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I am looking to play through X with a Gastly from the start of the game. Does anyone have one they could trade me for something random? I don't care what it's nature is or anything like that.
Joey 1564-2569-1144 !hEpdoZ.tHU
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>>18782120 Sure. Wanna straight trade or gts?
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon)
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon) Tue 08 Apr 2014 06:11:35 No. 18782433 Report Quoted By:
I have some 5IV Timid Gastlys if you want one. And a bunch of unhatched eggs from my shiny hatching adventure. If anyone wants any.
Everyone should do this. Everyone should start the campaign with a competitive mon so it can remain usable after beating the story. There is no worse feeling that beating the game and then PCing the pokemon you grew attached to during the storyline forever because it has no other use.
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>>18782522 I did that recently actually.
built a whole fucking team. It was amazing
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>>18782522 I always do this. It feels good.