Quoted By:
Daily reminder that you are poor if you can't get a $25-30 game.
David 5172-0550-3880
Hi Skel, can you gen a Mew for me? Pokemon: Mew Nickname?: Nature: Jolly Ability:Synchronize Gender: Genderless Shiny?: no Specific PokeBall?: Luxury ball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs; 252 Spd/ 252 HP Moves: -Pound IGN: David Thank you in advance if you do it for me.
>>18818520 What are you offering? BP Items? I can do it right now
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] {Polar} !!mxNcXQoFFF+
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] {Polar} !!mxNcXQoFFF+ Fri 11 Apr 2014 19:52:44 No. 18818570 Report >>18818520 see if this fits what you want. might be harder to get the luxury ball on and the correct PID for 6iv + jolly
David 5172-0550-3880
Quoted By:
>>18818570 Yeah, that works
Erin (IGN Yin)
Pokemon: Manectric
Nickname?: Susanooh
Level: 100
Nature: Timid
Ability: Lightning Rod
Gender: Male
Shiny?: Yes
Specific PokeBall: Ultra Ball
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31
EVs: 4 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
Volt Switch
Hidden Power Ice
Can offer any of these: Will be working on getting some BP if anybody wants any BP items.
David 5172-0550-3880
>>18818570 Should I add you to my Friends list?
going to do it right now
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
>>18818582 Oh yeah, friend code is 2552/1273/4377, and if it's possible it'd be awesome for the OT on the Manectric to be Yin.
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] {Polar} !!mxNcXQoFFF+
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] {Polar} !!mxNcXQoFFF+ Fri 11 Apr 2014 20:00:15 No. 18818630 Report >>18818603 should let this anon:
>>18818544 do it for you since i dont really need any items
heres the link so you can download it anon Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] {Polar} !!mxNcXQoFFF+
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} [Oddish, Ivysaur, Quilladin] {Polar} !!mxNcXQoFFF+ Fri 11 Apr 2014 20:04:36 No. 18818666 Report Quoted By:
David 5172-0550-3880
>>18818630 but Skel, that anon was asking FOR items, I don't really have any BP items, I haven't gotten really into BP yet, I've just been trying to collect them all, I'm only at 465 caught
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Victini Nickname?: Level:100 Nature: Hasty Ability: Victory Star Gender: Genderless Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall: Cherish IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252+ Speed 252- Defense Moves: Searing Shot V-Create Fusion Bolt and Fusion Flare FC: 4527-8816-0008 IGN: Mikey
Pokemon- Celebi>Nickname?: no nickname >Nature: Modest >Ability: Natural Cure >Gender: n/a >Shiny?: No >Specific PokeBall*: normal pokeball if possible >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 252 Spe, 252 SpA, 4 HP >Moves: Nasty Plot, Psychic,Giga Drain, Earth Power >Pokemon: Jirachi >Nickname?: no nickname >Nature: Careful >Ability: Serene Grace >Gender: n/a >Shiny?: no >Specific PokeBall*: regular pokeball if possible >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 252 HP, 200 SpD, 56 Def >Moves: Iron Head, Thunder Wave, Fire Punch, Wish Anyone want to get me these? I have 5 IV kalos borne pokes to give in return.
>>18818710 >wanting people to take requests for free 0645-6947-9076
>>18818783 What 5IV Kalos born mons do you have in return anon?
>>18819438 Gible, Tynamo, Gastly, Murkrow, Timburr, Chimchar, Swinub, Porygon, Beldum, Ralts, Yamask, Piplup, Mudkip, Honedge, Skarmory, Dratini, and Starly.
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
>>18818582 >>18818607 I now have ~100 BP so if anybody is willing to transfer I'll happily give anything short of an Ability Capsule (alongside any of my breeding leftovers from the pastebin) for it.
>>18819258 >being a greedy jew and not understanding the meaning of christmas. Anonymous
Almost may 20th :^) Gotta go fast poorfags, before the genned mons become a little valuable
>>18819722 That's more than a month from now anon, we "poorfags" have plenty of time.
Zo 3067-5937-8624
Quoted By:
>>18819753 you had 3 years to get a $39 game
Quoted By:
>>18819546 Allrighy then :) I'll take the Starly and Beldum from your hands then mate. Just give me yur FC first
Quoted By:
>>18819722 it's funny you're so mad because there are still ways after the 20th :^)
Quoted By:
>>18818783 You there certain anon? I got the Celebi and Jirachi.
>>18819722 how exactly?
pokegen + transfer. no gen 5 wifi needed.
Quoted By:
>>18820088 Thats only if you have devices that backs up your save cart. People who rely on wifi for genning are screwed :{
Blaximus 0447 5628 9084 [IGN Rick]
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
Quoted By:
Sorry if wrong place to ask, but does anyone shinify here? In return can offer BP items, various breeding leftovers, a few (legit) trophy shinies.
Blaximus 0447 5628 9084 [IGN Rick]
>>18820366 It's gonna have to come from 3rd Gen if you want it in an Ultra Ball, so it might take me a minute.
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
>>18820468 That's okay, I'm not super-fussed about the ball but if you can do it then go for it.
Blaximus 0447 5628 9084 [IGN Rick]
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
>>18820621 There was already one Skelzore made ( ), but that's my fault for not posting it directly in the re-request.
It's great though, but if it's not too much trouble could you possibly change the OT to Yin? If there's no GTS metadata available either way it'd be really appreciated.
Blaximus 0447 5628 9084 [IGN Rick]
>>18820649 Ah, oh well.
That one has invalid trash bytes, but I guess it passes Nintendos checks anyway.
I'll transfer and add you momentarily.
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
>>18820682 Awesome!
What do you want in return? I can give anything from and any BP item other than Ability Capsule.
Blaximus 0447 5628 9084 [IGN Rick]
>>18820699 A Mawile and any random Maison item works.
Kyle ~1048 - 9233 - 2741~ !.3V0wwEsnI
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Krabby Nickname?:The Catch Level: 1 Nature: Adamant Ability: Hyper Cutter Gender: Male Shiny?: Nope Specific PokeBall: Doesn't matter IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31 EVs: Untrained Moves: Knock Off, Agility, Superpower (max PP) Pokemon: Grimer Nickname?: Real Life Level: 1 Nature: Adamant Ability: Poison Touch Gender: Male Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall: Doesn't matter IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31 EVs: Untrained Moves: Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Stockpile, Shadow Sneak Have plenty of pentaperfect / hexaflawless Tyrunts, Lansat and Starf berries, etc. Thanks for any help you may give me
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
>>18820725 Alright then, just send me the trade request when you're ready.
