GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. Version exclusives, bank Pokes, breeding leftovers, special ball pokemon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS/ MEGASTONES That is not the purpose of this thread. If someone happens to be so nice to as to give one away, they will let all of us know. Do not pester them. Also, we aren't the PokeGen thread; we may not have pokemon such as Knock Off Timburr or Hyper Voice Ralts / Eevee available. And no, we don't have spare 6IV pokemon for you, do it yourself.
Now that we can change the ball Pokemon were in, what's your most wanted gen 6, illegal ball 'mon combo? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN). It makes everything so much easier. We want the 'mon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Please ignore shitposters. At least try. Well, okay, we're past the point of no return. Old Thread:
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>>18823232 I hope I make sense. Rynn 4656-7108-0037
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Wow, that was quick. I'm used to cloning threads, one thread per 3-4 days, haha.
>>18823232 How do I change pokeballs?
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heavy ball snorlax :^)
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sat 12 Apr 2014 03:35:24 No. 18823275 Report Katherine
>>18823262 Spending really money.
>>18823275 I wasn't MMing when I hatched it. Was just breeding trying to get a pentaperfect when a shone pentaperfect popped out.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
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>>18823262 Magic. I'm going to start the long task of cataloging my Event Pokemon in previous gens.
Wish me luck. Rynn 4656-7108-0037
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>>18823283 Well yeah, but it's just 2$ per pokemon, that's not a lot, right?
Nintendo had a good idea.
Too bad you can't breed them.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sat 12 Apr 2014 03:38:12 No. 18823304 Report >>18823290 Oh man that is awesome! Good shit, bro!
>>18823304 I was going to do the big skarmory boogaloo tonight, but I'm gonna hold off till tomorrow. I'll make sure to save you one.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sat 12 Apr 2014 04:07:34 No. 18823570 Report Quoted By:
>>18823555 Awesome, thanks man! I will totally put him on my team!
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>18823555 i'll keep an eye on them too, what time is it going to be?
>>18823577 Well for me it's about 9 right now, tomorrow I should be doing it around ~2:00 pm. If you guys don't show up when it goes down I'll save a couple.
>>18823596 I should say about 17 hours from now, if that makes more sense.
>>18823625 you still here?
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 12 Apr 2014 04:22:39 No. 18823682 Report hello again, ill just leave this here, pls take them 1 beldum – 4 iv adamant clear body 3 ralts (all male) – 4 iv adamant (2 trace/1 synchronize) em: mean look/shadow sneak/destiny bond/confuse ray 3 torchic (all male) – 4 iv adamant speed boost 3 feebas (2m/1f) – 4 iv modest oblivious em: hypnosis/mirror coat/dragon pulse/captivate 8 mudkip (all male)– 4 iv adamant torrent 3 gligar (1m/2f) - 4 iv impish immunity 1 marill (female) – 4 iv adamant huge power em: superpower/belly drum/aqua jet/perish song (1 extra jap female with same em 3 ivs) 4 kangaskhan – 4 iv adamant scrappy em: double edge/hammer arm/counter/disable 3 eevee (all male) – 4-5 iv bold em: wish 5 horsea (3m/2f) - 5 iv timid 1 swift swim/4 sniper em: octazooka/signal beam 10 misdreavus (5m/5f) - 5 iv timid levitate em: shadow sneak/nasty plot/ominous wind/destiny bond 3 starly (1m/2f) - 4 ivs adamant reckless em:double edge 10 eevee - 3-5 ivs timid anticipation em: wish (3 have to relearn wish) and finally 2 bulbasaur - 4 iv modest chlorophyll em: giga drain/grasswhistle/petal dance (1 without egg moves) 10 bulbasaur (all male) - 5 iv calm chlorophyll em: giga drain EXTRA: 2 penta perfect calm overgrow with em pls be as specific as possible with what you want or ill send whichever is first
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen Sat 12 Apr 2014 04:25:17 No. 18823699 Report >>18823682 Could I get a male kanghaskan if you have one? Thanks!
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Inix - 5172-1729-6821
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen Sat 12 Apr 2014 04:27:25 No. 18823720 Report Quoted By:
>>18823699 Im dumb I apologize for my sudden incompetence
Flavio 3067-6412-8522
>>18823682 disc is up for a female misdreavus
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras)
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras) Sat 12 Apr 2014 04:28:43 No. 18823737 Report >>18823682 can I take a Misdreavus, a Eevee and a Gligar from your hands?
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras)
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras) Sat 12 Apr 2014 04:32:37 No. 18823785 Report >>18823737 female, except eevee, please.
Also, disc up for Misdreavus
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 12 Apr 2014 04:32:47 No. 18823787 Report Quoted By:
>>18823699 >>18823726 sent
>>18823737 disc up for misdreavus, then ill acquaintance trade you the rest
Flavio 3067-6412-8522
>>18823682 disc is up for a female horsea
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 12 Apr 2014 04:35:55 No. 18823821 Report >>18823737 >>18823785 which eevee, timid HA or bold?
Merryn: 0361-7865-8042
>>18823682 Discing up for a Misdreavus. Thanks in advance!
