[38 / 6 / ?]
FIGHT ARTIFICIAL SCARCITY I've uploaded another batch of Extreme Speed Linoone and Zigzagoon. I'm giving them away for Luvdisc, or any other throwaway Pokemon you don't mind parting with. Pic related; it's the stats. The IV's aren't perfect because Extreme Speed Zigzagoon was obtained from Box RS. Linoone has Pickup; Zigzagoon is confirmed to evolve into Gluttony (i.e. it has Pickup now but will have Gluttony upon evolving).>Obtained legit, but cloned in Emerald If you consider that cloning is hacking, that's fine; don't take one. I have 23 Zigzagoon and 31 Linoone to give away, as follows: - Three level 96 Linoone - Twen level 50 Linoone - Twelve level 5 Zigzagoon All the Linoone are EV trained and have Pokerus (and of course, Extreme Speed). The Lv.5 Zigzagoon are "mint"; i.e. as-received from Box RS. Just put up a Luvdisc on the GTS with "fight" as the comment and post your IGN in this thread. No Luvdisc? Put up any 'mon, just let me know ITT which mon you put up as I will only be monitoring the GTS for Luvdiscs. Fight artificial scarcity! Enjoy!
Lex 3153-3956-5343
>>18832386 I would appreciate one!
I'm putting up a pentaperfect female Larvitar in a Safari Ball since I don't have any discs. She has Pursuit, Iron Head, Dragon Dance and Stealth Rock.
Thanks a ton!
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Pic related is stats for the Lv. 50 Linoone, and I meant to say I have eleven of those (not twen or whatever I said in the OP). They're not perfect; you can't RNG the Box RS egg.
Lex 3153-3956-5343
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>>18832427 Forgot to say that I wanted a Gluttony Zigzagoon. So sorry.
>>18832427 Thanks Lex, that's awesome! Zigzagoon is sent! Have fun!
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I should also mention - if you don't specify which level of Linoone you'd like, I'll give you one of whichever I have most remaining. That said, Zigzagoon has always run out a lot faster than Linoone does.
Lex 3153-3956-5343
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>>18832451 No, thank you! Enjoy your Larvitar.
GOOBS 2750-1615-5540
Yo OP, could i get one of those zigzagoons if I put up a buneary?
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>>18832599 Sure thing! I'll keep an eye out.
Put up a disc, would like a linoone if you have some left ign is Koops.
>>18832629 Linoone is on its way, koops!
>>18832599 Goobs, Zigzagoon is sent!
IGN Gavin
Luvdisc is up for linoone
>>18832711 Lv. 50 Linoone is sent, Gavin!
IGN Gavin
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>>18832725 Thanks Wise Linooneologist
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen Sun 13 Apr 2014 01:17:23 No. 18832799 Report Would love a zigzagoon OP. Thanks! IGN is Chris
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>>18832386 Disc up for Linoone, thanks
>>18832799 Sure thing, Chris! Just put up a Luvdisc (or anything).
Also, I just sent a Linoone to a Nick. Enjoy, Nick!
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen Sun 13 Apr 2014 01:20:00 No. 18832833 Report Quoted By:
>>18832816 Okay the disc is up. Thanks again!
IGN fuccboi
Disc up for lv 5 Zigzagoon. If don't have, lv 50 is fine. Thanks.
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
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>>18832845 Zigzagoon is on its way, fuccboi!
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
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I'll be around for another half hour or so, for anyone who is interested! Plenty of Linoone and Zigzagoon remain.
may i have a level 5? disk is up, ign connor
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>18832966 Zigzagoon is sent, connor! Fight!
>>18833008 You're awesome. i love you
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
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>>18833039 I-I love you, too...
you know, threads like this remind me. why aren't there any other anons who kindly do this? There's Colosseum for example with that free Jirachi (or Celebi in Japan, along with the E Reader cards) yet they're not available here unless it's Pokecheck.
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>18833111 I've considered buying the Colosseum disc, but it's certainly not cheap. Not that RS was cheap either... it's minimum going price is around $100. That's the major reason for me trying to fight artificial scarcity with this thread!
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>>18833154 I'm trying to get as many Pokemon off the PokeCheck I can for my pokedex.
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle) 1478-3847-3507
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle) 1478-3847-3507 Sun 13 Apr 2014 01:59:45 No. 18833216 Report Quoted By:
I'll be closing this thread in 5 minutes! If you want a tanuki, say so!
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle) 1478-3847-3507
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle) 1478-3847-3507 Sun 13 Apr 2014 02:05:23 No. 18833247 Report Quoted By:
OK! Closing thread; as of 10:05 EST I'm not monitoring the thread any more! Sorry it was so short this time. See you all soon!
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I have a luv disk waiting on the gts . Linoone is an old favorite of mine. I hope this thread is still going!
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Oh. I didn't read the bottom of the page. Dangit, too late I guess
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In case someone still sees this my disk is still up. Perhaps someday...
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Hey so I posted the last three comments. My in game name is dinoboxN7!