Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread! Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover pokémon here! Help other anons out and collect the pokémon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon. Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins!
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff.
Do you prefer doubles or singles? For simplicity, VGC is considered doubles. Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN). It makes everything so much easier. We want the Pokémon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Please ignore shitposters. At least try. Well, okay, we're past the point of no return. And don't be #rood. Old Thread:
>>18918337 Thank god I didn't get that last 3. Steam Group:
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/GTSGiveawayVP If you haven't seen a Pokemon that you want yet:
>Seek pokemon >Pokemon you want >Scroll to bottom >Choose "What Pokemon" >Type Pokemon's Name >??? >Success Please beware imitators within the thread, and happy Easter!
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looking for heavy ball snorlax :^)
looking for heavy ball munchlax :^)
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>>18918349 So how does the Steamgroup works?
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>>18918371 don't tell me what I'm not looking for pleb
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looking for heavy ball bunnelby :^)
looking for lure ball lapras
Dafty (IGN: Chris) 0705-3671-8832 (Bisharp, Crawdaunt, Inkay)
Dafty (IGN: Chris) 0705-3671-8832 (Bisharp, Crawdaunt, Inkay) Sun 20 Apr 2014 08:15:01 No. 18918449 Report Looking for unburden swirlix
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>>18918449 I migth got one, let me check
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Anyone got Adamant Moxie Pinsir?
Dafty (IGN: Chris) 0705-3671-8832 (Bisharp, Crawdaunt, Inkay)
Dafty (IGN: Chris) 0705-3671-8832 (Bisharp, Crawdaunt, Inkay) Sun 20 Apr 2014 08:46:39 No. 18918570 Report >>18918547 Threw a luvdisc up
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
Bawby, I don't know if you're here, or if you'll ever see this. But thank you for giving me the Lotad. My Shiny hatched in 5 eggs and I'm in tears
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
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>>18918589 not even if you got quints
IGN Nolan
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Anyone got a Morning Sun/Close Combat Growlithe laying around?
i have 113 4-5 iv quiet honedges to give away gave up when i got a 30/31/31/31/31/0 spread
Dafty (IGN: Chris) 0705-3671-8832 (Bisharp, Crawdaunt, Inkay)
Dafty (IGN: Chris) 0705-3671-8832 (Bisharp, Crawdaunt, Inkay) Sun 20 Apr 2014 09:00:04 No. 18918637 Report Quoted By:
>>18918624 Much appreciated
Kelrith 0860-3234-6638 (Skarmory, Magneton, Klefki)
Kelrith 0860-3234-6638 (Skarmory, Magneton, Klefki) Sun 20 Apr 2014 09:37:41 No. 18918661 Report >>18918619 Can I get one of those 5 IV if possible? I threw a disc up, many thanks!
Locksus 2809-8219-4683 IGN: Thomas [Pawniard, Cacturne, Absol]
Locksus 2809-8219-4683 IGN: Thomas [Pawniard, Cacturne, Absol] Sun 20 Apr 2014 09:44:27 No. 18918686 Report I'm in need of a Kingler or a Krabby. Natures, IVs and EVs don't matter
Locksus 2809-8219-4683 IGN: Thomas [Pawniard, Cacturne, Absol]
Locksus 2809-8219-4683 IGN: Thomas [Pawniard, Cacturne, Absol] Sun 20 Apr 2014 09:52:56 No. 18918725 Report Quoted By:
>>18918686 I put up a Luvdisc for Krabby
>>18918686 Not that I don't wanna help you, I would if I gad a spare, but you will get Krabby much faster if you put something other than Luvdisc on GTS. Whatever you are breeding, just put it up asking for any Krabby an in 10 minutes tops you will have it
Kelrith 0860-3234-6638 (Skarmory, Magneton, Klefki)
Kelrith 0860-3234-6638 (Skarmory, Magneton, Klefki) Sun 20 Apr 2014 10:41:41 No. 18918875 Report Quoted By:
>>18918810 got it, many thanks!
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>>18918858 Because people are usually asking for Shiny Arceus with 8IVs for their Bunnelbys, GTS works quite well if you make a sensible offer. Of course, asking for anything for Luvdisc isn't sensible, that's why giveaway thread use them - they minimize the chances of sniping
Kelrith 0860-3234-6638 (Skarmory, Magneton, Klefki)
Kelrith 0860-3234-6638 (Skarmory, Magneton, Klefki) Sun 20 Apr 2014 10:43:28 No. 18918886 Report Quoted By:
>>18918810 Oh, nevermind, looks like it was sniped, putting another one up
Cosmic !62pZUklThQ
2 Pentaperfect HP Ice Electrike left. Also have 1 5IV Friend Ball Larvitar and one Moon Ball Teddiursa
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Sun 20 Apr 2014 12:28:42 No. 18919272 Report >>18919257 Could I get Electric Dog?