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras)
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras) Sat 12 Apr 2014 04:38:03 No. 18823834 Report >>18823821 thanks! Bold, please. Discing up
>>18823682 Discing up for one of your Wish Eevee's if possible
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 12 Apr 2014 04:39:58 No. 18823854 Report >>18823808 dont see your disc
>>18823823 sent
>>18823834 sent, disc up for gligar, female correct?
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras)
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras) Sat 12 Apr 2014 04:40:40 No. 18823861 Report >>18823854 Thank you!
Yeah, female. Discing up
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 12 Apr 2014 04:41:04 No. 18823870 Report >>18823848 timid HA or bold? both have wish, im just making sure
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 12 Apr 2014 04:43:12 No. 18823894 Report Quoted By:
>>18823870 I'm a scrub and no little of natures. Bold I suppose?
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 12 Apr 2014 04:49:04 No. 18823940 Report nolan 3325 2718 3649
>>18823682 female feebas is badass
disc up
Friendly Neighborhood Troll Painter
>>18823682 could i pls get one of the 4iv egg move bulbasaur? disc up
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 12 Apr 2014 05:03:53 No. 18824042 Report >>18823972 give me a min, im in the battle maison right now
>>18824004 nature and ability?
nolan 3325 2718 3649
>>18824042 take ya time
aint worried about nothing haha
>>18824042 any nature is fine chlorophyll pls
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 12 Apr 2014 05:07:32 No. 18824079 Report nolan 3325 2718 3649
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>>18824079 thank ya kindly
Quoted By:
>>18824079 greatly appreciated thanks!
>>18823660 Popping in for a sec, having trouble falling asleep. What's up?
>>18824134 Was wondering if you could hold a skarry for me since I don't know what time i'll get on tomorrow
>>18824169 Sure, I'll add you to the list.
Quoted By:
>>18824178 alright thanks Mal!
>>18824178 You can hold me a skar too please? About to start guys, let me go for the ds
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>18824178 hey mal, I'll be busy around 2:00, can you hold one for me too please?
>>18824188 >>18824201 Alright I'll save you two skarms as well. But no one else, I'm tired of writing down all these names.
And Ivory, could you save me a genesect and mlp? I'm hitting the hay for reals this time.
3840 7262 3206 !lvory.7FpY
>>18824217 Give me your FC please, i will give you both now, if you want before we start.
>>18824228 Sure I guess I'll grab my ds. FC is in the name. I'll give you the skarmory now too. Want a nickname or should I leave it as Mint?
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Would Anyone be interested in illegal friend ball, Bulbasaurs with petal dance, giga drain, amnesia and grass whistle as egg moves?
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>>18823264 Can ya hold one for me? Gna be sleeping and studying all day for sure tomorrow...
3840 7262 3206 !lvory.7FpY
>>18824238 I'll really appreciatte if you can nickname it
Mint Hawk please, already added you, going online now.
And thank you
>>18824274 You got it, one Mint Hawk coming your way.
And don't tell anyone about the item it has, I want to keep it a secret 3840 7262 3206 !lvory.7FpY
>>18824288 Sure,
i 'll keep the secret, thank you so much, ign is Zyrax tonight, send me a trade request when you are ready please Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras)
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras) Sat 12 Apr 2014 05:34:52 No. 18824303 Report >>18824217 can I have a Skarmory too? No need for nickname
>>18824288 If the item is
rocky helmet you kinda ruined your own surprise up here
>>18824303 You're going to have to come back tomorrow, only giving to ivory right now.
>>18824305 Yeah well I'd like to keep it as a surprise to anyone who wasn't here tonight.
>>18824301 Not seeing you online.
3840 7262 3206 !lvory.7FpY
>>18824314 Let me go online again, sorry for the troubles
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>>18824314 I will be here tomorrow then
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sat 12 Apr 2014 05:40:42 No. 18824356 Report >>18824314 See you tomorrow, Mal! I'll be online when you do the giveway. You said 2pm your time right?
Quoted By:
I'll be back with the Shiny Skarmory Giveaway
courtesy of Rynn in roughly 15 or so hours! Untill then, good night everybody.
>>18824338 Thanks for the legends, enjoy your Skarmory!
>>18824356 yeah. In my timezone its 10:40pm now, I'll be doing it hopefully at 2:00 pm tomorrow.
[3840 7262 3206] !lvory.7FpY
>>18824314 Thank you Mal,
sorry for keeping you awake until so late .
Guys since the event legendaries are gts banned i'll do a separate thread, i don't wanna make this place a FC trade center tonight, the rules are the same anyway, add me, send me your disc/ anymon and that. I'll do the thread in less that 5 minutes, so look at the catalog, don't post replies here.
Quoted By:
>>18824393 Wasn't your fault, I've been having trouble falling asleep.
Reborn 4098-2272-2079
>>18824393 i already have you, can i send a tr?
[3840 7262 3206] !lvory.7FpY
>>18824393 Thread is up
>>18824404 If you want keldeo sure
Reborn 4098-2272-2079
Quoted By:
>>18824410 oh, it's keldeo first? i though you would be doing it all, wanted the other only for dex purposes
>>18824410 Can you tell us the moves and natures they have?
[3840 7262 3206] !lvory.7FpY
>>18824428 mlp is timid, hp ghost, standard sweeper set
arceus is sword dancer, e- speed
meloetta calm minder sweeper and genesect is hasty (locked nature event) with movie moves, so you can delete or add the ones you want
>>18824545 Can I get a meloetta?
