Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread! Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover pokémon here! Help other anons out and collect the pokémon you need.>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon. Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball pokémon, whatever! We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins!>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff.Will you play the new Smash Bros game? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive. Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN). It makes everything so much easier. We want the Pokémon to go to you, not anyone else! Please ignore shitposters no matter how wrong they are.
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Previous Thread:
>>18891290 Anonymous
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Fri 18 Apr 2014 07:00:13 No. 18894371 Report Quoted By:
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looking for heavy ball snorlax :^)
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>>18894370 you can request whatever you want, doesn't mean you'll get it
>>18894370 Maybe. What do you need?
>>18894360 Carvanha 2 (2f) Adamant HA 2 egg moves pokeball
Houndour 2 (2f) Modest Flashfire thunderfang pokeball
Venipede 6 (3f/3m) Adamant/various HA females and male rest swarm 4 egg moves repeat ball
Pichu 6 (2f/4m) various HA 4 egg moves fast ball
Joltik various leftovers from getting it in quick ball.
Tentacool 2(2m) Bold HA 4 egg moves Heavy ball
Eevees 4 females (Calm/Gentle/Brave/ Jolly natures) non-HA
Eevees Males box and a half (Careful/Jolly/Calm/Adamandt/Bold/modest) Modest and Careful 4 egg moves.
Slowpoke 1 (1m) HA 2 egg moves Dream ball
Vivllion 3 elegant 1 polar
Mawile 3 (3f) Adamant all penta perfect , one with hypercutter, all Have Sucker Punch. Pokeball
Scyther 3 (1f/2m) Adamant males have swarm female tech. 3 egg moves sport ball
Larvitar 12 Adamant guts 4 egg moves pokeball
Bulbasaur 8 (7m/1f)Modest HA no egg moves I forgot so I have to rebred anyway a male Hexa and 5 iv female up for grabs. Also Friend ball.
Chespin half a box 4 egg moves HA
illegal friend ball
no Katherine no females with HA haven't bred these guys in a while you can borrow the mother if you really want Anonymous
trying to get a Rough Skin Gible/Gabite/Garchomp IGN Jair
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Fri 18 Apr 2014 07:05:29 No. 18894396 Report hello again, ill just leave this here, pls take them 3 ralts (all male) – 4 iv adamant (2 trace/1 synchronize) em: mean look/shadow sneak/destiny bond/confuse ray 2 torchic (all male) – 4 iv adamant speed boost 1 mudkip (all male)– 4 iv adamant torrent 1 misdreavus (male) - 5 iv timid levitate em: shadow sneak/nasty plot/ominous wind/destiny bond (needs to relearn egg moves) 5 eevee (4m/1f) - 3-4 ivs timid anticipation em: wish (2 have to relearn wish) 3 petilil - 4-5 iv modest own tempo 6 mienfoo (2m/4f) - 5 iv adamant regenerator em: knock off (1 male has to relearn em) 5 bulbasaur (all male) - 5 iv calm chlorophyll em: giga drain 3 poliwag (2m/1f) - 5 iv modest swift swim 4 sableye (2m/2f) - 5 iv calm prankster em recover 4 magikarp (2m/2f) - 4-5 iv adamant 1 swift swim/3 rattled 9 klefki (4m/5f) - 4-5 iv bold prankster em: iron defense 10 mareep (7m/3f) - 4-5 iv modest static em: agility.charge/after you/body slam (2 females have to relearn em) 7 duskull (3m/4f) - 3-5 iv impish levitate em: skill swap/pain split pls be as specific as possible with what you want or ill send whichever i have more of. ill be around for about an hour
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>>18894380 choice stuff, leftovers, life orb
>I'm still looking for a timid infiltrator noibat with tailwind/Switcheroo All my female breeding leftovers All have 2-5IVs NA = Normal ability Bold Dive ball Frillishx8 with AcidArmor/Recover/ConfuseRay/PainSplit Hasty Pokeball HA Treeckox5 with Crunch/Synthesis/LeechSeed/WorrySeed Impish Dream Ball Prankster Cottonee with Memento/WorrySeed/Switcheroo/Encore Timid Moonball Misdreavusx1 with DestinyBond/NastyPlot/OminousWind/Memento Bold Dusk Ball Yamaskx3 with Disable/Nightmare/NastyPlot/Memento Bold Nest Ball Chikoritax3 with LeafStorm/Refresh/LeechSeed/Counter Jolly Dive ball HAx3 NAx1 Kabuto with Flail/KnockOff/RapidSpin Adamant Dive ball HAx3 NAx2 Tirtouga with KnockOff Timid Friend Ball Roseliax12 with LeafStorm/SleepPowder/Spikes/NaturalGift Adamant Lure Ball Guts Heracrossx2 with rock blast
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2 Luxury Ball Pancham 4 Dream Ball Meditite 6 Great Ball Croagunk 5 illegal Moon Ball Noibat Disc up and reply if you want something.
>>18894388 Throw up a disc think I got one checking boxes.
>>18894401 I'll disc up for a treecko I did a modest version recently.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Fri 18 Apr 2014 07:10:53 No. 18894422 Report >>18894401 As soon as I finish this batch of breeding, I shall go obtain Luvdiscs for Frillish, Cottonee, Yamask, and Kabuto.
