ, elbow injuries are the worst. That pain is terrible. I'm sorry to hear that.
Btw that Celebi is 31/31/31/XX/31/XX
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18774274 Yeah. Here's my xray after the first surgery.
A really great ortho surgeon took care of me though, and I regained almost 100% mobility, both pronation and supination. They also refused to put cast on me and put me into this device that allows you to move your joint right after the surgery. And forced me to do it even though it hurt like a bitch. So I was very lucky.
And ugh, I think I want a pentaperfect one.
It's not like I need it, I just want to have a perfect one. List update when?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18774310 Damn that nice. Not the fracture just the picture. I love looking at X-Rays.
I've seen that device before too, I don't see it used to often here.
i updated it a tad yesterday with events and legends, still not done though.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvK5LosOGmgkdElvLTBWVm1kZE1SSWh1OHVjbkJad3c&usp=drive_web#gid=2 I might be able to finish tonight or so if I don't get another call
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
why so ded? is it bcuz its monday
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18776220 Yes.
Oh dear god the numberof shinies I have to distribute thanks to ebay sales in the next couple o' hours.
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18776235 so sad. i think i might sell my yugioh cards first to gain some rep and then sell some shones on ebay. but im preoccupied with skewl so it might take a while
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18776291 Honestly I don't know how I'm getting away with it.
Bred some Repeat Ball Red Bass to check on svexchange with.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18776348 Wait, you breed to sell them?
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18776348 thats cause youre a reputable shiny pokemon trafficker. you said your self that might be the reason
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18776380 Nah, I'm selling most of what's on my list that I post here.
I'm breeding/matching to get the rest of the slots on the list filled.
Tom 1934-0837-9245
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a poison friend safari with trubbish?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18776881 Bby. You still want shroomish
Jeric {2465}
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18778199 you mean *deledelewoopwoop*
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18778371 >>18778292 >>18778281 >>18778199 *faggotry intensifies* Seriously where's Rynn at this point?
Jeric {2465}
Lobo 4527-8725-2553
Quoted By:
Looking for the classic 6iv japanese ditto, i can offer battle maison items.
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Jeric {2465}
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18780256 I cant do that in class bby
Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
>>18780493 Yes you can. They just won't let you do it twice :^)
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
Lel i prolly wont be able to finish. Maybe if the teacher was hot
Jeric {2465}
Friend ball sandshrew get. Too bad it's shinified... also got a legit murkrow with perish song, dunno if that was the one going around tho
>>18781007 How do you know the sandshrew is shinified, but the murkrow is legit?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18781007 Jeric did you get that Moonball eevee? Also do you have a Shellos West? I seemed to have misplaced mine
>>18781203 it doesnt match the SID prob
Quoted By:
>>18781248 What doesn't match the SID?
Jeric {2465}
>>18781203 The sandshrew's TID was different than another poke I have from the same trainer. Murkrow was hatched after link trade well before powersaves came out.
>>18781207 Guy hasn't responded yet unfortunately and no I don't have shiny west..I might be able to get moon ball absol and ralts and heavy ball phanpy though. Last two should be legit for sure since this guy can supposedly nickname them and doesn't have a powersave.
elmer 5000-2674-3492
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a cloned kalos-born timid zapdos by any chance?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18781290 shit i had shellos west but i think i deleted it by accident haha
i think rynn might have one then
Jeric {2465}
>>18781248 Yo I still didn't get you that volcarona lel. How's mm'ing for wooper/chinchou?
>>18781310 Rynn and bryce definitely have it.
Dang is furi around? Might need another fast ball chicken
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Jeric {2465}
pastebin.com/LLe2ELqk Outdated a bit. Also have a sheer force cranidos with 4 egg moves it's probably shinified because of the hatch date in early march..
>>18781357 Were you also looking for a love ball sneasel (if you didn't already have it)? I might ask for a +1 on that and the baton pass chicken and trade for another copy of heavy ball sandslash.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18781415 Oh that sounds lovely actually
So you just want me to +1 on those 3 mons?
Jeric {2465}
>>18781440 So you like the cranidos? Hatch date was like 3/3 I think but it has crunch, hammer arm, curse, and something else.
so I would like +1 on sneasel and chick, and choose something else of mine for your heavy sandshrew.
>>18781343 >fast ball chicken You know this is not legal, right? Only gen 1, 2, and 6 starters can be bred in different pokeballs
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18781496 Nah id rather not risk that cranidos.
how about the moonball poocheyena?
