>doge >takes time to explain "KB" but not "Kalos born" 10/10 OP post :^)
>>18893912 how fucking new are you anon
there's a magical thing called a search engine you might find astounding
OP left out the part about shitposting, and we already have it in the second fucking reply
just thought it was stupid to explain an acronym but not in the same breath explain the vague meaning of said acronym, and sound like a cunt at the same time. and I'm pretty sure "has blue pentagon" is faster to type than "lololol google it fag"
Quoted By:
Just caught a shiny Eevee. Female, nuetral nature, IVs in S.Atk and Speed. alright for a chance encounter
>>18893975 >>18893912 But "KB" is faster than "has blue pentagon" and OP said it means Kalos born. If you're too retarded to figure out what "Kalos born" means, I question how you're even able to operate a computer. :^)
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Klefki Pyroar Rotom Druddigon Taillow Crobat Exploud Durant Torchic Goomy Flareon Dunsparce Magmar Golem Mawile Pelliper Golduck Luvdisc Tentacruel Lanturn' Gyrados Poliwhirl Seaking Octillery Rapidash Alomomola Relicanth All are KB except for Rapidash. Details available upon request.
>>18896296 Stats on torchic, rotom, magmar and relicanth
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Quoted By:
>>18896353 Torchic:
Speed Boost
no ivs
no ivs, 0 atk ivs
Flame Body
31 atk and spa ivs
Swift Swim
31 Spd ivs
I've got a KB shiny scizor 31/31/31/0/31/31 Any offers? I like nicknamable things, probably only gonna trade it for something I can nickname
>>18896732 I have a Sigilyph or w/e that fucker is called. NN'd Eye of Eagle, and still have roselia NN'd Petalia.
>>18896754 What are the natures on them?
Also ability on sigilyph
>>18896763 Sigilyph is Naughty, Magic Guard
Roselia is Relaxed, Poison Point
>>18896774 Hm
If you interested, I'd trade you both of them for my scizor and a shiny modest safari sigilyph (tinted lens)
sigi for sigi and scizor for roselia
I have a 5IV Beldum and a 5IV Tyrantrum, both shiny and Kalos born, Beldum is nicknameable. I'm looking for a Quiet/Brave Honedge and a Protean Froakie or offers
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
FT: Shiny 5IVs Aegislash (Quiet, HP Ice), shiny 6IVs Smeargle (Jolly, Own Tempo, Dark Void)
Quoted By:
>>18896806 Oh, its you Brandon
I've already got you added.
Quoted By:
Anyone want a Jolly Male Shiny Charmander with 26, 31, 31, X, 31, 31? It's moves are Growl, Dragon dance, Outrage, and Flare Blitz. He was naturally hatched and bred by me, but I could only use him as a trophy.
>>18896806 shit, this isn't modest
sorry mate
I think I mixed up my mons
If you still want it we can trade but I didn't mean to mislead you.
>>18896812 Would you like any of those
>>18896798 for the Aegislash?
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
>>18896858 It's okay lol
I'll still trade
Quoted By:
>>18896871 No sorry (I wish HA Tyrunt was released)
>>18896872 Apparently it's my xatu thats modest
I think I mixed them up because they're both psychic and locked into the wrong ability
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
>>18896889 I hit cancel on accident lol
>>18896898 Thanks for the trades~
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
Clauncher Gulpin All of them are kalos born and without IV's.
>>18897024 spinda for clauncher?
>>18897044 Do you have another one?
>>18897087 2 shiny spindas?
Yeah I do actually
>>18897111 Do you have something from 3th gen or below?
I like more those pokemons
>>18897142 I have 2 pokemon from gen 3
One is a spinda
And the 2nd is a spinda
Are those cool?
Quoted By:
>>18897175 Nah, but thanks.
Quoted By:
>>18896812 Anything in particular you're looking for?
David 4012-4480-1659
Quoted By:
I've got a shiny wingull with keen eye that I want to trade if anybody wants to
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
Quoted By:
muh list: I'll be updating it in the meantime, but take a look.
>>18896812 Kalos-born Hp Grass Mareep with agility for aegislash?
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
Quoted By:
>>18899441 Are you Lance?
If so, stats on that Mareep.
I want to make sure you didn't trade me a fucking clone. Alex - 2509-1393-3861
Quoted By:
>>18896812 Holy fuck, I want that Aegislash. I can offer you (6 IV) Greninja, Chespin, Trevenant, Metagross, or Goodra, or (5 IV) Talonflame, Amuara, Bunnelby, or Sylveon.
Have the following KB shinies: Espurr(Male) Timid - Keen Eye -X. Espurr(Female) Timid - Infiltrator Foongus - Calm - Effect Spore - X. Larvesta - Modest - Flame Body - Spritzee - Quiet - Healer - 31.X.31.30.X.X Spritzee - Quiet - Aroma Veil - 31.X.31.X.30.X 2x Mareep - Modest - Static - (Hp Grass) Agility egg move 3x Mareep - Modest - Static - (Hp Ice) Agility egg move Tyrunt - Adamant - Strong Jaw - X.31.X.31.X.31 DDance + elemental fangs egg moves Tyrunt - Adamant - Strong Jaw - X.31.31.31.X.31 DDance + elemental fangs egg moves. looking for competitive Gen6 (not to be confused with kalos-born) mons
Invidia 2981-7265-4220
>>18899735 Pretty wet for one of those HP Ice Mareeps. I've got a froakie 31/x/31/31/31/31 with HP fire, goodra6IV, and a 5iv durant 31/31/31/31/x/31 named Kevin. Interested in any?
