Feel free to Trade and Clone among yourselves as we try to complete the collections that can never be completed.
>How do I clone pokemon? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMTR6bq3A9E (The timing varies from person to person, general accepted timing though is 4.5 seconds)
Or using a Powersaves.
>What the hell is a Powersaves? An AR device that allows you to back up your save file. With it, mass cloning is possible by backing up your file, uploading the mons to clone to Pokebank, and restoring your file from the backup.
>Are there any risks? With the 2 3DS cloning method the only risk is losing the pokemon you want to clone, and that can only happen if you turn off the wrong 3DS.
With the Powersaves there is a risk of bricking your cartridge and loosing your save, it is currently unknown why this happens to some people and never happens to others.
>Can we clone items too? Yes, items can be cloned with the pokemon using the 2 3DS method.
Items can't be cloned using the Powersaves.
>Isn't this cheating? Duh.
>How do I know so-and-so won't steal my hard-earned pokemon? Honestly there's no real definite way. It's all trust.
>Are the clones usable online? Yes, the clones are completely legal and usable.
>Blacklist, Trusted, and Archives >Note: Trusted just means they've been trading and cloning for a long time. Doesn't mean ignore everyone but them pastebin.com/DHngxUjM
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
Why do these thread die so fast? Instacheck last days compared to CG Captcha hellsnot and
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18832569 But we went to the Pokemon Center. So were okay now
>>18832569 Just like your cooter LOL
Jeric {2465}
>animal crossing edition >not Yus is unofficially back edition pls
Just let this shit die, Seriously
Quoted By:
>>18833723 Le epic shitpost xD my turn lol
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18833187 Yusuf isnt back yet
>>18833924 He was on mh3u man. He helped me Hr up to Rank 6 some few hours back. He was insane but so chilled and smiley and all that shit haha.
I know it was him because if i carted or fucked up, one of his shoutouts were 'Dnt worry i have the dragonballs" ...
Hoenn confirmed mate
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18834144 Well damn that's good news
>>18834166 He just doesnt wanna come back here.
Because every here is a faggot
Quoted By:
>>18834239 >Shitposting intensifies
>>18834292 Oh god please go down before the ship.
Quoted By:
>>18834302 This reminds me of the good ol days. Thanks for that
>>18834144 What weapon does he main?
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18834239 Im not that big of a faggot, so obviously he isn't talking bout me
>>18834339 The None of your business.
Quoted By:
>>18834377 He uses the Godly Weapon " None of your business"
Dubz confirm he is the only one in existence to own dis
>>18834362 In archives from last thread.
Anonymous Sat Apr 12 2014 04:08:51 No.18823002 Report
Quoted By:
>>18823007 Anybody want to play mh3u together? I'm online now.
Anonymous Sat Apr 12 2014 04:09:12 No.18823007 Report
Quoted By:
>>18823029 >>18823002 Who r u
Anonymous Sat Apr 12 2014 04:11:01 No.18823029 Report
Quoted By:
>>18823043 >>18823007 O.oh. Do you have the game?
Anonymous Sat Apr 12 2014 04:12:44 No.18823043 Report
Quoted By:
>>18823062 >>18823029 Y-yes
Anonymous Sat Apr 12 2014 04:14:25 No.18823062 Report
Quoted By:
>>18823079 >>18823043 Cool ^^. I'm in Lobby 6 Of Free. Goku786
Anonymous Sat Apr 12 2014 04:15:03 No.18823079 Report
Quoted By:
>>18823096 >>18823062 Ill be right there..yusuf?!
Anonymous Sat Apr 12 2014 04:16:42 No.18823096 Report
Quoted By:
>>18823118 >>18823079 I made a room called " Anything^^" I'm really rusty at the moment lol.
Anonymous Sat Apr 12 2014 04:19:24 No.18823118 Report
Quoted By:
>>18823145 >>18823096 YUSUF SAMA
Anonymous Sat Apr 12 2014 04:22:13 No.18823145 Report
Quoted By:
>>18823172 >>18823118 Are we not playing monster hunter lol ._. . Somebody called raven joined but i don't think it's you?
Anonymous Sat Apr 12 2014 04:24:39 No.18823172 Report
Quoted By:
>>18823357 >>18823145 Its me.
I doubt he said
>>18834239 Anonymous
>>18834637 No he really did say that.
