GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. Version exclusives, bank Pokes, breeding leftovers, special ball pokemon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS/MEGASTONES That is not the purpose of this thread. If someone happens to be so nice to as to give one away, they will let all of us know. Do not pester them. Also, we aren't the PokeGen thread; we may not have pokemon such as Knock Off Timburr or Hyper Voice Ralts / Eevee available. And no, we don't have spare 6IV pokemon for you, do it yourself.
Double evolite gets released, where pokes with two evolutions ahead of them get a boost to all stats. Does your team change? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IGN. It makes everything so much easier. We want the 'mon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Please ignore shitposters. At least try. Well, okay, we're past the point of no return. Old Thread:
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Tue 15 Apr 2014 05:26:38 No. 18859131 Report >>18859119 cute/baby pokemon became usable? Anonymous
>>18859119 >not linking the team group Anonymous
looking for heavy ball snorlax :^)
Dosh King
I have discovered that 2chan has a board dedicated to cats
Looking for Meowth, Rattata, and a Koffing. >they don't have to be fancy I really appreciate all the help from /vp/ GTS threads! Y'all are dope !
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>>18859135 No one cares, circlejerk general's over with /wifi/
>>18859131 Ideally
>>18859138 Disc up Aegis
>>18859141 I'm okay with this.
>>18859135 Steam group chat while useful for getting things together for giveaways Is pretty much dead most of the time.
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>>18859119 Little cup would be broken Fluff
Alright, I was cleaning out my Pokemon bank and found two Shiny Greninjas. One is 4 iv, one is 5 IV, both have max IV in special attack and speed. One is Naive nature, other is timid, both are Protean. Again, first two to put up a luvdisc in GTS get it :)
Jay-Opportunist Not the jew one
>>18859141 ha this was fun, guess i aint getting them stones. So far ive been to four different cartoon porn boards. found funny shit in there but cant post it here
>>18859156 The fuck is there to discuss outside of the thread that isn't just a circlejerk?
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Tue 15 Apr 2014 05:34:38 No. 18859197 Report Quoted By:
>>18859156 I need to fix that pic
Jay-Opportunist Not the jew one
>>18859156 Is that fuckng Stalin....why
>>18859181 Disc up for the timide one
>>18859181 Disc is up!
5iv one if possible, thanks
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>>18859181 They are gone now.
Dosh King
>>18859193 tomorrow morning no problem. I'm really trired right now.
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>>18859218 >>18859219 Im sorry, someone else already got to them first :(
>>18859195 It's been slightly useful for getting some breeding stuff done with out cluttering up the thread. I was able to save hours of time by getting the egg moves I needed for chespin. Besides that it's a barren wasteland some discussion about team comps meta etc. The violent reception that it first got pretty much doomed it.
>>18859217 comment last night was you dad stalin holding an everstone or something to that effect.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Tue 15 Apr 2014 05:41:06 No. 18859241 Report >>18859217 im out good nigth
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Tue 15 Apr 2014 05:41:14 No. 18859242 Report hello again, ill just leave this here, pls take them 1 beldum – 4 iv adamant clear body 3 ralts (all male) – 4 iv adamant (2 trace/1 synchronize) em: mean look/shadow sneak/destiny bond/confuse ray 2 torchic (all male) – 4 iv adamant speed boost 5 mudkip (all male)– 4 iv adamant torrent 1 eevee (male) – 4 iv bold em: wish 1 horsea (female) - 5 iv timid sniper em: octazooka/signal beam 2 misdreavus (1m/1f) - 5 iv timid levitate em: shadow sneak/nasty plot/ominous wind/destiny bond 6 eevee (5m/1f) - 3-5 ivs timid anticipation em: wish (2 have to relearn wish) 4 slowpoke (2m/2f) - 5 iv bold regenerator em: zen headbutt/future sight/belly drum/block 5 petilil - 4-5 iv modest 4 own tempo/1 chlorophyll 10 mienfoo (4m/6f) - 5 iv adamant regenerator em: knock off 6 bulbasaur (all male) - 5 iv calm chlorophyll em: giga drain pls be as specific as possible with what you want or ill send whichever i have more of
Jay-Opportunist Not the jew one
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>>18859222 I forgot i got you as a friend ill send a tr tomorrow bro thanks fuck discs got some shinies to give you. theyre not the best but theyre legit
>>18859195 It's actually a fairly productive chat. Not sure why you're so hostile against it.
>>18859241 11 days to cannonnisation fellow channer
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>>18859237 It's not like these threads go fast enough to worry about cluttering them. And even then, a new thread takes like 10 seconds. If anything, keeping the threads active does better than otherwise
>>18859242 disc up for the horsea
Jay-Opportunist Not the jew one
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>>18859241 >>18859254 I find this offensive
>>18859251 >hostile Nah, just don't understand the point of it and frankly just seems like a big circlejerk.
