>>18806152greninja comes from grenuoille (french for frog) and ninja
>>18806153blastoise comes from blast (from his cannons) and tortoise
>>18806156charizard comes from char (what fire does) and lizard
>>18806185Team Plasma
team plasma comes from the fact that they want to separate pokemon from humans just like in a plasma electrons are separated from the atoms they were bound to.
>Team Magmacomes from their goal, of expanding the land with groudon.
>KyogreKyogre and Kaiorga may be a combination of 海 kai (ocean) and orca (a species described as a whale, but is more closely related to dolphins). Notably, it may also involve 海王 kaiō (king of the sea), which are the first two characters in 海王星 Kaiōsei (Neptune). It may also be derived from eygre, a tidal phenomenon.
>>18806196Torterra comes from tortoise and terra (like terrain) not terror.
>>18806206Sable was often poettically used to describe diamonds, so in fact they are.
>>18806214Spinda is dizzy, and can't spin fast enough. It also gets teeter dance which better fits its persona.
>>18806222Bolt strike is a signature move for zekrom, they wouldn't teach it to something else in the same gen.
>>18806257Charmander comes from Char and salaMander, not Charm and Ander
>>18806431Kabutops derives from both kabuto (helmet) and kabutogani (horseshoe crab). Tops might refer to the living fossil triops or that its helmet is now on the top of its head
>>18806450They are called team flare as a pun, it plays on flare and flair
>>18806454Pangoro comes from Panda and Golo (like golem)
>>18806505Psy comes from its psychic potential
Gol does come from the gold, which is often used to represent the psychic type
>>18806527Ho-Oh is a palindrome like Girafarig
>>18806531he does actually :)
>>18806539raptor is a type of bird
>>18806571Misdrevous rhymes with Mischievous
Hope I helped you guys, Gamefreak does actually put lots of work into the games and naming and stuff after all! :)