If I may.
>>18894419 Sent
>>18894422 Put them up whenever, I'll be constantly refreshing the gts for luvdics
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>>18894388 >>18894432 You have it up for Garchomp, change to Gible.
Just depositied a disc for a leavanny, no preference in level or gender, I just like the pokemon. IGN is Joyeuse.
>>18894360 I work at Subway...
IGN Daniel: 4313-0453-9990 [Ice]
>>18894396 If you have any pentaperfect klefki, then I would love one, Discing up. Also, could you nickname it Boo boo keys please. Thanks
Kuroneko FC:2578-3139-3782
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Anyone have a spare female moonball Clefairy?
If anybody has a female electrike with lightningrod in either a quick ball or a premier ball, I would greatly appreciate it.
Gladstone 2766-9139-3386
>>18894487 I have some five IV timid ones if you'd like but they're in ultra balls
If anyone has a spare scyther with defog could you send it my way? If you have a Mon with defog that can pass it on to scythe lemme know and il change the request.
>>18894493 Ultra ball isn't bad. Disc going up.
Gladstone 2766-9139-3386
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Fri 18 Apr 2014 07:27:04 No. 18894515 Report >>18894471 if pentaperfect is -att, i might have one. if i dont have a penta do you still want it?
>>18894495 Do you want female or male? they are in sport ball.
IGN Daniel: 4313-0453-9990 [Ice]
>>18894515 yeah absolutely
1 Charmander Premier ball
1 Lileep Dream Ball HA
5 Pinsir Sport Ball
6 Vullaby Luxury Ball
3 Fletchling
illegal Level Ball HA
4 Espurr Dive Ball HA
1 6iv Ditto
1 shone Sylveon Pokeball
1 shone Sylveon Dive Ball HA
1 shone Porygon2 Dive Ball Trace
Anybody got a good duskull I can use to breed? >>18894469 Been thinking of applying to a subway near to where I live. Is it hard working there? How much does it suck?
my disc got sniped, putting another one up for rough skin jolly gible
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>>18894501 Already did, thanks.
>>18894491 IGN? I have one with good I've and egg moves
Ignatz 0705-2888-8884
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Looking 4 Chansey w/seismic toss, don't care bout IVs or ball, disc on GTS
>>18894396 What ball is Mareep in?
>>18894517 Female, and sports ball is fine. Thanks again, really didn't want to buy pokebank just for this.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Fri 18 Apr 2014 07:31:35 No. 18894536 Report Quoted By:
>>18894518 youre in luck, i do have a penta perfect, sending now
>>18894523 I would like the porygon discing up.
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
>>18894401 Can I get a cottonee and a Dive Ball Frillish? Disc is up for the cottonee, I'll put one for the frillish 3min. After I get the cottonee. Thank you :)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Fri 18 Apr 2014 07:34:27 No. 18894550 Report >>18894518 its not letting me name him boo boo keys, what do?
>>18894532 moon ball
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>>18894535 sent, no problem man enjoy
Kuroneko FC:2578-3139-3782
>>18894523 Ill take a female pinsir if you've got one
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Fri 18 Apr 2014 07:36:27 No. 18894559 Report >>18894401 Could I have a Chikorita? Disc is up.
>>18894465 np :)
>>18894545 Sure, sent cottonee
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Fri 18 Apr 2014 07:38:14 No. 18894572 Report >>18894433 Of course that would be the batch where I get a 6IV Charmander...
Disc up for Frillish :3
>Nobody wants a shiny Sylveon wat
>>18894557 Everything on there is female.
>>18894540 Sent.
Gladstone 2766-9139-3386
>>18894396 could i get a swift swim magikarp?
Ignatz 0705-2888-8884
>>18894576 Is it legit? I'll definitely take it if it is
Kuroneko FC:2578-3139-3782
>>18894576 Heck ill take the shiney sylveon too the HA one
IGN Daniel: 4313-0453-9990 [Ice]
>>18894550 Don't worry about the nickname, thanks for trying though
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>>18894576 Thanks Mal
Someone I think pan did a giveaway of hyper voice shiny Sylveon a couple of weeks ago in dive ball. Just a lack of demand for the most part I guess.
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
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>>18894560 Disc us up for frillish, thank you so much :)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Fri 18 Apr 2014 07:42:21 No. 18894594 Report >>18894583 Up for Kabuto.
>>18894523 What's the nature on that Ditto?
Also, Subway is a good job. It was my first, and I'm sad I had to leave it. Good food, low prices, easy work, music on the job...it was nice. As were my coworkers.
Just make sure you bring some energy to the place - ever since I moved every Subway has been full of dreary people. I hate this city.
does anybody want a sun pattern vivillon? timid 5iv missing attack premier ball x14
>>18894550 Okay. Can you give me the female that still has its egg moves? Discing up.
>>18894401 I'd like Treecko, non-HA Tirtouga and HA Kabuto
>>18894595 Disc going up, ign ivory thanks in advice
>>18894523 Its nice but really depends on your area and if youre willing to make food nonstop for 3 hours straight and with some anal people
>>18894595 Disc up for one
Kuroneko FC:2578-3139-3782
>>18894595 Ill take one too
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Fri 18 Apr 2014 07:45:37 No. 18894615 Report >>18894589 >>18894596 sent
>>18894577 if you put up a disc i will
>>18894595 I do, don't think I have one.
