Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread! Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover pokémon here! Help other anons out and collect the pokémon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon. Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins!
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff.
Katherine and Pan need to find me some more Luvdisc pictures. Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN). It makes everything so much easier. We want the Pokémon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Please ignore shitposters. At least try. Well, okay, we're past the point of no return. And don't be #rood. Old Thread:
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>>18934546 Steam Group:
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/GTSGiveawayVP If you haven't seen a Pokemon that you want yet:
>Seek pokemon >Pokemon you want >Scroll to bottom >Choose "What Pokemon" >Type Pokemon's Name >??? >Success Please beware imitators within the thread, and happy Monday!
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>>18934561 damn it anon I was trying to post first in my own thread
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looking for heavy ball snorlax :^)
Giving away leftovers from previous giveaway threads, all level 100 EV trained with great IVs, many shiny. See
https://www.pokecheck.org/?p=box&bid=2&u=djg1 Put up a disc, holding a sweet heart or something, asking for what you want at level 91-100 and be gender specific if you can. Put the description as the nickname of the Mon you want. You can have more than one of each Mon, but not multiples of the same please. Some are in short supply, the luvdisc waiting the longest on the gts gets priority.
Vilplume have ability capsule
Spinda have bright powder
Garchomp have expert belt
Lucario have PP Max
Ludicolo have assault vest
Gyrados have leftovers
Rampardos have life orb
Cradily have master ball
Aerodactyl have weakness policy
Archeops have choice scarf
Dittos have safety goggles
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>>18934605 I'll disc up for a ludicolo with assault vest, since I don't have a luvdisc right now, I'll put a klink in his place.
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>>18934605 Disc is up for Gyarados! Next Aerodactyl ! Thanks
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
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>>18934605 Discing up for a Gyarados
>>18934587 >Skarm get up rocks early there are a lot of charY and smogon bird out there. If you are going Garchomp scizor is less appealing as you already have a good physical attacker. Fariy acts a special wall and spa attacker, skarm is your physical wall, and Garchomp just kind of murders things. I'm actually thinking of using Skarmory, Salamence, and Florgess. May sub Florgess out for Sylveon though if I don't like how it works. But I intend the florges to be pure special wall with clerical support.
>>18934603 >I like the white one myself, premier ball matches it way too well. Ahh, I could have bred one for you but mine are all in nest balls I think and are yellow. Matches together really well.
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>>18934605 Thanks for the Aerodactyl, could I grab a Ludicolo too? Disc with a shiny stone is going up now
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
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>>18934605 discing for aerodactyl
Renault 1075-0739-9404 (ign=Serena) (Shuppet, Phantump, Dusclops)
Renault 1075-0739-9404 (ign=Serena) (Shuppet, Phantump, Dusclops) Mon 21 Apr 2014 20:15:29 No. 18934703 Report >>18934605 Is a disc with a lucky punch okay? Really want the Archeops and the Ludicolo.
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>>18934703 Anything is fine
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>>18934605 Disc up for Gyarados. Thanks!
>>18934662 The white one also makes me think a bit of the white mage from FF.
It's funny, Flabebe will be my easiest breeding project since I don't need a Hexa
unless I feel like going crazy and trying for it again. For the anon who suggested Skarmory/Bisharp/Scizor for my team, I kinda like scizor. Since both my tyranitar and garchomp will be mixed, it'll be nice to have a full physical attacker.
Is the trouble of having either:
non mega lucario
a second mega
on a 6v6 team worth it? In case I switch say Garchomp into ice beam before it can evolve? I do have 3 slots open, so I could fit another pair of attackers I think + a physical wall
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>>18934605 Can i get a female gyarados? Disc is up, IGN Ben. Don't have any sweet hearts so it has a heart scale <3
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>>18934605 Disc'd up for a Rampardos!
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18934662 Okay so you have your two walls covered. The Dragon slot is for your physical attacker. I just kind of feel like the meta has moved on pretty far from Salamence. then again I've never really used him before. Maybe if you can set up the D-Dance and trigger moxie you can sweep. I would just be worried about all the priority around in the meta.
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Just sent last archeops.
>>18934605 I would like a Ludicolo Please. DIsk with Scarf
Bert 4699-7206-7551
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Looking for aqua jet belly drum azurill/marril
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>>18934605 Now, disc up for Rampardos. Thanks! (Again)
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>>18934796 That was my last one.
5129-1799-2239 Vinicius
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
< Hatched this little guy today. Pentaperfect. Masuda has been fairly kind to me since the HA Fletchling ordeal.
>>18934605 Thanks for the Gyarados. Discing up for Ludicolo.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Mon 21 Apr 2014 20:26:39 No. 18934827 Report hello again, ill just leave this here, pls take them 1 ralts (male) – 4 iv adamant (1 trace/1 synchronize) em: mean look/shadow sneak/destiny bond/confuse ray 1 mudkip (male)– 4 iv adamant torrent 4 eevee (all male) - 3-4 ivs timid anticipation em: wish (2 have to relearn wish) 2 petilil - 4-5 iv modest own tempo 5 mienfoo (2m/3f) - 5 iv adamant regenerator em: knock off (1 male has to relearn em) 2 poliwag (1m/1f) - 5 iv modest swift swim 2 sableye (1m/1f) - 5 iv calm prankster em recover 2 magikarp (1m/1f) - 4-5 iv adamant rattled 4 klefki (2m/2f) - 5 iv bold prankster em: iron defense 6 mareep (5m/1f) - 4-5 iv modest static em: agility/charge/after you/body slam (female has to relearn em) 1 duskull (male) - 5 iv impish levitate em: skill swap/pain split 12 phantump - 4-5 iv impish (4 harvest (3m/1f) / 5 natural cure (3m/2f) / 3 frisk (all male) ) pls be as specific as possible with what you want or ill send whichever i have more of.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 20:27:08 No. 18934831 Report Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18934739 Don't even consider a second mega in a 6v6. Instead, eliminate all possible counters and then switch in when there's no possibility of switching into an ice-type attack. Simple as that.
The fundamentals of battling is to learn how to read the tempo of a battle, AS WELL as your opponent's skills. Don't overpredict either, because a good way to lose fast is to assume your opponent is better or worse than he is.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 20:28:58 No. 18934850 Report Quoted By:
>>18934605 Discing up for an aerodactyl
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
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>>18934828 Any Rampardos or Aerodactyl?
>>18934834 Thanks.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
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>>18934605 thanks
currently have to give:
4x Heal Ball Buneary - Klutz - (Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Sky Uppercut)
2x Dream Ball Lileep - HA - (Constrict, Stealth Rock, Recover, Mirror Coat)
5x Friend Ball Shroomish - Effect Spore - (Seed Bomb, Drain Punch, Bullet Seed, Focus Punch)
2x Dream Ball Nidoran - HA - (Scratch, Venom Drench, Counter, Disable)
theyre all females. reply and disc up if you wantz
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Mon 21 Apr 2014 20:32:19 No. 18934882 Report Quoted By:
>>18934605 discing for garchomp and cradily, thanks in advance!