There's nothing that a giveaway thread benefits from a steam group
Zkore (2852-8945-7711)
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Anyone has a electabuzz lying around? idc ivs, but if it has good ivs i wouldnt whine about it.if it has hammer arm even better
>>18859266 >circlejerk You keep on calling it that but it's just a place to chat with others about non-giveaway related things. Doesn't really cause any harm.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Tue 15 Apr 2014 05:47:47 No. 18859284 Report Quoted By:
>>18859275 Never said it caused any harm.
It just seems silly to make a group about the giveaway threads that has nothing to do with the giveaway threads. By all means, connect with other people through whatever media you want. I just don't see how it has any connection to this thread other than just involving some people from it. No reason to connect shit that happens there to shit that happens here, and doing so is textbook definition of a circlejerk, so yeah, I'll call it that
>>18859242 jpn luvdisc up for Mienfoo thanks, any gender is fine
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Tue 15 Apr 2014 05:52:09 No. 18859310 Report Quoted By:
>>18859290 This guy so butthurt that he couldn't join
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>>18859319 >he couldn't join It's an open group
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>>18859319 Yep you caught me
Pic related, it's me
>>18859290 Connecting things in a chat to the thread makes it a circle jerk. The only thing of note the chat has produced is mons in different balls for the thread so far. I just don't understand your viewpoint or how extremely hostile you seem to something that doesn't directly affect your life at all.
First person to solve my riddle gets a shiny mew. If a loner is lonely, and a jock is a jerk. What do they both have in common?
>>18859334 I'm not hostile to it at all, not everyone that doesn't agree with you is fuming mad. Like I said I just don't understand the point of it. I'm not lobbying against it, I'm not telling anyone to delete it, and I don't really care all in, I'm just curious what a steam group for a giveaway thread even does.
The only things I think are stupid are the "lel dis iz derek" things that people are doing, but again I really don't give a damn all in.
Jay-Opportunist Not the jew one
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>>18859341 My hand around my dick. Riddle solved
>>18859341 they're the same person
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>>18859357 close but no cigar
>>18859341 They can both get addicted to Heroine and lose control of their lives.
>>18859350 To be fair, the way you presented yourself seemed very hostile, with "No one cares, circlejerk general's over with /wifi/" or "The fuck is there to discuss outside of the thread that isn't just a circlejerk".
I'm not trying to spite you or anything, just letting you know that you seemed pretty hostile and opposing towards the steam chat.
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>>18859341 They are both human
>>18859366 It's an interesting place that shits on me for "not being a hugbox" because I don't care for the derek images and then turns around for me not being hugbox enough with my diction.
>>18859371 I'm not catching why you think that we hate you for not liking the whole Derek thing. That was all pretty stupid, anyway.
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>>18859350 Well we help each other with mons to breed for give aways, and other pokemon related stuff
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Piplup erryday.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Tue 15 Apr 2014 06:05:44 No. 18859385 Report Wow, cool. The very first HP Fire Protean Froakie I hatched came out like so: Froakie - #656 (Hasty) : 31 / 30 / 31 / 30 / 31 / 30 I think I'm done breeding them for the night :3 That said, I wanted a female, but I might settle with this after a few more batches.
>>18859371 >>18859376 Let's stop here guys before the thread ends up turning to shit.
>>18859385 how do you know exactly how much IV's they have in each stat?
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>>18859398 Twas the plan, sorry for shitting it up this far
Jay-Opportunist Not the jew one
>>18859409 IV checker i use serebiis
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Tue 15 Apr 2014 06:10:08 No. 18859414 Report >>18859409 Take it to the Battle Institute. It automatically levels to 50, so I just punch in the stats into an IV calculator, which IVs are maxed, and the HP type.
>>18859413 >>18859414 Damn so you are saying my pentaperfect Aggron might not have 31 iv's in each of the stats?
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>>18859430 use their method if you want to find the exact number. The iv checker in kiolude will be able to point out perfect ivs.
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>>18859430 If it's pentaperfect, that means it has 31 IV's in all beneficial stats.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Tue 15 Apr 2014 06:15:04 No. 18859456 Report Quoted By:
>>18859430 >pentaperfect I think that tells you all you need to know.
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>>18859430 If you just care about the 31's, there's an NPC in the pokecenter at kiloude who will say the highest stats the poke has. If he says something like "they can't be beat" then the IVs for those are 31
>>18859119 I wanted to make the new thread: all hail Lime edition but ended up napping longer than intended. guess I'll have to wait. Aegis
>>18859414 Im planning on working with an hp grass
What were you steps in achieving a pokemon with good ivs and hp? i have ditto hp grass and the charmander
do i work with char first to get the perfect offspring, then take the perfect and then breed it with hp ditto?
>>18859458 Speaking of which, where has Lime been?