IGN Waxer king afro 2423 2732 4252
>>18896296 whats the stats for rapidash
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
>>18900312 Info and gender on your Goodra?
Invidia 2981-7265-4220
>>18900830 Only really trying to get one of those mareep, sorry. :(
barrett 1091-9522-3764 (Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius)
barrett 1091-9522-3764 (Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius) Fri 18 Apr 2014 21:51:27 No. 18901180 Report Have KB: Espurr Munna Gastrodon pink Gogoat Swanna Spinda Charmander Non-KB: Mareep Shellos blues Genned junk: Ditto of every nature Interested in: Rocky Helmet Other KB shiny Pokemon or good genned Pokemon.
>>18900312 I can do a hp ice mareep for a froakie, it's protean yes?
Invidia 2981-7265-4220
>>18901199 Yes. Adding you now!
Invidia 2981-7265-4220
>>18901199 Can you name it Bubblegum for me? I can't name the froakie unfortunately, it was a trade.
>>18901392 not nicknameable sorry.
i'll be a few minutes
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
>>18901124 You're implying I don't have one/can't get one.
So, stats and gender?
Quoted By:
>>18900567 Female
Flash Fire
No ivs
>>18901420 ive added you, where are you? you havent added me yet
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
>>18901434 Would you be willing to trade that Goodra?
>>18901180 would you trade the Munna for anything here?
>>18896296 Sylvi{0052}{1080}1306-6232-9085
Quoted By:
>>18901719 im not getting a goodra, he's gone awol anyway.
Invidia 2981-7265-4220
Quoted By:
>>18901664 Sorry, I had to take care of something. adding you now.
>>18901532 male, 252 hp and Special attack, 4 def
barrett 1091-9522-3764 (Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius)
barrett 1091-9522-3764 (Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius) Fri 18 Apr 2014 22:46:18 No. 18901838 Report >>18901746 Interested in the Dunsparce and Torchic.
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
>>18901838 Wanna trade Munna + Espurr for Torchic + Dunsparce?
>>18899735 6 IV Helioptile (Timid, Dry Skin), or Brave Honedge for the HP Grass Mareep?
barrett 1091-9522-3764 (Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius)
barrett 1091-9522-3764 (Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius) Fri 18 Apr 2014 22:59:35 No. 18901962 Report >>18901931 Sounds like a plan to me. Adding now.
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
>>18901962 ok. give me a sec!
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Quoted By:
>>18901962 Thanks man. Enjoy the Torchic and Dunsparce!
barrett 1091-9522-3764 (Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius)
barrett 1091-9522-3764 (Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius) Fri 18 Apr 2014 23:05:42 No. 18902032 Report Quoted By:
>>18901984 Thanks man. I appreciate it.
barrett 1091-9522-3764 (Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius)
barrett 1091-9522-3764 (Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius) Fri 18 Apr 2014 23:16:08 No. 18902123 Report Quoted By:
>>18901180 Bump.
Just caught a shiny Togepi and a Noctowl to add to the list.
Anyone have a shiny kalos pikachu? I will trade a shiny braixen for it.
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Fri 18 Apr 2014 23:20:17 No. 18902171 Report Quoted By:
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Fri 18 Apr 2014 23:24:54 No. 18902219 Report I've got: 3v Magnezone. (Impish/Sturdy) 2v Sigilyph (Modest/Wonder Skin) 2v Shelgon (Brave/Rock Head) *Nicknameable 0v Houndour (Hardy/Flash Fire) 1v Butterfree (Sassy/Compoundeyes) All are Kalos Born. Looking for neat offers, kalos born only though.
I have a level 10 shiny Chansey, Want any other shiny (excluding Luvdisc) please. Thanks
>>18902219 I have a kb sylveon (the eevee was kb)
Would you trade it for any of them except the Butterfree
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Fri 18 Apr 2014 23:53:03 No. 18902507 Report >>18902482 already have a kb sylveon, sorry
>>18902507 What would people trade me for a 1iv kb shiny Delphox. Only 6 gen shiny s please.
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
>>18902443 Is it KB? Would you trade for an exploud?
>>18902507 Sorry didnt mean to reply that to you.
>>18902549 A KB nicknamed Poliwrath just because.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 19 Apr 2014 00:00:05 No. 18902572 Report Quoted By:
>>18902560 No worries. And you should keep your Delphox for a good offer. You'll find a few people who will be interested. stay patient.
Quoted By:
>>18902552 No its not KB sorry, do you have any not kb that you would trade for it?
>>18902565 Sorry but no thanks.
>>18902590 Figured, but I think if someone really wants it they'll offer anything of equal value they have for it.
Quoted By:
>>18902608 Yeah im new to pokemon so I dont much about it tbh I just want a cool looking shiny.
>>18901180 What are the stats on that Charmander? Can it be nicknamed?