>>18934779 Yeah, I was thinking that too. I just kind of like him since he did pretty well for me back in gen 4. Also, the big thing is I kind of need a flyer to help protect my pure fire type and electric type from EQ.
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>>18934605 Discing up with a sweet heart for a modest male lucario lvl100.
https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=9073418 Renault 1075-0739-9404 (ign=Serena) (Shuppet, Phantump, Dusclops)
Renault 1075-0739-9404 (ign=Serena) (Shuppet, Phantump, Dusclops) Mon 21 Apr 2014 20:33:29 No. 18934893 Report Quoted By:
>>18934828 Oh well. I'll guess I'll go after Rampardos then.
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>>18934843 Yeah, used to happen to me all the time. It's better to just play safe.
>>18934831 More pictures incoming?
>>18934818 Congrats Catherine! It's adorable!
>>18934828 Thanks for Juggernaut!
>>18934843 Yeah I wasn't sure.
I was mostly considering if, there'd be times where I needed a big bruising wall breaker (m garchomp) or a speedy sweeper (m lucario). I also have a big lack of priority on my team; the only one that has any would be Lucario
I have fairly ok prediction; I overpredict hard sometimes. My biggest issue really is teambuilding, I'm pretty awful.
Also I remembered I wanted a Hydreigon, but big fairy weakness
So my team could look maybe like:
Assvest Tyranitar
Mega Garchomp
Lefties Florges
Lefties Cofagrigus or Black Sludge Wheezing
Things I've considered:
Lefties Heatran (but don't want to use legendaries in battles vs my friends you know?)
Black Sludge Tentacruel
CB or LO Scizor
CB or AgiWeak Metagross
MLucario (physical or special or mixed) or LO
Lum Berry Gyarados
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>>18934605 Disc is up for Aerodactyl if you still have any left
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18934883 Yeah. Check the dragons types for what you want. maybe charX or Garchomp.
Just sent my last rampardos
>>18934827 I would love a female Phantump with Harvest please, Michelle!
Also may I ask why you breed? You have a lot of good leftovers from various projects. Are you competitive?
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
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>>18934955 Discing for Aerodactyl, then.
>>18934942 Thanks!
>>18934942 Well there are various ways to attain priority. There is for example Extremespeed Dragonite or Mamoswine depending on your coverage and what you seek, but I digress.
When building a team you'll need to consider who's going to be your MVP, and who are going to cover up for them.
For instance, your team lacks a good lead. With a lead mon, for instance say Infernape, Greninja or hell, the one I use Azelf, you can ensure to be in control of the tempo of the battle, and make sure the MVPs get huge hits in or accomplish their objectives
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>>18934605 Thanks for the Lucario!
Renault 1075-0739-9404 (ign=Serena) (Shuppet, Phantump, Dusclops)
Renault 1075-0739-9404 (ign=Serena) (Shuppet, Phantump, Dusclops) Mon 21 Apr 2014 20:41:56 No. 18935014 Report Quoted By:
>>18934955 Also discing for Aerodactyl. Hoping for a shiny since MM them would be a pain due to gender ratio.
>>18934942 Non-mega Lucario is garbage, and non-mega Gyarados is a bit lacklustre as well.
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>>18934953 Yeah, I was considering Char X but I really don't want 2 fire types and I really like the flying typing. Pretty nice to be able to switch into ground attacks and grass moves for free.
I don't know back in gen 4 I only had 2 OUs and I still did pretty well. I think I'll give it a shot and see how it works.
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Just sent my last aerodactyl
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18934942 Assvest T-tar is good. You don't really need mega for Garchomp he out speeds a lot of things already. (strangely I'm actually running rocky helmet and rough skin on mine) Florges fits well as a special wall but you have to realize you have two special walls. You need something to lead either set up some hazards or just to disrupt their game plan maybe a prankster or skarm etc.
Kind of a shot it the dark but maybe Arcanine with intimidate for a slot should be able to open some holes in their team.
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>>18935019 >everything but smogonsword and smogonbird is trash Anonymous
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Does anyone have a spare Milotic? Anything will do. Disc is up for one.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Mon 21 Apr 2014 20:49:23 No. 18935104 Report >>18934976 sent! and yea i breed for competitive. im in no way a good battler, but ive loved the game for so long i wanna try the competitive scene for once now that its gotten easier with ivs and super training.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 20:49:53 No. 18935112 Report
https://www.pokecheck.org/?p=box&bid=2&u=djg1 Vilplume have ability capsule
Spinda have bright powder
Garchomp have expert belt
Lucario have PP Max
Gyrados have leftovers
Cradily have master ball
Dittos have safety goggles
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>>18934942 >I have fairly ok prediction; I overpredict hard sometimes. My biggest issue really is teambuilding, I'm pretty awful. I've always been really good at team building but I haven't really played much competively since gen 4. Speaking of which, I think Mega Lucario is considered uber. Don't want to get into that whole argument but some people may not like fighting against a M Luke.
The big idea that I like to build my team around is try to never have more than 2 pokemon weak to the same type. I've beaten so many people because half of their team was 2-4x weak to a single stab of mine. Also, I like to have my walls able to resist what my sweepers are weak to or even better to be immune to it. And it seems like you sort of like to build like me with a balanced team. I see some people just stick a bunch of sweepers on a team or all stallers. While it can work, I find it easier to soften up a team with a couple of walls first and once you weaken them up a bit or get a good switchin then just go nuts with your sweepers. Although, I think my choice of sweepers may be a bit too frail.
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>>18935114 Ill take leftovers gyarados disc will be up in a bit thanks
>>18935019 I can see the Lucario part, since it's pretty slow and awful defenses, but Gyarados is a great late game clean up sweeper after a dragon dance, and both it's abilities are pretty useful.
>>18935010 I don't really like Dragonite, but Mamoswine is a great pokemon. It just shares a pair of weaknesses with Tyranitar, and another weakness with Florges, so i haven't really considered one.
I do indeed lack a good lead, I often am not sure what to send out first. I've been working around this by sending out a pokemon that can usually handle most of the enemie's team, but that sometimes results in turn 1 death.
I haven't considered a dedicated lead in a long time though, but I just used Scarf Machamp in Gen4 because it didn't require a lot of thinking.
>>18935136 I use for my lead when I feel like trolling Greninja. I put Taunt, Hydro Pump, Spikes and Dark Pulse on the bastard with a focus sash, and enjoy people's reactions when it's not just a special attacker.