Jeric {2465}
>>18781513 Not legal =/= the game not considering it legit. Until we know if these illegal ball pokes are banned in tournaments the game considers them as legit (unless shinified but we don't know how this changes legality yet).
>>18781527 Kk. I thought you had that already lel.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18781552 nah i just checked. mustve missed it haha.
ill get on right now
>>18781552 Because I'm actually going to use any of this shit in a tournament. Just saying its kinda weird to collect things that aren't even legal, and some people may not want to. You should probably mention illegal stuff, just like you mention things that might be or are shinified.
Jeric {2465}
>>18781586 Btw the fast ball chicken from Furi was hatched 3/20...just checked lol.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18781622 ah ok great haha
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18781622 jesus fuck powersaves is loading so slow lately too.
gimme about 5 mins lol
>>18772894 Fuck. Just let it die!
Jeric {2465}
>>18781606 Idk it's just the standard we agreed to in /cg/ in terms of legality. But since this thread has collected pretty much all the shinies in kb form we turn our autism to something else, like hp mons or balltism even if we know it's an illegal combo.
>>18781631 damn I should have known it was too good to be true...it still looks good though. The heavy ball phanpy, fast ball growlithe, and moon ball ralts I'm supposed to be getting should be legit since they are self hatched. And no worries, I'm not in a hurry still being NEET and all..
Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
>>18781666 Trips confirm that we must refuse the wiles of Satan and turn to our lord and savior Yeezus in these trying times.
Quoted By:
>>18781666 Or you could just ignore it.
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18781343 Im here bby. Just got home from school
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18781689 lel ok. well ill give you +o original of the pooch since powersaves is being so jewy right now
Jeric {2465}
>>18781721 Too late lel. But I might need to ask for another torchic tho, list a couple posts above but it's the same one.
>>18781735 Ok. So you didn't want the torchic?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18781793 oh no yes i do.
i basically did +1 on all 3 lol
im coming online in a sec
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18781793 so you gots nothing new?
Jeric {2465}
>>18781817 oh ok. Keep the extra poochy then, you already gave me a free krabby before lel.
>>18781826 some things that were probably shinified, like a sheer force cranidos w/ 4 egg moves, cubone w/ 4 egg moves, friend ball sanshrew (shinified), and a legit perish song murkrow.
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
In regards to that sandshrew, it is possible someone was doing what I did and made 1000 different TSV's.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18781849 if you want it, just give me a shine that you have in stock
Jeric {2465}
>>18781856 Does that mean it was shinified/deshinified/reshinified?
If so there's a sliver's chance it might be legit?
>>18781858 thanks bb
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18781876 What I mean is maybe the guy had multiple save files with different TID's even though the OT name was the same.
Look at all the Fyre pokemon you have.
Jeric {2465}
>>18781872 even though Jace + 1'd it I might want another one lel. did you already have an adamant ralts w/ d bond and disable?
>>18781899 ah ok. hatch date was 2/10, was that before powersaves? if so then it might be legit...
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18781926 Right around when powersaves was still in its early stage. Then again the 3DS could've been timechanged.
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18781926 haha im not even sure man lol
Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
>>18781934 only way to know for sure is to ask Steven but he hasn't been around for a while cuz this is his OT on it lel.
Could anyone clone a mon for me?
>>18782128 Why the fuck would you come to cloning general and ask for that? Don't you know how these threads work? Get out.
Quoted By:
>>18782157 You're right man I was way outta line on that one. I don't know what I was thinking.
Jeric {2465}
We're still /cg/ but now it stands for Circlejerk General now :^) Also, moon ball ralts, heavy ball phanpy, and fast ball growlithe get, all legit but 4IV :^(
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18782379 is moon ball ralts legal?
Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
>>18782401 idk, but it's instachecked.
>>18782401 Check if its catchable in HGSS via swarm.
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18782488 yup it is. just checked
Jeric {2465}
>>18782488 >>18782512 Kinda hoping it was an illegal combo just for the heck of it kek.
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18782530 haha. thats the only reason i picked up Fast Ball Chicken
Jeric {2465}
>>18782557 I still don't understand how they genned it in the first place unless bank really doesn't give a shit.
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18782594 probably before they updated it. is there a Fast ball yanma going around? cause i think ima MM that
No 3926-5999-2167
No 3926-5999-2167
>>18782825 I'll go with yes.
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18782854 Try again tomorrow
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Tue 08 Apr 2014 08:15:34 No. 18783065 Report Quoted By:
>>18781858 oh hey Jace if you're still around, I'm back! haha sorry for the wait, in chat and ready to trade ya
we can try tomorrow if you're out for tonight
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18778425 >>18778963 Da fuck
>>18783032 bby I still want shroomish :3 HP ground cynda for it?