Blaximus 0447 5628 9084 [IGN Rick]
>>18820743 Well I'm ready, but it seems you aren't accepting my trade requests...
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
>>18820839 I'm not getting any, weirdly. What's your in-game name?
Gb 4012 - 4692 - 1424 ign: glenn
Quoted By:
Nickname?: hp fire Level: xxx Nature: timid Ability: doesnt matter Gender: x Shiny?: ye Specific PokeBall: doesnt matter IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/30 EVs: doesnt matter Moves: transform? lolz foreign need a foreign ditto* can someone make this for me? can get any bp item u need or farm for it, got alot of mons just need it badly
Blaximus 0447 5628 9084 [IGN Rick]
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
>>18820854 Just reset internet quickly, I'll try sending you a request when I get back online.
Erin (IGN Yin) 2552/1273/4377
>>18820864 Finally got there after internet troubles
Anyway thank you soooo much, I can't express how much I appreciate this!
Blaximus 0447 5628 9084 [IGN Rick]
Gb 4012 - 4692 - 1424 ign: glenn
pokemon: ditto Nickname?: hp fire Level: xxx Nature: timid Ability: doesnt matter Gender: x Shiny?: ye Specific PokeBall: doesnt matter IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/30 EVs: doesnt matter Moves: transform? lolz Language: not english... can someone make this for me? can get any bp item u need or farm for it, got alot of 5+ iv mons with eggmoves ha's and stuff just need this for breeding my shiny greninja. btw sry for double post
>>18821091 You got a scope Lens? And Im poketransfering the ditto right now :)
Summer/Vitto 1263-6865-8245
Quoted By:
Requesting, can offer any bp item as usual Pokemon: Conkeldurr Nickname?: Ricardio Level: 100 Nature: Adamant Ability: Guts Gender: any Shiny?: na Specific PokeBall: na IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31 EVs: 252 HP 252 Attack 4 Def Moves: Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Knock off, Fire Punch
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
You said the Kyogre is invalid, but I passed it through bank. Care to tell why it's invalid and help me fix it?
Gb 4012 - 4692 - 1424 ign: glenn
>>18821144 i think i have but im playing a game of lol cause i got bored sry will take 20-30mins
>>18821194 Just tell me when your ready :)
Gb 4012 - 4692 - 1424 ign: glenn
>>18821231 doesnt seem like adding u works u sure thats ur friend code?
>>18821360 Yes. Seems that I got yours though :)
Gb 4012 - 4692 - 1424 ign: glenn
Quoted By:
>>18821414 i got all the numbers right but it wont let me add u
Gb 4012 - 4692 - 1424 ign: glenn
>>18821414 nvm got it now... i got scope lens.. hmm dunno which mon i shall give u lol
>>18821444 Any junk mate. I'll just wondertrade it for some pokemiles XD
Gb 4012 - 4692 - 1424 ign: glenn
Quoted By:
>>18821464 thx alot bro! now i can begin breeding for my SHINY HP FIRE GREENINJA!
Gb 4012 - 4692 - 1424 ign: glenn
>>18821464 hmm any other items u need? could use a foreign perfect iv ditto if u are up for it ofc.
>>18821566 Hmmm I could use an ir Baloon or Expert Belt...
Gb 4012 - 4692 - 1424 ign: glenn
>>18821716 got air balloon u can get if u wanna make it for me :9
Blaximus 0447 5628 9084 [IGN Rick]
Quoted By:
>>18821150 It's invalid because it's PID doesn't match it's Nature. The OT/Nickname trash bytes are also invalid, but Bank doesn't check those apparently. A little confused why it would let an invalid PID pass though...
Additionally, I'm fairly certain that 31/17/31/31/31/31 is the highest IV spread you can have with a Bold nature in gen IV. That might be why also has an Unknown Encounter.
I uploaded a fixed version here. Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey]
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey] Sat 12 Apr 2014 01:04:40 No. 18821757 Report Quoted By:
Poke: Victreebel Nick: Chlorobelle lvl: 100 Nature: Naive Ability: Chlorophyll Female Shiny?: Yes Heavy ball, if not, nest ball 31/31/31/31/31/31 100 Atk, 136 SpA, 252 Spe Power whip/Leaf Blade Sludge Bomb Growth Weather ball Cn someone gen this up? I can give bp items or select 5 IV pokes like carvahna and sndshrew
>>18821729 I have one already actually :D Its not shiny though
Gb 4012 - 4692 - 1424 ign: glenn
Quoted By:
>>18821776 doesnt rly matter just need foreign perfect ditto ^^
oh well got air balloon on a mon for it..
btw thx again bro :D
Blaximus 0447 5628 9084 [IGN Rick]
>>18821150 Its invalid because its PID doesn't match its Nature. The OT/Nickname trash bytes are also invalid, but Bank doesn't check these, apparently. A little confused why it would let an invalid PID pass though...
Additionally, I'm fairly certain that 31/17/31/31/31/31 is the highest IV spread you can have with a Bold nature in gen IV, as far as normal captures go. That might be why it also has an Unknown Encounter.
I uploaded a fixed version here. And here's a legit one to compare it to. I'm pretty positive the flag in the OT name is a Pokecheck error, as I RNG'd this on a retail cart. Anonymous
>>18821806 blax don't worry, all the pid's changes form when they are coded/ sended to xy and they are self- reseted as valid pids now.
>>18821903 Holy shit, really? I had no idea.
Its like they want us to cheat.
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Sat 12 Apr 2014 01:31:45 No. 18822034 Report Pokemon: Azumarrill Nickname?:BiggieSmalls Level:50 Nature: Adamant Ability: Huge Power Gender: Male Shiny?: Sure Specific PokeBall: Dive Ball (If that's not possible, I don't care what ball it's in) IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31 EVs: 164 HP/ 252 Attack / 94 Speed Moves: Knock Off & Aqua jet (nothing else matters, It'll get play rough and Waterfall when I receive it) OT: Monty I have Manectite to trade for this, it's my last version exclusive stone to trade, thank you for reading!
>>18821940 i think that it's something related to the hability capsule, maybe they change the pid to delete the relation between ivs/ nature in gen 3-4 mons
Gb 4012 - 4692 - 1424 ign: glenn
Quoted By:
pokemon: eevee Nickname?: Sweety Level:50 Nature:modest Ability:anticipation Gender:female Shiny?:yes Specific PokeBall:Dive ball IVs: 31/31/31/30/30/31 EVs:252 hp/252 spa/4 sp def Moves:hyper voice/x/x/x Hp Ground can offer 5 iv hp fire greninja and battle mason items/ and other 5 iv mons can anyone make it for me?