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>>18935080 I actually used a banded Arcanine in gen 4. That's why I liked to pair it with skarmoy and mence to protect it and jolteon from EQs.
I liked arcanine because it would force a lot of people to try to switch into something to resist it and then that would allow me to easily switch in my walls to set up entry hazards and soften up their team.
And yeah, I agree Garchomp is already pretty good with mega and I think it actually loses speed in mega form.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 20:57:51 No. 18935179 Report Cuan
>>18935136 Just gather whatever trained stuff you have for our battle. I'll use some mons I haven't tried in my team so far. Will need to teach them some moves and give them items too.
That should have been the last ad break for The Hunger Games. Boy, what a shitty Battle Royale clone.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 20:59:42 No. 18935203 Report Anonymous
>>18935136 Non-mega Gyarados isn't bad by any means, but Mega is just a lot more versatile and totally outshines it. I run a Mega Gya with DD / Waterfall / EQ / Ice Fang.
As for leads, Machamp isn't worth a whole lot in this generation as a lead; I like to run Ferrothorn personally but I've been known to run Uxie as well.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:00:44 No. 18935212 Report Quoted By:
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>>18935112 >>18935179 >>18935203 I need to make a GTS Giveaway Thread OP Pictures folder hnh
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18935203 Hi pan Luvdisc dump time?
>>18934942 What do you definitely want to use on your team? Should build around those first by covering what they need.
I'm guessing Garchomp/lucario/florges are your favorites?
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:03:35 No. 18935251 Report Quoted By:
>>18935233 Do-Do you have more images like this?
I remember one with Stalin.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:05:58 No. 18935279 Report Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Serena 1564-3283-3559
6 Snorunts - Timid, 4 Moody, 2 Inner Focus with Spikes (4F, 2M) 6 Snovers - Quiet, Snow Warning with Leech Seed (4F, 2M) 4 Hoothoots - Calm, Insomnia with Foresight, Defog, Night Shade and Whirlwind (3M, 1F) 4 Sableyes - Bold, Prankster with Metal Burst, Recover and Trick (2F, 2M) 4 Yamasks - Quiet, Mummy with Nasty Plot, Heal Block, Toxic Spikes and Disable (3F, 1M) 3 Digletts - Jolly, 5 Sand Veil, 1 Arena Trap Reversal, Pursuit, Mud Bomb and Memento (2M, 1F) 3 Doduos - Adamant, Early Bird with Brave Bird (2M, 1F) 3 Durants - Jolly, Truant with Vice Grip, Sand Attack, Thunder Fang, Baton Pass (3M) 3 Roselias - Timid, 3 Leaf Guard Synthesis, Leaf Storm, Spikes and Sleep Powder, (2M, 1F) 3 Skarmory - Impish, Sturdy with Whirlwind, Brave Bird, Stealth Rock (3M) 2 Cubones - Impish, 1 Lighting Rod, 1 Rock Head with Iron Head, (2F) 2 Cryogonals - Timid with Ice Shard, Mist, Haze and Attract (>tfw no gender ;_;) 2 Lapras - Modest, Shell Armor Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Freeze Dry, Ancient Power (2M) 2 Sneasiles - Jolly, (Inner Focus F, Keen Eye M) with Fake Out, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard and Pursuit 2 Torkoals - Quiet, 1 Shell Armor, 1 White Smoke with Superpowers, Clear Smog, Yawn and Eruption (1M, 1F) 1 Alomomola - Impish, Regenerator with Pain Split, Refresh, Mist and Mirror Coat, Male 1 Cranidos - Adamnt, Mold Breaker with Crunch, Male 1 Elgyem - Quiet, Analytic with Disable, Ally Switch, Cosmic Power and Nasty Plot, Female 1 Gible - Jolly, Sand Veil with Outrage, Iron Head and Sand Tomb, Male 1 Grimer - Impish, Sticky Hold with Swallow and Stockpile, Female 1 Hipopotas - Careful, with Stockpile, Swallow, Slack Off and Curse, Female 1 Pikachu - Jolly, Lighting Rod with Fake Out, Wish, Thunder Punch, Female 1 Phanphy - Adamant, Pickup (will become Sturdy) with Ice Shard, Male 1 Sigiliph - Timid, Wonder Skin with Miracle Eye, Psycho Shift and Stored Power, Female 1 Stunky - Adamant, Keen Eye with Play Rouch, Crunch, Pursuit and Iron Tail, Male
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18935186 Sure i'll grab some. Gimme a bit now though, I'm helping my dad with something on FB
>>18935104 thanks for phantump!
And that's great, battling competitive is pretty fun
and not so full of rain anymore . What format do you like the most?
>>18935207 I just ran
Moxie Gyarados with Lum Berry, with Waterfall / Bounce / Earthquake, and so long as bounce didn't goddamn miss, it helped me pull off some great comebacks, especially if a pokemon gave me a turn to set up by using Toxic or whatever.
Yeah Machamp's glory days are kinda far gone now, but it's still a classic. I mean, not as a lead, but having all the moves via breeding (bar drain and mach punch) that Conkeldurr would kill for hold it just a bit higher in my mind.
Plus I haven't considered even using it as a lead in a while, it wasn't bueno if something overcame it's confusion and nuked my poor machamp with Psychic.
Ferrothorn was pretty good on my mono steel team, with only Power Whip, Leech Seed, Thunder Wave, and Stealth Rock holding a Rocky Helm. It + Heatran were a really great core in Gen5 despite the fighting weakness, but that was what Jellicent was for.
>>18935240 Oh man, I can't do favorites, my team would just be terrible. It'd look like:
Raichu Golurk Zoroark Steelix Feraligatr Empoleon The ones I've listed so far are ones that I quite like, that also hold their own very well.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18935313 I'll take a Roselia
Serena 1564-3283-3559
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>>18935313 They are about 2-5 IVs, mostly 3 or 4. Take as many as you want. Sorry for making second comment, but the list one took too much space, not allowing me to write anything more in that post
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18935313 Ball on the Sableyes?
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:12:47 No. 18935345 Report
>>18935321 >The ones I've listed so far are ones that I quite like, that also hold their own very well. Alright then pick maybe two or three of them and we can try theorycrafting a team around them. I may have to leave for a bit though to get something to eat but these threads move pretty slow.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:14:42 No. 18935369 Report Anonymous
trophy shinies put a disc up and reply to this post male plusle male sigilyph female hoothoot male munchlax magnamite male frillish female skorupi female gastly male budew female bunnelby female larvitar male pawniard beldum male combee male pidgey
>>18935364 I like him. He gave me a bagon.
Now I have almost an entire box full of penta perfect Jolly HA bagons.