[3840 7262 3206] !lvory.7FpY
>>18824562 Sure, you can always join the party
Dusk Ign Jesse
anybody got female Addmant Mawile 5iv no spa be nice but doesnt have to be Disc up
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>>18824615 alright thanks I'll wait till everyone is done then.
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Does anyone have anyone have some competitve ready chanseys ?
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18824619 Would you like a name on your mega-waifu?
Timrod 2879-1025-2315
Does anyone have a Porygon or Darumaka to spare? Doesn't have to be anything more than a breeding reject, but I could use one.
Dusk Ign Jesse
>>18824655 Throw a disc up for a Porygon, I have a few 5IVs left.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Alex/Aya 3926 - 5781 - 7306
Timrod 2879-1025-2315
>>18824660 I don't have a Disc on me, but I have a 4-IV Adamant Soliosis. I'll put that up.
Dusk Ign Jesse
Quoted By:
>>18824667 thanks very much
garfield 2809-8233-7598
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>>18824545 still have any meloettas left?
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
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>>18824545 How much dick do I need to suck to get one of each? ;-;
Alex/Aya 3926 - 5781 - 7306
>>18824719 You sir are awesome
Vania accept the tr please
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>>18824728 anyone with a probopass want to touch trade me please.
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>>18824728 Sorry didn't mean to reply to you
>>18824752 also thanks Ivory
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Anyone have Pidove? Just need it for dex reasons
Nest Ball Ferroseed (Brave 4–5IV, guaranteed 0 Spe, Iron Barbs) 5x Male 2x Female (one has to relearn egg moves) Egg Moves: Gravity, Leech Seed, Worry Seed, Bullet Seed Fast Ball Pichu (Jolly 4IV, Lightningrod) 3x Male Egg Moves: Thunder Punch, Fake Out, Encore, Wish Other stuff I don't need: Female Fennekin (Modest 5IV -Spe, Blaze, w/ Heat Wave) Male Roselia (Calm 4IV, Poison Point, w/ Spikes, German) Female Gorebyss (Rash random IVs, Spanish mostly for dex purposes) Please be as specific as possible which one you want and put up a disc. Aegis, take your Pikachu back.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18824873 Hey I'll throw up a disc hope it was helpful.
Quoted By:
>>18824873 Disc up for Pichu
Thank you
>>18824873 I have 2 friend ball Bulbas. One is calm with overgrow and the other is modest with chlorophyll. Take your pick.
Alex/Aya 3926 - 5781 - 7306
Quoted By:
>>18824873 Disc up for Nest ball male Ferroseed
>>18824900 Modest it is. I'll throw a disc up.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>18824768 Is that a no then? ;-;
>>18824921 Sorry, got the abilities mixed up. Do you still want the modest one?
Quoted By:
>>18824768 are you still giving out meloettas?
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>>18824929 You are in the wrong thread bro
>>18824403 Cuan
>>18824934 Gah. I can't decide.
I'll take both. Katherine
Quoted By:
>>18824944 Send me a TR when you're ready.
Timrod 2879-1025-2315
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>>18824660 Hey, thanks! I just bred a few of them, so I can give them out tomorrow when I'm up if anyone needs them.
Alex/Aya 3926 - 5781 - 7306
Quoted By:
>>18824873 Thanks anon, you guys are awesome
>>18824890 Disc up for Lv. 61 to 70 Pikachu
>>18824900 do you have any bulbas left?
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18824961 sorry it took a while cuan just put a disc up
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>18824545 So I cant get one of each? ;~;
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>>18824977 No go to his thread. Only arceus and genesect are left.
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>>18824977 your dumbass isn't even begging in the right thread
Alex/Aya 3926 - 5781 - 7306
So how can I give back to these threads? I've gotten a lot of cool stuff from you guys but I'm a filthy scrub casual and don't know how I can help.
>>18825016 There's always high demand for Heavy Ball Snorlax.
>>18825016 premier ball east sea shellos Cuan
>>18825034 Were you also that anon who called me out on not putting my Ferroseed in Premier Balls?
>>18825059 Okay, then there is more than one anon with shit taste for Premier Balls on this board.
Alex/Aya 3926 - 5781 - 7306
Quoted By:
>>18825026 >>18825034 Would I find those right next to the headlight fluid and elbow grease?
Quoted By:
>>18825065 >Premier Balls shite taste Those are fightings words
>>18825065 There are a few people in wfg that put everything in Premier because they think it's cool or some shit.
>>18825087 >>18825087 >There are a few people in wfg that put everything in matching color balls because they think it's cool or some shit. Anonymous
Quoted By:
anyone have a fastball growlithe? i have some breeding leftover i can offer
Ignatz 0705-2888-8884
Long shot, but does anyone have a spare Hyper Voice Eevee? Stats/gender/etc no matter.
Please take:
Numel - 5 males, quiet, guaranteed 0 speed. Egg moves: iron head, yawn, heat wave, and body slam
Charmander - 11 females, 1 pentaperfect, luxury ball, timid. Egg moves: dragon dance and dragon pulse.
