GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. Version exclusives, bank Pokes, breeding leftovers, special ball pokemon, whatever! We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins.>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS/ MEGASTONES That is not the purpose of this thread. If someone happens to be so nice to as to give one away, they will let all of us know. Do not pester them. Also, we aren't the PokeGen thread; we may not have pokemon such as Knock Off Timburr or Hyper Voice Ralts / Eevee available. And no, we don't have spare 6IV pokemon for you, do it yourself.Will we see another pokemon game by the end of the year? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive. Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN). It makes everything so much easier. We want the 'mon to go to you, not anyone else!>Please ignore shitposters. At least try. Well, okay, we're past the point of no return.
Previous thread:
>>18829261 Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>fucking up the op >not waiting until we get off the front page >not waiting until we can't bump the thread
looking for heavy ball snorlax :^) but i don't have a steam account :^(
Quoted By:
>>18831862 I told you incoming, no one objected.
Also, see
>>18831829 as it fixes my mistake
pls love me Anonymous
And since no one wants it in the OP, posting it seperately. Steam Group: Anonymous
Quoted By:
anyone have any penta perfect ou ghost types
IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue)
IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue) Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:39:47 No. 18831934 Report Quoted By:
Last try before I go to sleep; Any 4+ IV dittos and/or a decent IV Riolu female?
>>18831914 Some thing called Datel (like a powersave) can edit the ball a pokemon is in.
Giving away:
Dream Ball Aerodactyl (Jolly 3–4 IV One has 5IV, but one of those is SpA)
12x Male (Unnerve)
5x Male (Rock Head)
1x Female (Pressure)
Egg moves: Tailwind, Wide Guard, Assurance, Whirlwind
Nest Ball Ferroseed (Brave 4–5IV, guaranteed 0 Spe, Iron Barbs)
2x Male
2x Female (one has to relearn egg moves)
Egg Moves: Gravity, Leech Seed, Worry Seed, Bullet Seed
Other stuff I don't need:
Female Nest Ball Solosis (Quiet 4IV, Magic Guard, w/ Helping Hand, Trick, Imprison, Acid Armor)
Male Fast Ball Pichu (Jolly 4IV, Lightningrod. w/ Thunder Punch, Fake Out, Encore, Wish)
Female Fennekin (Modest 5IV -Spe, Blaze, w/ Heat Wave)
A Steam group for this thread
Please be as specific as possible which one you want and put up a disc.
>>18831823 Fuck you, Mal! Too soon! Cosmic, read
>>18831929 in the last thread.
>>18831981 I said I'll take the pressure female.
>Accidently hatch a shiny croagunk ok
Quoted By:
>>18831981 I told everyone it was happening and no one spoke up, so I made it. Besides, the last thread just hit bump limit. >>18831969 I'll be breeding those soon, should be ready by late tonight or tomorrow.
Quoted By:
Looking for the following females if anyone has spares! Luxury Ball Eevee Moon Ball Mawile Moon Ball Houndoor Dream Ball Cottonee Please please. <3
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:51:21 No. 18832008 Report hello again, ill just leave this here, pls take them 1 beldum – 4 iv adamant clear body 3 ralts (all male) – 4 iv adamant (2 trace/1 synchronize) em: mean look/shadow sneak/destiny bond/confuse ray 3 torchic (all male) – 4 iv adamant speed boost 2 feebas (all male) – 4 iv modest oblivious em: hypnosis/mirror coat/dragon pulse/captivate 7 mudkip (all male)– 4 iv adamant torrent 1 marill (female) – 4 iv adamant huge power em: superpower/belly drum/aqua jet/perish song (1 extra jap female with same em 3 ivs) 2 kangaskhan – 4 iv adamant scrappy em: double edge/hammer arm/counter/disable 1 eevee (male) – 4 iv bold em: wish 5 horsea (2m/2f) - 5 iv timid sniper em: octazooka/signal beam 7 misdreavus (4m/3f) - 5 iv timid levitate em: shadow sneak/nasty plot/ominous wind/destiny bond 3 starly (1m/2f) - 4 ivs adamant reckless em:double edge 9 eevee (8m/1f) - 3-5 ivs timid anticipation em: wish (3 have to relearn wish) 8 slowpoke (5m/3f) - 4-5 iv bold regenerator 2 bulbasaur (1m/1f) - 4 iv modest chlorophyll em: giga drain/grasswhistle/petal dance (1 without egg moves) 9 bulbasaur (all male) - 5 iv calm chlorophyll em: giga drain EXTRA: 2 penta perfect calm overgrow with em pls be as specific as possible with what you want or ill send whichever i have more of
>>18831995 Congrats. Is it worth using?
anyone have a pentaperfect gastly, modest?