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Has anyone got a modest horsea with swift swim? Will disc up
Cosmic !62pZUklThQ
garfield 2809-8233-7598
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>>18919257 putting up a disc for it
>>18919257 I'll take the larvitar actually, will disc up
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Sun 20 Apr 2014 12:33:26 No. 18919298 Report Cosmic !62pZUklThQ
>>18919298 ?
I didn't send it yet.
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>>18919290 Disc up for larvitar
Cosmic !62pZUklThQ
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>Can't connect to wifi Guess I can't send until I fix that.
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Serena 1564-3283-3559 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Sun 20 Apr 2014 12:38:04 No. 18919347 Report >>18919316 Thank you in advance I meant.
Cosmic !62pZUklThQ
Does anyone have a spare timid Gastly? Would be really great! My IGN is Zeruel. My disc is up, hoping to get taken.
>>18919384 this trip is different than usual cosmic Cosmic !62pZUklThQ
>>18919571 I changed it for 4/20 Anonymous
IGN: Béluga
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Anyone got a male Modest Clauncher? disced up
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Would love a 4 or 5 IV froakie if anyone has a few boxes full of spares. Got the hidden ability, but would save tonnes of time getting IV's Disc'd up
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
To celebrate the occasion, I bred a couple more Bunearies in Love Balls, with Fake Out, Switcheroo, Cosmic Power, and Encore. They all have 31/31/31/x/31/31 for IVs, most of them have Klutz, and they're nicknamed appropriately. I should have stored a couple dozen eggs to randomly trade to passerbys…
2 Luxury Ball Pancham
4 Dream Ball Meditite
illegal Moon Ball Noibat
2 Level Ball Mawile
Discs, replies, etc.
>>18919883 I'll grab one, thank you.
Cosmic !62pZUklThQ
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>>18919920 I'll take a Mawile
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
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>>18919920 I'll take a mawile
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Ok so I have the following 2x Totodile in dive ball, Ice Punch, Dragon Dance, Aqua Jet 10x shelmet in dream ball, 4 egg moves HA 4-5 IV, pls take them
>>18920047 I'll grab a Shelmet, if that's alrigjht?
Disc is up
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18919883 Did you ever give out those Finneons?
Agatha [FC:0920-0617-2136 (Fairy)]
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>>18920047 I'll take a shelmet
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18920176 I did later that day, or the day after. Still want one?
I know this is alot to ask but does anyone have any manaphys? Doesn't matter if they're not legit or whatever.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18920047 I'll take a Female.
Disc up.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
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>>18920223 Er, female Shelmet.
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>>18920047 I'll have a totodile if thats aight disc will be up soon
Enrica 3754 7187 6984
Anybody kind enough to give me a HA Dratini or a HA Carbink? Nature and IVs don't matter, I'll breed those. Thank you in advance.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18920189 Yes, please. Disc is up.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18920268 Sent. (They all have random natures though.)
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18920263 I have some 4IV with extremespeed female left. Disc up
Miggy (2122-6877-1753)
>>18919883 Yo I'll take a Buneary
>>18920210 And I quote
>>18919883 I'll take one! Sending a disc up
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
i prefer to breed happy easter peoples. currently have to give: 3x Love Ball Ralts - Synchronize - (Encore, Destiny Bond, Memento, Confuse Ray) 10x Heal Ball Buneary - Klutz - (Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Sky Uppercut) 3x Dream Ball Lileep - HA - (Constrict, Stealth Rock, Recover, Mirror Coat) 6x Dream Ball Lileep - non-HA - (Constrict, Stealth Rock, Recover, Mirror Coat) reply and disc up if you wantz
Miggy (2122-6877-1753)
>>18920328 >implying Manaphy is a legendary Enrica 3754 7187 6984
Miggy (2122-6877-1753)
>>18920364 I'll happily take the ralts
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18920364 I'd like a Love Ball Ralts.
Also I have some random IV Lure Ball Hasty Horseas with Outrage and other 3 ems to give away as well as the list above
>>18919883 May I have a Buneary and a Finneon if you still have them?
tiem to dump more gible and larvitar when i find a cute picture of either
>>18920364 I'd love a Buneary. Disc on the way
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18920385 >>18920387 Sent.
>>18920385 >Utah Do Mormons celebrate Easter since they claim to be a Christian offshoot?
Miggy (2122-6877-1753)
Quoted By:
>>18920380 I'll take a Horsea
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18920420 i was wondering where his disc went
>>18920420 They do.
I live there + bf is one. Wait how'd you know to ask me that? Magdalena is a cute name for a Buneary. Thanks!