Blaximus 0447 5628 9084 [IGN Rick]
Quoted By:
>>18822209 Well I certainly cant wait to find out. It seems like the dudes at project pokemon have been making pretty decent headway lately. Hopefully that 6th gen pokecheck comes around sooner than later.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948
Quoted By:
>can offer maison items, any berry, penta furfrou, possibly other gen 6 pentas Pokemon: Clefable Nickname?: Rita Level: 100 Nature: Bold Ability: Magic Guard Gender: Female Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall: Premier if possible IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 hp/252 def/6 spdef Moves: softboiled/helpinghand/healbell/follow me Pokemon: Scizor Nickname?: Pelvic Level:100 Nature: impish Ability: Technician Gender: Male Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall: Repeat IVs: max EVs: 252 hp/252def/6 spdef Moves: knockoff/defog/bulletpunch/superpower
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
Pokemon: Latios Nickname?: no Level:100 Nature:Timid Ability:Levitate Gender: Male Shiny?: yes if possible Specific PokeBall: Great Ball IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4hp Moves: Dragon pulse Recover Calm mind Psychic I can offer a 6IV Feebas with any bp item.
Blaximus 0447 5628 9084 [IGN Rick]
Quoted By:
>>18822591 Here's an rng'd one thats pretty close to your request. Someone can probably edit for you. Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Sat 12 Apr 2014 02:42:54 No. 18822747 Report >>18822034 Is there anything else I could offer to sweeten the deal?
Gb 4012 - 4692 - 1424 ign: glenn
Quoted By:
keep the thread alive
Russell 3737-9617-6306
Hoping someone can help me out with these, I need to transfer 3 mons and can offer a Timid/Naive Yveltal + some 6IV kalos born mons for them. Also have a 2IV shiny kalos born Eevee if you'd want that.
I already made them into pkm files so I hope someone can do the transferring, Anonymous
>>18823791 You're files aren't downloadable just the stats moves and all that.
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
I'd like to try my Kanto bird request again. A quick note on trainer ID, I want it to be consistent, as if from a single legit playthrough of Heart Gold. If the number I've suggested below doesn't work, then just pick a random one and keep it consistent: Articuno / Moltres / Zapdos No Nickname, Not shiny, Genderless Regular Pokeball Pressure ability Modest 31/x/31/31/31/31 Met: As if caught in Heart Gold (Seafoam Cave, Victory Rd, Power Plat) OT: Richard, Trainer ID: 17513 Recovered from Pokerus Level 100 Articuno: Ice Beam, hurricane, roost, substitute Zapdos: Thunderbolt, roost, defog, heat wave Moltres: Fire Blast, roost, hurricane, u-turn Many thanks. I'll be checking this over the next few hours
Quoted By:
Giratina 100 Modest Pressure Non-shiny Dusk ball Iv's 31/31/31/31/31/31 252 hp/252 atk/ 4 hp Earth power, dark pulse, dragon pulse, protect
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Sat 12 Apr 2014 07:09:34 No. 18825018 Report >>18822034 >>18822747 Bumping my Request, any takers?
Quoted By:
>>18823791 >>18823820 >>18823907 Oh, seems like I just had to check the "Public" box to make them available for download, the pokecheck links should work now
Xenon / 3883-5619-2316 / TSV 2811
>>18825018 Completed, I'll add you if you are still around
>>18825337 If you're able to transfer, could you do these?
>>18823791 I have some spare mega stones if you're more interested in those. CharX and Pinsirite
Xenon / 3883-5619-2316 / TSV 2811
Quoted By:
>>18825401 Give me a bit, but yeah I can do that
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
>>18818497 Pokemon: Kyurem
Level: 70
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Pressure
Shiny?: Yes
Specific Pokeball: Heal Ball
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs : I can do that part, thank you so much ;)
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
Quoted By:
>>18825436 Oops, forgot moves:
-Ice Beam
-Earth Power
-Iron Head
Xenon / 3883-5619-2316 / TSV 2811
Quoted By:
>>18825337 Whoa, glad i checked tbis thread, im online now, adding you
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
>>18825471 No pressure, but if you could do one or more of my Kanto bird requests from
>>18824027 that would be amazing. I'll be awake for at least another 5 hours
J Sal 4742-6496-8948
>can offer maison items, any berry, penta furfrou, possibly other gen 6 pentas Pokemon: Clefable Nickname?: Rita Level: 100 Nature: Bold Ability: Magic Guard Gender: Female Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall: Premier if possible IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 hp/252 def/6 spdef Moves: softboiled/helpinghand/healbell/follow me Pokemon: Scizor Nickname?: Pelvic Level:100 Nature: impish Ability: Technician Gender: Male Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall: Repeat IVs: max EVs: 252 hp/252def/6 spdef Moves: knockoff/defog/bulletpunch/superpower
>>18825436 >Quiet Kyurem Why?
>>18825471 Okay, adding you.
What exactly would you like in return from what i listed?
>>18825552 I'm clocking out after this last trade, sorry
>>18825570 I'll take any 6IVs but anything else is fine by
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
Quoted By:
>>18825563 Because I didn't want to lower any of his defenses, I like my pokemon bulky :)
Quoted By:
>>18825576 Alright, I'm online
Quoted By:
>>18825576 Thank you so much, they're all 6IV, hopefully they're of use to you
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Gardevoir Nickname?: Mai Waifu Level: 100 Nature: Timid Ability: Trace Gender: Female Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall: Love IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs: Speed 252 Sp.Atk 252 HP 4 Moves: Hyper Voice, Psyshock, Thunderbolt, Safeguard I don't have my 3ds with me right now so I can't check my FC. Also it's been a long time since I played so I don't remember my IGN. Also also I have nothing of value to offer in return. But if there is anything you can think of that I can get you within 24 hours of intense breeding, I can try. I'll leave this here until I can get to my 3ds, then I'll provide FC/IGN
Gb 4012 - 4692 - 1424 ign: glenn
Quoted By:
pokemon: eevee Nickname?: Sweety Level:50 Nature:modest Ability:anticipation Gender:female Shiny?:yes Specific PokeBall:Dive ball IVs: 31/31/31/30/30/31 EVs:252 hp/252 spa/4 sp def Moves:hyper voice/x/x/x Hp Ground can offer 5 iv hp fire greninja and battle mason items/ and other 5 iv mons can anyone make it for me?