Source: Ask Rynn or Nito
Quoted By:
>>18834702 >Shitpost Overload. Please insert new hardrive. Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18834637 I believe. I have seen the post
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Too bad i don't have Mh3u
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18835030 I like the pokeball sprites
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18835245 thanks i stole them from fyre :>
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18835366 I need to make a Google list, but i think i will after this semester is over
>>18835515 You use pastebin?
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
So if you get your list taken down from ebay how do you relist it without getting the ban hammer on ebay? Reworded it and take different pics?
Quoted By:
if anyone has cloned shinies of the legendary dogs, I have a 6iv shiny gallade for trade for any.
>>18835711 Post it
>mfw poke banks theme is stuck in mt head Anonymous
>>18835030 Clearly you can not kill dat Qurupeco that is ravaging moga village :P/
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18836210 Its not fully updated tho
http://pastebin.com/v7Xy8RfC be back in like 4 hours. Got a softball game to play Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 17:04:08 No. 18839017 Report Quoted By:
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18832979 What's a "cooter", Brodie?
Also, looking for bold serene grace togepi/togekiss with nasty plot.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 17:17:04 No. 18839134 Report Quoted By:
>>18839092 It's a pussy.
Also, didn't i trade you one a whileback?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18839162 Oh. I guess my cooter being scary is a compliment.
Men and their vagina tentata fears.
And I don't think so, I only have Timid and Calm, maybe I was looking for Calm back then. Do you have a bold one?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 17:30:25 No. 18839267 Report anyone have a shiny modern vivi? its the only one im missing
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18839267 I do, I think I have all of them.
Do you maybe have that shone togepi I'm looking for? Or maybe a good-natured shone Hyper Voice Eevee?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 17:34:23 No. 18839304 Report Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 17:37:41 No. 18839345 Report Jace
>>18839227 Vagina tenta rape is my favorite kind of porn.
Also I only have the timid 6iv one. I believe its the one you have too.
Nastyplot/charm/safeguard was the moveset
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18839345 Eugh, I'm terrible at this.
Do you feel like cross-checking our lists? I'll take anything that has a HA and I don't have it with HA and anything that has a non-HA if I only have a HA. 5-6iv of course.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At7OG72Hu3RsdFJQcFlRRkFzcjZYTG9BOHpNNFluNWc#gid=0 Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 17:48:10 No. 18839436 Report >>18839426 holy fuck rynn, thats going to take forever
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18839436 I know, that's why I don't want to do it myself.But nah, your list of 5-6iv is not that big.
Still, I understand if you don't want to do it. It's just I don't really need anything besides the togepi now, and I have a commission due, so I'm working.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 17:53:52 No. 18839492 Report >>18839474 im looking, and I think you have everything lol
ill keep looking
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 17:58:41 No. 18839523 Report >>18839492 yeah
literally everything, unless you want my personal shones or really shitty ivd ones
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18839523 Not really ; ;
Can you gen a Hyper Voice eevee?
Jeric {2465}
>>18839267 Uhh I gave you a modern scatterbug a while back °3°
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 18:03:32 No. 18839563 Report >>18839546 that wasnt a modern scatterbug
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18839549 bby
>>18839092 or Calm hyper voice eevee?
>>18839405 Whoops, missed your post. Yeah, that's the one I have.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 18:04:51 No. 18839574 Report >>18839531 gen? lol I havent done that shit in forever
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18839574 Well your pastebin says "I am a genner, so let me know what you want.
(I probably already have it though lol) ".
Can you do it?
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 18:09:19 No. 18839623 Report Jace
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18839618 Yay! Which one?
>>18839623 Pls do.
I'd like:
Calm Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Wish
- Heal Bell
- Protect
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 18:12:16 No. 18839650 Report >>18839639 for what? a genner? im just out of practice yo
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18839405 Mfw ive never seen tenta rape porn
Quoted By:
>>18839677 You are missing out
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18839648 Which one what? Bby im confused
>>18839650 No, I don't think you got the joke
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18839711 I'm looking for bold togepi and calm hv eevee, and I asked you if you have them and you said yes. So which one do you have then?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 18:20:21 No. 18839756 Report Quoted By:
>>18839714 no, im not gud with jokes
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18839733 W-what? When did you...?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18839764 Here:
>>18839564 You replied to this post?
wake up bby
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18839733 No you didn't you just said bby to me.