>>18902219 Same deal with the Houndour, just because it's 0IVs doesn't mean it can't pack a punch.
Quoted By:
>>18901180 Would you take a 1iv Delphox for the Gogoat?
Quoted By:
Any trophie shiny interested in a Char Xstone?
Quoted By:
>>18901180 >Espurr What do you want for it?
Quoted By:
Can someone hook me up with a shiny Skiddo/Gogoat? Its my favorite pokemon. I have a shiny Delphox.
I have this kid, I'm looking for Scizor, Mawile or Pinsir holding their respectives digistones
Quoted By:
Also, Gengar is 5IV
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 19 Apr 2014 00:22:21 No. 18902950 Report >>18902665 the houndour has 'decent' IVs, but none are 0. I like it quite a bit, especially since I've been collecting Dark-type shinies. If you have an offer though, go ahead!
>>18902950 I got a Tyrantrum with a cool 3 IVs, Dragon Dance, and the Elemental Fang moves. I was hanging onto it to breed, but I'll just pop one of the babies into the daycare instead.
We got a deal?
Quoted By:
>>18902916 I've got a shiny pinsir, but not the stone. Willing to trade?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 19 Apr 2014 00:28:09 No. 18903045 Report >>18903013 I actually already have a 3v Tyrantrum. Got anything else really?
>>18903045 Only other KB I got is a Glaceon, but it's nothing but trophy crap I got from PSS Trading.
>>18903013 Ill give you a 1iv shiny Delphox for that Tyrantrum
That sound good?
Quoted By:
Kalos born and 5 IV? adamant or jolly nature? it knows close combat?
Quoted By:
>>18903078 I know but it dosnt hurt to try.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 19 Apr 2014 00:31:21 No. 18903100 Report >>18903066 have a glaceon too :( sorry man
>>18903100 Sucks, but I'll keep on looking for a nice Houndoom I can use. Maybe I'll breed one up after I get a good Tyrunt.
>>18903067 Afraid not, I'm not a big fan of using Delphox in battle, and I'd rather just grab a Fennekin instead to get the Dex Models.
I have Charizard [KS] Mawhile Wingull [KS] Metagross Skunktank Litwick Victrebell[KS] Duskclops Absol [KS] Buizel Want, Hawlucha, Togepi family, Crobat.
Quoted By:
>>18903137 Ok fair enough.
Trading a charizard megastone x / ability capsule for random/ trophy shinys
>>18903173 I'll give you an ability capsule for that ability capsule. :^)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 19 Apr 2014 00:37:30 No. 18903206 Report Quoted By:
>>18903173 Would you like a Butterfree? kalos born.
Quoted By:
Anyone still around?
Ya waiting for shiny pinsir owner to respond
Stern 1888-9ASS-HOLE
>>18903222 Here ya go. :^)
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
>>18903145 crobat for your absol?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 19 Apr 2014 00:48:31 No. 18903368 Report >>18903145 I also have a crobat, and am interested in your absol. Mine is Impish, 31 attack. Not sure about the other guy's
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
Quoted By:
>>18903310 You the guy with the Gengar?
Quoted By:
Anyone got any fighting type KB here? There my favorite type.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
Quoted By:
>>18903490 Sorry, I was in battle and you weren't replying to my post so I didn't notice.
Quoted By:
>>18903490 You need to reply to him then he will see it.
I added you your shiny pinsir is kalos born? is it 5 IV? it knows close combat, quick attack, return?
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
Quoted By:
>>18903527 Yeah, it has Close Combat and Quick Attack. You could always teach it Return on your own. Trading now.
Quoted By:
love u <3 take good care of spoopy
>>18903339 >>18903368 Which ever one has infiltrator I'll gladly take.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
Quoted By:
>>18903527 Thanks for the trade.
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Quoted By:
>>18903722 give me a few to check mine.
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Quoted By:
>>18903722 Nah. Mine is inner focus.
I have 4 Kalos Born Shinys Shiny Delphox Shiny Dragonite Shiny Mareep Shiny Sylveon Offers please (Really want 6 gen)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 19 Apr 2014 01:31:05 No. 18903978 Report Quoted By:
>>18903722 mine doesn't have HA either.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>18899735 You willing to take my offer?
>>18901954 (IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 19 Apr 2014 01:32:31 No. 18904003 Report So no one has a shiny pikachu? I will trade a shiny braixen for it
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 19 Apr 2014 01:35:51 No. 18904034 Report >>18903950 What's the nature of your mareep, and IVs? If it's from a horde, would you be interested in ashiny Florges?
6iv Espurr 5iv Tyranitar 3iv Skiddo 2iv Chespin Kalos Born of course. Looking for competitive shinies that are KB, preferably Greninja, Charizard, or Blaziken, for the more viable ones I have, but I'm open to offers.
>>18904003 I dont have a shiny Pikachu but I really want that Braixen.
Will you take anything else for it?
>>18904046 Info on Tyranitar?
>>18903989 Are you open to other offers on that Helioptile?
Quoted By:
>>18904034 It only has 1 iv (attack)
My friend found it not me but im pretty sure it was in a horde. Its nature is Adamant. Its level 13 male.
Do you want it?
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>18904067 Sure, but I'm looking for competitive mons.