>>18818497 IGN: Fred
FC: 1736 - 1924 - 7597
Pokemon: Cofagrigus
Level: 100
Nature: Bold
Ability: Mummy
Gender: Male
Shiny?: Yes
Specific PokeBall: luxury ball
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpDef
Moves: - Will-O-Wisp
- Hex
- Pain Split
- Knock Off
Quoted By:
>>18825716 oops forgot the item: leftovers :p
thanks again!
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Charizard Nickname?: HotChocolate Nature: Timid Ability: Solar Power Gender: male Shiny?: yes, please Specific PokeBall*: Luxury Ball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP Moves: - Air Slash - Dragon Pulse - Flamethrower - Solar Beam
Gb 4012 - 4692 - 1424 ign: glenn
Quoted By:
>>18818497 >pokemon: eevee >Nickname?: Sweety >Level:50 >Nature:modest >Ability:anticipation >Gender:female >Shiny?:yes >Specific PokeBall:Dive ball >IVs: 31/31/31/30/30/31 >EVs:252 hp/252 spa/4 sp def >Moves:hyper voice/x/x/x >Hp Ground >can offer 5 iv hp fire greninja and >battle mason items/ and other 5 iv mons IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue)
IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue) Sat 12 Apr 2014 14:57:42 No. 18827198 Report Quoted By:
So, do you just request things in here or? I have spare BP so I guess I can give an item of your choice for a 6 IV ditto. It would make breeding so much easier for me.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sat 12 Apr 2014 14:59:52 No. 18827218 Report Pokemon: Honedge Nickname: Omnislash Level: 1 Nature: quiet Ability: No Guard Gender: female Shiny?: yes Specific PokeBall: Luxury ball IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/0 EVs: 0 Moves: Shadow Sneak If possible Kalos born I have some Battle Maison items I can offer. like Assault Vest, Life Orb, etc. Thank you in advance!
>>18827218 >requesting a gen6 mon for pokegen shiggy diggy doo
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sat 12 Apr 2014 15:07:30 No. 18827276 Report Quoted By:
>>18827261 Sorry, I am ignorant didn't know you could gen those. will go ahead and delete my post
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sat 12 Apr 2014 15:08:31 No. 18827282 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>18818497 I've been hearing that Nintendo's discontinuing Wi-Fi support on Wii and DS games? Is that true? If so, what's going to happen to D/P/P/B/W/BW2 and PokeGen?
>that feel when you finally get the mons you've been asking for genned but you had to go somewhere right before they were finished Asking for these two again. Pokemon : Celeibi Nickname?: no nickname Nature: Modest Ability: Natural Cure Gender: n/a Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall*: normal pokeball if possible IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 Spe, 252 SpA, 4 HP Moves: Nasty Plot, Psychic,Giga Drain, Earth Power Pokemon: Jirachi Nickname?: no nickname Nature: Careful Ability: Serene Grace Gender: n/a Shiny?: no Specific PokeBall*: regular pokeball if possible IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 HP, 200 SpD, 56 Def Moves: Iron Head, Thunder Wave, Fire Punch, Wish I have 5 IV kalos borne pokes to give in return.
sledge fc:0962-9186-8630
Quoted By:
Ninetails 100 Modest Drought Female Shiny (pls) Dusk ball Iv's: 31/00/31/31/31/31 Heat wave/ solar beam/ calm mind/ rest I will give bp item ask and I will see if I have it
Rafe || 1805-2427-7585
Quoted By:
>>18829917 forgot some shit
IGN: Rafe
Fc: 1805-2427-7585
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sat 12 Apr 2014 21:18:24 No. 18830476 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
is it possible to transfer Dusclops with the ability Frisk?.
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey]
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey] Sat 12 Apr 2014 22:17:39 No. 18831049 Report Quoted By:
Poke: Victreebel Nick: Chlorobelle lvl: 100 Nature: Naive Ability: Chlorophyll Female Shiny?: Yes Heavy ball, if not, nest ball 31/31/31/31/31/31 100 Atk, 136 SpA, 252 Spe Power whip/Leaf Blade Sludge Bomb Growth Weather ball Reposting this, my original post was during dead hours I guess. Will trabe BP items or 5iv sandshrew or carvahna in return.
Quoted By:
Would anyone here be willing to trade a 5 or 6iv Ditto? It seems it'd be no skin of your nose here.
Quoted By:
>>18829653 Bumping my request
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sun 13 Apr 2014 01:03:30 No. 18832647 Report Quoted By:
>>18830476 Bump one last time if anyone here will to help.
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
leddit !.bgT0JbTUM
Pokemon: Tyranitar Nickname?: Apt-get Level: 100 Nature: Adamant Ability: sand stream Gender: Shiny?: y Specific PokeBall: dusk ball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 attk 4 hp 252 speed Moves: dragon dance crunch iron head and stone edge
leddit !.bgT0JbTUM
Quoted By:
>>18832934 ign is capella fc is
3540 0517 8735
Aren 1865-0598-4658
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Hippowdon Nickname?: none Level: 100 Nature: Impish Ability: Sand Stream Gender: Female Shiny?: n Specific PokeBall: normal IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252HP/252Def/4SpD Moves: Stealth Rock/Slack Off/Toxic/Whirlwind
DB 4055-4755-4502
Nickname?:B-52 Level:50 Nature:Timid Ability:Levitate Gender:Male Shiny?:No Specific PokeBall: IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs:252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Speed Moves: Draco Meteor,Defog,Psyshock,Roost
DB 4055-4755-4502
Quoted By:
>>18833163 Nevermind, I don't even really need it.
bump first time pokegen if someone sees this can they help me gen something?
Miles 0146-9822-2137
Pokemon: Ditto Nickname?: Linguini Level: 100 Nature: Modest Ability: Doesn't matter Gender: Shiny?: Doesn't matter Specific PokeBall: Doesn't matter IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: Doesn't matter Moves: Transform Thanks a lot Skel!