It's been a while since I've seen my favorite regular Anonymous
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>>18859470 "Stats like those... They simply can't be beat! That's how I judge it."
Yeah so he is pentaperfect nice
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Tue 15 Apr 2014 06:21:39 No. 18859504 Report >>18859472 Well, the first time I bred for HP was with a genderless mon, so that was easy enough to get perfect stats on it and then breed with the HP ditto.
But this time it was a Froakie, which can be bred into a specific ball, so I have to go through the trouble of dealing with that stupid 12.5% female ratio... All I ended up doing was
1. Acquire egg moves.
2. Acquire nature
3. Breed with the Ditto, swapping out the female every time a better one comes along.
I got very lucky with this guy, considering how badly his compatriots turned out.
>>18859496 She came along last week and said she was busy with midterms and Lemon cause he was sick
>Favourite regular isn't katherine I-i thought we had something special Snoop
I put up a disc for a Mew>mybodyisready.gif Crossing my fingers while I SUPER TRAIN my monstas So what is your favorite mini game in Pokemon-Amie?
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>>18859526 You're awesome too, Katherine But Lime posts pictures and stories of her adorable bird. God that thing is cute. Punchan
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50% male/female.. 26 males, 4 females. -Head smash-
>>18859531 >putting up a disc for a mew
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>>18859531 Just keep waiting. It'll happen.
>>18859504 Thanks
Ok, so the first step woud be to grab this char and breed it first for egg moves, once a female comes along with the egg moves and that is decent. I grab the perfect ditto with the nature i want and make it hold the everstone and the charmander a knot. Once a female that is outstanding in the stats i want comes up i then focus on the hp correct?
So th idea is to breed a pena or hexa perfect pokemon with the hp ditto. the char will hold everstone and the ditto the knot, then what? Breed until another penta comes up?
>>18859565 If you're breeding for HP you generally don't want pentas at all. Use a HP calculator to determine what stats should be 30 and what should be 31. 30 the stats that need to be there first, and 31 after. Or vice versa frankly, but in the end you'll probably not want to use dittos unless it's one that has the correct HP. If you've got that ditto, just run each female to the HP checker and the battle institute to get a good guess at its stats.
>>18859582 you can't GTS trade a mew
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>>18859341 One is a Hero and the other is Anti-Hero?
Gecko- 4957-4035-0442 (ice safari)
>>18859242 Can i get a slowpoke is it possible to get it nicknamed??
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Tue 15 Apr 2014 06:34:51 No. 18859602 Report >>18859565 >Ok, so the first step woud be to grab this char and breed it first for egg moves, once a female comes along with the egg moves and that is decent. I grab the perfect ditto with the nature i want and make it hold the everstone and the charmander a knot. Once a female that is outstanding in the stats i want comes up i then focus on the hp correct? That would be the way to do it, more or less. Only I don't happen to have a 6IV Hasty Ditto (mine's Timid), so I had to start out with shit IV mons and work my way up. I'm amazed my first successful HP Fire dude came out perfect.
>So th idea is to breed a pena or hexa perfect pokemon with the hp ditto. the char will hold everstone and the ditto the knot, then what? Breed until another penta comes up? Uh, in the case of that last statement, most Hidden Power pokes won't be penta. You'll have a few IVs maxed, but the rest will be the highest they can be to have that specific HP. They're all different.
>>18859586 Ah! Thanks for the heads up!
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>>18859586 >>18859602 ehh hp breeding looks to be a pain but wish me luck shouldnt be hard since i have these ditto thanks for the help
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>>18859609 No sweat. That extends to all of the event only legends as well. If people are doing giveaways you generally put up a disc for a disc so the person giving them away can direct trade you
>>18859602 By the way, why is hasty important on the hp dittos? saw this grass one is hasty with two markings highlighted.
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>>18859625 It has no significance to HP, it's just whatever nature they have a preference for
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Tue 15 Apr 2014 06:43:13 No. 18859655 Report >>18859598 male or female and what name?
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Tue 15 Apr 2014 06:43:43 No. 18859658 Report Quoted By:
>>18859625 Huh? Oh, Hasty only mattered because that's what I wanted for my Greninja. It's not a nature you commonly use. I didn't have a Hasty Ditto with good IVs, so I had to use one from the Safari.
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Looking for a Meowth, Grimer, Rattata, or a Koffing! Thanks GTS
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Tue 15 Apr 2014 06:57:13 No. 18859728 Report I also got this HP Grass Froakie:>Froakie - #656 (Hasty) : 31 / 30 / 31 / 30 / 31 / 27 And this HP Electric Froakie:>Froakie - #656 (Hasty) : 31 / 31 / 31 / 30 / 31 / 27 And another HP Fire Froakie:>Froakie - #656 (Hasty) : 31 / 14 / 31 / 30 / 31 / 30 Can someone tell me if the first two are good? I'm not familiar with HP Grass or Electric, so I dunno if the speed could be better. The extra HP Fire one can go to whomever wants it.