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18831853 Update for you, Rynn. Pic related.
Did I give you anything in return for your work? I think I might've just given back the mon you gave me. Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18832117 Dawww, what a cute little fucker.
And nah, I don't need anything for my "work" which is like 2,5 minutes of my time and four clicks, no worries.
>>18832008 Disc up for male Slowpoke, thanks
Lelouch || 1693-2578-3557
Anyone have modest Mareep ?
>>18832115 lookin for a modest pentaperfect ghastly
Lelouch || 1693-2578-3557
Quoted By:
>>18832183 also ign zeinox
>6IV Croagunk >Anticipation
Quoted By:
>>18832183 You're probably not going to get one. Someone might have a decent ghastly that you could use to get started, but no one has a mountain of pentaperfects to hand out.
>>18832165 Ok um rood
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:18:00 No. 18832216 Report >>18832141 Rynn, you rock thanks for cloning Mal's Skarmory!
>>18832207 What is an ability capsule? Time to farm the Maison.
Also, did you disc up for Aero by now?
>>18831935 >Some thing called Datel (like a powersave) can edit the ball a pokemon is in. Datel is the company that makes them, Action Replay is the product name.
how new are you
>>18832207 Are you making a mixedgunk?
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:19:05 No. 18832231 Report Quoted By:
>>18832142 did you get sniped? i dont see your disc
Quoted By:
>>18832223 >implying that I actually want to do something that boring. I had one anyways.
Putting a disc up now.
>>18832227 no
Zkore (2852-8945-7711)
>>18832020 Hey Mal, saved a Mint for me?
*i had to go out and i missed it*
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18832224 Some people call it datel though. And I think powersaves is the product's name.
>>18832216 You're welcome!
1 Dusk Ball Litwick 2 Dream Ball HA Imperfect HP Ice Abra 1 HA Sableye 1 Moon Ball Shinx 2 Heavy Ball Pancham (Brave, some with 0 Speed) 4 5IVGreat Ball Croagunk
>>18832224 I was told it was called a datel device and is like a powersave.
My bad if I got the information wrong.
>>18832250 Disc is up for a pancham
>>18832241 I'm sorry, I didn't. Did you ask me to sometime?
>>18832250 Female Shinx? :D
Quoted By:
>>18832250 Discing for Croagunk
>>18832249 >>18832268 com/dp/B00CQ9L1Z6
Datel (company) Action Replay (product) Powersaves Pro (line)
Zkore (2852-8945-7711)
Quoted By:
>>18832268 Didn't asked to save me one but I did say i was interested in one ever since you posted.
If you don't its okay, I'm pretty sure cloning them wasn't easy.
Kuroneko FC:2578-3139-3782
>>18832158 I've got one, throw a disc up
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18832141 Alrighty then. Thanks again.
>>18832250 Disc is up for that Sableye.
>>18832281 Love Fish for it please. Ty. <3
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18832279 Yeah, you're right, it's just people sometimes use any of the three names.
Quoted By:
>>18832305 Crap, I had it in the back of my mind but was being stupid.
IGN: Punchan
Serena 1650-2877-2429
can someone trade me a adamant mawile? actually, any nature will do, i can prob breed it myself. ty ty
>>18832279 Like I said, my bad if I had the wrong information.
>>18832305 Thank you very much for the pancham
Quoted By:
>>18832305 Thank you for the Shinx!
Quoted By:
>>18832419 I was just giving you the correct information.
>>18832385 So all you want is a Mawile? Just... any Mawile? They're wild in Glittering Cave.
>>18832268 Will you be cloning more Skarmory in the future?