Quoted By:
>tfw all pokegenners died
G-Money 0490-4894-2206
Anyone genning tonight? Pokemon: Espeon Nickname?: Level: 50 Nature: Timid Ability: Magic Bounce Gender: Male Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall: Luxury Ball IVs: 31/31/30/30/30/30 (Hidden Power Fighting) EVs: 6 hp, 252 Special Attack 252 Speed Moves: Psychic, Hidden Power, Signal Beam, Calm Mind
Pokemon: Azumarill Nickname?: Big Boss Level: 100 Nature: Adamant Ability: Huge Power Gender: Male Shiny?: Yeah Specific PokeBall: Wave Ball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 16 HP / 252 Attack / 240 Sp Def Moves: Aqua Jet and Knock Off I would love it if someone did this for me, I could offer Leftovers if you'd like
>>18835144 IGN: Brady FC:1564-3309-0433
Forgot this, sorry, it's late
Stann [poison] 3422-6568-8779
Velox 1220 - 8152 - 9204
Would anyone be able to do this for me? Just picked up X and I'd like to do a run with my favorite. Pokemon: Nidoking Nickname?: - Level: 16 Nature: Modest Ability: Sheer Force Gender: Male Shiny?: No thank you. Specific PokeBall: Moon Ball if possible, otherwise regular Pokeball/whatever works. IVs: Maxed, please. EVs: random Moves: Double Kick / Peck / Poison Sting / Focus Energy
Anyone with an imposter 6 v ditto. I can offer battle points items
Quoted By:
>>18837676 Code is 4511-1508-3065. Memo
Quoted By:
>>18837662 can you gen a team for me?
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
Anyone know what this error means? I keep getting it when I try to upload these two to it: >There was an error processing your pokemon. Make sure you didn't save it as encrypted in Pokegen, otherwise, you probably made a mistake while creating the pokemon. I tried remaking the politoed from scratch but it still gave me the same error.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
Quoted By:
>>18838501 upload these two to *
Quoted By:
I know I bring it up a lot but a man can hope Pokemon: Gardevoir Nickname?: Gardevoir Level: 50 Nature: Timid Ability: Trace Gender: Male Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall: Lure Ball, if failing that then Great Ball IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 special attack, 252 speed, 4HP Moves: Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Psychic, Shadow Ball Can offer the usual BP items, ability capsule might have to give a bit to let me get those points.
Erik 2809-8281-8338
Pokemon: Jellicent Nickname?:Wilhelm Level:100 Nature: Bold Ability: Cursed Body Gender: Male Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall: Pokeball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252HP, 252DEF, 4SPD Moves: Will-O-Wisp, Scald, Shadow Ball, Recover Pokemon: Infernape Nickname?:Tarsier Level:100 Nature: Adamant Ability: Iron Fist Gender: Male Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall: Pokeball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252ATT, 252SPE, 4HP Moves: Fire Punch, Mach Punch, Thunder Punch, Earthquake Pokemon: Volbeat Nickname?:Bubsy Level:100 Nature: Jolly Ability: Prankster Gender: Male Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall: Pokeball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252HP, 252SPE, 4DEF Moves: Baton Pass, Encore, Thunder Wave, Tail Glow Pokemon: Donphan Nickname?:Abrams Level:100 Nature: Impish Ability: Sturdy Gender: Male Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall: Pokeball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252HP, 252DEF, 4SPD Moves: Ice Shard, Earthquake, Stealth Rock, Rapid Spin I can offer any maison item and a bunch of 5/6IV breeding leftovers that I don't quite remember off the top of my head.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 17:22:43 No. 18839199 Report Quoted By:
so the last thread I asked if anyone could gen me a latios...did anyone do it for me? or should I just re-submit it to be done?
G-Money 0490-4894-2206
Quoted By:
Any Genners on? Still after my Espeon. Can offer Battle Maison prizes.
>>18834910 Kaza 5386-9172-7891
Pokemon: Gengar Nickname?: no Level: 100 Nature: timid Ability: levitate Gender: male Shiny?: yes, please Specific PokeBall: moon ball IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 Speed/252 SpA/4 HP Moves: Disable Substitue Focus Blast Dazzling Gleam What kind of bp items are you asking for?
Quoted By:
>>18838694 > Shadow ball > Not Hex noob
Quoted By:
anyone genning tonight ?
I suck at genning but I can try if anyone offers Y mega stones
>>18839841 I can offer Y megastones. See my post.
Erik 2809-8281-8338
>>18839891 Forgot name and code, sorry.
Quoted By:
>>18839891 if you can gen a 3rd gen shiny mew with a valid PID i will give you any 2 Y stones that you need. I only need to see the pokecheck legality test,
don't take the shiny mew in OP fc: 3625-9563-6020 ign:Drew
I'm genning a few pokes for myself, so I can gen a few for someone else. I'll gen for some battle items, mostly looking for a choice scarf.
>>18840130 >>18835144 >>18835161 I could get you a Choice Scarf quick if you gen this for me
G-Money 0490-4894-2206
>>18840130 Gen the Espeon I'm after and the choice scar is yours.
Quoted By:
>>18839891 Almost done with yours
fc: 3625-9563-6020 ign:Drew
>>18840152 What is a Wave Ball? Do you mean Dive Ball?
>>18840187 Maybe? I just asked my friend what ball to put it in so for all I know he could've made me ask for a Dick Ball
fc: 3625-9563-6020 ign:Drew
>>18840161 >>18840200 Okay, working on these
2079-6655-0786 Mizan
Can anyone make this ? Pokemon: Politoed Nickname?: Thirsty Level: 80 Nature: Calm Ability: Drizzle Gender: male Shiny?: yes Specific PokeBall: whatever IVs: maxed out EVs: 252 HP / 252 Sp.Def / 4 Def Moves: Scald/Toxic/encore/protect
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
Quoted By:
>>18840130 >>18822591 If you could do mine that would be great.
G-Money 0490-4894-2206
>>18840245 okay, added you. any other choice item you want?
IGN: Brady FC:1564-3309-0433
Quoted By:
>>18840245 I have you added too, I can get you more bp items after scarf like other guy if you gen more stuff
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 19:27:29 No. 18840332 Report Pokemon: Latios Nickname?: Latibro Level: 100 Nature: Timid Ability: Levitate Gender: male Shiny?: no Specific PokeBall: Dive ball IVs: 31's all around EVs: 255 SA 255 S Moves: Dragon pulse, ice beam, thunderbolt, shadowball
Kaza 5386-9172-7891
Quoted By:
>>18839381 Is any genner up?
I still want my gengar :(
I have some bp
I just have a question for the people who gen pokemon. I want to try genning pokes but I don't think I can because my BW2 is on an emulator on my R4 for the DSLite. Do I need a legit BW2 cartridge to do genning?
fc: 3625-9563-6020 ign:Drew
>>18840304 Do you have any extra Leftovers?
Quoted By:
>>18840340 You can gen with the R4, but you need a legit B/W/B2/W2 to use pokebank
IGN: Brady FC:1564-3309-0433
Quoted By:
>>18840358 I have an extra Leftovers :3
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By: Can someone gen and transfer this to me?