I tried for a few days to get a pentaperfect but no luck. Took a while but I checked their IVs using Battle Institute and it turned out that one of them had 30 IVs for special attack. That's good enough for me.
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...when did GTS Giveaway turn into "rate my team and image dump thread"? Shouldn't the Luvdisc fags go make a Luvdisc thread to dump their shit in, and the team fags go to /wfg/?
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18935379 Welcome
>>18935388 cool throwing a disc up female please.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:17:51 No. 18935402 Report Quoted By:
>>18935321 i actually havent started yet cuz i wanna breed all my mons first, then ev train, then do some battles. for now im having fun doing super multi battles with my husband. hes the set up sweeper and im the back up (gotta love prankster sableye).
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18935370 discing for magnemite
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:17:54 No. 18935405 Report Anonymous
>>18935380 tl;dr youre fucking shit at breeding and stop samefagging Opti
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:19:09 No. 18935418 Report >>18935370 damn i would have loved the beldum, but ill take larvitar, disc is going up!
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:19:11 No. 18935419 Report Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:20:16 No. 18935427 Report Serena 1564-3283-3559
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>>18935407 I doubt he's samefagging. I like Opti as well
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
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>>18935407 I mean to say hexa perfect, as in I have penta perfects but never got the 6IV and I'm not samefagging. If anyone wanted them I'd be happy to give them out and you could easily check that I'm not him.
Also, there's no real way to "get better" at breeding. It's complete luck. Although, I actually did get a 6IV but it had the wrong ability.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:21:24 No. 18935445 Report Anonymous
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:22:45 No. 18935458 Report Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:23:52 No. 18935473 Report Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:23:53 No. 18935474 Report Quoted By:
>>18935452 thank you so much!
IGN: Arcadia
Quoted By:
>>18935114 Disc up for Gyarados if there's anyone left.
Thank you.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18935452 disc'd for bunnelby as well. hope thats ok.
>>18935313 Disc up for Phanpy, please and thanks.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:25:02 No. 18935486 Report Jay
>>18935114 Can I be a greedy shit and disc for another gyarados with leftovers? Ill throw it up if youre ok with it.. thanks for this one i got
>>18935357 Oh my bad, I thought you'd seen them already.
Tyranitar / Garchomp / Florges are the ones I like that I would love to make a part of a 6v6 singles team.
>>18935169 I actually didn't know Greninja learned taunt. That'd be pretty handy in battle spot vs all the people that set up tailwind.
Maybe I could try that, and something else for spikes since I don't really like spikes as a hazard. Dunno though, teambuildinig is hard.
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>18935485 What's your IGN?
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>18935492 Nevermind, found you. Carmen, right?
Quoted By:
>>18935492 It's CARMEN, sorry I forgot to put it.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18935491 thnks again.
nobody is taking any. can i grab frillish as my 3rd and final? Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:27:53 No. 18935515 Report Anonymous
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>18935370 Could I also get Sigiliph?
Spooky (IGN: CARMEN) ~ 0404-7627-9386 ~ [GHOST: Pumpkaboo, Lambent, Spiritomb][VP: Sun]
Spooky (IGN: CARMEN) ~ 0404-7627-9386 ~ [GHOST: Pumpkaboo, Lambent, Spiritomb][VP: Sun] Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:28:46 No. 18935528 Report Quoted By:
>>18935487 Nevermind Dougie, I forget no multiple items in battles are allowed.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:29:16 No. 18935536 Report Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18935518 thanks a million. helping me out a ton
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:30:32 No. 18935545 Report Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18935529 Only for vgc not 6v6
>>18935537 >>18935522 sent
if you want anymore of them, go right ahead
nobody else seems to want them
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:31:42 No. 18935558 Report Quoted By:
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>18935556 Since you put it this way... Could I also have Skorupi?
IGN: Arcadia
>>18935313 I'll disc up for a Sableye and a Yamask ina couple of minutes if that's ok.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18935556 Could I grab the Plusle and Pidgey?
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>18935572 Of coursh
/vp/ likes Bane, right? /tv/ has obsession with him... Daré
>>18935370 discing for pawniard
>>18935489 How about Gyarados to cover ttars fighting weakness and then garchomp covers his electric weakness. He would also cover floress steal weakness and florgess could switch into tbolts easily.
Then, I'd like to see maybe a skarm, scizzor, or maybe even fortress. They all have really solid physical defense and could provide some support too. The ttar could switch into fire attacks pretty easy for them, as could garchomp or gyarados.
For your 6th I'd like to see a special sweeper maybe. Or maybe something with priority.
Quoted By:
>>18935594 /vp/ likes pokémon, fuck off with your Batman bullshit
garfield 2809-8233-7598
Quoted By:
>>18935114 disc up for gyra
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>18935587 Thank you once again.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18935587 Great. Discing for Plusle.
Quoted By:
>>18935600 sent
>>18935579 dont see your disc
>>18935609 no problem
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
>>18935572 Hold on, I encountered some kind of error. Could be a minute.
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>18935572 There. Disc for Yamask now.
Quoted By:
>>18935114 If you could hook me up with an HP Fire Ditto that would be swell.
Disc is up with message /vp/ hp fire
>>18935606 Hmm. I think I like Gengar with that. What do you guys think of.
[Steel Type]
Also, If Gyarados is the mega then Gengar could help shore up the fighting weaknesses. And both M-Gyarados and Ttar could come in on dark attacks for free. Also, the gengar could switch into earthquacks against Ttar easyily as well.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18935654 Thanks a lot! Second disc is up.
2 Luxury Ball Pancham 1 Dream Ball Meditite 4 illegal Heavy Ball Duskull 5 Great Ball Croagunk Disc up and reply if you want something.
Quoted By:
>>18935700 Also, Gengar could switch into earthquakes against the [Steel Type] pretty easy if they aren't flying and are weak to it.
IGN: Arcadia
>>18935655 Thanks a lot.
Oh, I know i'm crossing the greed border now, but if you want to get rid of Sigilyph and Elgyem...
>>18935370 You still have any shiny left?
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18935700 Sounds pretty good. Seems like a physically defensive wall would be good for steel. Maybe Skarm or even Metagross?. He'd bait some dark attacks if you want to switch into m-gary and T-tar
>>18935606 Yeah, when I was testing Gyarados it made some wonderful cynergy with Tyranitar and Garchomp, and since it could boost it's speed+strength, it was pretty solid, and it didn't have to worry about status that much.
For a physical wall, I was considering Cofagrigus because it covers Florges' poison weakness, Tyranitar covers it's dark while it covers it's Fighting, and lots of pokemon, especially megas and the newer ones, really depend on their ability.
I haven't used a foretress ever, overcoat looks kinda neat though.