We have a steam group? WatThe heck is magejutsu? And why haven't they changed their sprite off the holiday one, it's been 4 months
Lelouch || 1693-2578-3557
Quoted By:
>>18832287 disc is up with IGN
Quoted By:
>>18832446 I didn't clone them, Rynn did. Anne Frankly it's up to Rynn.
>>18832450 Not my idea, but it's a neat way to chat about random crap without derailing the thread.
>>18832450 what i think you got the wrong group
>>18832500 just followed the link from
>>18831904 Anonymous
>>18832512 Magejutsu is Dereks steam account.
>>18832529 the hell is derek? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18832541 a casual wannabe
>>18832541 A guy who comes here. Who else would it be?
>>18832541 >not knowing Derek do you even vp/smogon
>>18832547 it was rhetorical, of course it's someone here Just seems like an odd thing to make a group for since there's nothing it does outside these threads. Especially odd since the first post is "I obviosuyl don't want this to become some private club elitest circle jerk" which frankly sounds exactly like what the group would be for. >>18832555 >caring about internet fame Anonymous
>>18832555 Smogonfags get out.
Quoted By:
>>18832583 don't worry, gts guys are shit when it comes about battles
Quoted By:
>>18832581 >>18832583 im just messing with you guy, i dont know who the fuck is that guy Anonymous
>>18832644 I honestly don't get why people hate reddit so much. I used the friend safari sub reddit when I started breeding for a while. Pretty useful.
Quoted By:
>>18832661 they just want to be cool
Quoted By:
>>18832661 I honestly don't get why people hate 4chan so much. I used the /r/ board when I needed the source for something. Pretty useful.
guys level ball victini can be traded by friend code?
>>18832661 At this point it's more of just storied bad blood. There's a difference of userbases from reddit's "I'm superior to you and I will assert that this is a fact" to 4chans "I was only pretending to be retarded" and every range in between.
One of those buzzwords like "autism" or whatever the flavor of the month is now.
>>18832696 Can't be traded, it locks to the trainer. The way we got around similar cases was breeding them to make it kalos native and the kids were then tradeable. Can't breed legends though
>>18832705 but what if i use powersaves to change one, not to import one from g5
>>18832661 >>18832644 >Using Reddit >ever *tips fedora*
Quoted By:
>>18832710 Haven't tried, in theory would work though. You can make it work through g5, you just can't trade it to anyone else in g6
1 Heavy Ball Tentacool 3 Friend Ball Shroomish 1 Love Ball Slowpoke 2 Moon Ball Solosis 4 Luxury Ball Pancham Discs and replies if you want anything.
Quoted By:
>>18832866 I'll take that tentacool
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>18832866 disc up for moon ball Solosis, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>18832712 >le lebbit is fedoras back to /b/ with you
>>18832705 I guess that makes sense. I've just never had a bad experience with reddit so I don't understand the bias against it.
Mary 4313-1233-6771 (Pachirisu/Helioptile/Zebstrika)
Mary 4313-1233-6771 (Pachirisu/Helioptile/Zebstrika) Sun 13 Apr 2014 01:49:30 No. 18833126 Report Does anyone have a female skarmory with stealth rock and whirwind
Quoted By:
>>18833126 If only you knew
Quoted By:
>>18833131 That's depressing
Quoted By:
>>18833131 I was gonna say it's kinda messed up to pick on a guy and post all the links to his accounts, but that's funny as fuck.
Quoted By:
>>18832644 >>18833131 I told you not to make a Steam group, Derek. I told you not to beg to have it posted in the OP or every thread.
This is what happens. This is your fault.
Right, well 1x Moon Ghastly 2x Moon Eevee (Illegal combo) 1x Safari Shroomish 1x Level Rattata 92x Safari Larvitar 14x Moon Zorua (Illegal)
Quoted By:
>>18833126 You missed a giveaway a few hours ago.
Shiny Skarmory holding a Rocky Helmet with Whirlwind, Stealth Rock, and Spikes.
>>18833222 Gimme dat Eevee
please disc is up
>>18833126 I'm sorry you missed out, I gave away perfect shiny skarmorys.