I can offer a cloned shiny (from a list of KB 500 competitive ones)/any megastone/any BP item in return, but I'm kinda in a hurry.
G-Money 0490-4894-2206
>>18840358 I don't >< I can get any BP item you want but that's all I can really spare.
fc: 3625-9563-6020 ign:Drew
>>18840420 Its cool, just the scarf is fine. I'm having some trouble with the Azumaril and the espeon. Not sure why
G-Money 0490-4894-2206
>>18840435 Espeon's hiccup could potentially be that Signal Beam comes from a move tutor.
I know little of the genning process, just throwing my best guess at it.
fc: 3625-9563-6020 ign:Drew
>>18840460 Seems like i never have any problems genning for myself, but i get all the problems genning for people
Quoted By:
>>18840435 because you are a retard?
IGN: Brady FC:1564-3309-0433
>>18840516 If at all possible, I'd like it if you genned this for a Leftovers
Pokemon: Reuniclus
Nickname?: Scrump Boy
Level: 100
Nature: Bold
Ability: Magic Guard
Gender: Female
Shiny?: Yes
Specific PokeBall: Any ball works
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Moves: Calm Mind
Focus Blast
Thanks either way, you're really cool for doing what youre doing
Kip FC: 4554-0563-3771 If anyone can transfer these to me I can give a fully EV trained greninja holding an ability capsule.
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
Erik 2809-8281-8338
>>18840328 Added, see my list up above a little bit to see what I need. I can send them over on 5IV breeding leftovers and also supply maison items.
And make sure they have the nicknames and are all in standard pokeballs, those are pretty important
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18840806 >And make sure they have the nicknames and are all in standard pokeballs, those are pretty important I could only get Infernape in a dream ball, unfortunately.
Kip FC: 4554-0563-3771
>>18840803 Awesome thanks! Just got you added.
Friendly reminder to report this thread.
G-Money 0490-4894-2206
Quoted By:
>>18840855 I saw 5 rules for vp. which one is it breaking?
Miles 0146-9822-2137
Quoted By:
>>18833735 If anybody still wants to do that for me I would be grateful.
Erik 2809-8281-8338
>>18840827 I can deal with that, is the nickname ok?
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
Erik 2809-8281-8338
>>18840926 Alright, tell me whenever youre ready, im still gathering the stones right now.
Pokemon: Ditto Nickname?: None Level: Whatever Nature: Doesn't matter Ability: Doesn't matter Gender: N/A Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall: Pokeball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: None Moves: Transform
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18840938 Just let me help
>>18840843 and we'll get started.
IGN: Fred FC: 1736 - 1924 - 7597 Pokemon: Cofagrigus Level: 100 Nature: Bold Ability: Mummy Gender: Male Shiny?: Yes Specific PokeBall: luxury ball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpDef Moves: - Will-O-Wisp - Hex - Pain Split - Knock Off Item: Leftovers pls halp :3
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey]
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey] Sun 13 Apr 2014 20:22:49 No. 18840984 Report Pokemon: victreebel Nickname: Chlorobelle Level: 100 Nature: Naive Ability: Chlorophyll Gender: Female Shiny?: Yes Specific Pokeball: Nest ball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 100 Atk, 136 SpA, 252 Spe Moves: Powerwhip/Leaf Blade Sludge bomb Weather ball Growth Can give any BP Item, a shiny grumpig, 4/5 IV stunfisk, etc
Erik 2809-8281-8338
>>18840963 Apparently I cant get you the stones until 8PM, so I guess we can do it around then unless you just want Charzardite and Mewtwonite Y.
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey]
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey] Sun 13 Apr 2014 20:24:32 No. 18841002 Report Quoted By:
>>18840984 Correction: 120 Atk EVs
Kip FC: 4554-0563-3771
>>18840963 Gimme a sec I need to delete surf off it lol
Quoted By:
>>18840980 oh yeah i can give 4iv minccino, scyther, clauncher
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
Kip FC: 4554-0563-3771
>>18841013 Thanks so much! i've been needing these for a while now
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18841033 You're very welcome.
>>18840990 Alright, you good to go?
IGN: Brady FC:1564-3309-0433
Quoted By:
>>18835144 >>18840687 Pushing these up because I believe Drew is kill, will give BP items or leftovers if someone does these, doesn't matter what ball they're in
Erik 2809-8281-8338
>>18841042 In a bit, I just have to get the stones and items and pokemon ready.
Fred FC: 1736-1924-7597
>>18841042 can you help me too ? :3
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
Iker 5386 8519 7563
ill be taking requests for an hour or so
2079-6655-0786 Mizan
Quoted By:
>>18840257 if anyone can do that i have a lifeorb to give out
Fred FC: 1736-1924-7597
>>18841083 ok thanks :p
Pokemon: Cofagrigus
Level: 100
Nature: Bold
Ability: Mummy
Gender: Male
Shiny?: Yes
Specific PokeBall: luxury ball
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpDef
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hex
- Pain Split
- Knock Off
Item: Leftovers
i got 4iv minccino, cyther and clauncher if you want and i got a couple of shinys
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey]
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey] Sun 13 Apr 2014 20:36:28 No. 18841117 Report >>18841085 Bumpin my request, thanks so much
>>18840984 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18840990 You can change the time on your 3ds to 8 pm to get the stones and change it back after without a problem.
Quoted By:
If I made a request, what are you looking for in return?
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18841054 Thanks for the stones m8.
>>18841114 Must it be in a luxury ball or can I use a regular pokeball? As I said before, I suck at this
Iker 5386 8519 7563
>>18841103 i have your ditto ready
>>18841117 it cant have eggs moves if it's in a nest ball
Fred FC: 1736-1924-7597
>>18841288 a normal pokeball is good :)
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey]
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey] Sun 13 Apr 2014 21:01:03 No. 18841362 Report >>18841311 Any ball is fine then
Iker 5386 8519 7563
>>18841362 it has leaf blade instead of power whip. is that ok?
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18841318 I think pokecheck reported a false error, lemme test something.
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey]
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey] Sun 13 Apr 2014 21:11:08 No. 18841492 Report >>18841453 That's great, I wasn't sure if it could power whip under the circumstances but leaf blade is fine. what do you want for it?
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18841318 Okay, you can have the luxury ball after all. You ready to trade? I'll take clauncher I guess.