>>18859728 HP is purely dependent on even or odd values for the IV, so the 27's could be 31s. They're certainly far from bad though
Have some illegal HA moon ball Burmy, disc up if you want one. Going to breed some normal and legal ones in moon balls too if anyone wants one.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Tue 15 Apr 2014 07:02:29 No. 18859751 Report >>18859736 Greninja has an odd base Speed of 122. Would I be right in assuming that the difference of just a couple IVs there only really matters against opposing Greninja, then? I'm not aware of many other things with Speed in that area.
>>18859737 Disc up, thanks
>>18859785 HA or non-HA?
>>18859737 Also specify which ability otherwise I'll throw whatever at you
Gecko- 4957-4035-0442 (ice safari)
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>>18859655 can i get a male named nugget :)
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>>18859751 Couldn't tell you, I'm not familiar enough with that base speed area.
Would there be any interest in 5IV Jolly Smeargles? nothing special on them (other than half of them being Moody), just breeding rejects.
Flavio 3067-6412-8522
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>>18859818 fuck it i'll take one, disc is up
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Tue 15 Apr 2014 07:17:52 No. 18859853 Report >>18859737 I'll disc up for a HA one.
>>18859818 Followed by this.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Tue 15 Apr 2014 07:22:50 No. 18859884 Report Quoted By:
Flavio 3067-6412-8522
>>18859737 can i have one of your HA burmy? disc is up
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Looking for a Machop with No Guard
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Sent the Smeargles that were up on GTS, sorry for the wait, shitty internet here
anyone with those unnerve aerodactyls here?
>>18860034 I might as well snag one of those Burmys. Disc is up.
Still giving away: Dream Ball Aerodactyl (Jolly 4 IV) 6x Male (Unnerve) 3x Male (Rock Head) Egg moves: Tailwind, Wide Guard, Assurance, Whirlwind Nest Ball Ferroseed (Brave 4–5IV, guaranteed 0 Spe, Iron Barbs) 1x Male 2x Female (one has to relearn egg moves) Egg Moves: Gravity, Leech Seed, Worry Seed, Bullet Seed Other stuff I don't need: Male Fast Ball Pichu (Jolly 4IV, Lightningrod. w/ Thunder Punch, Fake Out, Encore, Wish) Please be as specific as possible which one you want and put up a disc.
>>18860201 unnerve aerodactyl please, disc up
Still giving away: Dream Ball Aerodactyl (Jolly 4 IV) 6x Male (Unnerve) 3x Male (Rock Head) Egg moves: Tailwind, Wide Guard, Assurance, Whirlwind Nest Ball Ferroseed (Brave 4–5IV, guaranteed 0 Spe, Iron Barbs) 1x Male 2x Female (one has to relearn egg moves) Egg Moves: Gravity, Leech Seed, Worry Seed, Bullet Seed Other stuff I don't need: Male Fast Ball Pichu (Jolly 4IV, Lightningrod. w/ Thunder Punch, Fake Out, Encore, Wish) Female Mienfoo (Adamant 5IV -HP, Inner Focus, w/ Knock Off) Female Makuhita (Adamant 4IV, Guts, w/ Bullet Punch, Cross Chop) Female Snivy (Timid 4IV, Overgrow) Female Cottonee (Bold 4IV, Infiltrator, w/ Worry Seed, Memento Japanese) Please be as specific as possible which one you want and put up a disc.
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>>18860201 There's an anon with a disc on the gts looking for unnerve Aerodactyl and he's requested here a couple of times.
>>18860206 Discing for Snivy in a bit
Charles (4570-7977-1191)
Need a Golett, don't care about moves or anything.
>>18860347 If it's just for dex entry, you can find them on route 10
Charles (4570-7977-1191)
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>>18860359 Thanks, having a particularity lazy day
>>18860227 Yo Kath, I see that this penta Roggenrola has been sitting on your list for ages. Can I have it?
Also if you don't mind, can you bring it to the Boldore stage so that it trade evolves and I can use it? Katherine
>>18860369 You can have it.
I'm too lazy to level it though sorry. Do you need Gigalith for the dex entry? Cuan
>>18860382 Not for the dex, but I might actually fit this into a team since it's penta. So I'll need to trade evolve it anyway and hoped I could do that now.
It's just Lv. 25 for Boldore. Katherine
>>18860388 Never mind, I can't read. You'll be on in the next few hours right? I was planning to do some ev training in a while so I'll bring him along.
I'll clear his evs so he won't have 252 in speed Cuan
>>18860392 I almost always have those threads open in a pinned tab, even if I do other stuff.
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>>18859728 could I get the froakie? disc up
>>18860401 I can't get on anymore tonight, will have do wait until tomorrow.