>>18839764 Nigga quit acting like me lol
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 18:26:48 No. 18839804 Report >>18839792 rynn I got your eevee
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18839804 Woo!
- Hyper Voice
- Wish
- Heal Bell
- Protect ?
>>18839795 Well the quoted posts were meant for you. Sorry for being confusing.
Do you have a bold togepi with nasty plot then?
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18839792 Look here i posted im back faggetrons, then u replied saying "bby" then i said yes dear, and then i got confused
Jeric {2465}
>>18839563 I thought I got you all the patterns you were missing? At least the ones you told me you didn't have.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18839820 Yeah, no worries, I just got confused.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 18:41:36 No. 18839899 Report >>18839842 no, I never got modern :(
>>18839895 do you care if the PID is valid or not? you're just gonna use it for breeding right?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18839899 Nope, a friend requested it, so can you make the PID valid? Hyper Voice doesn't pass down, it's not an egg move.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 18:47:03 No. 18839941 Report >>18839921 oh wait, does he need it shiny? what gender?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18839941 Not specified, you can make it female and shiny I guess, since I think it's going to be a Sylveon.
Rudy 5370-0733-7139
Does anyone have a powersave?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18839965 Most of us, Rudy, most of us.
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18839895 Its ok bby. Ill look on gfaqs for one. But someone is posting as me so b careful
barrett 1091-9522-3764
Looking for extras of rare events from '09-'11. Have every event to trade from '07-'14 including most UT. Not looking for WOH, FAL, SUM, or WIN events. Only magazine or Pokemon center events.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 18:56:30 No. 18840015 Report Quoted By:
>>18840004 god damn it fucking shit I cant get the pid right lol
Rudy 5370-0733-7139
Quoted By:
I was wondering if someone could turn my greninja shiny.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 19:00:59 No. 18840054 Report Anonymous
>>18840010 Do you need pc gengar or scizor? I have the xmas gengar and scizor too
barrett 1091-9522-3764
>>18840058 Nah, thank you though.
Mostly looking for separate natures of the fossil events.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18840054 The requested Pokémon is private
>>18840007 kk
<3 they can't fake your FC though so no worries.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 19:04:16 No. 18840085 Report >>18840079 sorry, try again
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18835830 Fuck where's Fyre when you need him for Jew tips and answers.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 19:06:19 No. 18840102 Report Quoted By:
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18840085 Same link?
Still private.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 19:10:05 No. 18840142 Report >>18840103 wtf how do I make it public? it wont let me
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18840090 Ebay's been taking lots of auctions down lately, I wonder if some faggot thinks its their mission to mass-report stuff or is it their own initiative.
>>18840142 No idea, I know nothing about this. Still, if it has moves and nature I asked for and will go through bank I'm okay with it.
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18840079 That's right <3 at least not both of em. So you wanted bold 5/6iv bold shiny togepi?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18840163 Yeah, with nasty plot.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 19:15:33 No. 18840196 Report Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18840196 Looks good! It's 6iv, right?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 19:20:44 No. 18840249 Report Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18840249 Coolio~ so when can you trade?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18840151 Well yeah that's true but Rynn since you have had a couple taken down what do you to your lists?
Do you just reword the title and description and take new pics?
Or do you just not repost it again altogether.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 19:24:07 No. 18840298 Report >>18840282 oh lol I dont have black or white, I just help people out
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18840298 Shiiiiit. I don't have one either. ; ; Well if I send this link to someone who does then they can download it?
>>18840285 Eh, I had two big taken down and I just let it go. Since I tried reuploading a couple of times with rewording (but same pictures) and they got taken down a few times. So I gave up.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 19:29:49 No. 18840368 Report >>18840315 yeah, they should
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18840368 Okay, I think I found someone who'll do it~ thanks for help! I'll clone you that vivi in a moment.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Guys, are the codes in the powersaves downloading for you?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 19:46:31 No. 18840552 Report Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18840552 Sorta?
Mine keeps disconnecting or "no online content avail"
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !adtcifLOss Sun 13 Apr 2014 19:49:37 No. 18840584 Report >>18840565 yeah, its been doing that lately for some reason
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18840584 Great, just when I need it to work quickly. Ughhh.