>>18894594 Sent the rest
>>18894596 Sure, disc away
Gladstone 2766-9139-3386
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>>18894615 one sec didn't even have magikarp in my dex lol
>>18894594 It's Modest
>>18894588 Sent.
>>18894609 I've no problem with shitty customers. Been a sales associate at a few places so I understand how to deal with assholes.
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>>18894602 Got sniped, discing again
IGN: Jolyne FC: 2165-5651-9364 - Pyroar, Pansear, Braixen.
IGN: Jolyne FC: 2165-5651-9364 - Pyroar, Pansear, Braixen. Fri 18 Apr 2014 07:46:52 No. 18894624 Report >>18894387 can i have one of those chespins? female preferably, male if you don't have any please. putting a disc up for it now. also looking for a HA female fennekin.
also, looking for
Kuroneko FC:2578-3139-3782
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>>18894523 Awesome and it knows hypervoice, epic. Thanks alot
IGN: Jolyne FC: 2165-5651-9364 - Pyroar, Pansear, Braixen.
IGN: Jolyne FC: 2165-5651-9364 - Pyroar, Pansear, Braixen. Fri 18 Apr 2014 07:47:57 No. 18894631 Report Quoted By:
>>18894624 woah, what did i do in the last part of that post? really mistyped.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Fri 18 Apr 2014 07:48:24 No. 18894632 Report >>18894618 Thanks a bunch!
>>18894622 Modest? I'll disc for that.
Nouh 3265-5585-1438
>>18894401 Can I have a frillish? Dissing it up
>>18894396 What ball is the Petilil & Duskulls in?
Gladstone 2766-9139-3386
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
>>18894523 I got some Relaxed Duskull with 0 Speed in a Premier Ball. Destiny Bond, Haze, and Pain Split for egg moves.
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would like to have a numel. need it for the dex. disc already up
>>18894644 Discing up for Kabuto now.
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>>18894401 Mistake, I have no HA kabuto
>>18894648 Sorry I've made a mistake, I actually don't have any with HA
Nouh 3265-5585-1438
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>>18894633 *discing ugh... Lemme just finish up ev training for a sec though
>>18894632 Enjoy your easy breeding. I genned it for someone last thread, but they got sniped by a different 6iv ditto. Kinda odd.
>>18894642 That's perfect. Disc is up.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Fri 18 Apr 2014 07:55:32 No. 18894658 Report >>18894637 ultra ball for petilil and pokeball for duskull
>>18894523 i have duskull with pain split and skill swap if youre interested
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Fri 18 Apr 2014 07:55:39 No. 18894660 Report >>18894567 Thanks mate!
Giving away pokemon to good homes! All (except one Slowpoke) have 5 IVs.
4 Female Adamant HA Bagon with Dragon Dance and Dragon Rush in Great Balls
2 Female Calm HA Espurr
3 Male Brave Mawile with Fire Fang in Premier Balls
1 Male 1 Female Quiet Magic Guard Solosis in Luxury Balls
1 Male 1 Female Impish HA Cubone with Iron Head in Luxury Balls
2 Male 1 Female Sassy Oblivious Slowpoke with Zen Headbutt, Future Sight, Belly Drum and Block in Dream Balls
What do I do with my life when the Trick Room team stops needing adjustments and additions? Anonymous
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>>18894455 Bumpan once, then headed to bed.
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>>18894401 Definitely interested in the Treecko, Chikorita and NA Tirtouga.. gonna see if I get the Vivillon else I'll change up the Love fish.
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
>>18894656 One sec, I thought I had some spare females on me. I'll breed one and send it in a couple minutes.
>>18894658 Ah okay, thanks though. I'm more interested in the Balls. <3
>>18894648 Sent, but read my last reply made a mistake :(
>>18894674 Sure, take your time
>>18894658 No thanks, Zach has me covered.
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Thanks vivillon anon.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Fri 18 Apr 2014 08:01:12 No. 18894692 Report >>18894675 yea im not much of a balltism person, if i get a mon with a specific ball then i work with it, otherwise it whatever lol. and with that im heading to bed, good night all
Gladstone 2766-9139-3386
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>>18894692 night, thanks for the karp
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede]
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede] Fri 18 Apr 2014 08:02:21 No. 18894697 Report In celebration of my Shiny Honedge I'll be giving away a few 5 IV Quiet Honedges. I'd be happy to breed more of them if someone wants them. Disc up and reply to me also specify if you want a specific IV spread
>>18894682 At least it's not Battle Armor. Disc is up for Treecko now.
>>18894692 No worries. Night night.
>>18894689 Ty Anon! And it's shiny, that's a surprise.
>>18894401 Disc'd up for Treecko first. :)
>>18894699 >that's a surpise >ruins the surprise Kuroneko FC:2578-3139-3782
>>18894660 Ill take a solosis and cubone, both female plz
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
>>18894697 I'll take one if it has 0 speed IVs,
Congratulations btw :D
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Fri 18 Apr 2014 08:05:25 No. 18894713 Report Quoted By:
>>18894656 Thanks. It would be nice if I could get an Adamant or Jolly to go with this one at some point, so I could cover both the physical and special side of things. At least the common ones.
