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No.18787757 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to fuck Unfezant. I throw Unfezant on the bed and start fucking her delicious womanlet pussy. When she starts screaming "UNFEZANT! UNFEZAAAAAAAAANT!" in pleasure, i make her suck my dick. She gives me a blowjob and makes faces like she's suffering from slavery. Then i get my enis out of Unfezant's beak, grab her butt, and start fucking her delicious womanlet pussy. Yeah Unfezant is a dirty womanlet. Then i cum inside her. I continue fucking her until the rooster clucks, then i dress myself and i help Unfezant dress herself in a secretary dress. Unfezant goes to her work at the office. Then she feels that she's pregnant and start puking everywhere on the office and masturbating herself with her vomit. She goes home.
Nine months later, she delivers a Pidove. We call him Wilson, and when he reaches age 18 we all do a foursome with his girlfriend. Then, later, i and Unfezant go to our room and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck. Hnnng that delicious womanlet pussy.