Are these threads different than what they used to be before poke bank? I haven't been on /vp/ since right before it came out
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18840901 Well, the powersaves works with pokemon bank so a bit.
Faster cloning, pretty much.
Kacy, add me, I have your vivi ready.
>>18840997 Did pokegen pretty much wipeout most of the shiny and legendary cloning that used to go on?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18841148 Not really, pokegen can't gen kalosborn shinies, so this is pretty much what's being traded, noone cares for non-kalos shinies much.
Legends are pretty worthless though, unless they're event or something.
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Smeargle with the move Celebrate sketched onto it?
>>18841194 I'm sorry I'm asking so many questions, but I think this is my last one. Do people still have lists of the shinies and such that they have and loan them out to people to clone or take clone requests? I guess I pretty much mean does all of this work the way it used to?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18841247 No worries. Yeah it does, pretty much the same.
Nickolas [3153-5042-7399]
>>18841302 So say someone had a shiny tyrunt and I wanted to see if they would clone me one in return for one of my shinies, I could post my list and see if they wanted any of mine?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18841401 Exactly.
Or you could hope someone doesn't have one yet and will clone it for making a copy for himself, but pretty much everyone has a tyrunt now.
Make sure to state which of your shinies have the pentagon mark.
Nickolas [3153-5042-7399]
Quoted By:
>>18841419 Alright. Thanks for all of the help. I've been wanting to get back into cloning and I haven't bothered with keeping up with the threads because I was letting my friend borrow my 3ds
>>18840070 Please just stop and fuck off to reddit.
Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
>>18841419 You still need that HA female dive ball minun?
All I see are gulpins. Gulpins everywhere.
Quoted By:
>>18841419 lol rynn you still here? bowed out because my brothers were in a deathmatch against each other iendsmt ascoli
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Finally got my damn net in AC
Quoted By:
>>18842277 does your powersaves work with ac?
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
Jeric {2465}
>>18843717 did you look at my list I posted 3 days ago Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18843939 Probably yeah, I dunno. Post a new one for after I get back from the crapper and sending 5 pokemon I just sold on eBay.
Jeric {2465}
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18844130 I think part of why I only glanced it the other day is because of dat formatting.
Jeric {2465}
>>18844270 you said it was fancy b4
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
Jeric {2465}
>>18844303 lemme know what you like and i'll look at yours
Jeric {2465}
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18844442 IM SORRY
Jeric {2465}
I'll gen the perfect parent and start breeding for eggs.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18844330 I see Volbeat and that's honestly about it...
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18844729 Do you have a bold togepi with serene grace, maybe?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18844877 Ugh, I meant with nasty plot. But that too.
Jeric {2465}
>>18844729 fast ball pansage, careful (moon ball) and impish munchlax, hp rock pansage, hp fighting yamask with nasty plot, and moon ball deino you already have?
those can net you top shekels you know.
>>18844466 so how will this work? I'll give you a perfect female and some eggs once I obtain them?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18845303 Jeric most of the ebay customers are fucking idiots who don't have balltism or really know shit about the competitive aspect of the game
They either copypaste from Smogon and ask for 6IV shones or they don't give a fuck and just want the mon shiny.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18846900 *know
don't know
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
How the fuck do you request higher limits? My last account I was able to do without calling but this time they are asking me to call them or give them another account, lol can't because that one is banned, that has higher limits.
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
Quoted By:
Any Ericks lurking here tonight? I know atleast 90 of yous make up my friends list, so theres a good chance.
(3540-0341-7916) braxien/charmeleon/ponyta
civita ivhmakf (3540-0341-7916) braxien/charmeleon/ponyta Mon 14 Apr 2014 06:18:36 No. 18847848 Report Quoted By:
Anyone got Chansey friend safari
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
barrett 1091-9522-3764
Larallax 4313-1702-9783 (Sandile, Vullaby, Absol)
Larallax 4313-1702-9783 (Sandile, Vullaby, Absol) Mon 14 Apr 2014 08:27:47 No. 18848625 Report Quoted By:
I figured this might be the right thread to ask. Sorry if I'm wrong. I was wondering if anybody had any spare mega stones they may have cloned lying around? I've been working night shift with plenty of overtime, which has been keeping me away from the megastone hunt sadly. I've got quite a few breeding left overs to trade for them. Mostly looking for Kangaskhanite, Scizorite, Pinsirite, and Blazekinite. I'm still looking for the other ones, they're just not as important right now. Breeding leftovers I have are all 4-5IV(a 3 may have snuck its way in) Vulpix (Timid Drought) Scyther (Pentaperfect Adamant Swarm) Grimer (Adamant Poison touch) Tentacool (Timid raindish) Chansey (Calm Natural Cure) Skarmory (Impish Sturdy/Keen Eye)
Anyone with a spare Ability Capsule? Have a few perfect Adamant Chespins and Scythers lying around I can trade in return.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18847278 How did you get your account banned?