Jace, you still want that 6 or 7 things I cloned for you?
I should be getting a repeat ball Plusle with 4 egg moves and HA soon-ish.
this thread is still going?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18783862 Yep.
I've found my destiny in breeding my own shone.
>>18783878 lol I would have thought we would have made a new one by now
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18783895 What, in one day? Haha, no.
Woooo, got my Plusle hatched! Afaik there's no plusle with memories going around so this thing is worth a lot.
>>18783910 there is, but congrats!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18783918 Aww, shucks. I'm still happy about it.
Is there something that's not going around? Legit barboach maybe?
Jeric {2465}
>>18783947 That and HA minun in a not pokeball. I got the pokeball one..
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18784061 Ughh. What's your game version? Any chance it's Y?
If you can catch me a Dive ball HA Minun I'll make a shiny of it.
Jeric {2465}
>>18784075 X, but it's available via hordes there as well. I'll see if I can catch one later. Too bad there's no multi hitting electric move to make things easier.
Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
>>18784109 Nvm looks like discharge should work.
Austin 1993-7720-9985
Quoted By:
So I'm new here...could get some clones of legendaries up in here? I got other legends, 6 IVs, and shinies for collateral.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18784109 Yeah, I know, but I've been getting one horde of plusle/minun every 10-15 other hordes, and out of 7 hordes only one plusle had it's HA (and it was male, ffs). So finding a female minun with HA would be a pain in the ass if there's only one minun per horde.
Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
>>18784129 Oic. Huh lemme see if I have time later. I wanted to gen a timid, modest, and careful synchronizer to sr for moltres and zygarde for a while now but it's a combination of laziness and puppies that have been keeping me back lel.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Turns out I'll have a variety of both HA and non-HA Plusle, hah.
Quoted By:
So.. I managed to get a couple of mons through masuda's but they either did'nt have the hidden ability or garbage iv's where they needed the most. I'm not really feeling into doing the whole masuda's again. Can someone powersave a couple of mons for me and shinify them? I will give you a spare 5iv or flawless if I have one in my box.
Jeric {2465}
>>18784183 Well you have a variety of almost everything now. Did you have an hp grass rotom? Might need to trade for that and hp rock (was it?) Cyndaquil later.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18784199 I think cynda is hp ground. I'm pretty sure I don't have the hp grass rotom.
Jeric {2465}
>>18784215 K. I just got these
>>18781849 and these
>>18781689 Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18784289 So which of them are shinified?
Jeric {2465}
>>18784315 Probably the cranidos, cubone and friend ball sandshrew even though it was hatched by steven before shinyfing waa around.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18784375 That's weird. Anyway, I'll think about it later, going to archery practise now.
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
So Datel added a Modified Wondercard option. You have to use the Masterball code, make your master ball amount equal to the Nat Dex number (3 secret legends don't work) and then use the modified wondercard code or the shiny modifiedwondercard code. Also Kaphotics is going to probs release the new save editing version of PKHex soon so we will have dive ball totodiles again.
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18783641 Ok yeh thats cool. Ill take it
>implying I dont already have a ha totodile in a dive ball
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18785165 I meant to say Lure Ball now that I think about it but I'm just saying as a general thing it'll be nice to not be limited on what we can do again.
Jeric {2465}
>>18785182 lure ball froakie when
>>18785022 Hi mister chief :D
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18785187 oh dear god... Johto balls on Kalos pokes... interesting concept (hence why I think you should be allowed to take/give balls.
Jeric {2465}
>>18785204 too bad you can't pass any items through bank.
>>18785214 you have anything new bby?
>>18785204 Hey Fyre how long did you wait to relist shinies on Ebay after your Lugia got token down.
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18785230 I had listings going at the same time as it that were still up after it was taken down.
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18785196 Hello Fingertrap
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18785251 >e They keep taking down two of my listings while the others are still up. It's weird.
Also, I completely don't understand what do you mean by
>>18784699 this.
What does that do?
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18785283 It makes the wondercard be the pokemon that corresponds to the Nat Dex number equal to how many master balls you have when you run the code. It CAN gen HA's apparently though its all random.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18785321 Oh. Cool, though bothersome.
I need a 5-6iv shadow tag wobbufett (or wynaut) and a 5-6iv rough skin gible. Anyone?
Damn those ability capsules not working on HAs.