Quoted By:
Looking for lure ball Lapras
Quoted By:
So, I was saving most of these for my brother, but since he's disappeared off the face of the pokearth, here's what I got. Take em. Anonymous
Dosh King
First three people to respond to this win a flawless KB shiny of their choice. If I don't have it I'll just let you know and you can pick a different one.
>>18833272 shiny clauncher pls
>>18833239 Should have egg moves, only two I have left were IV breeding buildups
>>18833272 Missingno
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>18833272 Rocket Ball Meowth
Quoted By:
>>18833272 Does it count if I did it before?
Male Meowstic
Odin !!FdiFGhScWuz
Quoted By:
Man,it's been a while,college been bogging me down.
>>18833287 >>18833282 >>18833279 >Not knowing that Dosh King is legit He gave me a pentaperfect xerneas so I'm guessing that he is legit.
Dosh King
>>18833276 K. I have a few builds for Furfrou. What were you thinking?
>>18833277 easy enough
>>18833277 Easy enough.
>>18833279 pls
>>18833282 I don't even know what this is. pick again?
Quoted By:
>>18833296 Who said we didn't think he's legit?
Quoted By:
>>18833296 >implying that I care Isis
>>18833296 I meant to say "uh hi" (them typos)
>>18833302 Well female shiny espurr is something I would really like to have.
>>18833302 pretty much thinking in a wall build, cotton guard and that please and thanks
>>18833272 Damn it, Dosh. You always post when I least expect it.
>>18833302 So do I put up a disc orrr...?
IGN Zeinox
anyone have leftovers from their joltic breeding?
Dosh King
>>18833311 I have a Bold Male with Leer, Yawn, Assist, and Barrier. flawless IVs. 5 IV missing atk. cool?
>>18833315 Well I have a lot. The build I like is calm 252 HP 252 SpD, with Toxic Snarl Rest and Cotton Guard. I also have Impish tho if you prefer.
>>18833322 Ya
Bert 4699-7206-7551 Espurr/Drowzee/Duosion
Bert 4699-7206-7551 Espurr/Drowzee/Duosion Sun 13 Apr 2014 02:18:38 No. 18833345 Report >>18833336 i actually do I have one left with compund eyes 5 iv
>>18833340 Sweet, disc is up for a clauncher. Let me know if I need to change it to Clawitzer.
IGN Zeinox
>>18833222 can i get that ghastly?
>>18833340 That is close enough to what I want. I'll take it. By the way, do we just disc for these or would you like us to do something else? (Thank you so fucking much)
Quoted By:
>>18833340 That build sounds perfect thanks, just let me know when i should disc please
Quoted By:
>>18833272 What
>>18833321 said.
though honestly you gave me that penta pumpkaboo and that was all i had on my "gotta get me one of these" list, so I'm not even sure what I'd ask for if I was able to get a reply in on time IGN Zeinox
Quoted By:
>>18833336 > I actually didn't breed my hexaperfect HP Ice Joltik for the thread man I'm lazy.
IGN Zeinox
Quoted By:
>>18833345 thanks in advance
Dosh King
>>18833351 Oh I just found a few more. Timid with all 4 egg moves, Calm with Trick Assist and Yawn, or Bold with Assist Yawn and Barrier are the Espurrs I have.
>>18833346 K give me just 1 minute.
Bert 4699-7206-7551 Espurr/Drowzee/Duosion
Bert 4699-7206-7551 Espurr/Drowzee/Duosion Sun 13 Apr 2014 02:23:23 No. 18833388 Report Quoted By:
>>18833351 All Dosh ever asks if for your Luvdiscs,
but if you wanna show your appreciation and play along with a running joke you can also post a picture of your 3DS with the shiny he sent and all the money you have on hand.
Quoted By:
>>18833387 Take your time, and thanks so much. Shiny Clawitzer is really awesome.
>>18833387 Would any of those happen to be females? If not that's totally cool.
IGN Zeinox
Quoted By:
>>18833381 fresh outta discs one sec
Dosh King
>>18833413 unfortunately not. The timid one is 6 IVs tho.
>>18833390 You know me too well :P
IGN Zeinox
>>18833427 >You know me too well :P Does that mean I can get a shiny too?