>>18904097 To be clear, what competitive mons do you already have?
>>18904067 Docile nature, carrying some Crunch, Earthquake, Thrash, and Giga Impact, so it can be retooled, the last owner must not have known what they had.
>>18904046 I have a shiny Delphox but it only has 1iv,
really want that skiddo though.
You intrested
Quoted By:
>>18904119 Not interested sorry. All are shiny. Looking for Kalos born/caught shinies I don't have.
IVs differ, but I can get you the information, just too lazy to get it for all of them right now.
I might have already posted this but whatever.
>>18904150 > Talk to me about that Gogoat.
I have these all Kalos Born
Shiny Delphox
Shiny Dragonite
Shiny Mareep
Shiny Sylveon
>>18904112 >Docile nature, Didn't have too much hough.
>>18904034 You around?
You want the Mareep
Quoted By:
>>18904181 don't forget all the shinified :^)
>>18904150 Hit me with the Tyrunt and Froakie info.
Are they nicknamable?
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>18904106 Larvesta, Maril, Eevee, Charmander, Honedge, Noivern, Meditite, Gengar Trevenant, and Greninja.
>>18904162 Gogoat has 2IVs. I'm not sure if you're still interested but Delphox sounds cool.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 19 Apr 2014 01:51:42 No. 18904225 Report >>18904184 Sorry man, that nature just kills it for me. If it was anything else, I'd say yes
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 19 Apr 2014 01:51:49 No. 18904227 Report >>18904060 What do you have?
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
>>18903950 stats on the sylveon?
I have a 2iv jolly klefki if you're interested.
>>18904212 Its a deal if you want?
My friend code is 2079 7943 6420 and my ingame name is curtis.
>>18904189 Froakie has 6IVs and Tyrunt has 5IVs. And no.
Quoted By:
>>18904235 Il get back to you in a minute ok?
Quoted By:
>>18904238 Adding you now.
>>18904247 Alright, then I'm not interested. Thanks for checking.
Quoted By:
>>18904259 Absolutely no problem.
>>18904235 the Sylveon is Calm
Its ability is cute charm its level 44
It has 2 ivs
Anything else other than the keys?
Quoted By:
Update Now only have Shiny Dragonite Shiny Mareep Shiny Sylveon All Kalos Born Offers please
Quoted By:
>>18904225 Anything else youd offer for the Mareep?
Not bothered about stats.
>>18904227 You still around?
I did not realize you had replied
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
>>18904347 I have many others, but few are gen 6.
here's my list.
>>18896296 French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Quoted By:
>>18904466 FYI, I meant that as gen 6 pokemon, not kalos born pokemon.
>>18904466 Ill take the Klefki if its still avialable
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 19 Apr 2014 02:20:24 No. 18904499 Report Anonymous
>>18904499 I have Shiny Dragonite
Shiny Mareep
Shiny Sylveon
All Kalos Born
You still have the Braxien
Nickolas [3153-5042-7399]
Only have 3 Chespin Phantump Drilbur All Kalos Born. Just ask if you want more info
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 19 Apr 2014 02:24:11 No. 18904539 Report >>18904517 I guess the dragonite if you donlt care for it, I have a shiny ampharos and sylveon.
>>18904539 Yeah ill give you the Dragonite
My friend code is 2079 7943 6420 and my ingame name is curtis.
The Moltres roaming in my Kalos is shiny. Are its nature and IV set too or will I be able to reset until I get something good?
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Quoted By:
>>18904559 Give me a minuite please just trading with someone,
Quoted By:
>>18904557 >The Moltres roaming in my Kalos is shiny. >lying on the Internet (IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 19 Apr 2014 02:29:23 No. 18904585 Report >>18904557 ok added, by the way this thing is male so I want to say that before anything
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 19 Apr 2014 02:29:40 No. 18904592 Report >>18904557 Can I get info on drilbur and phantump?
>>18904518 Dude that's wicked. Pretty sure it's set, though. Get on that and go capture it
>>18904557 Bullshit it is.
Post proof.
>>18904585 Whats your in game name?
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 19 Apr 2014 02:30:49 No. 18904603 Report Quoted By:
>>18904585 oops meant to reply to
>>18904552 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18904150 I'm interested in Dedenne and Helioptile, info on them?
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 19 Apr 2014 02:31:58 No. 18904608 Report Quoted By:
>>18904601 Cass I have x also so you might see Aveline as well
>>18904595 Wow, I'm probably the first person here to see a legit shiny moltres in Kalos. I've encountered it 3 times so far and every time the battle begins I get the sparkling screen and the moltres is bright pink. I'll make an encounter and take a picture with my phone.
trading shiny illumise, ponyta, and lillipup
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18904617 Please do, I was pretty sure they were shiny locked. But if it is shiny and you can catch it by tonight you'll get a fuckton of offers, regardless of its stats.
>>18904559 You still there sorry about that,
My friend code is 2079 7943 6420 and my ingame name is curtis.
>>18904624 Pinsir have 6 IVs?
>>18904617 Got YT? Record footage too. If you're not bullshitting any of us, which you probably are, then you just did us all some work in figuring out this game's mechanics. Shiny Lock might not actually apply to the Jewbirds or, in theory, Mewtwo.