>>18894698 Sent
>>18894699 Sent
>>18894401 Sorry, but I misread the abilities I do not have any Hidden ability Kabutos
Quantity update:
2 treeckos left
6 Frillish left
10 Cottonee left
2 Yamask left
No more chikoritas
11 Roselias left
2 kabutos left
2 HA Tirtouga left 1 NA Tirtouga left
>>18894660 I'd like a Slowpoke.
I hate TR with a passion. I guess I should carry something with TR+Imprison. Punchan
>>18894721 Nu Chikoritas? Guess I'l just take the NA Tirtouga.
>>18894734 That was counting you :) yours is reserved
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
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>>18894683 Alright, it's on the way.
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
>>18894721 If no one gets anything else from you in the next 20 min. Can I get a dive ball kabuto?
>>18894739 Ah right! Thanks! I'll post up for that next. Realized I ran out of fishes.
Kuroneko FC:2578-3139-3782
Meh, since ill probably be on here for a bit Ill toss up my list too all have 5 IV's Super size Frisk Pumpkaboos in Duskballs 3x Spritzee in Healballs Elemental Fang Adamant Tyrunts 4x Modest Levelball Mareep 3x Modest Noibat in Duskballs 3x Bold Yamask in Duskballs 1x Modest Clauncher in a Diveball 2x Dreamball Corphish with DD and Aquajet
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede]
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede] Fri 18 Apr 2014 08:12:51 No. 18894757 Report >>18894706 Disc up and I'll send ya one and thanks :)
>>18894660 Think back on how many hours you spent breeding perfect virtual monsters. Also I'll take the other Solosis for a Luvdisc I have lying around.
I think I'll breed some HA Spike Snorunts in a bit after I finish this Skarm if anyone would be interested. Though they'll all be in Premiers.
Pomette 0104-0093-4624 (Dragon)
>>18894401 Disc up for one of those yamask
>>18894777 Thanks again! Gonna breed these lil' babies at some point.
IGN Daniel: 4313-0453-9990 [Ice]
>>18894697 Grats! Also discing up for a pentaperfect honedge please (-speed)
Pomette 0104-0093-4624 (Dragon)
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
>>18894757 Oh dam! Thank all of you, people here are so nice I love everyone in this thread :)
>>18894789 >>18894798 You're welcome :)
>>18894749 I'm interested in the noibat, discing up
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18894749 >>18894808 forgot to note switched games IGN is now Zaphyrae not Evilpape
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede]
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede] Fri 18 Apr 2014 08:24:36 No. 18894812 Report Quoted By:
>>18894794 Sent and thanks :)
>>18894809 Hello Rynn.
Did you draw that? IGN Daniel: 4313-0453-9990 [Ice]
Quoted By:
>>18894749 Hey, would love a corphish, discing up, thanks!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18894809 It's adorable.
Why are you awake right now? Punchan
One last time before I release these guys. All 5IVs. Dreamball Absol (3m/1f) Dreamball Buneary EM (1m/1f) Klutz. Dreamball Buneary EM (1m/2f) Run Away Luxury Ball Purrloin (4m/3f) Prankster. Luxury Ball Purrloin (1f) Limber.
>>18894809 Much better than the current picture.
>>18894830 disc is up for female klutz buneary
>>18894830 I'll take a female Prankster purrloin, disc is up
>>18894856 >>18894857 Sent! If they aren't 5IVs, I'm retarded and I'm sorry. Unlikely though.
>>18894830 Forgot to state Absol has EMs too.
Einzel [1736-0343-0412] IGN: Einzel
>>18894830 I'd love a male Prankster Purrloin.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18894815 Yeah~ hi
>>18894823 I don't know ; ; I haven't slept.
>>18894846 you don't say Mikhael 3840-5911-1363
>>18894721 If you still have one I'd like one of your Treeckos.
I'm putting a Luvdisc up right now.
Quoted By:
>>18894879 That's fine, Thank you
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
>>18894830 I'll take a prankster purloin
>>18894846 Don't judge me. The picture I wanted to use was already posted in another thread so I closed my eyes and clicked.
>>18894885 That's pretty good. You should totally draw more.
Not to be a whore, but are you down to do powersave things for balltism related needs? Punchan
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>>18894884 >>18894892 Disc up and I'll get them to you
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen Fri 18 Apr 2014 08:37:34 No. 18894902 Report Quoted By:
>>18894749 Do you still have a corphish? If so id love to have it. Thanks!
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>>18894749 I'd love that Clauncher.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18894896 Maybe in a moment, I'm finally trying to do that archeops request for Mateo so I can give him his baby back.
>>18894892 Got your fish.
>>18894884 Waiting for yours!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
What's a penta spread for archen? Missing spA or Atc?
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Fri 18 Apr 2014 08:47:03 No. 18894935 Report >>18894704 Delivered the Cubone, sorry but I accidentally forgot to update that part of the list and had only one Solosis left.
>>18894730 Im not seeing a disc, did you get sniped?
TR is the first team I've run that's not a monotype ever. Its pretty fun. >>18894761 Delivered!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>18894885 Go to sleep, silly. Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18894809 Adorable.