:^) Isis
Quoted By:
>>18833427 Hmm alright then. I'll take that timid Espurr! (Thank you). Disc going up now.
Dosh King
>>18833440 >>18833453 if it's something I have in my boxes sure. I don't feel like looking through my Bank again.
Lelouch || 1693-2578-3557
Quoted By:
>>18833272 C-Can I have a shiny Axew
Quoted By:
>>18831981 Could I get an aerodactyl? If you're still around
Disc is up
I'm going to hell for doing this
>>18833466 My Luvdisc with a heart scale got sniped. I'll put up another one now. :(
Quoted By:
>>18833498 This is gonna be used for the next thread.
Dosh King
>>18833512 oh that explains it.
>>18833466 Understandable, got a Sudowoodo on hand?
Quoted By:
>>18833523 disc going up, thank you
ign: zyrax
IGN Zeinox
Quoted By:
anybody have chansey leftovers with siesmic toss?
Dosh King
>>18833529 I don't have a Sudowoodo, but you can have either of the other two Espurrs if you want.
Quoted By:
>>18833548 Nah that's fine, I'll just keep MMing my Sudos.
It will certainly be in the next box, right? Dan
>>18833548 Can I have one of the two Espurrs, even though my dosh contribution was shitty last time?
Dosh King
K I have a shiny Bold and a Calm 5 IV Male Espurr with egg moves, first two posts to respond to this wins them.
Quoted By:
>>18833548 Could I get the Timid one please?
Dosh King
>>18833571 Fuck me I'm sorry. I didn't see your post.
>>18833574 >completely unnecessary png Anonymous
>>18833506 >>18833466 Would it be possible for me to nab a shiny Furfrou from you?
:^) Dan
>>18833595 Haha, you're fine. Shall I disc up? I'd like the bold one.
Quoted By:
>>18833606 >>18833574 >Subway I wonder if he's played the Spyro games before.
Dosh King
>>18833617 >>18833619 Sure go for it, Disc up
>>18833609 I guess. But you'll have to be OK with an Impish one. Throw that disc up.
IGN Zeinox
Quoted By:
looking for siesmic toss chansey, decent ivs and nature pls, i dont care too much as long as it has siesmic toss
>>18833595 hey, you haven't sent that clauncher yet.
You didn't forget about me, d- did you? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18833633 I meant that it was saved as png was completely unnecessary, not the image itself. The image itself is gold.
Dosh King
>>18833619 oh bro Zeinox you're asking for a female one. all of mine are male.
>>18833661 No I haven't I just didn't see it on the GTS. My bad. Sending it now.
>>18833667 Thank you,
will post the picture in a while if you want me to. Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18833648 Awesome. Nothing wrong with Impish. Discing.
IGN Zeinox
Dosh King
>>18833677 I really don't care. If you think it's funny, go for it.
Quoted By:
>>18833667 Alrighty, the disc is up. Thanks Dosh. You still rock.
Dosh King
Quoted By:
>>18833695 Thank you kind sir.
Grim 0361-8195-8736 (Growlithe, Larvesta, Fletchinder)
Grim 0361-8195-8736 (Growlithe, Larvesta, Fletchinder) Sun 13 Apr 2014 02:53:05 No. 18833730 Report Quoted By:
Could I have a Timid Haunter? (Good IVs too if possable)
IGN Zeinox
>>18833667 thanks a million
Nah bro. I asked for the bold one anyway, remember? Thanks.
Dosh King
>>18833742 No I meant the other way around. Check to make sure if you got the one you wanted.
>>18833695 Picked up Espurr!
>>18833755 Oh, I got the calm one. That works, though. No need to try and switch everything around. Also korean lel
IGN Zeinox
Dosh King
>>18833784 Sure, if you want. Put up a disc for disc.
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>18833725 Hi
you have that Steel Eagle you saved for me? ;_; Isis
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>18833798 what's up Dosh?
>>18833812 Matter of fact I do! Want a different nickname or are you going to keep it as Mint?
Dosh King
>>18833825 Hey Mateo. Are we cool about what happened the other day? I still feel like shit.