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 19 Apr 2014 02:37:15 No. 18904642 Report >>18904601 Thanks for the dragonite. Still gonna look for that pikachu but I doubt anyone would trade for the dragonite.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18904639 Yes.
Everything on that list is.
Nickolas [3153-5042-7399]
>>18904592 Phantump is a safari. Naughty, frisk, 2iv (hp and defense)
Drilbur is jolly, sand rush, 4iv (hp, attack, sp defense, speed)
Quoted By:
>>18904642 No problem good look getting the Pikachu
>>18904651 Would you trade it for a 6 IV Trevenant?
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
>>18904690 I already have a 6iv shiny HA Trevenant.
Einzel [1736-0343-0412] IGN: Einzel
I just currently have the following... Shiny Gabite (Female, serious nature, cannot be renamed (named Tiamat).) I don't remember her IVs, but she was acquired from the Safari Zone... She has her HA Rough Skin. Kalos-born I'd be happy to offer her for any shiny so long as it's of similar rarity. Nature, IVs, and rename-ability is not important. The only important thing is that s/he is Kalos-born as well.
>>18904706 Greninja or Klefki? Both 6 IV
>>18904640 I promise you, I'm not lying about the shiny encounter moltres. Not tonight because I'm at work atm and have no recording equipment other than my cell phone. I will get at least a video of 2 Kalos roaming encounters and 2 resets once I get it in the cave.
Quoted By:
>>18904730 Just track it down and take a photo of it
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18904713 No again I have those.
Look at the bottom I separated my shinies between regions.
>>18904730 Cell Phone record it nigguh.
You don't see anyone calling fraud on Thousand Arrows and Yellowstone now, do ya?
>>18904652 If he dose not want it ill take that drilbur
I only have a Mareep though not sure if your interested.
>>18904751 jesus christ that's a metric fuckton of 6 IV shinies
what are you even here for? what don't you have?
Quoted By:
>>18904772 Showing off obviously, check the trip.
Quoted By:
>trading shiny illumise, ponyta, and lillipup
>>18904709 You around?
Would you take a shiny Mareep?
Nickolas [3153-5042-7399]
>>18904767 Sorry, never really been a fan of the mareep evolutions
>>18904841 Ok
Only other thing I can other is two know kalos born
Quoted By:
>>18904863 None sorry not know
>>18904759 got the video of a shiny roaming Moltrea encounter. Uploading now.
Einzel [1736-0343-0412] IGN: Einzel
>>18904832 I'm not a terribly big fan of the Mareep evos, but the shiny form is rather interesting.
Curse my indecisiveness...
Zach 2878 - 9744 - 9688
ok bros I'm a fucking noob that doesn't know shit about shit and I just got a shiny klefki in wondertrade and I know you guys are crazy about that shit so you can take it if you want it, it's kalos born it's level 35 so I have no idea about IVs but it's lonely nature if that means anything to anyone just give me a koffing or something cool, I don't care
Quoted By:
>>18905167 You want a Glaceon? Castform?
Chunt 3024-6150-8181
Quoted By:
>>18905167 nigga ill take it for the shits and gigs
>>18905685 Are you colorblind? That's a regular Moltres.
Still, I gotta commend you, you weren't exactly lying, you might've believed it was Shiny. You could've been one of those people out there who lie and post le ebin valve maymay video in the climax of their lie. I respect you for taking the time to tape this, even if it was incorrect.
>>18905740 it is shiny, just shit quality. Bird is bright pink.
Quoted By:
>>18905763 also the the sparkle confirms its shiny. You would know if you ever encountered a legit shiny in Kalos.
Quoted By:
>>18905763 You can clearly see it's yellow at second 22.
Quoted By:
>>18905685 I watched this video like twenty times. It's not shiny; at the beginning of the encounter (~0:10) there should've been a darkening of the screen and a ring of sparkles with a corresponding sound effect. This did not occur.
I... was rused
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 19 Apr 2014 04:35:54 No. 18905906 Report Quoted By:
I've got:
3v Magnezone. (Impish/Sturdy)
2v Sigilyph (Modest/Wonder Skin)
2v Shelgon (Brave/Rock Head) *Nicknameable
0v Houndour (Hardy/Flash Fire)
1v Butterfree (Sassy/Compoundeyes)
1v Crobat (Impish/Inner Focus)
All are Kalos Born.
Looking for neat offers, kalos born only though.
>>18904623 I'm interested in your Ponyta. What is the nature/IVs, and is it kalos born?
Zach 2878 - 9744 - 9688
>>18905167 again if anyone has just a normal-ass chansey or koffing hit me up
I am a simple man
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 19 Apr 2014 04:39:17 No. 18905946 Report >>18905927 I'll get you a chansey. 5 minutes
Quoted By:
>>18905946 I have a chansey if you need one
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 19 Apr 2014 04:42:20 No. 18905993 Report Quoted By:
>>18905927 I will give you a shiny fennekin for it
Proof that Moltres is shiny while it is roaming.
Quoted By:
>>18906019 Sparkles or go home
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 19 Apr 2014 04:46:37 No. 18906033 Report >>18905927 Got the Chansey, in a heal ball. Do we have a deal?