Fred FC: 1736-1924-7597
Fred FC: 1736-1924-7597
Quoted By:
>>18841502 okay i'm ready! :p
Fred FC: 1736-1924-7597
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
Iker 5386 8519 7563
>>18841492 do you have another nickname? i the nickname you want is too long
Can one of you guise please gib me a jirachi and celebi? I dont really care about moves...atleast like 50 pls? FC: 1980 4635 7455 thanks guise :D
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey]
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey] Sun 13 Apr 2014 21:21:02 No. 18841607 Report >>18841560 How about Sarzenia? I think its just the German name for Victreebel
Quoted By:
>>18841605 ohh yeah if any of you have diamond thanks :D
Iker 5386 8519 7563
>>18841607 it's done and sorry about the wait
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199 !fsJYHelios
Pokemon: Dragonite Nickname?: Dragonizzle Nature: Mild Ability: Multiscale Gender: male Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall*: Luxury Ball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 76 Atk / 252 SAtk / 180 Spd Moves: -Thunder -Flamethrower -Waterfall -Extreme Speed If anyone would be so kind
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sun 13 Apr 2014 21:49:49 No. 18841928 Report Iker 5386 8519 7563
Quoted By:
>>18841607 are you still there?
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey]
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey] Sun 13 Apr 2014 21:54:07 No. 18841984 Report >>18841723 >>18841723 I'm ready, do you want anything for it?
Iker 5386 8519 7563
>>18841984 do you charizardite y? if not anything is fine
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey]
Nathan 0662-3413-3606 [Micinno, Lilipup, Chansey] Sun 13 Apr 2014 21:59:48 No. 18842036 Report Quoted By:
>>18842010 I could buy it, but I don't have enough cash. I'll give you a dusk stone now and I'll buy the charizardite another time and trade it to you.
Velox 1220 - 8152 - 9204
I just bought the game, and I'd like some genned pokemon in the future. What are some good/commonly requested items I should be trying to find to trade for genned pokemon? Also, if anyone would like to help with a request:
>>18837668 or a 6IV Ditto would be nice.
Iker 5386 8519 7563
>>18842073 on it
>>18842098 any specific nature on the ditto?
Iker 5386 8519 7563
>>18842073 if you're still there i made the latios
Velox 1220 - 8152 - 9204
>>18842155 No, anything is fine
2079-6655-0786 Mizan
Iker 5386 8519 7563
Quoted By:
>>18842234 thank you so much!
Velox 1220 - 8152 - 9204
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199 !fsJYHelios
Quoted By:
>>18841916 bumping my request. i can give you maison items. don't you want a nice little maison item?
David 3926-5754-2050
Pokemon : Celebi Nickname?: no nickname Nature: Modest Ability: Natural Cure Gender: n/a Shiny?: No Specific PokeBall*: normal pokeball if possible IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 Spe, 252 SpA, 4 HP Moves: Nasty Plot, Psychic,Giga Drain, Earth Power Pokemon: Jirachi Nickname?: no nickname Nature: Careful Ability: Serene Grace Gender: n/a Shiny?: no Specific PokeBall*: regular pokeball if possible IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 HP, 200 SpD, 56 Def Moves: Iron Head, Thunder Wave, Fire Punch, Wish I have 5 IV kalos borne pokes to give in return.
Velox 1220 - 8152 - 9204
Quoted By:
>>18842279 Thanks, appreciate it.
Kyler 4356-0527-8872 (Psychic Type, Munna, Espurr and Duosion)
Kyler 4356-0527-8872 (Psychic Type, Munna, Espurr and Duosion) Sun 13 Apr 2014 23:10:39 No. 18842951 Report Pokemon: Ditto Nickname? No Level: Doesn't matter Nature: Serious Ability: Imposter Gender: N/A Shiny? No Pokeball: Normal IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: None Moves: Transform
>>18818497 is anyone working on this thread?
Quoted By:
>>18843005 doesn't seem like it.
Rafa [4957-3901-5085]
Quoted By:
I feel shit for begging, but could anyone get me a Japanese 6iv ditto? I feel like everyone has them except me ;_; I implore you to take pity on me..
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sun 13 Apr 2014 23:46:36 No. 18843477 Report >>18843389 This if you don't mind.
>>18841928 Daniel - 5000-2916-3199 !fsJYHelios
>>18843389 if you do this
>>18841916 for me, i will get you a maison item of our choice or a 5iv carbink
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199 !fsJYHelios
>>18843500 Also this, if you have time, for another maison item or the carbink, if you have the time
Pokemon: Kabutops
Nickname?: Extinct
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Swift Swim
Gender: male
Shiny?: No
Specific PokeBall*: Luxury Ball
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 Hp
-Aqua Jet
-Swords Dance
-Stone Edge
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18843477 Don't think I can do Darkrai, but I can get you the others. I could use Y stones if you have any besides Charizard and Mewtwo
>>18843500 >>18843612 I'll try. Any choice item would do
Rafa [4957-3901-5085]
Quoted By:
Pokemon: ditto Nickname?: none Level:100 Nature: adamant Ability: Gender: n/a Shiny?: yes Specific PokeBall: any IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: none Moves: transform
Kyler 4356-0527-8872 (Psychic Type, Munna, Espurr and Duosion)
Kyler 4356-0527-8872 (Psychic Type, Munna, Espurr and Duosion) Mon 14 Apr 2014 00:05:42 No. 18843774 Report Summer/Vitto 1263-6865-8245 (dedenne, floette, spritzee)
Summer/Vitto 1263-6865-8245 (dedenne, floette, spritzee) Mon 14 Apr 2014 00:11:44 No. 18843863 Report >>18843389 c-can I request this? can offer any bp item
>Pokemon: Conkeldurr >Nickname?: Ricardio >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Guts >Gender: any >Shiny?: na >Specific PokeBall: na >IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31 >EVs: 252 HP 252 Attack 4 Def >Moves: Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Knock off, Fire Punch MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Mon 14 Apr 2014 00:14:53 No. 18843909 Report >>18843707 I'll give you Aggronite and Houndoomite for the two gens.
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18843909 Alright. Lemme transfer them over.
>>18843774 >>18843863 I'll be on it soon
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199 !fsJYHelios
>>18843948 please have you done the dragonite and kabutops or something else?
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18843964 Having some problems with the dragonite. Can you live without the luxury ball
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199 !fsJYHelios
Quoted By:
>>18844007 sure thing, the ball is not that important
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Mon 14 Apr 2014 00:28:45 No. 18844087 Report Liminal 4484-9844-9424
Summer/Vitto 1263-6865-8245 (dedenne, floette, spritzee)
Summer/Vitto 1263-6865-8245 (dedenne, floette, spritzee) Mon 14 Apr 2014 00:34:16 No. 18844148 Report >>18844098 thanks bud! what would you like for it?