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
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>>18920387 if you still want a punch buneary disc up again
>>18920377 >>18920380 sent
>>18920364 >>18920364 About to put one up. May I have a HA Lileep?
Thank You :)
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
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>>18920443 Oh, right it'll say what state I'm in when I disc up. Also I forgot to hit submit but I did now; Lumineon disc is up.
Nickolas [3153-5042-7399] {3805}
>>18920467 Sorry. Here it is
Quoted By:
>>18920380 Can i have a Horsea please?
Disc is up
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18920443 I bred abunch of Bunearies to give out on Easter, and named all the females Magdalena after Mary of Magdala, who was the first to meet the resurrected Christ.
I noticed that you live in Utah, which is basically Mormon Country. You put up your disc for Lumineon, not for Finneon!
>>18920438 Oops, sorry. Didn't notice someone else was giving these out.
Okay! I have to give away:
2 Larvitar
- All Female
- Heavy Ball
- Quiet Nature
- Guts (turns into Sandstream as Tyranitar)
- Iron Head / Pursuit / Stealth Rock / Dragon Dance
- All 5IVs, I threw out the 4IV ones in a rage while breeding sorry
In addition to this I have:
11 Gible
- All Female
- Dream Ball
- Naive (+Speed -SpDef) Nature
- 8 Sand Veil / 3 Rough Skin (HA)
- Iron Head / Outrage / Body Slam / Scary Face
- All 5IVs, all 4IVs got rage dumped too.
Reply to this post with your IGN, which pokemon you want, and what ability if it's got that option after you've upped a disc! Some are pentaperfect but I'm just giving them out in order yeh.
>>18920484 Shit, knew I messed up, my bad. Reupping.
Miggy (2122-6877-1753)
>>18920497 I'll take a Larvitar
>>18920364 I actually don't have a Love Ball Ralts. Zilla pls fix, lemme have one, I'll even give you ONE whole Luvdisc for it.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
>>18920484 no worries
>>18920475 ok now get that disc upppppp Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
Agatha [FC:0920-0617-2136 (Fairy)]
>>18320502 Can I get a Larvitar
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18920519 how can i pass up a deal like that?! its the last ralts too. lucky you
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18920316 Not a problem. Thanks.
>>18920364 Discing for an HA Lileep.
>>18920484 >Mary of Magdala This seems like she was a woman named Mary that came from city/region/whatever of Magdala. In my language, she simply has to names - Maria Magdalena. Weird.
>>18920502 gotchu
>>18920529 aw yiss.
i should inspire myself to finish the pokedex now that i have one of the hardest to get on my hands but lazy and breeding is funner than catching them all for the 4th time thanks for storm draining fish!
>>18920541 $$$ cash money all day. disc's up
>>18920530 If you want a larvitar, I have one left. what are you replying to, it's deleted to me
>>18920497 Would cherish a Rough Skin Gible forever.
disc up
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18920545 “Magdalene” in English or „Magdalena“ in German just means “(the person) from Magdala”.
Agatha [FC:0920-0617-2136 (Fairy)]
>>18920497 Sorry Yeah. I typed the wrong code. Replied to a post about a Spanish ditto?
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
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>>18920552 i just don't know why, but i never liked Garchomp, even since he first came out, in Gen IV hi Cynthia, how's your team doing?
>>18920564 gotchu
>>18920582 gotchu. someone was giving away spanish dittos here?
larvitar status: out of stock
good cuz the lil bastards took long enough to pop out a hexa
>>18920575 >>18920364 thanks for ralts!
did you choose Lileep cuz it rhymes with peep for easter? I thought I had a Dream Ball lileep in here somewhere too, but just a regular one. Can I snag one from you?
also scolipede is the most adorable thing in amie, thanks again for that Anonymous
Anyone have a magic guard Clefairy? The disc is up
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18920641 Got no Clefairy to spare, but I could send you a Cleffa.
>>18920649 That would be cool, thanks.
I'll change up the request really quick
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
If anyone still hungers for Larvitars I have a bunch of pentas in Friend Balls (Sassy). Yes, a shone was delivered. Yes, 12 sp. def IV. ;_;
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18920633 youre welcome for ralts, i chose lileep because its an awesome ball for cradilly and i just want more shiny fossil mon. they kind of look like spring flowers though. yes of course you can have one anddd youre welcome for scoli[/spoiler:lit]
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18920672 got out of hand and forgot to spoil correctly. oh well
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163
>>18920668 I am terribly sorry.
a-at least this isnt the bagon incident again, right? >>18920672 >>18920676 use Ctrl + S, less messy to highlight stuff! Disc's up for spring flower fossil
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18920691 ahh thanks for the tip andd sent sidenote did i miss that shiny swirlix giveaway that person was going to do?