>>18850177 You here?
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18850410 Spearow Heavy
Pidgey Lure
Ekans Heavy
Nidoran Moon
Poliwag Lure
Tentacool Lure
Dratini Love
Psyduck Lure
Geodude Heavy
Drowzee Moon
How do all these sound? Modding the balls on the females I had in my list and I'll be breeding these pretty soon.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18850435 Pretty cool I guess. Do people buy balltism pokes?
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18850640 Once in a blue moon. It's really a lot like this post:
>>18846900 Alice 2423-1966-3051 !.r5uIQeSyM
>>18850640 Hey, I'm back. Interested in an exchange?
I also have shitloads of RNGed Pokemon from generations 3-5, but I know /vp/ is pretty leery about the whole subject...
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18850969 We were supposed to trade? Sorry, can't remember.
sup guys, been a loooooonggg time huh?
>>18851000 This shit is dead.
Quoted By:
>>18851025 been dead since i went dead lol, i was hopping to see some of the people i use to know from here
Alice 2423-1966-3051 !.r5uIQeSyM
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18851127 Oh, you didn't have your ign on then. Put up a luvdisc asking for weedle.
Alice 2423-1966-3051 !.r5uIQeSyM
>>18851195 Disc is up. Thanks man!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18851285 Yes. I am totally a man. Sent, enjoy,
I'm gonna go and, dunno, wave my dick around or do some other manly stuff. Anonymous
>>18851000 Very long time. You never let me clone any of your pokes you asshole lel
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18851000 Those trips doe. Anything new to clone?
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18851298 Wanna play Swordfight?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18851421 *whips out dildo*
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18851421 >>18851444 Who has the biggest dildo? Is it Rynn-Chan or is it Fyre-San? Let the Fight Begin
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18850410 Being a dumbass and reposting the same fucking list again.
Or I forgot really.
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18851496 >dildo I have a dick ya dick.
>>18851368 i already got everything just come to see how things are
>>18851351 lol, who are you?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18851540 Because I'm not a Mexispiccan
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18851540 Because I'm not a mexican
Alice 2423-1966-3051 !.r5uIQeSyM
>>18851298 Oh sorry, not a regular in this ITT threads.
im a grill too, gibe attention pls Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18851518 Huehuehue making sure the fight is fair for bby Rynn
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18851566 >>18851569 If you want attention Alice, go find Rynn irl and post a sextape, then we might notice ya.
Also the rules of /b/ totes apply here lol
>>18851562 Fyre! shit man, you are the only one left in this dead threads? fucking yusuf is never online on steam lol
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18851562 Shots fired nigga? Lel
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18851534 Lucky nigga. Im still missing shit
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18851607 Yeah I'm still around. King of the Jews is always around. Might as well as be Pidgeot or whatever its name was Bird Jesus.
Pokedex these days is getting pretty full..
630 or so shinies in my possession..
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o33X8rjDpcnC8XdABCf_ES3zJKOBjOK7r5YkotNQYUw/edit?usp=sharing Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
>>18851518 >implying you don't spend your poke-shekels on dildos Ya almost got me there.
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18851645 So uh... the Italian National team just contacted me about an egg they wanted to get hatched by one of my old TSV's that're dead. I'm probs sending them the female pawniard that's in my list here pretty soon and might be making sales to them in the future.
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18852020 Italian national team?
No 3926-5999-2167
Does anyone have a Tyrantrum or Tyrunt with Dragon Dance and Poison fang? I need one like now.
Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
>breeding nest ball HA hp ice minun >5th batch and speed IV refuses to get passed down >check parent speed IVs on pokecheck >10 God dammit.
No 3926-5999-2167
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18852776 Noone is going to reply if you don't make an offer.