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>18833834 i'm cool brah, don't worry
i kinda like you actually >>18833831 call him
Judas Priest Does somebody know if Rynn is still around?
i want to do my Archen Level Ball giveaway
Zach 2766-9068-1856
So are we actually doing this steam community thing or...?
IGN Zeinox
>>18833803 aight put urs up i put mine up
>>18833862 Rynn left a little while ago. Put a disc up for for Skarmory.
>>18833863 Don't see why not. So far the chat has been pretty successful and kinda fun.
Zach 2766-9068-1856
Quoted By:
>>18833875 I just joined it. I guess I will see how it goes
>>18833865 Sent, and my disc is awaiting trade.
IGN Zeinox
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>18833875 it's up! Thanks a lot Mal :3
IGN Zeinox
>>18833865 also recieved, and you?
Quoted By:
>>18833919 Yep, got it. Thanks!
>>18833918 No problem man.
Has anybody seen Lime around lately?
Zach 2766-9068-1856
>>18833942 Its been a little while since I've seen her. Maybe a week or so
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18833798 Noice. Thanks for the Furfrou!
My wallet is doshless because I'm white and paranoid. >>18833677 Hi Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Quoted By:
>>18833955 She gave me a Minccino, never forget ;_;
>>18833966 Hi, long time no see, how's everything? <3
Quoted By:
>>18833955 A fruit, stupid
>>18833958 I haven't seen Lime in a little over a week, maybe two. I saved Lime a Skarmory as a thank you for the stuff I've recieved in the past.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18833983 Pretty meh, as usual. How are things with you? <3 Zach 2766-9068-1856
>>18833983 Hi Ivory, how's the job search going? Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>18833983 hi Ivory [spoilers] you're always welcomed here [/spoiler:lit]
>>18834017 Can't really complain, just the usual right now; did you got your Fletching at the end? >>18834031 I'm in a rest mode right now; almost until this week ends, how are you? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18834057 nice job dickweed
IGN Zeinox
any leftover siesmic toss chanseys about?
Zach 2766-9068-1856
Quoted By:
>>18834065 I'm Tired. I'm in the middle of a stretch where I have work in 9 out 10 days needless to say I could use a break Isis
>>18834071 I can get one to you in a bit.
Quoted By:
>>18834057 g'night mateo, nice to see you
IGN Zeinox
>>18834104 id appreciate that, lemme know when i should post my disc on gts
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18834065 Sort of. I gave up on my fourth shiny because it, like the others, had Big Pecks. I then bred a pentaperfect regular Fletchling and Rynn shinified it for me. So, yeah. I got it in the end. Hah.
>>18834149 You're the catherine that loaned me the froakie, right?
>>18834139 Disc up now friend.
Quoted By:
>>18834217 disc up,
you saved me alot of trouble :)
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18834205 Mhm. You got your hexa?
>>18834149 Sorry to hear that, i'm also afraid to mm HA mons, i never got that frog
>>18834231 Yup, hatched a protean with 31 in all stats. Thank you for the mother. Hop online and send a trade request, you can have it back.
Onto breeding moon ball noibat for the people IGN Zeinox
>>18834217 weird, my last post didnt keep my username
>>18834249 No problem. I sent Chansey over now.
IGN Zeinox
Quoted By:
>>18834277 It is my pleasure.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18834232 I knew there was a risk of not getting HA, but NONE of them had it. I lost my shit. What frog? >>18834248 Cool. Happy to help. Gimme a sec.
Quoted By:
>>18831981 Ill have a male aerodact, rock head, if youre still about.
Ign Austere
>>18834314 Froakie, not even a torrent one 2423-2506-7233 [Flying: Farfetch'd, Tropius, ?]
2423-2506-7233 [Flying: Farfetch'd, Tropius, ?] Sun 13 Apr 2014 03:53:58 No. 18834391 Report I'd like help completing my National Dex. I lack a lot but I made a plan to complete it with /vp/. Does anybody have a breeding leftover of a Chespin project? I'd love one with its hidden ability. In game name is wDxZyqV. I nicknamed the Luvdisc /vp/ and my message is /vp/ as well so...
>>18834314 >Luvdisc with a PP Up Why so kind?
Quoted By:
Any tentacool with rapid spin left?
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18834396 I'm a kind person -- and you deserve it.