Zach 2878 - 9744 - 9688
Quoted By:
>>18906033 sure, added you
Quoted By:
>>18906019 >proof i love how these things are always blurry
Zach 2878 - 9744 - 9688
>>18906033 very cool, thanks
enjoy your thing
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 19 Apr 2014 04:51:47 No. 18906091 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>18906019 It's still fucking yellow.
Quoted By:
Im back, Shiny Mareep is still for trade. Kalos Born (will only trade for other KB)
Quoted By:
>>18905139 You still around?
Quoted By:
>>18904150 Shiny Gardevoir for the Froakie? Caught in Kalos.
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
Quoted By:
>>18919999 what board can claim this
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
Quoted By:
>>18899735 You still here?
Jesus 2122-6707-8067
Postin' stuff! Friend Safari Trophymon: Ditto, Pikachu, Sawk, Aipom, Butterfree, Camerupt, Magmar, Inkay, Teddiursa, Frogadier, Magcargo. Found in horde/fishing (bad IVs) Durant, Goldeen Non-Kalos Born: Chimchar, Bashful, 6IV, no egg-moves Krookodile, Haxorus (bad IVs) Genned-Shinies from giveaways on /vp/. Will trade shinies with crap IVs for these since I got them for free: Charizard, Jolly, Fire/Thunder punch, DD, Outrage Mawile, Adamant, Pain Split, Thunderpunch, Knock Off, Focus Punch LF: Shiny steel Pokemon, Trapinch evo-line, offers.
Nate Ign: Xavier 0791-1873-8532 (Dunsparce Kelcleon Smeargle)
Nate Ign: Xavier 0791-1873-8532 (Dunsparce Kelcleon Smeargle) Sun 20 Apr 2014 01:09:56 No. 18915029 Report I have a 5iv immunity Gligar but it has a timid nature and is non KB. Anyone want to trade for it ill take some trophy shones
Jesus 2122-6707-8067
>>18915029 Where does it have its IVs in?
>>18915232 its actually penta perfect but the goddamn timid nature ya know?
Jesus 2122-6707-8067
>>18915258 I'll take it. :P
Just pick a Pokemon you want from here:
>>18914957 Nate Ign: Xavier 0791-1873-8532 (Dunsparce Kelcleon Smeargle)
Nate Ign: Xavier 0791-1873-8532 (Dunsparce Kelcleon Smeargle) Sun 20 Apr 2014 01:37:56 No. 18915332 Report >>18915275 is that Mawlie apart of that too?
if so ill definitely take that
Jesus 2122-6707-8067
>>18915332 It is. I have you added, so just hop online. :)
Nate Ign: Xavier 0791-1873-8532 (Dunsparce Kelcleon Smeargle)
Nate Ign: Xavier 0791-1873-8532 (Dunsparce Kelcleon Smeargle) Sun 20 Apr 2014 01:42:25 No. 18915394 Report >>18915370 your friend code is invalid it says
Jesus 2122-6706-8067
Quoted By:
>>18915394 Whoops! Fixed it.
Quoted By:
I have a shiny Haxorous I want a shiny Nidoking. Anyone got one?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sun 20 Apr 2014 05:50:47 No. 18917605 Report I've got a shiny Butterfree and Florges, I'm looking to get Houndoomite and Heracrossite. If you have either and would like these shinies, let me know. I'll get back to you, though maybe not right away.
Ryan 2294-4723-9526
Have:>Umbreon Male, Bold, Synchronize, 4 perfect IVs in Attack, Defense, Special Defense, and Speed.>Manectric Male, Timid, Lightening Rod, 3 perfect IVs in Attack, Special Attack, and Speed.>Metagross Sassy, Clear Body, 2 perfect IVs in HP and Special Defense.>Togekiss Male, Bold, Serene Grace, 4 perfect IVs in HP, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense.>Greninja Male, Timid, Protean, 6 perfect IVs >Honedge Female, Brave, No Guard, no perfect IVs. Want: Offers!
Quoted By:
>>18893938 >>18894007 >mfw you're both retarded Take a good look at the OP:
Tips: KB, means Kalos-Born
>What does Kalos-Born mean? Google is your friend, we are not.
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
>>18918799 6IV Wish Eevee for the frog?
>>18917605 If you're still here, i'm interested.
bump up the jam bump it up till /vp/ is thumpin
>>18896296 Stats on Klefki plx
>>18899735 -1 Hp Ice Mareep from that list
Now have a pentaperfect Hp Fire protean froakie
and a Espurr.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>18924676 Are you willing to do
>>18901954 Anonymous
>>18920595 More info on the Eevee?
>>18924712 I'm still interested in your Helioptile if you get a chance.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>18924951 If you're the anon from before then these are the competitive mons I already have
>>18904207 What do you have?
>>18924712 I already have both, so no thank you..
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>18925016 How about a Maril or Timid Charmander?
>>18925016 I could hook you up with a 6 IV Klefki or a 5 IV Talonflame.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sun 20 Apr 2014 23:44:44 No. 18925407 Report >>18921048 >>18921056 If either of you see this, let me know which ones you'd want, and which mega stone you can give.