Miggy (2122-6877-1753)
To compensate for getting some mons within thirty minutes, I got these in stock: 6 HA Sneasels with Ice Shard/Punch (2 on Pokébank standby) 4 Calm Rotoms 4 HA Dratini with Extreme Speed and Dragon Dance (6 on Pokébank standby) 3 HA Timid Nidoran 3 Luxury, Jolly Kangaskhans (2 with Early Bird) 3 Brave, Female Love Ball, Intimidate Mawile 2 Adamant, Female, Love Ball Mawile (1 Intimidate, 1 Hyper Cutter) 3 Hasty (Breeding accident), Premier Ball, HA Sableye with Imprison, Trick, & Recover (1 Male, 2 Female) One Bold, Regenerator Slowpoke Male, Premier Ball, Jolly, Skill Link Minccino One Careful, Sap Sipper Skiddo Will be here until 1 EST
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18920691 lol the Bagon wasn't so bad. It only had a 0
in defense so it's irrelevant Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18920364 ignore this list^^
currently have to give:
10x Heal Ball Buneary - Klutz - (Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Sky Uppercut)
1x Dream Ball Lileep - HA - (Constrict, Stealth Rock, Recover, Mirror Coat)
6x Dream Ball Lileep - non-HA - (Constrict, Stealth Rock, Recover, Mirror Coat)
reply and disc up if you wantz
>>18920708 i thought you had a shiny and then reset without saving but yeh bagon's not very bulky, unfortunately SO! What's your team shaping up to be, Opti?
>>18920705 kewl. and thanks!
As for shiny Swirlix giveaway, I don't believe Maggie has done that yet.
>>18920706 I somehow don't have a Love Ball Mawile either.
Or any Mawile, somehow what. May I take the Hyper Cutter one from you?
>>18920718 Can I get a Lileep HA, please?
Miggy (2122-6877-1753)
>>18920761 Sent
I'm also cooking up feebass with Swift Swim, and EM's Dragon Pulse, Mirror Coat, Hypnosis, and Captivate, if anyone is interested.
Miggy (2122-6877-1753)
>>18920813 Forgot to mention they're in this indescribable, pink ball. It's not the love/Heal balls for sure, though.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18920718 HA lileep gone for now
>>18920795 sent
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18920761 Hmm. Right now I'm running a singles team that looks like this
Azelf - Lead with stealth rocks, taunt, and fire blast
Nidoking - scarfed revenge Killer
Dragonite - Lum berry
Tyranitar - Ass vest
Greninja - Choice Specs
Sceptile - Physical (Just have him around because I love dat turquoise shone)
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18920706 I'd love a Rotom.
Disc up.
Quoted By:
>>18920577 The more you know. Thanks
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
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>>18920838 ooo dat shone is so nice on sceptile
Updating list from
>>18920497 Larvitar gone
11 Gible
- All Female
- Dream Ball
- Naive (+Speed -SpDef) Nature
- 8 Sand Veil / 2 Rough Skin (HA)
- Iron Head / Outrage / Body Slam / Scary Face
- All 5IVs, all 4IVs got rage dumped too.
Chris 4914-3603-2609
>>18920706 I would really like a Rotom. Disc up
>>18920885 Can i Have a Gible with HA? Disc Up
>>18920885 disc is up for rough skin gible
Miggy (2122-6877-1753)
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
btw, I found in my box a 5IV Eevee with Hyper Voice, heal bell and wish i got via WT. Who wants it
Miggy (2122-6877-1753)
Quoted By:
Got ten minutes left before I head out. I just made 6 Swift Swim, Dream Ball Febass with Dragon Pulse, Mirror Coat, Captivate and Hypnosis, if anyone is interested.
Miggy (2122-6877-1753)
>>18921082 I'll take it. Discing up
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Quoted By:
>>18921082 I'd like it, if that's alright.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18921093 sent, he posted 1st
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Quoted By:
>>18921155 Yup, IK; I hadn't seen it by the time I'd posted it.
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>18920838 Azelf would be a Powerhouse as an Attacker
i've tried to get a Timid One, but it's no use ;_; that team looks nice!
IGN: Dylan
Quoted By:
Anyone have any Goomy breeding leftovers? Anything would be appreciated!
Does anyone have a female Milotic lying around in a Luxury ball? I
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
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>>18921175 explosion definitely needs to be rebuffed
Quoted By:
>>18921191 Meant to say female Feebas but if milotic is possible thanks
>>18920885 Do you still have a Gible with Rough Skin? Would really love one!
My disc is up, IGN Zeruel.
Already getting a guilty conscience, but I'm sure I'll be able to give something back very soon.