Elgyem - 6 males, quiet, guaranteed 0 speed in speed. Egg moves: disable, ally switch, cosmic power, and nasty plot
Buizel - 6 quick ball and 5 repeat ball females, HA. Egg moves: me first, baton pass, aqua tail, and switcheroo
Skrelp - 5 males, modest. Egg moves: venom drench, toxic spikes, haze, and acid armor
Some other stuff here: Ignatz 0705-2888-8884
>>18825128 Oh, shit. I never even noticed the mention of HV Eevee before. Sorry
>>18825121 There are many more than a few of those people, but there are actually people that put everything in Premier as well.
>>18824967 If you're still here, I still have 2 unhatched Bulbasaur eggs. If you're not into balltism I can give you one.
>>18825145 i know
i try to put everything in a premier ball
Merryn: 0361-7865-8042
>>18825135 Discing up for a numel, thanks in advance.
>>18825135 Disc up for Skelp
Thanks as always Kat
>>18825156 i like to put everything in luxury myself Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18825137 It's all good man, all things you shouldn't ask for have actually been given out before.
Quoted By:
>>18825165 i put my shinies in luxury balls
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
>>18825135 Do you have any Elgeeyems with IVs of :
31/x/31/31/31/0 or 31/31/31/31/31/0?
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sat 12 Apr 2014 07:30:40 No. 18825176 Report Just got this about 15 minutes ago. Penta perfect as well. This is depressing.
>>18825155 that would be great! thanks!
dont want to get greedy but i could i perhaps have one of those charmanders?
Quoted By:
>>18825157 >>18825158 Sent
>>18825173 No
>>18825176 Ouch, congratz on the shiny anyway.
Alex/Aya 3926 - 5781 - 7306
>>18825135 Disc up for Elgyem
>>18825157 >New Zealand >>18825178 It's not problem, disc up
>>18825176 That's what happens when you MM in the wrong ball and with no egg moves.
Quoted By:
>>18825176 I'll take it if you don't want it
Merryn: 0361-7865-8042
>>18825191 sweats nervously Katherine
>>18825191 thanks alot disc up for bulbasaur
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sat 12 Apr 2014 07:35:50 No. 18825205 Report Quoted By:
>>18825192 I don't run toxic spikes, I run life orb special attacker.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>18825135 Could I get an Ely?
>>18825201 Where have you been for the last 2 months? >>18825204 Give me a bit, you can disc up for a Charmander though
>>18825214 Disc up
Alex/Aya 3926 - 5781 - 7306
>>18825135 If possible could I grab one of those Numels too?
Alex/Aya 3926 - 5781 - 7306
>>18825225 Thanks, disc up
Merryn: 0361-7865-8042
>>18825221 I have no idea what you mean I'm so sorry ;__; Katherine
>>18825229 Sent. The Bulbas are ready now, female or male? Keep in mind that friend ball Bulbasaurs are illegal
>>18825232 Sent
>>18825233 There was another regular here who was a Kiwi but she disappeared 2months ago, I think. You will be my new friend. KIVA 5429-8718-0972 (Sigilyph, Munna, Xatu)
KIVA 5429-8718-0972 (Sigilyph, Munna, Xatu) Sat 12 Apr 2014 07:46:26 No. 18825257 Report >>18825135 Discing up for you Mincinno.
Thank you very much.
Merryn: 0361-7865-8042
>>18825252 I'm ok with this. kevinskii-3754-7546-3695
>>18825252 thanks for the charmander, i a femalenif possible thanks again
Anyone got a Swoobat I can touch trade?
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>18825283 Yep just leveled it lol
captcha: early boodynal
>.> Vania 0791-1491-6389
>>18825297 want to disc trade it then trade back or add each other?
>>18823232 Anyone have a spare Elgyem newly hatched? Have been after it for ages but I don't have black/white
Merryn: 0361-7865-8042
Quoted By:
>>18825281 I'm here 4 u bby Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>18825306 Disc trade is fine :)
>>18825221 My disc it throbs for dat ely
>>18825309 >Newly hatched I hatched mine a month ago or something, does that count?
Quoted By:
>>18825325 alright give me a second to put a disc up
>>18825326 I should've said level 1-5
>>18825336 Disc up
>>18825325 I can't find it, did you spell it right?
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>18825341 I forgot the e lol
>>18825341 >>18825341 I've put an lee trike up is that cool?
>>18825375 Thanks for helping me out, and the twig.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>18825397 Ha twig with 2 egg moves :) check the ivs?
>>18825411 everything except hp
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
Quoted By:
>>18825415 Aight
>>18825416 thanks so much
>>18823768 >>18823768 >>18823768 >>18823768 Whoever makes the next thread PLEASE put this in the OP
Quoted By:
Don't know if anyone is around, but does anyone have a Tympole?
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
I have a box full of Dive Ball Finneon. They all know Aqua Tail, Agility, Psybeam, and Signal Beam and have a random 5 perfect IVs. The natures are all random because I didn't have a Timid father on hand and I figured nobody's going to use this competitively anyway.
>>18825608 Discing for one
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
Quoted By:
>>18825526 No fuck off faggot
Alex/Aya 3926 - 5781 - 7306
>>18825608 Discing up now, thanks
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Quoted By:
I'm having some trouble with my WLAN, so it might take a few more minutes until I can start sending them.