>>18834341 That sucks. How many eggs did you hatch before stopping? 2423-2506-7233 [Flying: Farfetch'd, Tropius, Swanna]
2423-2506-7233 [Flying: Farfetch'd, Tropius, Swanna] Sun 13 Apr 2014 04:01:18 No. 18834467 Report Quoted By:
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>18834341 that sounds awful, the only shiny i've hatched
without Instacheck was a Venonat, it was cool though, but i didn't expected to hatch it
I currently have two of these female moon ball noibats. Who wants them?I am going to be breeding many, many more late tonight/tomorrow, but I'm taking a break from breeding
>>18834466 Maybe a month, i don't remember how many boxes but maybe 50-60, i just couldn't handle it anymore >>18834528 Shiny Venonat it's awesome
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18834558 I'll take one!
>>18834596 Jeez, I'm sorry. That's nearly 2,000 eggs. I wouldn't have been able to go that far. Dosh King
>>18834558 Sure yolo. IVs?
>>18834662 Disc up then, friend~
>>18834675 They both have 5 imperfect
Dosh King
>>18834703 Mine is up with an edgy description
>>18834730 >xXDarknessXx edgy
Sent. Enjoy! Thanks again for that shiny clauncher.
>>18834662 Sent.
Dosh King
>>18834742 xXxS4D0WP41NxXx
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18834742 Thanks, friend
~ Bert 4699-7206-7551 Espurr/Drowzee/Duosion
Bert 4699-7206-7551 Espurr/Drowzee/Duosion Sun 13 Apr 2014 04:27:44 No. 18834775 Report Quoted By:
anyone gpt any charmander leftovers?
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Sun 13 Apr 2014 04:28:32 No. 18834782 Report Oh..
Quoted By:
>>18834782 Well you would show up sooner or later to see the mockery
>>18834782 >Oh.. What?
>>18834770 My pleasure
>>18834765 You're welcome
>>18834782 i want a subway
Quoted By:
>>18834792 Wow you look ready to cut a nigga.
Quoted By:
Who the fuck is Valid Dark?
>>18834782 To be fair, this is a glorious image. You should be proud to be the next OP image.
>>18833498 Anonymous
>>18834825 The next thread should be
Subway Edition Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Sun 13 Apr 2014 04:36:45 No. 18834842 Report >>18834797 Come home from a 9 hour shift at work and see this. Fun day lol.
>>18834803 If I was still there you could have it all.
>>18834825 Y-you too
>>18834842 pls don't hate me. I hope you realize I'm playing along in the name of good fun. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18834842 yes, le subway knight pls don't be mad
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Sun 13 Apr 2014 04:39:37 No. 18834859 Report
>>18834859 tips subway*
where's cosmic when you need HER
>>18834866 Cosmic is a female? I always pictured him as an asshole not a bitch
>>18834871 >not knowing that cosmic is a girl Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) !!t1VOOd6mTAm
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) !!t1VOOd6mTAm Sun 13 Apr 2014 04:42:16 No. 18834879 Report >>18834859 Oh boy here we go. Trip time. You brought me to this. ;A;
>>18834866 >tips subway I giggled a little
>>18834879 I guess tonight is your night to get butchered by the trolls. The guys over in /wfg/ got me pretty good for a couple days a while ago.
I know your pain.
Quoted By:
>>18834879 At least your boyfriend is kinda cute
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) !!t1VOOd6mTAm
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) !!t1VOOd6mTAm Sun 13 Apr 2014 04:45:13 No. 18834908 Report >>18834896 Not that I'm surprised. Just caught off guard.
I'm out for tonight
but I might come back during the deadest of hours . Good night guys.
>>18834908 It happens.
Zach 2766-9068-1856
>>18834878 This is common knowledge?
Quoted By:
>>18834933 It is, you newfag.
Dosh King
Quoted By:
>>18834995 oh my lord that is gold.