>>18921276 hello
i gave my last two away, but i'm still breeding for a hexa. if I hatch one with it's HA which I should, and it's not shit, ill reply to your post and give it to you.
sorry about your lack of gastly, I have one but I haven't rebred it yet, so no leftovers
why is hexa so hard to get? Anonymous
>>18921315 I already got a Gastly and didn't know about it, surprisingly, and it's great!
I don't know who it was, but I'm very grateful.
>>18921326 >>18921315 Oh and, just take your time, the HA is of course the only important attribute, I can IV breed by myself of course.
I've put a disc up for a sturdy carbink if anyone has one.
>>18921315 Getting hexa isnt all that important...are you doing it to get parents for future breeding?
>>18921413 I'm going for a mixed attacking mega garchomp. I need both attacking stats, and as much defenses it can pack in despite having a -spdef nature
Quoted By:
>>18921340 shoot couldn't stop my previous post, but i got you a rough skin one, checking IVs now
>>18921422 Thats a waste, just focus on its atk a strong point and helping out the speed. He already has a 170 atk base stat....just try for a jolly and work on spd and def
anyone willing to part with a random egg?
>>18921511 Yeah *gives random egg*
>>18921499 no
>>18921511 sure. are you doing a mystery egglocke?
>>18921525 for a luvdisc on the gts, clever anon.
Or did they remove the ability to trade eggs after the whole bad egg thing? My first time playing post update.
>>18921535 It's impossible to trade eggs over GTS, I actually didn't know it could be done before. Are you Gen5 or Gen6?
>>18921530 I am, I've got 3/6 so far.
3067 5694 4716 [y]
>>18921545 Generation Six. I could have sworn, I remember early on people complaining about getting bad eggs from legends on the gts and wondertrade.
Any egg you'd be alright with sparing though would be greatly appreciated. 3/6 so far.
>>18921548 >>18921571 i hope you are the same person, but i do have more than one extra egg laying around
my bf's FC is [0920-1099-5958]
I'll add you and give ya an egg!
>>18921588 The very same. Thank you very much.
Since the way Gender is determined is same numbers so that Pokemon with different ratios of M:F would ones that are female in a 50:50 ratio but are a male because of different ratio are treated as traps by members of the same species?
>>18921618 I have no idea what I sent you. Will you link us your Egglocke from the Nuzlocke General from time to time?
>>18921666 no
also nice numbers Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18921692 Of course, I have a good deal of fun making the updates. I'll pop by when there are some.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>18921511 I'm willing to part with one; FC's right in my name.
3067 5694 4716 [y]
>>18921772 Much appreciated, whenever you are ready.
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>18921772 i have something for you, add me and let me know when you're ready
G (0817-4218-3225)
Looking for anything that's fun to raise.
Quoted By:
Looking for a ferroseed with stealth rock and spikes, IVs dont matter.
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>18921821 your onw children :^) G (0817-4218-3225)
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>>18921821 LF foreign noibats (Hasty/Infiltrator preferred)
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>>18921821 Volcarona. Gotta love those memorable 58 levels you will spend with Larvesta ;* + another 42 of grinding so it can learn Fiery Dance.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Quoted By:
>>18921829 His children are dead in his bed :^) Anonymous
Quoted By:
Need a liechi berry! Anyone have a spare?
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>18921816 Wait, is it an egg? If it's for the Egglocke, you have the wrong person...
3067 5694 4716 [y]
>>18921816 >>18921911 If it's an egg, than I'm the person :D
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>18920885 Can I get a Gible? Discin'
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>18921928 I'm not sure if he's just mistaken, so if he is, I'll just drop the eggs your way when we trade u_u
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>18921952 Holy fuck, i have mistaken you
anyways, enjoy the egg
~ Alec 4012 4120 1149
>>18920047 Discing up for a Totodile, thanks!
>>18921986 You are retarded
Santos 2320-6383-8804
Quoted By:
OK, guys, i have a bunch of Gastlys in Moon Ball 2-4 31 IVs, no EM Females: 27 random IV Males: 6 SpAtk AND Spd with 31 9 SpAtk OR Spd with 31 Disc it up with your preference & let me know
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
>>18922016 Sending a penta that needs to relearn ems but its a girl
3067 5694 4716 [y]
Quoted By:
>>18921952 Sorry about that, and thank you both
>>18921986 for the eggs, haha.
Alec 4012 4120 1149
Quoted By:
>>18920706 Disc up for Rotom, thanks!
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Quoted By:
>>18922031 rude
>>18921986 I gave 'em to him, no worries.
>>18921411 Polite bump. Why are people over the GTS asking for a legendary ("shiny if possible") in return?