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Can anyone Five me a tauros with sheer Force
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Disc up for HA Roselia, pretty please.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18859526 Nooo, not my fave birdie
all the birdies are my fave tho Cuan
>>18860857 Hello my favorite Rynn!
Got time for the Torkoal now? Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18860880 i c wut u did there
Yeah! I'll get online.
>>18860883 I don't have you in acquaintances anymore, so put up a disc for Torkoal.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18860898 Done
I need that disc back because this thread edition is 100% mine editionAlso what ball again?
>>18860915 Repeat Ball, unless you have a better suggestion.
It is also legal. Rynn 4656-7108-0037
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>>18860941 Nah, repeat seems okay.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18860206 Discing up for Aerodactyl.
Btw, here's what I've got for grabs today:
13x Friend Ball Larvitar, Penta, 4 egg moves
4x 5IV Bagon with HA, Dragon Dance
1x Skarmory with Brave Bird, Stealth Rock, Whirlwind
1x Jolly Overgrow Treecko with Crunch, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Endeavor
8x Adamant Marvel Scale Dratinis with extremespeed and iron tail
>>18860961 Unnerve, I assume?
I don't get why some people specifically ask for Rock Head. It only has Take Down as a recoil move. I'd like your Treecko.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18860941 >wants stuff >not online Cuan pls ):<
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18860983 NOOOO
Now I don't have a luvdisc to trade for stuff
Imma go and upload some of my spare shinies for luvdiscs.
>>18860990 Teehee, now you only have a shiny Luvdisc!
>>18860990 just do a giveaway of stuff in no time you'll have discs
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
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>>18860961 sweet. penta larvitar plz.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18860998 >shiny timburr up for luvdisc I should have one in a second.
>>18861012 Yeah. I know. I have one coming up as soon as I've cloned enough stuff.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
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>>18860977 Unnerve sounds good
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18861015 HOLY SONUVABITCH U got a shiny luvdisc in return
got fucking dammit
why can't anyone just give me a normal luvdisc, lol
>>18861041 Good evening Rynn.
We only use shiny discs now, guess you missed the memo.
>>18860961 Love Fish for Larvitar please. <3
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>>18861086 >>18860961 Female too if that's okay!
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Tue 15 Apr 2014 13:01:59 No. 18861116 Report Giving away pokes to good homes! All of them except the Kecleon have 5 IVs. 4 Adamant HA Bagon with Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush in Great Balls 1 Relaxed Rock Head Cubone with Iron Head 2 Female Calm HA Espurr 1 Adamant Torchic 1 Brave HA Kecleon with Recover 2 Sassy Volt Absorb Chinchou 2 Quiet Magic Guard Solosis in Luxury Balls
>>18861116 >1 Adamant Torchic I'll take the Torchic please! Discing up in a minute!
IGN: Jahn C
>>18861116 One Topkekleon please.
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A-anyone still uses the D/P GTS? I need a Magmar with Magmarizer, without, or just a Magby.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18861070 Looks like I did, because I have a shiny luvdisc up for a normal luvdisc for like 15 minutes now.
>>18861166 /me goes to snipe it with a shiny disc.
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Tue 15 Apr 2014 13:13:45 No. 18861189 Report Katherine
>>18861166 >>18861172 Now put another that shiny disc up and I'll send another shiny one your way.
Or rather, I would if I could. Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18861172 >>18861207 Shut up. Got my normal disc and I'm keeping it.
>>18861207 >>18861217 Just kidding.
I sniped her with a normal disc. Sorry for all the pain I've caused you.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18861227 First world pokeproblems right here.
Does anyone else needs their
poke balls fondled?
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>>18861189 Thanks so much for the Torchic :D
>>18861227 There's no fun it that, we could've had this going forever.
>>18861246 L-lewd
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18861297 Huh? What's that? Someone wants me to make their shiny Tyrunt
blue- balled?
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>>18860206 discing up for an unnerve aerodactyl pls
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dead hours bump
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399
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Anyone have a Moon Ball Gastly? Perhaps Adaptability Feebas in a Dive Ball?
Erin (IGN Yin)
Lookin' for a 0 speed Quiet Snover (or a 0 speed ditto)
Will also be giving away the usual stuff ( ) in like half an hour too.
I really need a Swampert with stealth rocks, I can't pokegen and haven't been able to figure out how i can breed it. If anyone has it or would be gentle enough to breed/pokegen me one..? I also need a charizardite Y if anyone got a spare one I'm not home yet so you guys can take your time, i'll be home in like 40 minutes ( work )
>>18862473 youre a greedy fuck. take what people offer not come begging for random shit.
>>18862473 it can't be bred you'll need to pokegen it
Also pls read OP
>>18862473 SR is a move tutor only move for Swamper, try Pokegen general for that and cloning general for megastones.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Yo, whaddup my glipglops!