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18785348 Don't you have the 6IV Shadow Tag Wynaut?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18785355 No, it's telepathy :c
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18785355 >>18785348 5iv, my bad
I'm also surprised you didn't have rough skin gible.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18785364 Well I don't ; ;
Do you have'em?
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18785370 This is why you should legit look at peoples lists when they want 100000 things from you.
I have both but I'm currently using both my cartridges for breeding so it'd have to be tonight after work or sometime tomorrow/thursday when I'm off from work again.
Going to go do laundry now while breeding more Friend Ball Oddishes and Bellsprouts since a box of Oddishes yielded 1 feasible match.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18785381 It's just so fucking bothersome to cross-check every pokemon when you don't remember which ability is which, ugh.
Yeah, okay, hopefully we can trade today after your work.
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18785388 I do plan on making a neater list on google docs pretty soon with pictures and OT's and attacks and shit.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18785401 Yeah, you really should.
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18785348 I got wynaut bb
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18785408 they should make a new version of Mass Dump that does it for us. It'd make everyone happy.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18785436 Yeah. But I'm still to busy being thankfull for the codes to delete these fucking eggs without hatching them.
Fyre {imagine my FC here} !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18785450 I love the delete everything in box 1 code.
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18785433 Corphish. Ima be on now
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18785505 Getting on.
Oh, they also added a hatch egg code. Though that's more work than just hatching them I think.
Do the wondercarded pokemon have a kalos mark?
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18785594 Thanks bb. Now off to school for 7 hours
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18785647 Study hard! Supanebagibup!
And thank you too~
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18785677 ohhh rynn, can i get those clones?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18785693 I have to run now ; ; you'll get them when I get back, sorry!
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18785703 oh no worries thank you!!
Quoted By:
It never ends. I don't suppose anyone here's interested in a 31/29/31/05/31/31 nicknameable Impish Zygarde? I have other stuff but I'm pretty sure most of you have them all already
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18785712 Okay I'm back! You here?
Still looking for rough skin gible with 5-6iv and a good nature, garchomp is okay too.
Jeric {2465}
>>18787259 I has a premier ball rough skin garchomp I think.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18787301 Yesplz. What would you like for it?
Jeric {2465}
>>18787382 Klink unless you have something new :^)
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18787479 Did you check the bottom of my list? Sand burmy, red basculin?
I also instachecked two plusles today - one with HA (6IV) one with Plus (penta), 4 egg moves and repeat ball.
Jeric {2465}
>>18787511 Red basculin then but
>ultra ball why doe
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18787559 Hopefully Fyre can instacheck a better one.
Kk, lemme clone that for you. Give me a moment though.
Does anyone have a Shiny 6 IV Trevenant? I'm a Genner & can fill pretty much any request for it.
>>18787633 Oh I am at work now, but i could trade whenever you get a chance. I just gotta hop ok the hospitals wifi. Lemme know~
>>18787716 >genner >can't get his own pokemon pls
Quoted By:
>>18787841 >genning in VI But he could somewhat easily keysav for it if he had the patience.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18787716 Actually I could use a genned barboach, one with a proper ball, one with egg moves, both with 6IV and proper natures, also different OT's. If you can do that I can get you a perfect trevenant.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18787818 I'm online now!
>>18787559 Ready with your bass.
Zo 3067-5937-8624
>>18787925 Ok, working on it now.
>>18787841 I have most of the Gen 6 Bred Pokemon I need, I just don't have time playing on the bike simulator to wait for a shiny that may not have the spread that I want.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18787973 Wait, you don't even know which ball and egg moves I want.
Zo 3067-5937-8624
>>18787925 Wait which egg moves & pokeball do you want?
Jeric {2465}
>>18787942 Got that chomp from Sero I think. What happened to him? I remember wanting a few more things even after his cart went kill.
>>18787984 O great.
Ill come right now rynn
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Tue 08 Apr 2014 22:10:52 No. 18788038 Report >>18787993 hey Jace, I'm online now to trade whenever you're ready!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18787986 Lol.
Dive ball on the mommy please, Dragon Dance Earth Power Hydro Pump Take Down for the egg moves and Adamant + Hydration.
>>18787988 No idea. I'll finish sending stuff to Jace and I'll clone that Garchomp to send back.
Zo 3067-5937-8624
>>18788041 A Barboach with hydration can only be in either a dream ball or a Pokeball since it is a hidden ability from the Dream World.
Please let me know how you wish to proceed.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18788121 Can't you gen an illegal ball?
>>18788038 Its gonna be a bit, im at work now and really cant do a 30 trade i might get caught lol
>>18788041 Thank you Rynn I owe you one.
