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Volcanion General

No.18882261 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Water Absorb

Steam Eruption (Water) - 110 BP, 95% Acc, 5 PP, 30% Burn Rate

This thread is about the best of the hidden XY Pokemon, Hoopas need not apply.

This motherfucker is going to take OU by storm.
When he's on thje sims I'm going to try out a Specs Set with...

Steam Eruption
Fire Blast/Overheat
Hidden Power Ice
Focus Miss

but it's also worth noting that he was Weather Ball and Will-O-Wisp at his disposal.

I find it awkward that he's weak to Electric and that both STABs are resisted by Dragon, but there seems to be so much going for him.

inb4 Stealth Rock weak, it's garbage/10