I'm curious, /vp/, what different pokeballs do you have eevees in? I want to do an eevee team with different pokeballs matching them.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>18922088 Kids are by their nature evil. And remain evil until parents straighten them up. And in enviroment with no parental supervision, those kids let their inner demons out and ask like greedy, unfair assholes that expect whole world to suck their prepubescent dicks.
Santos 2320-6383-8804
>>18922088 >Greed >Bragging with their stupid friends Anonymous
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
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>>18921828 >grinding to 100 >not teaching it at the move tutor because it learns it at level 1
>>18922094 Uhm.
Heal / Friend / Premier / Love / Moon / Dive / Nest / Dream
But breeding is Eevee is nothing but suffering, and not all of those even have HA mommies.
>>18922114 >>18922123 ok, but they should know better. do they seriously think someone is gonna give one to them? even as a kid I wasn't this stupid. also saging for OT
>>18922181 Daily reminder that apricorn eevees are illegal :^)
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>>18922191 They do think this.
>>18922198 Balltism people don't care about that. They're for collecting, not battling. What's your point again?
>>18922222 because it's illegal, you faggot
but nice quints
>>18922222 >Implying i have a point pls :^)
>>18922222 nice numbers. but in the future, ignore shitposting or you'll only get more of it. Anonymous
>>18922191 I believe kids are getting more spoiled every year. I remember when I was 7 years old and I treated 15-16 year olds as adults. Also I, and everyone else my age, feared them. They were so big and strong and shit. And I remember when I was 16 and how kids age 7 acted towards me, towards all of us. They felt unpunished, acted like they owned the place. No fear, no respect, no nothing.
Those childs believe that they will get they Shiny Arceuses for Scatterbugs if they ask for them, because they have already learned their bitches of mothers, fathers and granpdas (so like 95% of their world) would get them those Arceuses if they could.
>>18922222 They are ilegal
faggot :^) Anonymous
>>18922222 Nice get, anon.
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>>18922222 How do I use instaCHECK
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>>18922222 >Balltism people doesn't care about that Pls do you even /wfg/ new fruit?
>>18922291 Why are you thanking them for my get?
Santos 2320-6383-8804
I'm offering Gastlys in Moon Ball 2-4 31 IVs, no EM Females: 27 random IV Males: 6 SpAtk AND Spd with 31 9 SpAtk OR Spd with 31 Disc it up with your preference & let me know
>>18922253 eh, "kids these days" arguments date back to Seneca. it's always been like that, we were just too young to notice
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
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Still got plenty of HA dream ball shelmets and horseas in lure ball female and with EM looking for a comfy home
Hey guys, yesterday my game crashed while ev training. And since them some weird stuff is going on:> Today ev training smeargle someone gave me here > 252 ev hp 252 ev speed >Super training points out there are some evs missing, so go back to speed and hp train. > Ev bar wont go up and the hexagon shows full hp and speed > Start using iron. 1, 2, 3 irons and still not full ev trained > Used another. Game crashed. > Restart 3DS. Last save from an hour ago. > Play 5 minutes. Game crashes. How normal is this?
Santos 2320-6383-8804
>>18922326 Oh, come one, just a little prank. You know me, I'm a real Prankster ;)
>>18922344 wedon'tgiveafuck/10 normal
Back up your save if digital copy and reinstall the game
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>>18922354 You're so sexy with that winky face, Anon.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
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>>18922344 I'd say its pretty bad so you should bank all your relevant mons and see what do next
>>18922344 it's either
>anotherqualitynintendorelease.png or
>#hackerproblems Lucio
>>18922361 Im playing on an original cart, so I dont think I can do that.
>>18922376 It seems this smeargle has been genned. Also its the first time something like this happens
Santos 2320-6383-8804
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>>18922388 Release the problem
>>18922332 >Seneca >not Socrates Anonymous
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>>18922388 then you are fucked, sucks to be you newfag
>genned mons breaks the game pls leave cancer
>>18922181 >eevee I would kill for some love/dream eevees, I wouldn't mind the abilities, I might pop up later and ask for some.
In game: Adan
>>18922413 pretty sure I read that in a Seneca text at high school, but I may be wrong
>>18921340 Hello, Zeruel? I still have your Gible if you are around.
>>18922423 It may be a while. I'm still breeding Gible, but once I get a hexa baby, I'll pop in the Love Ball Eevees and get a female for you, if you don't mind the abilities so much.
>>18922388 If you use Powersave, that might be bricking up your cartridge. Other than that, maybe your cartridge itself was damaged? I've never heard of anyone's game breaking because of poorly genned pokemon.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18922450 I have some feel free to disc up
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>>18922456 You are probably right, it's just that Seneca lived 350 years after Socrates and Socrates also brought this up, so the problem is even older
In game: Adan
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18922515 sent
Seems like I'll have to grab some bagons from the pokebank (now that was a ride that made me a man)
Anyone want bagons? Some with HA some without. I have almost an entire box full. All with 5IV and Jolly. Taking so long to get one with the right ability that is 6IV
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any one have cyndaquils?