>>18894523 Either shiny Sylveons left? If not, I'll take that Lileep.
>>18894929 Missing SpA I imagine.
>>18894857 I posted a fish for the Friendball Roselia. Took a while to consider..
Nouh 3265-5585-1438
>>18894830 Any of those female HA purrloins left? I'll put a disc up
Quoted By:
>>18894965 Yup, I have one.
>>18894947 Still have the pokeball sylveon. Disc up for it.
>>18894935 Disc is up again.
Certainly isn't fun if 4/6 of your team are base-100+ and Swift Swimmers Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18894935 Could I get the female Slowpoke if you still have it?
>>18894959 Sent
I have discovered a 4 leftover(illegal based powersaves) Heavy ball calm female klefki
I'll be breeding some things, so I'll have some new things to offer soon™
Pomette 0104-0093-4624 (Dragon)
Quoted By:
>>18894969 discin' up for that lileep
Quoted By:
>>18894982 derp -a
also they have iron defense
Does anybody here have a female HA Torchic?
>>18894977 Sent.
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Fri 18 Apr 2014 08:58:27 No. 18895000 Report Quoted By:
>>18894972 Delivered!
Until my bro Marowak gets rock polish he really only functions in a trick room ;_; >>18894982 Delivered!
Mikhael 3840-5911-1363
Quoted By:
>>18894887 Shameless self bump.
>>18894998 you want it in a certain ball?
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18894998 Do you know powersaves has a code for sex change now?
Quoted By:
>>18895009 Well I was going to send it to Rynn to change the ball anyways, so no.
>>18895013 u wot
Are you being real right now? Like for really real? Well I want one with egg moves to start anyways.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18894998 Thank you kindly.
>>18894982 >Heavy ball calm female klefki ... Could I have one?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18895026 Yeah. You can even get a female Tauros. (X)Evilpape/Zaphyrae(Y)
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>18894523 I'd like a sylveon too, do they have hyper voice?
Quoted By:
>>18895013 It's about time. Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>18895030 >female Tauros Science has gone too far this time. Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18895034 Thanks a bunch. Discing.
>>18895030 >female Hitmonlee Now I REALLY need to buy one of these things.
Mikhael 3840-5911-1363
>>18894721 Some random player traded me a normal Treecko, so I'm putting up another Luvdisc.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
Quoted By:
>>18895039 HA sylveon*, don't care about shone if you have pink spares :D
Quoted By:
>>18895030 God damn, I seriously need to get me one of these.
>>18895039 Sorry, both sylveon are gone.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Is anyone interested in an illegal Quick Ball Adamant Defeatist Archens? I have a bunch of them, didn't get a hexa, but I'm way too tired to continue, so I'll just have a penta one for Mateo...but I still have like 3 or 4 more pentas. Also I have one bold penta serene grace nasty plot togepi.
>>18895061 Disc is up for an archen.
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen Fri 18 Apr 2014 09:10:20 No. 18895065 Report >>18895061 id like that togepi. Thanks!
Mikhael 3840-5911-1363
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede]
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede] Fri 18 Apr 2014 09:18:42 No. 18895103 Report Quoted By:
>>18894805 So are you gonna disc up?
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
Anyone here have a spiritomb with infiltrator in a cool pokeball? Or pokemon with 0 speed IVs for trick room?
>>18895061 I'll take an illegal archen, discs up
Kuroneko FC:2578-3139-3782
>>18895115 I've got a spritzee with 31/x/31/31/31/0
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18895064 >>18895065 >>18895124 Sent.
Mal, do you still want that pokeball changed on something?
>>18895135 Yes please.
Could I do two things? (X)Evilpape/Zaphyrae(Y)
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18895139 Yeah, sure. What is it?
>>18895145 Looking to get Heavy ball Mudkip and Level ball Tepig.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
Uh-oh, guys, I messed up. The archens are missing attack, not spA, because I'm an idiot. Sorry. I also deleted all the good ones, ughhhh. So sorry Mateo.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18895155 No idea, haven't tried it yet.
>>18895153 Sure thing, just send trade.
>>18895160 Just imagine a female Tauros passing on its ball
>>18895160 I don't see you online.
Seph | 0104-0635-3642
Quoted By:
>>18894830 Do You Still Have one of those Absols? Id like the female one please
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18895166 I was thinking possible hidden egg moves>>18895173 Maybe you have me added or I have you added, it glitches like this sometimes. Please check.
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
>>18895131 That would be lovely! Can I disc up for it?
>>18895182 I still have you added.
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede]
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede] Fri 18 Apr 2014 09:34:50 No. 18895190 Report >>18895183 So i'm guessing you don't want that Honedge? lol
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18895189 So I probably deleted you. FC?
Kuroneko FC:2578-3139-3782
Quoted By:
>>18895183 Ya put a disc up and its yours
Quoted By:
>>18895182 Yeah, no. Not a chance about that. You could pass egg moves on Volbeat and the male Nidos more easily though (as they have different ones from the female counterparts). Also, the Hitmons.
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
>>18895190 I'll disc up for one of those too, disc is up :)
Tonight has been one of the best nights ever. Thanks :)
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
Quoted By:
>>18895201 After I get the spritzee I'll have the disc up for the honedge in like 3-5 min.