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399
>>18862649 Wubba lubbu dub dubs!
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>>18862540 >>18862492 >>18862512 Ew sorry guys just realized it's the completely wrong thread, kinda stressed and tired at work and wrote it quickly
>>18862540 Also thanks for advice I'm kinda new here
>>18862649 Holy smokes. A wild Lime has appeared.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18862662 Are you in great emotional pain, sir?
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399
>>18862681 Yes. I must wait for moar.
>>18862649 You're back Lime! I thought Gray had gotten to you. Some people here have also been hailing a guy called Derek,
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>18862695 M-Me too... This sucks...
>>18862676 Yo!
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18862707 The fuck is Derek?
Bawby 5086-2731-7206 (Sunkern - Ivysaur - Gogoat)
Bawby 5086-2731-7206 (Sunkern - Ivysaur - Gogoat) Tue 15 Apr 2014 16:19:24 No. 18862727 Report >>18860961 If you're still there I would like a larvitar! Thanks.
>>18862724 All I know is that he started a steam group for this thread. The picture from the last thread is him and if you look at the edition..
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Tue 15 Apr 2014 16:26:34 No. 18862776 Report Quoted By:
>>18861116 1 Cubone, please!
>>18859737 Do you still have any Burmy left? If so disc is up.
>>18862783 Can't get on right now, might have to wait a few hours
Lime 3883-5402-8331
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>>18862738 >Not hailing Li'l Boo Please.
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>>18862797 It's ok.
>>18859147 Sent,
In a fast ball with Technician and egg moves .
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Bert 4699-7206-7551
Anyone have a speed boost Venice De leftover?
Bert 4699-7206-7551
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>>18862936 venipede damn phone.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Who wants Finneon? They come in a Dive Ball, with four egg moves, five perfect IVs, and a random nature each.
>>18862936 Put up a disc m8. Which sex do you want?
Bert 4699-7206-7551
>>18862984 female preferably give me a sec for disc gotta tether from phone
>>18862984 I'll disc up for one, thanks.
>>18862984 I, too, would prefer a female. Disc up, and thanks in advance.
Bert 4699-7206-7551
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18862984 I'll disc up for one
Bert 4699-7206-7551
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Bawby 5086-2731-7206 (Sunkern - Ivysaur - Gogoat)
Bawby 5086-2731-7206 (Sunkern - Ivysaur - Gogoat) Tue 15 Apr 2014 17:01:26 No. 18863093 Report Quoted By:
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399
>>18862984 I'll have a lady, look for IGN Andrea. I'm stuck in Le Wow so I am using my Daughters Gameboy.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399
>>18863102 Until I die, it will be a Gameboy.
Bert 4699-7206-7551
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>>18863109 I call it a Game Boy too
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18863278 Plenty. Just put up a disc.
Saki (2509-2518-3446)
>>18862984 Can I have a female one?
Thanks in advance, disc is up.
>>18863312 I just put up a disc. Try to make it Storm Drain.
>>18862984 Disc up for one female.
Thank you veru much
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18863358 Sent.
>>18863364 They all have Storm Drain anyway (if that particular one didn't, I can exchange it for another).
>>18863369 Sent.
I've put up a Luvdisc for a Phanpy. I don't care about its nature, IV or something like that, I'd breed it myself. Just need one to start. My IGN is Zeruel, and thanks in advance, kind anon!
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Tue 15 Apr 2014 17:32:43 No. 18863393 Report >>18860206 Could I get the mini sumo?
i would like to have a male zubat with 31/31/31/x/31/31 and with brave bird and venom drench pls disc will be up in a min
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 : Dunsparce / Audino / Ditto
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 : Dunsparce / Audino / Ditto Tue 15 Apr 2014 17:33:39 No. 18863405 Report Looking for a HA Absol, it doesn't have to be penta perfect and I don't care about the nature. My IGN is "Bergérance" Since I start to breed pokemon I have nothing to give exept my ditto safari or y-exclu pokemon
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Tue 15 Apr 2014 17:33:51 No. 18863409 Report >>18862984 I need one for dex ;-;
>>18863393 Sure. Is your disc up?
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Tue 15 Apr 2014 17:35:00 No. 18863423 Report >>18863405 May I add your safari?
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>>18863402 also pls jolly nature
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 : Dunsparce / Audino / Ditto
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 : Dunsparce / Audino / Ditto Tue 15 Apr 2014 17:37:29 No. 18863438 Report Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18863409 I still can't see your disc.
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>>18862984 I'll take one, female please.
Saki (2509-2518-3446)
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>>18863482 Oh wow, that was fast! Thank you very much!!
>>18863033 Do you do anything besides being on here 24/7 fuckng faggot
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>>18863438 can i add it too?