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>>18922461 I also think it was the catridge that broke itself. I just hope it doesnt happen again xD
>>18922616 I'll take a HA female please! If she has 5 IV that would be great!
DM (Fizzle) 0087-2406-7597 (Flying: Pidgey Hoothoot Fletchinder)
DM (Fizzle) 0087-2406-7597 (Flying: Pidgey Hoothoot Fletchinder) Sun 20 Apr 2014 19:52:59 No. 18922708 Report >>18922461 Oh man! You wouldn't happen to have spare 5IV HA Gibles would you?
>>18922616 I..I'll definitely take one if you have a spare!
>>18922461 My disc is up for Gible, thank you!
>>18922704 >>18922653 I'll try but I need your IGN.
>>18922709 Well, ok, NOW it's up.
>>18922709 >>18922753 Gotchu
>>18922708 I hatched 3 male and one female, some of the males have RS as does the gril. If the female has 5ivs, she's yours
>>18922708 >>18922791 name pls
She's missing SpDef, she's yours if you disc up for her.
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anyone have cyndaquil
DM (Fizzle) 0087-2406-7597 (Flying: Pidgey Hoothoot Fletchinder)
DM (Fizzle) 0087-2406-7597 (Flying: Pidgey Hoothoot Fletchinder) Sun 20 Apr 2014 20:10:53 No. 18922924 Report >>18922810 Disc is up! Name should be Fizzle.
DM (Fizzle) 0087-2406-7597 (Flying: Pidgey Hoothoot Fletchinder)
DM (Fizzle) 0087-2406-7597 (Flying: Pidgey Hoothoot Fletchinder) Sun 20 Apr 2014 20:14:24 No. 18922962 Report >>18922951 Thank you so much T_T
>>18922791 I'm ready if you're still willing to share.
Massive !!jp2SCaOLnME
>>18922962 uhm. those were both me, i'm not the bagon person, sorry ;_;
Anyone want chansey? Their bold with heal bell and seismic toss. Most are 4-5IV.
>>18922924 Did you ever get the bagon? Because I gave away a few and I didn't see a Fizzle
DM (Fizzle) 0087-2406-7597 (Flying: Pidgey Hoothoot Fletchinder)
DM (Fizzle) 0087-2406-7597 (Flying: Pidgey Hoothoot Fletchinder) Sun 20 Apr 2014 20:19:15 No. 18923006 Report >>18922983 Oh! Haha, I got confused. The bagon would've been awesome but the Gible was actually something I was actively looking for ^_^
>>18922986 I'll totally take one. I was going to try and run a florges support but...
>>18922998 Ah, no I didn't... I think I had borked something.
>>18922986 ya sure throwing up my luvdisc
ign: Kehan
>>18923006 >I'll totally take one. I was going to try and run a florges support but... Why don't you want to do the florges support anymore? Because I still have one flabette left with 5IV. only missing attack IV.
I have the chanseys too but they are just random 4-5IVs with heal bell and seismic
Also, I'll put up another bagon.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18922986 I'd love one.
Discing up now.
>>18922986 Dude please save one for me, I'm on mobile but I'll post when I get home.
DM (Fizzle) 0087-2406-7597 (Flying: Pidgey Hoothoot Fletchinder)
DM (Fizzle) 0087-2406-7597 (Flying: Pidgey Hoothoot Fletchinder) Sun 20 Apr 2014 20:26:17 No. 18923059 Report >>18923024 I guess Florges is also less...frowned upon isnt it?
Also I guess I didnt realize you were going to put up the Bagon, Sorry!
I think I just snagged it.
If you give me a sec I need to grab another disc or two
>>18923059 Well, just let me know which one you want.
I have like almost full box of bagons, and half a box of chansey. Probably will start just wonder trading them off later this week.
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>>18922555 Fucking faggot
That was so lame
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Anyone have a protean kecleon to spare? IVs, natures and genders are not a concern.
DM (Fizzle) 0087-2406-7597 (Flying: Pidgey Hoothoot Fletchinder)
DM (Fizzle) 0087-2406-7597 (Flying: Pidgey Hoothoot Fletchinder) Sun 20 Apr 2014 20:33:39 No. 18923139 Report >>18923077 Would it be greedy if I asked for both? If so, I'll just take the Florges.
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>>18923139 alright, I'll just trade you
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Looking for cherrim luvdisc up Ign: Le-a
>>18923139 well, just trade with me and I'll send it. I can't initiate a trade with you. My IGN is Duelz. I should be on your list.