>>18825608 Disc is up, thanks
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Quoted By:
>>18825626 >>18825636 >>18825647 >>18825668 >>18825678 Ugh. So yeah, my WLAN network isn't working; and while I can activate another one, that one doesn't penetrate to this room, and I'm charging my 3DS here at the moment.
Sorry. I'll make another post when I've fixed the problem.
Anyone have a solosis with helping hand ?
>>18826061 Helping Hand, Trick, Imprison, Acid Armor
You didn't take it when I had spares. Right now I only have my mothers.
>>18826073 I'll be honest I usually skip through large lists.
>>18826092 Should have been on the same list as the Croagunk you got. Do you just want anything for the egg moves again?
>>18826105 Yeah just the egg moves is fine.
Quoted By:
>>18826112 I'll probably have it in an hour or two. I have to take care of my food intake first.
IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue)
IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue) Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:01:26 No. 18826539 Report ANyone got a ditto with 3+ IVs and/or a female Riolu with decent IVs?
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936 Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:11:20 No. 18826593 Report Quoted By:
does anyone have any speed boost venipedes? I've been looking everywhere for one.
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936 Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:14:12 No. 18826606 Report >>18826539 give me a minute, I may have a riolu/lucario for you in my bank. I also have an extra six iv ditto. if you put a luvdisc up for a level 50 ditto and write VP! in the description, I can get it to you. let me check the level on the lucario/riolu.
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras)
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras) Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:15:16 No. 18826613 Report >>18826606 do you clone? I have a fat eye on that ditto too
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936 Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:16:46 No. 18826629 Report >>18826613 no, the ditto might be cloned though. I got it over wonder trade.
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras)
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras) Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:18:07 No. 18826638 Report >>18826629 ah, okay. Thanks anyway
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936 Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:18:57 No. 18826642 Report >>18826638 although if the other guy isnt responding, you ould certainly have it.
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras)
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras) Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:20:46 No. 18826651 Report >>18826642 let's wait some more minutes. If he doesn't respond, I accept with pleasure
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936 Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:21:44 No. 18826657 Report >>18826651 ok. same deal, in 5 minutes, throw up a disc asking for a lvl 50 with the message VP!
Hey guys this may be a bit much but does someone have a foreign ditto with decent ivs? I had to restart my game and I just now got back to the daycare area
>>18826663 >Wonder trades a random Charmander I received from someone >Gets said Charmander back 2 trades later Anonymous
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras)
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras) Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:26:57 No. 18826699 Report >>18826657 disc is up, my ign is Yasmin
>>18826112 Disc up for Lv.1 Solosis. I'm hatching them right now and will check the IVs then.
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936 Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:31:29 No. 18826729 Report Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras)
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras) Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:33:28 No. 18826741 Report Quoted By:
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936 Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:33:36 No. 18826744 Report I would still like a speed boost venipede if anyone has one
Looking for females to breed with love. <3 Dream Ball Eevee Dream Ball Cottonee Moon Ball Mawile Moon Ball Houndoor Don't care about IVs or nature. Just want them balls.
>>18826744 I've got one in a regular Pokeball if you don't mind.
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936 Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:39:49 No. 18826778 Report >>18826771 that would be amazing. I'll throw up a luvdisc that says VP! in the message. My ign is james.
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936 Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:42:48 No. 18826793 Report Quoted By:
haru 0061-0848-2068 (Machoke, Pancham, Hariyama)
haru 0061-0848-2068 (Machoke, Pancham, Hariyama) Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:44:42 No. 18826803 Report Still lookin for a defog Stunky... or a skarmory with whirlwind/stealthrocks if anyone has either
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936
James (Magmar, Larvesta, Ninetails) 2122-5527-9936 Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:47:06 No. 18826809 Report Quoted By:
>>18826801 thank you so much.
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>18826803 I have one 5IV Skarm left, impish female, regular ball, with Rocks and Whirlwind. Want it? disc up, write chaos or something in description so I know the right guy gets it
>>18826758 I have a dream ball Eevee but it doesn't have HA.
>>18826815 That's okay. I really just want my future Eevee babies in Dream Balls. :D
I posted a Luvdisc with Katherine as it's message. IGN is Punchan.
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras)
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras) Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:54:14 No. 18826842 Report >>18826812 disced up for skarmory
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>18826842 sent to the only Luvdisc asking for a Skarmory, had vp in comments. Hope it was you
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras)
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras) Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:56:29 No. 18826849 Report Quoted By:
I'm trying dex completion, anyone here has one of those? IVs and Nature doesn't matter Stantler Castform Unown anyone from Nuzleaf Line anyone from Finneon line anyone from Kricketot line anyone from Buneary line
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras)
Allanak 0490-6674-2387 (Spheal, Beartric, Lapras) Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:59:04 No. 18826861 Report Quoted By:
>>18826847 it was me, thank you
Quoted By:
>>18826854 Thanks so much. <3
haru 0061-0848-2068 (Machoke, Pancham, Hariyama)
haru 0061-0848-2068 (Machoke, Pancham, Hariyama) Sat 12 Apr 2014 13:59:44 No. 18826865 Report >>18826812 ill put it up in a minute... sry for the delay... was slappin a bass
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>18826865 the 5iv's gone, i have some 4iv's left though, so i'll send you one of those if you don't mind
haru 0061-0848-2068 (Machoke, Pancham, Hariyama)
haru 0061-0848-2068 (Machoke, Pancham, Hariyama) Sat 12 Apr 2014 14:02:19 No. 18826880 Report Quoted By:
>>18826876 sure thing papadillo
haru 0061-0848-2068 (Machoke, Pancham, Hariyama)
haru 0061-0848-2068 (Machoke, Pancham, Hariyama) Sat 12 Apr 2014 14:07:01 No. 18826912 Report Quoted By:
>>18826876 thanks a ton mayng... been on a skarmory hunt for ages
IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue)
IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue) Sat 12 Apr 2014 14:10:10 No. 18826927 Report Quoted By:
>>18826606 Sorry for being late but if your still here im up for them both!