David 3926-5754-2050
>>18844098 Can you get this for me?
>>18842405 Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18844148 Surprise me.
>>18844156 I may or may not have to leave soon, so we'll see.
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199 !fsJYHelios
>>18844098 what do you want in return? Talking maison items
David 3926-5754-2050
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18844172 Nothing really. Apparently dragonite's name is too long, so you'll have to pick something different
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199 !fsJYHelios
>>18844348 Uhm... Name it "Talented". Are you sure you don't want anything? I feel like i should give you something
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
Quoted By:
>>18844402 Don't worry about it, I'm making you guys wait so just give me shitmons.
Quoted By:
>>18841311 Hi sorry for just seeing this now. Are you still here? I can give mewtwonite X
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
Alright I finally have all of these ready.
>>18841916 >>18843612 >>18842951 >>18843863 Sorry for the wait.
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199 !fsJYHelios
Quoted By:
>>18844591 great! coming online now
Cole (3153-5409-7051)
>>18844591 Would I be able to get a ditto too?
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199 !fsJYHelios
>>18844591 Thanks dude, really helped me out there
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18844639 Yepper
>>18844633 Sure, but I need to transfer another over
Cole (3153-5409-7051)
>>18844650 No problem at all, thanks :)
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
Quoted By:
>>18844685 Alright add me and I'll be on in a few minutes
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18844685 And I assume you want it to be the same as
>>18842951 ?
requesting dunsparce serene grace careful glare coil headbutt roost 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
>>18844760 perfect IVs and in a heavy ball
riley 3969-4014-7168
Quoted By:
>>18844760 i guess a friendcode is needed as well
>>18844736 Yeah I just want a 6IV Ditto basically
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18844760 >>18844773 I can do everything but that damn heavy ball.
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
>>18845064 Hi Liminal, are you genning? If so, I'd like to bump my Kanto bird request from
>>18824027 If you could do one or more I'd be much grateful. I'll be around for a good while
Kyler 4356-0527-8872 (Psychic Type, Munna, Espurr and Duosion)
Kyler 4356-0527-8872 (Psychic Type, Munna, Espurr and Duosion) Mon 14 Apr 2014 01:57:12 No. 18845132 Report >>18845064 Hey Liminal, is the ditto ready?
My IGN is Trainer Read
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18845108 I'm really new to genning but I can give it a shot.
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18845132 Yep just gimmie a bit
David 3926-5754-2050
>>18845133 Just asking if you have time for my request.
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
Quoted By:
>>18845133 Cool, take your time :)
Kyler 4356-0527-8872 (Psychic Type, Munna, Espurr and Duosion)
Kyler 4356-0527-8872 (Psychic Type, Munna, Espurr and Duosion) Mon 14 Apr 2014 01:59:42 No. 18845171 Report Quoted By:
>>18845153 Alright send a trade when you can
Serena 0920-0519-0209
Pokemon: Genesect Nickname: No thanks Level: 100 Nature: Hasty Ability: Download Shiny: Sure, why not Pokeball: Cherish Ball I guess IVs: All 31 would be great EVs: 6 atk, sp. atk 252, speed 252 Moves: U-turn, Bug Buzz, Ice Beam, Flamethrower I got a shiny Talonflame for trade. 5IVs (missing sp.atk) to offer and any BP item of your choosing. It'd help a lot if it was an event shiny.
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18845154 I do, sorry didn't mean to ignore you.
riley 3969-4014-7168
>>18845064 okay use your ball of choice for the dunsparce can you hook me up?
David 3926-5754-2050
Quoted By:
>>18845184 Np, just wanted to see.
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18845187 I certainly can
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
Do you guys have any Y stones besides mewtwo/charizard/houndoom/aggron?
riley 3969-4014-7168
Quoted By:
>>18845239 excellent il add you
David 3926-5754-2050
>>18845266 Do you know how to clone? If so, I can trade you a mon holding an Herocronite.
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18845294 I'm not familiar with cloning.
David 3926-5754-2050
Quoted By:
>>18845318 Ah. I've only got one of each stone, which is why I asked. Sorry I can't help you.
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18842405 >>18844760 These will be ready soon
riley 3969-4014-7168
Quoted By:
>>18845455 awesome thank you
riley 3969-4014-7168
>>18845455 thanks a million
David 3926-5754-2050
>>18845455 Sweet, adding you now.
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
David 3926-5754-2050
>>18845561 Really appreciate it, bro!
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
G-Money 0490-4894-2206
>>18834910 Still seeking this Espeon. Can offer BP prizes.
Serena 0920-0519-0209
>>18845181 Desperate for this poke
;_; Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18845714 I can do that in a dream ball.
>>18845753 I can do this but not shiny.
G-Money 0490-4894-2206
>>18845944 If it needs to be in a dream ball, so be it.
Any BP prizes you want?
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18845974 Anything's fine.
G-Money 0490-4894-2206
>>18845991 Okay, got you added, I'll be waiting =)
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18846004 I'm ready when you are.
G-Money 0490-4894-2206
>>18846044 Thanks bro. That Charmander has X egg moves and nature.
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18846079 No problemo.
>>18845753 I have the non-shiny genesect ready, if you want it.
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
>>18846100 No pressure, but do you think you'll be able to attempt at least part of my request from
>>18845108 today?
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
Quoted By:
>>18846120 I was working on them before and ran into some problems. I'll try again in a bit, but I'm not gonna be here much longer.
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18846120 Do you have a secret ID that I can work with?
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
>>18846313 unfortunately no, but I'm happy for you to pick some randome number that works, as long as you keep it consistent
Do i need to sign up to something to get a secret id?
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
>>18846383 in that case go with ID 32017, secret id 35663.
This is Zo's ID, who has gen'd me an Articuno. So if you use this, just do Zappy and Molly
Serena 0920-0519-0209
>>18846100 Sweetness, i'll take it either way.
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18846468 I managed to get Zapdos but not Moltres. I'm getting pretty tired so I'll be stopping now, if you're still there we can trade as soon as I transfer it.
>>18846491 You still around?
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
>>18846742 Cool bro, I'll stick around for Zapdos. Thanks
Liminal 4484-9844-9424
>>18846801 Alrighty your Zapdos is ready now.
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 (IGN Richard)
Quoted By:
>>18846827 cool, adding you now, standby
Serena 0920-0519-0209
Liminal 4484-9844-9424