For a special sweeper, I've no idea. Shame Alakazam doesn't learn Vacuum wave.
>>18935716 Duskull please! Discing up!
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18935727 Thanks again.
>>18935716 Disc is up for a Duskull.
>>18935761 hoothoot
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>18935753 You're not crossing any border. You can take any amount. Which one first?
>>18935313 Disk up for Skarmory, my IGN is Gabsanga.
Thank you.
Coley 3480-2662-6152 (Ice) (Dewgong, Sneasel, Snorunt)
Coley 3480-2662-6152 (Ice) (Dewgong, Sneasel, Snorunt) Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:52:35 No. 18935813 Report >>18935716 discing up for a duskull
>>18935716 Puting disc up for Duskull
>>18935799 Thank you. Let's go for Sig first.
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>18935822 Sent. Put for Elgyem now.
>>18935808 I think it got sniped, because I saw your Disc and it isn't there now. Put up another one.
Coley 3480-2662-6152 (Ice) (Dewgong, Sneasel, Snorunt)
Coley 3480-2662-6152 (Ice) (Dewgong, Sneasel, Snorunt) Mon 21 Apr 2014 21:56:39 No. 18935851 Report Quoted By:
>>18935776 >cynergy Oh, you! You're just too much for me. Also, step it senpai we already developed the team a bit more than that.
>>18935773 Metagross sounds scary especially if it were banded. Although, I'd really like to see some support though to help get those moxies. Unless the Ttar has stealth rock then maybe the skarm for the stealth rock. And it also has whirlwind and taunt. or teh fortress to set up leach seed and hazards to help shuffle their team to get those moxies.
Either that, or something that can set up like the scizzor with swords dance or Mawille or bisharp. But I think it probably does better if it's mega. Also, with so many potential megas most people won't know what to expect.
>>18935313 I'd love a Snorunt, discing up.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Metagross isn't really reccomended because it's pretty much outclassed. TTar with SR is definitely not a good plan, either. If you want phys balk, just go for Skarmory with SR. Hell didn't mal share a vanilla Skarmory not long ago
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18935869 Ass vest T-tar has been the build talked about so no rocks. I thing skarm or ferrothron is the way to go if you want a dedicated lead in steel. All of these mons are pretty damn good on their own though.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18935850 Yep got sniped, another disc up, ty.
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
>>18935949 Got it now.
>>18935932 Forgot to tell you, also sent.
Nin- 4296-3017-4200
Hey I've got some 4 IV pokes to give away. Tyrunt 1 with fire fang, 1 needs to relearn Ghastly timid in Dusk balls Shroomish all quick feet in premier balls Torchic 5 speed boost males, the rest blaze 2 m 2 f Scyther some adamant some impish with defog, All technician Let me know if you want any
>>18935869 Hee. I actually didn't notice that, oops, was just trying to rush out a post.
Ok I'll try to keep up.
>>18935700 I see this now. That looks quite nice actually, and I am fond of Gengar
despite Haunter being cooler looking. For clarification, these are the items I'm planning on using for the three that I've set ini stone:
Assault Vest Tyranitar
Garchompite Garchomp
Leftovers Florges
I can also provide spreads I've got.
Gengar neatly fits in there with it's great amount of immunities, so I wouldn't mind using one for my special sweeper. The question would be what set to use.
>>18935904 >>18935922 Looks like Skarmory might be the steel glue I need, and yeah I did recieve one of Mal's. A banded metagross brings pain, but meteor mash's nerf brings me pain too.
So final team might look like:
lots of G's
any suggested spreads for the last four?
Quoted By:
>>18935838 Thanks, appreciate your giveaways!
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 21 Apr 2014 22:16:49 No. 18936035 Report >>18936023 That all the luvdisc related pics i got
>>18935798 I'm discing for your gastly
>>18936015 I'd like on of those scyther but I won't be on till later.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18936015 I could use a Tyrunt actually, disc up
>>18936023 You up for the battle? I got my team haphazardly thrown together, and it doesn't cover its weaknesses at all. What mode do you want to play? Doubles, singles or something else? Might change some single-target/spread moves or throw protect on some team members depending on that.
And fuck that native 4chan extension. That piece of shit took me to the catalog and made me lose my original post.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
>>18935798 Disc is up for munchlax.
>>18936035 time to make a new folder and save them all
thanks pan!
>>18936053 Yep! Finished my dad's thing. Final question, legendaries or no legendaries? i'm ok with either.
>>18936044 dont see your disc
>>18936056 sent
>>18936073 disc is up now!
>>18936070 I have none. Don't throw some 670+ stuff or event mons onto me and I'm fine.
>>18936080 Heatran'll be my only legendary. 6v6 singles?
Nin- 4296-3017-4200
Quoted By:
>>18936049 Sent, but I noticed one of the iv was in spec attack, sorry bout that.
>>18936045 I'll have plenty.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18936023 Gengar might want to go choice specs. Shadow ball/sludge bomb and 2 coverage moves SpA and I guess speed Evs?
Gyarados I have no idea besides hitting things really hard.
Skarm. vanilla build works. lefties unless you want to troll with red card.
Florges health and def evs. lefties
>>18936097 Okay, for a change of pace. I'll need to adjust some movesets a little bit then.
Do you want to do hazards shit?
>>18936147 sure, have hazards if you wish
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18936123 meant SpD evs. for Florges
>>18936151 I don't want them in this battle because muh overcentralizing aka I don't have a spinner/defogger.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
>>18936173 alright, i'll avoid using hazards, i only have one teammate who uses it anyways.
>>18936023 Hmm. For Skarmory you def want max health and max defense. He has a lot of choices for moves with spikes, rocks, whirlwind, taunt, roost, and brave bird/drill peck. I'm just worried about an espeon switching in on him to set up and reflect your support back at you.
For Gyarados I would consider max attack, and maybe some bulk. With support from weather and stealth rocks you could switch him in pretty late when everything is pretty banged up already and clean up nicely. I think D dance on him would be ideal.
Gengar is your special sweeper. I think he even learns powerful poise stab moves to deal with opposing fairies but I don't know if I would keep him in on them if he can't get the kill.
I'd like florges to be a pure special wall to compliment Skarmory. Kind of like the old SkarmBliss. Could work really well with Wish and aromatherapy. Especially if your mostly physical team gets any burns that would ripple them or if gengar gets thunder waved. And since your team is pretty bulky the wishes could go a long way. Especiall with rocks up to force lots of switches and a lot of this team covering each others weaknesses it could potentially cause lots of switches and teams shuffling around to take huge entry damage. And if anyone tries clearing the entries then just make sure you kill that rapid spiner/defoger while keep skarmory alive and reset it back up after it's dead. Also, a taunt on skarmory could shut them down from setting up on your team
I really always loved to theory build teams. I hope it does well.