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Tue 15 Apr 2014 17:46:09 No. 18863505 Report Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Tue 15 Apr 2014 17:50:33 No. 18863531 Report Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Tue 15 Apr 2014 17:52:19 No. 18863546 Report Quoted By:
Dirt McGirt 2766-9996-3470 (Audino/lillipup/Ditto)
Dirt McGirt 2766-9996-3470 (Audino/lillipup/Ditto) Tue 15 Apr 2014 17:52:29 No. 18863548 Report Quoted By:
>>18861116 would either of those solosis happen to be male?
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18863531 >Du... Du hast mech It's „Du hasst mich“.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Tue 15 Apr 2014 17:54:49 No. 18863567 Report >>18863551 You saw that heh heh... 0.0:
t-thank you haha
>>18863515 Hey Rynn, should I Disc up for Froakie?
>>18863579 Yep! First just get online though, maybe we can trade through acq.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18863587 Oh, that was me.
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Need buneary for luvdisc
>>18863593 hi Rynn, i have solved my connection problem, can we trade? ;_;
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18863621 Yep, let's try~
>>18863614 And thank you too.
>>18863630 it seems it cant be traded ;_;
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18863663 Yeah ; ;
How bad do you want this? I can breed one for you and see if that will trade. Or try to trade an egg.
>>18863668 is hexa and is one of my mains, i miss him so much just put it in a Quick Ball, or something that makes her look better
and legal
>>18863663 That's kinda interesting, was it Kalos bred?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18863680 Well I can try breeding a hexa for you, shouldn't be too hard.
And I'm not sure if any ball is legal for them.
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>>18863687 Well, that explains it. The only way we can trade illegal ball combos is if they're Kalos bred.
>>18863694 i'll love you forever if you do
~ , also, ill save one flappy babbi for you when i do the giveaway
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18863729 What's a flappy babbi?Okay, so which ball do you want? The level one, yes?
>>18863752 Archen :^) make it quick
if it isn't too much trouble, change the ball of Archeops to its original, since i wont be able to use him for battles with illegal balls ;_; Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Tue 15 Apr 2014 18:19:23 No. 18863800 Report Cuan
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>>18863551 Deutsche Gründlichkeit!
>>18863800 Sent already. I would have almost forgotten about it.
Tidal 1736-0801-6591
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spiritomb, that'd make my day
Dirt McGirt 2766-9996-3470 (Audino/lillipup/Ditto)
Dirt McGirt 2766-9996-3470 (Audino/lillipup/Ditto) Tue 15 Apr 2014 18:22:14 No. 18863826 Report Does anyone have a spare male ralts/kirlia/gardevoir I can have?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18863780 Yeah, okay. Not sure if I'll be able to do it today though.
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>>18863834 i'll wait you anytime based Rynn~
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Tue 15 Apr 2014 18:32:51 No. 18863920 Report >>18863826 I got a male ralts :) is your disc up?
Dirt McGirt 2766-9996-3470 (Audino/lillipup/Ditto)
Dirt McGirt 2766-9996-3470 (Audino/lillipup/Ditto) Tue 15 Apr 2014 18:35:46 No. 18863951 Report Quoted By:
>>18863920 oh yay! Yes, I just put it up
Choten: 1091-8693-1096
Does anyone happen to have a Modest Charmander with HP Ice IVs laying around that I can have?
Dirt McGirt 2766-9996-3470 (Audino/lillipup/Ditto)
Dirt McGirt 2766-9996-3470 (Audino/lillipup/Ditto) Tue 15 Apr 2014 18:41:24 No. 18863992 Report Quoted By:
>>18863920 Thanks a bunch!
>>18863984 Can't be any more specific with your wishes?
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>>18863999 People are fine with making requests like that, if you don't have it, you don't have it.
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399
>>18863984 The only thing that will ever get me to breed Charmander again is a
Level Ball Anonymous
>>18864076 gotta have that poopy brown?
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399
Quoted By:
>>18864297 Takes one to tell one.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529} {0587}
just got my shiny motherfucking ralts. woo. so giving away: Female Love Ball Ralts Modest, Synchronize (Encore, Destiny Bond, Memento, Confuse Ray) reply and disc up if you wantz one
Leo 0232-8020-3632
>>18864327 discing, thanks.
Saki (2509-2518-3446)
Is Larvitar bro still here? I'm about to put up a Luvdisc if so.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
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>>18864364 Up now, thanks a bunch mate.
Neon: 4527-7855-2325 (Helioptile, Pachirisu, Zebstrika)
Neon: 4527-7855-2325 (Helioptile, Pachirisu, Zebstrika) Tue 15 Apr 2014 19:27:33 No. 18864402 Report I have: 3 Female Soundproof Shieldon; 18 Male Soundproof Shieldon; 12 Male Sturdy Shieldon. All of the above are in Luxury Balls. They have random IVs. I had the one female and thought "Oh, I'll just breed a few females and toss them around." Then after 3 boxes (only keeping 1 box of Males) this is what I have. so I'm done! Who wants them as I go back to breeding for a shiny Froakie?