No 3926-5999-2167
>>18853043 Just wanted to see if anyone had one before I did. Hold on a sec...
No 3926-5999-2167
>>18853120 This is my first box. Magnezone is HP fire. All are KB and flawless.
No 3926-5999-2167
Quoted By:
>>18853259 Second box. Bottom row isn't shiny.
Can anyone help me trading me a Modest 5IV Xerneas? :)
Rudy 5370-0733-7139
Can someone turn my greninja shiny please?
I got an extra 6iv ditto, im actually looking for a hp fire or ice ditto. anyone willing to trade dittos?
>>18854076 Shiny HA Bold 4IV Hyper Voice Eevee?
>>18854086 we're not big on shinyfying things here
>>18854140 lol
>>18854154 No
Jeric {2465}
>>18854272 oh Kacy
never change bb Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Hatched that friggin bold togepi myself.
Quoted By:
>>18854364 I never plan to
Jeric {2465}
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18854615 lolnope. Instakek of course.
Jeric {2465}
>>18854755 still trying to get the perfect female. hp ice tho so it's taking a bit to get it just right.
So do I send you eggs to check the tsv or how is this gonna work?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18854824 Wait, why do you want a hp ice, this is suffering. Just send me a hexa female and I'll hatch the eggs for instakek, or else this will take forever. Out of 30 eggs I usually get 4-5 perfect ones (if I use 6ivx2 parents) so it would take ages to send so many eggs.
Jeric {2465}
>>18854885 too bad, I only have one more IV to try and pass down to get the perfect female. I have an hp ice parent though so don't trip.
And this is my baby, so I have to make it perfect in every way.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18854920 But I don't want to trade boxes of eggs to check ; ;
Jeric {2465}
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18855019 To check the tsv's and the stats.
Jeric {2465}
>>18855032 what's the difference between me giving you the eggs and you breeding them yourself? Time to breed the eggs should take the same amount of time to trade them unless I'm missing something.
I'm getting you the parents anyway.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18855068 Nah, it takes less time to gather a box of eggs than it takes to trade a box of eggs, plus I can do that in my spare time, while trading 30 of anything takes around 25-35 minutes non-stop.
Also I would have to catch 30 shitmon for that, since I only have one or two.
I-is that event magmar or electabuzz that you get from the codes worth anything? I managed to get a kinda ok TR magmar rash nature
Jeric {2465}
>>18855103 either way you gotta wait for me to check the IVs for these last two. I really hope the defense IV passed down this time.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18855111 Well, since I have a soft spot for TR mons I'd be interested.
What would you like for letting me clone it?
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At7OG72Hu3RsdFJQcFlRRkFzcjZYTG9BOHpNNFluNWc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 here's my list.
>>18855132 Yeah, there's no rush. You'll have to tell me what spread am I looking for though.
Jeric {2465}
>>18855171 I'm aiming for 31/0/30/31/31/31 for hp ice.
As long as atk is an even number it's fine.
Defense finally passed down but now it's missing speed.
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) !!t1VOOd6mTAm
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) !!t1VOOd6mTAm Mon 14 Apr 2014 23:49:07 No. 18855646 Report Quoted By:
Hi there cloners. Was wondering if any of you had a KB Modest Zapdos around? It seems to be impossible for anyone to give theirs up.
Sylvi 1306-6232-9085
Quoted By:
>>18855171 Probably the impish sturdy bergmite, i'll let you know when I'm around to trade
Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
>>18855207 I've gotten two pentaperf females so far but both of them have been the non HA. What the fuck, rng.
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18852293 Yeah some of the Italian national team players are talking to me about getting shones from me. Shit is cash.
>>18856262 fuck, forgot name lol
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18856433 hue. Bascially someone from their team found my old SV 3703 or whatever and wanted me to hatch a jolly pawniard for them, but I don't have that TSV thanks to bricking and then I hooked him up with an adamant one I had, and then also advertised my selling ability to him, which he passed along to a team mate who is buying 4 from me tomorrow.
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18856628 dicks n' shit.
tl;dr I sell to the national level players now.
>>18856688 no like a good huh. nevermind I should have just said congrats. Send them my way, I have super kool smogonbird... thats the only thing people want to buy ;-;
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18856732 I have like... 4 smogonbirds.
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18857091 lel. That's from my pre-jew era as well.