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) !!t1VOOd6mTAm
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) !!t1VOOd6mTAm Sun 13 Apr 2014 05:01:17 No. 18835047 Report Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Inix - 5172-1729-6821
x17 Yanma; Modest nature x11 females (Speed Boost); x6 males (x5 Speed Boost, x1 Compound Eyes) x12 Snover; mixed natures x7 males, x5 females (Snow Warning) x6 Vulpix; Modest nature x5 females; x1 male (HA) x14 Gible; Jolly nature x6 females; x8 males (most have HA) egg move(s): Iron Head, Outrage, Sand Tomb (some) x8 Drowzee; mixed natures x6 females; x2 males x15 Buneary; Jolly nature egg move(s): Switcheroo x8 traps; x7 females (Klutz) last call: x15 Dedenne; mixed natures (most Naive) most have Pickup and a few have Cheek Pouch and a Terrakion bc why not
Quoted By:
>>18835472 Disc up for terrain soon.
Quoted By:
>>18835472 Terrakion* hahahahahaha
Quoted By:
>>18835472 Disc up for a Drowzee, thanks
>>18835472 what ball are the yanmas in?
Inix - 5172-1729-6821
Quoted By:
>>18835547 they are in standard balls
everything is being sent, sorry for the delay
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sun 13 Apr 2014 06:04:13 No. 18835652 Report hello again, ill just leave this here, pls take them 1 beldum – 4 iv adamant clear body 3 ralts (all male) – 4 iv adamant (2 trace/1 synchronize) em: mean look/shadow sneak/destiny bond/confuse ray 3 torchic (all male) – 4 iv adamant speed boost 2 feebas (all male) – 4 iv modest oblivious em: hypnosis/mirror coat/dragon pulse/captivate 7 mudkip (all male)– 4 iv adamant torrent 1 marill (female) – 4 iv adamant huge power em: superpower/belly drum/aqua jet/perish song (1 extra jap female with same em 3 ivs) 2 kangaskhan – 4 iv adamant scrappy em: double edge/hammer arm/counter/disable 1 eevee (male) – 4 iv bold em: wish 4 horsea (2m/2f) - 5 iv timid sniper em: octazooka/signal beam 7 misdreavus (4m/3f) - 5 iv timid levitate em: shadow sneak/nasty plot/ominous wind/destiny bond 3 starly (1m/2f) - 4 ivs adamant reckless em:double edge 9 eevee (8m/1f) - 3-5 ivs timid anticipation em: wish (3 have to relearn wish) 12 slowpoke (7m/5f) - 5 iv bold regenerator 3 joltik (1m/2f) - 4-5 iv timid compound eyes 4 meditite (all female) - 4-5 iv jolly pure power em: bullet punch/psycho cut/fake out/drain punch 1 skarmory (female) - 5 iv impish sturdy em whirlwind/curse/stealth rock/brave bird 1 deino (male) - 5 iv modest hustle em: earth power/dark pulse 2 bulbasaur (1m/1f) - 4 iv modest chlorophyll em: giga drain/grasswhistle/petal dance (1 without egg moves) 9 bulbasaur (all male) - 5 iv calm chlorophyll em: giga drain EXTRA: 2 penta perfect calm overgrow with em pls be as specific as possible with what you want or ill send whichever i have more of
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) !!t1VOOd6mTAm
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) !!t1VOOd6mTAm Sun 13 Apr 2014 06:05:15 No. 18835658 Report >>18835652 Skarmory Please. Disicng up.
>>18835652 Disc'd for a Meditite, thanks
>>18835652 disc is up for meditite
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sun 13 Apr 2014 06:14:12 No. 18835722 Report chuy
Quoted By:
>>18835722 cheers
>>18835472 Disc up for a speed boost Yanma thanks
>>18835652 Disc up for that Marill.
>>18835652 Disced for a female Slowpoke, thanks
>>18835652 Disc up for misdreaves
Quoted By:
Anybody got a spare klink lying around? I kinda want to try out a shift gear klinklang, but have no klang safari friends. Doesn't have to be a good one, just need something to start with.
Quoted By:
>>18835652 Just received it. Thank you very much.
Quoted By:
Short list of things to clear out: 4 Luxury Ball Pancham 3 Friend Ball Shroomish
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sun 13 Apr 2014 06:28:02 No. 18835794 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>page 1 Good enough
New thread:
>>18835818 >>18835818 >>18835818 deal with it, randumb general is over >>18835384