DM (Fizzle) 0087-2406-7597 (Flying: Pidgey Hoothoot Fletchinder)
DM (Fizzle) 0087-2406-7597 (Flying: Pidgey Hoothoot Fletchinder) Sun 20 Apr 2014 20:40:58 No. 18923211 Report Anonymous
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>>18923211 Np. Was going to give you a chansey too but you ended the trade early. I'll try to give away more stuff all this week so let me know if you're still looking for a chansey or something. Though these chanseys don't have as nice of an IV spread as some of the other stuff.
>>18922461 I got a hexa female!
with sand veil ;_; i mean, i'm gonna abuse it but i was aiming for a rebreedable mommy Anonymous
>>18923414 There's always Ability Capsules
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>>18923435 doesn't work for Hidden Abilities ;_; Zeruel
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>>18923435 They don't work on HA
>>18923435 >ability capsule >HA nice one fuckhead
>>18923448 pls no be rood
maybe they'll work on HA in the future
Chlorophyll Venusaur with Weather Ball would be a terror.
In game: Adan
want: Magikarp(or gyarados if possible) HA please
In game: Adan
>>18923574 magikarp's HA is Rattled, swift swim is his regular hability, thanx anyway
>>18923458 May I add you?
my FC is: 3110 5242 1866 Anonymous
>>18923697 pls stop being weird
>>18923458 I would like to fuck you. Here is my number:
3110 5242 1866
>>18923458 Pls respond ;-;
>>18923458 I'm not like the other guys, i'll be the one in the kitchen
someone just make a new thread
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Stop samefagging you goddamn samefag.
Hatched this little girl! But have Sticky Hold... Anyone have an extra Ability Capsule?
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>>18923997 Will you please be mine Cynthia 2.0
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>>18924015 /shw/ pls leave
Sasha !Sk0wqgO9j2
>>18924015 I'l trade one capsule for the shiny
>>18924053 The capsule is to be used on her... Makes no sense that trade...
Sasha !Sk0wqgO9j2
>>18924068 Makes no sense to ask for a free capsule :^)
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>>18924068 Anon tried to use logic.
It does not affect the wild Sasha!
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>>18924015 i have an extra one
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>>18924076 GTS giveway
>Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon. Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball pokémon, whatever! I think that fits in the whatever section...
>>18924015 Put up a Luvdisc asking for a Level 1 Female Gible, quick. Anonymous
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Guys we should ask for free capsules and items, we can do it!111!
Santos 2320-6383-8804
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>>18924076 Go eat a potato, Sasha
>>18924015 Are you Jahn C? Anonymous
>>18924076 Suck my potato you thirsty hungry hoe.
>>18924137 well i hope you are the right person, and will get to enjoy your shiny Shellos! congratulations! Zeruel
>>18924143 She's not Cynthia
>>18924154 Thanks I got it! I'll be sending you a trade to give you some good IVed pokémon I have. You don't have to give me anything good for them.
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>>18924180 pls faggot, don't give shit to her / him only to take space in box, have respect newfag
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>>18924180 >Some good IVed He'll send you an rare
froakie or
honedge :^)
>>18924180 you don't have to, it's a gift. thank you for the thought, however <3 Zeruel
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>>18924212 tl;dr i don't need your useless shit Anonymous
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All the shitposting has pushed us past the bump limit, new thread when?
>>18924212 You sure? These is what I have. You can have any of these
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>>18924255 it's shit nigga
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>>18924255 You spelled archipelago wrong,
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>>18924255 >Gastly >Reflect Type Anonymous
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>>18924255 I disced up for a Sandile. Derek
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>>18924255 disc going up for a pinsir first then a skiddo, thanks
>>18924255 Discing up for HA Nidoran, would like a Shinx and Scatterbug as well.
Do any of those Sandile have Intimidate? Moxie is shit. Cosmic !62pZUklThQ
>Cynthia uses my favorite image How will I make a new thread now.
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>>18924255 >ask for free shit >when somebody ask for one mon he deletes the list haha wow what a faggot
>>18924389 I was gonna make it.
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>>18924398 Pls add me Cynthia 2.0
>>18924372 you can have those but only after you post a pic of your dex
>>18924372 Post a pic of your pokedex faggot
>>18924413 >>18924451 You're a bit late to the party.
>>18924466 yo shut the FUCK up Cuan
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don't worry i havent died just yet how the fuck did we get shit like love ball goomy?
Coley 3480-2662-6152
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>>18922324 Discing up for a female gastly. thanks!
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Still breeding bagons for a 6IV and no luck yet. Have quite a few penta perfects with dragon dance. All jolly with HA if anyone wants one.