Zo 3067-5937-8624
>>18788156 Oh, ok. I thought that you wanted it to be legal. I can do that then.
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Tue 08 Apr 2014 22:36:46 No. 18788249 Report Quoted By:
>>18788162 oh haha okay, yeah just let me know when you're back home or whenever you're ready
Jeric {2465}
>>18788166 hmm let me know how you are able to pass an illegal ball combo through bank. I have the means to gen but I'm not very good at it.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18788414 Ready with your chomp :3
Zo 3067-5937-8624
>>18788519 I have them for you now. Getting online.
Cass 0602-6274-7764 [Fighting: Throh, Machoke, Breloom]
Cass 0602-6274-7764 [Fighting: Throh, Machoke, Breloom] Tue 08 Apr 2014 23:03:10 No. 18788758 Report Quoted By:
Hey, anyone with a Powersave willing to Shinify a Hydreigon for me? Fucker's 6 IV, so if you want to clone it, feel free.
Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
>>18788519 tenks bb. the person with the moon ball eevee and vulpix was supposed to be back yesterday but they haven't responded predictably.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18788676 You online yet? I don't see you.
Zo 3067-5937-8624
>>18788815 Thank you! Hope you can satisfy your ballitism.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18788916 Thanks!
And eh, the dive ball was the only thing that kinda fits the shiny whiscash I guess.
Quoted By:
>mfw cg is still alive
>>18785226 >implying that I had been offered new stuff Anonymous
Quoted By:
gamefaqs, neoseeker, marilland, serebii, any other forums??
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Wait you guys don't know how to gen illegal combos? I do if that's any consolation.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18789663 And by that I mean illegal balls.
I'm the reason why you see 5IV Moon Ball Earth Power Deino everywhere on GameFaqs.
>>18789685 oh boy, arent you a special snowflake?
Dont underestimate us
Jeric {2465}
>>18789196 that's no excuse bby
>>18789685 tell me your ways oh wizard. Don't tell me it's shinified doe
>>18789786 It wasn't but I don't have it anymore it was in my old X cart and remember it was kill?
>>18789745 Fuck off.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Does anyone have an iron fist timbur/gurdurr/conkeldurrrrhurrr? Shone5ivgoodnatureyadayada
>>18789900 Why would you want iron first when guts is superior?
Jeric {2465}
>>18789871 tell me how doe
>>18789900 >mfw I don't want the kb version since it doesn't have access to move tutor muh autism
>>18789900 Iron fist? Ewww
I have the guts verison.
And the Unova one with ice punch and knock off
Any cloner around? I'd like help gettin some extra leftovers if possible, I've been farming for hours with no luck now.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18789919 >>18789924 >>18789931 Well someone wants to buy one with iron fist, so what am I supposed to do, tell him to shove his sheckles up his ass because guts is better?
Jeric {2465}
>>18789964 tell him it will cost extra sheckles. finder's fee of course.
>>18789964 ....
>what is ability capsule You are terrible at this arent you
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18789987 Nah, he's a sweet kid.
I'm too soft.>>18789954 I've been there and it was horrible.
Upload a luvdisc asking for a luvdisc on the gts and I'll send some your way. Make the message "rynn" or "leftovers" or something.
>>18789997 >implying you can use ability capsule to get HA Jace
>>18789964 >selling Oh alright. Tell him he is terrible at comp and should quit now
Jeric {2465}
>>18789997 >what is hidden ability u wot
Quoted By:
>>18789871 aw thats cute :3
Jeric {2465}
>>18790012 speaking of comp, why doesn't anyone battle each other here? I mean we already circlejerk over each other's shinies, might as well make them fite to the debt.
I only fought Kacy and her shone m-latios
and won Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18790054 I'm so bad in competitive I'd probably use fake-out three times in a row.
Jeric {2465}
>>18790072 >mfw when I used feint on my pinsir on a ghost type w/o digivolving it first you're not the only one
>>18790054 Battle me fgt, sometime. What format u play?
I'm pretty decent with ou the team or uu the nobodies
>>18790013 you should give me more shones
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18790096 >yfw I don't even know why that's a bad move Jace
Quoted By:
>>18790126 It means shes terrible
Quoted By:
>>18790054 lol I remember that
Quoted By:
>>18790007 Sorry, I missed the post. Luvdisc uploaded with message rynn, thank you so much!
Hey Rynn, I got the leftovery luvdisc, thank you very much, I appreciate it.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18790287 You're welcome~
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Convinced the guy to take Timburr with guts. But also I just noticed it's missing IV is in Attack. Does someone have a 6iv/penta one?