>>18936191 Didn't you say 6v6?
>tfw 6v3 John
>>18936241 also damn your breloom is fast.
>>18936226 The EV spread I use on my Gyrados is 252 atk / 172 speed / 86 HP, so it outspeeds Starmie.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Cyn I think I might build the team to give it a try sometime. I like it, it seems to cover a lot of things. Already have t-tar, chomp, and skarm thanks Mal set up.
Quoted By:
>>18936307 Yeah, I used to use a gyarados a long time ago. I don't know the exact spreads anymore but I just remember that theirs a certain speed that you want to be able to hit so that you outspeed most tbolt users after a single dance.
>>18936330 I've always loved theory crafting about building teams. You have no idea how much it irks me when I see people using teams that have huge weaknesses to a single attack type or not having anything on a team to resist what would be 2x or 4x hits or even better immune.
If you do use it please let us know how well it works out for you.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18936369 I actually am thinking about using mega-gyarados not M-chomp. I'll be breeding moon ball gastly later for the team (i'm working on monotype teams anyway). The only one on the team I'm not sure about is Florges.
Quoted By:
Evenin' everybody.
>>18936330 You're welcome Cuan
>>18936294 Spore spam best strat.
>>18936491 IT's what I get for not having a grass type.
>>18936499 And that's why I always bring a lum berry mon
>>18936491 That breloom is wicked. is it Jolly?
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18936369 What's your opinion on umbreon? Yeah I know would make the team weaker to fighting I just really like the pokemon and it can be switched into will o wisp and t wave all day and can pass wish.
Quoted By:
>>18936519 I was actually gonna put a Lum Berry on Gallade but I went with Black Belt instead.
pro strats
>>18936520 Hurr, what else. Breloom was the MVP for sure.
How many of your mons were from Dougie's give-aways? Because muh shinies and muh tutor moves. I would have expected more bred stuff.
>>18936544 Gardevoir / Gallade / Chansey were from Dougie
Bisharp was from Cynthia 1.0
Heatran was from someone named Hattate; I know that wasn't their name from here though.
Conkeldurr was from Matt/Maria.
I have lots of bred stuff, but fully raised is a different story ;_;
Quoted By:
>>18936544 Also I thought I had Fire Blast, not Magma Storm on Heatran. Breloom would've been toast..!
The Gardevoir tracing Levitate while I used Earth Power was hilarious. If Magma Storm had connected, Breloom would have been downed.
But only by the trapping damage, as it's sashed. That was pretty much your only chance to take it down. >>18936582 That Conkeldurr felt really special for not being shiny.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Some kind soul sent me a female Cranidos in a luxury ball with HA so guess what I'm doing tonight 1x 3IV female with Hammer Arm, Whirlwind, Crunch, Iron Head
Quoted By:
>>18936607 I was really lucky with Conkeldur, since it got a freeze on Volcarona and didn't end up burned, but that would've activated guts
No mach punch, and I should've switched to gardevoir to tank the mach punch and try to reset heatran's sleep counter but oh well.
>>18936626 You'll let me take the firstborn male like I am the Lord and you are an Egyptian.
Male because your ball is shit while the egg moves are not. Can also be a secondborn if it has better IVs.
Quoted By:
>>18936626 Neat.
I traded with someone earlier and they had a Lure Ball Dedenne for some reason. I gave them my second Love Ball Petilil and they gave me a Dream Ball Cottonee.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Btw what ball would be good for Cranidos
>>18936435 >I actually am thinking about using mega-gyarados not M-chomp. Yeah, I like Mega Gyarados more since it gives that weakness to fighting that people won't be able to resist which will allow Gengar an easier time to switch into. Also, there's the fact that I don't think this team would be able to do too much to Charizard X and I think a Scarfed Garchomp could work pretty good there.
>The only one on the team I'm not sure about is Florges. I can understand perfectly. There's always sylveon. Especially with hyper voice and pixilate it could provide a bit more offensive options.
>>18936532 Umbreon replacing what? I don't really like just throwing stuff in a team. I mean what role what it fill? I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Umbreon, although I do feel it's a bit weak, but I think it would be better to build a team around weaker pokemon to make them shine.
I have to leave out now to get some food but I'll be on later. I have to let you know though that I honestly haven't battled at all since gen 4. I still watch a lot of youtube battles though but my theorycrafting isn't as strong as it once was since I now lack a lot of experience. My team will be finished within the weak so hopefully I can start battling again.
>>18936773 I don't quite know what I was doing with this picture.
>>18936798 curing balltism
>>18936798 I like Heavy Ball.
>>18936798 > best ball availaible is illegal > Want to MM with legal balls ;_;
>>18935798 Can i disc up for hoothoot?
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>18936798 Ahh Cherish Ball you are soooo beatiful but so illegal
Quoted By:
>>18936911 They'll release the apricorn balls soon, anon, just believe ;_;
I do illegal ones anyways because it's gotta happen, there's no way they'll just not let it happen. and i'll be ready...! >>18936818 I do too actually, it's quite a neat fit.
>>18936813 forever incurable
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18936791 Umbreon is a special tank. But Sylveon does it's job as well. It's me wanting to put a favorite on to the team. And magical christmas land thinking of switching into will o wisp and other stuff because scync.
>>18936955 Sorry didnt have any luvdisc so im fishing for one xD
Bawby 5086-2731-7206
pls halp me i just realized quick ball doesn't match at all luckily i haven't gotten a shiny yet net ball?
Bawby 5086-2731-7206
Quoted By:
Guess the closest thing I have is Luxury Ball/Repeat Ball because I want a shone?
>>18937046 > luckily i haven't gotten a shiny yet
>>18937046 Summon Regalia.
Nest looks nice for the regular.
Bawby 5086-2731-7206
Quoted By:
>>18937093 or else i'd have to hunt again >>18937109 i'm having the most trouble with the shiny.. any suggestions?
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18936702 I have a 4IV fifthborn with MB, want it?
>>18937154 That will do. Disc is up.
>>18936798 I got a
legal Dive Ball female.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Man WT is being so nice today, Snivy with Glare, Iron Tail, Mirror Coat. Should I add a 4th egg move and give? If so, which?
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>18937372 Pursuit. I would appreciate your giveaway of those.
Quoted By:
>>18937372 How about adding a brain to yourself fuck off this isnt your personal facebook fucking idiot
>>18937372 Pursuit or Natural Gift look to be the most useful options, unless someone wants to use Grassy Terrain.
Quoted By:
>>18934546 Pan finds the beat pictures Keith 1247-0021-2395
Quoted By:
>>18937372 People put down Serperior as the worst Grass starter, but I had a ton of success with it in NU last gen.