Quoted By:
>>18895195 Thanks, let me know when you finish. You're going to have to make the mudkip female, of course.
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
>>18895190 Disc is up for the honedge,
I apologize for taking a long time my mind is everywhere.
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede]
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede] Fri 18 Apr 2014 09:45:35 No. 18895236 Report >>18895227 It's alright lol, I only have a male pentaperfect honedge is that a problem? or do you really need a female?
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
>>18895236 I'll change the request on gts, thank you so much! :D
Or can we do a direct trade instead please?
I want to give you something.
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede]
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede] Fri 18 Apr 2014 09:48:33 No. 18895246 Report >>18895241 I really don't need anything but if you'd be happier with a direct trade add me and i'll add you :)
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
>>18895246 Okay, direct trade then :D
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede]
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede] Fri 18 Apr 2014 09:55:02 No. 18895275 Report >>18895252 Please dude I can't accept a shiny chespin
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
Quoted By:
>>18895275 It's fine, don't worry about it ;D
I want a male honedge though, doesn't matter if shiny or not. :)
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
>>18895275 Just has to be male, thanks really appreciate it :)
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede]
Brandz0r 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede] Fri 18 Apr 2014 09:59:03 No. 18895290 Report >>18895287 Thanks so much, I feel terrible for taking your shiny though :/
I'll have a box or two full of [illegal] [Fast Ball] Tyrunt and [illegal] [Dive Ball] Amaura while breeding my own [illegal] [Rock head Tyrantrum and Snow warning Aurorus] [Thank you Powersaves :^)] so watch out for that tomorrow
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
Quoted By:
>>18895290 It's okay, I have two 3DS, mine and my brother's. We can always clone them :)
(Sucks that we dont have powersaves to shinyfy or clone easier)
It's all good. This is a GIVING thread :D
>>18895321 It's 6am and I'm sleep deprived, Fucked up the spoiler tags Q_Q
>>18895325 Powersave let you get HA on the two fossils?
>>18895332 Yes, using the wonder card modifier code.
It randomizes the stats and it's ability(Normal or hidden) of the pokemon it's set to
>>18895195 Were the archen you gave out supposed to be female? Because I got a male and I was under the impression that they were female.
>>18895342 Well I'll be damned. I'll look out for those tomorrow.
Jair 1306-7044-9825 [Bibarel Wartortle Frogadier]
Jair 1306-7044-9825 [Bibarel Wartortle Frogadier] Fri 18 Apr 2014 10:13:55 No. 18895372 Report Quoted By:
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18895350 I didn't say anything about gender, didn't even check. I have one more so I'll change the gender for you, but not now, I'm way too sleepy.
Fionn 2208-5708-2541 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier)
Fionn 2208-5708-2541 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier) Fri 18 Apr 2014 10:53:26 No. 18895557 Report Quoted By:
>>18895350 Went to bed last night after the captcha stopped working in case you were wondering. You still around to get that ditto?
Got some lefties if anyone wants em, all 4-5 IV:>Bold Shellos (2f, 3m, fems have storm drain, males have sticky hold) >Adamant Corphish (3m, HA, egg moves aqua jet, superpower and knock off) >Jolly Growlithe (2f, 2m, fems both have flash fire, 1m with flash fire, 1 with intimidate) >Adamant Scraggy (EM ice punch and drain punch, 2m, 2f, 1 of each gender with moxie or shed skin) >Adamant Shroomish (3 HA, 2 effect spore, 4f(2 effect spore, 2 HA) 1m(HA), egg moves seed bomb, worry seed, bullet seed and focus punch) >Adamant bunnelby (All huge power, 2m 1f) >Timid Joltik (1f, compoundeyes, 2m, unnerve) >Impish Skarmory (All sturdy, 2f, 1m, egg moves stealth rock, drill peck, whirlwind and brave bird) Want anything? Put up a disc and let me know!
Diandra 3454-1904-2162
Quoted By:
May I have a Staryu with a fitting nickname please?
Fionn 2208-5708-2541 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier)
Fionn 2208-5708-2541 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier) Fri 18 Apr 2014 12:04:30 No. 18895890 Report >>18895859 Disc's up for a HA Shroomish
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen Fri 18 Apr 2014 12:08:11 No. 18895909 Report >>18895859 Would love that corphish and shellos if its not a problem. Thanks!
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen Fri 18 Apr 2014 12:09:13 No. 18895916 Report >>18895909 Disc for corphish is up
Quoted By:
>>18895890 >>18895916 Just gimme a sec guys, had to do something quick.
>>18895859 discing for a huge power bunnelby
Quoted By:
>>18895929 >>18895859 IGN is Exbo, sorry
Disc just up
>>18895890 sent
>>18895916 sent
>>18895929 think you got sniped, try putting another one up
Fionn 2208-5708-2541 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier)
Fionn 2208-5708-2541 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier) Fri 18 Apr 2014 12:17:17 No. 18895971 Report >>18895956 Thanks! If its not a problem, theres a disc up for a CompoundEyes Joltik too
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen
Chris 3609 1260 0395 Pansear Larvesta Braixen Fri 18 Apr 2014 12:17:59 No. 18895976 Report >>18895956 Thanks a ton! Disc for shellos is up also.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Fri 18 Apr 2014 12:23:57 No. 18896005 Report >>18895859 If you haven't sent it, could I please have a female Bunnelby? Otherwise, male is fine. Disc is up.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>18895859 Disc up for scraggy, will put another up for skarmory after that.