Also, I'm looking for an ability capsule. I can trade a shiny klefki for it
>>18892907 >Shiny Dragonite with IV's in HP and Sp. Atk, everything else is overall good >Shiny Leafeon with IV's in Def, Sp.Def and Speed >Shiny Luxray with IV's in Sp.Atk and Speed, Everything else is good. >Shiny Metagross with Atk and Sp.Def IV's >Shiny Haxorus with Atk, Sp.Atk and HP >Shiny Absol with IV's in Atk and HP Trading for other shinies.
>>18925065 >>18925050 I'll have to pass on both those offers sorry
>>18925457 I was actually offering the Klefki and Talonflame to Ken, I replied to the wrong person, oopsie poopsies.
So yeah
>>18924990 if you're interested I'd trade either of those for Helioptile.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>18925478 Oh sure, I'll take the Klefki.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sun 20 Apr 2014 23:54:10 No. 18925497 Report Quoted By:
>>18925433 What is the nature of Absol, and is it from the Safari?
>>18925496 Alright, sweet. My IGN is Alex, we should still be friends from the Hawlucha trade last week. I'll pop online.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>18925630 Okay, I'm online.
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
>>18925407 I have both. what flower color is your florges?
>>18924651 sorry man. traded it to someone itt.
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Quoted By:
>>18896296 also, updating list.
traded - Torchic, Klefki, Dunsparce
added - munna, espurr, sylveon
caught this baby in a horde yesterday too while i was ev training!
Shiny 6IV tepig for trade. Offers?
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18925849 Info on it? Egg moves, nature?
Quoted By:
>>18925889 Adamant
Superpower & Wild Charge
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Mon 21 Apr 2014 00:50:12 No. 18926007 Report >>18925725 It's a yellow flower. Houndoomite would be good if that's alright with you
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Quoted By:
>>18926007 sure! adding you now.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
Quoted By:
>>18925870 Thanks for the trade.
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Quoted By:
Alex that Eevee is HA with egg moves and 31/31/31/15/31/31 iv spread! Thanks to you I now have three shiny Florges lol
POTATO: 1907-8896-1536
Anyone wanna trade some shiny Bug types for my shiny SUM2013 event Giratina? Specifically looking for Wurmple, male Burmy, Caterpie, or Spinarak. Or Genesect if you have a non-haxd one. Ty for your time.
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
Quoted By:
>>18926311 Would you like a shiny Scizor?
also any other legends besides giratina?
Quoted By:
Anyone interested in Masterball shinies? I have Victreebell, Magnezone, and an Elgyem nicknamed Flasher.
Quoted By:
>>18925433 Would you trade your Absol for a 2 IV Aegislash?
Ryan [Dark Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
I have a shiny Butterfree, Crobat, Klefki, and Tyranitar, all Kalos Born. I'm looking for neat offers. In particular, a decent shiny Floette from friend safari. I'm also looking to get an Ability Capsule; I'll trade the Butterfree or Klefki for one. I'll only be here for a short while, so if there's any interest, let me know
Ryan [Dark Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Quoted By:
>>18930405 I'll bump this when I come back later. Gone for now
I just found my first wild shiny: A Roselia with perfect speed.I-is it rare? Can I retire now?
Sam 4613-7486-9212
I have (and note the IVs are all where theyre meant to be)>Shiny Greninja, timid, 6IV, Protean, Egg moves >Shiny Aegislash, Adamant, 5/6IV >Shiny Talonflame, Adamant, 5IV >Shiny Chesnaught, Impish, 5IV, Egg moves >Shiny Mawile, Adamant, 5IV >Shiny Whimsicott, Bold, 5IV, Egg moves I'd like these in their most optimal form (right ability, right egg moves, right IVs), I don't care if they're shiny or not: Carbink Clefki Bisharp Sableye Hyper Voice Gardevoir (Timid, Shiny, nicknamed Freya with Trace.) Metagross Tyranitar I mainly just want them for their IVs and Egg moves. Preference for 6IV Carbink and Clefki.
Quoted By:
>>18932626 >muh powersaves Sam 4613-7486-9212
Quoted By:
>>18930697 The speed is the most important thing, because it's a setup/status pokemon.
It's pretty fragile anyway so it doesn't matter that much. But because it can be genned it's not really that rare.
>>18932626 I can pass over a few of the pokemon you are looking for. Sadly they are not Kalos born, but would you still be willing to do some form of business?
Sam 4613-7486-9212
>>18932689 I'll be using them for breeding these are just clones so I don't really mind. Gardevoir is a given, since hyper voice is gen VI only.
I'm just too lazy to breed the carbink and clefki myself right now.
>>18932717 I don't have gardevoir, but I do have bisharp, sableye, metagross and tyranitar. What egg moves in specific are you looking for? Woul you like me to post ivs and moves? I'm really only interested in your Kalos mons, since I'm making a shiny living dex.
Sam 4613-7486-9212
>>18932740 Bisharp needs Sucker Punch and/or pursuit
Tyranitar needs Pursuit and Stealth rock
Sableye needs Recover
Metagross just needs the full IV set
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>18932626 I have a Calm Klefki, Adamant Metagross (Kalos born) and can breed you a Sableye with recover.
>>18932789 Bisharp has sucker punch, tyranitar has pursuit but not stealth rock, sableye has recover and I have a metagross with 6ivs. Will they do?