>>18857147 >pre-jew You've always been a jew, don't you ever change.
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18857147 Before the jewing intensified
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 {3821}{1215} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 {3821}{1215} !KzC4W6owgw Tue 15 Apr 2014 02:23:03 No. 18857329 Report Just found out I bred this earlier today when I was going through svexchange finding matches for new eggs (bred 5 while I was at the tax office)
B2 - 4,5 - Rattata (M) - Jolly - Guts - [3821]
>>18857312 There was a time of the non-jewing.
>>18857319 Indeed.
Quoted By:
>>18857329 Jews can't be stopped, they won't be stopped. Install a wailing wall, because we're coming to your hood nigga.
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 {3821}{1215} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 {3821}{1215} !KzC4W6owgw Tue 15 Apr 2014 02:24:07 No. 18857344 Report >>18857329 5 boxes of eggs that is...
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18857344 But do i match any
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 {3821}{1215} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 {3821}{1215} !KzC4W6owgw Tue 15 Apr 2014 02:36:48 No. 18857526 Report >>18857488 still have the save lying around somewhere... lemme check by pastebinning the list
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
So I see people are able to sell shiny Pokémon on Amazon? How the fuck do you go about doing that and is it worth it?
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 {3821}{1215} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 {3821}{1215} !KzC4W6owgw Tue 15 Apr 2014 02:37:50 No. 18857539 Report Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
finally hatched a pentaperfect female parent. Thing is it's hp dragon instead of ice, so the atk IV that was rng'd is odd instead of even. Should I keep breeding or just pray the rng gods find a matching tsv for a future egg? All other IVs are shared between the parents so the usual toss up is going to be whether or not the atk IV is even
Why are people at GameFaqs so fucking retarded? I keep getting asshats who are offering me evolved forms of mons I already have. Newsflash idiot it only takes me 3 minutes to evolve my shiny Bulbasaur into a Venusaur so why the fuck would I want yours? I even said specifically asked in the OP for shinies I don't have.
Jeric {2465}
>>18857815 chris pls. you should know that by now lel.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18857861 I know but this more pathetic than the people who put up shitmons on the GTS and beg for legends.
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18857815 Lol i know that feels bro
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18858674 i want errthing that i dont have from your pist, but i dont have to look at it right now lel
Jeric {2465}
>>18858674 >dat hp ground xerneas in a premier ball >dat moon ball drowzee too bad sero isn't around anymore for premier balltism and I have nothing new.
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 {3821}{1215} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 {3821}{1215} !KzC4W6owgw Tue 15 Apr 2014 04:56:23 No. 18858897 Report >>18858674 I just got one of the moonball drowzees I bred hatched a bit ago, along with moon ball rattata and lure ball pidgey.
holy shit, I took regice into pokemon amie and cant stop laughing because you cant fucking pet him lol
Jeric {2465}
>>18859118 poor regice... he will neber be loved
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18858789 :> Post yours
>>18858858 Post list :> btw any news on that eevee?
>>18858897 Oh nice. Did you want anything off mine?
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 {3821}{1215} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 {3821}{1215} !KzC4W6owgw Tue 15 Apr 2014 05:30:33 No. 18859150 Report Quoted By:
>>18859142 Nope. I pretty much have everything everyone has. I'm just at this point here for the community aspect.
Jeric {2465}
>>18859142 He might have died. I've been checking the forums constantly and he's never posted since.
>>18859133 >mfw there's still a lot of things in the game I haven't done just for fun I need a new hobby.
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18859205 What is the box you are missing? I'll look at it right now.
>>18859171 oh. well i hope that faggot is dead.
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18859221 Bottom row are Battle ready
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18859270 Ara ara~
I want some stuff.
Smoochum, Gulpin, Volbeat, Ladyba, Kangashkan, Glaceon, Milotic, Braviary.
What do you want from me? :>
Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
http://pastebin.com/GJs2ReZ2 posting so I can remember to update it to not expire soon.
Jeric {2465}
>>18859270 Buddysystem is online if you still want his friend ball hp rock treecko and love ball mudkip.