>>18790404 Hey, I'm the guy you gave the leftovers to.
I don't have one but I have a flawless ditto and I'm pretty sure I can breed you one if you want.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18790418 Aww, but I need a shiny kalosborn one. Thanks for offering though.
Quoted By:
>>18790430 I'm sorry I couldn't help :(
Jeric {2465}
>>18790107 I'm not really sure how to classify my team. I hate OU the experience: the movie: the book but I've done pretty ok against them.
>>18790110 maybe
>>18790126 feint is a normal move. I should have mega'd to change it to a flying type before using it but I got greedy wanting the moxie boost even though I swords dance'd the previous turn ><
>>18790445 okay then
I recently lost against OU: The Movie... fuck it feels terrible
mega mom, flinch togekiss, prankster rotom wash, smogon ninja frog, smogon bird
all shiny btw
>>18790504 Oh that sounds like it was me.
Sorry, get #rekt
Jeric {2465}
>>18790504 prankster rotom wash...how
that's a scary thought tbh
Use edgy turkey with rocky helmet against smogonbird and mega mom. You win errry time.
I have overcoat pory2 with magic coat for status shenanigans.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Okay, going to bed now. If anyone has a penta/hexa timburr lemme know.
>>18790517 no it wasnt you, it was a dude at my school...
we have an autistic pokemon battle club
they all get pissed because I have so many pentagon shinies, and they think I hacked them all
>topkek.jpg but in my defense, I was testing a shitty team
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18790542 i can get you one tomorrow. my friend has mine
>>18790561 Wait
Im in school too and also attend a pokemon battle fa-
Oh god
>>18790538 Whos edgy turkey?
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18790613 Oh.
But it's a buzzard.
Edgy buzzard
>>18790585 no fucking way lol but dont you live in britland?
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18790918 well im in the land of cowboys, indians, horses, and no electricity
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
Jeric {2465}
>>18790948 Texas? If so don't you guys still electrocute people?
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18791129 they're going to do that tomorrow to a poor messican tomorrow
>>18791197 When did you say they were doing that? Was it tomorrow?
Quoted By:
Why yes I did say Texas thread thank you for asking
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18791129 yup texas
>>18791197 whoa actually didnt know that was legal here
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18791408 youre a texan and you dont know that. how is that possible
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18791797 its ok. we still loves you
>>18791637 >it's all ogre now Anonymous
Jeric {2465}
http://pastebin.com/GJs2ReZ2 are we still posting lists just cuz?
posting so I can copy paste this between devices.
>>18793173 Hey Jeric! just hatched a shiny dream ball smoochum
James 1306 6538 0721 (Pumpkaboo, Dusclops, Lampent)
James 1306 6538 0721 (Pumpkaboo, Dusclops, Lampent) Wed 09 Apr 2014 06:15:03 No. 18793212 Report >>18793173 I've got a 6iv timid shiny Suicune holding some charizardite X
If i could trade that for a victini, arceus, meloetta or jirachi if you have a double of any of these? Dont mind if its not shiny or has ordinary IVs just trying to fill dex
Jeric {2465}
>>18793203 Awwwwww yisssss
anything in my list for it? And were you also mm'ing for chinchou/wooper?
Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
>>18793212 I got both of those actually sorry.
>>18793215 No wifi yet ive just been 4channing from my phone and no tether either. Its only 4IV and no HA. 31/0/31/31/25/31 but nasty plot~fake out~wish
if my second one isnt HA either i'll just stop
also nah i gave up on chinchou for a bit
Jeric {2465}
>>18793306 That's still pretty valuable considering not a lot of people are hatching new and legit shinies now when everything can be shinified.
Gecko- 4957-4035-0442 (ice safari)
Quoted By:
http://pastebin.com/CTjQAcTt heres my list hoping for a awesome shuppet and electrike any offers
Gecko- 4957-4035-0442 (ice safari)
Quoted By:
>>18793306 i got a clam volt absorb chinchou but kinda crappy ivs and a better one thats sassy volt absorb egg moves if your looking for one to masuda method??
hi guys, long time, any of my guys around?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18793324 Well, I just hatched a shone penta cherubi in a love ball~
Imma do the barboach next. And then I'm thinking moon ball Shinx.
Still looking for penta/hexa timburr with guts.
Jeric {2465}
>>18794082 Like hu?