Quoted By:
>>18896005 sent, only have male ones left though.
>>18896024 I don't see it, did it get sniped?
>>18895859 Fem growlith please
Calem 3711-8693-5960
>>18895859 Disc up for a Skarm
>>18896036 Nope its still there, oh and I forgot to mention moxie pls
>>18896062 ah shit, sent a shed skin one i think, my baaad.
>>18896061 sent
>>18896041 don't see your disc.
Calem 3711-8693-5960
>>18895859 Discing for a Compoundeyes Joltik too if that's okay
>>18896041 See it now, sent
>>18896078 Only got unnerve ones left, sent you one of those.
Quoted By:
>>18896069 Thats cool, thanks for the mons
Does someone have an adamant Shellder? I'd love one. Maybe even some IVs, even though not important, from a breeding leftover? My IGN is Zeruel, I'd really appreciate it.
Fionn 2208-5708-2541 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier)
Fionn 2208-5708-2541 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier) Fri 18 Apr 2014 12:39:11 No. 18896108 Report Quoted By:
>>18896103 I got some, disc up there
Fionn 2208-5708-2541 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier)
Fionn 2208-5708-2541 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier) Fri 18 Apr 2014 12:40:24 No. 18896115 Report >>18896103 Do you care for male/female?
>>18896115 No, just surprise me
Fionn 2208-5708-2541 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier)
Fionn 2208-5708-2541 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier) Fri 18 Apr 2014 12:42:10 No. 18896123 Report >>18896116 Enjoy! Cloyster is a fuckin beast with Shell Smash and Focus Sash, just sweepin teams all day with rock blast/icicle crash
Quoted By:
>>18896123 Thank you! You just saved my day.
Fionn 2208-5708-2541 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier)
Fionn 2208-5708-2541 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier) Fri 18 Apr 2014 12:48:32 No. 18896163 Report Quoted By:
Has anyone got a spare King's Rock? Been farming Hawlucha for about an hour and getting nowhere
Calem 3711-8693-5960
Quoted By:
>>18896089 It's alright, thank you very much!
does anyone have HP dittos i can borrow?
>>18896214 I have an extra HP Ice ditto you can have.
>>18896227 that would be great
disc is up
>>18896237 >it won't let me send on GTS even though that's how I got it. Sorry.
Quoted By:
>>18896291 ok
thanks anyways
>>18896291 Sure this thing doesn't have ribbons?
Fionn 2208-5708-2541 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier)
Fionn 2208-5708-2541 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier) Fri 18 Apr 2014 13:36:00 No. 18896380 Report Quoted By:
>>18896368 anybody wanna help me evolve a Rhyhorn and Poliwhirl through trade?
>>18895055 what pokeball would look best for the hitmons, aside from nest ball shiny chan?
Isis 3007-8958-2320 {2267}
Goodmorning, here is what I have to giveaway: 16x | Dream Ball Adamant Female Mawile (Sheer Force) w/ Thunder Fang, Fire Fang and Ice Fang 1x | Dream Ball Male Adamant Mawile (Sheer Force) w/ Thunder Fang, Fire Fang and Ice Fang (This guy just needs to be EV trained, has IV in all the right places.) 2x | Dream Ball Female Adamant Mawile (Intimidate) w/ Thunder Fang, Fire Fang and Ice Fang 2x | Dream Ball Female Jolly Gible (Rough Skin w/ Thrash, Sand Tomb, Outrage and Iron Head 1x | Love Ball Bold Chansey (Serene Grace) w/ Counter, Seismic Toss Reply if you want any of these. All of these pokemon should have 4-5IV.
Gladstone 2766-9139-3386
>>18896547 A gible would be great. disc is up
Isis 3007-8958-2320 {2267}
>>18896589 The Gible has been sent.
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !!pypMk7nviBM
>>18896547 I would like to acquire one of your Mawiles.
Female, Sheer Force
I'm out of discs though because I rarely ever leave the daycare. I'll put up a honedge for it.
Sorry the Honedge is pentaperfect. Gladstone 2766-9139-3386
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18896464 Hitmonlee: Friend Ball
Hitmontop: Master Ball/Love Ball
Isis 3007-8958-2320 {2267}
>>18896615 Not a problem. Mawile has been sent.
>>18896547 I'd like the other Gible, please. Disc up.
Isis 3007-8958-2320 {2267}
Quoted By:
>>18896635 The Gible has been sent.
No more Gibles remain.
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !!pypMk7nviBM
>>18896628 Thank you much! I gave you a dude in hopes that you would appreciate the annoyance of breeding the wide guard.