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18859315 magby, milktank, pineco, nosepass,paras, spinarak, cubone, voltorb, lotad,
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18859354 you mean you still want lol
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 {3821}{1215} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 {3821}{1215} !KzC4W6owgw Tue 15 Apr 2014 06:06:43 No. 18859391 Report Niggas, go watch the moon get eclipsed.Faggots
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18859369 kk. these guys are legit right? i forgot i already have a gulpin, can I replace that with Goldeen?
Also since you picked nine, can I get that Flabebe Red? I deleted mine oops
Jeric {2465}
Quoted By:
>>18859374 That's what I said. :^)
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18859393 to my knowledge they are. ill check memories in a bit to make sure
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18859428 Sweet. I'll get to cloning now too.
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18859391 its not eclipsing here yet faggot
>mfw my uncle from messico called my mom to go look at it and its not happenin here Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18859477 alright im getttin on
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 {3821}{1215} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 2122-6940-4552 {3821}{1215} !KzC4W6owgw Tue 15 Apr 2014 06:22:57 No. 18859511 Report Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18859500 did i have you added btw?
Quoted By:
>>18851607 Because I'm playing monster hunter lol ^^.
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18859523 ohhh no lel. i had a Jayce on you haha
mines 3282-3828-4176
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
Quoted By:
>>18859511 now you can see it. its not red yet tho
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18859541 lol ok. IGN will be harley.
Coming on now
Quoted By:
Looking for a nice Xerneas, have a box full of 6iv Timid Mew (clone of RNG'd FAL2010 promo)
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18859556 huehuehue your message
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18859577 i left flabebe in pokebank
Furisuko/Spartan 117{3516}{0006}{1301}
Can any of ou guys clone me a charizardite Y? I'd really need it
>>18862832 You got Tyranitarite? I need that shit
0602-6375-1966 || Ben
Furisuko/Spartan 117 {3516}{0006}{1301}
>>18862890 Only one and I can't clone right now but I can get another one later anyway so I'm ok with that, need a tyranatar with it though?
Scott : 0447-6701-9781
>>18862943 Don't need a tyranitar with it. I have a nice surprise for you with your charizardite Y though
>>18862981 Sounds cool c: I'm ready for trade
>>18832363 Idk if this applies to this post but can anyone shinify a scyther for me? Or does anyone have a Shiny 6IV Scyther/scizor? I got a 6IV Jap Shiny Ditto for trade
Scott || 0447-6701-9781
>>18862981 Aw man, are you joking? Lol
Thank you so much for that :D this is awesome, the tenty is 5 IV I believe btw, but wow nothing compared to that, thanks again you made my day
>>18863076 like we've expressed before, we dont like shinyfying things here, and the odds of someone helping you with that here are slim to none
>>18863099 The Charizard is at least 3 IV, maxed speed and satk. Enjoy.
By the way, my X version is bugged and won't ever save, so i can toss that guy around as much as I want. I use my Y version for trading.
Scott || 0447-6701-9781
Quoted By:
>>18863111 Alright cool, thanks again man
Btw if Anyone has an arcanince ( idc about IV/nature/egg moves ) to give me i'd happy to trade something for it
Quoted By:
>>18863110 >Idk if this applies to this post k thanks for your help
Leon FC:2809-8611-8918 [Rock: Dwebble, Corsola and Rhydon]
Leon FC:2809-8611-8918 [Rock: Dwebble, Corsola and Rhydon] Tue 15 Apr 2014 17:15:24 No. 18863221 Report Do any of you wonderful people have a 6IV Scyther/Scizor they're willing to clone?
Jeric {2465}
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18865722 Are you shitting me?
Quoted By:
>>18865722 Sasuga, burgerland.
Cloning faggots ruined everything once again
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18865722 Doesn't that just mean that OT was DICKS or something like that?
Jeric {2465}
>>18865722 Is this real life?
>>18865755 Finally got the perfect female lel and now this happens.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18865852 My bank doesn't even want to update.
>>18865882 You have to go into the shop to update, retard
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18865981 I did. No update.
No need to call me a retard, anon. Calm yo tits.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Well, I can clone just fine so I call bullshit untill some non-anon proves it. Also the error message only says stuff about the OT being changed so yeah.
>>18866324 >mfw you just got rused Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18832363 Hi Guys.
I'm a little new to Pokemon and I just found out that I won't be able to get a DLC content that was available back when the game was released.
I was wondering if one of you could clone a Torchic with the Mega Stone for me.
I hope one of you can help me. Thanks in advance.