Looking for Volcarona with giga drain. Luvdisc is holding a heart scale as an extra thank you
>>18826962 Giga Drain is a Gen5 tutor move only
5129-1799-2239 Vinicius
Take these: -19 Perfect axews with Mold Breaker in a Luxury Ball Beacuse fuck Masuda
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Sat 12 Apr 2014 14:19:29 No. 18826986 Report IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue)
IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue) Sat 12 Apr 2014 14:21:27 No. 18826996 Report Quoted By:
>>18826976 I dont have an Axew so i'll gladly take one of your hands.
>>18826606 Also James, damn rl for keeping me occupied. Anyway, if you see this both the Riolu and the ditto would make me a very happy man. I've added your friend code aswell.
Quoted By:
>>18826976 Can I has a female please? Posted Love fish with Vincius as message.
Quoted By:
>>18826976 have any female?
Quoted By:
>>18826976 what do you mean by perfect? hexas?
Yo Chaos i'll take One of those skamory. Trying to fill up my pokedex and 4iv doesnt sound bad at all! Let me know if you got anything else!
Quoted By:
>>18826976 Left your name in comments broski
>>18826986 Anonymous
>>18826971 I know, but I have no way to keep paying for bank right now else I'd do it myself. I was hoping someone else would have one
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>18827008 dont see your disc, did you get sniped?
Quoted By:
Thanks Vini! Good lookin out!
Quoted By:
>>18827070 Please read the Op-oh wait
1 Dusk Ball Litwick 2 Dream Ball HA Imperfect HP Ice Abra 1 Premier Ball White Flabebe 1 HA Sableye 1 Moon Ball Shinx 4 Heavy Ball Pancham (Brave, some with 0 Speed) 1 Dive Ball Cottonee
>>18827091 >Not heavy ball Snorlax I am disappoint.
Discing for Flabebe and Cottonee
>>18827071 Sorry brotha thought you had left the thread. Ima put him back up
Quoted By:
>>18827096 >them gender ratios + steps Anonymous
>>18827096 Did you get sniped ?
Quoted By:
>>18827138 Yep. I'll disc for Cottonee first this time.
>>18827070 You could try the PokeGen thread, anon.
Or /wfg/ if you're truly desperate. >>18818497 PokeGen>>18827091 >heavy ball pancham is real now I'm the worst, I desperately want one even though I haven't even bred a hexa from your luxury one yet. ;_;
Urg I want to do Amaura but those egg moves are terrible, and I only have discharge.
And I'd need to stop playing Etrian Odyssey 4 Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>18827104 still don't see yours, sorry i'm on and off constantly, just had 2 lengthy matches back to back
>>18827138 >Sniped Wow. Discing again.
Quoted By:
>>18827153 Msg says CHAOS! vp :)
>>18827151 give me a luxury ball female
>>18827178 Did you give away all your Luxury Ball females and then gave your last one to Rynn to change to Heavy?
>>18827184 I only had one female, and I made Rynn change it to luxury.
>>18827172 I literally just gave it to another Katherine. I'll breed another
Quoted By:
>>18827193 Way to go, fuckface.
>>18827193 ._. I should still have you on acquaintances. Let know when you're done.
Quoted By:
>>18827193 >change it to luxury Ok, let me ditch this dungeon and I'll breed a grill for you.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Sat 12 Apr 2014 15:21:42 No. 18827393 Report Quoted By:
>>18827091 Pancham please, putting disc up
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
What is a good ball for Balltism Archeops?
>>18827413 Level Ball maybe.
Can anyone help me find my SV?
>>18827467 That picture made me laugh. You might have better luck here, however.
>>18799152 Also I hatched 3 females, Cosmic, I'm going to IV check them real quick.
Quoted By:
I just uploaded a luvisk. Looking for a foreign female combee (im dutch), preferably with 5or 6 ivs. Hope someone can help me! Wanna make a shiny vespiquen. Total sis in my last playthrough.
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>18827444 thanks, i'm gonna ask Rynn to modify the ball of my
Hexa Archeops so i can do a giveaway
>>18827477 Thanks! I've already made a post there ^.^ this is the most active trade thread atm so I took a shot in the dark xD yo!
CHAOS! Dude I put up my disc for SKAMORY sry.gif
>SKARMORY Fixed that if you're still floatin around
>>18827382 Had to go do something Sorry. Hopping on now.
>>18827508 Done.