Breeding leftovers for giving away: Furfrou: Impish, pokeball, 1M Petilil: Modest, quickball, 3F chlorophyll Espurr: penta perfect 5IV, Bold, luxuryball, 1M w/ infiltrator Lapras: Sassy, 2 male w/ Shell Armor, all: dragon dance/pulse, ancient power, freeze dry egg moves. Fletchling: Adamant, Luxuryball, 1F w/ Galewing, 1M w/ Big Pecks (penta perfect), all: Tailwind, Quickguard egg moves. Fennekin, Timid, 5M w/ Magician, pokeball, hypnosis, heatwave, magic coat and wish Misdreavus: 4IV, timid, loveball, nasty plot and psywave. 2 Males Goomy: bold, ultraball, 1M w/ Sap Sipper, counter egg move. Everything listed has a letter/number nickname, or just a dumb nickname I gave it (looking at you Fennekins), everything noted also has 5IV unless otherwise noted. If you want anything just disc up and quote post with your request. I can nickname stuff if you intend on using it.
Isis 3007-8958-2320 {2267}
Quoted By:
>>18896644 Oh? Thank you then. That's a great pool of moves you have on him.
>>18896653 I'll take the Fennekin
Somebody should breed Level Ball Mawile.It's even legally available in SS
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
Quoted By:
>>18896670 ah, my bad, posted as Anon so it didn't seem to note the reply the usual way.
Quoted By:
>>18896714 I thought I had that ;A;
Quoted By:
>>18894622 how do you deal with them
>>18896714 Gonna try to gen this. Not sure if I will be able to get the HA on it though.
>>18896776 You can't gen the HA on a HG/SS mawile
Only on a entree forest Mawile, you must change the ball to a level ball; and trade the HA+ Apricorn Ball offpring in XY
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18896776 >>18896801 The thing is, Sheer Force Mawile isn't so great. Intimidate is generally used over the HA.
>>18896801 HA Mawile is terrible anyway. Intimidate is most common. Hyper Cutter helps against other Intimidators before going mega.
Does anyone have the following Pokémon to help me complete my Pokédex? I'll give them back, just need the data Porygon Z, Rhyperion, Magmortar, Electivire, Slurrpuff, Kingdra and Steelix
>>18896813 >>18896822 Yup
Cuan do you want me to gen you one? I know that you aren't really a fan of gen'd mons but anyway if you want it just tell me
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18896839 Chances are you have a spare Luvdisc lying around.
Go to Cyllage city and trade the guy in the Pokecenter for a Steelix.
Quoted By:
>>18896877 Wow, how could I have missed that? Thank you
>>18896876 If you don't make it shiny, okay. Going for Careful w/ Intimidate
Quoted By:
>>18896876 By any chance do you have the Pinsir you sad you'd save for me 3 weeks ago?
No problem if you don't Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529} {0587}
Quoted By:
>>18894401 hey are you still here?
i'd love a female chikorita please
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529} {0587}
anyone have female nest ball chikorita? pleaseee also i have: 2x Female Dream Ball Lileep if anybody wants
>>18896547 Still here? I'll grab a female Sheer Force Mawile.
Isis 3007-8958-2320 {2267}
>>18897119 Thank you, Disc is up.
Isis 3007-8958-2320 {2267}
>>18897126 Sent.
>>18897081 I have one of those Chikorita. Disc up for it.
Darwin 0189-8693-2549
Quoted By:
Dead hours bump. also, does anyone have a ferroseed with spikes, stealth rock, and leech seed?
IGN: Carmen ~ 0404-7627-9386 ~ [Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Spiritomb]
IGN: Carmen ~ 0404-7627-9386 ~ [Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Spiritomb] Fri 18 Apr 2014 15:32:32 No. 18897189 Report >>18896547 Chansey, please? Disc is up.
Thanks in advance.
Isis 3007-8958-2320 {2267}
IGN: Carmen ~ 0404-7627-9386 ~ [Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Spiritomb]
IGN: Carmen ~ 0404-7627-9386 ~ [Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Spiritomb] Fri 18 Apr 2014 15:38:26 No. 18897227 Report >>18897200 Thank you so much, now I'll try to breed it with Roselia with Aromateraphy.
Cuan disc up please, and lucas i only have one pinsir but it's japanese if you want it put your disc up
Isis 3007-8958-2320 {2267}
Quoted By:
>>18897227 No problem! Enjoy.
Quoted By:
i need a klang just klang disc is up
Quoted By:
i guess i just missed Rynn again ;_;
>>18897361 >>18897386 send guys
time to ev train, i hate to ev train
Quoted By:
>>18897418 Thank you
Ev training is fine, I'm stuck trying to get some Pokémons for my dex but nobody seems to have any of them to show me
Calem 3711-8693-5960
Quoted By:
>>18896653 I'll have a male Goomy please. Name it "Claude".
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529} {0587}
Quoted By:
>>18897145 sorry was doing dishes discing up now. thanks so much!
Quoted By:
>>18896547 Make adamant Mawile please. Thanks! Disc is up
Diegox Farfetch'd Tranquill Fletchinder 4699-6869-4064
Diegox Farfetch'd Tranquill Fletchinder 4699-6869-4064 Fri 18 Apr 2014 16:22:21 No. 18897576 Report Quoted By:
Anybody have a spare Snivy I can take? Doesn't matter if it's a shitmon, I plan to rebreed it anyway.
Quoted By:
Disc up for protean kecleon
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Fri 18 Apr 2014 17:46:27 No. 18898529 Report Quoted By:
>>18894387 Carvahna please!