Glare/Sub/Dragon Tail/Leech Seed was beyond annoying, and would never die.
Chances are it's nowhere near as effective, considering the new mechanics. But still usable I'm sure.
>>18937404 >>18937441 Why you guys still reply to him continues to boggle my mind. He never replies and is a bitch. like your response to his fucking stuid cranidos question.
I honestly cant stand his fucking shitbrained mentality, his greedy personality etc
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
>>18937447 you had to obtain it from DW, instead of using dream ball you use dive ball.
That's how Luxury Ball Cranidos was obtained by its original breeder, I s'ppose
Quoted By:
I'm the only one having troubles w/ Transfer and bank?
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18937441 >>18937404 O btw, if I go with Pursuit what nature should I use then, Impish?
Quoted By:
>>18937469 Yeah OptiFag matches the data you have submitted.
Quoted By:
>>18937525 Dude...is it really that hard to google this stuff? No shit, but I am being serious, can you not search for it yourself? Do not live up to the lazy accusations. You do it all the time
Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
One more ranked game and I'm gold Gonna work on Luxury Ball Slugma and Great Ball Nosepass in a bit.
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>18937525 Yeah, Impish is fine
>>18937525 No idea truth be told. I always did CM + 3 Attacks Serperior, which uses Timid.
Calm Mind / Giga Drain / HP Ground / Dragon Pulse, but
>>18937583 probably knows better.
>>18937571 you're next team's going to feed Why Slugma and Nosepass?
Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
>>18937597 Don't jinx me please Slugma I got via wondertrade and Nosepass was an idea I got here
for a jew/hitler giveaway Anonymous
>>18937653 Cuntmaster strikes again
racist as fuck but i luv u
Bawby 5086-2731-7206
Quoted By:
>>18937571 was placed in S1 after placements and haven't won a game since >>18937597 your* Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
Quoted By:
>>18937673 It even comes with koffings.
Doolie : 4253-4813-7934 (mienfoo, pancham, and breloom)
Doolie : 4253-4813-7934 (mienfoo, pancham, and breloom) Tue 22 Apr 2014 00:33:32 No. 18937727 Report Quoted By:
Putting a Luvdisc up for a Rampardos!
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Tue 22 Apr 2014 00:33:38 No. 18937728 Report Giving away pokemon to good homes! All have 5 IVs (except them Paras which have 4). 4 Female Adamant HA Bagon with Dragon Dance and Dragon Rush in Great Balls 2 Female Calm HA Espurr 3 Male Brave Mawile with Fire Fang in Premier Balls 1 Male Sassy Oblivious Slowpoke with Zen Headbutt, Future Sight, Belly Drum and Block in Dream Balls 2 Male 2 Female Bold Dry Skin (One Effect Spore) Paras with Leech Seed, Counter, Rototiller amd Wide Guard in Friend Balls 4 Male 5 Female Adamant HA Skiddo in Timer Balls 13 Own Tempo 6 Chlorophyll Modest Petilil in Ultra BallsI got a shiny skiddo while breeding, so happy!
Quoted By:
>>18936988 Yeah, it does have higher physical defense and health than Florges too. Maybe it could work. It has the stats to fill the same role for sure. It would be weaker offensively and I guess you could get wish and heal bell.
But honestly, I'm really not liking that typing. I mean it's weak fighting, bug, and fairy. Also, a lot of fairy types are probably what it's going to be walling in teh first place. Since most of them are special.
I guess it's resistance to ghost and dark could help gengar but there's already Ttar for that.
Florges/Sylveon have immunity to dragons which is pretty big and they resist fighting, bug, and dark.
I don't know. I just think Fairy typing is just too good right now to pass up.
Anon [4227-2097-2730]
>>18937728 Can I get one of those bagons?
Coley 3480-2662-6152 (Ice) (Dewgong, Sneasel, Snorunt)
Coley 3480-2662-6152 (Ice) (Dewgong, Sneasel, Snorunt) Tue 22 Apr 2014 00:36:52 No. 18937759 Report >>18937728 can I get one of those female paras?
Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
>>18937728 I hope it had shit IVs I'll take a female paras
>>18937728 disc is up for paras
Dirt McGirt 2766-9996-3470 (Audino/lillipup/Ditto)
Dirt McGirt 2766-9996-3470 (Audino/lillipup/Ditto) Tue 22 Apr 2014 00:41:12 No. 18937803 Report >>18937728 discing up for male paras please and thank you
Quoted By:
>>18937571 >Not being placed in gold What are you, some type of pleb?
Got some nice blazed ponies for you guys. Ponyta - Moon Ball Jolly/Flash Fire w/Hypnosis, Low Kick, Horn Drill, Morning Sun x5 females 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (one will need to relearn moves) x8 males 31/31/31/xx/31/31 x13 females 4-5IV (none pentaperfect) All hatched on 4/20. Disc up if you want one. If you want a pentaperfect, please say so, and specify gender.
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Tue 22 Apr 2014 00:46:48 No. 18937847 Report >>18937803 >>18937782 >>18937759 Delivered!
>>18937749 I'm not seeing a disc, did you get sniped?
>>18937766 4 relevant IVs, but it didn't have its HA. Delivered!
>>18937728 Ill take the male slowpoke disc going up
These are also up for grabs.
http://pastebin.com/pWWTHRN7 Disc up if you want.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18937845 Disc going up for female.
Thanks in advance.
>>18937878 pentaperfect or no?
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Tue 22 Apr 2014 00:52:54 No. 18937893 Report >>18937867 Delivered!
>>18937845 Could I have a penta female please? Disc is up!
Okay, hang on. My DS is being shitty and is taking forever to connect to the internet. I hope it works.. it's basically frozen.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Quoted By:
>>18937884 If you gave me one, I definitely wouldn't complain. Haha
But I don't necessarily need one. So it's up to you.
Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
>>18937875 I'll take a Spheal
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !2KezaZXKT6
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615} !2KezaZXKT6 Tue 22 Apr 2014 00:54:27 No. 18937925 Report Quoted By:
>>18934827 if you're still around, can I get an eevee?
>>18937728 Ill take a paras if you still have disc up!
>>18937894 Give me a minute guys. System setting connects to this network just fine, but for some reason PSS won't. I'm giving it another shot. There's no reason that it shouldn't be working..
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18937955 No hurry.
Have you tried
turning it off and turning it back on Ramona
>>18937973 Sent! It was trying to connect to the wrong network, in a nutshell. Whew.
>>18937893 Is your IGN Ares?
>>18937902 Disc up!
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Tue 22 Apr 2014 01:01:40 No. 18937997 Report >>18937930 Sorry mate, I'm all out.
I honestly though no one would want them. Ramona
>>18937902 Sent!