>>18794501 Nice. Mm or instakek? And what ball are you doing the barboach in
Quoted By:
>>18794501 Shit i have a Timburr but it isnt KB
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18795635 Any news on dat steevee?
Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
>>18795794 Not yet. Hasn't read my messages yet so he's not back.
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18795635 Instakek and Dive.
>>18796288 Timburr plz?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18796301 it's not kb though, you sure?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18796315 Ah, no, didn't realise that was you saying it's not kb. Boohoo.
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18796405 B1 - 5,4 - Basculin (M) - Jolly - Mold Breaker - [1098]
Getting this hatched in a minute.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18796422 Coolio, what ball?
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18796510 Nah it fits the Basculin colour theme.
I'm going to get back to breeding Net Ball blue's soon.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18796463 wait rynn did you need a conkhurrdurr?
I have one that's 31/31/xx/31/31/0
I could be wrong but i think that defense is 30
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18796554 B17 - 5,5 - Conkeldurr (F) - Brave - Guts -
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18796554 Well I want that, but I need to get a 31/31/31/x/31/31 for the guy anyway.
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18796567 You just trashtalked Brosculin. Nope.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18796578 Rude
>>18796574 Ok great. I need a favor. I accidentally deleted my Shellos West by not backing up properly. Think I could get a clone of that?
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18796588 mfw I have both shellos west and Conkhurrdurr.
List go.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18796592 You forgot to post a face.
Also what?
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18796596 Post your list.
Also it's a mfw I have no face sorta thing.
Here's a face.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18796588 Yeah, sure thing.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18796621 great. lemme know when you are ready
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18796660 I honestly think I have everything there.
Add this FC anyways and when I get a chance I'll just send 'em to ya.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18796666 kk thks bby
unless you are into events and what not. i think im almost done will all gen 6 ones, i just gotta update
Jeric {2465}
>>18796422 gib.
Also I believe I've never gotten any of your new hatches directly from you kek.
http://pastebin.com/GJs2ReZ2 Jeric {2465}
>>18796798 About to get love ball mudkip and hp rock friend ball treeko. Who wants to help this happen?
Jeric {2465}
>>18798334 Looks like they only want clone trades. Last time I traded with this guy he was able to get the ones I wanted from him cloned lel.
Jace is this you? They're on gfaqs and wanted my hp ice venonat, HA minun, and fast ball pichu for mudkip, treeko, and hp grass rotom.
>>18798448 Yes its me.
Uh i think i have all those cloned
Lemme check real quick
Jeric {2465}
>>18798550 Ugghh nvm they didn't want to "bother other cloners" right now.
the mudkip and treecko would have beennice to finish gen 3 illegal ball starters.
username is buddysystem123 if you lurked there or if Rynn happens to read this.
>>18798569 Oh lel
I had everything cloned minus the minun too lol
Jeric {2465}
>>18798585 Ah well Rynn might read this later and msg the guy.
you already had volt absorb minun?
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18798569 Ive traded with him
Jeric {2465}
>>18798700 You interested in those 3 I mentioned?
>>18798608 also liked your red brosef scalin
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18798720 Lol i just found the thread. Yeah im interested
Jeric {2465}
>>18798765 Kk let me know how it goes.
>>18798608 I have a Minun but its not HA
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18798901 First i need to get home im in class lel
Jeric {2465}
>>18798922 Wanna clone it for uself bby
>>18798923 NEET master race reporting in ;_;7 I miss being in school now.
>>18798978 I wish I was NEET...
Cant right now sugga, im at work suffering :[
Jeric {2465}
>>18799007 I'd rather be suffering and making money than be suffering like the patients you have to attend to.
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>18798978 >tfw i was a NEET for 4 months at one point that's when I started becoming a regular on /vp/ ;-; Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
>>18799120 >mfw it's been 4 months for me as well so much for this stem degree..
>>18799098 >tfw literally my first patient shit in my table and some of it got on my forearm Oh ok
Jeric {2465}
>>18799186 Were they smiling? I bet they were smiling.
Quoted By:
>>18799204 >>18799240 No just a blank stare..a blank blank stare.
It was diarreah too.
Dementia patients are really hard to do. The freak the fuck out every 3 minutes.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Sonuvabitch, e-bay made me go through a test of copyright questions before I can list my items after taking too many of my items down (I'd relist and they'd take them down). This sucks, I'm afraid they'll ban me one day.
>>18799383 Lol they did that to me when i sold a modded wii and 360 back in the day
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18799393 Can they just ban me for selling pokemon though?