Now to do great ball croagunk
>>18827382 Do you want one with 0 Speed and -SpAtk, or one with 5IVs but missing speed?
Also how do you mark your 0IV ones for TR? I just put a dot in speed, since it's what I needed, I had this issue when I was breeding wailmer too.
>>18827497 Flappy Bird babby giveaway huh. Sounds neat. I made a big list yesterday and I thought I had two pokeball ideas for Archeops line, but I can't remember the second one at all- oh! Fast ball too, could work.
>>18827506 Please be careful with emoticons on this site, there are people that don't seem to appreciate those. I see! Well good luck, hope you get what you need soon.
>>18827544 Ehh doesn't matter. I just need the female for the ball, I'll rebreed it later.
>>18827553 Disc or trade then? I'll probably keep breeding til I have a hexa now since I'm at it.
>>18827564 Disc unless you have me on your list.
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>18827544 i like Level Ball
because it has more yellow since is hexa, all the Flappy babby are going to be 5IV guaranteed.
as usual, there's always one for you :^)
>>18827574 I thought we were friends ;~; Disc up!
>>18827586 Am excited.
>>18827633 Gotchu!
Got any Heavy Ball Pancham left?
>>18827648 I'll disc up for one while I try to hatch a good male to use.
Quoted By:
anyone have a poison touch grimer? :(
>>18827657 male for what ?
Quoted By:
>>18827678 To breed with a female!
I don't have a zero speed ditto. Anonymous
Quoted By:
Anyone have a Tentacruel with Haze? Preferably male, but I'll take whatever at this point. IVs and stuff don't matter, I can sort that myself.
>>18827544 >Please be careful with emoticons on this site >>18827596 >;~; (^0^)
Quoted By:
>>18827724 I know
;_; Seems like that's the only one acceptable along with
:^) Snoop
Quoted By:
Looking for a Purrloin. It would be greatly appreciated thanks! disc is up
5129-1799-2239 Vinicius
>>18826976 Still have moar
Quoted By:
Thanks for the Skarmory CHAOS! Big help
Quoted By:
>>18827743 I'd like one of your Axew, please. I've upped a disc for one now. Thanks in advance, and good luck with your hunt, Vinicius!
Jose 0044-3305-4518
Quoted By:
>>18827743 Disc is up for an Axew
>>18827743 Adamant or Jolly? Egg moves?
AstroHamsta .6pK2LOs
Quoted By:
LF : Male Espurr. LF : Female Espurr SHUT UP AND TAKE MY DISCS
5129-1799-2239 Vinicius
IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue)
IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue) Sat 12 Apr 2014 16:26:57 No. 18827816 Report Quoted By:
Anyone got a ditto with 4+ IVs to spare? And/Or a female Riolu with decent IVs
Quoted By:
>>18827797 I'll take one if it's female.
Would have preferred Adamant though Anonymous
>Powersaves has a code for altering the Pokeball a Pokemon was caught in now I'm tempted to do a giveaway. What unnatural combinations would people want?
>>18827917 Dive ball Geodude?
5129-1799-2239 Vinicius
>>18827917 Special ball Fossils for my Balltism
>>18827917 Someone made this list, maybe that will spark some ideas for you. Anonymous
>>18827917 First we need confirmation that you can trade pokemon with edited balls.
>>18827917 premier ball fossilmons
Quoted By:
>>18827917 Shiny Mantine in a Heavy or Lure ball.
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Quoted By:
>>18827970 >>18827993 i'm gonna do an Archen giveaway soon, i'll have to wait until Rynn is around so i can change the ball
Quoted By:
>>18827970 >>18827971 >>18827993 Seems like Fossils are a solid choice.
>>18827984 I'll have to check later, I won't be able to do the giveaway for a few hours anyway.
>>18827984 Easy, you can. I got a dive ball Tyrunt from Pan last night.
Also none of these pancham are hatching male soooooooo
anyone want a bunch of female luxury ball panchams real quick?
3 mold breaker
5 iron fist
all female
luxury balls
Some with 0Spe, some not
i didn't really plan for this to happen so if not i'll just wt them in a bit
>Cherish Balls aren't an option What's the best ball for Yveltal?
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Quoted By:
>>18828048 fast ball maybe
Quoted By:
>>18828048 Luxury or regular.
[3840 7262 3206] !lvory.7FpY
I died last night sorry, who's missing?
>>18824403 Also hi guys.
Anders 3239-3883-6657 Bug (Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 Bug (Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sat 12 Apr 2014 17:10:07 No. 18828162 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have a spare Poison Touch Grimer/Muk?
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sat 12 Apr 2014 17:11:31 No. 18828171 Report >>18828152 I was hoping to get Genesect.
Diegox Farfetch'd Tranquill Fletchinder 4699-6869-4064
Diegox Farfetch'd Tranquill Fletchinder 4699-6869-4064 Sat 12 Apr 2014 17:12:18 No. 18828176 Report >>18828152 You still got a spare Keldeo?
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>18828152 hi Ivory [spoilers] have you done Arceus giveaway yet? [/spoiler:lit]
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Quoted By:
>>18828152 hi Ivory
have you done Arceus giveaway yet? Snoop
Quoted By:
>>18828152 Dope thread man I gotta join the next one
>>18828171 Sure, i'll revive that thread in some minutes to do the arceus/ genesect thing.