I always thought you were a boy, am I wrong? Not that you have to answer that, just curious 4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Tue 22 Apr 2014 01:02:42 No. 18938011 Report >>18937995 Yep, that's me.
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18937845 Would love one, discing up soon
Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
>>18938008 I am, I just say I'm a girl to fuck with anons Ramona
>>18938011 Sending as we speak!
Quoted By:
>>18938015 Male or female?
>>18938016 Ahh, I see.
>>18937995 Ill take a natu please! Discing up now
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Quoted By:
>>18937997 i wanted one, but it was too late
>>18938008 Cosmic's a guy. Also I hatched you a Female Jolly HA Pichu in Love Ball.
I also have a static one if legality worries you.
The HA one has HP ice by the way, funny how that worked out.
can I have one of your pinku dream ball Aerodactyl?
Quoted By:
>>18938047 Cosmic is a tranny. End of discussion.
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18938015 Er, female and Penta if possible. Wouldn't mind a Riolu HA female and Snubbull as well. :3
>>18938047 Thank you so much!
Legality actually does worry me a lil, so I'll take the Static one. I'll disc up!
I also hatched a 31/0/30/31/31/31 HP ice in a fast ball for raichu. Lil dude popped up in the very first batch.
>>18938059 >Being this greedy Valiant
>>18937728 Could I have one of those Bagons?
>>18938047 >>18938065 oh derp.
I also wanted one of your Moon Ball Ponyta, a female if I could, pentaperfect or not is ok.
I'll disc up for Aerodactyl first.
>>18938047 Also of course! Disc up. None have HA though, I hope that's okay.
I planned on teaching mine double edge, but Cuan (er, well, Gamefreak) crushed my dreams. >>18938059 Sent!
And of course, you can have those as well.
>>18938034 Sending now!
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18938086 Sank yuu! Had a trade for the Moon Ball Pony but it fell off for whatever reason. Gonna be breeding your Spheal soon.. hopefully a shiny female is among them.
Disc is up for the Riolu!
Quoted By:
>>18938071 People can take as much of my stuff as they want, otherwise they just sit. Especially the goddamn riolu.
Although I discourage taking more than one of the same species.
>>18938080 No problem. If you're gonna rebreed I might send you a non-penta, since they're limited.
>>18938086 It's ok, next game will give Aerodactyl Brave Bird and Head Smash as tutor moves to abuse tough claws with.
;~; Pichu sent!
>>18938099 Riolu sent! Disc for the last snubbull.
>>18938080 Aero sent!
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18938103 As much as I'd love for my bro Aerodactyl to get Brave Bird and Head Smash...Head Smash is broken beyond anything on it's mega.
Just mess around with in in a damage calculator for a bit. It's kinda fun.
>>18938123 We probably could've saved a trade by doing Pichu for Aero I realize. But disc's up for Ponyta now.
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Tue 22 Apr 2014 01:15:19 No. 18938137 Report Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18938123 And it's up! Thanks a ton.
>>18938071 yo shut the FUCK up Valiant
Quoted By:
>>18938137 Thank you very much!
>>18938133 On it's mega, it'd kill it. So it'd be a nuke with drawbacks, so it's not terribly broken...!
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18937875 Is a male riolu still up?
>>18938144 yo shut the FUCK up Ramona
Quoted By:
>>18938135 It's all good, this way I don't have to leave the comfort and warmth of the GTS.
>>18938137 You're welcome! You should definitely breed more paras by the way, I'd like one myself in the future
>>18938142 Sent!
Quoted By:
>>18938164 yo shut the FUCK up Ramona
>>18938161 Yup, I have some! Disc up.
>>18938135 Mind if I ask what's up with the steam group? What does everyone do/talk about?
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18938151 I guess you could save the mega slot then, and run CB Rock Head Aerodactyl.
Quoted By:
>>18936015 Do you still have Scyther left? I have some bagon or chansey to give away.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18938182 Is there a male with a blaze kick?
>>18938182 I've no idea, I don't have a steam account. Mal / Aegis know though, they said they usually chat about balltism(?)
>>18938185 I'd just do LO, to switch between those amazing moves. Brave Bird, Head Smash, Earthquake, and Fire Fang too good.
Anon [4227-2097-2730]
>>18937847 Thought I had one lol. I do now and I just put it in the gts for a female bagon:)
>>18938211 Yes.
>>18938214 Kinda weird but alright. I almost joined but I kinda figured the trolls would follow people there.
Should we make a new thread?
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18938229 Disc is up:)) thnx
Quoted By:
>>18938229 Nah the steam chat is cool. Join up if you're interested.
>>18938245 Yes, if we means you.
Pan / Aegis dumped a lot of Luvdisc pictures earlier, for future stuff if you want to save them too.
Quoted By:
>>18938249 Sent!
>>18938263 Eh, i suppose it's been a while since I made a thread. Gimme a few minutes
is it suppose to take over 2 boxes to get a penta perfect 'mon when breeding a 6iv ditto and 5iv imperfect 'mon? godamn
Quoted By:
>>18938298 Sometimes you just get unlucky. Sorry, anon.
>>18938313 >>18938313 Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Hey guys back. Finished a mono grass team anybody want to kick my ass/blaze my team.
Quoted By:
>>18938298 I don't know. I got one in about that amount of time but it was the wrong nature. Then did another I don't even know how many boxes and never saw another hexa perfect.
Wait, do you mean penta or hexa? If penta then no. Maybe in like 6-10 you should have plenty of pentas. Are you using destiny bond?
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18938351 Hi Cyn. That picture...oh smogon bird. You die to my garchomp so easily. I'll be breeding gastly in moon ball later if you want one for the theory craft team.
>>18938379 I've got one, but thanks!
Also I posted it because I happened across it as you mentioned your mono grass team.
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Tue 22 Apr 2014 01:38:40 No. 18938392 Report Quoted By:
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18938390 Realized that Lillgant I got from dougie can take care of char Y I just have to switch it's ability because Hp rock is damn good. Not really sure how to handle smogon bird with the team.
Quoted By:
>>18938436 Cradily / Tangrowth can survive Banded Adamant talonflame and KO it with ancient power
Quoted By:
>>18937875 Disc is up for pichu, thanks!
Ringo 4656-5922-6231(pancham, meinfoo, tyrouge)
Ringo 4656-5922-6231(pancham, meinfoo, tyrouge) Tue 22 Apr 2014 04:41:39 No. 18940215 Report Quoted By:
>>18934546 could I possibly get a female hidden ability helioptile
Ringo 4656-5922-6231(pancham, meinfoo, tyrouge)
Ringo 4656-5922-6231(pancham, meinfoo, tyrouge) Tue 22 Apr 2014 07:48:12 No. 18941456 Report Quoted By:
Hello could I get a solar power helioptile