Sam 4613-7486-9212
>>18932819 IVs on clefki are important, are they good?
And sorry
>>18932829 has the jump on the non-kalos pokemon lmao.
For tyranitar, I need that stealth rock pretty bad. HMMM.
Well Ill take it anyway and if someone else offers a SR one later Ill trade for that again.
I'll add both of you now, Ken I'll deal with you second. Give me some time and stick around.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>18932789 Oh, I have some 5 IV Larvitar with Stealth rocks, Outrage, Dragon Dance and Pursuit, but it's an impish nature.
Sediment 3969 4411 1536
>>18932874 Well
>>18932875 has one for you. I'm really only looking at the talonflame and chesnaught. I'll add you now.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>18932874 It has everything except special attack.
>>18932888 Crud, I wanted the Chesnauht.
Sam 4613-7486-9212
>>18932875 okie dokie c:
so no klefki then?
what kalos pokemon do you want?
forgot to mention all of them are nicknamed
Greninja: Ryu
Talonflame: Apollo
Chesnaught: Chevalier
Aegislash: Sekki
AND I forgot I have male Meowstic, Prankster 5IV (1Ivs in ATK <3 so its absolutely perfect), bold.
Sam 4613-7486-9212
Quoted By:
>>18932902 I can clone the chesnaught again so dont worry lmao. But it will take me some time since Ive gotta put things into pokebank etc
Sediment 3969 4411 1536
>>18932915 I don't mind nicknames.
My IGN is Hanna. You're going to take the larvitar off of
>>18932875 , I assume?
Sam 4613-7486-9212
>>18932941 yep, so you want chesnaught, talon flame and?
Sediment 3969 4411 1536
>>18932967 Just those two. I already have a frog.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>18932915 Is missing special attack a problem for Klefki? and just relaized my female Larvitar with stealth rocks is 4 IV,but I have a 5 IV male you can use for breeding if you need, or I can try and breed you a 5 IV one now.
I still have a 6 IV Metagross, which I'll trade for Chestnaut (though I don't care for nicknames much). If you'll accept the larvitar as they are then I'll gladly take the male meowstic.
Sam 4613-7486-9212
>>18932978 sorry chesnaught is in my battlebox, no aegislash needed?
Sediment 3969 4411 1536
Quoted By:
>>18932995 Nah, all good over here. As I said, collecting a living dex, and I already have a honedge.
Sediment 3969 4411 1536
Quoted By:
>>18932995 I thought you wanted sableye too?
Sam 4613-7486-9212
>>18932980 I dont mind as long as it has 5ivs <3
would you like another shiny for the tyranitar, I just care about the 2 egg moves on that one.
Im ready to trade now btw.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
Quoted By:
>>18933072 I'd like the Chestnaught, Mawile, and Male Meowstic.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
Quoted By:
>>18933072 Thanks for the trades.
Louise | 4596-9446-3097
Quoted By:
I put up a shiny KB Charmander on the GTS for a Venusaur level 91 and above, if anyone wants to grab it!
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
Quoted By:
>>18933072 Sorry to ask after we've traded, but would it be possible to have these without nicknames?
Sediment 3969 4411 1536
Quoted By:
>>18933072 Anyway, thanks for the trades. Now I'm two steps closer to completing my living dex.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Mon 21 Apr 2014 18:53:20 No. 18933957 Report I've got a shiny Klefki, Crobat, Tyranitar, and Butterfree, all Kalos Born. I'm looking for a friend safari Floette, or decent pokemon from that line. Also looking for Y exclusive megastones and an ability capsule. Interesting offers are also welcomed. Let me know!
probably new thread time?
>>18933957 I have Mewtwonite Y which I could trade you.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Mon 21 Apr 2014 22:27:41 No. 18936144 Report >>18936125 I can give you the shiny Butterfree if you'd like. It's sassy natured, with 31v in sp.att
>>18936144 No thanks I already got that.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Mon 21 Apr 2014 22:30:51 No. 18936177 Report Quoted By:
>>18936153 no prob. Mewtwonite is one of the last ones i want. Can't offer more than that
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
hey Ryan are you trading that Butterfree only for Y exclusive stones?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Mon 21 Apr 2014 23:24:42 No. 18936920 Report >>18936872 Not necessarily, I'll entertain all sorts of offers. I'm also looking to get an ability capsule. Other shinies are cool, too
Quoted By:
>>18934400 Nice dub duo
but no
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
>>18936920 I have Mewtwoinite Y, Charizardite Y, Heracronite, and Butterfree if you're interested.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Tue 22 Apr 2014 00:05:16 No. 18937444 Report >>18937422 I'll take the Heracronite for the Butterfree if that's good with you
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Quoted By:
>>18937444 >Butterfree lol meant to say Golem.
But yeah I can do that! Sdtill have you added. i'll be online in a bit.
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Sorry. Forgot to attach the stone to a poke.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Tue 22 Apr 2014 00:12:07 No. 18937508 Report >>18937485 no worries! Thanks French
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Quoted By:
>>18937508 No problem, Ryan. Thanks for the Butterfree!
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Tue 22 Apr 2014 00:27:54 No. 18937674 Report Quoted By:
Trading a shiny Klefki for an Ability Capsule. Someone's gotta have an extra !