>>18828176 Sorry i don't have keldeos bro
>>18828178 Hi
Not yet, i felt sleep last night when i was having a little rest after the meloetta thing; so fell free to join in a couple of minutes in the other thread. Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>18828152 Yo, still got mlp or Mel?
IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue)
IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue) Sat 12 Apr 2014 17:16:17 No. 18828201 Report Quoted By:
>>18828152 I would be interested in just about any legendary from any game outside BW and X Y.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sat 12 Apr 2014 17:16:27 No. 18828204 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>18828198 Here you are again asking dumb shit.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>18828195 Fyi I called dibs after the 5 minute mark :3
Why the hell does Serebii have shiny sprites for shiny locked Pokemon?
Quoted By:
>>18828214 i guess you are right, add me; i'll give you the meloetta and then we should go to the other thread
Quoted By:
>>18828244 it still exists and wrong thread fuckface
1 Timer Ball Larvesta 3 Friend Ball Shroomish 2 Love Ball Slowpoke 2 Moon Ball Solosis 1 Friend Ball Solosis 1 Heavy Ball Onix 3 Heavy Ball Tentacool 2 Fast Ball Dratini Discs, replies, etc.
5129-1799-2239 Vinicius
Quoted By:
Disc up for a SLOWPOKE thnx
Zkore (2852-8945-7711)
>tfw when I think i missed that lovely Mint Skarmory giveaway.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sat 12 Apr 2014 18:12:39 No. 18828698 Report >>18828674 Skarmory giveaway is in like 3 hours.
Quoted By:
>>18828698 This... this will be beautiful.
Alex/Aya 3926 - 5781 - 7306
>>18828330 Any chance you have a metal coat for that Onix?
[3840 7262 3206] !lvory.7FpY
>>18828781 wrong thread
;^) Zkore (2852-8945-7711)
Quoted By:
>>18828781 dont know what but want
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
[3840 7262 3206] !lvory.7FpY
Quoted By:
>>18828781 ignore this please, wrong tab
>>18828787 <3
>>18828722 Onix was already taken.
>>18828722 >giving away a free Mon asking to add on a item, please leave cancer Alex/Aya 3926 - 5781 - 7306
>>18828822 Sorry, I missed that post. Thanks anyway
>>18828933 It was friendly request for a common item anon, no need to be rude.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18828972 There is one metal coat in the game. You have to grind magneton in Friend safari to get another.
Alex/Aya 3926 - 5781 - 7306
>>18829003 Can't you get them in the lost hotel too? I could have sworn I got a couple there before
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18829030 Wild magneton hold it too so if they show up there then yeah. It's just not that common of an item. Most people don't have a couple lying around. For them to give you one they would have to go and hunt it down. If you need help with trade evloving the thing into a steelix once you find a coat I'm sure most of us would help.
Is there anyway I could ask for a Hidden Ability Chimchar/Monferno/Infernape with thunder punch on it here? Preferably I'd want female to make my breeding easier, but, I'll take a male if that's all you have.
>>18829122 I have a HA infernape that I could breed one from, but it's gonna be a little bit. I need to get out of the battle cafe first.
>>18829131 That's perfectly fine. Just tell me what requirements you want me to put up when I put the luvdisc on the GTS. Also, does it have thunder punch or no? It doesn't bother me if it doesn't, but, it'd just be one less step for me.
Thank you very much.
>>18829144 It's got thunderpunch and firepunch.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18829122 you are a lucky son of a bitch I bred before for a give away here before. Still have a bunch of 4 iv males hanging around.
>>18829146 That's perfect then. Thank you so much. Just take your time and tell me when you're ready to trade.
My in game name is Wesley. I assume I'll be putting it up for a Chimchar level 1-10 right?
>>18829170 Affirmative. Last time I did this for someone though it took me 7 eggs to get the hidden ability on one of them, so give it a minute so you won't get sniped if the RNG decides to hate on me.
Quoted By:
>Page Six I'll get the next one, hang on.
>>18829170 Oh, nevermind, Aegis' got ya.
>>18829166 >>18829204 That's fine, I don't mind taking two. I'd just like a female one if possible. I'm going to be sticking the punches on it since I'm not going to be having it as my primary sweeper, just a wall breaker. You only have males though right?
Luvdisc for Chimchar 1-10 right?
>>18829196 Take your time, I'm going to be here all day.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18829204 Dan do you want one with fakeout?
>>18829216 Females are pretty rare. My extra ones were already given out/traded away.
Quoted By:
>>18829228 Nah. I've got mine all made already. Thanks though.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18829216 Throw up a disc asking for a chimchar please.
>>18829228 That's fine. I'm putting one up right now. Do yours have the punches or no if I may ask though.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18829243 get rid of the level restriction just found an extra female. Can relearn her egg moves. punches and they have fakeout.
>>18829254 That's fine. Redoing it now. Thank you friend!
Quoted By:
>>18829261 >>18829261 >>18829261 new thread!
>>18828330 SHIT, I need to get off of showdown and pay more attention to here.
>>18829254 >>18829267 Done. I really do thank you so much friend.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18829278 Sent enjoy. Just give back to the thread sometime. Give out some breeding leftovers or something. We tend to be very helpful.