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18864402 I'd like a female
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529} {0587}
>>18864402 I'll take a female, thanks.
Leo 0232-8020-3632
>>18864402 female, discing now.
>>18864402 Disc up for female
Leo 0232-8020-3632
Saki (2509-2518-3446)
Have these up for grabs while I'm here: 4 Luxury Ball Pancham 2 Friend Ball Shroomish 1 HA Timer Ball Starly 3 Level Ball Makuhita 4 illegal Moon Ball Shuppet 2 Friend Ball Tangela (one is illegal HA ) 5 Lure Ball Tentacool Disc up and reply if you would like something.
Neon: 4527-7855-2325 (Helioptile, Pachirisu, Zebstrika)
Neon: 4527-7855-2325 (Helioptile, Pachirisu, Zebstrika) Tue 15 Apr 2014 19:34:19 No. 18864509 Report Quoted By:
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529} {0587}
>>18864499 friend ball shroomish please! discing now
IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue)
IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue) Tue 15 Apr 2014 19:39:28 No. 18864556 Report Anyone with DD and elemental fangs Tyrunt they would be willing to part with?
Neon: 4527-7855-2325 (Helioptile, Pachirisu, Zebstrika)
Neon: 4527-7855-2325 (Helioptile, Pachirisu, Zebstrika) Tue 15 Apr 2014 19:39:31 No. 18864557 Report >>18864444 Sorry, Jose, but you were the 4th to reply, I sent a male since you left the gender unspecified, but I'm out of females.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529} {0587}
Quoted By:
>>18864576 thanks a million
>>18864402 Egg moves? Nature?
>>18864557 Thanks, I was going to breed it anyway, just wanted to satisfy the balltism.
>>18864499 I'll put a disc up for the HA Tangela
I still have some fast ball Technician Meowths with egg moves if anyone wants (have both male and female).
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529} {0587}
i have 1 Female Sport Ball Paras. Looks to be 5IV, Careful, Dry Skin. (Leech Seed, Sweet Scent, Fell Stinger, Agility) reply and disc up if you want to prevent extinction
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18864603 I'd like a Meowth please
Neon: 4527-7855-2325 (Helioptile, Pachirisu, Zebstrika)
Neon: 4527-7855-2325 (Helioptile, Pachirisu, Zebstrika) Tue 15 Apr 2014 19:46:26 No. 18864633 Report >>18864590 The only Egg Move they have is Counter, I was more focused on the Balltism appeal. Assorted natures too at this point.
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>>18864499 Disc is up for Shuppet! Gratzi
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Daily reminder that Regalia is the best namefag in this thread and my waifu. :^)
IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue)
IGN: Ablin (FC:4012-5317-3573, Mankey, Pancham, Tyrogue) Tue 15 Apr 2014 19:48:34 No. 18864651 Report >>18864604 awesome. Disc is up
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>>18864621 what the fuck do you need all these pokemon for? Everytime someone puts a list up youre the first to grab them. Answer me that, im curious
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>>18859341 they will never get the girls?
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>>18864499 Disc is up for a Makuhita! Thanks
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399
Quoted By:
>>18864499 I'll Take a Makuhita (Female Please)
>>18864603 I'll take a Meowth IGN Andrea
>>18864633 If you can find me a Soundproof one that's one of those natures (in descending order of preference), I'll take it:
Sassy, Careful, Impish, Calm, Bold, Relaxed.
Saki (2509-2518-3446)
>>18864615 Disc is up, thanks in advance!
Neon: 4527-7855-2325 (Helioptile, Pachirisu, Zebstrika)
Neon: 4527-7855-2325 (Helioptile, Pachirisu, Zebstrika) Tue 15 Apr 2014 20:05:24 No. 18864805 Report >>18864770 I don't have any Sassy, but I do have a Careful Soundproof. Toss up a disc and it's yours.
>>18864499 Disc is up for Shroomish. Thanks a ton
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529} {0587}
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>>18864780 sent, no problem
Neon: 4527-7855-2325 (Helioptile, Pachirisu, Zebstrika)
Neon: 4527-7855-2325 (Helioptile, Pachirisu, Zebstrika) Tue 15 Apr 2014 20:09:18 No. 18864840 Report Quoted By:
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>>18862448 You're still here? I should have one of those. Do you prefer Snow Warning or Soundproof?
Looks like time for a new thread >>18864499 Yukari you still around?
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>>18864949 >>18864949 >>18864949 >>18864949 >>18864929 I put a disc up for the shuppet If you still have any.
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Im really looking for a speed boost Venipede Im planning on trying a solo run with it through X it would be very nice! :D My IGN is DJ