>>18799422 Hit and miss, there is some copyright bullshit. I've been selling it for a while, I just don't go crazy. I do buy it now only too. 1 listing. If it sells, I put up a listing next. Rinse and repeat
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18799444 But that would take forever.
And I need money. They're only taking my bigger, bulk auctions down, though.
>>18799474 That's probably why, i've noticed they dont go after smaller auctions. Since it's basically pretty cash
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18799637 Yeah, I'm gonna make more smaller ones. Ugh. I need to get my sculpture business going, that's at least legal.
One good thing coming from it, I set up an etsy account finally.
>>18799647 Etsy is only for homemade stuff no?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18799722 Ive bought some things there. I bought an UP "Our Adventure Book" from there too for my ex-fiance, it was great.
Plus homemade condoms
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18799743 >homemade condoms what
>>18799773 A long long time ago, you where able to sell goat skin condoms and some other neat stuff.
Then the "rules" ruined it
Jeric {2465}
>>18799773 >only slightly used, like new Devon 2938 6545 7147
Does anyone with a powersave here have a pinsirite they could spare?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18799794 >>18799830 All of my wat. This is too bothering, I'm off to bed.
Danny 3969-5481-6535
>>18799896 Add me. I'll get you one
0920 - 0128 - 1373
Hi, I'm looking for tyranitarite. Could anyone help me out? Thanks.
Devon 2938 6545 7147
Quoted By:
>>18800223 Thanks! Adding you right now.
Danny 3969-5481-6535
>>18800241 Add me and give me your IGN. I'll get you after Devon.
0920 - 0128 - 1373
Quoted By:
>>18800259 Thanks so much. IGN is BlackJet
Devon 2938 6545 7147
>>18800259 Thanks again man
Danny 3969-5481-6535
0920 - 0128 - 1373
Quoted By:
>>18800367 Awesome, thank you and for the bonus shiny legendary too.
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
Time to shit up wonder trade, lolI'm enjoying this too much
Jeric {2465}
>>18801254 is this randomized?
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
g-greninja in a moonball GRENINJA IN A MOONBALL
Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
>>18801351 If this is true, i would really match grenigga
Guys, what moves does the non-kb Timburr have? I might need it afterall. (But I'm afk now so I can't trade)
Jeric {2465}
>>18801554 @guts
knock off, ice punch, drain punch, mach punch
>>18801554 Well well well.
Knock off (Greatest move for this nigga)
Ice Punch
>>18801573 >>18801565 haha
Yeah, I'll want that tommorow.
Jeric {2465}
>>18801735 I bet it's rynn, i smell the shekles a mile away.
I have it cloned whenever youll be on lul
>>18801748 >>18801763 plz
Jace, can I hop on now and get it for one of those 6 I sent you earlier? I'm away from my computer so I can't clone shellos now. Though I can send it to you and you can clone it for yourself.
Quoted By:
Hey everyone. LF a flawless Manectric. I have lots of shit. hmu. I can clone too.
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18801955 how u do dat wizard. teach me ur ways
>>18801921 Oh sure no worries.
Let me get on real quick
>>18801971 powersaves magic
Hey its me again..
Im back searching for:
Solar power Helioptile 5iv (priority)
Good iv pokes with weird nicknames
here's a list:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Ahlx58jI-3yHdENaWlk1dnlPTkhjcmZwWENIRzJLelE&single=true&gid=0&output=html Anonymous
>>18801985 I got confused and didn't know.which shellos did you want and did you even want it now. I need sleep, ugh. Thanks for the Timburr and I'll sort out that shellos stuff tommorow~
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18802058 i see no code for that tho
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18802093 I'm diggin' that Honedge, mate. Would you be interested in a shone flawless Hawlucha nicknamed "El Pavo"?
Quoted By:
>>18802110 Shellos west lol but no worries ill be here tomorrow!
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>18801955 hehe.. btw, you can get unreleased HA gen 6 mons with this.
Jeric {2465}
>>18801921 I was kidding you know...
>>18802093 munna you are here again! That deino is looking mighty fine.
Quoted By:
>>18802138 Sorry I already have a Weird named Hawlucha, Do you have a list I can look at?
>>18802310 Hello! I feel like I gave you that Deino already for some reason, O well, Ill check your list!
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
Wubba Lubba Dub Dub Bitches! Gonna be on for a little bit while I go through 9 boxes of eggs to find the good ones and get them checked on svexchange and check my ebay out.
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18803537 make that money while i type this paper
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18803577 I'm just having to check on some of the shinies I sold while I was out and about today. Hoping htat they're online before I go to sleep so they're all out of the way.